OMTimes February 2022 Edition

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John Pavlovitz

Photograph(s) by Helen Hill Photography

John Pavlovitz

Thou Shalt Not Be Horrible!

Interview By Victor Fuhrman

John Pavlovitz is a writer, pastor, and activist from Wake Forest, North Carolina. A 25-year veteran in the trenches of local church ministry, John is committed to equality, diversity, and justice—both inside and outside faith communities. When not actively working for a more compassionate planet, John enjoys spending time with his family, exercising, cooking, and having time in nature. He is the author of A Bigger Table, Hope and Other Superpowers, Low, and Stuff That Needs to Be Said.


Victor Fuhrman: John, you opened your book by referring to yourself as a long-time Christian by aspiration. If not, always by practice, please share your early path, how it led to your calling, and your unique definition of your spirituality. John Pavlovitz: I grew up in the Roman Catholic faith, which was a huge part of my life growing up. And as many people do, I began to sort of stretch my spiritual muscles as I entered college and wanted to have faith that I could claim for my own and went through the searching process and kind of meander in and out of organized religion during that time.

My story was, really, one of being surprised by a calling into ministry. I was doing some volunteer work for a church where I was married. I just had found that I had this Love for working with teenagers. And as I began to teach them about a faith that I didn't really have at the time, my faith began to grow. So that set me down a path of ministry life for the past two and a half decades in various forms. Victor Fuhrman: So, what do you say Christian by aspiration, if not always in practice? John Pavlovitz: Well, I think it's presumptuous to call myself a Christian because that means that I am replicating Christ or emulating Christ. That's always the goal. The teachings of Jesus are still central to my life. So those are things that I hope to live into, but I realize it's a matter of getting as much right as you can that every day and then getting up the next day and doing it all over again. And so, realizing that we are all works in progress. So, I embrace that and don't shy away from it.

Victor Fuhrman: It's our humanity that makes us that way John Pavlovitz: It is. I think part of it was the expectation that I had when I was younger, that there was this, this standard that I could never reach. And it left a trail of guilt. I think for many people, religion at its worst does that. But then, when I embraced the best part about spirituality, recognizing my belovedness changed everything for me. So, my failures and my missteps are all perfectly understandable. They're just part of the learning process. Victor Fuhrman: If Jesus walked among us today, what would he think of his flock? John Pavlovitz: I think he would be mystified at the mission drift of the church, the way that so many people have taken this message that 2000 years ago was this movement of empathy. It was really a movement of the street, of people living in community together, an interdependent community, and then how it became something that leverages power so often. OMTIMES

I think it would be largely unrecognizable that large church. I think what Jesus would be looking for would be the small and close relationships where people are still trying to live in their communities with compassion leading Victor Fuhrman: You've shared that he might say, what didn't you understand, or what didn't you get? John Pavlovitz: Yeah. The greatest commandment to love God, and love your neighbor as yourself, and the idea that that's the one job you have and if you miss Love, you've missed the elemental part of what I was trying to ask you to do, uh, at this, you know, during, during your life here. And that is the main thing I try to make sure I get up every day and that I am an agent of generosity, kindness, and empathy. And if not, the book that I've written really states that if your faith doesn't make you more compassionate, then what's the point of it? That it's really of no use to you or to people who encounter you. Victor Fuhrman: This is the fifth book you've written about religion and politics, race and grief, and all sorts of social justice issues. What fueled the creation of this particular book at this specific time? John Pavlovitz: Well, Victor, I was writing a very different book. It dealt with some of the same issues, but it diagnosed this toxic religion. And as I began writing, I started writing in March of 2020. And of course, you, what started to happen with this, this news story off in the distance about this little public health issue, and it got larger and larger, and I couldn't avoid it any longer.


So as 2020 kind of wound on, I was looking around at people's response to the pandemic and looking at the strife over the Black Lives Matter protests and counter-protests and the coming election. I was seeing so much Enmity, and it was coming from so many people who claim the same Christian faith that I claim. So, there was grieving in there, and I felt I needed to respond in real-time to it. So that shaped a very different book. It is a book that I think is much more visceral and intimate than it would've been any other way. And it became a journal, a travel diary of living through this time, through the lens of my spirituality. Victor Fuhrman: Why did you choose the title? So, if God is Love, don't be a jerk instead of if God is Love, Love people?

John Pavlovitz: Yeah. I think my aspirations for humanity had become really pedestrian. I think I was. I was looking around, looking at a group of people that I thought were so far from the original plot of Jesus that I said, well, if I can't get them to love, maybe I can get them not to harm if we could start there, at that really elemental place of not wanting to injure people—having people examine the ways that their blind spots and their prejudices and phobias have leaked into their religion and are doing damage. If we can do some of that work, we can move to a place of understanding and then of Love. So part of it was a little bit of tongue in cheek, a take on that message, but also just saying, let's start there, let's start. And then we'll work our way toward that deeper Love.

John Pavlovitz: I think it's important because the work that I do and the themes that I write are often very heavy, and people may have the misconception that I am a heavy human being that I'm always frowning and carrying this sort of dread. I'm really not. There's a joy to life. I make love living, and I love people. So I wanted to make sure that that was part of this story and a part of this book that people could laugh amid really important conversations. Victor Fuhrman: I attended interfaith seminary in the 1990s. And in my interfaith studies, I found that virtually every faith has some form of the golden rule. Have some Christians forgotten this, and how may it be remembered and embraced? John Pavlovitz: I think we have to be people of stories. We have to remember that whenever we encounter a human being, whether they're religious or not, whether they share anything that we think is in common with us or not, they are a once in history, never to be repeated story. So if we can honor that and respect the uniqueness of their journey, that they are unprecedented, then I think we can begin to live and have a posture of Love toward them. I think what religion does at its worst, but also what we do culturally, is we want to have a shorthand for people we want to characterize them. And some rise them quickly because that's easier than getting to know people. So, I think the golden rule comes when we respect the story in front of us. And don't assume that we know anything about that story until we ask.

Victor Fuhrman: You have a wonderful sense of humor. So don't be a jerk as part of that. And just to give the listeners an idea, some of your chapters have headings: The church of not being horrible, God fund me and love your damn neighbor. I love your Titles!



Victor Fuhrman: And you're touching upon this idea of "Othering." Why do you think so many folks do that? John Pavlovitz: I think there are two primary motives. First, I think to push us through life often, and there are grief and fear, which can motivate us to do all sorts of things. Second, I think fear tends to be something that we become almost addicted to that we, that we have many people have a religion that needs an enemy, that needs an adversary. It forces people to walk around in a battle posture. I always remind myself that I better not go through life with two clenched fists. I need at least one hand open to give and receive and show kindness. I can fight for what I believe in, and we all should, but I can't constantly live in battle. But, unfortunately, that's what too many people, I think, do, and it makes it difficult to show empathy to someone if we feel like we compete with them. Victor Fuhrman: What does that also say about our respective self-worth? OMTIMES

John Pavlovitz: I think it says that we are all people who have a deep need to be loved, and that gets manifested in so many different forms, usually in some comparison sickness. I have run into so many people whose religion has told them a story that someone else's gain is their loss. It's such a sad way for people to go through life. So, I think the best of humanity and the best of religion say we are interdependent here. We succeed when the others succeed. For me, in the Old Testament, the idea of Shalom is not just looking at someone and saying, I, I want the absence of bad for you, but I also want the abundance of good for you. And I want to be an instrument of that. Victor Fuhrman: I had a wonderful teacher who once asked the class what the great sin of Sodom and Gomora was, which brought a few chuckles to the class. He then explained that the great sin was inhospitality, turning away the stranger who needed food and shelter. Is that a lesson that a good part of humanity needs to remember?

John Pavlovitz: It's, it's one that I know that the Christian Church needs to because I run into that, obviously, that argument all the time, people will drop the Sodom and Gomorra story. And then, I will share that verse and let them know that the crime was a callousness of heart. We are so quick to miss how hardened we've become. It's almost impossible for us to see. And that's what I constantly do with the writing is trying to get people to stop and pause long enough to say: what is my motive? What do I intend to do today? I may hurt people inadvertently, but I better not be hurting them intentionally and still say I'm a person of a God of Love. There's a wonderful word that comes out of certain parts of Africa. The word is Ubuntu, and it literally translates as I am, because we are. It Stresses the importance of embracing community. That's beautiful. And it's just the better path. Victor, I think people who do interfaith work or do work I justice or trying to find a way to bring communities together. It's just, there's an exhale that happens when you're in a place where you're not striving to be better than someone, and you're not trying to compare yourself, and you want the best for them. It's, it's really just an elevated place to live. I think people resist it. And if, if they only could step into it for a little while, they'd understand why people like you and me advocate for loving others. Victor Fuhrman: When I attended seminary, my mentor shared that the word sin derived from the Hebrew word hit, meaning an Archer, drawing the bow, releasing the arrow, and missing the target. Does that resonate with you? John Pavlovitz: It does. And it is a lesson that I have learned over time. That was a shift for me because the idea of sin when I was a younger Christian was loaded with a sense of moral judgment and the threat of damnation. . When I could see it as simply missing the mark of failure, a misstep, and I was doing this all in the eyes of a God who loved me, not one who wanted to squash me. It became a very different idea. So, for me, sin became just a chance to start again and try again. And that's all it is. There's nothing to fear in that. It's, it's simply what that is.

You say that you love the sinner hate the sin is one of the single most "unloving" expressions there has ever been. How does that thought go astray? I think it's. It's one of the ways, one of the examples of us weaponizing religion or the scriptures. Those words were never in the Bible, yet we use them. It's usually used by someone who is saying. I feel morally superior to you. I'm going to let you know that, but I will let you know. I love you, even though you're morally inferior to me. The minute you do that, you have declared yourself having won this with God and the other as separate. I think there's just such a danger in that message because what it says to someone is not only do I disapprove of you, but God does. The existential weight of that is so damaging.

" It is time to un-Box God!" John Pavlovitz


Victor Fuhrman: What is your definition of tomorrow? If any of us left this world, what's your definition of that next step would be like? John Pavlovitz: I would hope that it's a place where the striving is over the striving to be perfect or to earn affection or approval. I think so many of us, myself included, never quite feel like we're worth it that a sense that imposter syndrome, that streak runs through all of us. So, what I imagine the good place would be is a place where you can just stop and breathe, to be, and know that that's good enough. Victor Fuhrman: I've had this vision that for me, heaven would be a place where everyone that I've ever known and ever loved would be there. And that we'd also important take care of each other. And I think that could be on earth. But unfortunately, I couldn't do it. John Pavlovitz: That is the prayer that Jesus taught: let earth reflect heaven, let them be similar. And that's a different mindset for many people raised in a very orthodox conservative Christianity, which is focused more on the afterlife. But I embrace a theology. If Jesus Teachings were just about the afterlife, the gospels would've been short, it would've been just a simple altar call message, and that would've been it, but we have all these images of stories from Jesus’ life. I think that shows that the way we live and the relationships we have, they really matter. They are extremely spiritual. That could be what we do. We could have those things that we dream of having one day. We could make those happen here. Victor Fuhrman: How do we go about Detoxifying Theology?

John Pavlovitz: I think we have to be willing to let go of some of our old stories. The change in me happened when life began to argue with my theology, and I had to ask some hard questions, was I going to allow myself to be informed by new experiences? Or was I going to double down and plant my flag in something that maybe I didn't believe anymore? So, I think the more we're fearless in asking questions, the better we're going to be. And my feeling has always been that if God is God, then God can handle my doubts and my change of heart and my vacillation, and God is not taken back by any of that. And I am free to do that. People will get offended by our doubts and our change of hearts, but God would never, Victor Fuhrman: How has conservative Christianity fixation on abortion and lack of consistent pro-life ethics affected the church? John Pavlovitz: I think it's allowed people to consider themselves religious and aspire to be decent people. It's allowed them to tell themselves a story that if they oppose abortion, they are pro-life. And I try to expand the definition of pro-life and use the words for humanity. In so much of religion and politics, I see contempt and aggression towards so much of diverse humanity, whether it's Muslim or LGBTQ or people of color or uninsured people, or immigrants, that allows people easy activism. They can feel like they're advocates for life and yet really not love people who are different from them; who make them uncomfortable.

O M Ti m es M ag azi ne

Being simply against abortion doesn't require anyone to have real introspection and ask themselves, how am I harming people? And how can I move in the world in such a way that I alleviate pain and suffering? It doesn't require any selfexamination, self-awareness, or understanding of privilege. And so, the more you do that work, the more you see. There are so many ways that life is assailed right now that we should be, paying attention to those things. Victor Fuhrman: What would you like readers to take away from if God is Love, don't be a jerk. John Pavlovitz: I don't need them to agree with me theologically or politically at the end of the book. I just want the book to move them from wherever they are. When they begin into a place of greater empathy, they begin asking themselves deeper questions that they wrestle with, the tensions they find there. And then they move in response in whatever way they feel called to. I just love the idea that someone reading this book will begin with a feeling that we don't have a lot in common yet realize that that's quite the opposite and that we are. The interdependence is the point.

O M T i m e s M ag az in e

Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Treating a Spiritual Illness


By Carl Greer

hatever our state

spiritual well-being. We may need

of health and well-

to treat a spiritual illness.

being, however hard we strive

Not long ago, I received a strong

for greater wellness, we might

message in a dream: Death can be

not realize we are neglecting our

a spiritual illness. I understood that

OM TIMES | February 2022

what my unconscious was telling

Choose to find the beauty in some

me was to explore the relationship

aspect of your life today. You

between spiritual illness and the

might focus on the health you have

type of death we experience when

instead of any ailments that reduce

we feel drained of joy, vitality, and

your mobility or cause you pain. You

enthusiasm for life.

might draw your attention to an area of your life that is going well

The death most of us worry about

instead of an area of your life that

is physical death—an end to our

you tend to obsess about. Why are

mortal existence and the body’s loss

you successful in that area of your

of the life force. Yet there’s another

life? What can you learn from your

death we should be concerned with,

successes that can be applied to

a slow death we experience when

other “chapters” in your story?

we don’t fully embrace our lives today. Yearning for the past, wishing

Spend some time in nature and

for a better future, and being unable

tap into its wisdom. Nature offers

to recognize the gift of today is a sort

spiritual lessons if we are willing

of spiritual illness. If we feel we can’t

to slow down and observe what it

transform our lives, we might feel so

is communicating to us. A scarred

frustrated and melancholy that we

tree with a few dead or dying

fall into despair and hopelessness.

branches doesn’t give up creating nourishment from the sun and

Accept this moment, whatever

sending it through its trunk and

it holds. Doing so can help you

surviving branches. It keeps the life

to shift your perception of your

force moving through it, through

situation and appreciate what you

every cell and every leaf and twig.

have instead of what you don’t have.

As you think about a tree that

You can free up the energy you

may have suffered some damage

are currently spending in longing

but continues to grow and thrive,

for a quick and easy cure to your

can you identify any areas in your

unhappiness—or in distracting

life that are growing and thriving

yourself from it. Distractions only

despite your having suffered or been

keep emotional discomfort at bay

hurt in some way? Do you need to


prune something away? Can you let OM TIMES | February 2022

something “die” and not give it any

thriving if I remember to accept what

more attention? Is it time to focus

is, shift my focus to where my life is

instead on some aspect of your life

satisfying, and spend time in nature

that is working for you and giving you

absorbing her wisdom. I reconnect


with nature in any way I can. Time in nature can be a spiritual tonic,

As I grow older and have to deal

strengthening your spiritual immune

with physical challenges, I’m much

system that you can draw strength

more aware of my mortality than I

from when life is particularly stressful.

was years ago. It’s easier for me to

I also relate to death differently from

focus on my vitality and the potential

how I would have years ago. I see that

for continued growth, healing, and

ending—things dying—are a part of

OM TIMES | February 2022

the cycle of life. I let go of anything

I believe that where we put our

that reduces my enthusiasm

attention in the river of life will

and vitality, such as focusing too

determine what we experience. If

much on medical problems or the

you want to feel a sense of vitality,

limitations I have right now as one

optimism, and enthusiasm for

of billions of people dealing with

your life, lay the foundation for all

a pandemic. Consequently, I feel

of that by consciously choosing to

a sense of vitality despite having

focus on what gives you spiritual

health challenges and being

nourishment. Are there practices

aware that while we can do our

that help you feel connected to your

best to delay physical death, it will

spiritual self and to the cosmos and

eventually claim us.

the love and wisdom of Spirit? What OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

are they, and why aren’t you using

You have control over the meaning

them more often?

you make of the experiences you have had and are having right now. If

What if you were to make the time

cynicism and moroseness seem like

to engage in those practices instead

they’re your birthright given what

of doing what you know drains you

happened in your past and the family

of vitality?

in which you were raised, question that. Maybe you have inherited a

What if you were to spend more

spiritual illness that is robbing you

time in nature, observing it as it

of the energy to be adventurous and

observes you? What if you were to

explore the possibilities before you

ask it to share its wisdom with you?

and that are as yet unseen.

What if instead of struggling

Every time you wake up to another

to distract yourself from your

new day, you have the potential to

sadness, and feeling that your life

transform how you perceive your life.

should be different, you looked

Make a conscious choice to focus your

at how you frame what you have

awareness on what gives you vitality

experienced and are experiencing

and see if the circumstances of your

and consciously chose to change

life don’t shift. In doing so, you may be

the story of your life?

remedying a spiritual illness that has kept you from living fully for too long.

There are some things we have little or no influence over, but we don’t

About the Author: Carl Greer,

have to be mired in hopelessness,

PhD, PsyD, is a retired clinical

helplessness, and inner turmoil.

psychologist and Jungian

We can reclaim our vibrancy by

analyst, a businessman, and a

appreciating what we have and

shamanic practitioner, author, and

the potential to transform our

philanthropist. He is the best-selling,

lives if we’re willing to let go of

award-winning author of Change

some things—resentments and

Your Story, Change Your Life and

attachments, for example, or rigid

Change the Story of Your Health.

ideas about what we have to have in

For more information, go to www.

order to be happy. OM TIMES | February 2022

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

The Power of The Krishna Mantra By Omtimes


Evocação de Krishna: Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

lot is said about

There are different types of Mantras,

mantras. These

but usually, a Mantra is a "hymn"

phrases are chanted

linked to Hinduism and Buddhism,

over and over and

and that is said repeatedly.

are extremely powerful. They are used to relax and reach But what do they actually

the state of meditation in singing or


listening to the sound. OM TIMES | February 2022

Some definitions consider the

Mantras are Powerful Instrument

Mantra as an instrument of thought.

of Self -Transformation

What are the Mantras"?

This is a great twelve syllable mantra and widely practiced by different

Mantras are written in the Vedas, the

Hindu sects in India, and that is

Indian holy books first compiled in

known as Mukti, or liberation mantra.

3000 BC, and are metric hymns and

Even though some issues may differ,

praises to the gods and considered a

everyone who uses this Mantra


recognizes the power of its spiritual formula.

Hymns gave rise to mantras that spanned the Brahmanical period and

This short and powerful spiritual

were introduced into Buddhism and

formula connects with the Supreme,

later Tibetan Buddhism.

which can be different things to different people: You can recognize it

Written thousands of years ago

as Truth, Love, Consciousness, Christ,

by Indian gurus and masters, it

Allah, Krishna, Shiva, Divine Mother, or

is impressive how mantras can

some other names.

positively influence a person's life, whether in finance, health, or

The word Mantra is composed of the


syllables MAN, which means "mind," and TRA, which means "delivery"

Repetition is the key to interrupting

in Sanskrit, the ancient language

the mind's natural process that takes

of India, and means "that which,

us from one idea to another without

as an object of meditation, brings



When we chant the Mantra, we stop

The Power of Chanting to

this mental flow, bringing our body


to total relaxation, when body and mind become quiet, opening to the


subtle vibrations that broaden our

do sânscrito, é um dos mantras de


evocação de Krishna. OM TIMES | February 2022

• OM é a vibração interdimensional que penetra em tudo e a todos. • NAMO é a saudação ou reverência

and consequences and the surrender of the lower ego into the hands of Krishna, the Supreme Lord of the Universe. It is said to be a powerful

ao poder divino. • BHAGAVATE é o respeito ao

Mantra for Karmic Liberation.

Senhor. • VASUDEVA é o nome da família

In this act of surrender, your Divine Power works to collect, smooth, and

carnal que criou Krishna. • YA, quando acrescentado no final

transform the results of the negative

significa a característica ativa

actions of those who practice the

(masculina) do mantra.

Mantra daily.

The Mantra Om Namo Bhagavate

Krishna promises to support those

Vasudevaya encourages the surrender

who suffer because of the karmic

of negative karmas, their bad results,

results generated by the wrong

OM TIMES | February 2022

actions that the lower ego has

Earth. A Human being that knew the


difficulties of all of us.

Furthermore, the Mantra encourages

Many people think that Mantra is

recognizing Krishna's Divine Power

only related to Eastern religions, but

over all things, all beings, and all

it connects to all faiths. There are

situations, filling with Divine justice.

specific mantras for the paths of

Invoking the action of Krishna, who

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism.

also lived on Earth as a man and knew the pains, sufferings, and difficulties of

This is because the primary function

life manifested in physical life.

is to calm, focus, silence, and purify the mind. When these sacred sounds

So, when someone chants this Mantra

are repeated (Seed sounds-bija)

in its entirety, he will be invoking

consciously or unconsciously, our

Krishna as a man who also lived on

emotions, thoughts, desires, that is,

OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

our whole being, automatically turn to

The Benefits of Practicing Mantras

the search for the Divine. • Helps to control worries, fears, Practicing Mantras as a Spiritual Sadhana

and anxieties. • Increases concentration and attention.

Mantra is defined as a thought instrument that aims to relax and

• Improves mental and physical health.

induce practitioners into a meditative

• Increases vital energy.

state through speaking or listening.

• Creates more harmony in living with other people.

The Hindu and Buddhist hymn is said

• Accelerates spiritual revelation.

over and over to have a positive effect.

• Revitalize the heart. • Breathing becomes continuous

The Mantras evoke a specific

• Expels all residual air from the

frequency that, with the repetition,

lungs. As a result, the inhalation

will automatically be weaved into your

becomes deeper. • Relaxation of respiratory

energetic system.

muscles. The number 108 is considered

• Activates the production of

reasonable for mantra repetitions.

substances such as "serotonin"

In addition, when it is monosyllabic,

and "endorphins," which

it can be practiced for 20 minutes.

continuously increase the

There are also practices like the

feeling of existential satisfaction.

purashcharana, in which one

• Remarkable increase in

thousand repetitions are done daily

concentration and memory

until reaching 2,400,000 after seven


years. Totaling 100,000 repetitions for

• Induces emotional stability.

each of the 24 syllables of the Mantra.

• Increases immunity. • Relieves syndromes.

There are three ways to do the Mantra: mentally, muttering, or out loud. It is advisable if you do not lose concentration during the process.

• Speeds up the brain's processing capacity. • Reduces the risk of heart disease.

OM TIMES | February 2022

The Power of the Angels Cherubs


By Cathedral of the soul

he cherubim are an

for protecting the gates of the

important Angelic choir to

Garden of Eden.

the divine world, ranking second in the hierarchy of

When we think of Cherubs, we

angels. According to biblical texts,

immediately imagine images of

the Cherubim Angels are responsible

chubby and fluffy children with

OM TIMES | February 2022

wings that are normally printed on

They are often presented with

Valentine's Day cards. However, it is

winged entities.

not known exactly how this image was created. In the Bible, these

One of the most traditional images

angels appear with some different

of cherubs, widespread during the

descriptions, but never as a child. In

Renaissance period, is cherubs

some places, they are described as

having babies' bodies, often chubby.

beings similar to men but with wings.

This representation has become

In others, they appear as animal

quite popular around the world.

forms or even stranger looking, with It is believed, however, that the

four faces.

representation of cherubim may The Cherubs are Celestial beings

be quite different. Reports indicate

that are just below the Seraphs in

that Cherub Angels are hybrid

the Hierarchy of Angels and are also

creatures with human parts and

linked to the glorification of God's

animal parts. They would have four

greatness and His throne protection.

heads altogether: one of a man,

Hence, they are called Throne Angels.

one of a lion, one of an ox, and one of an eagle.

In the sacred texts, they still appear as being the guardians of the Garden of

This representation of the Cherubs is

Eden, with the function of preventing

taken from the reading of Ezekiel 1.

Adam and Eve from returning after

5-8, which says:

the Fall. Because of this protection, in the past, images of Angels Cherubs

"Each had four faces – that of a man,

were placed on the doors of temples

a lion, an ox, and an eagle – and each

and churches to protect them from

had four wings. In their appearance,

evil spirits.

the cherubim had the likeness of a man […]. These cherubs used two

Representation of the Cherubim

of their wings to fly and the other


two to cover their bodies […]. Under their wings, the cherubim appeared

There is controversy about the

to have the shape, or likeness, of a

representation of the Cherubs.

man's hand".

OM TIMES | February 2022

The big difference between the

"kherub," which conveys the idea of

commonsense view and the biblical

Benediction or of being blessed.

view of the Cherubs can be explained

Cherub is an angel considered to

by an attempt to make these beings

be God's messenger and symbol

more popular.

of divine justice. According to the angelic order, the Cherubs are part

Therefore, to be represented by the

of the first hierarchy, classified below

image of cute children and not by

the seraphs.

creatures with more than one head. Many texts point to the Celestial Origin of the word "cherub."

Cherubs as mysterious beings. This association is largely made because

Like many of the names of angels and

of the Prince Regent of the Cherubs –

other spirit beings in the Bible, the

Raziel, the angel of mysteries. Raziel's

origin of the word cherub is uncertain.

very name dictates his character.

However, research indicates that

Raziel means "The Secret of God" in

the explanation may lie in the word

Hebrew. He is a Cherub who protects

OM TIMES | February 2022

humanity so that everyone feels

They are loyal people, good

positive and prosperous.

confidants, affectionate, generous, and sometimes shy. They have


a strong gift of forgiveness and


understand the world in their own way, giving great value to the family.

In addition to Raziel, the Cherub angels are also Haziel, Aladiah, Laoviah,

Some studies indicate that Cherubs

Hahahiah, Yeslael, Mebabel, Hariel and

are related to the concept of guarding.

Hekamiah. People ruled by these angels

For example, cherubs must protect the

often share certain characteristics, such

entrance to the Garden of Eden. This

as people who always hope to achieve

is perhaps the most accurate origin

something positive. In addition, they are

of the name, given the information

very emotional, with deep and stable

extracted from biblical texts.

feelings, so they are the ones who have long and sincere friendships and

Recorders in the Celestial Archive


of the Universe OM TIMES | February 2022

Cherubs sometimes work with

decisions but celebrate when they

guardian angels, under the

record good choices.

supervision of Archangel Metatron, recording every thought, word, and

Cherub angels are magnificent

deed of history in the universe's

beings, far more powerful than the

heavenly archive.

beautiful, winged babies sometimes called cherubs in art.

Nothing that has happened in the past is happening in the present or will

People associate the two because

happen in the future goes unnoticed

Cherubs are known for their purity, as

by the angelic working teams that

are children. Both can be messengers

record the choices of each living being.

of God's pure love in people's lives.

Cherub angels, like other angels,

There are several Cherubs, each with

suffer when they need to record bad

its own characteristics. Let's talk a

OM TIMES | February 2022

little about each of them and how

The Cherub Haziel – God of Mercy

they act on their protégés. It governs people born on March Who are the Cherub Angels?

28, June 9, August 21, November 2, and January 14 and helps bring

The Cherub Hekamiah – God who

reconciliation and God's love. Whoever

builds the universe

has his protection is usually protected by God. He doesn't like judgments and

It protects those born on April 4,

appreciates small day-to-day victories.

June 16, August 28, November 9, January 21 and stands beside

The Cherub Aladiah – A propitious God

leaders. These people are honest, have good character and

Accompany those born on March

leadership spirit. As a result, they

29, June 10, August 22, November 3,

quickly gain the trust of others.

and January 15, and protect against

OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

diseases and evil spirits. They are

Ruler of the natives from April 1,

friendly people who are always

June 13, August 25, November 6,

surrounded by friends. They have a

January 18 possesses the power

good heart and are willing to help

to unite couples and friendships.

those in need.

Whoever is governed by him has a good memory and above-average

The Cherub Leoviah – God Praised

intelligence. Moreover, he has a

and Exalted

logical mind, making it easy to understand both the concrete and

It rules those born on March 30,

the spiritual worlds.

June 11, August 23, November 4, and January 16. It can be

Cherub Mebahel – Deus is My

evoked whenever you are feeling


distressed, anxious, or sleeping poorly. Those who have your

Accompany those born on April 2,

protection are very sensitive,

June 14, August 26, November 7,

receive messages, and are able to

and January 19, bringing justice,

see the world differently.

freedom, and truth to everyone. People under his influence enjoy

The Cherub Hahaiah: Deus is my

volunteering and understand the


laws of the universe. Their actions are often noble and truthful.

It accompanies those born on March 31, June 12, August 24,

Cherub Hariel: God is my creator.

November 5, and January 17. It is a messenger of mysteries and

Ruler of those born on April 3,

revelations, appearing in dreams.

June 15, August 27, November

Those who are protected by

8, and January 20 brings faith

him have a strong personality,

to people. Whoever has its

sensitivity, and power to

protection has a simple soul but a

understand the world and people.

refined taste for material things. It has a solid esoteric side and may

The Cherub Iezalel – God Is

even delve into some Spiritual


knowledge. OM TIMES | February 2022

Tough Decision? Turn to Your Intuition


By John Holland

o decisions come easy to

determination in your life, turn to

you, or would you rather

the inner guidance of your soul!

get someone else to make them? Whenever

Whenever we make decisions based

you’re facing a tough choice

on intuition, we trust our feelings.

or need to make an important

The more we use our inner guidance

OM TIMES | February 2022

to lead us, the more our confidence

pulling you in the opposite direction.

builds and the better we get at it.

But fear will hold you prisoner if you let it. Your intuition isn’t meant to

Try to acknowledge, honor and

replace reason, it’s there to enhance

act upon feelings and signs

your logic, thereby giving you a far

that will nudge you in the right

better chance to succeed.

direction. That’s your soul talking! I remember a time when I was

Practice listening to your body’s

about to give a talk for a sold-out

signals and interpreting your

event. Several days before, I kept

feelings when making decisions.

getting a nagging feeling to call

Some people may feel a flutter when

the organizers and check on the

something feels wrong or a tingling

equipment for the evening. Instead,

sensation if they’re on the right

my rational mind kicked in: “No,

path; while others may feel nothing,

John, they’re professionals who

signaling them not to move forward.

have done this hundreds of times before. Let it go.” (I may be a psychic


medium, but I don’t always pay attention to everything I feel.)

Try this exercise that a friend shared with me. The next time you want

When I arrived at the venue,

to use your intuition, take a few

I found a broken microphone, a

moments and imagine a simple

tiny footstool to sit on, a lack of

streetlight in front of you. Now, ask

air-conditioning and a spotlight

a question about a decision you

shining on me that had enough

need to make this week. Then see

juice to light up New York City! If

if the light changes. Red means

I had trusted my soul and called the

stop, yellow means wait, and green

organizers beforehand, I could have

means proceed.

saved a lot of stress for myself as well as the staff who rushed around

Of course, you’re not really getting

to fix everything.

answers from a traffic light. This is just a personal symbol you can

I know it can be scary to listen to

use to help you tap into your inner

your intuition when your logic is


OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

You don’t always have to turn over

You can find more techniques

your power to someone else when

to help you tap further into your

it comes to making decisions.

intuitive abilities in my book, Psychic

With practice, you’ll learn how to

Navigator. Click here if you'd like to

interpret your own specific signs.

purchase a copy.

Begin with small choices so you can gradually build up your trust and

If you know someone who may like

confidence. Have faith in your inner

to get this message, feel free to share

guidance. It wants nothing more

this Soul Inspirations or recommend

than the best for you.

they join my newsletter list. OM TIMES | February 2022

Heaven is a Hologram

OM TIMES | February 2022


ccasionally we read

the information that informs the

that our universe is a

universe? I believe the answer is the

holographic projection.

heavens. Heaven is the hologram

One’s first encounter

which informs the holographic

with the idea that our universe is a

projection we know as the physical

holographic projection can engender


bemused disbelief or outright My suggestion is based on theories of


science, such as string theory (and its We also read various takes as to the

most accepted branch, M-theory, in

origin of the holographic projection.

particular), but also religious tradition

String theorists, who popularized the

and, especially, the testimony of

notion, tell us, somewhat confusingly,

the saints, sages, and near-death

that the holographic information

experiencers who have had direct

that determines the behavior of the

transcendent experience of heaven.

three-dimensional volume of space we call the universe is “pasted on”

“In a word, absolutely everything

the “boundary” between our three-

in nature, from the smallest to the

dimensional universe and a two-

greatest, is a correspondence.

dimensional energy realm.

The reason correspondences occur is that the natural world, including

Two-dimensional holographic

everything in it, arises and is

information pasted on the boundary

sustained from the spiritual world,

with our three-dimensional universe

and both worlds come from the

is almost impossible to visualize. The

Divine.” — Emanuel Swedenborg,

key thing to grasp, however, is that

Christian mystic

M-theorists are positing that the information that informs the physical

“The blueprints of everything in

universe does not exist in the physical

the physical universe have been

universe itself but exists outside the

astrally conceived—all the forms

universe altogether.

and forces in nature, including the complex human body, have been

So what could be outside the physical

first produced in that realm where

universe? What could contain

God's causal ideations are made

OM TIMES | February 2022

visible in forms of heavenly light

prints; the spirit creation would be

and vibratory energy.”

like a sharp, brilliant print, and the

— Paramhansa Yogananda, yoga

Earth would be like its dark negative.


This Earth is only a shadow of the beauty and glory of its spirit creation.”

“Everything was created of spirit

— Betty J. Eadie, near-death

matter before it was created


physically—solar systems, suns, moons, stars, planets, life upon the

Until the advent of string theory

planets, mountains, rivers, seas,

and the holographic principle in the

etc. I saw this process, and then, to

1960s, there had been no persuasive

further understand it, I was told . .

scientific framework to support

. that the spirit creation could be

how such transcendent testimony,

compared to one of our photographic

describing the ancient principle, as

OM TIMES | February 2022

above, so below, could possibly be

be described as being like a saturated

reconciled with science.

sponge submerged in an ocean of high-frequency energy. The string-

M-theory posits that vast amounts

theorist’s name for this vast ocean of

of pure energy exists in what they

energy is the “bulk,” as in, “the bulk

refer to as branes, vast zones in our

of the cosmos.” I prefer to call it the

greater reality that are filled with super

energy-verse as the word bulk is so

high-frequency energy. In M-theory,

poorly descriptive of the reality to

our almost incomprehensibly large

which it refers.

physical universe is tiny in comparison Counterintuitively, the energy-verse,

to a brane.

as posited by M-theory, is twoFrom the point of view of M-theory,

dimensional. The energy-verse is

our three-dimensional universe could

completely nonmaterial, that is to

OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

say it contains no three-dimensional

beauty.”— Nora Spurgin, near-

space in which there could be three-

death experiencer and researcher

dimensional material. It is composed of pure energy that only needs two-

Not only did M-theorists unknowingly

dimensions in which to vibrate.

provide a location for heaven, but, by making the mathematics of

The energy-verse is, I believe, the

holography an integral piece of their

location of the heavens or astral

theory, they also provide the key

regions of all religious traditions. The

mechanism by which heaven can

essential qualities of the energy-

be understood to function as the

verse—that it is nearly infinite, that it

template, or hologram, for the physical

exists “beyond” the physical universe,


and that it contains only nonmaterial, two-dimensional, high-frequency

In our physical world, a hologram

vibrating energy, matches uncannily

is a flat, two-dimensional film with

well the descriptions of the heavens,

which light can be made to interact

or luminous astral regions, given by

to project a three-dimensional image.

hundreds of saints, sages, and near-

Using today’s technology, the creation

death experiencers.

of the two-dimensional hologram requires starting with digitized

“Just as persons on the cinema

images of either an actual three-

screen appear to move and act

dimensional object or one generated

through a series of light pictures..

by a computer. Then the information

so the astral beings walk and

in those digitalized images of three-

work as intelligently guided and

dimensional objects is encoded into

coordinated images of light.”

a two-dimensional hologram. Thus

— Sri Yukteswar, yoga master

in our physical world the information for the hologram comes either from

“Heaven is a world much like

copying an existing form or from the

our own except there is no time

creative mind of a designer.

nor space as we think of them here. Heaven exists in a higher

Where, then, in the vast ocean of high-

dimension of energy. The higher

frequency energy in the energy-verse,

realms are a world of inexpressible

do the original forms, the original

OM TIMES | February 2022

templates, the original intelligently

started and left to evolve on its own.

and creatively ordered information

The holographic principle suggests

that encodes the universe come from?

that our universe is being continuously

I think you know my answer: It has

projected in dynamically and rapidly

“been first produced in that realm

evolving detail down to the tiniest sub-

where God's causal ideations are made

atomic particle.

visible in forms of heavenly light and You may also be surprised to learn that

vibratory energy.”

saints and scientists alike concur on One implication of the universe being

this point:

a holographic projection may surprise you. Inherent in the very principle

“God is creating the entire

of holography is that the physical

universe, fully and totally, in this

universe can’t simply have been

present now. Everything God

OM TIMES | February 2022

created . . . God creates now all at

“We are not stuff that abides,

once.”— Meister Eckhart, Christian

but patterns that perpetuate


themselves; whirlpools of water in an ever-flowing river.” — Norbert

“The universe emerges out of

Wiener, physicist

an all-nourishing abyss not only twelve billion years ago but in

“The Tao is the sustaining Life-force

every moment.”— Brian Swimme,

and the mother of all things; from


it, all things rise and fall without cease.”— Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

“My solemn proclamation is that a new universe is created every

A continuously and dynamically

moment.”— D. T. Suzuki, Zen

evolving holographically projected


creation requires a continuous and OM TIMES | February 2022

dynamically evolving source of

holographically projected bodies,

holographic information. The saints,

projected from our own personal

sages, and near-death experiencers

luminous “spirit body” hologram.

tell us that the information source

Living through both our bodies,

is a luminous, heavenly counterpart

physical and spirit bodies, we interact

to our universe—the “sharp, brilliant

with the complex reality that is the

print,” as was described by near-death

cosmos on many levels. We are both

experiencer Betty Eadie.

actors and directors in an Intelligently created cosmic movie.

Another implication of the universe being a holographic projection may

“We are beginning to see the entire

you surprise even further. Not only is

[cosmos] as a holographically

the universe around us a holographic

interlinked network of energy and

projection, we, ourselves, inhabit

information, organically whole and

OM TIMES | February 2022

self-referential at all scales of its

excited or inspired and drags us down

existence. We, and all things in the

when we are fatigued or depressed. It

universe, are non-locally connected

keeps the heart pumping, the lungs

with each other and with all other

breathing, the digestion working,

things in ways that are unfettered

and it animates the myriad processes

by the hitherto known limitations

taking place in our trillions of cells.

of space and time.” — Ervin Laszlo

Without knowing precisely how we know, we are all aware of the presence

Our spirit hologram, the perfect

of life force within us—and thus we are

luminous counterpart to our physical

aware of our spirit body.

body, is not distant from us, rather it interpenetrates our physical body

In fact, according to the healers,

at every point. Just as the physical

psychics, seers, mystics, and saints

universe is like a saturated sponge

who have highly developed intuitive

submerged in an ocean of high-

perception, most of what we

frequency energy so, too, is our

experience, most of what fills our

physical body.

awareness, most of what matters to us—our vitality and life force,

Despite not being able to perceive our

our feelings, our creative will, our

interpenetrating spirit body with our

personality and character, and our

five senses, to one degree or another

experience of happiness, love, or

we are all aware of it. The experiential

joy—actually originates from our

religious traditions of the world—

interpenetrating spirit body, and does

from yoga, to Sufism, to charismatic

not exist in the physical body at all.

Christianity, to tai chi—call the subtle energies of our spirit body life force. An

More significantly yet, the mystics tell

abundance of life force puts a bounce

us that when we die these essential

in our step and a smile on our face. It

aspects of who we are continue to

tingles through our being when we

exist where they have always existed—

feel delight and knots our stomach

in our non-physical, interpenetrating,

when we’re stressed. It warms our

spirit body. The person we are today is

hearts when we feel love and tenses

very much the person we will be after

the body when we feel fear. It gives

death—only we will find ourselves

us an upward “rush” when we feel

existing, sans the physic body, solely

OM TIMES | February 2022

in our more perfect spirit body in the

— Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr, former

heavenly freedom of an unconstrained

head of the Max Planck Institute

and more perfect energy world.

for Physics, Munich

It is fair to say, then, since our spirit

“You don't die when you die. You

body is always within us, that we are

shift your consciousness and speed

already in heaven.

of vibration. That's all death is . . . a shift.” — P. M. H. Atwater, near-

“In this way, our lives in this plane

death experiencer, NDE researcher,

of existence are encompassed,

and author of Beyond the Light

surrounded, by the afterworld already. . . . The body dies but the

But we don’t need to wait for the

spiritual quantum field continues.

hereafter to fully experience our spirit

In this way, I am immortal.”

body—we can meditate or practice OM TIMES | February 2022

intensive prayer and tap into it in the

Expand your awareness of your spirit

here and now.

body. It’s the secret to health and happiness. Breathe in energy from

“Since my return [from my

your spirit body, then relax and feel.

near death experience] I

Concentrate on your calm, still, center.

have experienced the light spontaneously, and I have learned

Be in heaven now.

how to get to that space almost any time in my meditation. Each

Joseph Selbie makes the

one of you can do this. You do not

complex and obscure simple

have to die to do this. It is within

and clear. On a personal mission

your equipment; you are wired

to make esoteric spiritual

for it already.” — Mellen-Thomas

teachings understandable and

Benedict, near-death experiencer

attractive to everyone, he is adept at translating science

Meditation and intensive prayer are

fact into spiritual experience

supremely effective tools for tapping

and spiritual experience into

into our spirit body because—through

scientific fact. Joseph is a

relaxation, concentration, and

Christian yogi, meditator,

stillness—they methodically turn our

author of The Physics of God,

attention away from the physical body

blogger, entrepreneur, buyer of

and allow us to become aware of our

too many books, proud father

spirit body more and more fully.

of four, and lucky husband. His life path has been informed by

Meditation and intensive prayer don’t

Paramhansa Yogananda (author

create calmness and joy: they allow us

of Autobiography of a Yogi)

to experience the calmness and joy

who came to America to show

natural to our spirit body. When Jesus

the unity between original yoga

said, “the kingdom of God is within

and original Christianity. Over

you,” he meant it literally. The more our

forty years a resident of Ananda

awareness becomes centered in our

Village in northern California,

spirit body, the more happy, fulfilled,

Joseph tries to live the change

loving, compassionate, energetic, and

he wants to see in the world.

calm we feel. OM TIMES | February 2022

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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

Feng Shui: How to Deal With the Pain of Separation The 10 Energy Steps to reboot your Life with Confidence!


By OMTimes

hile some

They may have encountered painful

couples are

crises that made love come to an end.

getting to know each other,

Not all relationships last forever, in

starting to date, planning a future

reality, eternal loves are rare, and it is

together, or getting married, others

necessary to accept this reality to hurt

have gone through hard times.

less. See how Feng Shui deals with

OM TIMES | February 2022

relationship crises and how to appease

The world will not be touched by

your heart and move on to a new life.

your pain forever. So you need to know how to separate your personal,


professional, and emotional life. Your


kids need you; your job won't wait for you to recover; your friends will

These tips are for people who have

eventually try to see you. Did you cry

just broken up or broken a stable

all you had to cry on?

relationship and find themselves Now it's time to get on with your

alone and aimless.

life and set a new direction for your Feng Shui deals firmly and securely


with this moment. For some, it may even seem too severe. However,

Follow the tips below that will help

Chinese wisdom teaches that strength

you put an end to this pain.

and grit are the best remedies for getting out of sadness, away from

2 - Put an end to the relationship.

pain, and going single, with joy, grace,

I mean, seriously!

and ease. Was there anything left to say? 1 - The World will not stop because you are suffering!

Have any issues been unclear with your ex?

Some people abandon their lives after separation: they miss work, fail

Look for it and make it clear. We know

to attend important appointments,

that this is not easy, it often takes us to

ignore children and friends, close

overcome our pride in looking for the

themselves in their own world and

person, but this is necessary.

stay there, oozing the pain. It takes an endpoint so that after Of course, we all need a moment

an unresolved issue, it doesn't keep

alone to think, reflect and even cry if

tormenting you and making you want

we feel the need to. But don't let your

to look for your ex when it's time to

life pass while you are suffering.


OM TIMES | February 2022

It may hurt, but it's better to make

You don't need to think about

everything clear. Without fights or

what to do with them now, collect

judgments, just ask what you want

everything and put them in a place

and say what you think is necessary,

where you won't see them very

ending the romance with respect for

often. You think about whether to

the good times they lived together.

keep them or throw them away, at this first moment, the important

3 - Remove All Photographs

thing is to get them out of your eyes.

Do you have pictures of your ex at

4 - Return and get rid of Your

home? Take them all out of your sight.

Ex' stuff

That includes those from the

Anything that reminds you of your

computer, from the picture frame,

ex should be returned to them or

from the wallet, from wherever they

thrown away if it's an item of no

may be.

emotional or financial value. OM TIMES | February 2022

Having objects that remind you of

It's time for a change, so take

them will only hurt you. Remember:

the opportunity to move the

the house is all yours, it must have

furniture, change decoration

your things, important to you, that

items, change the wall color,

shows your personality. They are

change the layout of your home.

no longer part of your life, and

Bring new energy into your home,

therefore there shouldn't be any of

fix everything that's broken, add

them around.

more lighting, more items that bring joy and peace to your new

5 - Change the Energy frequencies


of your home 6 - Change your Mattress After a breakup, it is necessary to change the house's energy, or every

We often know that this is not an

corner of your home will remember

easy measure for several factors: a

moments of the old relationship.

mattress is expensive, the couple's

OM TIMES | February 2022

bed may be recent, you don't know

If not, change all bedding urgently,

where to put the old mattress, etc.

don't use the old ones. Start anew!

It's best to change it! Letting go of

7 - Bring new Images into your Life

all the energy of the couple that is trapped in that mattress. If possible,

It's time to center on you and your new

Feng Shui recommends changing.

Life. Post photos of yourself with your

OM TIMES | February 2022

friends and family around the house,

cleanse it and blessedly begin your

on your computer, on your cell phone.

new life.

Be careful with images where you are alone. One of the others is fine, but

If you are not religious, you can purify

don't use too many photos alone. You

the energies of your home with

can close yourself off and become a

lavender oil, spreading this aroma

lonely person when the idea is to open

throughout your house with incense,

up to the world and contact everyone

flavorings, or essential oils. Another

around you. Give priority to photos

good energy purifier is Camphor

where you are smiling and having fun!


8 - Get closer to Friends and

10 - Practice Gratefulness - Always

Families: Open your circle to accept

say "Thank you."

new people The energy of gratitude is the best When we're in a relationship, it's

pain medicine.

natural for us to move away from our As difficult as it is, thank the Universe

social circle a little bit.

for all the good times you had with your ex-partner, all the learning they

Reactivate it immediately.

had together, everything you were Get in touch with friends and family,

able to achieve with them, and how

organize meetings, dinners at home,

you grew as a person during that

go to places you haven't been for a


long time (to the cinema, concerts, theatre, bars, etc.), and get moving!

Even the most complex

Meet new people, it will make you a

relationships can leave a positive

world of good.

balance, even if that balance is just for you to learn not to be like it was

9 - Purify your home with Holy

with your past relationship. Give

water, Camphor, and Lavender

thanks for the good things. Try not to remember only the bad things

If you are religious, sprinkle holy

(they are water under the bridge).

water in every corner of your home to

Your heart will be grateful!

OM TIMES | February 2022

Synchronize Your Yoga Practice with The Cosmic Flow YOGA POSES ACCORDING TO MOON PHASES By OMTimes

OM TIMES | February 2022


oga is an ancient practice

therefore, they are affected by the

that can go far beyond

moon's phases.

the physical exercise. One way to go deeper during

the time on the mat is to synchronize

But what can moon phase energies influence in yoga practice?

with the moon's phases. Just as lunar cycles strongly influence the tides,

According to the Ashtanga Yoga

they also influence our physical body

tradition, on the new moon and

and, consequently, our behavior.

full moon days, we rest from the practices of asana (postures).

The yoga tradition is replete with practices, teachings, and

On full moon and new moon days,

knowledge related to the Sun and

these gravitational effects are more

the Moon. The sun and moon exert


gravitational effects on the planet earth. In their different positions,

Full moon days correspond to a more

they create different energy

pronounced prana force (inspiration/

potentials that affect our bodies and

energy inflow). This expansive energy

mind. Therefore, many yoga asanas,

makes us feel more energetic and

or postures, align with the lunar

sensitive but less centered.

phases. The energy of the new moon, on the Through Yoga, we keep ourselves

other hand, corresponds to the most

more attentive and connected

pronounced Apana force (exhalation/

with the cycles of nature. We easily

elimination of toxins).

notice the agitation caused by the

This energy of contraction makes us

full moon and the calm of the new

feel calmer and more centered but

moon, so it is important to observe

less inclined to exert physical effort.

and especially respect these energy peaks caused by the moon change.

When the practice is done daily, we become more connected with

Like all things watery in nature (like

these natural cycles. Therefore,

the tides), we humans are made

these rest days are important to

approximately 70% water. Naturally,

regenerate energy and a time to

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OM TIMES | February 2022

recognize and honor these natural

Anjaneyasana pose. Remember

rhythms. In addition, on moon days, it is

that the crescent moon can be

recommended to take time to read and

either crescent or waning, rising

study Spirituality and yoga philosophy.

to a full moon or decreasing to a


new moon. In this pose, decide whether you would like to focus on building your strength or

The new moon brings the darkest

calm down and take a chance to

nights of the lunar cycle and is a great

reflect on life with your inner self.

time to rest and reflect. The posture that most identifies with this period is the Child Pose. There is no need for additional action, just allow your body to rest, ground, and reflect.

FULL MOON - ARCH OR BRIDGE POSE (DHANURASANA) The Full Moon represents a time


to reap the fruits of the seeds you

It's good to visualize and think of

It can also illuminate hidden

a crescent moon when you do the

emotions. There's a reason

have planted.

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OM TIMES | February 2022

why strange occurrences are historically associated with the full moon: our repressed nature can bubble up and surface during this time. The bow (or bridge) pose opens the chest and throat, encouraging anything stuck to

108 SALUTATIONS You've probably heard of people giving 108 sun salutations at the time of the new year. But what is the meaning of this?

come loose.

Why 108? The number 108 has a lot


Hinduism. Astrologers have determined

of meaning in Yoga, Buddhism, and

When doing the pyramid pose, focus on building strength in your legs. Feel the strength of your core supporting your upper body as you keep your torso parallel to the floor.


that the average distance between the Sun, Moon, and Earth is 108 times their respective diameters. It is therefore seen as an existential number. The numbers 1, 0, and 8 represent one thing, nothing, and everything (infinity), representing the belief in the reality of the universe as being simultaneously one, empty and infinite.

EKADASI Ekadasi, meaning "eleven," is the eleventh day after the full moon and

Translated from Sanskrit, ha means

the new moon of each lunar month in

"sun," and tha means "moon."

the Hindu calendar.

This is about balancing the

It is considered to be a special day with

masculine and feminine aspects

spiritual significance.

within each of us. The male part of us is the sun – hot and active. The

According to the Vedic scriptures,

feminine is the moon – cold and

one who observes fasting on Ekadasi

receptive. It is intended to create

is freed from all kinds of reactions to

balance within the body and unite

sinful activities and is able to advance

the Yin Yang opposites.

in spiritual life. OM TIMES | February 2022

Are Cats Naturally Jealous Animals?


By Ministry Earth

o Cats Feel Jealous?

detached and unsentimental animals, unlike puppies.

Cats are unique, independent, self-

There are even several memes on the

confident, self-possessed animals.

web making comparisons between

Those who have these felines in life

dogs and cats, focusing on the

often say that they are the ones who

temperament of each species.

choose their "owners," and they are sincere animals. Anyone who doesn't

But whoever loves kitties can

know can even say that cats are

guarantee, with all certainty, that they

OM TIMES | February 2022

are kind and affectionate, yes. And

tutor-pet relationship creates more

we demonstrate their feelings.

bonds than in the past.

Incidentally, they ensure that cats feel jealous, yes, whether with other


humans or even with other cats. Considering the way, we treat our


"furry children," it is to be expected that cats will see us as "their humans," contrasting that relationship with

First, we need to keep in mind

some other individual (human or

that Jealousy is a typically

not) who represents their social rival,

human emotion, so we may be

with behaviors such as rejection and

misusing the term to define an

aggressiveness) that may lead us to

animal's behavior that has other

think that this is Jealousy. But is it?



Studies relating Jealousy (or a more appropriate term) to dogs, but it

Well, there is no way to analyze the

does not apply to cats. Still, some

aggressive cat's behavior and say that

behaviors can lead us to think that

it is Jealousy, so there are possible

this is a feeling.

attitudes typical of "jealous cats."

This is due to the fact that, although

Demonstrating aggression with the

domestic cats are solitary animals,

"rival," seeking frequent attention

domestication itself meant that

from your "favorite human," showing

they chose a person (or even

exacerbated interest, or negatively

another animal) as a reference.

interfering with the socialization between the human and the "rival"

They tend to elect their humans

may be signs that there is a problem.

as their favorite individuals for obvious reasons: we feed, care for,

However, this could be true if we

protect, socially interact with them,

were talking about puppies since,

especially these days, in which the

like cats, these actions can suggest

OM TIMES | February 2022

various behavioral problems, and

It can make the cat associate this bad

territoriality is one of the main ones.

experience with the baby.

There are several causes for

In that case, it is interesting to include

behavioral changes (for the worse)

your "feline child" in the routine. Just

of cats concerning the person

redouble your attention so that your

they have as a reference, such as

cat does not scratch your baby or

the arrival of a new baby, which,

manage to materialize the aggression

in addition to representing a


significant loss of attention. It can be worse if parents struggle with

But never - never even! - be aggressive

the animal to protect the newborn.

with the kitty cat

OM TIMES | February 2022


This happens mostly with older cats or with those who did not have good socialization when young

If your cat exhibits aggressive

kitties. It would be best if you

behavior with another cat, be

prepared the cat, the environment,

aware that the cause may be

and even yourself for the arrival of a


new animal.

Anyone who has ever witnessed a

Try to maintain and respect the

catfight during the early hours of

individuality of each one. A good

the morning knows precisely what

way out is training if common

that means.

measures are not taking effect. OM TIMES | February 2022

If the problem is with a puppy, know

Ideally, it would be best to respect

that it can happen (especially if it's cats

differences in sizes and temperaments

that weren't socialized with puppies

and never expect them to look similar.

when they were little), but it's good to

Older puppies usually stress the cats

know that it's not the nature of cats to

and arouse fear, but more hair their

hate puppies and vice versa.

size than because they are puppies. OM TIMES | February 2022

These compounds help a lot to

And How to Act?

control aggression, especially if cats First of all, concerning rivalries with

feel "jealous."

other cats, puppies, or humans, try to take safety measures to avoid more serious problems. Also,


try to validate the importance of your pet, and even as a routine

A reasonably suitable natural

change, try not to alter it much, as

pheromone is catnip (or catnip).

cats generally do not like sudden

It is an excellent relaxant and also


acts as a repellent for insect bites. Keeping your cat's health up to date

Also, try to create the idea of

is also important, with quality food,

positivity in the relationship

regular veterinary consultations,

with possible "rivals," making, for

vaccinations, and other measures.

example, their presence a positive

Often, their behavior may change

experience. Finally, try to respect

due to health issues, so the

the space of the animal. If he is not

veterinarian should be visited

comfortable with a situation, never


force him to have any interaction, do not put on your lap, or fiddle

Be that as it may, having an animal

too much with him, for all this may

is like having a child. It takes work,

irritate them.

it requires care, it takes a lot of patience, and, above all, a lot of love

If you need to invest in more robust

and respect. If your cats feel jealous,

attitudes, look for a coach or an

we should consider their feelings,

animal trainer to harmonize the

even if they don't have the same

relationship between animals and

dynamics as ours. Remember that

humans within the same space.

because they are "irrational," they do not calculate or premeditate their

It is also a good idea to seek out

attitudes. It is up to us, their human

your veterinarian, as substances

guardians, to ensure that they have

influence animals' social and

the proper treatment to feel good,

reproductive behavior: pheromones.

happy, free, and calm.

OM TIMES | February 2022


The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Twin Flames: The Obstacles We May Face

OM TIMES | February 2022


ne of people's greatest

Besides, all that can be accomplished

desires is to find their

through a Twin Flame encounter can

twin flame, but some

be ruined if infidelity is one of the

obstacles can be faced

elements of this equation.

even when you finally find it. When faced with stumbling blocks,

It may be challenging, but we need

you may have difficulty knowing

to understand that sometimes the

how to act. You may even despair

karmic situations can alter the story

a little, thinking you can never be

of this "cosmic event."

with your twin flame. So let's talk

In this case, you have two options.

about some common obstacles that

One hopes that the universe

can arise and how you should view

will either conspire to one day

them as opportunities rather than

be together or have a platonic




A friendship is worth no less than a


romantic relationship. But it would be best if you did not start the

One of the most common obstacles

relationship with ulterior motives.

in meeting twin flames is one of

This is selfish and can bring dire

them being in a relationship. This

consequences. Just accept that your

situation is very delicate and can

relationship with the twin flame

be painful for those involved, so we

will be in a different way than you

must be very careful.

expected. At least on this Realm stuff. The relationship of souls can be very

There is no easy solution to this

different, deep, and rewarding.

obstacle. There is a Great Age Difference It would be best if you did not insist

Between you and your Twin Flame.

when a person is married, especially when children are involved.

The age difference is a much less

Infidelity has low vibration energy

challenging obstacle. However, there

and generates pain and heartbreak,

are often age differences in karmic

no matter which side you're on.

relationships. It is believed that this

OM TIMES | February 2022

is because the karmic partners tend

Be prepared for judgment should

to create a master and apprentice

you decide to move forward with

dynamic, where one of them is more

this relationship. Unfortunately, not


everyone will be understanding.

However, this difference can often

But, at the same time, it will be an

be problematic, especially when

excellent opportunity for practicing

it is substantial. Many modern

self-knowledge, especially if the

cultures and societies disapprove of

partner is younger. Learning about

relationships between people of very

oneself and advancing in personal

different ages, making it difficult for

development is more recurrent when

friends and family to approve.

there is an age difference.

OM TIMES | February 2022


spiritual exercises like telepathy and distance communication.

Distance is becoming a common obstacle to twin flames today. With

The most considerable difficulty is

a connected world, it is possible

when this distance has no end date.

to unite people far away, but the

This situation requires a lot of serenity

physical distance has not yet been

to resolve, and you must ask yourself


if you are willing to change your life to be close to your spiritual Twin.

You can ease your homesickness with teleconferencing tools like

For some people, long-distance

Zoom, Facetime, Skype, and

relationships work well, and for OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

others, it doesn't. If in your case, it

concerns to demonstrate that you

brings suffering, it is necessary to

value these people, but ultimately,

have a plan for it to end.

your judgment is to be considered as important here.



RELATED TO THE TWIN FLAME In many cases, there are pressure from social or friends, cultural or

It is not possible for us to list all

family expectations that generate

the obstacles you may experience

disapproval of your Spiritual

in a relationship with the twin

relationship. And that may bring a

flame, let alone how to deal with

lot of pain and discomfort.

them all.

There are many reasons why

Our tip is: don't see them as

people might disapprove of your

obstacles but as an opportunity

relationship. But if your partner

for growth. You will need to be

is your twin flame, the other's

very flexible, adaptable, and

disapproval is not well-founded,

creative. These are challenges that

even if there are well-intentioned

can become steppingstones, not


necessarily boulders on your path.

That doesn't mean your family or

Use these challenges to learn

friends are wrong. It may seem

more about your strengths and

unwise to them to enter into a

weaknesses, getting closer and

relationship with someone much

closer to your partner as you

older or who lives far away from

grow through these together.

you. Therefore, warnings are always valid. Take this a demonstration of

Don't let problems slow you down

love on their part.

and weaken your faith in yourself and your spiritual partner. Instead,

The fact is, they may not

trust that it will work out, and

understand what journey you are

the universe will conspire in your

taking. So listen and accept these


OM TIMES | February 2022

Twin Souls and Energy Cleansing


By Ascending Hearts

he negative energies

put it into practice, you will feel more

absorbed by your aura can

awake, energized, and connected.

affect you in different ways

Any blockages in your chakras will

that you may not even

clear, making you feel the full benefit

realize or even notice. When you

of an energetic and subtle body. Any

decide to do an energy cleanse and

fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression,

OM TIMES | February 2022

and other symptoms of metaphysical

life changes. In addition, talking

origin will diminish and disappear in

about traumas from your past will

the short term.

help you deal with the emotional side effects caused by them, as long as

Energetic cleansing for the twin flame

you trust the person you are opening

is an essential step in achieving union

up to.

with your spiritual soul. Negative energy attaches to us and is absorbed

Hidden in your past are events that

by our auras, affecting everything we

may still haunt you, putting obstacles

do. Many of these low vibrations come

in your relationships in general with

from old childhood wounds, obsolete

the twin flame.

Vows and relationship contracts, or There is a preventive force that keeps

even past lives.

you from experiencing the same Energetic cleansing aims to remove

damage again. The problem is when

those mental and emotional, and

your subconscious issues are not

energetic blocks that keep you

discussed or dealt with but pushed to

away from your twin flame, whether

the bottom until you forget about the

physically, spiritually, or emotionally.

pain. But this pain is not forgotten, and it can still affect you.

Some techniques can help you clear the negative energies from your

By engaging with the twin flame

relationship and allow you to stay

energy, healing these old wounds,

together. Of course, you can hire a

you address these feelings and take

professional for this, but you can also

steps to heal yourself.

do many inner works with your flame. Without exposing yourself, healing Twin Flame Emotional Work

will be a challenge because you will be trying a treatment in the dark.

Although there is a lot of trial and error

You need to discuss these issues with

in this cleansing process, working on

your partner.

your spirituality can help you feel more comfortable opening up to become

You'll be surprised how much

more flexible and adaptable for future

this sharing resonates with them,

OM TIMES | February 2022

regardless of whether they've


experienced something similar or not.


In doing so, you draw negative power

The benefits of clearing the twin flame

from the past wounds, cleansing your

relationship blockages are many. The

aura and your entire energy system.

most obvious is that you can overcome

OM TIMES | February 2022

the challenges that stand in the way of

All the benefits are enough for you

union and enjoy the greatness of this

to embark on the idea of energetic

karmic relationship.

cleansing. In addition to allowing your union with the twin flame,

You are going out of your way because

this job will also provide you with

of the mental blocks present, and

many personal benefits and energy

clearing them, you will no longer feel


fear or apprehension about the idea of THE PERSONAL CONSEQUENCES

being together.

OF ENERGY CLEANING THE TWIN Other obstacles will also be overcome.


Age difference, physical distance, social

However, it would help if you did not

pressure – all these factors can hinder

underestimate the emotional impact

your union. But from when you proceed

that energetic cleansing can have in

with energy cleansing, these issues

your life, personally.

seem much easier to deal with. By facing your own inner demons, Distance is no longer so problematic, and

you will demonstrate some

you find a way to be closer, even when you

important things like self-confidence

are physically apart. Age is just a number.

and self-empowerment. In addition,

As long as you have enough experience to

the courage to face these inner

make your decisions, it doesn't matter if

challenges strengthens the spirit and

you are an indifferent generation.

raises vibrations as you gain more control of your conscience and begin

You understand that peer pressure

to act more mindfully.

from other people about your choice of a partner shouldn't be something to

In short, the benefits of eliminating

worry about.

mental blocks and negative energies are crucial and should not be

Disapproval of your relationship comes

overlooked, especially if you intend

from a place of fear and ignorance and

to perform the supreme spiritual

may be a consequence of your own

energy that may be unveiled through

mental blocks.

the union of the Twin Flames. OM TIMES | February 2022


Tennin: The Japanese Celestial Beings


ennin is a terminology

Many legends about these winged

that means "Heavenly

creatures originated in India, having

Beings" or "People of

their belief spread throughout

Heaven." These beings

much of Asia, and incorporated into

are considered servants of the

some religions, including Japanese

Devas in Japanese mythology.


OM TIMES | February 2022

The same type of beings exists in

influenced by the concepts of celestial

Greek mythology as nymphs.

beings found in Taoism and Indian Buddhism.

These celestials inhabit the Buddhist sky as Buddha companions and

Tennin is mentioned in Buddhist

enlightened beings; however, some

sutras, and their descriptions form the

legends portray the Tennins as solitary

basis for performances in Japanese

creatures living in mountain peaks.

art, paintings, sculptures, and plays.

Many pilgrims have already climbed

According to belief, Tennin is a

high mountains in an attempt to find

more powerful creature with more

these sacred beings.

extended longevity than humans and other celestial beings, such as

According to myth, the Tennin is

the "Yaksha" (class of spirits of nature

divided into several classes: "Tenshi"

responsible for maintaining the roots

(Angels), "Ten no tsukai" (Heavenly

of trees and natural treasures hidden

Messengers) and the "Tennyo"

in the earth).

(Heavenly Maidens). The Tennin and their many myths These spiritual beings found in Japanese culture are very similar to

The "Tennyo" (heavenly maidens)

what we know as Western angels,

are portrayed as beautiful women

nymphs, or fairies.

wearing colorful kimonos perfectly adorned with exquisite jewelry and

Tales about the "people of heaven" are

scarves fluttering around their bodies.

part of the ancient popular narratives

In addition, they usually carry lotus

of Japan, known as "Mukashi banashi"

flowers symbolizing spiritual purity

(Ancient Japanese Narratives).

or musical instruments, such as the "Biwa" (traditional Japanese string

Tennin: Origins of the Legend

instrument) and the flute. Although all Tennin is able to fly, in the case of

According to ancient records, these

tennyo, many legends say that this

beautiful, winged creatures were

ability is due to their clothing; they

imported from Chinese Buddhism,

cannot fly without their kimonos

OM TIMES | February 2022

called "Hagoromo" (a suit made of

No one could believe that such a

sacred feathers).

beautiful person belonged to this world. The girl had a purity of angelic

Many legends about celestial beings

face, unmatched in the whole

remain to this day.

world. Her presence illuminated the house with an intense light that left

The most famous is Kaguya Hime,

no corner in the dim light. Finally,

"The Princess of the Moon," dating

however, Kaguya one day, wearing

from the tenth century.

a Hagoromo (sacred mantle of feathers), returned to her kingdom

The old tale tells the story of an old

of the Moon.

bamboo cutter, who one day finds a little girl inside a bud without

Hagoromo: The sacred Mantle

knowing that she was, in fact, a This is an ancient legend about

princess of the Moon.

"Hagoromo," the mantle of feathers Kaguya Hime grew very fast, and

of the heavenly maidens, the

every day looked more beautiful.


OM TIMES | February 2022

Once upon a time, in a bygone

The perfume called Hakuryō in the

era, a young fisherman from the

direction of the trees, and next to

village of Miho named Hakuryō.

one of the Matsu pines, tapping softly in the breeze, a mantle hung,

Young Hakuryō always went out

different from anything he had

to try his luck in sand fishing near

ever seen.

the Miho-no-Matsubara pine forests.

"How beautiful," said the fisherman

There he was very accustomed

to himself. "I'll take it home."

to the dazzling scenery of the

As he picked up the mantle, he

white sandy beach surrounded by

heard a sweet and melodious voice.

magnificent pine forest.

"That mantle belongs to me."

But that morning, the view of the

The Beauty of the Sky people

Fujisan (Mount Fuji) rising above the bay's waters was especially

Hakuryō, surprised, turned and came

beautiful. Coming out of nowhere,

across a beautiful woman coming

an exquisite perfume filled the air.

out of the shade of the tree.

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"I am a maiden of heaven; I am one of

of suffering in the maiden, he decided

the Sky People. My mantle of feathers

to return the precious mantle.

is of no use to you. Please return him to me, for I cannot return to heaven

"I'm going to give it back, but first,

without him."

dance for me the Dance of Heaven."

Hakuryō was shocked to think that he

The heavenly maiden felt great relief

had one of the Divine mantles in his

and agreed with the fisherman's

hands, but once he saw the expression

terms but said, "I cannot dance

OM TIMES | February 2022

without my mantle. Give it back to

waters, around the Fujisan, she was

me first."

finally ascending to heaven.

Hakuryo was nervous. "If I give the

The Tennins and the Apsaras

Mantle of Feathers first, you will Apsarās are known as vidhya dhari or

return to Heaven!"

tep apsar (ទេពអប្សរ) in Khmer, acharā The young woman looked at the

(pāli) or bố sa la tư (Vietnamese),

man sharply and said, "Lies and

bidadari (Indonesian and Malay),

deceptions are human creations.

biraddali (tausug), hapsari / apsari

They do not exist in the World

or widadari / widyadari ( javanese)


and aapson (Thai: อัปสร). English translations of the word "Apsara"

Hakuryō felt ashamed of those

include "nymph," "celestial nymph,"

words and spread his cloak with

and "celestial maiden."

trembling hands. In Indian mythology, apsaras are The heavenly maiden wrapped

beautiful and supernatural female

herself in her cloak of feathers,

beings. They are young and elegant,

and her sleeves began to flutter,

and superb in the art of dancing.

vibrating, then she began a soft,

They are frequently wives of the

elegant dance. But once more, the

Gandharvas, the court musicians of

scent of the perfume of roses filled

the God Indra. Thus, they are also

the air, and with it, I saw the sound

known as sky dancers.

of whistles and drums. They dance to music made by the Stunned with such Beauty, Hakuryō

Gandharvas, usually in the gods'

watched in admiration as the

palaces, entertain, and sometimes

maiden spun and spun. Finally, her

seduce gods and men.

delicate feet stopped touching the sand, rising in the air, more and

As ethereal beings who inhabit the

more, the white feathers of her

heavens and are frequently portrayed

cloak gleaming until she finally

in flight, or the service of a god, they

disappeared into the mists of the

can be compared to angels.

OM TIMES | February 2022

The Archetypes of the Goddesses and the Phases of the Moon By OMTimes


eople watched the moon

their darkest times can lead them to

decrease in light every

their brightest.

night until it could no longer be seen from the

The ancients understood Selene's

earth. Then after three nights of

gift in the lunar phases. So, each

darkness, a crescent sliver returned,

night when they gazed at the

and the Moon increased in light until

Moon, they knew Selene was telling

it was fully illuminated as before.

them never to give up hope."

Selene did this to remind people that

― Lynne Ewing, The Secret Scroll

OM TIMES | February 2022

The Moon is much more than a

It is an ideal phase to start new

romantic light in the sky. All nature,

projects and experiences. Physical

the tides, the growth season, the

and mental vitality strengthens

animals, and even our menstrual

independence and courage.

cycle are influenced by the phases of That phase corresponds to the

the Moon.

active part of our being, the sowing Each lunar phase draws on

phase. The action is what moves

strengthening and challenging

the maiden in her pursuit of new

aspects of our own personality,


mood swings, energy, libido, and


productivity. We are cyclical beings, alternating between periods of shadows

In this aspect, the Moon reaches

and light, just like the Moon, and

its apex. The phase corresponds

knowledge about these influences in

to our ovulation period. Therefore,

the traits of self-knowledge.

the great mother archetype, fertile, caring, protective, and welcoming, is

The Moon, as we know, has four

intense in this phase.

phases: growing, full, waning, and new. These phases are associated

It is time to nurture a child, a

with the four stages of the Goddess:

project, a dream, a garden, or a rich

Maiden, Mother, The Witch, and the


Crone. It is the phase that brings us


the satisfaction of the harvest. It corresponds to the Summer Season. Sexual energy is at its peak, as well

This phase corresponds to our pre-

as femininity.

ovulation phase and is associated with spring, as, like the Moon, energy

This is less active than in the maiden

is increasing, as is libido, creativity,

phase, where we spread energy and

and femininity.

light to the world and the full Moon. OM TIMES | February 2022

Nourishing is fundamental to the

becomes smaller. It also allows us

archetype of the mature mother.

to bring to light our darkness and,

WANING MOON AND THE WITCH GODDESS This is the most challenging lunar phase for most women, corresponding to the premenstrual tension phase. At this stage, it is common for us to begin to gather a little more, to be more introspective, and to face our shadows from the front so that, in the same way, they are transformed into the next Moon. In this period, the distance between the conscious and the unconscious

in this way, to heal and welcome our dark side. The Witch Goddess phase is associated with the Fall Season. Learning to let go is one of the most important lessons we can learn. Like nature, it is important to let go of the leaves that have already fallen, a time of great evolution and self-knowledge. In this phase, we are more connected with nature, with magic,

OM TIMES | February 2022

and with the hidden. Therefore, for

It is the lunar phase of

the Witch Goddess, the gathering

detachment, in which everything

is essential.

that does not fit us needs to be cleaned and transformed. It is our


cyclical chrysalis. Then, just like in nature, in winter, the animals

At this stage, the Old Goddess is seen as a witch, mistress of mysteries and wisdom, and Goddess of Life, Death, and Healing. It corresponds to our menstrual period. This lunar phase is related to the Winter Season, in which isolation and shelter are necessary for major internal transformations to occur.

gather, and the silence is deep. It is also necessary for us to delve deeper into our being to renew our energy for the next dreams, projects, and accomplishments that will grow with the next Moon. Transforming is what governs the moon phase of the Ancient Goddess.

OM TIMES | February 2022


The Spiritual Meaning of the 8 Lunar Phases By OMTimes

OM TIMES | February 2022


he Moon, the natural

with each of these phases – some

satellite of planet

explained by science, others by faith,

Earth, carries countless

and by different sets of beliefs.

meanings for different

cultures. However, interpreted in


relation to its position with the


Sun, the Moon almost universally represents femininity, passivity, fertility, periodicity, and renewal.


From this, it can be seen that the

The New Moon occurs when the Sun

affinity women have with the Moon

and Moon are on the same side of the

dates back to cultures and times

Earth. Since the Sun is not facing the


Moon, from our perspective on Earth, it appears that the dark side of the

In an eternal cycle of growth, the

Moon is facing us.

Moon mirrors the sunlight and crosses four main visible phases of

Spiritually speaking, this is the time to

the Earth – New moon, Crescent, Full

start over.

and Last Quarter. Only, the Moon's influence on men has already been

The beginning of a new cycle. It is

thought of even by philosophers

time to take advantage of renewed

such as Aristotle and continues to

energies, like the Moon, to move

be investigated by researchers who

forward with projects that had been

associate its phases with the capacity

stalled due to the lack of capacity to

for human reproduction, emotional

carry them forward.

states, and mental illnesses. Renewing, on the other hand, also Effectively the Moon takes about

means the practice of letting go.

29.5 days to travel around the Earth.

Getting rid of old things that don't

It is during this rotation that we see

support growth is critical.

its various phases. Each main phase occurs about 7.4 days apart. There

At this moment, time should be used

are spiritual meanings associated

for introspection and consequent

OM TIMES | February 2022

evaluation of what you want to do with

The crescent moon is the time to set

your life.

the intention for change. Spiritually, it is the period when all the fruit of the

Honestly, acknowledging your

reflection of the new Moon must be

feelings and working out how to

placed as the focus of action.

experience them is recommended. A beneficial exercise is to make a wish


list and associate images with them, maybe even a mind map. The crescent moon allows us to

When the Sun starts to approach the

harness energies in order to solidify

New Moon, it starts to light up again.

the bases for the realization of our

The Crescent Moon then appears, but

desires in concrete material bases.

it is still less than half-lit.

It is at this stage that new projects OM TIMES | February 2022

start. But, first, design everything you want for yourself.


MOON WAXING GIBBOUS – REVALUATION TIME A Gibbous Crescent Moon is a short distance away from becoming a Full Moon. This Moon is easily seen

The Moon reaches the Crescent

during the day, as a large part of it is

Quarter one week after the New Moon.


Therefore, the first half Moon after the New Moon is called the Crescent

The energies of this phase of the

Quarter because, at that point, the

Moon are conducive to re-evaluating

Moon is a quarter of the way through

previously proposed goals. It is time

its monthly cycle of phases.

to analyze the steps taken so far, observing whether the path meets

Faced with the desire to start

your goals. It is necessary to realize

projects, obstacles will not be rare

that the chosen path does not always

between your objective and the path

lead to the point we need to reach.

to be followed until then. So, this is

The most important thing is not to

the time to act. The energies of this

feel defeated if something is out of

period are favorable for action. It's

the blueprint.

time to make decisions. The hardest part of a project is taking the first

The way to deal with this period is to

step, and the Crescent Moon is

see clearly and sincerely whether the

spiritually the most favorable phase.

effort so far has kept you on track. If the path is too far, re-route. If the

Remember that you took time to

feeling is to change, listen to your

reflect on who you are and what you

intuition and follow a new path.

want. He focused on desires and visualized where he wanted to go. Still, it is necessary to overcome inertia


by deciding, acting. Take advantage of this period to make it viable but

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun

remember flexibility and resilience can

and Moon are on opposite sides of

be the key to carrying out projects.

the Earth. Since the Sun is directly

OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

in front of the Moon, the light

Given the spiritual moment

illuminates it completely, making

surrounding this lunar phase, the best

the Moon look completely full on

thing to do is give thanks. Thank you


for learning opportunities in the face of challenges, changes along the way,

Known as the Harvest Moon, it is at

and results obtained. The energies

this stage of the Moon that farmers

during this period are all focused on

traditionally harvest their produce. It

gratitude, not just for the good things

is a time of opposites, according to

but also for the bad things that could

astrology. In this period, Moon and

be overcome.

Sun occupy opposite zodiacal signs. Therefore, tensions are highlighted,

The success of a project is not

increasing imbalances.

individual, even if your idea was conceived in this way. The results

At this stage, it is very important to

obtained result from a sum of factors

recognize the fruits of all the work

that, when combined in the best way,

developed so far from self-analysis.

lead to the expected results. It is an ideal time to express your gratitude to

It is here that the individual will

everyone around you, especially those

be able to clearly observe the

who have committed to your projects

results of its planning. It's a time of

and given you emotional support.

opportunity. Embrace the positive

Promote dinners, give away gifts, but

energies of results, even bad ones,

try not to overdo it.

because they will unequivocally enhance the journey.


MOON WANING HALF – LEARNING HOW TO RELEASE The last quarter of the Moon is the inverse process of the first quarter,

After a Full Moon, the Moon starts

going back to another New Moon.

to become dim again, decreasing

After a Full Moon, the Moon fades to a

towards the last quarter of the Moon to

waning gibbous and passes to its last

become the New Moon again.


OM TIMES | February 2022

The action verb of this phase is to

Clean out your closet, donate old clothes,

release. We cling to certain habits

exercise generosity because letting go of

and people throughout the growth

old habits and objects is also a gesture of

process, but we don't need to be

generosity, but with oneself.

that way. Be vigilant with your eating habits and It's time to let go. Do a mental clean.

seek balance in all areas of your life. So

Purify yourself spiritually, try to take

often, the weight we carry is emotional

a vacation, visit places of abundant

and is intimately connected with routines

nature and use the energies of this

that we create based on the needs we

moment to get rid of accumulated

suffer. Unfortunately, these patterns are

energies that tend to become harmful.

immediately reflected in what we eat.

OM TIMES | February 2022


learning. Evaluate your trajectory and be ready for a new stage. Prepare body and soul for new projects.

The fraction of the Moon that is lit is

A good tip is to assess which

decreasing on its way to becoming a

relationships and projects need to

New Moon.

end. One is not prepared to start again without certain situations

A new cycle is approaching, and

being fully overcome. Relax and

there is nothing to fear. Men are

trust the magic of the new. Soon it

beings in constant movement, with

will be time to start over. Spring of

changing energy and in constant

the soul!

OM TIMES | February 2022

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course

Personal Growth & Development

Attachment, Loss, and the Liberation of Nonattachment


by Clare Goldsberry

once read that all fear is rooted

sad, lonely, and often fearful of what

in the fear of loss. We all feel a

life holds now that the person is gone.

sense of loss when someone or

Natural disasters often cause the loss

something we love disappears

of our material possessions, which can

from our life. The loss of a loved one—

also leave us feeling empty and afraid

especially in death—leaves us feeling

as we ponder how to pick up the

OM TIMES | February 2022

pieces and take the next step. Our

we believe that the things we see,

material existence is often grounded

hear, and touch are inherently real.

in the things and people we are

Attachment to the things we see

attached to, and the loss we feel

brings on feelings of desire that

is a very human characteristic. How

bind us to samsara. Nonattachment

can we overcome this fear and all

liberates us from these mistaken

the emotions that grip us when loss


occurs, especially to death? Many of us feel trapped in our From a Buddhist standpoint, the

lives; we feel as if we have no

practice of nonattachment is key to

freedom or that we are controlled

the acceptance of loss and dealing

by external circumstances.

with emotions that come with it.

Attachment permeates our lives.

Nonattachment is perhaps the

Many believe that people who

least understood of all the Eastern

practice nonattachment are cold,

spiritual concepts. Some confuse it

remote, distant, unemotional, and

with unattachment or detachment,

uncaring. Nothing could be farther

but they are not quite the same

from the truth. Nonattachment

thing. To be unattached or detached

creates a greater sense of caring,

is to have had no connection at all,

a greater compassion, by removing

to break away from completely, or

the emotions of the ego from the

to have something broken away. By

equation. We become attached

contrast, nonattachment indicates

to people and things because

that a connection exists, but that

there is an element of the “I” or

one has made a choice to not attach

self-grasping in the attachment.

oneself to the people or things

When “I” or “me” or “my” enters the


picture, we are attached, because it is suddenly about “me.” That

According to Mahayana Buddhism,

attachment creates the delusion

nonattachment is a mental

that there is some inherent, solid

factor that opposes attachment;

reality or permanence to the person

it remedies a state of mind that

or thing, or that we can control

has been brought on by mistaken

the outcome of an event. That

appearances. These happen when

attachment is the root of suffering.

OM TIMES | February 2022

Nonattachment provides us with

at various stages and in various

the freedom to be loving, caring,


and compassionate without regard to the “I,” “me,” or “my” feelings,

That is why, while I feel compassion

wants, desires, hopes, or outcomes.

toward all sentient beings and try

We can be entirely compassionate

my best to help them—to feed the

without being pulled into the drama.

hungry, to help the sick, visit the

We must realize that each person is

lonely, and lift the sad—I cannot save

operating within the framework of

them from the implications of their

his or her own karma. Karmic seeds

karma. Therefore, I must not become

planted in the mental continuum,

attached to happiness or to sadness.

or the monad, over many lifetimes

We must be in control of our mind

since beginningless time, ripen

and train it so that we do what we do

OM TIMES | February 2022

with the right intention. If we enter into

experiences failure. But as long as

action with an eye on results, or with

we are not focused on results, we

wrong intention, we will not be free

can act with equanimity.

to act in the best interest of others— and that is the ultimate reason to act.

Nonattachment does not excuse us

Attachment to results distracts us from

from our duty or from performing

acting in the optimum manner to act

right action. We can perform right

on behalf of all sentient beings.

action, but if we do not understand why we are performing that action,

Nonattachment also allows us to be

our action might be of no avail.

“open to success or failure.” Not all of our actions will be successful, and

Understanding this truth brings us

everyone in this samsaric existence

freedom. Attachment to outcomes

OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

limits us to the outcome we have

can even allow them to die at their

defined as acceptable. Any outcome

appointed time without inserting

beyond what we have determined to

our own wants and needs into the

be the only acceptable one leaves us


unhappy, disappointed, and unable to experience spiritual growth from the situation.

* * * Excerpted from The Illusion of Life

Nonattachment is love.

and Death: Mind, Consciousness,

Love and attachment are often

Goldsberry (November 2021). Used

and Eternal Being by Clare

confused which is why we suffer so deeply with the loss of someone we love. We feel it so deeply because of our attachment to the person and the feelings we have about the person. Death causes us to experience deep sorrow because we are now denied the feelings that gave us so much pleasure and satisfaction.

with permission from Monkfish Book Publishing Company. * * * Phoenix-based author and practicing Buddhist, Clare Goldsberry wrote The Illusion of Life and Death: Mind, Consciousness, and Eternal Being after her partner Brent’s

Pure love—unconditional love – is unmixed with attachment and stems entirely from a concern for others’ happiness. This pure love, or unconditional love, which is really a true compassion, results in peace and happiness for both us and others. When we love without attachment, we truly love. We can then give our loved ones the space to be who they are and walk the path they are meant to walk. We

illness and death, and share the beautiful way he embraced his cancer as an “adventure” —with the hope of helping people understand what having a good death means: a death without fear of the unknown – to trust the path of passing – that makes living so much more enjoyable. For more information on Clare Goldsberry and her work, visit:

OM TIMES | February 2022

Meet Every Moment Awake to a Limitless Life by Guy Finley

OM TIMES | February 2022


t’s safe to say that most of us

choices is put to the test. And if these

wrestle with some frustration

self-limiting states partly produce

daily. This kind of dissatisfaction

our choices in such moments, how

can be with ourselves, over

can we limit our help to free us of

what we can or can’t get done—

anything? It’s obvious: it cannot. So

or with others, who may deny us

what are we to do?

our wish or otherwise disappoint our expectations. Accordingly, we

We need a full new and true

can feel as though we are blocked,

understanding of what “living

incapable, unable, not strong, or wise

without limits” really means. It does

enough to move ahead as we would.

not mean the power to manifest endless possessions or to access

The more we feel the unwanted

instant pleasures on demand. Even

presence of this limitation—

if we could achieve such ends, our

accompanied as it always is by a

lives would still be fearfully empty

host of painful dark thoughts and

for having to refill them continually.

emotions—the more our attention is

What is limitless in life—without end

diverted to wrestle with them.

within us—is our God-given potential to transcend limitations. Let’s take a

Without seeing it, our struggle is no

simple example:

longer with wanting to understand the actual cause of our situation, but

Those of us who have ever done any

it is now with these negative states

work on strengthening our physical

that we don’t want. For example,

body know that at one point or

feeling resentment over what we

another, it will tell us, “Enough! No

regret about ourselves only makes

more! I can’t go any further!” So we

sense to the mind that believes

know, by this pain or discomfort, we

soaking in a mud bath is the best

feel—especially when it comes to

way to get clean!

conditioning workouts—that our body is saying it has reached a certain limit

To some extent, we know that

beyond which it does not want to go.

negative states limit our freedom because, in their dark presence, even

But, in the same moment, our

our natural power of making proper

experience knows the body always

OM TIMES | February 2022

“complains” when it doesn’t want

whatever “body” it is in which we

to go further than it’s used to

encounter such limitation—be it

going. So, knowing this pain is

physical, psychological, or spiritual?

just part of what must be paid

When we reach the point where

to grow stronger, we ignore the

parts of us start to feel some pain,

“warning” and push on to achieve

some discomfort, it’s not that there

the higher result we seek. Why do

isn’t more we could do; no, what

we make this choice? Because we

limits us here is what we are afraid

understand, ahead of time, that

to go through in that moment.

this limit we have reached is only a temporary one; it is not the end of

What is it about this kind of fear

what is possible for us to do.

that makes it so powerful? The answer may be hard to believe:

Now, can we see that this same

fear’s power over us is nothing

reality must hold regardless of

more than the way it causes us

OM TIMES | February 2022

to forget the truth of ourselves,

Actualizing our spiritual right to

which is this: we are created to

live without the f rustration of

eternally transcending the limits

fearful limitations is not a question

of our present nature, to transform

of achieving something new;

who and what we have been in the

it begins with choosing to end

very moment it ceases to serve the

a relationship with that which

good of us.

has never been true. So, it isn’t a question of “What do I do?” but

But, because we have forgotten

“What must I bring an end to?”

this or—more accurately—because we are asleep to its power in us,

Whenever we consider striking

we are compelled to search for,

a long-overdue blow for our

find, and then believe in “powers”

f reedom—whether it’s to walk

outside of ourselves that always

away from an abusive relationship,

betray us in our hour of need.

start a new career, or maybe

OM TIMES | February 2022

OM TIMES | February 2022

spend more time by ourselves—

Guy Finley is an internationally

these fears only grant us their

renowned spiritual teacher and

consent to move ahead after

bestselling self-help author. He is

they’ve considered our proposed

the Founder and Director of Life of

action in the light of what may

Learning Foundation, a nonprofit

become of us should we take it.

center for spiritual self-study located in Merlin, Oregon. He is the best-selling

But the truth is, the more we

author of The Secret of Letting Go and

prepare to be fearless, the more

45 other books and audio programs

afraid we become! So here’s the

that have sold over 2 million copies

new action to find the fearless

in 30 languages. Guy holds regular

life: Meet every moment awake to

in-person classes at Life of Learning

what it wants to give to us: a life

Foundation, including two free talks

essentially limitless in its newness.

each week live-streamed www.

At the same time, detect and reject These classes

any fearful imagining about what

are open to all. For more information

might be lost should we step into

about Guy Finley and Life of Learning

the unknown moment before us.

Foundation, visit

OM TIMES | February 2022


In "If God Is Love, Don’t Be a Jerk," John Pavlovitz invites you to unbox God, reexamine your faith, and love your damn neighbor!

For many people, their former religious doctrines have begun to feel like an old pair of tight pants–you can hop, shimmy, and try to cram yourself in, but you can’t deny that they no longer fit. Healthy spirituality shouldn’t be kept in a space too small or narrow. It’s natural for it to grow and evolve along with us. That journey can be initially terrifying but ultimately liberating. In "If God Is Love, Don’t Be a Jerk", John Pavlovitz invites us to look at organized Christianity with fresh eyes and to ask whether or not many modern expressions of it are actually loving. Pushing readers to be agents of empathy, he asks us to imagine a world in which all people of faith, morality, and conscience aspire to a mantra of compassion and interdependence. John encourages the creation of wide open, fearless communities, where there are no “religious experts,” simply good neighbors. Belief systems should be reflected in how we treat one another. The most important question of any dogma shouldn’t be “Is it true?” but rather “Is it helpful?” Join the “Church of Not Being Horrible” and find a world where spiritual community provides a sense of belonging. Take a new look at the existence of hell, the utility of prayer, the treatment of LGBTQ+ communities, and the value of anger. Reshape your relationship with God and your neighbors and remind yourself that love has the last and loudest word. Because above all else, faith shouldn’t make you jerk.

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:

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