OMTimes Magazine April 2022 Edition

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Trusting The Gold Tara Brach’s teachings blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices, mindful attention to our inner life, and a full, compassionate engagement with our world. The result is a distinctive voice in Western Buddhism, one that offers a wise and caring approach to freeing ourselves and society from suffering. In 1998, Tara founded the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, DC (IMCW), which is now one of the largest and most dynamic non-residential meditation centers in the United States. She gives presentations, teaches classes, offers workshops, and leads silent meditation retreats at IMCW and at conferences and retreat centers in the United States and Europe.


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Victor Fuhrman: Tara, thank you for being here with us. For our readers meeting you for the first time, please share your path and how it led to your calling and practice. Tara Brach: I grew up, and my great love was nature, which was my spirituality, but I was also very keenly interested in social transformation. So, I was on track to becoming a lawyer, and I took a radical left turn. Instead of going to law school, I went to an ashram and spent ten years. But what brought that on was that I was in college, and we'd go to demonstrations, and there'd be a real fervor of calling the other the enemy and raising the fist. Then on Tuesday nights, yoga class, where there'd be that quietness and connection. I remember one spring night walking out after yoga class and stopping by a fruit tree and realizing that my body and my mind were in the same place at the same moment. And, and there's such peace and tenderness are universal belonging. I realized; this is what I needed. This is what I cherish. This is what the world needs. Without a shift in consciousness, there will not be the kind of authentic societal transformation I was working for. So, that's what brought me into the Ashram. And I practiced for ten years, a lot of yoga and meditation, and then shifted from Ashram living to Buddhist retreats. I found that the mindfulness teachings and the compassion teachings and Buddhism really resonated, and ever since these last many decades now, that was in my twenties. I'm now in my late sixties. I have been teaching Buddhist meditation. I've been instructing teachers to teach Buddhist meditation training mentors to mentor people in meditation. So, this has been my world.



Victor Fuhrman: How did you come to blend psychology with Eastern spiritual practices? Tara Brach: The draw to psychology deep down was the same draw to moving into the Ashram, which is understanding what causes suffering and what heals suffering. Western Psychology has domains that are incredibly useful in understanding how our path has been created. We're experiencing and having the therapist's role in holding space and making, creating a safe container for the unfolding, and bringing what's outside of consciousness into consciousness.

And similarly, in meditation, we're shining the light of awareness on what's here and inviting into awareness the parts of our being that we pushed away. So, we're unfolding into more and more of a wholeness of being. So, the two paths I found very complimentary. So, while I was in the Ashram, I started my doctorate and finished it afterward. So, I could weave being a Western psychologist with being a Buddhist meditation teacher. Victor Fuhrman: Your doctoral explored meditation as a therapeutic modality in treating addictions. How does the healing community receive this?


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Tara Brach: Well, my dissertation was approved. I got my doctorate. It was one of the very early studies on the impact of meditation on addictive behavior. And what I found was that meditation was as powerful as the leading psychological modality, which was cognitive behavioral therapy, which still holds, is a front runner. And that further to be a long-term change. And this feels important, Victor because it needed to be practiced in a relational context. In other words, we're relational beings, and we need the support of each other to make deep changes. It is the same thing with working with addiction. We, we need to hold hands when we're, when we're working through suffering,


Victor Fuhrman: Absolutely, you practice and teach Vipassana or insight meditation. Please tell us about this practice. Tara Brach: Vipassana is from the Buddhist tradition, one of the early Buddhist teachings. Mindfulness means to see, to feel full, to listen deeply. In other words, it has to do with having an intimate, direct real experience of reality. I think of it most simply as we are recognizing and relaxing back into the reality that's there and that in daily life, we often go through this, we're in a trance, we're in some way fighting what's here, we're trying to feel better. So, we either resist our experience, or we're grasping after things. And Vipassana and I include that the heart practices of compassion help see what's happening. It's like we become a witness to that. To include the experiences that are going on in a larger space of being. It's like realizing the waves here and becoming the ocean that includes all the waves. And there's an understanding that if you realize you're in the ocean, you're not going to be afraid of the waves, but the suffering that most of us experience is we get, identify with a cluster of waves. We think, okay, this is me, this tendency towards addiction, defensiveness, tendency to eat too much, being overweight, or not get close to other people. And we take a cluster of waves and say, okay, this is me. And I don't like this self. And I would say that the most profound suffering I have encountered is what I call the trance of unworthiness, which is a sense that we're, there's some fundamental flaw.



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And that's the suffering of the trance of unworthiness that if we're turned against ourselves, whether it's because we think we're a bad parent or we think we're a bad partner or bad friend, or we think that we're not contributing or whatever it, in those moments of judgment. Self-judgment, we're not open to our world. We can't see the beauty of the sunset or the gleam in a child's eyes, the moment's magic. So many people start realizing, "wow, I'm spending a lot of my moments at war with myself" just even recognizing that we're in the trance of unworthiness can energize us to say, wait a minute. Honestly, I would say it took probably a decade to discover the kind of practices, what I now call radical Acceptance and Radical Compassion, where we embrace ourselves fully with kindness. And in that way, we're able to open our hearts to others in a much deeper way.


Victor Fuhrman: As a child, growing up in my early teens, I had this wiring that only my worth was measured in what I could do for others. When I was 17, moody blues came out with an album called the question of balance, and there was a line in the song questioned by Justin Hayward, where he says: when you stop and think about it, you won't believe it's true, that all the love you've been giving has all been meant for you. When I heard that, I played that backto-back continuously, and it released me. Tara Brach: Wow, that's a beautiful story, Victor, because if you can take in the truth of our intrinsic worth, I call it trusting the gold. That's the name of my most recent book. So, if we can trust the gold in ourselves, our basic essence of nature is an awareness and love and creativity that is beautiful. Then we see the gold in each other, and I'll share a story that touched me with you. Years ago, I heard a true story about this huge Southeast Asia that wasn't very attractive.



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It was just massive plaster, kind of statue. It was very popular over the centuries, and then it survived different governments and wars, but in the fifties, when we were threefour years old, there was a drought, and it cracked open some. And when monks looked in to see what its infrastructure looked like, what gleam back was the shine of gold. So they started taking apart what turned out just to be the plaster clay coverings and found it was the largest solid gold statue of the Buddha in all Southeast Asia. So, they finally discovered what historians have confirmed, that during the time of war and conflict, the monks in that monastery had covered the statute to protect it from being destroyed or stolen. What's profound about this is that we cover over our essential nature, our gold to get through difficult times, a challenging society, and often difficulty in our families.

We cover over our innocence and our purity, and there are defenses, and there's aggression. So the spiritual path is rediscovering our essential nature, that basic goodness, that gold, and knowing that the coverings are there. They're natural. They're part of what happens developmentally, but they don't have to define us. Victor Fuhrman: So how may one begin the practice of insight meditation or Vipassana? Tara Brach: I always encourage people to start simply. Putting aside some time every day makes a difference because nature loves rhythms. Like we, if we have a habit of practicing coming into stillness and deepening our attention on purpose once a day, let's say, become kind of a gravitational field, and it draws us more and more into presence through the day. It bleeds into the day. So to find a time that's a protected time where you're not going to have children barging in or just a somewhat protected space. A P R I L


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Even if this is for 10 minutes, it's fine. 10, 15 minutes. Even if it's five minutes, whatever you can take comes into the stillness. Generally, people sit still, but you can lie still or standstill. Its posture isn't as important as that. You're, on purpose, going to be paying attention to what's going on inside you. And two questions are helpful just to get yourself there. And one is what is happening inside me right now. And can I be with this, or can I let this be? And as a way to kind of bring yourself and arrive in that stillness, you can often begin with the breath and let the primary focus beyond the breath and just ask, well, what's the breath feel like right now? So, you can be with that breath and just allow the inflow and the outflow to help relax you and gather your attention. As you learn Vipassana, you will gradually become familiar with allowing all the different experiences to arise, whether it's feelings of sorrow or fear. Like a passing river, you just notice what's passing through. And, of course, part of what's passing through our thoughts. So, you let the thoughts be like clouds that pass through you. You notice them when you become aware of them because we all will get lost in them, and then you just say: oh, okay. Thinking, thinking, and then relaxing, open again and see what's next. So, in that way, the practice is gathering your attention with the breath and then opening to whatever moves through you— moment by moment. And the bottom-line invitation is not to judge, just not to judge. Think of it as you're befriending your experience, becoming friends with your experience, and bringing interest just a curiosity. What's reality like in this moment.


Victor Fuhrman: What compassionate advice would you share with those who say they can't meditate? Tara Brach: Well, many of us think we can't meditate because our minds are busy and there's a lot of restlessness and a lot of distraction, but actually, what we find out if we compare notes is that the way the mind is? So, what I would say is good-humored about it. It's like, you're thinking of it. Like you're training a puppy, and initially, a puppy will do everything. They'll go over to a corner of the room and pee, and they'll do the whole thing, and you're not going to punish the puppy. You're not going to, you know, you're not going to get angry and in some way be mean, what you're going to do instead is just patient, be consistent and keep on with, with friendliness and humor, just invite the puppy back, say, oh, hey, come back, come back, stay sit. Victor Fuhrman: Let's talk about your first book, Radical Acceptance, embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha. What are some of the ways we may embody Radical Acceptance? And why is it radical? Tara Brach: If you think of what regular acceptances are, we're accepting. I accept this is the meal that I'm having, and they didn't have my first-choice order at the restaurant, or I'm accepting that you're speaking in that tone or something like that. But radical acceptance has to do with recognizing and opening to what's happening in the present moment, inside you. So, radical Acceptance means that I'm open to the feeling of not liking the tone.



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You're speaking in the aversion. It might include feeling the disappointment in my body. So, it's an honest, awake connection with what's going on inside us. And what it allows us to do is come back into reality. What I found is when we don't have that kind of radical Acceptance, we're reacting to our life not responding, and I'll give you an example: I spent a stage of my life where I was pretty sick, and I ended up in a cardiac unit because they weren't sure what was wrong with me. Of course, I'm much better now. They never actually found out what was going on, but at one point, I was so weak, and my blood pressure and pulses were so low. I just couldn't work. I couldn't do anything. It was scary. I didn't know if I'd ever get better. I remember being in that hospital bed and remembering the words of one teacher, which were meet your edge and soften. And that's kind of a felt sense description of radical Acceptance that we often are. We have our fist tight, and we're tensing against experience. Radical Acceptance is opening to the experience within us, the edges, the hard stuff, and softening, making room for what's there. And that became my practice where I would encounter what was there.




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And for me, there was the first level of what was, there was a lot of confusion and trying to control things and figure things out, and I'd feel under that and sense the fear and, okay, meet at an edge softened. And as I softened and opened with radical Acceptance to the fear that was there, what came up was a real sense of grief, of losing my life. And as I opened to that grief and wept and sobbed, I just found deep, deep inside a kind of tender spaciousness that loves life. So I was reconnecting with, with essence, the space that has room for what's going on with the ocean that can hold the waves, and the pathway was this radical Acceptance and this deep compassion. So I share that because now I've, over the years, developed some pathways and strategies that serve a lot of people, and I'll share one of the main ones is with the acronym RAIN, which we can come back to. But the essence is just what I'm describing, where we see what's going on in the moment, the fear or the grief inside us, the hate, the anger, whatever it is, and open to it, let it be there. Victor Fuhrman: I want to talk about Finding true refuge, which came after radical Acceptance. Finding true refuge, peace, and freedom in your own awakened heart and true refuge meditation were difficult times. Was that your first audio? It sounds true.

Tara Brach: My first audio was radical Acceptance because that was the first book I wrote. Victor Fuhrman: So, with finding true refuge, are there simple ways of finding refuge in our current world situation? Tara Brach: Oh, that's a, a wonderful question. I think it's one of the most important questions that we can ask. When I wrote the book, it came out of sickness. I was sharing with you that I spent six years. I was unsure whether I'd recover, and what forced me to find a deeper way of living that wasn't hitched to how well I felt. And this is the key point, and this is the key teaching in Buddhism is if your life, if your wellbeing is a hitch to feeling a certain way if it's a hitch to having other people treat you a certain way, if it's a hitch to certain finances, if it's a hitch to the world being the way you think it should be, you're going to be in trouble because we can't control any of that. The only place where there's some sense of being able to choose is that we can control our focus on how we respond to the moment. That's the place where we can find our superpowers. And for me, I remember one point when I was kind of really deep into feeling ill, and I had to give up all the things I loved, and I brought these practices of radical Acceptance and compassion to that experience.

So many people are trying to find refuge amidst all the uncertainty. And we do have a refuge that we can find if we're willing to train presence. That refuge brings us to a place of collective loving, a sense of a field of loving and awareness that is timeless and bigger than and big enough for what our world is going through, but it takes practice. It sounds abstract to us, just like words, unless, at any given moment, we sense what's going on. So I think we need to do it together. We need to come into presence together and find that shared loving awareness. That's big enough. Victor Fuhrman: Your next book was Radical Compassion, learning to love yourself and your world with the practice of RAIN. What is RAIN? Tara Brach: Oh, RAIN is an acronym that stands for recognizing, allowing, investigating, and nurturing. And it's a way of applying mindfulness and compassion to whatever challenge we have. And I've had people in the last number of years; I've had people tell me that RAIN saved their lives, especially through the pandemic. We talk about what can help us find refuge well through this pandemic for many people. RAIN was the practice that saved their life. One of the experiences had motivated me to write a book on RAIN, and radical compassion is a guidebook to using RAIN. You just let it be so. Just let it all be here. The "I" of RAIN is to investigate, and the investigations are not cognitive. It's not like I think I'm anxious because my father always insisted I perform in a certain way when I was young. It, it's not that the "I" of RAIN is more somatic. O M T I M E S



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We might ask ourselves, what am I believing in these moments when I'm struggling? For instance, for me, what was I believing? I was falling short and insufficient and inadequate in taking care of my mom. I was going to fall short with my students. So where do I feel that anxiety and guilt, and it was a kind of squeezing twist, feeling a pressure in my chest, and I could feel my heart pounding, real tightness? And so, the investigation can go very deep. You can just ask yourself, what is it that I most need right now? I needed to trust that I was good that I was going to come through as well as was needed. I love my mom and that I would come through for my students. So, I put my hand on my heart, and I often teach this because it's a very powerful way of deepening our sense of intimacy and kindness, and friendliness with our being. And so, I gently put my hand on my heart, and I began the "N" of RAIN, which is nurture. Where I just reminded myself. You need to trust, trust yourself, trust your goodness. Victor Fuhrman: Tara, you now have a brand-new book, Trusting the Gold, uncovering your natural. You offer in your book three pathways to acknowledge and embrace our full aliveness. The first is opening to the truth of the present moment. How may we do this and distinguish between the subjective mind and the truth? O M T I M E S

Tara Brach: Well, the open to the truth at the present moment, it's training because I sometimes think of it like we're on bicycles and we spend most of our time, especially when we're stressed, pedaling away from the present moment. So the way back is to stop pedaling, do things, and instead deepen our attention. We first begin to pay attention to our senses. You might ask yourself right now, what are you seeing? What are the colors, forms, and shapes? And then you sense, well, what am I hearing? And you hear the sounds and let the sounds wash through you. What am I feeling? You know, and just to feel the sensations of the breath and feel the sensations in the body. So we start sensing a kind of embodied presence through the senses, and it can go deeper than that. You can start feeling this breathing body and have some stillness and then really inquire. You might sense a kind of a witness, perhaps the witnesses behind you and above you. That's kind of watching and observing everything going on right now. Victor Fuhrman: You call the second pathway turning toward love in any situation. How may we embrace the power of love both internally and externally, even when some situations seem less often, much less than lovable?



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Tara Brach: Well, each of the pathways is woven with others. We can't turn towards love unless we're here. We need a sense of hereness and being in the present moment. But once we feel ourselves here, we can intentionally offer kindness to our being. I've shared how we can put our hands on our hearts. It's sometimes called the loving-kindness practice, where we send messages of care to our being or visualize light, warmth, tenderness washing through us. So that's one way of turning towards love is actively love drawing on it, and you can draw on love from a sense of something larger. You can bring to mind someone, you know, who cares about you, and it could be your dog, or it could be a grandmother or a friend, or it could be someone you don't know, who's a spiritual figure or a healer. And imagine the love could come through that being into you, and through you, you can call on formless love. But the idea is that love is always loving you. There is a loving awareness in this universe that gives rise to us and that we fall back into. And if we're intentional at turning towards that love or calling on that love, it brings it alive. I have practiced many, many kinds of ways of doing this. I once remember hitting the bottom and feeling a deep sense of being unlovable. At that point, I turned towards love with my very core, primal calling out, saying, please love me and repeating it repeatedly. Please love me. Please love me. And it was from the tenderness and the longing. There was a kind of poorness in me, the loud, the love. That's always here to then wash through me. I imagine the beloved kissing me on the brow. And even now, as I say that, I can imagine a larger presence blessing is kissing my brow. It wakes up the loving that's already here. And some people say, well, isn't that dualistic calling on some outside being to bless you with love. And my understanding is that when we're feeling separate and we're feeling caught inside. John O Donahue, the poet, said prayers are the bridge between longing and belonging, and prayerfulness reconnects us. So just by calling out with a prayer for love, or imagine the beloved kissing your brow, that can help dissolve the armoring around the heart. So that we realize that that love is who we have always been. We were just forgetting. Victor Fuhrman: In 1998, you founded the insight meditation community of Washington DC. Please tell us about this organization. Tara Brach: Yeah. So, this is called I M C W. It has grown over the years, with hundreds and hundreds of classes available online.

And I guess beginning to be live again and special groups for whether people are single people of color, L LGBTQ IA, there's, it's all different affinity groups and special theme groups. And really, the mission of I M C W is to make available the Buddhist teachings to all who seek them. Victor Fuhrman: My guest is Tara Brach, her latest book, trusting the gold, uncovering your natural goodness. Tara, please tell us where listeners can find your books, podcasts, and everything about your work. The website Tara has it all. And you'll find it on the website. I give a, a talk every most week. So, the podcast is a good way to it, you know, everything's by no nation and free, and it's a good way to keep up with us.

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Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Why Should You Take Golden Milk! Benefits and Recipes


By OMTimes Team

olden Milk — also known

Traditionally, this bright yellow drink

as saffron milk or golden

is made by heating vegetable or cow's

milk — is an ancient drink

milk with saffron and other spices

of Indian origin, widely

such as cinnamon and ginger. It is

used by Ayurveda, but which has been

praised for its many health benefits.

gaining popularity in Western cultures.

It is often used as an alternative

OM TIMES | April 2022

medicine to boost immunity and

milk at home — coconut, yam, oats,

ward off disease.

peanuts, among others.



In its most basic context, Golden Milk is a hot or cold drink based

Although Golden Milk itself has not

on combining ingredients such as

been the subject of scientific studies,

turmeric powder or fresh saffron root

turmeric root has been found to

with the milk of your choice - cow

have potent anti-inflammatory and

milk, almond, coconut, oats, soy, etc.

antioxidant properties — in addition to many other health benefits proposed

The ingredients that improve the

by the drink.

flavor and increase its benefits are added to the recipe, such as black

In fact, turmeric and its main bioactive

pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and

compound, curcumin, have been

honey. Black pepper, for example, is

extensively studied for their ability to

said to increase the body's ability to

help fight a range of health conditions,

absorb curcumin, the main bioactive

from Alzheimer's disease to arthritis

compound in turmeric.

and depression, all related to chronic inflammation.

While it's new to many of us, Golden Milk's origins can be traced back

And since fat also increases curcumin

to ancient India, where it was (and

absorption, using other spices in milk

still is) used in Ayurvedic medicine

can help you enjoy the benefits even

to help with insomnia, coughs, and

more. Find out what you can expect


with the consumption of Golden Milk.

There are several variations of this


drink. However, its base is always vegetable milk. Even if you only find

Turmeric is rich in curcumin, effective

options that are not very accessible

in controlling inflammation. It is

on the market, know that there

especially beneficial for people

are amazing recipes to make your

suffering from arthritis as it can help

OM TIMES | April 2022

OM TIMES | April 2022

in relieving joint pain. Its consumption


also reduces pain and fatigue.



Turmeric is loaded with properties


that can contribute to better immunity. As a result, the

Turmeric is packed with antioxidants,

consumption of Golden Milk can

again due to the presence of curcumin.

help prevent infections, colds, flu,

Antioxidants are responsible for

and many other health problems. In

protecting your body from any possible

addition, several studies have also

damage caused by free radicals.

mentioned that turmeric milk can increase brain function and improve



Turmeric's antioxidant and anti-

It is also worth mentioning that

inflammatory properties can help

curcumin contains compounds that

reduce the risk of heart disease. Adding

block the formation of beta-amyloid —

Golden Milk to your diet is a great way

responsible for the plaques that

to preserve your heart health.

compromise brain function and lead to Alzheimer's disease.



Turmeric milk is also good for diabetics.

Try it out and see how it settles into

Cinnamon, included in the preparation,

your mind and body at the end of the

can help lower blood sugar levels. If

day, inviting your whole being to relax

you are a diabetic, you may want to

and let go of your worries as you fall

see your doctor and ask them if you


can maintain your sugar levels with turmeric, along with a healthy diet and

But why exactly is Golden Milk

regular exercise. Then, after proper

so relaxing? On the one hand, its

guidance from your doctor, prepare

preparation and consumption

the Golden Milk and consume it in the

can become part of a peaceful

prescribed amount.

bedtime ritual. OM TIMES | April 2022

Milk also contains carbohydrates,

mood and reduce symptoms of

and consuming carbohydrates


before going to bed can help you

In a 6-week study, 60 individuals with

fall asleep more easily. Furthermore,

severe depressive disorders took

hot beverages of any variety have

curcumin, an antidepressant, or a

a calming quality and have been

combination of both.

associated with anxiety reduction. Those given curcumin alone IMPROVES THE MOOD

experienced similar improvements to antidepressants, while the

Turmeric — more specifically its active

combination group noted even more

compound curcumin — can improve


OM TIMES | April 2022


Treacle/brown sugar/agave


(optional). In a "heatable" pot or container, add

Now that you've learned a lot

the milk, saffron, ginger, and black

about this drink, it's time to know

pepper. Turn off before bringing to a

when and how to drink it. Golden

boil. Then strain the milk into a glass,

Milk is commonly consumed hot

sweeten (if desired) and add the

before bed. Still, it can also be taken

cinnamon, covering the surfaces.

during the day as a substitute (or

Some recipes suggest that Golden

supplement) for tea or coffee.

Milk should be sweetened with honey; however, use it only if you

After lunch, golden milk helps

will drink the cold drink. According

digestion and reduces the urge to

to Ayurveda, honey, when heated,

snack on sweets. This great drink

becomes a poison for the organism.

can also be taken when you need to relax or to look for an extra dose

You could also try another simple

of immunity in the morning to face

recipe, adding half a teaspoon of

the day.

turmeric to milk and boiling the mixture. Afterward, if you want, you


can sweeten it according to your taste.

Golden Milk is very easy to prepare

Drink Golden Milk only once a day,

at home. Just be careful to buy

preferably before bed. It can also

fresh ingredients and good origin.

be prepared in advance and stored

For a single serving or about a cup,

in the refrigerator for up to five

follow this recipe:

days. Then, simply reheat before drinking (prefer to heat on stove, not

250ml of vegetable milk (prefer,


instead of milk of animal origin). One teaspoon of turmeric.

Preparation tips: if you want to spice

½ teaspoon of grated ginger (or a

up your milk with a few extra spices,

small piece of fresh ginger).

you can add fennel, chamomile,

1 teaspoon of black pepper.

cardamom, or any other herb that

½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

pleases your palate.

OM TIMES | April 2022

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Inviting in the Jaguar By Carl Greer

OM TIMES | April 2022


he jaguar, a predator,

that of the shaman who had infused

contributes to the balance of

the stone with his and the jaguar’s

the jungle by killing, which

energy in a ceremony that probably

prevents overpopulation

took place in Machu Picchu centuries

of other animals—a characteristic

before. At this point, I only knew the

that would energetically affect me

“jaguar stone” as he called it held

tonight. In essence, Alberto and I

some energies and had been a present

were asking the jaguar to help us to

to Alberto from a shaman—and that

energetically kill off whatever we did

the carving on it looked a bit like a

not need—including any fear that


might be holding us back in some way— so that we could be ready for

Suddenly, a gale-force gust of wind

something new. Just what needed to

came through, and we braced

die was a mystery to us as we ingested

ourselves against it. It abated as swiftly

the San Pedro with reverence for the

as it had begun. Had it arrived to

power of this sacred plant. Together,

cleanse us, sweeping away energies

we asked the jaguar and our fire to

we no longer needed?

work with us, to give us strength and protect us. Remaining present in the

Next, I noticed that the area

moment of our experience, we sat

surrounding us was filling with light

together in silence before the fire we

from the ground up. Above us shone a

had built in a space outdoors with the

dazzling array of stars and a full moon

night sky above us. I felt my everyday

whose light pooled on the ground.

consciousness begin to give way to a

I was still holding the carved jaguar

more open state of awareness.

stone Alberto had given me when suddenly my attention was drawn to

Alberto had given me a very old

the sensation of the rock in my hand

carved stone to work with, one he

becoming warm and pulsing like a

called a “jaguar stone.” I held it in my

beating heart. I looked down at it. To

hand as I sat looking into the flames

my shock, I saw the carved eyes were

before us. Later that evening, Alberto

opening and closing.

would tell me that the jaguar stone contained three energies: that of the

“It’s alive! It’s alive!” I shouted to

stone itself, that of the jaguar, and


OM TIMES | April 2022

“Feed it, feed it! Before it feeds on you!”

some of the water into my mouth and

he exclaimed.

sprayed it out in a mist toward the jaguar before it could devour me.

Quickly, he pressed into my other hand my bottle filled with Florida

Instinctively, I knew the beast

water, used for blessings, ceremonies,

hungered for me just as I had

and cleansings. “Feed it! Hurry!” he

hungered for its essence—the

cried. Knowing what he meant, I took

alchemical potential I had yearned for

OM TIMES | April 2022

as far back as I could remember. My

front of me and leapt at my energetic

soul had craved nourishment, yet

adversaries, dispersing them. Then it

I had denied it again and again. My

glided into a black pool of water and

heart pounded in fear, but then the

swam away. I realized that the jaguar

jaguar’s threat lifted like a fog and

that had wanted to feed on me was a

floated away into the night air. I felt

powerful spirit animal serving as my

the wet stone in my palm, sinister

protector, at least for now. I wondered

no more yet still alive, warm, and

how my new relationship with it would

breathing. I realized the danger had

evolve. If the jaguar was my ally, how


might he help me?

Feed it. So simple.

I looked over at Alberto and asked, “What does it mean when people

It’s said that the unseen world can

say they have become one with the

exact a price on those who neglect

jaguar? Does their consciousness go

their spiritual nature. Were the health

into the jaguar or does the jaguar’s

challenges I had developed the

consciousness go into them?”

result of this stingy starvation diet I’d

In lieu of a response, Alberto began to

inflicted on my long-suffering soul?

shake his rattle. To my surprise, at that

This much I knew: A sated jaguar has

very moment, I knew the answer.

no reason to attack a human. “Alberto!” I said. “I am the fucking jaguar!”

Feed it. Feed it well. Thy will. My will. No more denial.

Somehow, I was inhabiting the Despite feeling I had gained a crucial

jaguar’s physical and energetic body

insight and escaped the danger that

as it inhabited mine. His helpful

had been posed by the powerful

energy was there for me, inside my

jaguar energy I was working with,

own energy field.

I remained somewhat on edge as the We were united.

shamanic journey continued. At one point, I became aware of energies attacking my energy field.

Then, I found myself in an

Fortunately, the jaguar appeared in

underground cavern where I was

OM TIMES | April 2022

initiated into an ancient order of

once again interrupted my shamanic

jaguar shamans who were helping me

journey to point something out to

to receive the power of jaguar energy.


I was changing . . .

A few words had snapped me back to ordinary reality—but it was okay

No longer in the cavern, now I was

because very soon, my journey

flying over the earth and looking

continued. I quickly let go of my

down on a city thousands of years

attachment to what I might have

old. I sensed it was Mycenaean and

experienced and opened myself

noticed that its structures formed

up to what was happening in the

a pattern of squares and circles—a

present. Later, as I thought about it,

circle around a square that enclosed

I came to realize the lesson of these

another circle, and so on. As I

interruptions and of my ability to

observed the city from above, I saw

shift back into everyday awareness

that one structure had a deep hole in

when I was using San Pedro: that

it. Like an eagle, I could see far into the

the line separating the reality of a

hole, into a place I somehow knew to

shamanic journey and the reality

be the holy of holies—the most sacred

in the world of our senses is very

place, where one can experience Spirit

thin. One can bleed into the other.

directly and receive life-changing

What’s more, we have to accept that

revelations. I flew down and was just

we aren’t always in charge of which

about to enter it when Alberto lit a

reality we are in. Journeys can end

candle, yanking me back into ordinary

and begin abruptly. Maybe Alberto


was supposed to interrupt me before my entering the holy of holies and

I was disappointed to have missed

before I walked through the doorway

out on such a wondrous opportunity,

to enter the room where lay the Holy

but then my consciousness shifted

Grail. Maybe there was a reason I was

again. I was now at a place outside of

yanked back to my place before the

a chamber, guarded by the Knights

fire, listening to Alberto speak before

Templar, that I knew contained the

he, too, returned to his journey state.

secret of the Holy Grail. As I began

Or maybe he was just interfering

opening the door to go inside, Alberto

with my experience! Instead of being

OM TIMES | April 2022

limited to one interpretation, I was

and creativity. I wasn’t writing my own

aware of all the possibilities.

story and claiming my own way of operating in the world.

I intended to be accepting of whatever happened on my journey,

Our journey continued, and Alberto

but from an ego perspective, I wanted

suggested we do a nature painting

to know and understand everything.

together. In other words, we should

The truth is we can’t know for

let ourselves be drawn to natural

sure what is random chance and

objects around us and place them in

what is destiny. Working with and

the designated spot for the “painting,”

trusting Spirit helps us to accept

choosing the objects and their

the uncertainty of our situations

placement using our intuition. Nature

and the limits of our knowing and

paintings can give us insights into

understanding. Since that San Pedro

ourselves that are hidden from the

experience, I have come to believe

conscious mind. Alberto asked me to

that we will encounter the holy of

draw four quadrants in the dirt, which

holies only when we are ready, not

I did. He commented on my precision.

before, and I’m okay with that.

I said, “After all, I am an engineer!” and we both laughed.

Now I entered the transpersonal realm of the journey again. Several

Alberto drew a dove in one of the

harlequin-type figures wearing

quadrants, and I drew a dragon in

masks and costumes with geometric,

another. I watched mesmerized as

diamond shapes appeared in front of

my dragon come to life and began to

me. Something about them troubled

gobble up Alberto’s dove. When we

me. They didn’t seem at all friendly.

realized we both were seeing the same

I recognized they represented a

thing, we laughed.

robotic, ineffective way of moving through life—a way of being dead

Then, I noticed some odd stripes on

while still physically alive. After the

Alberto’s face. I asked, “What are those

journey ended, I would ponder this

markings?” He said he had received

image and recognize its message for

them energetically years ago during

me: I needed to stop living as if on

an initiation that had installed jaguar

autopilot, without a sense of purpose

energy into his light body. I realized

OM TIMES | April 2022

that the initiatory energies he had

I reached toward it and saw light going

received had left their impressions on

from the star to me and back and

his energy field and that was what

realized we were exchanging energies.

I was observing—jaguar markings.

Of all the energies I had encountered since beginning this journey, the

The journey continued, and as I looked

star’s was the most gentle and benign

up at the night sky, I felt my attention

yet the most powerful. I felt very

drawn upward to a particular star.

comfortable communing with this

OM TIMES | April 2022

kindly celestial entity and began to

Immediately after my energetic

describe its beauty and qualities to

healing and repair, I felt my whole field


start to come alive again. However, I had an inner knowing that the

“I know,” he said. “I can see it, too. It’s

healing I’d experienced was not a

reaching down to you from the sky.”

quick, permanent fix. There would be more repair work to do in the future

I asked Alberto if he would like me

using plants. In fact, I would again

to give him some of the energy I

use sacred plants for journeying.

was exchanging with the star. He

I would even go on to develop a new

said yes, and I held up my hand

relationship with ordinary plants,

again to gather some of the energy

modifying my diet to make it more

to send it his way. When I pointed

plant based.

my hand toward him to transfer the starlight, the energy was so strong

Soon after that plant-healing part

that Alberto stumbled backward a

of my journey, I returned to an

few steps, nearly knocked over by the

ordinary state of consciousness again.

power. Once again, we were having

I looked over and saw that Alberto

the same experience of the energy

had fallen asleep on the ground.

around us—seeing and sensing in

Not yet sleepy, I sat before the fire

sync with each other.

and opened myself up to learning any lessons it had for me, sensing it

I suddenly became highly aware of

might have some message I could

the electromagnetic field surrounding

benefit from. The flames in front of

my body. My field seemed to pulse

my eyes appeared to be like liquid. It

and then fizzle as if it were being

occurred to me that I was watching all

short-circuited. I felt anxious and

the elements transform themselves.

concerned. Somehow, I knew that

The wood contained water, oxygen,

I needed to repair my field by weaving

and elements of the earth that were

plant energy into my “fizzled” grid.

becoming fire and smoke—smoke

I felt myself begin doing this, not

that became one with the air drawn

questioning how this plant energy

up into the sky, leaving behind ash,

I needed showed up just as I realized

something people around the globe

I wanted to work with it.

have used as fertilizer. The smoke OM TIMES | April 2022

would come down to earth again,

wind we had experienced the

embedded in rainwater that would

night before. I walked around, sure

help plants to break through the

that I must be mistaken, but I was

earth and reach skyward. Fire, I

not. It was bewildering not just to

realized, renews itself over and over

me but to Alberto, who by now had

again, transforming continually.

awoken, too. The wind that swept

What seems dead is not really gone

through with such intensity had

but merely nourishment for new life.

seemed so real to both of us.

Pachamama wastes nothing—even when fire seems to consume it.

My bare feet sunk into the grass moist with dew as I went to check

I fell asleep at some point, and

on my mesa. My glass bottle

when I awoke, I noticed the fire

of Florida water was not even

had been reduced to mere embers.

knocked over, much less shattered.

As I gazed into it, I began thinking

My mesa stones had not been

about my call to do shamanic work

blown away but had somehow

and how important it was to me.

gently rearranged themselves into

I silently resolved to dedicate my

a different formation than the one

life to my shamanic path. The very

I had left them in earlier. I was sure

moment I had that thought, the

I hadn’t touched my mesa after

embers burst into bright flames

laying it out—and later, Alberto

that leaped upward, as if the fire

said he hadn’t done so either. The

were reading my thoughts and

new arrangement of my stones

responding, “Yes!” Pachamama

seemed to be giving me several

was speaking to me through the

messages: that the lessons of

fire, encouraging me to walk the

my childhood and family would

shamanic path.

continue to influence me but not nearly as much as they had. That

Soon afterward, I drifted off to sleep

I had new interconnections with

again, and as the dawn began to

the cosmos. That my relationships

break, I woke up and looked around.

and sense of spirituality were

To my surprise, I saw that nothing,

changing. That I needed to get

not a single object I could see, had

rid of my attachments if I wanted

been blown away by that powerful

to find serenity and strengthen

OM TIMES | April 2022

my commitment to my shamanic

that we were sharing experiences—


of the jaguar in the stone and its pulsing and blinking, of the powerful

The interconnectedness among

wind that swept through yet left no

Source, me, and my mesa felt very real

damage, of the dragon consuming

as I stood before it, alone and amazed

the dove in front of our eyes, of the

at having experienced such a powerful

star’s energy I shared with Alberto

and magically inspiring night.

only to see him knocked backward by its power. What was real and what

The morning sun continued to rise

was imagined?

above the horizon, enhancing my feeling of resurrection. I remembered

Like any journeying experience, the

having experienced initiatory

story of that night on the mountain

energies as I was working with the

with Alberto could simply be a tale to

jaguar during the journey. I knew

tell others, nothing more. But for me,

something in me had been altered—

it was a deeply moving reminder that

and maybe something had died,

our individual consciousness is always

giving way to this sense of rebirth and

connected with the minds of others

renewal. The jaguar energy had not

even if we don’t realize it. We are part

fed on me after all. It had entered me

of a great mind or consciousness

and was now with me and perhaps

shared by all. After tonight, this

would help me to achieve balance by

would no longer be simply a belief

letting go of energies that weighed

of mine I had first learned about

me down and caused me to get

when studying to become a Jungian

caught up in a lifeless, harlequin-like

analyst. Now, I had experienced it to

way of living.

be true and felt my oneness with all of creation.

As I thought about all the shamanic work I had done so far, I felt that I was

Excerpt from The Necktie and The

being drawn closer to Source in its

Jaguar: A Memoir to Help You Change

many forms, including spirit animals.

Your Story and Find Fulfillment © 2021

Tonight, was the first time I had

Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD, published by

journeyed alongside another person

Chiron Publications, Asheville, NC. All

and been aware during the journey

rights reserved.

OM TIMES | April 2022

Is Your Soul Receiving Quantum Updates?


By Humanity Healing

ightworkers, volunteers,

Signs you are receiving Energy

and earth warriors need


to embrace, activate, and If you experience any of these signals,

integrate continuous

quantum updates. They need to move

your soul will be receiving the

forward, be themselves, embody their

necessary quantum enhancements

truth, and unite as one.

and the "etherical wiring" so that you OM TIMES | April 2022

can become the Lightworker you


should be.


One of the first signs you will

1. You connect to intense highs of

receive is an intense connection

lighter frequencies. You get floating

to light frequencies. Floating

and flying sensations as well as

sensations between joy and

happy runs of love.

happiness. You will feel that your

2. You have healing energy upgrades.

energies are rejuvenating moment

You see this in lucid dreams and

by moment, and it is palpable in

astral projection. 3. You see through politics. You

your daily life.

have a deep insight into the link Your perception of how the world

between corporate politics, the

works will change little by little,

pharmaceutical industry, and the

becoming more and more intense.

drug and arms industry. As a result, you become overly sensitive to the

Politics, corporations, drugs, and more will become topics in your

energy around you. 4. You breathe deeper and slower at

life, and you will eventually become

the solar, sacral, and root chakras.

sensitive to the energies around

You flex your muscles as chi energy


is drawn into your being. 5. You appreciate synchronicity,

One of the main physical changes

numerical codes, and the language

you will notice is that your

of nature. These have become an

breathing will be deeper, slower,

integral part of your understanding

and mainly in the root, sacral, and

of how the world operates around

solar chakras. In addition, you will


flex your musculature as the energy

6. You experience frequent déjà vu,

is drawn directly to you. But this is

dimensional drift, time fluctuations,

just the beginning, as you will begin

and flashbacks. 7. You feel a renewed need or desire

to understand more of natural language, which will become an

to get on with your mission. This

integral part of how you know the

mission includes changing, healing,

world around you.

and protecting the world. OM TIMES | April 2022

8. You feel the chakra activations. This causes heart palpitations, low blood pressure, nausea, pain, and even flu-

shoulders; have a straight back and hips aligned. 13. You trust more in the universal flow of the frequency of love. You have

like symptoms. 9. You may draw some people towards

an increase in empathic feelings.

you, like a moth to the light.

You also feel the need for emotional

10. You feel uninterested in other

self-care to regularly transmute and

people. They get away from your

clear negative energy. 14. You are tuned in to knowing the

energy. 11. You can't adapt to a stealth mode

right things. You consciously

and be more careful in choosing

reprogram yourself from matrix

your companions.

algorithms. Greater awareness

12. You move your body to activate

of how, when why programming

and encourage energy flow. You are

works and using tools to disconnect

attracted to activities like reiki and

and simplify your life.

yoga. You need to be flexible, more

15. You practice manifestation

flexible, more fluid in motion; have

consciously. You employ mantras,

open hips and pelvises, chest, and

focused intentions, and meditations

OM TIMES | April 2022

to reset, rebalance, and realign your

You have to go through the template

inner vibration throughout the day

updates to achieve lightness of being

and night.

and expand your levels of awareness.

16. You experience intense periods of releasing karmic toxins. Physical


symptoms include tremors,


chills, hot flashes or nausea, pain. To overcome this, you need to

You are a cosmic surfer surfing the

surrender, accept, release and just

waves of quantum evolution.

be. "Empaths did not come into this

17. You have mixed feelings of depression, anxiety, despair,

world to be victims; we came to be

restlessness, sudden mood swings,

warriors. Be brave. Stay strong. We

and very low energy.

need all hands-on deck."

All the Quantum updates are a

— Anthon St. Maarten

necessary step to our spiritual and evolutionary progress. Creation is

As activation increases, the days drag

not done; everything is a process.

you down. You must never be outdone

OM TIMES | April 2022

OM TIMES | April 2022

by this phenomenon. Drink lots of

"If we are serious about dreaming

water, swim, or shower. Water cleans

or awakening into being and

your energy field.

creating a peaceful, loving earth in which the heart, spirit, and soul

You experience a deeper sense of

are the only true leaders, we must

connection with mind, body, and

continue to keep our focus on

soul. You go beyond perception. You

thoughts of unity, and all that truly

are part of everything that happens

brings us together."

in the world, floating or breathing.

— Diane Hall

Out-of-body experiences, deep

The matrix can be aggressive and

breathing, spontaneous stretching,

hostile, never passive. So many

and intense agitation are some of

factors threaten to drag you down:

the experiences felt during updates.

global politics, horror stories

It can feel like a wild experience

presented daily, dramas, and personal

when feeling the Chakra activations.

challenges. All of this destroys Zen.

Never fight it. Just flow with these

But you must not allow him to


manipulate you.

It is necessary to restart and realign

Recognize that you are a warrior of

its structural composition. Bring

the light. As a warrior, you have to

your energetic being online, freeing

stay ahead and be ready to fight.

the flow of energy through your

Fight for love, light, and peace. Fight

chakras from blockages. You will feel

with your energy and healing.

freer, more flexible, and driven by "Trust the Universe. It is Father and

the power from within.

Mother for all Lightworkers. Your As a healer, teacher, or earth

way is never darkness."

warrior, you are being pushed into

— Nara Inneres Gold

expanding the fifth dimension: the Zen state of peace and serenity. In

Light up the path of others that may

this state, everything looks beautiful,

depend on you. Get up when you fall.

compassionate, and only while

Then, rest and get up again in case

operating within the matrix.

you lose your will. OM TIMES | April 2022


"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." ― Mahatma Gandhi, All Men are Brothers: Autobiographical Reflections

"Some people appear in our lives to bring us joy, others who don't bring any feelings, and even those who only make us upset and disgusted. So, when we get to know someone who fits the latest description, we should ask ourselves why our souls programmed the meeting with this person. What was the energy web of feeling, emotions, and circumstances that engineered this encounter!

By Cathedral of the Soul

Photo by Canvas Pro





If we consider the concept of Karma, or


the law of balance, which is getting to


experience the effects based on your actions, It doesn't seem fair when

One thing is truthful. Forgiveness

someone you respect despises you.

transmutes and heals reincarnational and

However, it is not only related to what we

ancestral Karma.

live in this life. It also includes our past lives, family, and even collective Karma.

The first thing we need to understand is that this person's destructive behavior is

Consequently, sometimes we come across

not correct, and when we act decently

people who are not suitable for us, and

towards them, we are already relieving our

they may cause us pain that can even lead

Karma. But that doesn't mean that we

us to have wrong attitudes.

should put up with someone who hurts us for the rest of our lives.

However, there is a much healthier way to deal with this karmic relationship; than

The Reality of Karma can be multifaceted

fighting or repaying rudeness through

and permeate deeply several dimensions


of our very being.




Therefore, we may need to develop self-love and move away from that context. However, in addition to letting go, it is also necessary to forgive this behavior. If this is not done and released, the feelings of unhappiness, hatred, and bitterness will continue with you, and your karmic relationship with this person will not end. In failing to address these karmic imprints, you will still be indirectly feeding them with negativity inside your heart. "A life lived without forgiveness is a prison." ― William Arthur Ward

No one is here to say that forgiving is easy, but it is indispensable. We don't live the other's life, nor do we know the whole past to judge what others do.



2 0 2 2

We know our experience to not go through it anymore (that's ok!). Talk to the person and try to understand if there is a reason to act this way towards you. Listen and see if you didn't make a mistake, and if you did, apologize, and change your way.



If even talking doesn't Lastly and most solve it, or if the importantly, it is also dialogue is not necessary to forgive possible, try to look ourselves! inside and see all our We need to wounds from this story understand that not and help them heal. everything that "Letting ourselves be happens in our lives forgiven is one of the is our fault, and most difficult healings everything has its we will undertake. And positive side and one of the most fruitful." teaches us ― Stephen Levine something. In other words, make We must learn that sure that this situation people don't change doesn't hurt you when we want, and anymore or strike you in that's why it's no use the best possible way. If insisting on a it's someone you may relationship that only never have contact with hurts us in the hope again, don't. of making the other Sometimes, the change and not situation doesn't allow blaming ourselves for us to do that because not working out. it's someone from work You did your best, or family, so walk away and that's what and don't take what that matters. The intention person says to or about behind forgiving and you (probably the being forgiven is intentions are just to primordial for hurt you). healing.

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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

Binaural Beats and Lucid Dreaming THE STEP-BY-STEP METHOD


By Humanity Healing

n fact, the concept of lucid

manipulating unimaginable elements

dreams seems simple. After

present in the dream.

all, for them to happen, you just have to be aware

However, whether you are experienced

while dreaming. However, more

or not, the so-called binaural beats

experienced lucid dreamers can

can speed up some processes towards

go far beyond consciousness,

consciousness and guide you through OM TIMES | April 2022

the subconscious, altering the

means being awake, alert, and moving.

frequency at which your brain works.

As you calm down and enter a relaxed state, the Alpha waves take over.


Now, if you're asleep, you can be in Theta or immersed in a state of

Try to remember your most incredible

relaxation so deep that it's Delta.

dream. What was in it? Were you rich and famous? Were You in a

When you are asleep, your brain

relationship with an idol? Had he

cycle goes through Alpha, Theta, and

traveled to a heavenly place? Now,

Delta. But when you dream, your

imagine having the ability to wake up

brain waves are moving into a Theta

amid that dream and have complete

state—your mind is alert and actively

control over your actions and

creating. Still, you're not physically or

everyone who appears in it.

consciously aware of it.

Lucid dreaming is like writing,

If you wake up during this state, you

directing, and starring in your own

will remember the dream. However,

movie. If you've been having trouble

if you wake up during an Alpha state,

"waking up," binaural beats can help

you will feel in a good mood, but you

you speed up that process almost

probably won't remember anything.


To reach the lucid dream state, you will need to be between Alpha and

THE PATH OF BRAIN WAVES Your brain is constantly producing electrical impulses, which move in

Theta, meaning not so asleep but also not so awake.


the form of brain waves. The faster these waves move, the more alert and

Briefly explaining them, binaural

awake you are.

beats are rhythms, sounds, or music that you hear, and they help your

The most alert form of these waves is

brain move through the most diverse

called the Beta Wave. Being in Beta

sleep cycles. This is possible due

OM TIMES | April 2022

to its ability to slightly change the

allowing you to wake up energized and

frequency you hear in each ear.

stay energized throughout the day.

For example, if you hear 400hz in your

Binaural beats can be used to treat

left ear and 410hz in your right, your

insomnia, tiredness, anxiety, and, of

brain will compensate for those 10hz

course, to induce lucid dreams.

in your left ear — which will be the result of binaural beats. By changing the frequencies, you can


control the beats in your brain. These binaural beats can be used to help

If you follow the steps below, you

you achieve deep, restorative sleep,

will be preparing yourself to reach

OM TIMES | April 2022

a lucid dream state. Through binaural beats, awakening will not happen automatically. The


process takes some patience and

First of all, you need to familiarize


yourself with your own sleep pattern. Lucid dreams are based

Although there is a need for

on awareness, and the first step to

exercise and dedication, having

awareness is understanding how long

lucid dreams with the help of

it takes you to fall asleep and how

frequencies will be much easier

long you stay in each sleep cycle.

than trying it on your own. This monitoring can be done through See what needs to be done:

mobile apps if you want help. A good OM TIMES | April 2022

example is Sleep Cycle, available for

recording. The important thing is

Android and iOS.

that you make a habit of keeping this dream diary.


Once this habit is established, you will begin to vividly remember your

As soon as you wake up in the

dreams much more often. Don't be

morning, write down or record

discouraged if you can't remember

everything you remember about

right away. Just promise yourself

your dreams. You can use tape

that you'll register something

recorders, notebooks on your cell

every morning as soon as you open

phone, or any other means of

your eyes. OM TIMES | April 2022


To help you with this project, you will need to perform some reality tests

To become a true "master" in lucid

during the day to prove to yourself

dreaming, you need to have the

that you are awake. Once you've

ability to discern the reality of the

established this habit, you'll be using

dream world. Before your training,

these tests during your dreams as well

you dream and accept that as

to make sure you're really dreaming.

reality; when you wake up, you realize that You were dreaming.

Reality tests work as a way to prove

Lucid dreaming means that while

you're awake. You can perform a test

dreaming, you can say, "I am

by jumping up or trying to get your


hand through a solid object. OM TIMES | April 2022

OM TIMES | April 2022

If you jump and fall back to the

makes you even more comfortable.

ground, you are awake; if you jump

Leave your phone in silent mode and

and float, you know, you're dreaming.

put your headphones on.

The same is true if you try to put your hand through an object; if it works, it


is because, in a dream, this is possible. Now that everything is fine, just press 3. TRY TO HAVE LUCID DREAMS

play to access the specific audios


for this purpose. Here are some examples of YouTube channels that

One piece of information can be

offer targeted playlists that you can

curious at this point: lucid dreams


tend to happen more easily during daytime naps. At night, your brain is

– The Brainwave Hub

more tired and less willing to stay in

– Binaural Beats Sounds

an appropriate mental state.

– Brainwave Power Music

Until you get practice, try having lucid

Once you've chosen the video, put

dreams when you're feeling more

on your eye mask to block out the

energetic. These moments should be

light. Then, allow the binaural beats

more conducive to the technique's

to synchronize your brain with the


brain waves necessary for lucid dreaming. Then, just relax and let


your mind wander while listening to the sounds played.

All ready? So, let's finally introduce binaural beats in this context. Start by

Once you are in a lucid state, you

providing an eye mask, comfortable

can explore and manipulate your

headphones, a device to play videos,

surroundings. You will find yourself

and a comfortable place where you

in a bizarre but fascinating world

won't be disturbed.

that is your subconscious. Control will be in your hands at all times, as

Lie down comfortably. You can start

you will find yourself amid a sense of

by practicing a short meditation if it

peace and conscience.

OM TIMES | April 2022

Connecting with the Divine: Connect with Green World By Ministry Earth

OM TIMES | April 2022

"Away, away, from men and towns,

divine. They provide us with food

To the wildwood and the downs —

and help us to cure our ailments.

To the silent wilderness,

All plants can be vehicles of energy

Where the soul need not repress its

and contact with the spiritual world.


They are very sensitive to our needs

—Percy Bysshe Shelley

and our energy pattern, being able


to retain more than half of all vital powerful prayer can

energy. They offer us what we need

change the life of anyone

to be full, healthy, and happy.

who believes in it, whatever their religion or

Today this connection is becoming

belief. But the correct way to do it is

more complicated and scarcer as we

very important.

have less and less contact with plant

When we pray, we open a connection

life. The growth of urban centers is

with greater forces and the spirituality

leaving the green areas increasingly

around us. Therefore, a prayer made

absent. With this, we have less and

with strong and true intentions can

less contact with the good influence

create very strong connections, and

of the plant kingdom in our energy

even plants can be used in these

and our psyche.

connections. It's easy to see this when you step As I walk with Beauty

away from the concrete crowd and

As I walk, as I walk,

get a bit of contact with the green.

The universe is walking with me,

A place where he reigns gives him

In beauty it walks before me,

much more energy, making him feel

In beauty it walks behind me,

calmer and full of life.

In beauty it walks below me, In beauty it walks above me,

From the moment we realize this

Beauty is on every side.

and recognize the importance of being present. Then, in tune with

—Traditional Navajo Prayer

the green of plants, we can go even further and connect more deeply

Plants are endowed with great

with them to enjoy all this energy of

potential for connections with the


OM TIMES | April 2022


Making that connection isn't very difficult. In addition to daily affection

The energies of plants are very

with the plants present in our home, we

different and can be used for other

can use a powerful and simple prayer

purposes ranging from attracting

to strengthen this connection. This

good thoughts to fighting fatigue and

powerful prayer and the establishment


of this connection can be done on OM TIMES | April 2022

plants in outdoor gardens or on pots

you store this energy and then pass

or plants present in foods or teas.

it on to me. So, I am very grateful for offering you as a channel of healing for my body and soul."

"One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken."

Say the prayer powerfully in a way

—Leo Tolstoy

that you can express your gratitude for it and show your joy in being able


to use it. Don't think about regrets


or talk about sadness. This brings a negative vibe to the connection and

First, raise your vibration with

will hinder the process. Established

positive, pure thoughts. Plants can

connection, mentalized prayer, and a

feel this energetic vibration of their

feeling of gratitude flowing through

thoughts. This was proven in 1960 by

your entire being.

Cleve Backster when he connected electrodes to a plant and noticed the

So, make your wishes and visualize a

reception of strong stimuli coming

warm, bright green light coming out

from it. The plant reacted at every

of your heart; from your forehead,

thought that posed a threat, such

visualize an intense silver light that

as burning it with matches. Then,

pulsates in tune with the plant.

with that in mind, keep a feeling

Stay for 2 or 3 minutes with this

of gratitude for all the care they

visualization. Then, allow the plant

give us and let them see your good

access to its energies and all that it


has to offer.

With balance achieved, envision the

When you're done, don't forget to

following powerful prayer:

say thanks again and without being aggressive, keep thinking positive

Adopting a Green Spirituality

thoughts so that your frequency stays high. Do this while you finish

"I know that you (vegetable) carry

caring for your plant or while using

a pattern of energy and vibration

it for other purposes, absorbing all it

that I alone cannot absorb. I know

has to offer.

OM TIMES | April 2022


The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Syntony - The Secret to Lasting Relationships


By Ascending hearts

t is incredible how the theme

in relationships make one factor


evident: the lack of TUNING (syntony)

recurrent in Life coaching

between a couple in the objectives

sessions nowadays.

and constructing a life and walking together.

There are so many stories that started full of passion and went wrong

For What Reason does this lack of

along the way. Most of the failures

attunement happen?

OM TIMES | April 2022

It occurs mainly because of the need

treating the term defects in quotation

to feel cared for. But also, the need

marks because I consider that, in fact,

to feel passion, admiration for others,

they can be characteristic, interpreted

shared interests, among others.

as defects by some and as a lifestyle

Everything is valid to fire at us that

by others. That is where the "x" of the

spectacular impulse that makes our

question lies.

pupils dilate and our minds focus on Imagine the danger of wanting to

all points in common.

change something in a person that he What a fantastic thing is this ability

does not even recognize as a problem,

we have when in love, to see qualities

but that can be a characteristic

and similarities. And how they can

that the person carries with him in

suddenly disappear from our field

his family records (genetics), type

of vision over time and give rise to

of creation, references, or mental

questions such as: "my God, what was

schedules that serve as emotional

I thinking?". I even have to laugh while

defenses for her to face life. Look at

recalling my own experiences.

the trouble we get into when we want to change someone or force an adjustment to meet our expectations.

The good thing is that every experience gives us valuable learning. And over time, we learn to "read the

What we can actually do is seek to

signs," which were obviously evident

AWAKEN broader visions. We can do

from the beginning. Thus, we do not

this by building scenarios with our

see why we were so fixed on the ideal,

partner, suggesting a context without

which we created, about the person

the elements that we consider defects

we were interested in when we simply

in him/her. After that, we must analyze

reject these signals consciously or

the new perceptions and reactions of


the other regarding this "new world." From these reactions, we will know

And sometimes we do worse: we

that she likes or dislikes this scenario

enter a relationship aware of the

and how much she really sees herself

other's "defects" and create the

in it, not to please us, but for the

illusion that we will be able to change

mere pleasure of enjoying personal

that in the person. I make a point of

conquests around this context.

OM TIMES | April 2022

We must dream together! When I say

together, coupled with admiration

"dreaming," I mean planning built

for each other in certain aspects and

on a common purpose. This is what

the ideas in common."

underlies a relationship: the meaning behind each kilometer walked side

These may be some of the criteria

by side.

that feed the harmony that I defend so much.

Reflect on that. Observe couples who live in harmony. I know some. You

Believe us: we need it to dance to

certainly have at least one around.

the songs that life plays. Sometimes

Try asking these people what makes

in salsa rhythm, other times, tango,

them stay together and have a healthy

sometimes waltz, and various

relationship. You will probably hear the

symphonies, rhythms, and tones.

same answer I got: "The decision to be

Each couple is a pair of "dancers"

OM TIMES | April 2022

who need to dance to the same song

the step as many times as necessary

together, and for that, it is necessary

and synchronize the rhythm under

to be tuned to the same station.

the same attunement. This is a

Certainly, at some point, it will happen

daily workout. It will be essential to

that one of the two or both will lose

always be willing to adjust the pace,

their rhythm or balance and get in

but without wanting to dictate the

the way of the dance. Therefore, it is

others. There will be times when you

necessary to set the pace so as not to

will guide the dance, and you will be

stomp on the partner and even the

directed at others.

people around. May you have rhythm, a sense of Suppose you want to enter and

humor, and team spirit to enjoy the

enjoy the spectacular dance of life

best in life that starts with two and can

as a couple. You will need to align

multiply and form a great dance.

OM TIMES | April 2022


Your Body Is One Big Psychic Antenna


By John Holland

id you know that you're

I got my first real lesson in listening to

already equipped with one

my body when involved in a near-fatal

of the most fundamental

automobile accident. You probably

pieces of equipment to

remember me talking about this in my

provide you with an endless supply of

first book, Born Knowing. The shock to

psychic information and guidance?

my system from the accident resulted

It's your body! It would be best to look

in my energy centers or chakras

no further than your own physical

being forced open. As a result, I soon

body for answers.

realized that my abilities, which I'd so OM TIMES | April 2022

often pushed away, were back with a

our bodies and keeps us connected to

strength and intensity that I'd never

the Universal Force, which surrounds

experienced before.

us all. Chinese medicine calls it chi, while the Hindus know it as prana.

Most people don't realize that their body often acts as a conduit for

Your body has a way of sending you

information from our psychic senses

signals through these energy centers

through our energy centers. I like to

in its psychic language. So, whether it's

say that our body is one big psychic

a gut response, a physical sensation,

antenna, and the messages flow daily.

an emotion, or even a dream—your body is talking to you!

Ancient Eastern and Western spiritual philosophies teach us about the

During this next month, I'd like you to

universal life force that runs through

listen a little closer to these messages

everything, including our very selves.

that your body is sending you. Maybe

This spiritual energy breathes life into

you're feeling something in your gut

OM TIMES | April 2022

OM TIMES | April 2022

when you encounter someone in

exercise. If you have a healthy body,

your office, or perhaps you're having

this will significantly help you become

headaches when there's a family get-

more receptive.

together. Embrace these feelings and listen to them.

Remember to honor your equipment. The physical body is not just a vehicle

Often through meditation, you'll be

to get you around while you're here on

able to find the answer to what your

earth, but it's meant to assist you while

body is trying to say—so ask. You may

your spirit is living in it. Know how

not get anything at first, but it's worth

special you and your body are—get to

persevering, as it does get easier with

know each other.

practice. If you know someone who may like to JOHN'S MESSAGE

get this message, please share these

Taking care of your body and your

Soul Inspirations or recommend they

health should be a top priority,

join my newsletter list. Equally, I'd

especially when developing your

love to hear your personal stories, so

psychic abilities. Eat a balanced

do share them on my Facebook and

diet; drink plenty of water, rest, and

Instagram pages. Live a Soul-filled life!

OM TIMES | April 2022

Age Isn’t a Number, It’s an Attitude!


By John Holland

ometimes I look in the mirror

Are you in the mindset that maybe

and wonder where all the

you’re too old to pursue a relationship

time has gone. It flies by so

or try something new? Are you

quickly and before we know

letting your age get in the way of your

it, our energy is waning, and our gray

dreams? If you let your psychological

hairs are multiplying!

fear hold you ransom, it will OM TIMES | April 2022

undoubtedly hold you back from what

from manifesting in your life. These

you really want to do.

people and situations could bring an unlimited amount of spirit

It’s never too late…for anything!

energy, passion, and joy to your soul. Remember, the soul is ageless. It’s

A client once told me a story about


her aunt who at the age of 70 went back to college to get a degree in

It’s your physical body that ages—

English. I also have a friend in her mid-

not your soul. By tapping into your

50s who’s now enrolled in an online

soul and the power of your spirit

program to get her master’s degree.

that flows through it, you can always

Was it too late for them? Clearly, they

feel youthful. This power will bring

didn’t think so.

energy and vitality to your physical body when you need it most. It all

When you make excuses, you block

comes down to your beliefs and

all the positive people and situations

your attitude.

OM TIMES | April 2022

OM TIMES | April 2022

Do you know what happens when you really believe that you’re too old? You get older! You have a choice of whether to say “No, I can’t” or “Yes, I can!” My first assistant has a 94-year-old mother who volunteers once a week at a homeless shelter. I’ve seen people in their 30s act older than this 94-year-old. And let’s not forget folks like Grandma Moses who began painting at age 78 and now

Associate more with people who do

her famous artwork can be seen in

rather than those who don't.

museums around the world. Or the beloved inspirational teacher Louise

Let go of excuses that hinder your

Hay, who at almost 60 started her

potential to achieve.

own book publishing company. It’s all a matter of how you think and

Instead of saying: “If only I had

what you believe.

done___,” follow your heart and do it.


Believe in yourself!

Here are 7 ways you and your soul

Age isn’t a number, it’s an attitude.

can remain ageless:

Once you truly believe that you can do anything, follow your passion, and

Try something new each day. You’re

live as the soul you were meant to

never too old to try!

be—you’ll spend more time counting beautiful memories instead of passing

Break out of your routine at least


once a week. Take a new route to work or try a new grocery store.

If you know someone who may like to get this message, feel free to share this

Express your passion in everything

Soul Inspirations or recommend they

you do.

join my newsletter list. OM TIMES | April 2022

Herbs that Can Help you Reach Lucid Dreaming


By Humanity Healing

ou probably because you


want a deeper, longer, and


more intense experience

Despite the numerous techniques

with lucid dreaming. Even

available for lucid dreaming, for

if this is your first time on the subject,

many people, the use of herbs

the use of certain herbs can speed up

can provide different experiences

this conscious process and still provide

and sensations and make the

a better-quality night's sleep. Carefully

quality of sleep more relaxing and

follow the recommendations!

therapeutic. OM TIMES | April 2022

We have listed ten options for herbs

reports claim that using the herb

related to dreams so that you can

makes it much easier to remember

experiment and choose the one(s)

dreams, even if you are a person who

that give the best results. Remember

rarely remembers anything.

that, under no circumstances should

With a relaxing and sleeping effect,

you make indiscriminate use of the

its use is especially indicated for

herbs listed below.

beginners or people thinking of starting an adventure in the world of

Editor's note: These herbs are not

lucid dreams.

part of any healing protocol, nor are we offering healing advice. Only a


Medical Practitioner can do that.

Widely consumed worldwide under various indications, Ginkgo Biloba

You should only consume those

acts on memory and increases brain

herbs after excluding risks such as

functions, so both properties can

allergic reactions, intolerances, or

make you dream better.

interactions with other medications. Use herbs conscientiously, always

This herb is not exactly one of

within the recommended dosages

the most powerful tools for lucid

and separately (avoid mixing two

dreaming. Still, it can certainly help

or more herbs in the same tea, for

you have better cerebral blood


circulation, increased cognitive functions, and critical thinking.


Commonly used for treating

Known as the dream-weed, Calea

Alzheimer's, Ginkgo Biloba can be

Zacatechichi is widely used by the

given daily to dream purposes and

Chontal Mexican Indians to obtain

maintain quality health.

shared messages through dreams. SINICUICHI (HEIMIA SALICIFOLIA) Also known as "God's Leaf," the herb

Another specimen from Mexico,

promotes a higher incidence of

Sinicuichi, is a flowering shrub

dreams and helps you remember the

possibly used by the Aztec Indians

vast majority of them. In addition,

during their trance rituals. Today,

OM TIMES | April 2022

its use continues to be attributed to

hearing distant sounds after ingesting

changes in the subconscious.

Sinicuichi — and this effect can last for hours.

It is believed that Heima Salicifolia can induce powerful dreams and


that they would often be able to alter

Valerian is an herb, but its root is

elements of waking life. Also called a

commonly used for various medicinal

"sun opener," the herb allows users

purposes. It is known for its ability to

to access memories so immerse

induce sleep and help people who

themselves into their unconscious

have insomnia fall asleep faster.

mind. They often didn't even know

For lucid dreams, this herb can be

they existed.

used to promote incredible plots.

And that's not all! The herb is also

In medicinal terms, Valerian root is

used to grant the user advanced

usually indicated to treat joint pain,

listening skills. Many people report

headaches and relieve symptoms of

OM TIMES | April 2022

depression. In addition, it acts as a

The best way to consume this herb is

relaxant and sedative, making it the

through a very strong tea, using the

perfect solution for those who need

root and leaves of asparagus. Strain

to sleep fast and soundly. The only

the liquid and drink it while still hot.

downside is that Valerian's fresh leaves

Try not to take too long to drink it all

smell bad.

and go to sleep right away. Tip: keep a notebook and pen by your bed as


you'll want to write down everything

With properties also associated with

that happens.

astral projection, asparagus root is known as "the flying herb," as it can


"take people to the universe while they

Peppermint's most popular herb on

sleep." The herb also has energetic

the list can ensure quality sleep and

properties, helping you open your

make dreams more vivid and "lively."

heart and improve the energy that

It can be administered through teas

emanates from it.

or extracts. Despite being delicious, OM TIMES | April 2022

the herb can be used while bathing,

characteristic regarding lucid dreams

adding drops of mint oil in the bathtub

and sleep quality.

or a container of water (if in a shower) This herb is believed to be able to

before going to bed.

ward off evil spirits and nightmares VERBASCUM

while you sleep. Many Indigenous

With several medicinal properties for

tribes widely use Verbascum to

treating infections and inflammations,

reduce the incidence of frightening

Verbascum has a very specific

dreams. However, there is not much OM TIMES | April 2022

information or research that fully

Entada rheedii (African Dreamweed),

supports the use of this herb, so use it

Harpagophytum Procumbens (Devil's

with great caution.

Claw), Mexican Tarragon (Tagetes Lucida), Ubhubhubhu (Helinus


integrifolius), and Uzara ( Xysmalobium



Widely used by the Xhosa tribe, South African natives, the Silene


Capensis herb can induce powerful


and incredibly vivid dreams. And it

Also called wormwood or absinthe,

gets better: African Dream Root, as it's

Artemisia is very effective in adding

called, can help you remember dreams

and enhancing some dream effects,

in minute detail the next morning,

such as the feeling of liveliness and the

even when just a small dose of the

presence of more convincing colors. In

herb is administered.

addition, using the herb also increases your awareness, allowing you to more

The best way to take this herb is to

easily perceive what is going on and

use the powdered root to make a very

awaken within lucid dreams.

strong tea. Then strain the liquid and drink. The effects are slow to appear, so

The plant's technical title, Artemisia

drink the tea first thing in the morning;

vulgaris, came from "Artemis," the

if you leave it to drink before bed, the

name of a Greek moon goddess and

effects will not be as strong.

considered a patron of women.

And remember, don't exceed the

The herb can preferably be consumed

200mg dosage. Larger amounts can

in the form of tea with its leaves a

make you sick and vomit until all the

few hours before going to bed. There

weed is expelled from your body. This

are many other teas aimed at lucid

characteristic is another property of

dreams that have mugwort as the

the herb used to clean the organism

main ingredient.

by some tribes. Another alternative, if you don't want Along with Silene Capensis, you

to drink the herb, is to place some

can also learn about herbs such as

leaves inside your pillow, along with

OM TIMES | April 2022

OM TIMES | April 2022

lavender and other herbs with

So besides being cheap, herbs should

calming properties.

introduce you to a whole new world at bedtime. But for that, you need to


follow some basic rules:

Arctium is a genus of biennial plants commonly known as Burdock,

Before trying any herb, see a doctor

family Asteraceae. Native to Europe

to see if consumption will not harm

and Asia, several species have been

you. No matter how small, there is

introduced worldwide. Widely used

always a risk of allergic reactions or

for the treatment of dermatological

reactions that don't combine with

problems, Burdock can be easily

something you're already taking (such

found, and in terms of dreams, it

as medication, food, etc.).

allows the user to dream more often Before your first experience with any of

with positive elements.

the herbs presented, have a notebook Consumption of the herb in tea form

with you to note the effects of each of

helps to calm the mind and ward off

them on your body. That way, you'll be

nightmares. So, if you've been having

able to compare and select the ones

a lot of scary dreams, Burdock can

that gave you the best results.

be an excellent alternative to reverse Do not take more than two herbs at

this situation.

one time. It is recommended to take Another efficient 'medicine for

the same herb for a few weeks to really

Nightmares' is one of the Floral

know its effects and then try another

essences (From Dr. Bach) called Rock


Rose. It has the power to cleanse some heavy residual feelings and

Always read tutorials and recipes

impressions from the conscious

about each herb before you go out


making teas or ingesting the herbs anyway. Then, accept the advice on


doing so, as each herb has a different


method of preparation and dosage.

The fact is herbs work to amplify any efforts you make at lucid dreaming.

Happy Dream Traveling!

OM TIMES | April 2022

The Mystery of the Ancient Runes


By Jill Mattson

he Druidic priestess

carved them in wood to leave for

touches the ancient runes,

Other Realms to receive. The gift of

tracing their distinctive

the rune's message and her heart's

shapes with her fingers.

song created light for animals, trees,

She feels the energy of their shapes.

bugs, faeries, and more.

She pronounces each rune's sound and softly singes their sounds as if it

The ancient runes create subtle

was a magic spell. She recalled the

energies from wave interference

feeling of selected runes and then

patterns emanating from their shapes.

OM TIMES | April 2022

By viewing the shapes, your eyes take

sought to control the Druidic countries

bits of energy from what you see

seized this powerful and magic

and use that to recreate the image in

secret, throwing it into the wind to be

your brain. In that Way, you are not

disregarded and laughed at.

separate from what you view. But, most and foremost, the runes gave

Today the runes are believed to be

strength, balance, and wisdom to

letters like we have today in our

those who viewed them. Their energy

symbolic languages. However, the

was also created by tracing their

runes also portray broader concepts.

shapes with their fingers or bodies

For example, the healing-rune

and singing their sounds.

portrayed the upliftment of physical, emotional, and mental healing of

There are 22 runes. There are also

every kind. Similarly, the ancient

22 letters in the ancient Hebrew

Egyptian hieroglyphs radiated more

alphabet. The 22 Hebrew letters

comprehensive energy of an action or

were not believed to be symbolic but

a thing than a symbolic word or letter.

radiated the energy that created the Hebrew world and consciousness. The

Some people currently use the runes

selection of the 22 runes represented

for prophecy. This practice is similar

the things and conditions they

to the predictions and insights people

wanted in their lives. Can you imagine

receive from throwing the IChing

the ancient Chinese looking for

tradition's sticks. Neither system

balance and peace symbols, while

predicts a specific outcome of events

symbols belonging to the Italians

but shows the energy that one will

represent vitality?

experience in time. This knowledge gives one the edge to prepare for the

Each rune represents a distinctive

change in energy that will shortly

and vital element of consciousness

arrive in his life.

and essential conditions in the ancient Druids' lives. Their energy

The ancient Druids used the runes in

was an ancient form of medicine,

these ways. Still, this knowledge tricks

perhaps called magic back then. This

one into thinking that this was the

effective use of the old runes has

only Way to use the runes, masking

been long forgotten. Conquerers who

the powerful energy of the magical

OM TIMES | April 2022

OM TIMES | April 2022

shapes that radiate healing and alter

Jill's Wings Of Light, scroll down to

energy when used correctly.

find the Way of the Wizard course, recapture these powerful beings'

Jill Mattson has created the sounds

charmed lives, and an hour's worth

and harmonics belonging to the

of the rune's sound codes. Awaken

Druidic ancient runes. Looking at

your ancient roots to the secrets and

the runes is a powerful method to

powerful old ways of the ancient

absorb their tiny but potent energies.


Listening to the sounds representing their shapes gives an even great dose

The light of the full moon shows a

of their healing powers and magic!

sliver of itself outside of the misty clouds. The priestess throws the

Mattson used ancient methods

runes. She selects three of them

of transposing shapes and sacred

that call to her. Their energies seem

geometry into pitches and even

to sing through her. Finally, she

crafting their harmonics via vowel

opens up to receive exactly what

sounds. At School of Ancient Sound -

she needs at this moment.

OM TIMES | April 2022

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