OMTimes Magazine April 2021 Edition

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Interview by Victor Fuhrman

Sensitive Is the New Strong Anita Moorjani is the New York Times best-selling author of What If This Is Heaven? and Dying To Be Me. She's a beloved international speaker and has dedicated her life to empowering people's minds and hearts with her story of courage and transformation. Before her near-death experience, she worked in the corporate world. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Danny. Her website is, and she joins me this week to share her path. She just published a new book, Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World.

OMTimes | April 2021

Victor Fuhrman: Thank you for joining us and sharing what I know to be an important message. So, before we get into the new book, let's talk a bit about your past. Please share with us your path before the experience that transformed your life. Anita Moorjani: I was living in Hong Kong, and I grew up there. My parents were Indian ethnically. My parents were Hindus, but I grew up in a very multicultural society. Hong Kong is predominantly a Chinese city, but it was colonized by the British when I was growing up there. The primary language there was English, but because most of the population was Chinese, there was also a lot of Cantonese spoken there. I grew up speaking my parent's language, which is an Indian dialect, which we spoke at home and English, which is what we talked at school and learned to talk at school, and Chinese, which was the local language spoken by everybody, you know, shopkeepers, taxi drivers, like basically everybody.

OMTimes | April 2021

I grew up speaking three languages simultaneously. But most of the population were either British or Chinese. And so I never felt that I fit in because I was neither British nor Chinese. I was this brown person, and I was an ethnic minority. Even in school, I got bullied because I was different and my culture was different. My parents wanted to groom me for an arranged marriage as I grew up, and I wasn't allowed to date the way the other kids were.

I wasn't allowed to think about going to college, and all the other kids were thinking about college and careers. Then all my British friends were going to go back to the UK for their studies, for university, but I was being groomed for an arranged marriage. What finally happened is that my parents did arrange a marriage for me, but three days before the wedding, I ran away. This brought a lot of shame to my community and my family because you just don't do that in my culture. I was even ostracized by the Indian community. I had this fascinating life of constantly feeling that I was different and never fit in. I met a wonderful man, Danny, who is my husband today, and we met and got married. A few years into our marriage, I had lymphoma. I found a lump on the side of my neck and had it checked. I had it biopsied, and it turned out that I had stage two lymphoma at that point. This was in 2002, and it progressed. I tried different forms of treatment, but it progressed. Then in 2006, I was literally on my deathbed. My body had completely emaciated. I had tumors the size of golf balls throughout my entire lymphatic system from the base of my skull, all around my neck, in my chest all the way down to my abdomen.

The doctors told my family that these were my final hours and that I would not come back. I was not going to come out of that coma. But while I was in the coma, I was actually aware of everything around me. I was also aware that it was like a whole other world opened up, one beyond this one. I felt so at home with this, in this real other world. I felt like I was being greeted by my loved ones, deceased loved ones, and my dad, who I had a turbulent relationship with growing up. He had already passed away and crossed over. He was there to greet me, and he just wanted me to know that he loved me unconditionally. I was in a state of clarity where I learned that it was not my time to die, and I realized that I needed to come back. No part of me wanted to come back because I felt like I was enveloped in love on that side. I just felt so free. Like all the fear was gone. The fear of the disease, cancer, the pain, the discomfort, all of that was gone when I was there. And so, no part of me wanted to come back. But then I got this clarity where I understood why I had became sick in the first place. I understood it was that the way I lived, my thoughts, and the decisions I had made in my life had led up to that point of me lying there on the hospital bed.

I weighed 85 pounds because my body had stopped absorbing nutrition. My lungs were filled with fluid, I went into a coma, and my organs started shutting OMTimes | April 2021 down.

It was at that point, with that clarity, that I heard my dad say to me that now that you know the truth, you need to go back and live your life fearlessly! In other words, I had this clarity and was now being given a second chance to come back and live with this clarity. And he said, "You need to live your life fearlessly," because I had always been a fearful person. I understood that if I chose to go back into my body, my body would heal quickly. And it did! I had been in a coma for about 36 hours, and I started to come out of the coma. To the shock of everyone around me, my family, the hospital staff, and the doctors, I was able to recount conversations that they had had while I was supposedly in the coma! I described what they had done and who had done what, and so they knew something had happened. But then the doctors were blown away when my tumors, the golf ball-sized tumors, just started to shrink. And within four or five days after coming out of the coma, they shrunk by 60 to 70%. Within five weeks, they could find no trace of cancer in my body. The challenge then started. I had to figure out how to live the rest of my life. That was in 2006, and one of the things that I discovered as I started to navigate life again was that everything that I was brought up to believe about how I needed to be and what I needed to do, and how to fit into the world was the complete opposite of what I now needed to do.

OMTimes | April 2021

I realized that everything that I had learned, every decision, every thought, every choice I had made up to the point I got cancer is what led me to get sick. And now, I had to live my life entirely differently. And that was a challenge. That was a challenge because I realized that I am an empath, and the world we live in is not designed for empaths, and that's why I had gotten sick. Victor Fuhrman: You have shared all of this in your first book, Dying To Be Me. In describing your near-death experience, you said, "And then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn't a being, but a state of being, and I was now in that state of being." What was that revelation like for you? Anita Moorjani: That revelation was compelling for me because I had always thought that God was a being, like a being in the sky, a spirit, or a person in the sky. I used to always refer to God as he. But when I was in that near-death state, I realized that when we are outside of our physical bodies, when we're no longer expressing through our physical bodies, every one of us is pure essence. We are pure spirits. Every single one of us is a facet of God. Sometimes when speaking about it, I use this analogy. I like analogies because it's so hard to describe what it's like on the other side. The analogy I use is, imagine those mirrored balls, those disco balls, like back in the '70s. Discos always had these big mirror balls, mosaic mirror balls on the ceiling.

These mirror balls would refract light onto the walls, and on the walls, there were these separate tiny dots or circles of light that would be all around the room. Each one of those specks of light on the wall was the spark of each of us and our physical expression. Many of of us believe we're a separate being because each of those specks of light on the wall looks separate from the other. But each one of those specks of light is actually refraction from one of the mirror tiles on the ball. And every tile is connected to make the whole mirror ball. When you die, you realize, "Oh my God, I am a mirror tile on this mirror ball, and all of us tiles together are all connected to make this ball, and this ball is God." And so that's the best analogy I can think of. When I express through the physical body, it's like the tile telling itself as that speck of light on the wall. When I am that speck of light on the wall, I forget that I am connected to that mirror ball, that I'm actually a reflection of God. When actually me and every other person or every speck of light here, we are expressions of that mirror ball. We are here as particles of light, and we believe we're separate, we fight with each other and argue with each other and compete with each other and judge each other. Although, when we die, we realize, "Oh my God, we're all part of God, we're all expressions of God, and we're all connected, and we're all one."

I am suppressing the light of God; I'm suppressing that mirror ball from expressing itself through me." Every time I suppress myself and actually deny who I am to please other people, I am restricting a facet of that light of God from expressing itself. Victor Fuhrman: Please tell us about your book, What If This Is Heaven? Anita Moorjani: My second book was to explain to you that heaven is not a place. It's a state of being. If we knew that, and if we knew that our purpose is really to express ourselves and find our joy, heaven could be right here because when I crossed over, I realized that. Let me backtrack a bit. In my life before the NDE, I was always worried about creating the best possible afterlife. Everything I would do was about building up good karma, so I'd have a good afterlife. I had to make sure God is happy with me to have a good afterlife, so I have good other lives. So everything I was doing here was done to create the best possible afterlife. When I crossed over, I realized I was supposed to have the best possible life, or I'm supposed to focus on creating the best possible life, not the best possible afterlife. When we're over there, we want to come here. We want to come here and play and find our joy and connect with other people. And I realized we had it ... it really is about finding heaven while we're here, not about biding our time so that we can get to heaven when we die. So that was what it's about. I offered tools on how we can find that piece of heaven while we are here.

It was a big revelation for me because I realized, "Oh gosh, if I don't love myself, and Victor Fuhrman: What inspired Sensitive Is value myself, what happens is I am not the New Strong? allowing God to express through me.OMTimes | April 2021


OMTimes | April 2021

Anita Moorjani: Recent events happening all over the world. And when I say recent, I don't just mean over the last year, but over the last couple of years, because I actually started writing this book in 2017. And I was finding that as I began to navigate the world as whom I am now, as opposed to who I was before the NDE, and when I say that I was always this way, I had suppressed myself to fit into the world. That is what caused me to get sick. When I am truly being myself, I realized that who I am is somebody who is super open; super vulnerable. I just want to connect with everybody, love everybody. I see us all as being connected, as one. I realized that we live in a world that's not conducive to being that way. What happens is that we end up getting exploited. We end up getting bullied. We live in a world where it's just not conducive. And the other thing I realized is that many of us are highly intuitive and highly, not just empathic and sensitive, but also highly intuitive.

We sense things, and we know something, and we don't know how we know them. And this world is not conducive for us to express our knowledge and intuition. We're often told that it's your imagination, and it's often dismissed. Intuitive people, who are aware of their six sensory self, who are empaths, and all of these things, are actually the ones who are seen as delusional. The way our culture and our society are, it feels like we are actually six sensory beings. Still, our paradigm is created for people who believe they are five sensory beings. So it's made by five sensory beings for five sensory beings. As I explained in my new book, if you imagine that you were told that you can't use your eyes from the time you were born, you have to close your eyes. This is, in essence, what we're told about our sixth sense and our intuition that you can't use it. So imagine if you denied using your eyes your entire life, and you have to navigate the world without your eyes.

And if you did open your eyes and said, "Oh my God, there's something more, there's something more than my other five senses because of my six senses, so you have your intuition and all." But we say, "Oh, there's something more." And you get told, "No, no, that's your imagination. Stop." I speak about how different a world we would have created if we were never allowed to use our eyes. Similarly, if we grew up embracing our sixth sense, our intuition, the world would be a very different place. It is why for people who are very intuitive, who have a powerful sixth sense, it is not easy to navigate this world because we do not even have the correct vocabulary to express it. So that's what I get into in this book. Victor Fuhrman: In your new book, Sensitive is the New Strong offers a 35question quiz that readers may use to determine their empathic ability level. What are a couple of the most common traits? Anita Moorjani: The most common trait is actually feeling physically in your body the pain of someone else. If you actually see somebody in pain, you actually start to kind of feel it as if you're going through it yourself. That's one common trait. Also, if you see something like a gory scene, or something happening, even if it's on TV, and the scene doesn't leave you. Other things are like feeling exhausted and depleted when you're in a crowded place, but not knowing why. It's because empaths are like sponges. They're just absorbing the energies of the people around them without even realizing it. So those are some of the most common traits. Victor Fuhrman: How may a meditation practice aid in developing our intuitive skills? OMTIMES

| APRIL 2021

Anita Moorjani: One of the things I have noticed with empaths is that the best way to actually recharge your batteries, so to speak, is time spent alone in quiet time, with no input. Meditation is an ideal way to do that. But you can meditate sitting alone, or you can even contemplate out in nature. I have a tiny garden outside my home, and thankfully, it's not significant because I wouldn't be able to maintain it if it were substantial. It's just small enough for me to keep it myself. During the last year, with us being stuck and not traveling, I have taken to just being out in my garden, and it just replenishes me.

Anything like that; anything that you do alone that charges your batteries. When we allow ourselves to be barefoot on the earth, we actually start to align with the rhythm of Mother Earth because empaths are so sensitive. But I ground myself regularly because I want to align with Mother Earth. I want to align with nature and the skies and the oceans and not with crowds of people around me. Victor Fuhrman: Do empaths need to disconnect from or, go on a cleanse from media and cyberspace? Anita Moorjani: Yes, absolutely. We do need to have what I call "information fasts." I do that regularly.

It's a good idea to have a screenless day, maybe once a week or every two weeks. It's not easy to do, not even watch fun things. Literally, a screenless day if you can't manage one a week. And if you can manage one every two weeks or once a month, an utterly screenfree day, that's great. But if you can't handle a screenfree day, at the very minimum, cut down on the news media and information media for a couple of days, a week, or one day a week, where you watch no news. Victor Fuhrman: Why are so many empaths people pleasers?

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Anita Moorjani: Because when you feel the energies of the people around, you don't always realize that this is happening. So, if someone around you feels awful, if they're struggling, and you are feeling their energy, you're just absorbing their energy. So, You're a sponge, and you realize this is what you're doing, and there are ways to mitigate it, by the way, but the first step is to recognize that you're doing this. I was doing this. That is one of the problems that empaths face when they don't understand. But once you know it and realize this is their energy, there are ways to identify this as theirs. This is not mine. It becomes easier to break away from that and to stop being a people pleaser. Victor Fuhrman: In our share before the interview started, I mentioned that one of my most significant challenges in life was learning that the word "no" is a complete sentence. This is a boundary, and I won't cross that boundary." I think that's a hard lesson for many of us to learn. Anita Moorjani: It's a very hard lesson even 'til today, I struggle with it. I've gotten very good with it in so many areas of my life. But life still throws me challenges where I'm like, "Oops, this one's a hard one to say no to, but even thinking about doing it drains me." Victor Fuhrman: Absolutely, and as I have shared amongst my community, "blessed are the caregivers for theirs is the burden of love." There's an old expression. Energy flows where intention goes. How many empaths and sensitives filter that energy? Anita Moorjani: There are actually a lot of ways. I'm still trying to filter it down in the best possible way. For empaths to filter that energy, one of the things that I asked them to do is to always ask themselves what feels good, what feels uplifting, and what makes you feel depleted or tired. Always make the choice of what is uplifting or what feels uplifting. So, we are constantly putting our attention on uplifting things.

OMTimes | April 2021

And it's a little bit like what we were talking about watching the news, and so whatever we put our attention on, that's where the energy flows. Suppose you are noticing that you're starting to feel depleted, and you're starting to feel rundown.

Close your eyes, you can have music, and then you actually visualize your aura. And no matter what size your aura is, you can actually expand it by visually imagining it getting bigger and bigger. It actually works because here's another gift of people who are empaths and sensitive.

In that case, you may ask yourself, "What have I been putting my attention on lately?" And then shift the focus. I'm always telling people to shift their focus because one of the prevalent things, what people do, is that when they are going through a challenge, when you are going through an emotional challenge, physical challenge, health challenge, we tend to obsess about that challenge and all our attention goes on that challenge, and then our energy gets depleted.

If you can visualize, your visualization, and what we call our imagination, is extremely powerful.

"Shift the focus from the challenge to what you want to see as the outcome." Focus on that point in time when your challenge is resolved. Once you start doing that, your energy becomes uplifted, and you're in a different energy state. When you're in a different energy state, what happens is you become more intuitive. When you're more intuitive, the answers to that challenge start to come to you. I hope I explained that clearly. Victor Fuhrman: In Sensitive Is the New Strong, you offer many exercises for strengthening our energy. Can you share one or two? Anita Moorjani: One of them is visualization. It's really just sitting.

Your imagination is actually not your imagination. It is the doorway to your soul. Our visualizations are compelling if you're sensitive and you're an empath. I do have a few people tell me that they're not good at visualization, and if that's the case, don't worry. You may expand your energy by feeling joy. I tell people to do at least one thing every day that expands their energy, at least one thing because empaths tend to forget about themselves. And they're so quick to expend their energy to help other people that you don't even realize that you start to get depleted. We just keep reacting to what's out there. I want you to stop responding to what's out there and start consciously thinking about what will expand my energies, what will recharge my batteries, and do at least one thing every day. Victor Fuhrman: Which leads to the question, are spirituality and abundance mutually exclusive? Why do so many of us struggle with worthiness and exchange? Anita Moorjani: This is one of the issues again, of our cultural thinking, our dominant culture where we have been taught that money is not spiritual and that money is the root of all evil and all of these things for many people, it's been ingrained.

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However, what happens is that when our day job very often takes up all our time, that leaves very little time to do the work that the planet really needs. The only reason we do it that way is because of an ingrained belief that if it's spiritual work, I'm not supposed to make money with it. Suppose we could shift that belief and realize the world needs people to be out there doing this kind of work, whether it's healing, whether it's teaching, whether it's uplifting people, whether it's being compassionate. In that case, they need to be rewarded for doing it to keep doing it. We live in an upside-down world where people who are dishonest are being rewarded. They're the ones that are making all the money. In contrast, the people who are very empathic, compassionate, and spiritual givers end up destitute, poor, and broke. But if they were abundant, they could have helped so many more people. So we really need to change that belief and realize that spirituality and abundance need to go together like a hand and a glove.

Victor Fuhrman: What would you like readers to take away from Sensitive Is the New Strong? Anita Moorjani: I would like them to know that we need to embrace our sensitivity, empathy, and compassion. We need to embrace our intuition and see all these things as strengths if we want to see our evolution's next step. We need to change the metrics of what it means to be strong, to define strength differently, with stability and compassion. And it means being intuitive, it has to start from within. Only when we stop judging ourselves and allow ourselves to be who we are and embrace ourselves can we actually help the people around us because we take ourselves wherever we go.

Sensitive Is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World


What ends up happening is that if we are very attracted to spiritual teachings and the healing arts. We're attracted to doing these things. We tend to believe that we need to have another day job to pay our bills so that we may do the teachings, healings, and helping other people as a kind of hobby to feed our soul.

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Can Forgiveness Heal and Release Karma? By Cathedral of the Soul OM TIMES | April 2021


here are people that we

repaying rudeness. It is through

feel appear in our lives


to bring us joy, love, and pleasurable moments,

Forgive: if you never know forgiveness,

and there are those that only cause

You'll never know the blessings that

us anger, sadness, heartbreak. And

God gives.

others bring no feeling at all. When


we meet someone, who falls into that sadness group, we always ask


ourselves, "why did I meet that


person?"; "Why did I have to live like that?", "Why does someone I treat

The first thing we need to

so well treat me like that?"

understand is that this person's destructive behavior is not correct.

Let's consider Karma's concept,

When we act decently with this

the "Law of Return," and when you

person, we are already relieving our

experience something based on

Karma and mitigating its pernicious

your actions. It does not seem very


fair when someone you respect despises you. However, it is not only

But that does not mean that we

related to what we live in that life. It

must endure for the rest of our lives,

also includes our past lives and our

someone who does us harm. We

family karma as well.

need to have self-love and move away from that context.

Thus, we sometimes come across people who are not suitable for us,

However, besides letting go, it is also

which creates pain that can even

necessary to forgive this conduct.

lead us to have wrong attitudes.

If this is not done, the feelings of

After all, who has never done

unhappiness, hatred, and bitterness

something that repented because

will continue with you. Your karmic

of the heat of the moment?

relationship with that person will

However, there is a much healthier

not end as you will still be feeding

way to deal with this karmic

her indirectly with negativity. that is

relationship than fighting or

inside your heart. OM TIMES | April 2021

Forgiving is not easy, but it is

the other person does. We only

essential. In karmic terms, it will be

know about our experience to

the most critical way to dissolve those

not want to go through this

hardcore energy blocks.

anymore (and that's fine!). Talk to the person and try to

We do not live the other's life, nor

understand if there is a reason to

do we know the past to judge what

do this to you.

OM TIMES | April 2021

Listen and see if you really did not

to. That is why it is useless to insist

make any mistakes, and if you did,

on a relationship that only makes

apologize, and change the way you

us ill in the hope of making the

act too.

other change. We must resist the temptation of blaming ourselves

We know that sometimes talking does

for not working. You did your best,

not resolve things at first. If dialogue

and that's what matters from a

is not possible, try to concentrate

karmic standpoint.

inside and see all of our wounds from that story and help them heal. That is,


make sure that this situation does not


reach you anymore or reaches you in


the best possible way. Grace comes to forgive If it's someone you may never have

and then forgive again.

contact with again, just don't try


to stay in touch. Sometimes, the situation does not allow us to do this


because it is someone from work or family. Our suggestion is to you

Almost everyone has heard of

then move away, and don't consider

Karma or the law of Karma, but

what that person says to or about you

what most people don't know is

(probably their intentions are just to

that it is possible to transmute

hurt you).

it to break free from its negative side. That is true for some types of

Lastly, and most importantly, we also

Karma, but not all.

need to forgive ourselves! We need to understand that not everything in

Negative Karma may have been

our lives is our fault, and everything

built by actions that do not

has its positive side and teaches us

enlighten your spirit. It can be


created by attitudes that have been carried out by past lives and

We have to understand that people

have accumulated negativity to

do not change when we want them


OM TIMES | April 2021


Flame, being an aspect of the


Seventh Ray of the Holy Spirit, is a Sacred Fire that may be used

The Violet Flame of Transmutation

to reach karmic mitigation. This

must be triggered to initiate

state can only be achieved by

healing and the search for the

practicing the Law of Forgiveness

neutralization of Karma. The Violet

and living through it. The success

OM TIMES | April 2021

of transmutation depends a lot on

After lighting the candle, focus

our dedication and commitment

on the Transmutation Flame, the

to spirituality and daily practice.

Violet Flame. Internalize the Flame of Transmutation and its extension

The process of transmutation can

through all your past lives and your

be triggered by anyone who wants

current life. After that moment,

to break free of negative Karma.

focus on the statement: "Saint Germain and the Seventh

When the transmutation of Karma

Ray of the Holy Spirit now I pray

is achieved, many of the difficulties

that through this violet flame,

we face today on the physical

help me achieve the Karmic

level are totally transformed into

Transmutation. May I exhaust all

positivity. When we release these

the negative karmas of this life and

knots, we are bringing Light, the

my previous existences to achieve

Divine Truth, into our lives. Family,

karmic freedom in emotional,

financial and professional conflicts

family, financial, and spiritual

can be resolved by removing the






The Karmic Healing and

"Through this violet flame, I ask

Transmutation Ritual can be

that I shall receive a total release

performed at any time of the year

from my negative karma, and bring

and needs only concentration in

together all the people that I may

search of good energies.

have caused any spiritual, mental, professional, or financial difficulties,

You need to light a violet candle

even those who have already

every day for three weeks straight.

disembodied from this world."

This candle will be an offering to Saint Germain, the Seventh Ray

Finally, repeat the statement, "I am

of the Holy Spirit - of Healing, and

the violet flame! I (my name) am

karmic transmutation.

the purity that God desires." OM TIMES | April 2021

Meet the God Shiva


by William T. Hathaway

hiva is the deity of

through the management of Vishnu,

transcendence, the

then dissolution through the power

cosmic force that returns

of Shiva, back into the unified field of

all matter and energy, all

pure consciousness.

manifestation and activity, back to its Source. The return is the final

The same unified field that quantum

stage of an evolutionary process

physics has discovered. This ground

that begins with creation through

state is the universe's interface with

the power of Brahma, maintenance

God. Manifested forms dissolve into

OM TIMES | April 2021

waves of a nonmaterial, abstract field.

universe. Everything in creation is

New forms continually emerge from it

fundamentally One: God. And God,

to continue the cycle.

according to panentheism, is also beyond the creation.

We can see this evolutionary process all around us. A seed becomes a plant

When, after trillions of billions of years,

that blossoms, creates new seeds,

God wanted to be just one again. Shiva

and dies. We manifest into a body

and his partner close down the show,

that grows, develops, dies, and later

they all return to the Divine Mother,

re-emerge as a new, more highly

she returns into God, and creation

evolved person. Socio-economic

takes a rest. This is the glorious divine

systems emerge, grow over centuries,

play. Our purpose is to get enlightened.

and crumble like ours is doing now.

When we achieve that, our separation

They are replaced by more highly

boundaries disappear, and we live

developed, more egalitarian ones. As

this cosmic unity as our own most

society enters this dissolution phase,

profound nature. Then we enjoy 200

more and more people turn intuitively

percent of life – the fullness of the

to Shiva because we need his support.

material relative along with the fullness of the spiritual absolute. The deities will

The universe begins with God's

help us reach enlightenment because

thought, "I am one. Let me be many."

they love us and are us. The essence of

God first becomes the Divine Mother,

the creation is love.

Mahashakti. She gives birth to the universe, or more accurately, she

This little philosophical sketch is the

becomes the universe. She does this

interpretation of Vedas set forth by

by manifesting her creator aspect

Shankara, the 8th-century proponent

(Brahma and his partner Saraswati),

of Advaita Vedanta (unity, non-

her maintainer aspect (Vishnu and his

duality). He said all the deities are

partner Lakshmi), and her destroyer

different aspects of the One. They

aspect (Shiva and his partner Durga

offer different paths to the same goal:

or Parvati).

enlightenment, union with God. All are worthy of reverence, but people tend

All these aspects of God working

to prefer one of them based on their

together, unfold, and administer the

personal affinities.

OM TIMES | April 2021

To decide which One you prefer,

Whose appearance interests you

you can start by gazing at pictures

the most. Whom do you want to get

of them. These images are just

to know better? Do you feel a heart

conventions, but they can be

connection? If so, listen to Vedic

useful. The Vedic deities are

chanting of their names (each deity

fundamentally beyond form and

has over a thousand) on YouTube

gender. Still, they appear to us

and notice how you respond.

in specific set images to better

Then learn more about them on

relate to them. (Yes, they really can

the internet. Trust your intuition,

be seen.) They are cosmic forces,

but if it's not clear, a good Vedic

administrators of natural law who

astrologer can help you choose

keep creation functioning. We

which One suits you best.

tend to project contemporary concepts of femininity and

My new website will put you in

masculinity onto these divine

touch with Shiva, his partner Durga-

beings. In that case, we will distort

Parvati, and an offspring of their

them ( just as these concepts

union, Ganesha. Ganesha is the

distort us).

great remover of obstacles, like OM TIMES | April 2021

a cosmic snowplow clearing our road of evolution. He rides on a mouse because mice are so skilled at getting around obstacles. As the Divine Mother's representative, Durga has two sides: the loving, caring side for her children and the fierce, protecting side against those who threaten them. She is the demon slayer par excellence.

a journey of joy. Contact with them through bhakti – devotion – awakens divine energy that permeates our heart, mind, and body and improves relationships.

the author of the Rinehart Foundation Award-winning novel A World of Hurt. He was a Fulbright professor of creative writing at universities in Germany, where he currently lives, writes, meditates, and hangs out with Shiva. His website offers a complete program of

Getting to know this holy family is

our thoughts, activities, and

William T. Hathaway is

meditation, kundalini yoga, chanting, and puja. When done regularly, the procedures and techniques described there will gradually take you to higher states of consciousness.

OM TIMES | April 2021

Is Anyone Really Listening to Your Prayers? By John Holland OM TIMES | April 2021


hen Covid-19

expect the answer to show up the

first started, we

way you think it should. Remember

all jumped into

what your grandmother preached:


"You don't always get what you

praying—pleading for help and

want; you usually get what you

protection to get through this


challenging time. Now, as almost a year has flown by, sometimes

Here is the funniest story about

it seems that nothing much has

prayer: A man heard that a severe

changed. There's still turmoil and

storm was heading to his village. He

fear and more hard work ahead.

had a strong faith in God and prayed:

Even the prospect of a vaccine is

"Have no worry, God will provide."

taking so long. Is anyone really

The storm brought torrential rains

listening to our prayers?

that began flooding the village and his house, but still, the man said:

I can tell you a definite YES! But you

"Don't worry, God will provide."

will not get anywhere just sitting around and waiting for an answer.

Neighbors offered to help carry the man's belongings to safer ground.

Think back on the times when your

He waved at them kindly, saying:

prayers might have been answered.

"God will provide." The next day

Then begin noticing how your

rescue workers drove a small boat

prayers are being heard. Has a

near the man's house and called

new book been gifted to you that

out to him: "The village is being

somehow revealed a solution you

evacuated. We'll get you to a safer

were praying for? Has a stranger

place." The man refused again: "No

recently come into your life and give

worries, God will provide."

you much-needed guidance? Did you drive by a sign or billboard that

As the water covered almost his

offered the exact advice you were

entire house, the man climbed on

looking for?

the roof. Soon, a helicopter flew by, and the pilot called out: "I'll send

God moves in mysterious ways. So,

down the lift so we can take you to

it is best to simply pray and not

safety." The man, of course, yelled

OM TIMES | April 2021

OM TIMES | April 2021

back, "No, thank you, sir. God will

with God, your Source, and your soul.


Prayer is a conversation between you and the Source that loves you

When the water reached the roof,

unconditionally. It is a dialogue that

the man was left sitting on the

can calm your fears, comfort your

chimney. He started crying out to

worries, and heal your pain.

God. "What’s going on? I prayed and prayed and prayed to you. Why have

As you practice the art of praying (in

you forgotten me?” At that exact

whatever manner you feel is right

moment, a booming voice answered:

for you), you will feel a new sense of

“Forgotten you? Who do you think

inner confidence, knowing that your

sent the townspeople, the men in the

prayers are being heard.

boat, and the helicopter?!” If you know someone who may like to get this message, please share these


Soul Inspirations or recommend they Prayer is a lot more than just asking

join my newsletter list.

for something in return. It’s a time when you can genuinely connect

Live a Soul-filled life!

OM TIMES | April 2021

Recognizing You, as the Eternal Being by Arthur Telling OM TIMES | April 2021


ooking out through our eyes,

narrative is temporal and reveals only

we see a three-dimensional

a surface caricature of a fuller self.

spatial world. As physical human beings, we are

A famous phrase, "Stop and smell the

embedded within. We are a part of

roses," advises that we slow our pace

this world, but the "us" observing is

and take a moment and reflect on

a mere onlooker manipulating the

subtle things we routinely overlook.

world with a physical human body. To

We breathe in a rushed effort to live

recognize this, "us" is self-awareness.

and compete and accumulate things of the physical world. Our focus on


fulfilling the narrative being lived can be shifted to a deeper level of

Awareness is the foundation of this

our being. Slowing the mind and

world and all worlds, from physical to

meditating on what wonders and

the highest of spiritual states. Nothing

beauty surround us, we minimize the

exists but that which awareness

narrative in favor of awareness. That


unseen part of us has been driving the physical narrative.

We are awareness. Through our eyes, we see and interface with the


world through the physical body. We don't usually think about who this

To observe and study and enjoy the

awareness is as we busily live our daily

shape, color, and fragrance of a rose

lives. We indulge in whatever narrative

better reveals the deeper mind. This

is playing out in the world and in

is experiential knowledge not taught

our lives, and through the narrative,

in a classroom environment. Through

we are defined. We are our parent's

practice and repetition, the mind

children. We root for the Green

will begin to see and experience

Bay Packers, we drive a modestly

this hidden deeper self and, in the

priced car and are a good father

process, will see the outer world

and successful businessman. The

as not so important to our identity

elements defined by our preferences

and thus livelihood. As an observer

within a surrounding narrative have

of the rose, we need to go yet more

followed us from birth. But the

profound and feel our experiential

OM TIMES | April 2021

bond with the rose. We will begin to

and all a part of us. The rose, absent

feel our "I am-ness," we the observer

the lesser things surrounding it,

and the rose, together with parts of

would not seem so grand.

the one. Of course, this is the whole purpose of the exercise of stopping

Differentiation is needed for there

daily routine and experiencing the

being things of value. Thus, we must

rose. And more still is required for the

stop and see all that surrounds us

serious practitioner of metaphysics

and see it without judgment and

trekking the path to enlightenment.

without giving names and identities to what we observe. There is no "rose."

The rose, the weeds, the grass, the

There is only form, shape, color, and

dirt, bees, and flies are God's creations

fragrance. That is true not just the

OM TIMES | April 2021

rose but of everything: object, sound,

With self-awareness peering into our

and other vibrations collected by the

environment, the radiant energy that

five physical senses and experienced

is a part of every consciousness will

by the awareness "I."

emerge from within and bring about a growing and steady peace of mind.


Those formerly hectic daily abrasive


living experiences will become more natural and straightforward as others

Enlightenment requires a sound,

surrounding us feel the growing

stable mind. Through meditation

energy we are nourishing. Peace

and contemplation, observing the

of mind and enlightenment will

rose without identifying it is one

become ours by right, innate qualities

long-established method toward

that were hitherto dormant. The

that end. But such need not distract

roses that we pass and see will have

from our very real (or seemingly

special significance, for they will be

real) daily activities. In our daily


chores and routines, we will find that stopping in occasion to smelling

Arthur Telling has written

the roses on a somewhat regular

numerous stories and articles

basis will point us toward observing

on religion, philosophy, and

other things that materialize within

metaphysics. His article, "A

everyday experience. A painting

Different Jesus Message,"

on the wall, a colorful chair or table

appeared in the Nov. 2011 AMORC

or rug, even details of the texture

Rosicrucian Digest. Telling is the

and color of a wall itself, will begin

author of nine books, including

producing results as time passes.

Cleopatra and Jesus's untold

Months or even years may pass

stories, a just-released novel

as we find we are beginning to

based on real events titled: "THE

better feel and experience our own

INCARNATION: Cleopatra's Story

personal very beings. And in time,

of Jesus." His website: www.

we will somewhat automatically and Facebook

contemplate our place within the

page "Philosophy for a Modern Era:

vast and colorful reality surrounding

us in all directions. OM TIMES | April 2021

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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

O M T i m e s

APRIL 2021

By Marcia Sirota, MD.

Maskual Harassment Is that a Thing?

What is Maskual Harassment? I just learned about a new form of sexual harassment going on these days. It’s being called “maskual harassment,” and I’ve got to say, it fills me with all sorts of feelings – none of them positive.

This type of harassment happens when a male restaurant diner after he’s finished his meal, says to his female server something along the lines of “show me what’s under the mask if you want your tip.” If the server refuses to show him her face, the customer skimps on the tip. The NY Times even wrote about it recently.


Fascination with what’s underneath.

This is problematic in so many ways that I had to write about it. The first thing that came to mind is the historical context for this type of harassment. Over the centuries, men have been fascinated by what is underneath a woman’s clothing. Over the centuries, many men have tried to get a peek at it. Whether it’s going to burlesque, or striptease shows or going to even more astonishing – and often illegal or immoral – lengths to see what’s under a woman’s garments, men have been attempting to get past those boundaries for the longest time. The problem with maskual harassment is not that the man is demanding to see a body part that’s supposed to remain hidden – the face is not usually a sexualized body part. Mask harassment is about the way the man starts to sexualize and objectify the server’s face when she’s just trying to make an honest living. Some might argue that asking to see what’s under the mask is not the same as demanding, for example, that a woman should remove her shirt. Still, actually, it’s pretty darned similar, and I’ll explain why. In both cases, a boundary violation is taking place.

It’s less about whether or not the covered body part is meant to stay covered and more about the fact that the man is demanding to see it, against the woman’s will. Any time a man requires something related to a woman’s body that’s against her will, it’s abuse, and it’s wrong.

OMTimes Magazine

The New Form of Sexual Abuse Created by the Pandemic: Maskual Harassment

The Eroticization of Female Body Parts

In the time of Covid-19, removing one’s mask in a crowded restaurant could mean a serious health risk, and this should never be forced on someone Power dynamics in abuse

As soon as someone in a position of greater power demands that someone in a lesser power position show them what’s hidden beneath an article of clothing, an abusive sexual dynamic is established. Of course, with body parts that are supposed to be covered in public, it would cause great humiliation and embarrassment for the woman to have this part of her anatomy exposed for strangers to see. However, even with body parts that under other circumstances would ordinarily be on full view, the demand to show “what’s under” any type of covering is highly problematic. Being coerced to lift her mask to show her face would feel just as humiliating for a woman as would be lifting her blouse.

for any reason. For the poorly paid server, however, the threat of financial repercussions could induce her to relinquish her personal safety in exchange for her economic security. Putting someone in such a position is abuse, clear and simple.

Any demand to show “what's underneath any garment is intrusive and sexually charged

In the time of Covid-19, removing one’s mask in a crowded restaurant could mean a serious health risk, and this should never be forced on someone for any reason. For the poorly paid server, however, the threat of financial repercussions could induce her to relinquish her personal safety in exchange for her economic security. Putting someone in such a position is abuse, clear and simple.

Any demand to show “what’s underneath” any garment is intrusive and sexually charged. We all understand that covering and uncovering the body has symbolic and erotic significance. Therefore, burlesque is so famous. The eroticization of female body parts:

In this form of entertainment, it’s less the specific body parts involved and more the act of covering and uncovering that’s the turn-on.



APRIL 2021

That’s why removing gloves plays such a significant role in burlesque. Similarly, the hidden and then exposed face can become eroticized as much as a more typically sexualized body part.

Maybe they’re putting up signs that indicate a zero-tolerance policy toward demands for servers to remove masks. Perhaps they’re permanently banning customers who sexually harass the customers in this way, but I doubt it.

The burlesque practitioner is an adult who chooses to do these performances and who does so on her own terms. On the other hand, the female server is being coerced to show the customer what’s under her mask. She is not in a position to refuse the demand without incurring a financial consequence.

Sadly, sexual harassment is rarely something that men in positions of power are inclined to deal with.

The female server is being put into an extremely uncomfortable situation. She understands, either intellectually or intuitively, that the man demanding that she lift her mask is doing so for his own sexual gratification. She also understands that she will be doing it for the money if she agrees to his demand. The threat of withholding the tip makes the demand for the woman to lift her mask into a financial transaction. The man says, “show me what’s under the mask, and you get your tip. Don’t show me, and no tip.” In this way, the man turns his server into an unwilling prostitute, putting her in the position of having to decide whether or not to uncover a covered body part for money. Money that she should have earned – in the first place – for her competent service. What are the restaurants doing?

It’s unclear what the restaurants involved are doing to support their female staff.

It’s most often ignored when it happens to women with much greater power and privilege than the average restaurant server, so it’s unlikely that it will be acknowledged, let alone addressed, in a population that is so devoid of either power or privilege. Sign up for my free biweekly wellness newsletter here for my series on Moving into Good Self-Care, where you’ll learn simple tips for taking the best care of yourself and your loved ones this winter season.

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Ethic Marketing &


In a world plagued by consumerism, what is the role and importance of an Ethical Marketing Strategy with reliable eco-practices? Ethical Marketing Strategy and reliable ecological practices are strategic market decisions aimed at Brand Equity. Growing portions of the public place more importance on these postures, so brands work to add these traits to their continuous image-building process. In terms of society, this is great. We all stand to gain. But only if the company's posture is supported by its practices (which is not always the case). "Greenwashing" as a Marketing Practice It is quite common for these postures to be just facades. Vales do Rio Doce Mineração (Brazil) is an example. In 2015, a dam by Samarco, a company that was a partnership between Vale and BHP Billington, broke. Its mud, full of highly toxic chemical waste, reached Rio Doce. This river gives the company its name in Samarco. In such a large volume, this mud practically killed the river and even affected a large sea region located around its mouth. Since then, Vale do Rio Doce has tried to avoid legal liabilities and fines. Our theme here has made several efforts to mitigate the company's image's adverse effects in terms of communication. In practice, however, what we saw was an accident of even greater proportions in 2019, when the "Brumadinho dam," belonging to the same Vale do Rio Doce, broke, causing, in addition to formidable environmental damage, the tragic death of 259 people. OMTIMES

In the week of this terrible accident, the then president of the company announced hiring a famous publicist to work on the company's image. This denotes more than a lack of tact. It reveals a posture of contradiction between appearance and practice. There are several other similar cases around the world. Remember Volkswagen's fraud regarding the emission of pollutant gases in diesel engines? I chose this example from Vale because it is emblematic. It is cheaper and easier to talk than to do. I continue to be suspicious of any campaign with an ecological theme or social responsibility without commitment. The company must expose reliable data of real actions put into practice reassuring efforts supporting the speech. What is the difference between unethical and ethical advertising? Are there any differences between the older and the new media concerning Ethics? As the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun. From the point of view of entertainment (and, ultimately, even news programs are entertainment), although the changes seem to be the result of socio-cultural awareness, they stem from market pressures. The Identity of minorities calls for representation and relevance, so the entertainment industry responds to satisfy this outcry and thus remains itself (the sector) relevant to these audiences. OMTIMES| APRIL 2021

These changes are positive, of course, but they are not due to ethical reasons. However, they have an impact on the ethical training of viewers, and this is very good. Concerning news content, the difference is that today there are fewer barriers to entry. It is possible to make a news channel without a large investment in a graphic park or in a network of reporters worldwide. So, there is a profusion of virtual vehicles of all kinds, from the serious to the most spirited. But it has always existed. Only the quantity has changed. Is it possible to merge Social Responsibility and Marketing as a new way to communicate an idea being through organic publicity (Social Media) or Commercials? The only way to do that is to have concrete practices in this sense of social and environmental responsibility and only announce anything related to this when it also has tangible results. We did this and arrived at this result.

The "Let's do it" or just "support" is empty and can lead to problems like the ones Volkswagen faced. We all remember Volkswagen's fraud about the emission of polluting gases in diesel engines a while back. What is the difference between unethical and ethical advertising? It is a vast topic since it ranges from advertising a product that has the potential to be harmful to people or to the environment, passing through the type of arguments that can be used even to advertise a harmless product and even the issue of advertising something in that you don't believe in – even if there is nothing illegitimate about the product being promoted. I would like to cite a concrete example. Júlio Ribeiro was an example of an ethical advertiser. When founding his own advertising agency, He put in the company's bylaws that they would never accept business accounts from cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, or any Government agency. At the time, they were three of the 5 largest niche advertisers in the country. OMTIMES| APRIL 2021


In a book, he said that his biggest existential crisis was when, as a copywriter at another agency, an advertiser asked for a cigarette campaign to target teenagers between 14 and 18. So the decision came to put this as an explicit requirement in the company's bylaws. His attitude when founding Talent was genuinely ethical. In 1992, a large Brazilian agency announced scissors aimed at children, which had Disney's Mickey and Minnie Mouse images. The commercial consisted of a boy repeating for 30 seconds, "I have, you don't!" while showing off the scissors. The product is legitimate, but the language, in one of the countries with the most remarkable social differences in the world, is, in addition to being unethical, of bad taste and atrocious lack of sensitivity. This commercial reinforced a consumerist and futile posture, valuing differences, not similarities. It is a classic example of unethical behavior. Finally, some people that in other circumstances would never politically vote for candidate A or B. Thanks to competent publicists who work on their campaigns (even though they disagree with everything they argue), they may feel inclined to accept their political platform.


I imagine that the advertisers in question have intimate issues to resolve regarding their professional ethics and social responsibility. In short, do not wish for the other, what you do not want for yourself. This maxim works well for Publicists, marketers, and advertisers.

Alberto Adler is a Brazilian Scholar, a Visionary. He is a Pos-Graduation Professor for the Estácio de Sá University of Propaganda and Marketing. He is also a Planning Strategist on Advertising. His substantial professional experience and expertise involve both focused and eclectic backgrounds. Adler is a writer, a well-known researcher, a strategic Communication Planner, an expert on Strategic Communications and Market Intelligence. Adler is also a Business Mentor and a Leadership coach. Follow him on Facebook.


April 2021

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For more information, or to purchase the cards, click the bottle or visit:

Personal Branding: The New Author's Trademark


By iSpirit Publishing

uppose you are here as a

for, what moves them, for what

published author. In that

makes their soul burn with joy and

case, it is most likely because


you desire to improve your

Author's platform and establish a

Two things will help you with your

more effective personal branding. We

branding: your passion and a clear

understand, and that is of profound

set of goals.

importance. Having a clear goal is an important Very well, you already know what a

step in developing your personal

lot of people spend their lives looking

brand. Along with your passion, they

OM TIMES | April 2021

will help you turn those dreams into

They are waiting for answers from the


publishers, waiting for the brilliant idea, the perfect inspiration. They

If you have been accompanying our

think that having an excellent book

articles, you will know that we consider

is the key to thinking about being a

being a writer more than hobbies and

professional writer and a well-known


published author.

As such, a successful writing career

This line of thought can't be further

must also be planned. Your audience

than the truth. Don't wait; dream,

niche, the image you are going to

became a visionary, and plan.

project, all of this is important when it comes to being a successful author.

Plan how much time you will devote

Still, your most valuable asset is your

to writing and how much time will

personal brand.

you devote to reading?


Question yourself for how long will


you need to study?

Effective personal brand management

When will you start promoting

previews the control of the right signals

yourself as a writer? What will be your

and triggers the proper mechanisms.


Ultimately, this will make all the difference between winners and losers,


between follow-up and anonymous


stars who will die invisibly. Developing strategic planning will make a

Have attainable goals and invest in

difference, and it will become the key to

your future as a published author

leveraging an author's successful career.

right now. Remember that the investment we are talking about

Many aspiring authors waste time

is not necessarily financial. The

waiting for everything, and at the same

most significant investments you

time, they are delaying their careers for

can make are your time and your


commitment to your goals. OM TIMES | April 2021

Learn, write, rewrite, edit, and try

If you want to live as a published

again; always share your knowledge.

author, with your writings and

Or, to paraphrase Seth Godin, write

books, you have to understand

things worth talking about and talk

that your essays are a product,

about what you write.

and you are your best seller. OM TIMES | April 2021

The Author of the book is one of the

are you inspired by, and what do

factors that influence the decision

you aim to write? All of these are

to buy a book. That is, people buy

questions that will help you define

the book because they want to

your brand.

know what that Author has to say. It is not difficult to recognize

Think about why the reader should

this trend when fans say that they

choose to read his work and not

would even buy this or that Author's

those of so many other authors. This

shopping list.

is what sets you apart. That is what will make you unique-invest in it.

Jokes aside, the Author's name is a brand that helps sell his books.

After answering all these questions

Therefore, if you are not yet a

for yourself, think of three

published author, seek to create

adjectives for your brand.

or strengthen your personal brand online and offline.

Whenever you post on your networks, on your fan page, think

"But how can an aspiring author

about it: does your post correspond

build a personal brand?"

to the brand image you want to convey?


This is a simple exercise, a practice that you can include in your daily

We have good news. Usually, for

life to reinforce the characteristics

experts in brand building, the key

that you want to appear on you.

to a successful brand is storytelling. But this should be done truthfully

You see, this is not about lying,

and consistently. As a writer, you are

quite the contrary. Do not

already versed in main storytelling

misrepresent yourself. Your fans

techniques, now it remains to know:

will read this. It is about extolling

what is the story you want to tell?

the best you have and extolling it in your networks.

Who are you as a writer? Why do you write? What kind of literature

Follow us on Facebook

OM TIMES | April 2021


Korean Bulgogi

EAT WELL. LIVE BETTER. By YdaJun's Plant-based Kitchen

Korean Bulgogi (Seitan/Gluten) Vegan #KoreanSeitanBulgogi | #VeganBulgogi

Bulgogi is one of the most popular Korean dishes. It’s super simple to make but so delicious!


250 grams basic seitan, thinly sliced (see tutorial links listed above) 1/4 apple or Asian pear, grated 1 teaspoon grated ginger 5 garlic cloves, finely minced 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 green onion, chopped 1/2 onion, thinly sliced


Mix all the ingredients. Let sit for at least one hour, or better, let it marinate, chilling overnight. Heat some oil in a pan, over a medium high heat. Add seitan to the pan and cook. Stir occasionally. Cook until the Edges are crisp. Season with salt and pepper as needed. To serve, garnish with toasted sesame seeds and chopped scallions or green onions.


Preparation video click here

toasted sesame seeds

Basic Seitan using Vital Wheat Gluten:Here

green onion or scallions

Reincarnation of Animals. Do our Pets Reincarnate? By Ministry Earth OM TIMES | April 2021


nimals, like humans, are


beings endowed with


Souls. Souls are part of our eternal nature, so it

Many families are concerned. They

is entirely possible to claim that these

think that their pet has reincarnated

beings (Non-Human Beings) also pass

elsewhere and is no longer loved by

through the process of evolution and

the new owners. This is a thought that


needs to be removed from your strain of thought.

According to several spiritual traditions, all individuals in the

Animals and ourselves go through

Animal Kingdom have a reincarnating

reincarnation to evolve their souls,

soul. However, mammalian-class

acquiring cognitive skills so that

animals have spirits closer to human

one day they can be at peace on the

characteristics of evolution. The

spiritual plane. With this in mind - and

reincarnation of animals is close to

knowing that animals do not have a

ours, except for the element of Free

human conscience - the reincarnation

will, which only human beings seem

of animals is carried out according to

to have.

their spiritual needs.

After the departure of an animal

For example, let us say that a dog was

from earthly life, only its soul is

very loved in a particular family, and

repaired. The reason is that they do

he died. His soul goes to a temporary

not have a system of consciousness

spiritual plane and soon returns to the

as complex as ours to work with. At

body of another domestic animal to

least not in this plane of existence. For

continue its evolution.

that reason, some spiritual schools regard the process of reincarnation

So, the question would be that in his

of animals to be more agile and fluid

new reincarnations, is it possible for

than human reincarnation.

the animal to return to its "original" family? Yes, it is possible. Depending

Animals share with us the privilege

on the animal's needs, it can still have

of having a soul.

strong emotional bonds together with


a group of people, such as his original OM TIMES | April 2021

family, promoting not only a feeling


of happiness but also a concomitant


evolution. This is why some animals The reincarnation of animals is a

become our 'Familiars."

crucial step in the evolution of their For the real difference between


humans and other animals is that humans alone have a perception

Domesticated animals that lived

of good and evil, just and unjust,

with families will never regress to a

etc. It is the sharing of a common

wild environment. That is, it is not

view in these matters that makes a

necessary to create a concern about

household and a state.

dangerous whereabouts that may


exist. OM TIMES | April 2021

Animals reincarnate in caring

Many people become incredibly

environments at their evolution

desperate, even entering into a

levels. The Beings of light that care

depressive crisis.

for animal evolution are always looking for means and conditions to

The Non-Human Beings essence, in

contribute to a progressive evolution

other words, our animals, are different


from human nature. They are beings who do not hold a grudge and are

The best thing we do as human

always by our side, no matter what

beings is love them to help our dear

the situation. Their soul preserves

animals to good reincarnation.

purity and innocence that distinguish

The effective exchange of feelings

them from the fabric of our own souls.

and coziness is essential for animals to evolve with more quality and


spirituality. The Seeds of love


flourish within an animal soul and bloom into many different noble

However, the most unfortunate

sentiments, such as devotion,

feature is that our animals have a

gratitude, loyalty, and adoration.

shorter lifespan.

Their Souls are enriched by good energies, and they flourish,

Yes, domestic animals that live more

facilitating further development of a

than ten, twenty years are rare. But,

beautiful spiritual plane.

after our friends left, do we ask ourselves if there is a heaven for


them? Or will we ever meet again?


These are questions that afflict all those who have already lost an

It is a fact that an animal's death

animal. Being that, a puppy, a cat, a

is unfortunate, especially when it

bird, or some animal endowed with

comes to our fur babies. That pet

invincible love and devotion.

that we took care of since childhood suddenly, in an instant, can just

From this, we decided to study more

disappear, with them a piece of our

deeply about the fate of these animal


companions: OM TIMES | April 2021


so pure that it is not blemished like ours. They are also regarded

The sky of animals and that directed

as "sinless," as they do not have

at us is located in the divine Paradise.

malice as part of their dharmic

That is why we will be reunited with our


friends, who we have learned to love in the earthly life. Animals, as well as

Their consciousness evolves more

human beings, are beings with a soul.

clearly. The animal minds are not intensely opposed and divided

The only difference that distinguishes

between good and evil like ours.

us is that animals' consciousness is

For this reason, mistreatment of

OM TIMES | April 2021

animals, in addition to being terrible,

love) say goodbye to us, they cross

is unfair and exceptionally cruel.

the Rainbow Bridge. On the other side of this bridge are fields and


hills where animals can run, play, and enjoy their childlike innocence,

Even the animals that suffered the

purity, and a deep sense of love.

most here on earth will find rest on the spiritual plane. All of them will receive

They say that there is enough

blessings and freedom to play, run,

space, food, and sun to make them

and live their essences in peace. The

all feel good on the other side of

only reason that can sometimes make

the Rainbow Bridge.

them thoughtful is to miss the owner. Furthermore, according to this In the same way that we will not

legend, all those who were ill, were

forget them, they will also keep in

mutilated or cruelly hurt, have their

their hearts the reminder that they

health restored and overflow with

were once very loved and how much

everlasting joy.

they also loved. According to this beautiful legend, During this period, both will end up

our friends are happy and satisfied.

thinking about each other. As still in

Still, they miss someone special

earthly lives, we will suffer much more

they left on the other side of the

because animals in heaven have an

Rainbow Bridge.

abundance of joy, that the feeling of This beautiful legend fills our

pain or sadness does not exist.

hearts with hope in the face of However, as soon as we meet our

the loss of our beloved animals.

faithful friend, we will know that even

It also helps us metaphorically

before we arrive, he will be waiting for

understand that it remains in our

us and that all the time spent waiting

hearts when an animal leaves this

for this moment was worth it.

world even though we may not enjoy its warmth physically. They

Legend has it that when four-legged

live forever in our own version of

angels (and any other creature we


OM TIMES | April 2021

Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Desire, Love and Addiction According to Buddhism How to distinguish between true love and possessive attachment? This precious life is our opportunity. We are not the millions and millions of other things that are not human. Tenzin Palmo OM TIMES | April 2021


elfless love can be

her book entitled “Into the Heart of

compared to the pure

Life” elucidates issues of relationships

sound that comes from

such as marriage, dating, etc. She

a crystal glass, and the

sums up this issue, saying that we

attachment to the finger that, when

constantly mistake attachment for

touching the rim of the glass, drowns


out that sound. “The problem is that we always We recognized from the beginning

confuse the idea of love ​​ with

that the idea of ​​a is relatively foreign

attachment. You know, we imagine

tour Western sensibility. Being

that the attachment and jealousy

detached does not mean that we love

we have in our relationships shows

the person less, but that we are not

that we love. When it is really just

centered on the love for ourselves or

attachment. And it causes us pain.

hiding in the love we say we feel for

Because the more we hold on to

the other.

something, the more we are afraid of losing it.” “And it causes us pain ”

Selfless love is the joy of sharing the lives of those around us - our family,

And then, if we lose, we will suffer.

our friends, our companions, our wife,

What I mean is that genuine love

or our husband - and contributing to

is ... Well, attachment says, 'I love

their happiness.

you, so I want you to make me happy'. Genuine love says: ‘I love

We love the other for who they are,

you, so I want you to be happy. And

and not through the distorted lens of

if that includes me, great. If you

self-centeredness. Instead of being

don't include me, I just want your

attached to the other, we must keep

happiness. ' And they are two totally

their happiness in mind; instead of

different feelings.

waiting for them to bring us some gratification, we can receive their

Attachment is like holding on too

mutual love with joy.

tightly. But genuine love is like holding it very gently, feeding it,

The precious teaching of Buddhist

but allowing things to flow. It is not

teacher Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo in

getting stuck with strings attached.

OM TIMES | April 2021

The more we tie the other, the more

company instead of waiting for the

we suffer.

other to meet the need for fulfillment that they don't feel alone.

In any type of relationship in which we think we can be fulfilled by the

Through this sentence we can

other, it is bound to be complicated.

understand what it means when

The ideal would be for people to

we think we love someone. Love is a

come together already having this

much deeper bond in our lives that

feeling of self-fulfillment, and to

influences someone else's life. Or

come together to enjoy each other's

others, in some cases. The practice of

OM TIMES | April 2021

attachment is much more common,

attract you to have control. He

as we believe that we should be

considers attraction as an inherent

reciprocated by feeling affection for

characteristic of that person,

someone, so believing that it is love.

whose qualities he magnifies, while

And she concludes: “When we start to

underestimating defects. “Desire

know gold, we recognize that it may

beautifies the objects on which

not be Prince Charming or Cinderella.

its wings of fire rest,” said Anatole

It is just an ordinary person, who is


also struggling. And unless we are able to see them, to like them and to

Obsessive desire is a reflection of

feel desire for them, and also to have

the intensity and frequency of the

compassion and tenderness, it will be

mental images that trigger it. Like a

a difficult relationship. ”

scratched disc, it keeps repeating the same leitmotif. It is a polarization of

Therefore, let us practice love in its

the mental universe, a loss of fluidity,

essence and purity, seeing the person

which impairs inner freedom.

as he deserves. In the best possible way, without imposing or inducing

Alain wrote: “This despised lover,


who squirms on the bed instead of sleeping and who meditates on


terrible revenge. What would be left of his wound if he no longer thought

The obsessive desire that often

about the past and the future? This

accompanies passionate love distorts

ambitious one, wounded in the heart

affection, tenderness and the joy

by a failure, where will he look for his

of enjoying and sharing life with

pain, if not in a past that resurrects

someone. It is the opposite of selfless

and in a future that he invents? ”

love. It arises from an unhealthy egocentrism that cherishes itself

You learn to speak by speaking, to

in the other or, even worse, seeks

study by studying, to run by running,

to build its own happiness at the

to work by working; in just the same

expense of the other. This type of

way, you learn to love by loving.

desire only wants to appropriate people, objects and situations that

Anatole France

OM TIMES | April 2021


Family Karma and the Healing of Hereditary Patterns By Humanity Healing OM TIMES | April 2021


amily karma can be

The egregors are spiritual forces -

composed of physical

like a circle or a field force with a

patterns, values, feelings,

distinctive energy signature, created

mental issues, beliefs, and

by the sum of collective energies,

characteristics passed down through

vibratory patterns resulting from the

generations. Some patterns can

congregation of two or more people.

travel to the entire lineage, such as

Therefore, destructive behaviors and

addictions, compulsive behaviors.

situations can be influenced by family Karma, which is also called "family

I feel very strongly that I am under

curse" or "hereditary curse."

the influence of things or questions which were left incomplete and

The greatest tragedy of the family is

unanswered by my parents and

the unlived lives of the parents.

grandparents, and more distant

Carl Jung

ancestors. It often seems as if there were an impersonal karma within

When you watch your family closely,

a family passed on from parents to

you will notice that some symptoms

children. It has always seemed to me

prevent prosperity, such as lack of

that I had to answer questions that

love for others or self-love. These

fate had posed to my forefathers.

characteristics can be responsible

Questions which had not yet been

for divorces, fights over the property,

answered, or as if I had to complete,

and even separation from the family.

or perhaps continue, things that

But why are these dark feelings

previous ages had left unfinished.

generated, and how can we deal with

Carl Jung

them? Discover options for the cure of family Karma and the breaking of

However, some families inherit

hereditary patterns.

negative behaviors and situations such as addictions, envy, personality


disorders, suicides, and mental illness. These problems are consequences of

Spiritual Studies on family Karma

our ancestors' actions, which become

indicate that almost all families deal

cellular records and become family

with at least one of the seven karmic


shadows: abuse, violence, poverty, OM TIMES | April 2021

OM TIMES | April 2021

illness, betrayal, and abandonment.

ancestral influences and ward off

These shadows represent the karmas

shadowy emotions. These treatments

or even samskara patterns that are

can facilitate the growth of feeling

often repeated, becoming recurrent

s such as love, trust, prosperity, and

in the family.

peaceful wellbeing.

Many different circumstances may


give origin to these patterns. They


usually involve strong intentions

(Regressive Therapy) is a therapeutic

(usually lower desires) allied to an

methodology developed in 2006

overcharged emotional release.

by holistic therapist Osvaldo

Usually, they appear by cultivating

Shimoda, combining spirituality

lower feelings such as hatred, envy,

and psychology. In this therapy, the

suspiciousness, distrust, resentment,

patient understands that a family

jealousy, loathing, and disgust.

is a group of spirits who correct mistakes made by them and their

One of the acts that may have started

predecessors in past lives.

this Karma is engaging in one or more of these feelings with the desperate

These souls need to reconcile and

intention to change one's life.

end family conflicts such as fights between couples, disagreements

For this purpose, people who

between siblings, and any bad

use spirituality end up creating

feelings that can be carried on for

for themselves and, like their

several generations. This is done

descendants. These erratic patterns

by breaking and healing repetitive

seem to lack good luck or create a


series of unfortunate coincidences. Thus, physical and mental illnesses,

According to its creator, in RT, 90%

resentment, hatred, fights between

of communications with spirits

family members, brothers, and

occur intuitively. Through words,

disputes over power, and money arise.

feelings, impressions, or sensations, the patient has the impression that

Spiritual treatment is one of many

the energy is saying something.

ways to break negative family

We can say that this is a telepathic OM TIMES | April 2021

communication since the souls enter

evil thoughts, which make us feel

the mind and read the thoughts. Still,

incapable and weak, result from

according to Shimoda, 10% of people

spiritual harassment.

who undergo therapy say they hear someone talking close to their ears.

Psychotherapy helps to dissolve trauma and seeks the root of the

While destructive behaviors and

problem, eliminating suffering and

illnesses are inherited from ancestors,

anxiety. Through simple spiritual

OM TIMES | April 2021

practices, trauma, pacts, and

first time that we have gone to a

destructive cellular memories are

place or that we have experienced

resolved, which our ancestors carried

the same situation before.

and passed on to the generations. It is possible to break the vibrational

Study of meditation as a means of

frequency of such situations. Besides,

recalling past-life experiences in an

it leads disembodied spirits to the

altered state of consciousness.

path of light. These two spiritual

ERT therapy aims to cure these

healing protocols can bring the cure.

obsessions. One of the methods is the prayer of forgiveness, which makes

In Regressive Therapy, the patient

the patient open his heart and send

discovers details of his past lives

light to his spiritual adversaries to

revealed by the spiritual mentor.

be helped and supported, finding

Blockages that hinder personal and

their path of light. It is important to

spiritual growth are treated. At the

note that Evolutionary Regressive

end of the session, the patient himself

Therapy does not link with religious

comes to a conclusion about the facts

institutions, sects, or groups.

presented. SPIRITUAL THERAPY FOR HEALING To understand the importance of


this type of therapy, you need to know how reincarnation is studied

The healing of Karma from


psychotherapy is not only done by Evolutionary Regressive Therapy.

Ways of Recalling past lives

There is also the option of PLT (Past

through RT

Life Therapy), which has an essential role in spiritual re-education.

Providing reliable study of recurring dreams and memories of past lives

PLT treats psychosomatic, psychic,

that can manifest through them.

and organic disorders that do not have causes defined by

Analysis of déjà vu (a French term

traditional medicine. Besides, it

that means "already seen") usually

helps in impasses between couples,

gives us the feeling that it is not the

relationships between parents and

OM TIMES | April 2021

children, and disagreements

A. Internal (Intrapsychic):

between siblings. Many therapists

traumatic experiences throughout

use hypnotherapy as a means to

childhood, birth, or maternal

practice PLT.

womb. Or in even earlier experiences, in past lives.

According to PLT, the roots of these problems can originate from

B. External (interpsychic):

three factors:

interference from external spirits OM TIMES | April 2021

(usually adverse or suffering) that

to self-knowledge, transformation,

can prevent the patient from

and evolution. The patient maintains

performing regressions to other

his conscious state throughout the

lives, to discover the source of his

session. Access to past lives is done

problems. These spirits know that

through the technique of verbal

contact with other lives is the key


to healing. This essay has presented different C. Mixed: when the harmful

views about family Karma. Their

interference is removed through

destructive behaviors, situations,

friendly spiritual presences

and diseases that pass through

during a regression. Thus, the

generations disrupt family relations

patient can settle the score and

and prevent healthy and loving

solve their problems quickly and

relationships among their members.

effectively. We talked about treatments PLT also has no connection with

through ERT (Evolutionary

religions. It is a psychotherapeutic

Regressive Therapy) and PLT

approach that studies the scientific

(Past Life Therapy) and their

theory of reincarnation to explain

characteristics and ways of

personalities and behaviors from

functioning. Both agree on one

other lives. Therapy is indicated

point that forgiveness is the best

in cases of the panic syndrome,

way to untie those karmic knots.

depression, phobias, and difficulties in relating. It should not be

We hope that you will understand

performed out of curiosity and

what happens to your family and

is contraindicated for pregnant

that you will have the strength to

women, as it can affect the fetal

change these destructive patterns.


Accepting our problems and realizing that we cannot solve

In this therapy, the patient learns

them alone is the first step towards

only of things that his unconscious

healing family Karma. We would also

deems necessary, unpleasant, or

recommend finding a trustworthy

pleasant facts that can contribute

Family Clearing (Karma) therapist.

OM TIMES | April 2021

The Enigmatic Connection Between Karmic Enmity and Karmic Debt


By OMTimes

t is known that the Karmic

All of these relationships can become

relationships could be classified

blessings of support and healing.

as positive ones and those of a

However, some still have karmic

negative aspect. Souls usually

debts. They may live their lives as a

incarnate in batches, as soul groups,

continuation of issues. Both have

usually to help each other learn the

failed to learn from behavior or

lessons from Earth school and help

situation in previous existences. This

each other to evolve and grow.

type of relationship has continued OM TIMES | April 2021

in subsequent lives. It can be called


karmic enmity between karmic


partners that haven't evolved or Karmic enmity can be very close to

transcended a karmic lesson.

you and even belong to your own The karmic enemies and the souls

family or close friend’s circle.

with positive affinity are people that inevitably we end up crossing during

Usually, they appear in your life so

our lifetime.

that a repair can be carried out. The relationship can overcome past

These meetings allow a previously

conflicts and dramas, bringing new

compromised situation to be

light and different perspectives. So,

resolved, opening each of us’ journey,

suppose you have a problematic

granting the energetic block's

relationship with someone close to

removal, and allowing spiritual

you. In that case, that person can be


your "Karmic challenge," therefore a "karmic enemy."

The release of the karmic bond that surrounds your soul will only be

Although the enemy may not be from

possible from the moment it evolves,

your circle of friendships, the person

ceasing to revive previous wounds.

is strangely familiar to us in a karmic encounter, even if we have never seen

Only then will the soul be free to live

him in this life or do not know him/

the next challenges and dharmic

her well.

freedom Many years' experience can show Already like-minded spirits appear in

how difficult it may be to overcome

our lives to make it happen to provide

the differences and disagreements

mutual help, a real endowment

we have with our "spiritual enemies."

of strength, and a deepening of a

The cessation and healing of these

shared friendship coming from other

karmic knots are essential for our

incarnational experiences—these

spiritual progress and enrichment

types of relationships that can last for

as souls having Human experiences.

many centuries.

Overcoming these energetic blocks OM TIMES | April 2021

is important. Besides being time-

powerful key and a reasonable

consuming, challenging, and painful,

way to overcome such karmic

sometimes a lifetime is not enough to

blocks. Thus, you will at least be

solve these problems.

able to establish a new vibrational template of energy, with an

When facing karmic antagonism, we

exchange of respect and non-

must strive to build a more positive

aggression. The type of behavior

relationship and seek consistent and

will create a pondered and

clear interactions. Forgiveness is a

amicable coexistence situation.

OM TIMES | April 2021

Which will, in time, be conducing of

commandments. For example, to act

healing and karmic release.

contrary to what is considered correct and consistent.

What hurts you blesses you. Darkness is your candle.

In past lives, these transgressive acts


were consciously committed against others, and sometimes even against

Suppose for some reason, we are

us. To repair these errors, we can

unable to achieve this goal of release.

accept an additional burden to learn

In that case, even if we dedicate and

a specific lesson that has not been

strive, we can be sure that karma is

assimilated in previous lives.

being somewhat mitigated. Whoever did not give in to positively healing

According to Kabbalistic Numerology

or our tolerance and humanization

and considering our personal

efforts will continue to carry the

evolutionary history, we can be born

difficulties and obstructions.

on a "karmic day" and therefore have

So, what will really matter in the end is

a somewhat more troubled journey.

not to give up improving yourself and

This would be because we may have

opening your heart. In doing so, you

contracted a Karmic Debt.

will be doing your part and getting rid WHAT ARE THE KARMIC DAYS

of those karmic bonds.


The days are 13, 14, 16, and 19. These numbers have a direct

Karmic debts are transgressions of the

connection to the meaning of the

primordial laws of the universe. They

respective Tarot Cards.

happen when an individual decides to commit actions that are contrary to


what is governed by Universal Laws.


That is to say, a karmic act is

As Divine Justice is implacable, in

contracted when one acts contrary

the present life, we ​​are receiving a

to the spiritual and sacred

new opportunity to evolve. These OM TIMES | April 2021

numbers come as reconstructs

These numbers and learning

because we understand that we are

the lessons offered by their

fully responsible for our actions admit

archetypes will provide us with

our past mistakes after these difficult

the necessary experience to

periods of learning. We propose to use

make the required adjustments,

our free will to cancel those Karmic

adding positive actions to our


current existence. OM TIMES | April 2021

When making the debt

taking unscrupulous advantages

readjustment, the accounts with the

over others.

universe are definitely paid, and it is realigned again so that it can evolve


fully, without further suffering from bad influences

This arcanum is one of the strongest of the Tarot deck, and it is one where

Initially, karmic debts are linked to

human selfishness (hubris) is stricken

the day of birth (13, 14, 16, and 19). If

down. It is the karmic debt linked

you were born on any of these days,

to pride and self-centeredness. It

you might have arrived in the world

belongs to those who have gone to

with an extra karmic debt.

great lengths to achieve their goals while still thinking only of themselves.


People who betrayed, belittled, mistreated, or even attacked others

The Arcanum 13 is a card of

just to get what they wanted. These

Transformation. It demands radical

people usually object to suffering

changes in your inner scenarios

Instant Karma.

because it brings the archetype of rebirth and second chances. It is the


debt linked to the practice of suicide, death, or neglect that someone

Among the karmic debts, this is the

practiced against themselves or

one that is linked to illicit enrichment

against others.

and iniquity. This person has achieved this using lies, deceit, and


other illegal devices.

This is a Karma of restitution and

Even if you were not born on one

Balance. This Number is linked to

of these strong dates, you might

material greed. It is the karmic debt

still have karmic debts. It will be

of one who uses energies in bad faith

necessary to analyze your Personal

to make material gains for himself.

Kabbalistic Numerological Map if you

This may have been done through

want to know more about Karmic

deception, theft, delusion, or when

Birthday numbers.

OM TIMES | April 2021

The Psychic Flow of Information


By Judi Lynch

e are consistently gifted with the

We are consistently gifted with the

miracle of energy-

miracle of energy-driven psychic

driven psychic

phenomena throughout our lifetimes.

phenomena throughout our

When the channels are operating

lifetimes. As our spirit and flesh's

on a positive flow, we have access

evolution continues, it will become

to information that enhances

more commonplace and accepted in

and embraces our lives' purposes.

our everyday lives.

Even when our awareness may be OM TIMES | April 2021

otherwise engaged, we are still the

associated with feelings we receive.

receivers of miracles.

As we develop this skill, we notice the ability to see the color when

Although it might seem at a slow

we encounter the same situation/

pace sometimes, collectively, our

emotion. This information comes in

human brains are wired for psychic

through our 3rd eye visions. If our

connection and constant evolution.

sense of emotions comes through

The crown chakra, pineal gland, and

feeling, we may need to learn to

3rd eye work to process the energetic

balance the energies. It can drain our

frequencies that illuminate the

energy and physical strength. When

process. Psychic skills can be defined

we are highly empathetic, assigning

as processing data through physical,

colors can be a real necessity.

spiritual, and emotional levels. They can be slight or highly intensive,

For those who wish to see auras and

depending on the person and their

energy fields, it is useful to practice in

level of ability.

nature. The glow around a mountain range will move and shift when we

Many people have experienced

train our eyes to focus on the area

psychic connections during

just above it. We can practice seeing

great stress or trauma, which has

auras around people and objects by

changed their belief system entirely.

concentrating on the etheric energy

Seeing, hearing, and feeling spirit

field that surrounds them. Colors will

in such dramatic ways that the

start to come into focus, or light will

effect lasts a lifetime. Many others

illuminate. We become entirely more

regularly embrace their abilities and

aware that every space is filled with

strengthen their skills through various


meditations, lifestyle choices, and Dreams are another way we receive


information. We are given access to With regular practices, it's entirely

portals and libraries full of spiritual

possible to activate and elevate

and metaphysical wonders whenever

psychic skills, heightening the

we tap in. Astral travel, visits from

energy fields we are connected to.

loved ones, and answers for our

One approach is to assign colors

emotional challenges can all be

OM TIMES | April 2021

experienced in the psychic flow.

connect to certain people that

These skills are with us all. Even if

are more intense and filled with

we are not aware of them regularly,

details. With others, it can be more

we have used them in our lives.

subdued and non-specific. This

Many people have experienced the

can happen because of blocked

unexplainable and might still deny

energy, which to a psychic can

that psychic ability is possible. It

look like a fence or a giant wall.

truly doesn't make it any less real for

The person being read can be very

those who live with it, twenty-four

fearful of learning something they

hours a day, seven days a week.

don't want to hear, so they put up a psychic wall to protect themselves.

Those who practice as psychic

A good psychic learns how to put

mediums know it's possible to

others at ease by letting them OM TIMES | April 2021

know they are there to help and not incite fear or anxiety.

intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is

In all, it's good to remember to keep an open mind and an open heart when dealing with our ability to communicate through our psychic eyes. People can be highly developed and aware but still, question the existence of our deeper senses as humans. These skills are invaluable to living productive and purpose-filled lives.

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium,

president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact for a session, see

OM TIMES | April 2021

Astrology & Numerology

How grateful is your Zodiac Sign?


Gratefulness & Forgiveness and The Astrological Signs

sn't it great when someone

spirit of feeling gratitude, let's reflect

shows their gratefulness and

on what each sign loves most and

open our hearts with pure grace?

say a big thank you for everything we share.

It is such a simple thing, but it is the heart and soul of gratitude. Sure, life


gets crazy and challenging, but there

Be grateful and enjoy good health

is a lot to be thankful for, and very

and energy to pursue your dreams! Be

little of it is related to money. In the

well, feel good, stay highly motivated,

OM TIMES | April 2021

and inspire the rest of the Zodiac with

fundamental nature of who, why,

your joy and natural self-confidence.

and who we are before we mature and become our unique beings. Say

Click here to get Your Sign monthly

thanks, love each other, with warts


and everything, and hug often!


Click here to get Your Sign monthly

Be grateful for all the beautiful places,


possessions, and things that endure! And if they can't last, you know that


you can always cherish memories.

Pure fun to make life worth living!

In any case, beauty remains in our

Your inner child always reveals itself

hearts forever. And Taurus knows

in your playfulness. But it also lives


the reality and says thanks to the Universe with a contagious and

Click here to get Your Sign monthly

happy smile. Show your gratitude


with passion, Leo!


Click here to get Your Sign monthly

Friends keep us in touch with the


world and with ourselves! You understand that communication is


important, so be incredibly grateful

Let's all be thankful for your gentle

to those who keep us honest and

routine, with or without purring

real. Be extra thankful to the friends

kittens! Its simple discipline takes

who listen to us during our madness,

us through confusion and chaos.

especially during Covid times.

Keep a modest order is best. Your analytical sense of propriety will

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guide you during difficult times,


and that in itself is a reason to be grateful for it.

CANCER The family is sometimes the best

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blessing in disguise! It is the

Forecast OM TIMES | April 2021

OM TIMES | April 2021



Peace and tranquility! Every moment

Meaningful work nourishes the soul

is a jewel. Partners fight, but then

and comforts the heart! When we

they kiss and makeup. For Libra,

see you pursuing your real purpose

any big or small conflict resolved

in life, it is a life of gratitude in

or avoided entirely is a significant

action. Be grateful for the chance -

victory. You are grateful for Peaceful

or even the aspiration - to be useful.

resolutions. Click here to get Your Sign monthly Click here to get Your Sign monthly



The freedom to explore and the

The most intimate of confidential

thrill of discovery are as precious

secrets is a precious thing that is

and necessary as the air you

usually well kept and kept hidden!

breathe! You tell again to each of us

You appreciate how great it is to be

to be grateful for the free natural

loved, honored, and trusted with

spirit that we all have and make the

the treasures and confessions of

most of it.

others. Click here to get Your Sign monthly Click here to get Your Sign monthly



The most grateful of the signs know

The love of adventure and the

that we are all a large family of

desire to experience the big world is

humanity. You are grateful only for

what keeps your heart beating fast!

being born and alive in this more

Reminds the entire Zodiac to be

mystical world. No one will use

grateful and to remember that even

those words, however. A hug and a

daily life can be significant.

kiss will say it all.

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Forecast OM TIMES | April 2021


ruptures. Some signs do not even


want to try to understand the weakness of the other. Some forgive,

Do you have problems forgiving?

or say they forgive, but do not forget. They tend to keep a heartache deep

For some Zodiac signs, frustrations

and can often remember what and

with people can lead to permanent

who hurt them.

OM TIMES | April 2021

But, after all, which are the signs

they will end up hurt again by

that hold more grudge and have

the same people in a short time.

difficulties in forgiving?

Thus, they prefer to cut everything that connects them and try to

The water signs such as Cancer,

definitively forget what they had.

Scorpio, and Pisces tend to hold the most resentment in the face of

A Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces person

the astrological Universe. Rancor

may even say that they have

could be the name of the one

forgiven, but that does not mean

who is ruled by Scorpio. People

that they will stop commenting

governed by Scorpio surrender

on what happened and complain.

in body and soul and shatter

This will cause the relationship,

whole when they experience

whether of love or friendship, to

disillusionment. But not that it

end up worn out. And when you

is quite different in the cases of

least expect it, there comes that

Cancer and Pisces. The three most

comment, that prick to talk about

difficult to forgive Zodiac signs are

the mistakes made. And then it all

very emotional and easily bruised,

starts again.

and they can resent deeply. LEO, THE FIRE EXCEPTION. When this happens, it takes a long

The Natives of the Sign Leo are also

time for them to free themselves

not reasonably easy to forget. They

from the past, and they often

are loyal people and expect nothing

find themselves crying for old

different f rom those with whom

things that others are not even

they relate. If they feel betrayed or


even disappointed with a person, the Leos withdraw and cut ties

Still, it must be said that the

with that person who is not worthy

people of these signs do have

of the Zodiac king. For Leo, it is

a sincere desire to change the

essential that he admires and trusts

behavior they have, but that is a

those who are by his side. He always

great challenge for them. When

wants to walk alongside the good

they are hurt, they stop trusting

company and feel comfortable with

and put it on their head that

their presence. OM TIMES | April 2021

Personal Growth & Development

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course

Can We Transform Our Limiting Beliefs? By OMTimes Team OM TIMES | April 2021


hroughout our life,

facing limiting beliefs requires

we have grown based

courage to come across them.

on information and

However, cause more significant

experiences acquired

impacts. Recourse to self-sabotage

according to the environment in

becomes an alternative, most of the

which it grew up. Such references

time, unconscious. The number one

basically indicate how we see

enemy becomes the mind. Paranoid

the world and how we reproduce

thoughts hover in mind and invite

patterns of behavior without even

us to stay, not to act, to complain, to

questioning whether such attitudes

look for excuses that keep us in the

are really beneficial to us or if they

same place because we don't want

could be different. In other words,

to commit risks.

they are rooted beliefs, from an early age, capable of influencing and

Leaving the box is transforming!

determining the direction of our journey in life, positively or negatively.


You may have grown up and matured and develop the will to study

Reflect on something that you have

economics. Still, the difficulties you

always wanted to do in the past

may have faced with math in high

but left it aside for believing that

school were crucial in your decision

you would not be able to acquire.

to give up on pursuing the idea. This

Write down on paper what were

is a simple example of how a limiting

the reasons that prevented you

belief can prevent you from achieving

f rom moving forward at that time.

something that contributes to your

Ask yourself if these blocks remain

development or simply gives you joy

healthy if there are plausible

and lightness. There is the fear of

grounds that justify them. From

failing, the battle that is to break with

this mapping, it becomes easier to

ourselves' constructed image, to leave

outline a strategic plan to eliminate

the comfort zone.

limiting beliefs once and for all.

The voice that conflicts with the ear


sounds in an affronted tone, and


OM TIMES | April 2021

Among the most common beliefs are

Some beliefs such as saying that you

family conditioning,peer pressure,

will die poor and alone or saying that

religion, and even the media. But

you are too old for that, or if it went

there are many other means present

wrong in the past, there is no point in

in the system's structural subtleties.

trying again. In other words, from bad

OM TIMES | April 2021

luck to excess of lousy luck, the list of

recalibrate, and rebirth yourself

justifications can be long.

inside your own life. Read good books, take chances, bet, and explore


your learning potential. Infinite


possibilities are waiting for us!

Once you've identified them, start


making plans. Take notes, create


goals, and organize the step-by-step of what you would want to achieve

In childhood, we started

what you want so much.

constructing consciousness that represents part of the reality

Have enough discipline and focus

expressed and lived by us. Family,

on determining the practice of

friends, culture, education, and

actions and attitudes that turn

social circles are elements that insert

into transforming habits. Study

us into a worldview.

subjects that break paradigms and always question yourself before the

Also, Interactions at school,

"absolute truths" you are told. Don't

groups, debates, conversations,

settle. Investigate the other side of

in general, are sources that feed

everything and be curious. Cultivate

many of the beliefs and world

an inquiring mind!

views that we carry.

The first step is to understand that

We create our limiting beliefs

limiting beliefs can be changed.

through important events in our

Then, take advantage of the invitation

past. They are kept in our minds,

to dive into the depths of your

influencing our decisions and

unconscious. Walk towards your best

attitudes. And suppose no internal

version of yourself, avoid, and walk

work is done to find the origins

away from ideas and thoughts that

of these beliefs to update them

do not add anything to your self-

or eliminate them. In that case,

development process.

they will continue to dominate the person's mind without them even

Develop radical ideas to reconfigure,

realizing it.

OM TIMES | April 2021

OM TIMES | April 2021

ёThat is why many people

to do with destiny (no one was born

experience relationship problems,

to live like this forever).

low self-esteem, financial problems, procrastination, among others. Even

If you have beliefs that your parents,

with time, these beliefs do not lose

grandparents, teachers, or other

strength. On the contrary, they cause

people implanted, and you realize

more unpleasant events to appear in

that they are not helping you at all,

our lives, and the sad part is that we

on the contrary! So, it's time for you

are not even aware of them.

to accept the possibility and get rid of those beliefs. It is best for your life

It so happens because of these

from now on!

limiting beliefs that lead us on the wrong path, so our attitudes and

We know it's not that simple. Just

decisions will always be wrong. We

wanting to remove beliefs is not

will always attract the worst things

enough. Maybe it is time to talk to

in our lives.

someone that can professionally access the limitations and help you

This can turn out to be an endless

rid of these emotional blocks.

cycle. If you find yourself unlucky

But the message that we want to

in some area of ​​your life, possibly

leave with this article is that you

you have some (or more than a

do not have to live focused on

few) beliefs that sabotage you in

negativity. You can get rid of the

that area. I meet and talk to many

weight of some adverse event from

question people full of limiting

the past that has been kept in your

beliefs. A simple comment makes

mind. It is possible to change bad

it very clear to me how much their

situations that are always repeated

minds are full of emotional pollution.

in your life.

The first thing that must be done

Look inside yourself and reflect

to overcome the negative emotions

on the things you have been

that limit and hurt us is to recognize

thinking and doing (or not doing).

that we have them. Then understand

Think about what that may be

that suffering, living sick, living sad

getting in your life. It is always

can't help you evolve. It has nothing

time to start again.

OM TIMES | April 2021


The New York Times bestselling author of Dying to Be Me returns with an inspirational guide for sensitive people looking to fully harness their gifts of intuition and empathy in today’s harsh world. International speaker, cancer survivor, and author of Dying to Be Me Anita Moorjani astounded fans across the globe with her New York Times bestselling book about overcoming cancer and her life-changing near-death experience. Now she returns with Sensitive Is the New Strong, a powerful, heartfelt book on harnessing and fostering empathic gifts in today’s difficult, fear-based world. Empaths not only sense other people’s emotions, but also absorb them—sometimes to their own disadvantage, often leading to overwhelming sensory overload and feelings of confusion or low self-esteem. Their willingness to help and please others might make them prey to opportunists or cause them to give away more energy than they can afford. But Anita Moorjani argues that it’s possible to turn this onslaught of emotional burden into a powerful tool. In a time when traits like sensitivity, kindness, and compassion are sorely undervalued, Moorjani helps empaths—whether emerging or acknowledged—navigate obstacles they may face and identify what makes them unique. Finally, she teaches them how to claim their true powers as empaths, to be their most authentic selves, shifting their own trajectory and leading to shift the trajectory of the planet in a more conscientious direction. Filled with eye-opening personal anecdotes, insights from other empaths, meditations, and self-affirming mantras, Sensitive Is the New Strong is an empowering book that demonstrates the positive power of sensitivity.

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