3 minute read

Tips to Turn Visits into Clients



First impressions are lasting in your day-to-day business and even more so for your website. On average, website users take only seven seconds to decide if they want to stay and browse or go and never return. You don’t need to be a web developer, or even hire one, to have a website with a clean, modern design. Website builders such as WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace provide free, and low-cost customizable themes to fit your personal brand. With over 50% of web traffic originating from mobile devices, it’s vital find a mobilefriendly and responsive website to best promote your business. Ensure your website is available to everyone by selecting a theme that adheres to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines—this is even more important as lawsuits continue to mount claiming Americans with Disabilities Act violations for websites.

PRO TIP: If you’re looking for content for your website or newsletter, visit our consumer site at nj.realestate/find for sharable blog posts, market stats, and more!


The main goal of your website should be to generate leads and ultimately gain new clients. There are a couple of routes you can take to accomplish this goal, ranging from a simple page with your phone number and email to a contact form where users enter their information for you to contact them. A contact form allows you to track leads back to your website and ensure you’re seeing a profitable return on your investment. Typically, once a user submits the contact form you receive an email containing the details. More advanced setups can allow you to automate tasks such as: emailing a template response, subscribing to your newsletter, or even integrating into your calendar to set up an appointment to meet. Make sure you display a distinct button on your website’s homepage, preferably visible without scrolling, to ensure visitors have a clear path to contact you.


Did you know 41% of buyers’ look online at properties as the first step in their home buying journey? Take your website to the next level by including available listings. Most MLSs include two options for displaying listing details: iframe and RETS feed. An iframe is an embedded search tool with setup as simple as copying code provided by your MLS and pasting into your website builder. While very easy to setup, an iframe approach has very limited, if any, customization options, which may feel disconnected from your website. A RETS feed is an integrated approach that allows complete control over the display and search functionality; however, this is much more technical and may require a developer. Check with your website builder; there may be plugins available to make setup a breeze and really wow your visitors.


Treat your website’s homepage like your five-minute pitch. Most visitors don’t make it past the homepage— this is your opportunity to show what separates you from the competition. Photos and videos are great ways to grab and keep attention. Don’t forget to add links to your social media and let your personality speak for itself. If you’re looking for more than a one-page website, try adding some blog posts. Buying and selling a home can be a scary process, but your expertise can ease those fears. To build readership, add a link to the content in a newsletter, post on social media, or email to answer common questions you receive from clients. Visitors browsing your site will find trust in your knowledge and you as their agent.