1 minute read

For what were the members of the writer’s family waiting?


Look at this sentence.

He drives a car. This sentence gives very little information Now look at this one.

He drives a new, shiny, blue car. This sentence tells us that he drives a car. It also tells us that it is i) new ii) shiny iii) blue The words new, shiny and blue paint a more vivid picture of what the car looks like. We can picture it more easily. These words used to describe the car are called ADJECTIVES. An adjective is a word used to describe a noun or pronoun. We say that it modifies the noun or pronoun since it adds more meaning; it gives more details about the noun or pronoun. Take note that when we use more than one adjective to describe a noun or pronoun, we use commas to separate them.

Complete the following by using a suitable adjective. 1. a ___________________ building 2. a _________________ sound 3. the _________________father 4. a _________________ classroom 5. an __________________meal 6. the _______________ journey 7. some ______________ pictures 8. that _______________ monkey 9. an ________________ volcano 10. my ______________ friends

Underline all the adjectives in the following sentence. 1. The annoyed driver ranted at the crossing pedestrians. 2. The terrified residents fled from the danger zones around the volcano. 3. The raging waters swept away the crops. 4. The pounding rain prevented the happy children from attending school. 5. The stealthy intruders took away her valuable possessions. 6. The beaming representatives of St. Joseph accepted the ambassador’s trophy. 7. The patient teacher explained the problem to the struggling student. 8. Separate rooms were assigned to the touring teams 9. His acrobatic performance impressed the captive audience.