1 minute read

David Walker

Of course I took a few images of the cyclists as they passed through the village, but my main concentration was on buildings. Over my time as a Photo Artist I have learned to take images with the final artwork in mind, rather than take pictures and then “fit” them into PhotoArt.

This month I decided to share this tranche of work with you all, as well as a few Ironman action shots. I know the village of Yoxall will be an unknown quantity to most of you, indeed I pass by interesting Grade 2 Listed buildings on a regular basis and just accept that they are there. It was interesting to take the opportunity to explore in a little more detail the history in our local buildings.

It just shows that PhotoArt has more potential than you first imagine. I posted some of the work on the local Facebook group, and over 65 people positively responded to the work! Not too bad out of a population of approximately 1,500!

Staffordshire held an Ironman 70.3 event recently, the seventh or eighth time this has happened. Not exciting in itself, I have photographed many of the events before, but all of the roads through my village are closed for the event. So this year I concentrated on the buildings, especially the listed building in the village. I was able to stand in the roads without fear of being hit by passing cars and lorries on our very narrow village streets!


IronMan 3

Main Street, Yoxall

Saddlers Cottage