Message from the Future Received in 2009

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Message from the Future Received in 2009 On Father's Day, I received a message from the future, dated March 18, 2098. That will be my son's one hundredth birthday. With modern health care and nutrition, he (and all of his generation) are expected to live to one hundred and twenty. I like to think that on such a significant day, he will spare a moment or two to remember his father. So a message from him would not be unexpected, assuming an independent inventor creates electronic time travel, because moving energy through time must be easier than moving mass. Upon opening the message, I saw it was not from my son, but spam instead. I was disappointed. In the future, both our government and the drug companies have failed us, because for men concerned about erection perfection, VIAGRA速 (a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc.) is still the drug of choice and cost still an issue. You would think, in eighty nine years, that someone would make a cheaper generic version or that it would be covered by insurance. Surprisingly, in all that time, cost has not changed and the website exists today. Since I know they will continue in business for a long time, I will track them down and invest in that company. Maybe my son can sell the stock when he is older and, with his financial freedom, invent a way to send messages into the past.



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