Friends of Mill Hill Cameroon

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Edition No. 6. December 2020.

Newly ordained : From right to left: Rev. Frs. Emmanuel Abonge, Patrick Bongmoyong and Blaise Forbi

he Local Church in Cameroon has seen tremendous growth in vocations particularly in the last quarter of 2020, despite the novel Coronavirus pandemic. This growth is a sure sign of hope for the local Church in Cameroon which has seen a lot of violence in the past four years. Amongst these flourishing vocations are the priestly ordinations of three young energetic men and the diaconate ordinations of three others. Bamenda, Cameroon: Priestly Ordination of Rev. Emmanuel Abonge Ngeh MHM Despite the somber mood of the ongoing socio political tension and the rise of coronavirus cases in Bamenda, the priestly ordination of Emmanuel Abonge Ngeh MHM on August 12th, 2020, was a beautiful occasion that brought

joy to many, especially the Mill Hill family in Cameroon. Emmanuel was ordained by Archbishop Andrew Nkea, at the St Joseph Cathedral Big Mankon, Bamenda. Together with Emmanuel, there were three priests from the Piarist Order and 28 Deacons from the Dioceses of Bamenda and Mamfe who were also ordained during the same celebration that lasted close to five hours! A few days after his ordination, on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr Emmanuel’s Thanksgiving Mass took place, in his home parish of St Michael Parish Futru, Nkwen (on the outskirts of Bamenda town). Fr. Emmanuel has been appointed for his first Missionary assignment to the Diocese of Antique, in The Philippines. Fr Richard Njoroge MHM 1

Thanksgiving Mass of Rev. Fr. Blaise Forbi, MHM Thanksgiving Mass of Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Abonge, MHM

Tobin, Cameroon: Ordination of Rev. Patrick Bongmoyong Ndzedzeni MHM On the 5th of September 2020, Patrick Bongmoyong Nzdezdeni was ordained by Bishop George Nkuo of Kumbo diocese in his home Parish of Tobin, Kumbo. The following day, Sunday, 06th September 2020, Fr. Patrick celebrated his first Mass with the Christians of his local home Church. Fr. Patrick has been appointed for a mission to the Archdiocese of Kisumu in Kenya.

Niarobi, Kenya: Diaconate ordination of Rev. Malvin Ngi, Peter Ntein, and Leonard Mufua (left to right) by Rt. Rev. David Kamau, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Nairobi - Sunday, 25th October 2020.

Malaysia’s first Mill Hill Priest Ordained Deacon Menjuan Herman from Malaysia was ordained priest on 25th October 2020 at St. Joseph and Mary’s Parish, Shauri Moyo, by Rt. Rev. David Kamau, Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Niarobi-Kenya. He has been appointed to Turda, Philippines. Thanksgiving Mass of Rev. Fr. Patrick Bongmoyong,MHM

Bamenda, Cameroon: Ordination of Rev. Blaise Forbi Manjong MHM On Saturday, 17th October 2020, Rev. Blaise Manjong Forbi was ordained by Archbishop Andrew F. Nkea, at St. John the Baptist’s Parish, Foncha Street - Bamenda, his home Parish. Sunday, 18th October 2020, Fr. Blaise celebrated his first Mass with the Christians of St. John’s Parish amidst a host of his fellow brother priests in a colourful liturgical celebration. Fr. Blaise has been appointed for a mission in Malaysia.

Rev. Fr. Menjuan Herman, MHM 2


2020: Chaotic, Bizarre and Upsetting!


hich word would you use to describe the year 2020: extraordinary, chaotic, bizarre, surprising, boring or upsetting! The year 2020 has been a dramatic year with the Corona virus pandemic and the ongoing socio-political and economic crisis in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon. The world has changed with COVID -19. The virus at the beginning of the year, grounded most aircraft, stopped businesses and paralysed the global economy. For a long time, we had lived, thinking we could control and manipulate the world. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has stopped us. We are no longer in control. Some of our hopes have been dashed. One bitter truth is that things will not go back to be as they were. Before the outbreak of the virus, unemployment, poverty, corruption, poor service delivery, the dilapidating health care system and a dysfunctional political system was rife in our country. We are in an economic and political mess! People are starving. People have died and more will die. The double psychological effects of the pandemic and the crisis in our country will haunt us for a long time. For a long time we have had a crisis of leadership in our country and in the world at large. “An army of sheep led by a lion will always defeat an army of lions led by a sheep” (Dr Myles Munroe). “Leadership determines the quality of the followers, the morality and attitude of the followers, the commitment and destiny of the followers. Wherever the leader goes the people go. Whatever the leader thinks, the people are victims of that thought. We have been created to be leaders and not to dominate people” (Dr Myles Munroe). “Veni vidi vici”- “I came, I saw, I conquered” is the only hope for our people. The “modus operandi” in 2020 has changed

and will continue to evolve in the months and years ahead. As a church, social distancing and limitations on gatherings will continue to affect our gatherings for worship, prayer and meetings. We are powerless and now moving into the unknown. Is there still hope for us? The Latin adage “Dum Spiro spero” – “while I breathe, I hope” reminds us never to lose hope and faith for a better future. We now have to negotiate a whole new world - to know that we are not in control, God is. As the year comes to an end, Let us unite our prayers for the sick, the traumatised, the starving, those tempted in faith, those who have a special cross, the orphans and homeless, those who have died and those who sacrifice and continue to work for a miracle to spare us from this pandemic.

Dear Friends, we have to look for ways to connect to God. As we try to encounter God in our grief and uncertainty, we must enter a discerning spirit to stand back from our lives and re-evaluate. This will help us deal with the restlessness in our hearts. As friends, we are generously spending our time, energy and resources for the missions and evangelization. A crisis is an opportunity, an opportunity to change the paradigm of how we live. Let us continue to trust God, aware of the fact that God is holding us or walking alongside us, giving us the strength and capacity we need to cope with. After everything, we shall find the grace of COVID-19. Rev Fr Anthony Ndang Ndichia MHM Coordinator, Friends of Mill Hill, Cameroon.

Temporary Oath Celebration, Bamenda 3

What do I need to change in my life now?


December 2019, there was an outbreak of the corona virus (COVID-19) in Wuhan China. It rapidly spread throughout the world infecting and killing thousands of people. With no cure in place, the world was gripped with fear, confusion and uncertainty. Institutions, businesses, travelling were shutdown. “Stay at home” became the only solution to avoid contracting the virus. As people were keeping social distancing, washing hands often and praying for a miracle, a soul searching exercise was conducted amongst St. John the Baptist’s Parish, Foncha Street—Bamenda Friends of Mill Hill Cameroon to find out what more. they value most in life. Each of them was  The change in my life now is to read the confronted with the big question of what is the Bible. meaning of life? Where is God in the midst of a  The change in my life now is to devote my pandemic? They were required to honestly time and work for the church. answer the question: “What do I need to  The change in my life now is to forgive change in my life now?” unconditionally.  The change in my life now is to help my Here are the sampled answers: family to be more prayerful.  The change in my life now is to give  The change in my life now is to learn to see whatever I have to the needy. God’s hand in my affliction and suffering.  The change in my life now is to listen to the  The change in my life now is to draw myself afflicted. closer to God.  The change in my life now is to be able to  The change in my life now is to concentrate listen to God’s voice and respond positively. when am praying.  The change in my life now is to accept the  The change in my life now is to accept and things I cannot change. pray for people who hate me.  The change in my life now is to improve my  The change in my life now is to be full of spiritual life and work for my salvation. thanksgiving.  The change in my life now is to pray a little  The change in my life now is to pay attention to my red box.  The change in my life now is to make God the centre of my life.  The change in my life now is to experience faith in truth and charity.  The change in my life now is to realise that this world is not my home and prepare myself for eternal life.  The change in my life now is total submission to God’s will.  The change in my life now is give without counting the cost, St. Peter and Paul’s Parish, Ndop


    

without expecting in return. The change in my life now is to be reconciled with others. The change in my life now is to open my mind to see Him working in every situation of my life. The change in my life now to comfort the lonely, the hungry and to shelter the homeless. The change in my life now is to stay away from unhealthy conversations. The change in my life now is to make at least one person happy each day. The change in my life now is to offer as many Mass intentions as possible. The change in my life now is to always put a spark of love in every one. The change in my life now is to do good and avoid evil each day. The change in my life now is to be an intercessor. The change in my life now is to help the widows and orphans. The change in my life now is to control my anger. The change in my life now is to let the past be the past. The change in my life now is to accept my mistakes rather than blame others.

Immaculate Conception, Ngomgham

Immaculate Conception - Tobin, Diocese of Kumbo

Fr Joseph King, MHM Elected and Appointed Mill Hill Superior, East Africa


n the 9th of September 2020, Fr Joseph King, from St. Charles Borromeo Fuanantui, (Kom) Cameroon, was elected and appointed the Mill Hill Superior for East Africa. Congratulations! We wish him well in his new appointment.

St. Lucy’s Parish, Ntaturu 5

Ordination of Blas John Garde Estrevencion, MHM


n July 27 2020, the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Jaro, Iloilo, Philippines was filled with heavenly music as Archbishop Jose Romeo Lazo presided over the ordination of four new priests including our very own John Blas. Fr. Mario M. Dimapilis, MHM

Basankusu DR Congo: Ordination of Patrick Lonkoy, MHM

Capiz, Philippines: Ordination of Glenn Dumali, MHM


n October 28, 2020, at the Parish of Saint Joseph the Worker witnessed the priestly ordination of Glenn Dumali. Fr. Benny Quinto mhm presented Rev. Glenn for ordination to the new Cardinal Elect, His Eminence Jose Cardinal Advincula. Fr. Glenn to the Diocese of Lugazi, specifically in Mbikko Parish in Uganda.

Mill Hill House, Cameroon: Passing the Baton


fter a stint of close to nine years as the the Rector of the Mill Hill Central House, Foncha Street, Bamenda, Cameroon, Fr. Arnold Verhoeven, the outgoing Rector, officially handed over on Saturday 4th July 2020, to the incoming Rector, Fr. Anthony Ndang Ndichia. As Fr. Arnold hands over to a new and young Rector, we thank him for the Loving Service of Hospitality and care he offered to our members and visitors. We wish Fr. Anthony all the best as he takes on added responsibilities, beside taking the office of Rector he continues to double as the Director of Friends of Mill Hill and Vocations Director. May God bless him in the new office of Service to our membership and Society.


unday, 20th September 2020, the Catholic community of Basankusu, DR Congo, joyfully celebrated the priestly ordination of Patrick Lonkoy Bolengu MHM together with diocesan candidate Sillas Bangamba Bondola by the local ordinary, bishop Joseph Mokobe Ndjoku. The ordination took place at the Cathedral of St Peter and Paul in Basankusu, DR Congo. He has been appointed to serve at the Mill Hill Missionary parish of Bita in the archdiocese of Kinshasa, DR Congo.

Left to Right: Frs. Richard, Arnold and Anthony 6

Fr. Joseph Boekema

Vocation’s Corner


ev. Fr. Joseph Boekema was born on the 25th of May 1924 and was ordained priest on 9th July 1950, a Marian year. Fifty years after, Rev. Fr. Boekema’s Golden Jubilee fell again in a special year, the Great Jubilee year 2000. This year, the Archdiocese of Bamenda is celebrating its Golden Jubilee, likewise Rev. Fr. Joe Boekema celebrated his 70th anniversary of priestly ordination. What a wonderful plan of God for him! Things that Fr. Boekema Did 

He constructed a beautiful church house in Fiango-Kumba now used as the Kumba Cathedral.

He built the Fathers’ house in Bayelle main mission and some of the classrooms in Bayelle main school.

He begged land from Dr. and Madam Foncha and constructed Saint John the Baptist’s Primary school and Church.

He and Archbishop Paul Verdzekov contacted Dr. and Madam Foncha again for more land to be used for the Mill Hill Centre, Saint Anne Formation house and the Focolari Movement house.

He saw to the building of Futru main church.

He built the Mubang and Banjah church houses.

All his services to God and man are numerous.

He was a humble, prayerful, generous and pious man. He was ready to learn and to say I am sorry. I learnt a lot of good things from him as a catechist and enjoyed working with him. Elizabeth Nomase


n the 29th of July 2020, we remembered the first Mill Hill Priest of Cameroon [Fr. Shudzeka, Elvis Berka] ordained 14 years ago. This occasion made some of our Mill Hill Friends think and talk about those Cameroonians ordained as Mill Hill Missionary Priests after Father Elvis, about diaconate ordinations and about our MHM students in and outside Cameroon. The most dominating question amongst those raised during this thinking and talking was: “Why are young Cameroonians joining Mill Hill?” Let me try to help you by making this clear. “Being concerned about the continuation of the work of the first Apostles, and showing that in a dedicated life – as the Mill Hillers, working in Cameroon have done and do – radiates to others.” This is the way Jesus calls and inspires young people to become His apostles of today. Often He makes those whom he got inspired, to join those through whom He did inspire them.” Br. Huub Welters

Wedding of Mr. and Mrs.Chendi Emmanuel, Ngomgham. 7


Friends of Mill Hill

issionaries don’t just preach the Gospel. They live it and show it every day. Our Mill Hill family is sharing the love and joy of Christ through practical, emotional and spiritual help wherever there is a need, regardless of belief, culture or background. Our Friends play a vital role in the mission of the church, bringing God’s love and renewed hope to the poorest and most in need. Ten years ago, Pope Benedict XVI gave a message to crowds in Hyde Park: “Each of us has a mission. Each of us is called to change the world”

Be a missionary through prayer Whoever and wherever we are, we can all be missionary: joining together in prayer with the wider church, volunteering to be Friends of Mill Hill and giving generously though the Red box. These are all valuable ways to further work of mission. Friends share the gift of faith, making a lasting difference to those in need, investing in the future leaders of the church. Thank you to all our Friends for caring for our church family around the world, supporting missionaries to bring the joy of the Gospel to remote communities. Red box Your red box donations are bringing God’s love and joy to communities around the world. During the COVID-19 crisis, it hasn’t always been possible to collect the boxes from our Friends of Mill Hill family. Thank you for everything you do for the Mill Hill Missionaries. Donating, praying and sharing build our mission together.

All Saints Parish, Mutengene

Prayer and Friends of Mill Hill Prayer is central to everything a FOMH does. When we pray together, we share in God’s love and are inspired to make the world a better place. We ask you to pray with us and for us, so the missionaries we support can find strength to continue to ignite God’s love around the world. Your help has made much difference to missionaries and their parishes during COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Your prayers and generosity make possible the essential and life-giving mission of the church in our world. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

The work of Friends of Mill Hill is to empower the church to reach out to those in need of the Good News of Jesus Christ, especially with those in greatest need. Our enduring gifts of faith bear witness to Christ’s love for our sisters and brothers- our family around the world.

Today, you continue that legacy. Every time you see your Red Box and pray for missionaries or

St. Therese SOP, Kumbo 8

Lord, Give me the Grace to Change Myself


few years before an old missionary died, he said about himself: “I was a revolutionary when I was young, and my prayer was: ‘Lord give me the energy to change the world.’ As I approached middle age and realized that my life was half-gone, with only a few conversions made, I changed my prayer to: ‘Lord, give me the grace to change all those who come in contact with me.’ St. Charles Lwanga, Molyko - Buea

put some money into the box, you are following in the footsteps of millions of people who have reached out to communities for years now. Now more than ever before, people are relying on your generosity. If you are fortunate enough to have ever a few dollars to spare, consider partnering with Friends of Mill Hill to help people in challenging times. As Pope Francis says, “we must stretch out our hands, as Jesus does with us”.

Now that I’m an old man and my days are numbered, I have begun to see how foolish I have been. My one prayer now is: “Lord, give me the grace to change myself” If I had prayed this prayer right from the beginning, things would have been different: I would have been a much better instrument for the Lord, and He would have had a better chance to be successful, both in the number and quality of people to know, love and serve Him.”

Mill Hill Missionaries: Vocations update The Mill Hill Missionaries are an international fellowship of Catholic missionaries dedicated to announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ to people throughout the world.

There are currently 198 young men studying to become Mill Hill Missionaries throughout the world. Twelve members ordained in 2019, four from Kenya and four from Cameroon, three from the Philippines and one from Uganda. We congratulate them and wish them every blessing in their ministry! (Source: Missio UK). Mass Intentions The Mill Hill House in Foncha Street remembers and prays for all the living and faithful departed of friends of Mill Hill, family members and benefactors in their daily Masses. Mill Hill priests offer Mass for deceased members/friends in November and they are remembered at Mass every Sunday and in their Daily office. Your kind mass intentions are exonerated every day. Put your money where your heart is!

St. Jude’s Parish, Fundong 9

Pope Francis Prays for Essential Workers

Celebrating Married Life


s the world is facing the devastating circumstances as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s poor have been hit the hardest. The COVID – 19 crisis has turned the world upside down. It has brought pain and misery and created fear and anxiety for millions of people. “If we can winter this one out” the poet Seamus Heaney wrote, “we can summer anywhere”. Never before in our lifetime have the words of an Irish poet so resonated in the hearts of a people. “Pope Francis has requested the faithful to offer special prayers to essential workers.

Wedding of Mr./Mrs. Chrysantus Dunghu FOMH Immaculate Conception, Ngomgham

During this most challenging time, let us ask St Joseph to offer special protection to those who, as Pope Francis said, are “in these very days writing the decisive events of our time, doctors, nurses, supermarket employees, cleaners, caregivers, providers of transport, forces of law and order, volunteers, priests, religious men and women, and so very many others who have understood that no one reaches salvation by themselves”. Let us pray for their families as well, as we also offer prayers for those currently out of work or working in extremely difficult circumstances. 40th Anniversary of Mr./Mrs. Mesue Lucas FOMH St. Anthony of Padua, Kumba-Mbeng

The Amazing Work of the Catholic Church


ardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, noted: "In her task of evangelization, the Church is often on the front lines of major threats to human wellbeing. In Africa alone, there are over 74,000 religious Sisters and over 46,000 priests operating 7,274 hospitals and clinics, 2,346 homes for elderly and the vulnerable, and educating over 19 million children in 45,088 primary schools. In many rural areas they are the only providers of healthcare and education. The Holy Father is calling upon the Church’s entire vast network to face the challenges ahead."


40th Anniversary of Mr./Mrs. Emmanuel Mbom FOMH St. Gabriel, Ntamulung 10

OBITUARIES The Catholic community of ElakOku in NW Cameroon came out en masse to remember Fr Hermann Gufler mhm who died on July 1st 2020. Fr Cyprian Taah and Fr Dennis Martin, parish priest, presided at the Eucharistic celebration in his memory. Fr Hermann served at Elak-Oku - Kumbo Diocese for more than seventeen years. He died at the age of 78 years. Fr Willem van Leeuwen MHM, was born: 4th February 1926. He took Perpetual Oath into Mill Hill on 15th May 1949 and was ordained priest on 9th July 1950. He died on the 31st March 2020, age 94.

Brother Albert Rottensteiner, MHM Born 16th September 1933 P Oath 19th March 1959 Died 29th April 2020 Age 86

Father Caspar (Cas) Rietbergen MHM Born 25th May 1934 P oath 6th May 1957 Ordained 13th July 1958 Died 16th September 2020 Age 86 Father Alois Mitterer, MHM

Fr Alphonse (Fons) Geerts MHM, Born 9th November 1930 P Oath : 6th May 1955 Ordained 8th July 1956 Died 17th May 2020 Age 89 Fr Cornelius (Cees) Koning MHM, Born 10th February 1928 P oath 5th May 1954 Ordained 10th July 1955 Died 18th July 2020 Age 92 Fr James O’Donoghue MHM Born 27th May 1934 P Oath 6th May 1957 Ordained 13th July 1958 Died 14th April 2020 Age 85

Fr Robert (Fachtna) Staunton MHM Born 21st July 1934 P Oath 5th May 1960 Ordained 9th July 1961 Died 30th March 2020 Age 85

Born: 26th July 1925 P oath: 1st May 1952 Ordained 12th July 1953 Died 26th August 2020 Age 95

Father Rene Graat, MHM Born 25th July 1945 P oath 22nd November 1970 Ordained 3rd July 1971 Died 11th April 2020 Age 74 Father Owen Grant, MHM Born 11th November 1939 P oath 1st May 1964 Ordained 9th July 1966 Died 3rd April 2020 Age 80

Father John Sweeney, MHM Born 24th December 1930 P oath 1st May 1952 12th July 1953 Died 9th April 2020 Age 89 11

OBITUARIES: Friends of Mill Hill (FOMH) Mme Florence Ngum, FOMH

Njinga Romanus Ngopuh, FOMH

Died 11th March 2020

Died 15th May 2020 All Saints Parish, Mutengene Buea

All Saints Parish, Mutengene: Buea

Angela Ngeche Asongwe, FOMH

Died 05th October 2020 St. Therese’s Parish, Azire Bamenda

Yundze Charles, FOMH Died 5th June 2020 All Saints Parish, Bayelle Bamenda

Emmerentia Finiakiy, FOMH Died 31st October 2020 St. John the Baptist’s Parish Foncha Street, Bamenda.

Fungwe Peter, FOMH Died 29th June 2020 St. Joseph the Worker’s Parish, Muyuka - Buea  

Beatrice Tendongze, FOMH Died 24th August 2020 St. John the Baptist’s Parish Foncha Street Bamenda

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Praying daily for the missions and the missionaries Offering of Mass intentions Animating your parish in mission awareness Regular donations Once off donation Bequeathing to Mill Hill Missionaries in your last will and testament Take a red box Become a promoter of Friends of Mill Hill in your parish. Attend the quarterly meetings in April, August and December.

Contact details The Vocations Director and Coordinator FOMH: Rev. Fr Anthony Ndang Ndichia MHM Telephone: (+237) 677 85 50 64 Phone: (+237) 665 85 61 06 Email: Address: Mill Hill House Foncha Street International Website:

Friends of Mill Hill Cameroon WhatsApp P.O. Box 5058 Nkwen - Bamenda

Friends of Mill Hill: Called to be People of Hope. Friends of Mill Hill: I Belong, I Participate, and I Contribute.


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