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The Barnhart brothers' vision has been the driving force behind the expansion of the company, which includes diversification into other logistics areas, such as brokerage, warehousing, and international freight forwarding By staying innovative and responsive, they have created several standalone entities, such as Lake Shore Logistics, Jet Park Warehousing, and Lake Shore Global Solutions, which today provide a comprehensive range of transportation and logistics services to customers worldwide

Their expansion into the Charleston, SC and Houston, TX markets was a strategic move aimed at capitalizing on the increasing demand for international freight services, as well as taking advantage of the growing port work opportunities to support their domestic freight assets Their reputation as a logistics powerhouse has been solidified by the expansion of their international shipping solutions

Barnhart Transportation's success is built upon more than just the vision of the Barnhart brothers; it's also a result of their commitment to building the right team The company's culture fosters a customer-centric approach, which attracts top talent in the logistics field The Barnhart brothers recognize that investing in their employees is essential to achieving long-term success They believe in finding the right person for the right seat and creating a positive work environment that promotes innovation, teamwork, and professional development By recognizing and rewarding their employees' hard work and dedication, Barnhart Transportation has been able to retain talent, maintain customer loyalty, and continue to grow in the industry