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Food Crisis



Unprecedented heatwaves, the rippling effects of the pandemic on global supply chains and the war in Ukraine have thrown the fragility of our food system into stark relief, putting millions at risk of hunger and highlighting the urgent need to develop local and self-sufficient food systems. With a worldwide population expected to grow to 10 billion by 2050, it is imperative that we develop a new food model that can adapt to changing geopolitical, environmental and economic dynamics.

Here in the Gulf, an area traditionally highly reliant on food imports, we are on the frontlines of this issue. The good news is that our greatest challenge is also our greatest advantage: the desert. If we can learn to sustainably produce nutritious, diverse food in the desert, we can do it anywhere, particularly as climate change makes climates like ours more common worldwide.

NEOM Food is bringing together the world’s brightest minds to collaborate and build a food system for tomorrow: a fully sustainable, innovative, science- and techled model built around a circular food economy that can one day feed millions. Harnessing the power of science and technology, NEOM Food is working to develop cutting-edge solutions to address the most pressing challenges to our global food ecosystem.

At NEOM Food, we are fostering the development of resource-efficient and adaptable crops that can thrive in water-scarce environments. Our planned world-class production facility will produce advanced plant-based proteins, providing healthy and nutritious alternatives to resource-intensive meat products. Our proximity to the Red Sea allows us to develop a sustainable aquaculture industry while protecting and restoring our local marine environment.

In close collaboration with leading food companies, innovative start-ups and researchers worldwide, NEOM Food aims to create a circular economy model that helps tackle our current challenges and deliver sustainable, secure nutrition for the Middle East and beyond.

For more information, visit www.neom.com