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Wellington Report





High Season Recruitment Drive (Catering Attendants)

An issue was raised at the Bi-Monthly Meeting by Fee Mansell with regards to the remuneration package (hourly rate) which enticed new applicants to apply and for a position with KR-IIL.

The advertisement on the website and other media stated the hourly rate was $28.70 per hour. This was everyone’s belief until they received their letters of offer, which stated the annual salary was $57,828. This worked out to be $23.97, some $4.73 short per hour.

Our new members contacted Fee expressing their disappointment and how they were very upset over the incorrect hourly rate advertised. Some but not all new employees took KR-IIL’s job offer based on what they were told at interviews and what was advertised being $28.70.

KR-IIL expressed to us they would investigate this matter, then came back to Fee and said their recruiting agency had made a blunder. The hourly rate should never have been advertised, but only the first-year annual salary.

KR-IIL have informed us they have contacted all new employees and apologised for this error.

Based on all the information we now know, the next step is for Fee to contact our lawyers to find out if there is any recourse for those who took their new positions based on the rate advertised.

MUNZ & IIL Bi-Monthly Meeting 21 November 2022

Recruitment: Seeking 29 AB’s in total. Samoa and Kiribati recruitment going OK. Philippines on hold due to government requirements.

Summer recruitment: Doing OK. 160 is the target. Using an external agency to undertake the process and looking to recruit to cover sickness and leave etc.

KiwiRail – IIL General Update Aratere

In layup, no break till February/March 2023


Recently struck a submerged log, divers have looked at it. No significant damage, vessel currently missing a stabilizer.


Currently out of service. Coming back in soon.


Out of layup and in Picton. Berthing trials underway, looking at a 10 truck load, cabins have been upgraded.

High Season

Pressure coming on the operations, Passengers coming from BB, fitting trucks in where we can.

Working with IrEx

Pressure will come on early next year with terminal building impacting operations

Breach of privacy regarding sick leave information being displayed on ship

A memo for ship management outlining the processes to manage sick leave. Draft to be forwarded to Jim for feedback prior to distribution.

Aratere gang configuration

IIL view is that it is an opportunity to ensure we have the right mix of skills and experience within teams. MUNZ has concerns that we are addressing personalities and not operational issues. MUNZ holds firm on our position.

High use of sick leave – OBS.

Discussion occurred around the current high use of sick leave with OBS crew. A number of reasons for this has been identified. HR continues to focus on this as a project and are

supporting management with strategies to address. Agreed that both IIL and the Union can individually and jointly take steps to minimize leave occurring.

OBS Payrates

MUNZ raised concerns as to IIL advertising OBS roles with an incorrect hourly rate. Provided Madisons (Recruitment Agency) one pager with rate on it. The MUNZ Collective Agreement clearly outlines how the hourly rate should be calculated. The offer letters only have the annual salary in them. Three crew have raised concerns that the hourly rate advertised is higher than the rate in their offers – they apparently applied for the role based on this. Bianca to look into with recruitment team and report back ASAP. MUNZ raised that this needs to be given urgency.


Crew changes out of port: MOU drafted and signed by Jim. Peter to review and sign. MOU to be part of the next bargaining. Action with Kevin to discuss MOU / get signature from Peter. Completed.

Next meeting: Wednesday 1 February 2023, 1000

StraitNZ – Bluebridge

Seafarers continue to resign from Bluebridge to head for greener pastures, such as Maersk, Swire’s, and Kiwirail IIL.

We are aware of two alleged assaults involving StraitNZ employees. The company remains very quiet about this


In one case, it is our understanding a staff member has been stood down during an investigation.

What disturbs us is a double standard we have recently seen where there has been severe consequences for some members for relatively minor issues, whereas for others involved in more serious situations there has been a lack of action.

It’s the absolute view of MUNZ for any members who have been assaulted to go to the Police and make a formal complaint. Do not rely on a complaint to the employer. Contact the Union for advice if you find yourself in this situation.

There are similar problems we have seen in the past and it needs to end. Let’s put a stop to the bullying and harassment in the workplace.

Seafarer Training

There is currently an abundance of shipping on the New Zealand coast which employs a lot of New Zealand seafarers. Whilst not all vessels are covered by MUNZ, it’s my belief all vessels have Kiwis working on them apart from the Southern Tiare (Chatham Island run).

I believe this vessel has foreign nationals working on her and have done so for several years. The bizarre thing is, MUNZ used to have our members on this vessel. Therefore, we need to try and bring the current crew members under the umbrella of MUNZ coverage.

It needs to be our aim to ensure we have MUNZ coverage on the Atlas Wind, Rangitata and Southern Tiare because as we know, not all shipping employers offer good terms and conditions for their workers.

Overall, I think we can be very proud of the current position we find ourselves in, in terms of coastal shipping. The only happy problem we currently have is the shortage of New Zealand seafarers to man up these vessels.

We need to now strengthen our argument on the training of young people who would like to pursue a career at sea as a DWR/TAB.

We need to put pressure on the Government to incentivise shipping owners and crewing agents to cover costs for our unemployed seafarers to be able to attend a 3-day course to revalidate their STCW ancillary certificates. It simply makes good sense.

These courses cost thousands of dollars to attend, and many unemployed seafarers do not have disposable funds at hand to pay to revalidate their certificates.

We also need to lobby the Government to also pay for these courses for those unemployed seafarers who are on a benefit. They need to be able to remain on the benefit while attending the refresher course, and the course fees paid for by WINZ.

It only takes a few days for a seafarer to revalidate their certificates. The biggest benefit is it not going to take a couple of years to train these seafarers up, as they are already trained.


NIWA has agreed to MUNZ’s recent counter offer in negotiations, and our members have ratified this. All parties will get back around the table in June 2023 to negotiate the new CPI figure at the time.

If a Guaranteed Wage Increase cannot be agreed, then the Collective Agreement would expire 30 September 2023 and the Unions would initiate bargaining again.

Wellington Branch Stop Work Meeting

Next Stop Work Meeting is Wednesday 8 February, to be held at 10am at the MUNZ National Office Conference room, First Floor, Waterside House, 220 Willis Street.

The Maritime Worker Newsletter

Please keep your emails, articles and pictures rolling in, they will be published in the next edition of the Wellington Maritime Worker, space permitting.

Wellington Database

We are still short of AB’s. Cooks and Stewards are steady with good numbers.

MUNZ Whanau Picnic Day BBQ

When: 11 February, 2023 Where: Avalon Park – Pavilion Time: 1100 – 1400

Wage rounds

NIWA Vessels (Settled) C3 Log Marshalling (Current) C3 Stevedoring (Current) CPL (Under offer) SGS (Current)

Merry Christmas

On behalf of the Wellington Branch officials, Tony Mowbray (Branch President), Marian Lesslie (Branch Vice President), Fee Mansell, Jim King, and the entire Wellington Branch executive Makere Taurima, Sarah Chapman, Lynette Payne, William Brockway, Kenny Walsh, Les Taylor, Paul Baggott, Bradley Clifford and Jason Penny, we would like to wish all our members and their whanau a Merry Christmas and a happy, safe and prosperous New Year.