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Proud to be a Pinders Healthcare Design

On 15th March 2023, the Supported Living team had the pleasure of attending the Pinders Healthcare Design Awards event, after being shortlisted for a coveted Pinders Award, The awards, which were launched in 1991, recognise excellence in long-term care and independent living sectors.

We are extremely proud of Denmark House for being shortlisted as a finalist.


About Denmark House

Denmark House offers Supported Living for autistic people and people with learning disabilities. It is a characterful period property that has been converted into five individual flats. The Build and Design team worked closely with people supported, their support teams and families to make sure that people’s homes are futureproofed should their needs change as well as focusing on people’s strengths and interests

Coproduction And Personalisation

The building redesign and refurbishment have made a huge difference to the people we support and their lives in many ways. Each person now has their own designated personal space, decorated in their choice of colours and style to reflect their personality.

The design and layout has been codeveloped, giving us the opportunity to understand how people live their lives on a day-to-day basis but also how their lives could be improved by key changes being made.

The needs of individuals meant that socialising with other tenants in shared communal spaces was challenging and often created additional anxieties. The creation of individual flats where people have their own front door has allowed a safe and supportive space that has enabled people to increase their confidence and skills with the right support at the right time.

Privacy and dignity of people living at Denmark has also been a key focus to the redesign.

Proud To Be Design Award Finalists

Michelle Cox Coley, Operations Director at Holmleigh commented, “The brief given for the design was to provide every person with a home to be proud of; providing their own dedicated space where they could live and enjoy the quality of life that they deserve. We believe that the benchmark for our designs should be to create a home we would be happy to live in and that is flexible to meet their ever-changing needs. Our designs start with the person first as opposed to fitting people into the design. We may not have taken home the award, but we’re incredibly proud that our commitment to creating life-enhancing spaces has been recognised by the Pinders team. A huge thank you to everyone at Holmleigh who has been involved in the project.”

Positive Outcomes

Since the refurbishment, we are seeing increased levels of independence amongst the people living at Denmark House, which is helping the people we support in all areas of their lives, resulting in increased happiness, security, independence and confidence.