Beechwood College Prospectus

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e f i l r o l f a g n n o i i t n Learrough inspiraucation th ed


2. Complete a referral form

Managers assess suitability and compatibility


See page 26

Initial assessment completed




pathway to a brighter

Transition planning for student support


(subject to approval)

See page 20


Arrange to visit us



Start placement at Beechwood College

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onwards and upwards

Report of current needs and placement requirements




Community Services Building a life worth living

See page 29 fo




d for ap pr ov a

Costs and assessment report

pr ova


i bm

by commissioning authority

Moving on



Sub m







pproval r a


9. 1st term placement review

Call us: 029 2053 2210



Transition placement review(s)

Ongoing 12 month placement reviews

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n o i t c u d o r t n I

As any family with experience of supporting someone with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) will tell you, finding a suitable specialist education and adapted residential care provision can be incredibly challenging. At Beechwood College we understand how complex the needs of those with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) can be. Our aim is to provide a service that surrounds every student that attends the College with the appropriate, meaningful support, and you as a family member with the peace of mind that they are in an environment that places the needs of students above all else.

Learning for life th r o inspirational educat ugh ion. 4

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Outstanding all around. Parent

Call us: 029 2053 2210

Beechwood College at a glance


Welcome to Beechwood College


Creating the right environment


Our aims


Therapeutic input


Education and lifelong learning


Personal development


Behaviour management


The curriculum


The campus


Life at Beechwood College


Admission criteria


Admission procedure


Moving on


Frequently asked questions


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Beechwood College at a glance

Beechwood College at a glance Who are we?

What do we offer?

Our approach

Where are we?

A specialist day and residential service for young people over the age of 16 with a formal diagnosis of an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC).

52 week residential placements, although 38 week placements are available. We also accept day students who are supported during term time.

Person-centred and outcomes focused approach to lifelong learning with individually tailored programmes encompassing education, residential care and where applicable, therapeutic input.

Set in beautiful grounds in the heart of the countryside in the Vale of Glamorgan, near Cardiff and close to the coastline, offering all the facilities and connections to the local community that any young person could desire.

Who’s involved?

Partnerships between parents and the staff team are encouraged to ensure a high level of involvement in each young person’s life.

...we are pleased with the teachers and the range of activities such as rebounding, dancing and swimming... the progress is superb... Student Parents


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Beechwood College at a glance

The staff are very positive and there are lots of smiles. Parent

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Welcome to Beechwood College

Welcome to Beechwood College It gives us great pleasure to introduce you to our college for young people with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC). At Beechwood College we believe that each young person makes a personal and valuable contribution to the college community and we make sure that students are respected for who they are and what they can do. We ensure that our students are supported to access transferable, meaningful learning opportunities in a way that takes account of their unique learning style and the impact their ASC has upon them. A consistent approach to student support is embedded in our educational ethos. We offer a broad, balanced and personcentred curriculum that is tailored to the students personal interests.


Our College’s delivery of education is based upon current research and documented best practice, giving us a range of approaches that are adapted to an individuals assessed needs. At Beechwood College we understand that the involvement of parents or carers is vital in supporting the progress of every young person. This involvement is ensured by our family friendly, open-door policy where our aim is to offer parents and carers progressive support and advice, whether that’s at a parents evening or simply over a cuppa. The most successful placements are where we all work together. We look forward to welcoming you to Beechwood College, to experience for yourself our supportive and unique environment.

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Welcome to Beechwood College

...we make sure that students are respected for who they are and what they can do... Call us: 029 2053 2210

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Creating the right environment

Creating the right environment Beechwood College caters for young adults over the age of 16 years with an Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC). Set in beautiful grounds within the Welsh countryside, close to the Vale of Glamorgan coastline, near Cardiff, Beechwood College offers all the facilities and connections to the local community that any young person could desire. We offer a full day learning environment which supports students to increase communication, develop social skills, imagination and creativity, and enhance meaningful sensory integration. We provide the vital stepping stone between adolescence and adulthood by empowering students to play an active supported role in their future by giving them confidence, knowledge and increased self-esteem.

In order to enhance a student’s daily life skills and increase independence, incidental education is extended beyond the formal classrooms and into students residential living areas. Here students are supported to learn how to cook, do their laundry, shop and develop the budgeting skills that will aid them in later life. The majority of students take up to 52 week placements, although limited 38 week placements are available within term time. Other variations in placement type can be negotiated in order to ensure that we are able to be responsive to the needs of the individual students and their family.

The staff are wonderful, very friendly and approachable. Parent


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Creating the right environment

It’s a ‘homefrom-home’. Parent

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Our aims

Our aims • Create, develop and maintain a valuing, supportive and empowering culture that will provide for the holistic needs of our students in a sensitive way. • Foster a positive self-image, building selfconfidence through praise and encouragement. • Encourage a positive attitude to life and learning, enabling each student to reach his/ her full educational potential. • Ensure that all students and staff feel valued and that any prejudice is challenged on all levels. • Promote a culture of working in partnership and co-operation with staff, parents, carers, students and their representatives. • Support our students in their adult life through teaching and development of the appropriate social, independence and academic skills.

They have turned his life around.

• Develop links with the wider community, exploring inclusion for our students wherever possible, enabling, empowering and enhancing their roles as members of the community.



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Therapeutic input can be provided by our Multi-Disciplinary Team, subject to agreed funding:

Therapeutic input

c i t u e p a r e Th input • Speech and Language Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Psychology • Psychiatry Individual needs are paramount. Each student has their own individual learning plan which is supported by meaningful, recognised approaches for those with an ASC. This multi-disciplinary involvement builds upon prior learning and seeks to promote skill development, self-evaluation and personal interests and hobbies.

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Education and lifelong learning

Education and lifelong learning At Beechwood College we firmly believe that every young person has potential. We aim to unlock this by delivering individual programmes of study that are based around a clear assessment of each student’s primary needs. Through the development of person-centred plans we deliver individual academic, leisure and therapy programmes and highlight areas of ability and need, as well as personal aims and aspirations. This information is then used to form meaningful goals and realistic outcomes for the future. Supporting students to identify and evaluate their own progress and achievements enables them to take ownership of their learning and make important choices about their futures.


At Beechwood College we use a multiprofessional approach to teaching and learning. We use a wide range of recognised programmes to support learning including aspects of TEACCH, PECS and Makaton, to name just a few. Our meaningful, activity-based curriculum is designed to help students develop key life skills, increase their confidence and self-belief and achieve positive outcomes across all areas of adult life.

Learning outside the classroom

Learning at Beechwood College takes place throughout the waking day and within all areas; not just in the classroom. Students are encouraged and supported to organise and participate in a variety of group and individual educational and recreational activities on and off site.

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Home Life Our friendly, qualified and experienced staff support our residential students to develop key life skills in line with their individual learning plans. Each young person has a Residential Key Worker, whose role is to link with the education team and other professionals to ensure that the student’s residential care and support remains consistent at all times. Daily routines and consistent staffing teams help to keep our students’ anxiety at a minimum and ensure that everyone feels safe in their surroundings. Our structured approach provides students with the confidence to learn, grow and achieve success. Where possible, students are encouraged to help organise and participate in evening and weekend activities, including visits to the cinema, leisure centre and restaurants, supporting their individual plans and personal growth. It is important to remember that Beechwood College is a further education

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establishment and attendance at timetabled sessions must be the primary focus for all students.

Therapies (subject to funding) At Beechwood College we are able to provide access to a wide range of therapies and medical support that seek to promote skill development and remove barriers to learning.

Personal development

Personal development

Our Multi-Disciplinary Team works closely with students who have agreed therapeutic funding. Close working partnerships between staff, parents and/or carers play a vital role in ensuring that College practices can be embedded at home. Our specialists include: • Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) • Occupational Therapy (OT) • Psychology • Music Therapy • Psychiatry • Dietetics • Physiotherapy

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Behaviour management

...learn, grow & achieve success.

Behaviour management We recognise that on occasions students may exhibit behaviours which are perceived as challenging. Such needs are supported by a personalised Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) plan, which seeks to identify possible causes for the behaviour and proactive preventative measures for the future.


Students are provided with clear boundaries and expectations which are reinforced through positive behaviour management, praise and consistency in response from all staff members who have received specialist training.

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We recognise that each student learns in their own unique way. The Head of Education and team of qualified lecturers offer a wide range of teaching styles so that learning potential can be maximised to achieve a level of individual success.

Within our adaptive curriculum, students have the opportunity to explore a variety of subject areas:

This success comes in many forms through the delivery of accredited and non-accredited courses. Vocational skills for life are taught through independent living, leisure activities, computing skills and creative opportunities.

Fine art, textiles, ceramics, printmaking, sculpture, drama and music.

The broad curriculum offered at Beechwood College ensures a fun and engaging learning environment where all students are encouraged to participate and reach their full potential. We teach transferable skills that students will benefit from as they progress into future adulthood.

The curriculum

The curriculum

Essential Skills

Literacy, numeracy, problem solving and ICT.

Creative Arts

Skills for life

Independence, travel training, home management, financial skills and food preparation.

Vocational skills

Team enterprise, horticulture, animal care, carpentry and work experience.

Sport and leisure

Swimming, cycling, trampolining, horse riding, gym, Touch Trust and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

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The campus

The campus The College offers both indoor and outdoor activities, increasing the sense of community and safety for all our students. The main College buildings are clustered around an internal garden courtyard and house both the living accommodation and specialist classrooms. We use our whole campus as an active learning environment with specialist classrooms. The campus grounds are home to: • Art Room • Horticulture Centre • Cwtch/Stargazer • Vocation Centre


The safety and security of our students is a primary concern: students are able to walk freely within their residential home, but may require staff supervision and support to facilitate their independence and manage their vulnerability around the rest of the campus.

“Living accommodation is modern and homely with each student having individual bedrooms.” Those students who demonstrate the appropriate skills are provided with an electronic door key fob that increases their independence, decision-making and mobility. Students are not permitted to leave the college grounds without permission. These decisions are made based on individual needs and risks.

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The campus Call us: 029 2053 2210

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Life at Beechwood College

Life at Beechwood College Life at Beechwood College is full of opportunities and experiences that enable students to play a more active role in their future development. The College day offers access to experiential lifelong learning which focuses on promoting independence and wellbeing. Each student follows an individual, balanced and meaningful curriculum and associated programmes of activities, which promote appropriate access to differentiated areas of the Curriculum.

“...cinema vists, bowling, trips to the local leisure centre...�

Each student is encouraged and supported to go out and about as much as possible – cinema visits, bowling, trips to the local leisure centre, meals out or day trips to theme parks, shopping, hiking and even camping.

We are confident that the care and education received at Beechwood College is second to none. Parent

Our Home Managers offer a wide range of leisure opportunities, beyond the formal classroom timetables.


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Life at Beechwood College

My son has formed a close bond with his teacher and misses the education structure during the College holidays. Day Student Parent

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Admission criteria

Admission criteria Beechwood College is dually registered with the Welsh Government as an independent Further Education (FE) College and with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) as a Care Home for Younger Adults. Collectively, both registrations serve to ensure that the College provides a holistic approach to lifelong learning and skill development for male and female students. This is inclusive of day students that reside at home and come to us for education during term times. As a service provider we feel strongly that all of the young people and adults that are placed at Beechwood College are expected to engage in meaningful education and should not commence a placement at the College without first being assessed and deemed appropriate for a specialist educational setting.


Therefore it is crucial that registered persons (Registered Manager and Head of Education) collectively demonstrate that arrangements made within the home relating to the provision of care and wellbeing also include the provision of further education within the boundaries of the registered premises. Due to the specific nature of our College, the registered persons shall only agree to accommodate students following a full and thorough initial assessment of their needs which also takes into account compatibility and behavioural suitability. It remains the joint responsibility of the registered persons to ensure that effective provision is established for the health and welfare of all that attend the site.

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Admission criteria

Beechwood College is good because it helps me to develop my life skills. The staff understand me and I feel like they are always here to help me. HW, Student, Beechwood College

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Admission procedure

Admission procedure An application for a student placement at Beechwood College can be made by any individual involved in the life of a young person with a diagnosis of an ASC. Parents or a representative from the local authority are welcome to view the facilities available at Beechwood College and during their visit a request for a formal assessment can be made. Beechwood College can arrange for a day or residential placement assessment to be undertaken and produce an assessment report detailing the placement offer and associated fees.

Once funding has been agreed, Beechwood College will develop and implement a comprehensive transition plan. We hope that this prospectus has given you a flavour of what we believe makes us such a special place. Don’t just take our word for it, our Admissions Co-ordinator is here to help you through every stage. Call 029 2053 2210 or email referrals@ to experience Beechwood College for yourself, plus we make a great cup of tea!

A fantastically caring, happy College. Parent


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Community Services Building a life worth living

Beechwood College students are generally funded for 2 to 3 years based on education funding. In a number of cases students have been able to continue their education funded entirely by other routes, such as Social or Continued Health Care.

and level which is appropriate to need and aspirations.

Students do not have to leave our service or the area entirely to move on. As a wider organisation we are able to offer a seamless transition to a placement within one of our specialist community homes, across South East Wales and the West Country.

Moving on

Moving on

Our dedicated residential staff and therapeutic care teams are fully trained, and have the required skills, knowledge and experience to assist the young people in preparing for the future.

Each of our homes within Ocean Community Services (OCS) are set within a local community, ensuring excellent opportunities to utilise a wide range of social, leisure and occupational activities. The philosophy within OCS is to support young adults transition into an independent living environment. Support is provided at a pace

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Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions What and where is Beechwood College? Situated by the coast in the scenic Vale of Glamorgan, Beechwood College is a further education college dedicated to supporting young people and adults (age 16+) with an Autistic Spectrum Condition. We are proud to be a multi-award winning college, with numerous Wales Care Awards for our achievements in care, and a Careers Wales Quality Mark for demonstrating consistently high standards in education. At Beechwood College we are passionate that young people must be supported and encouraged to achieve their full potential in pursuit of their individual goals and aspirations.

Who attends Beechwood College? Our student body (age 16+) represents the breadth of the autistic spectrum including Asperger’s Syndrome and we specialise in supporting the unique combinations of clinical, physical, learning, sensory, social and emotional needs of all of our students. Education is meaningful and experiential,


and our learning environment promotes the students’ wellbeing, quality of life, and their ability to live a fulfilling adult life as independently as possible. Students range from being classically autistic with a severe learning disability and complex sensory, behavioural and clinical needs, to being high functioning and relatively independent individuals, but with social and emotional vulnerabilities, often working towards a BTEC and experiencing the world of work.

How many students can you take? Beechwood College is relatively small and specialised, offering education for up to 53 residential and around 20 day students.

How long is a placement? A typical placement in college is three years. Some students are here for a shorter period whilst others may be here longer. This is determined by individual circumstances and the availability of funds. To find out more visit:

The moving on option sounds interesting! Tell me more!

No, some of our students are undiagnosed but have autistic behaviours and traits and would benefit from our structured support and environment.

For students leaving college, we are able to offer effective transition to a placement within one of our specialist community homes, across South East Wales and the South West.

We pride ourselves in accommodating a wide range of needs and provide appropriate education and care on an individual basis.

Each of our homes within Ocean Community Services (OCS) are set within a local community, ensuring excellent opportunities to utilise a wide range of social, leisure and occupational activities, where the model of care and support is consistent with that of the college. Students can also continue to have access to the College for certain interests and, where appropriate, to the same clinicians and carers. The aim is to help make the step from college as smooth as possible for our leavers as well as their families.

What do they learn whilst they are there? We offer a broad curriculum that combines essential and functional skills, life and independence skills, with work-related learning and a range of subjects designed to tap into the students’ interests. From pre-entry level ASDAN, up to BTEC level 2 qualifications, there are courses for all of our students regardless of their academic ability.

Frequently asked questions

Do all students have an official diagnosis of autism?

Visit for more information.

All of our students have a tailor-made personcentred learning plan and so essentially no two students are doing exactly the same things. Indeed, each student is unique, with their own interests, skills, potential, needs and abilities, likes and dislikes, strengths and personalities, so their learning plan reflects this.

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Learning for life through inspirational education.

Beechwood College Hayes Road, Sully, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, CF64 5SE t: 029 2053 2210 e: reference V0619

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