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Dear Readers,

This marks our last issue of the school year and we cannot believe how close we are to the end. As we eagerly approach summer, we know that some students tend to lose their academic motivation. With that in mind, we are incredibly grateful for our diligent and hardworking editors who spent long, Starbucks-filled nights working on this issue when they could have spent time outside enjoying the beautiful weather.

The cover story for this edition dives into all things summer, from scrapbooking to music festivals to upcoming movies. We hope that everyone has a much-needed, restful break from school. We want to help you enjoy your summers by giving our best local suggestions. Our staff will enjoy their summer by traveling, spending time at sleep-away camps and working at impressive internships and jobs.


While the theme of this issue is summer vacation, we also want to reflect on our triumphs from the past year. Our other sections cover our students’ extraordinary accomplishments. In these pages, you will find stories of student achievements from award-winning art, a successful jewelry business



As the student newspaper of the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, The Lion’s Tale is a public forum for student opinion and expression. All content is determined by students. Its purpose is to inform the CESJDS community and to express the views of its staff and readers. The staff has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and objectivity of its news. Signed columns reflect the opinion of the writer; staff editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of The Lion’s Tale editorial board. The Lion’s Tale staff and even an alumnus committing to play college basketball.

The Lion’s Tale has also had its fair share of accomplishments this year, including winning the Gold Crown Award for the Columbia Scholastic Press Association for the first time and having 11 articles awarded Best of School Newspapers Online. We have also said goodbye to our seniors and smoothly transitioned into a new staff. We’ve worked hard together, bonded together and some of our newest staff has even begun working on the our fall issue. We look forward to seeing you next year.

Editorial and Ethics Policy

welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns, all of which must be signed. The staff reserves the right to refuse any material and may edit letters or columns for length, clarity, libel, obscenity and/ or disruptiveness. All other contents copyright of The Lion’s Tale. All rights reserved.

Submissions may be emailed to jdslionstale@gmail.com, mailed to The Lion’s Tale or brought to room 320.

The Lion’s Tale is funded by The Simon Hirshman Endowment for the

Upper School Newspaper and The Kuttner-Levenson Endowment for the Upper School Cultural Arts and Student Publications, and community advertisements. The Lion’s Tale reserves the right to refuse advertisement for any reason. The staff will adhere to the ethics policies of The Society of Professional Journalists and the National Scholastic Press Association. The adviser will be held to the Journalism Education Association’s Adviser Code of Ethics.

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