2 minute read

Drawer Organization

Organize & Optimize

Project by Lifestyle Staff | Photos by Jonna Dodge

Spring’s new growth often motivates us to purge, deep clean, and let in the fresh air. But tackling an entire room may seem overwhelming. Choosing one task at a time can make your reorganization projects more attainable.

Having an organized kitchen is key to an efficient baking or cooking process. This month, we’re sharing a drawer before-and-after project. In addition to reorganizing the cooking utensils, spices were placed into the same style of containers and relocated into a drawer next to the stove.

Inspired to do your own?

Follow these steps:

Decide which drawers need the most help; choose inserts and containers that will best fit your needs.

Label and pre-fill jars or containers you plan to use.

Empty your drawers, wipe them clean, and install the drawer inserts.

Purge any unused items and remove the ones that belong in other areas.

Reload your cooking utensils and spices in their new designated spots.

When deciding on a project of your own, it’s best to purge first, then empty one drawer or cabinet at a time. This will help to place your items in the most efficient locations.

Have a before and after? Tag us in your organization projects. @visalialifestyle