2021-22 HFCC Library Newsletter Issue 3

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Address: 33 Inverness Road, Kowloon Tel: 2337 9123

April 2022



Loan words

A trip to Paris Shopping paradise

A teacher’s experience on language learning Photo source: Netflix




Photo source: carta digital

Editor’s words by Amber Chung 4A

‘I feel like I’m dreaming and I’m about to wake up.’ - Emily in Paris Working in Paris, Emily has fallen for the city of romance. Have you ever dreamed of residing there? FRANCE. What can you relate to? Classy pavement cafes? Extravagant outfits from Emily in Paris? The mesmerizing Eiffel Tower? Or croissants? Amidst the seemingly perpetual pandemic, you can’t really travel to France and experience its fascinating culture now, right… Yet, you have a chance now! In this trip, we’re going to dive right into the marvelous country and show you the best tourist attractions, savour exclusive delicacies, go window-shopping and learn more about the elegant language! Don’t hesitate and follow us! In this ‘summer holiday’, Let’s get on the plane with ecstasy, and embark on our odyssey! Bon voyage! (❁´◡`❁)

Table of Contents Editors’ words Sightseeing in Paris Delicacies Shopping paradise English loanwords from French Video of a teacher’s sharing on learning French Read to experience France Mr Nick Chan’s sharing RAS winning entries Recommendation of E-books Editorial board

Originally named Le Mistral, Shakespeare and Company was opened by an American merchant named George Whitman in 1951. Whitman welcomed fervent writers, whom he dubbed as ‘Tumbleweeds’ to stay overnight in the bookstore. In exchange, the ‘Tumbleweeds’ must write a biography and help out in the store. Nowadays, in addition to the renowned bookstore, Shakespeare and Company also serves as a cafe and bistro.

The Pantheon was built at the behest of King Louis XV of France to honor Saint Genevieve. After the French Revolution, it was declared to be a mausoleum to ‘the heroes of France’. Philosopher Voltaire and Rousseau, scientist Marie Curie and novelist Victor Hugo are among those interred in the crypt of the Pantheon.

Opera Garnier was built during the 19th century, with the most prominent architectural features being the gilded ornamentation on the apexes of avant-corps. The setting of the musical The Phantom of The Opera is, in fact, inspired by the opera house. For instance, in 1896, a chandelier burst through the ceiling into an auditorium. The appalling accident was incorporated into the musical, and later became the scene where the enraged Phantom caused the mighty chandelier to crash to the stage upon the engagement of Christine.

Hotel de Ville, now Paris’s city hall, could be dated back to the 14th century. It has been reconstructed and expanded numerous times. In 1792, a guillotine was installed in the courtyard of Hotel de Ville, and the city hall served as a location for gory executions during the Terror phrase of the French Revolution. Nowadays, the enduring monument is the official office for the mayor of Paris. Contrasting its grisly history, the city hall is where one of the most iconic romantic photos ‘Le Baiser de l’Hotel de Ville’(‘The Kiss by the Hôtel de Ville’) was taken. The photo features a Parisian couple engrossed in their romantic moment in bustling Paris. The classic photo has sparked controversies over the years, with several couples claiming to be the couple in the photo. The photographer Robert Doisneau eventually revealed that the photo was staged, as opposed to the belief that it was a > The cartoon adaptation of ‘Le Baiser spontaneous moment of intimacy. de l’Hotel de Ville’

Photo source: aesthetic bege

Shopping paradise Do you like famous brands like YSL and Dior? However, do you know how to pronounce them CORRECTLY ? If your answer is no, then watch the following video!

Photo source: aesthetic bege

English loanwords from French

You’re probably aware that we regularly use a plethora of French words in English. But do you know that English is so close to the French language that around 30% of English words are French in origin? Here, we have covered 15 daily examples of English words that are originally rooted in French. Let’s explore this language of love together!

1. Cafe - Isn’t it a surprise for foodies? The word ‘cafe’ was invented in the 19th century, evolving from the French café ‘coffee or coffee house’. However, in some countries, cafés are designed to more closely resemble restaurants, offering a range of hot meals and possibly licensed to serve alcohol. Don’t be surprised if you’re stopped by an ID checking security guard when you enter a cafe in other countries!

2. Bureau ( Definition: a government department ) - While the word ‘bureau’ always appears on the headlines of newspapers, have you ever wondered how to pronounce this word when you first saw it? This word was invented in the late 17th century, originally being ‘baize’. Let’s learn how to pronounce it by referring to its phonetic symbol! (/ˈbjʊərəʊ/)

3. Bachelor - Have you ever thought about holding a Bachelor’s degree in a few years’ time? I bet this is almost everyone’s goal for now! However, being a future bachelor is not so cool when you have no idea where the word ‘bachelor’ comes from. The word ‘bachelor’ evolves from the Old French word Bachelier, with an uncertain time period. Now that you know this, you should aim to be a super cool ‘bachelor’ when you enter university!

4. Avant-garde (definition: favouring or introducing new and experimental ideas and methods.) - Who would ever guess that this fancy vocab is from France? In fact, the word “Avant-garde” literally translates as ‘vanguard’, from the early 20th century. Next time you may try to flex in your essay using this fancy word.

5. Detour (definition: a long or roundabout route that is taken to avoid something or to visit somewhere along the way.) - Taxi driver taking a detour? Would you like to send a complaint letter to the company? Well, you’ve got you. The word detour also comes from France. It is from the French word détour (meaning ‘change of direction’,) Don’t forget this word if you’d like a reasonable explanation from the taxi driver who goes on a detour!

6. Souvenir (definition: a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event.) - Fancying a souvenir every time when you go on a vacation? We all know that it is a must in a wonderful trip. The word “Souvenir” was first used in 18h century, from the French word subvenire ‘, meaning occur to the mind’.No wonder we are all tempted to buy souvenirs on vacations!

7. Ballet (definition: an artistic dance form performed to music, using precise and highly formalized set steps and gestures.) - Ballet is many youngsters’ hobby - perhaps including you as well! This brilliant and exquisite dance is definitely many people’s favourite! The word ‘ballet’ comes from the French word ballett, during the late 17th century. Ballet lovers should not miss it!

8. Gallery (definition: rooms or buildings for the display or sale of works of art.) - Any art lovers here? Have you ever wondered where the origin of your favourite place is? You’ve got to know that it is also a French word which first appeared in France. The word ‘gallery’ first appeared in France in medieval times, via an Old French word galleria. Don’t hesitate to tell your artistic friends about that!

9. Optimism (definition: hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something.) - We all need some positive energy in our daily lives. And optimism is undoubtedly the nutrients of our happiness! The word optimism first appeared in the mid 18th century: from the French word optimisme. Now we all know the origin of this word. The question is, can we all have more optimism in our lives?

7. Uniform (definition: the distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or body or by children attending certain schools.) - We wear school uniforms to school every day. While uniform may not necessarily have been designed in France, its name comes from France! The word uniform was once used in the mid 16th century (as an adjective): from the French word uniforme. Isn’t it a fun fact to know?

Now you know more about the connection between French and English. Isn’t it mind-blowing to you?

Photo source: Pinterest, ig: @enjoylaz_

Teacher’s sharing Are you learning any new languages? French? Japanese? Watch this video to learn about the interesting experience of Ms Khemlani learning French!

書名:從法國各地景點邊學邊玩!旅遊必備法語會 話集 作者:EZLanguage著 內容簡介: 本書透過介紹法國各地景點,讓讀者在遊覽法國 的同時簡易學習法語及其文法。 https://hfcchk.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDetail. jsp?id=208060 書名: One day in Paris 帶你慢遊巴黎 作者: One Day in Paris 著 內容簡介: 四個生活在巴黎的臺灣女生, 二零一一年創立 One Day in Paris部落格,輪流分享巴黎的資訊 和在地生活經驗。 她們想為「巴黎迷」寫一本可以慢慢咀嚼的地 圖, 於是在2015年出版此書,寫下踏實而雋永 的巴黎,希望讀者有機會踏入巴黎時,能放慢 腳步按圖索驥,走進景點和時尚背後的巴黎, 讓那些漫長的故事和頃刻的感動,帶讀者重新 認識自己。 https://hfcchk.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDet ail.jsp?id=74870

書名:一本書讀完法國歷史 作者:邢豔 著 內容簡介: 法國是歐洲歷史與文明的發源地,它的政治、經濟、文 化發展對歐洲乃至全世界都產生過重要影響;在這片風 光旖旎、土地肥沃的土地上,歷經著一波波的風雲變 幻。本書擷取法國歷史上重要時刻,真實地展現歷史畫 卷中那些鮮為人知的故事,讓讀者讀出法國甚至整個歐 洲的人文地理發展脈絡,並沉浸於久遠的歷史年代那些 或驚心動魄,或盪氣迴腸,或令人扼腕的場景之中。 https://hfcchk.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDetail.jsp?id =27288

Title: The Oxford Book of French Short Stories Editor: Elizabeth Fallaize Spanning the centuries from the late eighteenth to the late twentieth, this book recollected over 20 short French literary stories. From amusing renowned stories like The Necklace, to dismal war-themed tales such as The Last Lesson and Story of a Madman, you can savor them in one go. The Oxford University professor, editor of the book, has meticulously selected those with the most exciting yet thought-provoking plot twists. It highlights the distinct features of French literature in different periods. By reading it, you can submerge yourself into ancient France. If you are finding a book to read before bed time, this is definitely a promising choice!

Source: redbubble.com @ pinterest

RAS winning entries

RAS Winners

Amy Li 3B Title: Five Feet Apart Author: Racheal Lippincott with Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Ianconis Publisher: Simon & Schuster Number of Pages: 276 Five Feet Apart talks about two teens who suffer from cystic fibrosis, and they fall in love with each other. Stella has been in and out the hospital her whole life; her best option for a better life is a lung transplant. Will wants to be in control of his life, and he does not care about the treatment. Stella is observant about keeping the six feet apart rule with other patients suffering from cystic fibrosis because cross-contamination can be lethal. These two teens love each other but they cannot touch each other. They need to stay at least six feet apart. Stella finds this rule too demanding, so they steal back just a little bit of space from six feet apart to five feet apart. There are some sentences which I find particularly meaningful: -

‘Human touch is our first form of communication.’ ‘We need that touch from the one we love, almost as much as we need air to breathe.’

Undeniably, human touch is important – like babies need their mum’s touch to pamper them. I consider touch extremely important for everyone. Touch can give people warmth and comfort, just like the way we rely on air to sustain life. Five Feet Apart is a very touching book. When I read that Will has to leave Stella alone to prevent her from being cross-contaminated, my heart was almost broken. I could not believe that although Will loves Stella, he still leaves her in order to protect her. Will says that ‘you have to love someone enough to let them go.’ When I was reading this sentence, I cried. I think this is a really fantastic book, and I would like to recommend this book to everyone.

RAS winning entries

Source: Quotesgram.org

RAS Winners

Kaya Chan 4A Title: The BFG Author: Roald Dahl Publisher: Penguin Books Number of Pages: 208 pages Have you ever read a book that made you head over heels in love with the author? I have. It is the thought-provoking fiction The BFG written by Roald Dahl. The BFG revolves around a ten-year-old girl named Sophie, who accidentally sees a 24-feet-tall giant outside her window one night, the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) who captures her and takes her to his home in Giant Country. He explains that he cannot allow Sophie to return to her world and reveals the existence of giants. If she ventures alone outside, she may be eaten by nine much larger man-eating giants. Without any choice, Sophie has to live with him in the Giant Country. Sophie later discovers that the giant can create dreams for humans. Nonetheless, she discovers the problem of giants eating children, which inspires her to come up with a plan i.e. to forge a nightmare for the Queen of the United Kingdom in order to save the children. My favorite character in the story, the BFG, is a kind-hearted giant. Unlike other child-eating giants, the BFG is a vegetarian. He is stuck eating snozzcumbers, the only kind of food that grows in the Giant Country, even though he calls them “rotsome” and “foulsome”. He still eats them because he thinks eating humans is wrong. Moreover, to protect Sophie from being eaten by the man-eating giants, BFG uses his utmost courage to drive them off with a hot iron and saves Sophie from being the meat-eating giants’ supper. Apart from that, the BFG is an utterly magical giant who has the ability to make dreams, creating both sweet dreams and nightmares. Every night, he goes to different cities in England to deliver these wonderful dreams into children’s sleep. Do you believe that your fabulous dreams every night are created by the BFG? I would highly recommend this book to both children and adults. It is a heartwarming and inspiring book in which one can learn about kindness, friendship and justice at any age.

圖解身體的語言密碼:從眼神.手勢.表情.動作, 看透人心 流沙 著 Moon Ng 4D 你或許曾經嘗試過說謊, 但卻被你的身體語言出賣了你。那是為甚麼 呢?曾有前聯邦調查局探員表示, 他們經常透過觀察犯人的身體語言來 偵破案件。那麼, 身體語言究竟是甚麼東西呢? 身體語言, 是代表用身體動作來輔助或代替言語或其他交流方式進行交 流的一種方式。身體語言不會出現「口是心非」的現象, 也不會撒謊。它比 我們的言語更能表現一個人內心真實的情感和慾望。所以學習並掌握運 用身體語言便能更有效地解讀他人的想法。 現在就快來看看這本書, 一起圖解身體語言的密碼!

Recommendation of E-books by library prefects 聊齋志異


Shania Wong 4D 相信大家也有聽過聊齋這本書, 故事內容多談狐仙、鬼、妖,反映了 17世紀中國的社會面貌。每個篇章都有趣且具備不同的寓意和道理 ,令人回味! 但要看整本原文的聊齋可能有難度,而這本書將聊齋 白話化以現代詮釋,與漫畫化的方式講述24個有關鬼狐仙怪的故事 , 令我們可以在完全沒有負擔的情境下,輕鬆閱讀並吸收當中的道 理。 閱讀後我覺得最好看的是《畫皮》這一篇故事,講的是一位青年 遇到了一個美女,回家之後,那美女變成鬼要將青年殺害,後來是一 個道士及時趕到救出了青年殺了魔鬼,為民除了害。這篇寫得十分驚 險、刺激、雖然電影《畫皮》我也看過,但故事的情節有些不同,書中 寫的更神奇,非常值得大家閱讀。

Recommendation of E-books Wonder by Raquel Jaramillo Palacio When you notice a person with a significant difference in appearance, what would you do? Giving him some unfriendly glances, or dodging him entirely? Wonder revolves around a boy named August Pullman who has a genetic condition, called Treacher Collins syndrome, which has left his face disfigured. Auggie has been home-schooled due to the condition. However, his parents want him to get in touch with the outside world and sent him to a private school for the start of his fifth grade. What would happen when he meets the world outside? Wonder is a realistic and meaningful book. It sheds light on the theme of intolerance of the society towards people who are disabled or different as defined by the society. In the story, August gets bullied and is isolated. But actually, he is just an innocent little child. He does not do anything wrong. We should not treat them maliciously. After reading this book, I learned that we should not ‘judge a book by its cover’. In the story, Jack and Summer were scared of August in the beginning. But after getting along with August, they find that August is smart and charming. Moreover, the book is told from the points of view of different characters. This enables readers to look at things from different perspectives. I highly recommend Wonder to our schoolmates, so that we can all pay more attention to the problem of social injustice suffered by less privileged people. Rachel Lam 4B

Editorial Board

(left to right)

Myra Lee 5C (16) Vinci Ng 5D (10) Ms Candice Ng ( Teacher Adviser ) Amber Chung 4A (12) Angie Shing 4B (20)

Au revoir!

Acknowledgement_ Ms Cara Cheng (Principal)_ Ms Kenny Ma_ Ms Sujata Khemlani_ Mr Nick Chan_

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