Glendale Libraries National Library Week

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NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK A P R I L 7– 1 3 • 2 0 1 9

Fine Free Week

National Library Workers Day

International Library Giving Day

Volunteer Recognition Day

Return overdue Glendale Library, Arts & Culture materials and your late fines will be waived during this week.

A day of recognition for the unique contributions that library workers make to help people find the information they need for learning, working, as well as for recreational purposes.

This is an excellent time to make a financial contribution to support your favorite Glendale library location.



Celebrate the power of all the library volunteers who serve in a myriad of ways to improve our community, including our adult literacy tutors, the Glendale Library Foundation, the Friends of the Glendale Public Library, and the Brand Associates.

Lost items and items borrowed from or returned to Pasadena Libraries cannot be waived.

APRIL 7–13

Contact us for more information at:




APRIL 11 @myglendaleLAC

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