How Impact Technology on Education sector

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For over a century and more, education has remained stable in the format of education, the subjects taught and the syllabus followed by schools and colleges. Classrooms of students intently listening and compulsive the knowledge and wisdom put forth by a teacher or professor have been the accepted mode of teaching.

Despite advances in technology with education concepts, this traditional mode has remained unchanged. The number of courses or subjects and the time period may have varied but mostly the framework and the method of teaching have withstood changes that are otherwise evident in other elements. But educators have largely been encased in a kind of defense against technological advancements until now.


us have a look at the current major trends in education technology Collaborative Learning Gamified Learning Immersive Learning with AR and VR E-learning Learning Outside the

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning includes groups of students and teachers collaborating on joint conceptual efforts. Most time, students work in groups of two or more two people, seeking understanding, solutions, or creating something together that will be easy to understand.

Gamified Learning

‘Gamification’ is a fam ous word that has been commonly used in the future education technology and learning sector. But what does it actually m ean and how can it lead to enhanced learning this is the important thing to know for eve

Immersive Learning with AR and VR

With the introduction of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) into the new technology in the education system, the classroom learning experience has undergone immense changes. Learning has become much more effective than the traditional approach. Unlike plain images and hands-on experiments in the laboratory, students can now view advanced versions of the image, posts, and objects their computers, laptops, and mobile devices. The augmented virtual reality trends in educational technology are creating learning as an imperative experience.


It can be accessed from most electronic devices including a computer system, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone, making it a flexible and easy way for students to learn wherever they are available to learn. E-learning resources come in a variety of forms – from website development, software programs, online courses, and digital courses to interactive online platforms and apps.

Here is a list of some common types of e-learning methods that is very famous nowadays.

Digital Materials Online Courses Virtual Learning W b it A &

Learning Outside the Classroom Environment

Education does not always mean studying in only school, classroom, or college giving exams, and passing that. There is a huge world outside the classroom to learn, experiment, practice things and improve skills as well as knowledge. The world is itself a classroom giving good and bad experiences and in return giving independence in all things. There are many things that people learn and practice except study like hobbies, developing skills, extracurricular activities, sports, adventure, etc.


The power of education and technology really amazes us. Nowadays, teachers can use so many tools to increase students’ motivation and attention. Students have no fewer tools for facilitating their learning the things. Collaborative Learning, Gamification, big data, e-learning, VR, AR, AI, and Learning Outside the Classroom Environmentare only some of these. But how to implement the latest trends in educational technology in your specific case? You don’t need to worry about it— there are so many ways to perform this. At last flexibility and adaptiveness are the very major sides of current modern technology.

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