1 minute read


Clara Swartzenndruber

So a way that people quickly obtain cheap clothes is through fast fashion. Fast fashion is low-quality clothing that is mass-produced for extremely cheap and is very popular among people who want inexpensive, trendy clothes. But the consequence of all the mass-produced clothing is the dam age it does to the environment. Clothing made in factories sometimes ends up in the oceans and toxic dyes pollute wa ter. Not only does it affect the environment, but fast fashion workers are heavily exploited. So is all of the damage that fast fashion creates worth it?


The designers highlighted, Selina, Nayeli, and Sophia, represent a growing movement of designers and fashion enthusiasts who prioritize sustainable fashion practices. Their passion for sustainable fashion has led them to take unique approaches to make a positive impact on the fashion industry. Selina archives sustainability through upcycling and responsible waste management in her business. Nayeli, as a teen living through the fast fashion trends, promotes the concept of making clothing last by encouraging people to reuse and mend their clothing.Sophia Mirto, a sustainable fashion student embraces the slow fashion movement by creating couture designs that are made-to-measure, durable, and long-lasting, aiming to minimize waste and promote sustainability in the fashion industry. All of their efforts demonstrate the importance of conscious fashion choices and inspire others to adopt more sustainable practices.

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