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Homecoming weekend also held an assortment of lively activities and social gatherings for alumni to visit with friends and former classmates, explore campus and reconnect with their alma mater.

Golfers took a swing at raising funds for the University’s golf team by heading to the greens at Greenwood Country Club for the annual Martin-Sims Golf Classic. Alumni of all classes gathered outside of Howard’s on Main for an evening of drinks and appetizers.

The alumni tent at tailgating was a popular spot to pick up a welcome packet filled with Lander ribbons, spirit gear, passes to the Homecoming game and food tickets.

Members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. celebrated their charter’s 40th anniversary; and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. recognized their 25th year. The reunion weekend included a meet and greet, tailgating, stroll competition and a special tribute to those who have provided service to the Lander community.

Homecoming Day featured several college sessions for alumni and their families to experience. Audiences were treated to a fun physics demonstration, tales of Samuel Lander’s early years, and insight into the drawling tongue of the Southern language.

 By Deb Nygro