The Quad - Summer 2022

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Talking Music I am delighted that five OLs currently studying at UK institutions have written to share their musical successes so far – all are hugely talented and will go far in their respective fields.

Our pupils’ success can be traced back to their experiences in the Third Form, where pupils study a specially designed curriculum incorporating modules ranging from Pop Music & Body Percussion and Programme & Cinematic Music to Equality & Diversity in Classical Music (in which pupils learn about historical, societal, and cultural factors alongside musical characteristics) and Music in the Digital Age. It is thrilling to see pupils’ musical spheres widened, their skillsets enlarged, and their tastes broadened during such lessons. At GCSE and A Level, we encourage pupils to explore their own interests – there is no typical GCSE or A Level Music student at Lancing, and pupils are just as likely to perform on the electric guitar as the violin – whilst introducing them to styles and genres which they have never heard of before. Nearly all A Level compositions are recorded with professional musicians, and we encourage our pupils to consider the interpretative and technical demands of their music during the process of composition. At the highest level, the achievement of our pupils is outstanding, with 71% A*–A at A Level in the last four years. We embrace technology and innovation, too – you are much more likely to see a laptop and a digital OneNote notebook than a paper file in Music lessons today – whilst promoting music of all styles, periods, and localities through our teaching. Excitingly, in September 2022 we will have a brandnew fleet of iMacs in the Music School, and our Music Technology Club is proving as popular as ever.





Outside the classroom, the wealth of music that occurs at Lancing is welldocumented and, in the last year alone, our pupils have received opportunities as recitalists, chamber musicians, concerto soloists, composers, concert reviewers, musicologists, conductors, accompanists, pit-band musicians, actorsingers, choristers, audio editors and mixers, orchestral players, jazz musicians and improvisers. Our pupils’ musical achievements are reflected by the list of Higher Education destinations (including many of the best institutions in the country) at which OLs are currently studying Music, namely the Royal Academy of Music, Royal College of Music, Royal Northern College of Music, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, University of Oxford, University of Leeds, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Trinity College of Music, University of Newcastle, Royal Holloway, British Institute of Modern Music and Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts.

CHRIS LANGWORTHY Head of Academic Music

Cecily Moorsom (Manor 2015–2020) I’m currently in my second year of Music at Merton College, Oxford, which has involved modules as different as Women and Popular Music and Vernacular Song in the Long 13th century – although one of my essays has argued that they may share more similarities than it first appears! Another module I’ve been enjoying is Techniques of Composition; when Mr Mason taught a few of us the basics of writing Renaissance polyphony and fugal expositions after we were done with A Level work, I had no idea it would be so useful. Of course, there are opportunities for more practical music-making as well. I’m currently having recorder lessons at the Royal Academy of Music as part of the Oxford-RAM scheme, and a highlight of this year was performing in the Sheldonian as part of the Oxford Philharmonic’s Young Artist’s Platform. I’ve also been enjoying singing with the college choir – we recently sang Vierne’s Messe Solennelle, which I discovered for the first time at Lancing. I am keeping my future options open, however, and am also taking modules such as Edition with Commentary and Music Education, so that I can find out what careers I might really enjoy.

Harry Dichmont (Second’s 2013–2018) After leaving Lancing in 2018, I moved up north to study Music at the University of Manchester. I had the opportunity to continue my academic studies in musicology, composition and performance, while also getting stuck in with lots of ensembles and groups with the fantastic Music Society (MUMS). I was lucky enough to perform in prestigious venues around the UK, as well as tours to destinations such as Budapest and Venice. The highlight of my time at university was being part

Articles inside

In Memoriam

pages 68-70

OL Sports Roundup

pages 66-67

Forthcoming Events

pages 71-72

The OL Club Review

pages 64-65

Business Networks

page 57

Lancing Parents Association

page 59

Over 60s Spring Luncheon

page 58

University Ambassadors

page 56

In from the Cold

pages 54-55

Foundation Office

page 50

Foundationer Ambassadors

pages 52-53

1848 Legacy Society

page 51

Little Lancing

pages 48-49

Lancing Prep Hove

pages 44-45

A Week in the Life

pages 42-43

Lancing Prep Worthing

pages 46-47

Qui diligit Deum

pages 34-35

Art News

pages 30-33

Subject Focus • Music

pages 12-13

Drama & Dance News

pages 26-29

Geography News

pages 14-15

Music News

pages 20-25

College News

pages 4-7

Co-curricular News

pages 17-19


page 16

Founder’s Day

pages 8-11
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