3 minute read

A Week in the Life

A Week in the Life Heads of House

Lancing’s ten Houses are where firm friendships are forged, lasting throughout school and beyond. It is in Houses that pupils are given leadership roles: older pupils mentor younger pupils, and Heads of House and House Captains support Housemasters, Housemistresses and Matrons in the day-to-day running of the House.


We interviewed Upper Sixth Formers Alicia, Talia and Nikita who held this role in their respective Houses in the past academic year.

I meet with the House Captains weekly to discuss any issues concerning the girls in the House, or to confirm plans for the following week. I make sure that someone is always available in the House if any of the girls need someone to talk to; being aware of issues and always looking out for each other is a crucial part of living together in a boarding house.

There are over 40 girls in Manor and I have loved getting to know them all in real life this term, especially after only being able to be in touch with messages or at online events during the months of lockdowns. Getting my House Captains together for fun evenings and organising bonding nights with several year groups has given me the chance to see how the girls work as a cohort and in their separate groups. These events have been a great way of reintroducing students back to the College in the past few months.

One of the best moments this year for us Manor girls was on Founder’s Day, when we walked down to the fields in our bright yellow t-shirts and beanies. I wore a gold crown while the others held a ‘Manor’ banner. With loud music announcing our arrival, we certainly drew attention to us!

“I enjoy the opportunity to be a liaison between pupils and staff, as sometimes the girls might feel more comfortable speaking to me about an issue they might have before raising it with the teaching staff.”

ALICIA HOPE Manor House (below, second right)

As Head of House I act as the leader of the House Captaincy team. I have weekly duties supervising the Third and Fourth Forms in Evening School, at bedtime and in the morning to ensure they are up in time for breakfast and their lessons. I also help organise the girls in teams for various House competitions and sports days, and help setting up and running House events. We often hold fun activities in House such as BBQs and film/pizza nights.

I have enjoyed the opportunity to get to know and support all Handford girls in all year groups. It is great to be given opportunities to step up in leadership roles both in House and across the school, as it has allowed me to develop leadership skills and work on my own strengths and weaknesses.

TALIA WARREN Handford House (main photo, centre) I think this role requires a good mix of communication skills, time management and caring qualities; the groundwork of the job is to make everyone feel like they are in a home environment and are being treated equally. There are 60 people in my House, and as the Head of House I tend to interact with every year group throughout the year. One of my weekly tasks is to make sure that all the boys in the House are settled down for their Evening School time, as well as ensuring the Third Formers go to bed at the right time with the right procedures, for example handing in their electronic devices.

Overall, I am grateful for this role, as it has allowed me to get to know the House on a deeper, more personal level, and to provide support to all the boys and the staff working there. NIKITA PIKOVICH Second’s House

The Head of House is the lynchpin of the pupil body, a sounding board and conduit, the most senior pupil in the house. They work closely with the Housemaster/Housemistress, meeting with them at least weekly, making careful and thoughtful judgments about passing on concerns. The Head of House needs to be proactive in promoting the welfare and happiness of all members of the House: caring, energetic, observant, respected, a monitor and a mentor. A great Head of House will comfort and galvanise, encourage and moderate, enthuse and temper. A guardian and sentry.

MATT SMITH Senior Housemaster & Gibbs’ Housemaster