KNACK Magazine #64

Page 70


Yogesh Wagh I am a writer who believes in Shakespeare’s coined phrase “What’s in a name?” (unless the name is written under the poem). I am also a technology student, though I am often strolling around ruins at sunset and framing poems in my mind. My personal expression is done through words and my love for cinema.

Words Spoken Ever and anon I surmise, That Newton was a poet, And Gravity was a metaphor he used To say an unexceptional sentence like Earth has no tongue. Walks and walks, she never talks to peter out. Sometimes, I desire her semblance; In the dead air two feathers dive, An anthology on Silence authored in my name, And no more tiresome mornings ushered in vain due to numskull efforts for the utterance and being sane. I reckon in the mirror, Compare no more the hands to the one, Who is loved, Perorates no lie, Spills like leaves and shouldn’t concern. Talks and talks, the world never walks to peace out.


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