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A Special Father's Day Tribute

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On every Father’s Day, we acknowledge all fathers because, without them, there would be no you or me. Fathers literally bear the seed of our existence, and for this we are grateful. We honour them because they gave us life. “Listen to your father. Without him, you would never have been born. Respect your mother, even when she is old” (Proverbs 23:22 NKJV).

This Father’s Day, celebrate indiscriminately with me. Allow this holiday to resonate within you beyond a tie, catchy gadgets, personalised tools, or a ‘Real Men Love Jesus’ teacup. Let’s forego the typical Father’s Day routine to reflect on how wise our God is to know that we needed earthly fathers to feed, guide and protect us.‘The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him’ (Proverbs 20:7 NKJV).

A noted professor of sociology, Dr. Robert Tutman, PhD stated: “Fathers have a parenting style that is significantly different from that of a mother. Their presence promotes healthy development, and is a deterrent to destructive influences, such as substance abuse, suicide, runaway and school dropout. The father-factor gives children a greater rate of success.”

However, keeping it 100, dads are not perfect. They are after all, human. Nevertheless, their influence is forever impacting, and there is no doubt something inherently “special” about everyone’s dad, for the glory of children are their fathers. ‘Children’s children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their father’ (Proverbs 17:6).

Unaware of how great or grievous their dads have been in their lives, I took this poll to the streets and asked folks to share what is or what was special about their dad. The responses range from genuine joy to severe pain.

Here are their uncensored responses:

Fatherhood is one the most amazing things that has ever happened to me. To have the awesome privilege to play a part in the nurturing of a new life, being a father to three beautiful daughters has brought purpose and focus in my life - one full of joy, laughter and sometime challenges. Real fatherhood to me means unconditional love, commitment and sacrifice.

Brian Martin - Worship Artist, Writer, Producer

Brian Martin & Worship 4 Life will be releasing their new album, The Greatness in You, this autumn.

What makes my dad special to me is the fact that he’s super funny and I’m always laughing. We are huge movie buffs and it always brings us together. I can remember when my sister and I would spend weekends with him, we’d lounge around the house and watch as many movies as we could and enjoy being around each other. That will always stay with me.

Jessica, 25

My dad was very special to me. He constantly spoke words of affirmation, setting the bar high; he often referred to me as his model daughter. After our mother passed, he took on the responsibility of being a full-time, single dad, taking us to school, showing us how to prepare meals, pay bills, and he attended all of our school functions. My dad was a true dad.

Monique, 37

My dad was young when I was born, and though I knew of him, we didn’t have a dad-son relationship. He was not able to give me the care that a dad should, because he didn’t have it. From a distance, I have developed some of his traits of hard working, always saying Yes to helping others, and sometimes I am too laid back, like he is.

Dean, 38

I am a huge Marvel fan; they remind me of my hero, my dad. I have known him for 11 ‘long’ years. He knows how to handle me and my sister’s temper tantrums, because he is an expert with children. He takes care of my mum, my sister and myself. He just loves making us happy. Thank you for being the hero!

Sammy, 11

My dad - with nine sons and one daughter - in my opinion, is Superman. He is a man that took care of an ill wife and son (who lived in the same house) until their deaths two weeks apart from each other, and still he had the strength to hold our family together. I appreciate everything he has done for me.

Melvin, 52

These sentiments are extraordinary glimpses into fatherhood. Between us, it doesn’t take much to be special in the eyes of your child. Indeed, each person could have taken the opportunity to put their dad on blast for his shortcomings; but, instead, they all chose to accentuate his “specialness” - even if it was for only one thing.

I’ll leave on this note: After having made several bad choices that separated him from his family, the prodigal son arose, cast it all behind him and, not knowing what the reception would be, returned to his father anyway. ‘But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.The father restored his son back into the family with a great celebration’ (Luke 15:20-24).

Happy Father’s Day, dads. You rock!

Marnita Coleman is an author and host of The Marnita Show, a parenting show heard daily across the globe. For more about parenting, log onto TheMarnitaShow.com.