Fall 2020

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KA MANA’O The Thought


2020 Issue

CONTENTS, table of

Coming out of Quarantine Elections & Voting Video Game Reviews What is Rebellion? Reconnect with Nature Memes as Modern Expression Jam-Preserved Recipe Instagram Showcase

Coming out of Quarantine


Reconnect with Nature




A Modern Expression









// 6 // 6 // 9 // 15 // 16 // 18 // 21 // 22

Elections & Voting




Video Game Reviews




How to Come out of Quarantine Stronger than Ever Written by Lindsey Millatd | Designed by Gerald Soria Photos by 1) Brandy Kaneshiro 2) Gerald Soria 3) Manuel Diaz Jr.


hances are that you are cooped up in your room reading this. With everything going virtual and wearing a mask everywhere you go, it sure is a strange time to be alive. But the state is slowly opening up again, and hopefully we continue down this path. So, how do you come out of an isolated period stronger than ever? With flu season around the corner, alongside the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is the perfect time to start paying more attention to your health. While mask-wearing, social distancing, and other hygiene practices are essential precautionary steps, there is the less talked about issue of improving your immune system and overall health. While proper hygiene is very important and proven to dramatically decrease your chance of infection, you can’t overlook your personal health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with pre-existing health conditions are more affected by COVID-19 than those without them. In a majority of COVID-19 deaths, there was some kind of underlying illness like heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes that made it hard for the individual to fight the infection. Even if we take all the steps to avoid contact with a virus, there is always still a chance of catching COVID-19 or another infection. But there are ways to ensure your immune system will be ready to take down any harmful foreigners that enter your body. Here are a few tips to improve your mental and physical health to help fight sickness and maintain your overall well-being:


Stay hydrated Proper hydration is probably the easiest and most important way to keep your body healthy. Through urination and bowel movements your body releases waste and toxins that can otherwise build-up and wreak havoc on your body. Water also lubricates joints and keeps nutrients flowing to their right destinations. Water, fruits, and vegetables are the best way to keep your fluid levels up. Also remember that if you sweat or breathe heavier than usual, like during an intense workout, you will need to increase your water intake. Chapped lips and a dry throat are signs of dehydration, so be sure to drink water if you feel either one.

Fuel your body with nutritious foods Try to get lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other minimally processed foods into your diet. These foods are full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help your body function properly. You may also want to lower your intake of refined carbohydrates, excess sugars and salts, trans and saturated fats, and other things commonly found in ultra-processed foods. These foods do quite the opposite of healthier foods, where they can actually cause damage and stress in many parts of your body. So try your best to consume foods that are densely packed with nutrients, and treat the less healthy foods as occasional treats. Not only will your immune system thank you, so will your digestive system, energy levels, mood, and so much more.

Quit smoking and vaping or don’t start any time soon COVID-19 is a virus that attacks the lungs, you want to keep your lungs as strong as possible. The most common cause for lung damage is smoking. According to WebMD, the aerosols from vaping cause similar destruction to lung cells and tissue. Your lungs were made to breathe clean oxygen, not the long list of harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke and e-cigarette vapor. Visit hawaiiquitline.org for resources and contact information to help you or a loved one quit smoking and vaping today.


Move your body daily Exercise has countless benefits for both your body and mind. Regular physical activity is proven to reduce stress, improve quality of sleep, and reduce body fat. These benefits dramatically reduce your chances of type-2 diabetes, depression, cancer, and keep your immune system functioning well. A balance of both cardio and strength are important to reap the full benefits for all parts of your body. Even if it’s a quick stroll around the block, remember anything is better than just sitting down all day.

1) Brandi Kaneshiro Photo Reference: Off the Eaten Path, Fall 2019 pg. 28

3) Manuel Diaz Jr.

Get your rest

2) Gerald Soria

2) Gerald Soria

While exercise is important, it is also equally important to let your body rest. Sleep is when your body is able to repair itself, something essential when you undergo mental and physical stressors like a challenging exam or tiring workout. Sleep is something often overlooked as a part of your health, but it is one of the most essential. You could be doing all the right things, but if you are sleep deprived your body will be in a constant state of fatigue. Aim for 7 hours of sleep every night, and more if you feel that you need it. You may even want to review your schedule and figure out if there are things you can change so that your sleep isn’t compromised.

Practice deep breathing and other calming activities

2) Gerald Soria

2) Gerald Soria


Let’s face it, we’re all stressed in one way or another these days. Whether it be about school, work, relationships, or the ongoing pandemic, there are several easy ways to manage your stress. The allostatic load (wear and tear from chronic stress) placed on your body will go down and not only will your mood improve, but all of your body’s functions will also work more smoothly with this decreased stress. One simple breathing exercise you could try is the 4-7-8 technique. It is best to sit upright while doing this exercise and clear your mind of any other thoughts. Activities like this or other things like meditation, journaling, or spending time outdoors are all great ways to calm down. Try different things then find something you enjoy doing and can easily fit into your daily routine.

Reconnect with

Written and Photographed by Michael Riccio | Designed by Cato Winkler



here are many things we take for granted. The air we breathe, the rising sun that signals the beginning of our day, and the land with which we build our foundations and futures on. All of these in tandem are essential to the rich tapersity of humanity. Nature is the focal point in which we sustain our existence collectively. Many people are disconnected with nature and often overlook what a pivotal role it plays in our daily lives. At Leeward Community College, The Plant Biology and Tropical Agriculture Program (PBT) is perfect for those seeking to reconnect with nature or for those who are interested in growing their own food. Whatever the reason may be, you will undoubtedly find the Plant Biology and Tropical Agriculture Program to be a worthwhile endeavor. Many of the lessons taught in the program are interconnected into all facets of life. Plants grown and harvested in the Plant Biology and Tropical Agriculture Program are used in the dishes created by Leeward Community College’s award-winning Culinary Program. This partnership was created to supply the Culinary Program with fresh, quality ingredients while also providing PBT Students practice for sanitary and ethical harvesting methods. Dishes utilizing these ingredients can be found in The Pearl, Leeward Community College’s Four-Star Restaurant. Students in PBT program will see the literal fruits of their labor, come from “Farm to Table”. Due to our increasingly urbanized lifestyle, most people don’t think they have the time to grow and care for a plant. At one point, most households had a garden that they would use to grow their own food and wouldn’t need to rely on outside resources or providers. Many people take the skills and knowhow learned in the PBT Program to cultivate the space in their homes into something that connects them with the natural world. Such a principle is paramount towards growing a cleaner, better Hawaii. Most of the food cost in Hawaii comes from the shipping needed to transport imported goods to the Islands. The greater the interest grows in local agriculture, the less dependent we are on outside resources. The PBT program fulfills both the practical and principle aspects of a person. On one hand, it stimulates the mind with complex, yet interesting, socio-political issues that affect each and everyone of us every day. On the other hand, it satiates the intrinsic need to be outdoors. Whichever side you lean towards, The PBT Program wants you.





KAIWI STATE SCENIC SHORELINE by Manuel Diaz & Ethan Mitchell | Design by Gerald Soria

Description by State of Hawai’i Division of State Parks


he Makapu‘u Point trail, within Kaiwi State Scenic Shoreline, offers outstanding views of O‘ahu’s southeastern coastline, including Koko Head and Koko Crater. From the trail’s destination at Makapu‘u Head, one is rewarded with magnificent views of the windward coast and offshore islets, as well as the historic red-roofed Makapu‘u Lighthouse built in 1909, which makes a stunning picture against the deep blue sea below (the lighthouse itself is off-limits). On a clear day, you may even see Moloka‘i and Lana‘i. The offshore islets are wildlife sanctuaries for Hawaiian seabirds, such as the ‘iwa, frigate bird, and tropicbird. This trail is an excellent place to view migrating humpback whales in season (November – May). Binoculars are suggested for viewing the whales and seabirds. An interpretive sign and viewing scope along the trail help you view and identify the whales seen from this location. This portion of the island tends to be hot and dry and the vegetation includes low-growing kiawe and panini (cactus). The trail is exposed and is usually sunny and hot. It can be very windy at the summit. A hat, sunscreen, and plenty of water are recommended. Give yourself about 2 hours to enjoy this hike and it’s wonderful views. 11 KA MANA‘O

Written by Brandon Ferreira | Illustrated and Designed by Cato Winkler


e live in a world of poverty and hatred, greed and malice. It is a corrupt society where only those in power-- with money, with military backing, with the bigger gun-- matter. The normal person is becoming paranoid, and with good reason, as the world they know is slowly falling apart. Death, which has always been a constant factor in human life, has become more prominent, and the Reaper now stares into the eyes of many. With all this grim text on the page, and the ever-present dread that we humans have grown accustomed to, what better way is there to express the fear and loathing in our hearts, than


Memes in this sense are humorous images and videos, produced and spread by internet users, to give others something to laugh at. Humor is the quality of the comedic, the ability to amuse or make people laugh. A sense of humor is a reflection of what people want to display, or see, in their comedy and not everyone is fitted with the same taste in this aspect. Dark humor is a sense of humor that is filled with morbid content, and is often used as satire for the various things wrong with not only society, but life itself.

Recently, memes with dark comedy have been spreading around the internet, because the world as we know it is not in a good place. People who shouldn’t have been put in power in the first place, are put in a position that they were not ready for, and watch as they ruin what others have tried so hard to protect; and viruses spread at an uncontrolled rate, and we can’t do anything to stop them. Both of these are problems, almost completely out of the hands of a normal person, and thus… We choose to laugh at them, to put some form of levity in the world, and make memes.


Of course, this is subjective as this President of the United States of America has his fans, for one reason or another. Donald Trump-- a rich, white man, with a big hand in a massive hotel chain-- won the presidency over Hillary Clinton, after the Presidential Elections in 2017. Ever since then he’s put in questionable policy, after questionable policy, all the while using his personal Twitter as a mouthpiece to say how great he is. In fact, some may recall a moment when President Trump openly and childishly mocked Greta Thunberg, a young advocate for environmental awareness, which led to a massive amount of backlash from mostly everyone. He openly lies about a variety of subjects, one of them being that the United States had pulled its military out of Syria, despite the fact that nearly a thousand soldiers remained there, guarding the oil fields. The memes made of President Trump are less than flattering for his image. They point out the obvious fact that he lies to the American citizens, with fake policies and speeches that are just filled with his own “fake news”. The memes also point out his checkered history, featuring a variety of allegations against him, especially those pertaining to the opposite sex. Some even sarcastically state that Donald Trump may not be politically savvy enough for his position, featuring the President himself saying that he has no idea what he’s doing, while doing something that will lead to horrible consequences. The people who made those memes of Donald Trump, use them to point out his flaws as a person, and also to vent out their frustrations against how he lies, and ineptly runs the country. It is their way to cope, to cope with the feeling of anger that Donald Trump manages to evoke in people. However there are some who also use the memes to say that he is doing great, and that everyone else is just not his level of presidency, and that a majority of the presidents before him were not as… Steadfast in their goals. Which is up for debate, but it does not change the fact that memes were used as a vent for how horrible he has been for the United States as a whole.


COVID-19 has very recently become a massive problem. Not only in America, but a majority of the world at large. It is a deadly virus that spreads at an uncontrolled rate, due to us humans not having any sort of natural, or engineered resistance to it. It is very potent, and has forced most University of Hawaii campuses to put their classes online, to decrease the likelihood of any student catching, or unintentionally passing on, the virus. It is also well known that COVID-19 had originated in China, which has led to racist sentiment against those of Asian descent. COVID-19 is a coronavirus-- which itself (according to the World Health Organization) is a family of viruses that can cause common and severe illnesses in people. The coronaviruses are viruses like the flu, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The reason “Coronavirus” has quotation marks around it, is due to the fact that many have simply chosen to refer to COVID-19, as the “Coronavirus”, and that generalization is what many of the memes of the virus use as well. Overall though, the memes on the “Coronavirus” are not entirely about the virus itself, rather they focus on the reaction society has had to it. As mentioned before, after it was found that COVID-19 started in China, many began to form racist sentiment to people who look Asian. Memes began to paint every Chinese person, as carriers of the “Coronavirus.” A lot of memes of the “Coronavirus” show how people are just now becoming more sanitary, because the virus can only really be stopped in it’s germ form, by washing one’s hands and disinfecting surfaces that should have been disinfected in the first place. Others often feature a Chinese person showing signs of sickness (more often than not, coughing), and then a reaction of fear from everyone else, or even mentions of the death of those present in the room. In a sad way, this provoked fear of those of Chinese descent, and led to brutal violence against them. Memes in this case, while also being used to vent about the comedy of a bad situation, also function as a tool of racism. People use them to openly make racist jokes about Asian people carrying the virus, when in reality almost ANYONE can carry and have the virus.

With how messed up the world tends to be, people tend to use memes to laugh at the horrible things in life. Whether it’s to find the humor in how horrible a president behaves, or to have a guffaw at how people began to practice proper hygiene due to a virus, memes can be used to vent out frustration that is built up by many. However they can even be used to harm others, such as the “Coronavirus” memes and jokes featuring Chinese people. Memes can be used as a vent for frustrations built up by society, however they can also be used as tools to encourage harm upon others. Remember to meme responsibly.


Behind the Meme:

The Karen

by Brandon Ferreira | design & illustration by Gerald Soria



arens are mysterious creatures. Ones that wander through society, filled with all the entitlement of the world. They need to be right no matter what, or else they will unleash their hilarious fury upon those who have wronged them. Like store attendants who tried their best to help, only to get the legendary Karen screech, alongside thrown items. They have been made infamous by the internet for their exploits, being featured on various social media platforms: like Twitter and Instagram. But why do they behave in such ridiculous ways? How does one become a Karen? Does Karen take other forms? These are indeed questions that need answers, especially if we want to laugh at them more.


What is Karen? Now for all intents and purposes, Karen was not originally meant as a term for these infamously angry creatures. In fact, once we look passed the modern connotations of it, we shall see… That Karen… Is just a name. According to Nameberry.com, a website that lists names and documents their origins, states that the name “Karen” holds it’s origins in Danish. It translates to “pure”, in reference to “innocence”. Depending on how one sees it, this meaning could be very ironic considering what Karens do to most people. Now the type of Karen being discussed in this article, is far from what many would consider pure. In fact, she is the epitome of entitlement. Karens are typically middle class, white women, who are very assertive-- assertive to the point, where they have to be right even if they are wrong. According to the article “What Exactly is a Karen and Where Did the Meme Come From?”, written by Ashitha Nagesh and posted on BBC.com, they are the type of person who would want to speak to the manager, so they can degrade the workers under them. They are often racist, using their white privilege as a form of authority against those of a different skin color-- often spinning false tales of criminal acts and more, which are often derogatory against their victims.

Why is Karen? Now that what Karen is has been explained, the question of why Karens behave the way they do can be a bit complicated, but once it’s learned the reason is very simple. Karens are born entitled. They have been raised from a young age, to believe that they are always correct and that other people are wrong. Emily Zitek, an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior alongside writer for the Character & Context blog on the Society for Personality and Social Psychology website, writes that entitlement is a personality trait “in which someone has a pervasive sense of deservingness”. This can easily be applied to Karens as a majority of them shout that they deserve to be treated better than anyone else, when in reality they are simply another person in the world. More often than not, they are raised by racist, white parents who also believed that they themselves deserved better than everyone else, which then of course led to the resident Karen becoming the entitled child that is flying all over the internet today.


Where is Karen? Now how do we find this unique specimen among the various humans of planet Earth? Well thanks to the wonders of the internet, one can find a Karen on various social media sites. Or at least sightings and reportings. One very famous Karen is the aptly dubbed McMuffin Karen, of whom was found on Twitter, crying about the fact that her order of a Breakfast McMuffin from McDonalds, did not come when she expected it. She posted a video on her account, featuring her describing the ‘harrowing’ story in detail. McMuffin Karen is very… Entitled. She launched into a rant about how no one should have to wait for their McDonalds order as long as she did. Along with the fact that she left the McDonalds because the prospect of a cold McMuffin scared her. And that the world is scary and that she needs a break. Other people on Twitter rightfully pointed out what was wrong with her statements. There are many people in the world that are unable to get food, because they do not have the money, nor jobs to actually get said money. Not to mention the fact that she is also crying over a McMuffin. McMuffin Karen Video: https://tinyurl.com/mckarenn A more recent example of a Karen is the Starbucks Karen, who decided to not wear her mask in a Starbucks. Which due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, is grounds to get one kicked out of any establishment. Starbucks Karen is particularly famed for suing people at Starbucks, for ‘discriminating’ against her for not having a mask. She even targeted a specific barista, and wanted him to give her half of his GoFundMe tips, and got him fired. She later went to the drive-thru at the same Starbucks, and when asked if she had a mask, promptly began to record the baristas, shouting about how she was going to sue them for discriminating against her. For not wearing a mask. During a time where it is mandated that people wear masks, for their own safety. She believes that she is above the rules and safety regulations of the time, which is just plain ridiculous. Just because we live in America, does not mean we get to do what we please, especially with the safety of others being put at risk.

Conclusion Karens are particularly unique creatures. They embody entitlement with every word that comes out of their mouths. The reason they behave in such a… Ridiculous manner is because they grew up entitled, with parents that believed they deserved everything, an attitude that transferred to them as a result. With this entitlement comes ridiculous behavior, like the McMuffin Karen crying over not getting her McDonalds, or the Starbucks Karen suing people over telling her to wear a mask for the safety of everyone. Note: The catchphrase “Live, Love, Laugh” has become associated with being “basic”. Popularized, this phrase became known to appear on mugs, home decoration, and even tattoos. Seen as cliche and shallow, this phrase started to get negative connotations as a hollow sentiment.

They are quite ridiculous, but the more we watch them, the more we realize that they are being exposed for the stupid creatures that they are. Entitlement to the point of lunacy, is not to be respected. But laughed at and mocked so that they (the Karens) learn why they should not be so.


ELECTIONS VOT I N G Written by Joseph Wargo | Designed by Jared Custino

Jakob Owens | Unsplash 18 KA MANA‘O


or many American college students, this year will be only the first or second presidential election they have been eligible to vote in. Historically, younger voters have not been as engaged in our country’s election process as older voters. This could be due, in part, to the fact that the legal age of voting was lowered to eighteen just 49 years ago when the 26th amendment to our constitution was ratified. Since then, however, the number of young voter turnout in elections hasn’t increased much. The turnout of eligible 18-29 voters was about half, the same in 1980 as it was in the last presidential election of 2016 when they accounted for just 13% of total voters. This is actually par for the course, as estimates show only about half of the total eligible voters in the country actually voted in the last election. In a 2018 poll conducted by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), 65% of those aged 18-29 who didn’t vote cited “Didn’t like the candidates/issues” as their reason. There’s a word for this reason: disillusionment. When you watch as politicians, whether they call themselves liberals or conservatives, are voted in by the people only to pass laws that benefit select groups able to contribute the most dollars to political campaigns, you can’t blame the average citizen for feeling like their vote doesn’t matter. Perhaps these issues are related. When the general public actively engages in the political process, they can and have often brought about real change in our nation. From the abolishing of slavery movement (which began much earlier than the American Civil War) and women’s suffrage, to the civil, abortion, and LGBT rights of today. But when we grow lazy and uninformed, it allows corruption to seep in the cracks of our system and wreak havoc.

Todd Trapani | Unsplash 19 KA MANA‘O

So what are the issues that we’re facing today, and who are our choices in the upcoming elections? At the local level, we have several elections happening on all the islands. Mayoral elections in Honolulu and Hawaii county, city and county council elections for Kauai, Oahu, Maui, and Big Island, prosecuting attorneys on Kauai, Oahu, and Big Island, and four of the nine seats in the OHA (Office of Hawaiian Affairs) are open. In addition, All fifty-one seats in the state House of Representatives and thirteen of the 25 Senate seats have elections this year. With so many elections going on, it can get overwhelming trying to keep track of which candidates represent you. Thankfully the Hawaii Office of Elections website is here to help you. They can give you a sample ballot showing all the candidates that are running in your districts. It’s a great way to start looking into those who are running for office so you can make informed voting decisions come election day. Their website is at: https://elections.hawaii.gov/ (You can also register to vote online!) At the national level, there are two major candidates for the presidency, representing two different political ideologies. The incumbent candidate, the current president running for reelection as a Republican, is Donald Trump. Before being elected to the executive office in 2016, he was primarily known for being a real estate mogul and a reality television host. His political positions have changed over the years, but since his assumption to the office he has taken what could be described as populist, conservative stances. Economic positions include favoring tax cuts for corporations and individuals, increasing trade protections for the U.S., and deregulating financial institutions. Examples of social issue positions include being pro-life, strong on immigration restrictions, lax on gun control regulation, and against legalizing recreational marijuana. The Democratic party’s presumptive nominee to run against Trump is former Vice President Joe Biden. He is presumed to be the choice his party will elect at the Democratic National Convention, scheduled for the week of August 17th, 2020, because he is currently running unopposed. Joe Biden’s stances could be described as moderately liberal. Some examples of his views include abolishing the death penalty, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, supporting new nuclear energy technologies and taxing carbon emissions. Although he is no longer running, a third, popular candidate was the current Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, who also made a bid for the Democratic nomination in 2016 against Hillary Clinton. He suspended his 2020 presidential campaign on April 8th and endorsed Joe Biden a few days later, but announced he would leave his name on the ballots of the remaining primary elections to be held. Bernie Sanders’ stances could be described as progressive. Sanders himself is a self-proclaimed democratic socialist. In addition to being in favor of many of the same things as Biden, his campaign had largely run on the promises of free healthcare and free higher education for everyone. He was also the only candidate of the three that is in favor of reducing the defense budget.

Element5 Digital | Unsplash 20 KA MANA‘O

It would be a false claim to say these are your only choices. The list of third-party candidates is enormous, with ideas and opinions that span the entire range of political ideologies from anarchism to fascism. You may not agree with all the views of these candidates, but that’s the point. Freedom in this country means the right to choose, and having a variety of choices in politics is important and necessary for governments to function well. “It takes a village,” goes the old saying, and, ultimately, it is important to remember that the government isn’t a separate “they”, it is not inherently malicious or nefarious in its actions. The government is made up of people, and those people are us. We are the government, in a very real and important way. That is why it is up to each and every one of us as responsible adults to take these matters seriously and make sure our voices are heard.


Written by Brandon Ferreira | Designed by Darell Ganitano

“It is not rebellion itself that is noble but the demands it makes upon us.” -Albert Camus, Winner of the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1957


e humans have different perspectives on what the term “rebellion” means. For those of us who are well studied in history (specifically historical politics), it is an event-- an armed effort to battle against a government that is in some way, mistreating its people. Another term for this, would be an armed insurrection. In this context, rebellion could be seen as a noble goal, or a disruption of peace, as armed rebellions lead to freedom for some but war and hatred for others. Rebellions can also be non-violent as well, coming in the form of protests against discrimination and movements for peace instead of war. Many consider it different, due to the fact that rebellion has been used more in the armed context. However to me, they are merely two sides of the same coin. Why do they happen? Because those who need power, who need to be heard, have been ignored for too long. When the demands of the people are not met, and those in power unjustly continue to grow, the people begin to speak with their actions and words. They urge for change in systems that just don’t work-- systems that prioritize the few who already dominate said systems. To put it simply, rebellion is a call for change.





Written by Brandon Ferreira | Designed by Cato Winkler



The Yellow Turban Rebellion was a small scale event, in the grand cataclysm that was the fall of the Han Dynasty, and the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period of China. It is what many people consider the beginning of the end of the Han Dynasty. The rebellion only lasted for a short while, and was even ignored during the period after. However, the relevance of the Yellow Turban Rebellion is not exactly that the rebellion happened, but why it happened.

The Han Dynasty of Ancient China is often remarked upon as a golden age for the country, being the generation where many of its innovations were created, like the famed Silk Road. However at the end of it’s duration around the 170’s, the Han Dynasty had become corrupt. Government officials were easily bribed, and abuse of power within the emperor’s inner circle was rampant. Not to mention, a disease had begun to ravage much of the peasant population, while natural disasters like earthquakes destroyed homes. Foreign barbarians were frequently raiding villages, with barely any support coming from the government. In fact, the government made things worse with increased taxation, and were otherwise inept in handling any form of banditry. As a result of all of this, the peasants were disillusioned with the Han and felt as though it needed to change.

Various religious movements formed to help those in need, one of them being the Daoist sect, the Great Way of Peace. Zhang Jue and his brothers, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao (each one a member of the Great Way of Peace) appeared during this time of strife. With seemingly divine power they healed peasants who were stricken by disease, many of whom were near death. The gentry saw the siblings as gods, and even worshipped them as such. Due to the actions of the Zhang brothers, membership of the Great Way of Peace began to increase, and even include members of the Han Dynasty court.

It was around the year 178 when Zhang Jue began to take advantage of his supposed divine status. He claimed that the Han Dynasty was dying, with various bits of spiritual iconography showing how corrupt the dynasty had become, which rallied many to his cause. Zhang Jue believed that the Han had lost the favor of the Heavens, which signified that it was time for a change in management.

The Great Way of Peace’s slogan became: “The blue sky has fallen, the yellow heaven shall rise”, the blue sky being symbolic of the Han Dynasty, and the yellow heaven being the Great Way of Peace. Zhang Jue’s followers began writing it on the walls of the capital, much to the discomfort of many government officials, who felt as though Zhang Jue was planning something.


Zhang Jue and his brothers made a plan to quickly finish the empire in one stroke. While the siblings launched a full scale rebellion, with their various loyal sects, they would have a government official working for the Great Way of Peace attack the capital and capture the city. However before the plan could be set into motion, the official was found out and executed for treason. This forced Zhang Jue to act earlier than intended, thus starting the Yellow Turban Rebellion (named so for the yellow cloth members of the rebellion wore).

The Yellow Turban Rebellion was a battle fought on various fronts, and started in 184 and finished in 185. However the rebellion lost its luster during the first year, when Zhang Jue died of a sudden illness. His brother, Zhang Liang tried to run the rebellion in his stead, and was militarily successful for a short while, until he died by the hands of a Han general. Zhang Bao, the last of the Zhang siblings, died shortly after Liang, leaving the rebellion without its original leaders. The Yellow Turbans slowly began to lose morale and eventually dissipated into small bandit groups.

During the one year the Yellow Turban Rebellion was active, chaos had reigned throughout the land. Despite the Zhang brothers’ earlier care of the peasants, the rebellion did not soothe their worries, in fact life during the short-lived rebellion was terrifying. The Yellow Turbans started raiding and looting unwilling villages for supplies and armor, and the constant fighting put many civilians in danger. The Turbans were aggressive in their approach, and even had the Han armies on the backfoot for a while, which put the Han Loyalists in disarray. It also showed just how weak the Han had become, and presented an opportunity for other warlords to gain influence. When the emperor suddenly passed away, he was replaced with one of his sons, of whom had powerful eunuchs run the country in his place. When that happened, various warlords took their chances and killed the eunuchs, so they could have more of a say in how the country was run. However they paled in comparison to one brutal man. One of the most infamous warlords to rise during and after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, was Dong Zhuo of whom took over the capital and held the emperor hostage in 189, using him for his own gain. With his soldiers he pillaged the capital of its riches, allowed them to rape women, and more heinous acts. All the while, the new emperor became his puppet, and the officials of the Han could only sit back and watch as Dong Zhuo committed these atrocities.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion was a battle against a corrupt government that went from righteous rebellion to basic banditry. Instead of being rebels against an evil empire, the Yellow Turbans became bandits who struck out at anyone who stood in their way. As their leaders died, the rebellion lost its core and quickly faded into obscurity, when more pressing matters came to light. Really the Yellow Turban Rebellion might just have been a small event in the grand scheme of China’s history, yet it was a sign of the end of the Han Dynasty, which led into the famous Three Kingdoms period. It was one of many roots that allowed chaos to bloom in China, but also led to it’s complete unification.


Written by Nicholas Espinosa Illustrated and Designed by Cato Winkler

What if you were given a second chance? A second chance to rectify wrongs and make things right with the one that got away? What if you could have everything you ever wanted if you simply made a few choices?



The story is well-written

You will cry; have a box of tissues near you

The mechanics are simple The choices you can make are limited You can relate to just about everything that happens in the story

The number of endings are limited

You’ll wish you could play this game for the first time, every time, after your first time

Still waiting on Vagabond Dog to release SAM, the sequel



Indie/RPG/Story Rich

RATING (out of 5-stars): Would RECOMMEND?:

Yes, Without A Doubt

Always Sometimes Monsters, or ASM for short, is a game developed and published by Vagabond Dog. The main story revolves around the main character, a writer, down and out of his luck. He’s on his last ropes when suddenly, an invitation, to an event, by someone he most definitely can’t ignore. The saying goes something like, “If you want something bad enough, you’ll move heaven and earth to get it.” And through twists and turns, through helping one person to taking advantage of another, eventually, the main character makes it to the event. And depending on what decisions the player made, you’ll get one of three endings. But there’s only one, at least in my opinion, which would bring you to tears. The story is fairly easy to follow. And throughout it, the choices you make are ubiquitously linked to the ending you’ll get. The supporting cast is fairly rounded. And if you’re persistent, you’ll find two little easter eggs in almost every area the main character visits. The art style is retro-esque. It’s reminiscent of games like the early Pokemon games, Metroid Fusion, or even Mario Kart: Super Circuit. The non diegetic soundtrack matches the art style and story really well. It’s basic, simple in nature, and has a quirky bit to it that helps to amplify the 2-bit retro vibe of the game. Together, the art style, soundtrack, and story, come together to create an amazing atmosphere centered around the theme of magically getting that second chance to win it all. Recently, the trailer for the sequel, Sometimes Always Monsters or SAM, just released on the 3rd of February. Watching the trailer for the first time, after years of waiting with anticipation, it seems like a lot of work has gone into the next part to an awardwinning narrative. If ASM was a story about winning it all, then ASM will about losing it all in the most astonishing ways possible. That being said, if you have played ASM, or want to play the sequel, Steam is currently doing a pre-order for SAM at a price of $14.99 at the time of this article’s writing. SAM releases on April 2nd, 2020. You can buy ASM for $9.99.


Written by Nicholas Espinosa | Illustrations by Zion Pascua | Designed by Jared Custino GENRE(S): Strategy/Simulation RATING (out of 5-stars): Would RECOMMEND?:



nts. They’re small, unassuming, and are generally regarded as pests inside the average suburban household. Most people will either lay some ant bait or call the local exterminator to get rid of them. But, if you’re fascinated by ants and are into video games, this might be the ant colony simulator that you’re looking for. Introducing Empires of the Undergrowth, a game self-published and developed by Slug Disco Studios. The game’s campaign features the stereotypical setting of an ant colony being studied in a laboratory. The main story pits the ant colony against an unnamed evil scientist who pushes the colony well beyond his colleague’s expectations. However, the campaign scenarios are organic, and are less controlled than the main story challenges. You explore the lives of three species: black ants, wood ants, and carpenter ants. Each species’ mechanics and gameplay are different from each other. As the main story progresses, so too do the management mechanics and difficulty. The scenarios are straightforward and the win-conditions are completely tied to the mechanic the publishers are trying to teach the player. You start out by playing as the black ants,

the most basic of the three species. After the black ants, you play as the wood ants. In one of the fire ant scenarios you face off against rival colonies which adds a new dynamic to gameplay. Last but not least, in the later stages of the current campaign, you play as carpenter ants. This introduces a type of ant called Super-Majors, along with plant-collecting, both of which demand new tactics to gameplay. The difficulty curve increases sharply, even at the easiest difficulty, since you now need to adapt to new styles of play built upon the basic mechanics that you learned prior. And the opponents you face are nothing to scoff at either. The settings of each stage of the campaign are natural and blend seamlessly with the given scenario. It would be accurate to say that the atmosphere scales with the difficulty of the campaign. For example, with the black ants, you’re confined to the nest. But when you play with the wood or carpenter ants, you gain access to the above-ground with different levels of elevation in the environment. This affects the paths that your ants can take to get to a given destination. The flora and the opponents you face fit and do not seem out of place. 28 KA MANA‘O

The opponents progressively become more dynamic. As black ants, you deal with your basic insect invaders such as wood lice and worms. But as carpenter ants, you deal with everything from jumping spiders to praying mantises to other ants. Overall, the game itself is balanced. The studio developing the game has followed-through on all of its promises so far and are very much invested in the project. The game is currently still in Early Access, and according to their blurb about this status on their Steam page, ““We estimate 18-36 months of further development with community engagement.” It’s been twenty-four months since the game was released on Steam. I personally am looking forward to its final version release potentially at the end of this year. You can purchase Empires of the Undergrowth on Steam for $19.99 plus tax.


CONS Been in early access since 2017

The game mechanics and controls are easy to understand

Campaign challenges are easily beaten using a single method

The game difficulties scale fairly well with each new level

All campaign challenges are king-of-the-hill themed

The game developers are responsive and are actively working with the community to improve the game with each new patch

Features only single-queen campaign/gameplay No multi-colony gameplay; can’t spawn reproductives

Species represented are representative of the major species of the world

Camera movement is restricted; not really streamer-friendly


TALES OF MAJ’EYAL A Worthwhile Adventure by Kalahiki Reid | design by Vanessa Forloine


o you dream of adventure? To play the role of a fantasy creature, exploring environments, and fighting monsters and villains, with the possibility of finding amazing loot? Then this game is for you. Tales of Maj’eyal is a top-down, role-playing adventure game where you can create your character and unleash them upon the world. Free to explore and see, you can gain quests and slay various monsters, collect powerful loot that can help you grow stronger, and opportunities to provide additional abilities and powers. When slaying monsters, defeating villains, and completing quests, you gain XP. Like any fantasy role-playing game, when you gain enough XP you can increase your character’s level. Once you do, you gain points to increase your stats, unlocking, or improving, your character’s Class - which allows you to gain new abilities for your character to use. Classes determine your character’s fighting abilities, from spells and weapons, to armors and equipment they can wear. If you don’t have any bow-related skills, then you can’t use a bow, crossbow, or sling. However, Tales of Maj’eyal also provides opportunities to gain additional abilities and skills that are not part of your Class through escort quests, whereupon completing it, the NPC you were protecting will reward you with various options. This great variation and opportunities for customization, from choosing your race to your Class, is one of the great mechanics of Tales of Maj’eyal and has a noticeable impact on how your game will play. Different races have different starting points and beginning, and certain Classes will impact how other towns, locations, and people, interact with you. If you choose to play as a Dwarf, your game will start you in the mines with a companion fighting your way out to the mountain stronghold, then giving you a quest to defeat the evil creature by exploring the caverns underground. But if you were an undead instead, your adventure would begin by overthrowing your necromancer master, fighting your way to freedom. However, due to your decaying appearance, if you don’t have a certain skill activated to conceal your undead form, they will panic and turn hostile towards you and make it hard to buy supplies or get quests and lore.


With these variables, it can also allow you to unlock hidden content that is useable for your next playthrough. A great example of this would be the quest to explore an evil wizard’s lair, fighting his followers, trying to outmaneuver his powerful spells that can easily kill you if you’re not careful. But if your Class has magic-casting abilities, and know enough spells, when you get the wizard’s health below a certain threshold, he will acknowledge your power and offer to join forces. If you choose to accept, your first task will be to attack a settlement he has been planning to assault with a growing army. Completing this will unlock a new Class for future playthroughs. This hidden-reward system is how the game keeps players invested in the world they’re in, and invested in the gameplay; motivating you to explore the world in finding hidden treasures and rewards but also encourages you to experiment with different character builds as it could have a different result. One of the game’s most admired mechanics is the ability to inspect any details of creatures you can see - this applies to your enemies too. After clicking on them, you can go through various tabs to reveal information about who you are fighting against, revealing weaknesses and strengths, and can prepare you when you encounter another creature of the same kind, or adapt and change your strategy in combat. Overall, the game has many possibilities for how your playthrough will go. There is a lot to explore, options to try, and a story to follow along too. The tutorial is thorough in explaining how to play the game, but it also doesn’t spoil everything about the game. While the graphics are a bit low-quality, the amount of content the game contains - and DLC, updates, and modding community - is worth the price to buy it. 31 KA MANA‘O

Written By Kalahiki Reid | Illustration By Gerald Soria Designed By Darell Ganitano


ome time has passed since young Edna has escaped from the Asylum, losing her ragdoll rabbit Harvey, and has started living in secret with other children in a convent, with the strict Mother Superior in charge. As Edna lays low, her past comes back to haunt her: Mother superior thinks the children at the convent need discipline and calls upon Doctor Marcell, who has survived being pushed down the stairs when Edna hit him with a polo mallet. Now Edna has to erase all evidence of her ever being at the convent In this new game, you play as Lilli: a shy, blonde child who lives a friendlesslife at the strict convent. Every time Lilly tries to talk to someone, she can barely get a word out before she is interrupted; when that is not happening, she is getting yelled at by Mother Superior for being worthless and unable to do anything right. There is a narrator who explains and elaborates how Lilli sees the world: only seeing the good, and cannot grasp any of the bad. Overall, the game, and its humor, is much darker, but it also shows the nuances of certain behaviors; elaborating its flaws. It also brings back memorable characters from the first game, while showing the aftermath of Edna’s escape from the Asylum, giving fans some closure. However, this game was criticized for its art style and made emotions difficult to express during some dialogue. Even the game’s ridiculous logic made it hard to solve puzzles.

See our review of the first Edna and Harvey title at issuu.com/kamanaoleeward, Fall 2018, page 30


Jam-preserved recipe Written and Illustrated by Gerald Soria | Designed by Jared Custino

Ingredients & Supplies • • • • •

6 cups of berries or other fruits 6 cups of sugar 6 half-pint jars Tongs Ladle

Optional Additions • • • • •

Chilled Spoon Cloth Large Bowl Tall Pot Large saucepan

1-3 tbsp (to taste) • • •

Lemon Juice Lime Calamansi

Scones or other pastries

Directions 1. Make sure the jars you use, are specifically used for canning, as the glass will be heated in boiling water 2. Thoroughly wash your fruits 3. Remove skin, core, seeds, leaves, and stem if necessary 4. Take sugar and fruit and toss together in a large bowl 5. Add your citric acids to cut down sweetness (optional) 6. Refrigerate overnight 7. Chill a spoon in the freezer 8. Put the fruit mixture in a large saucepan and bring to a low boil 9. Let the mixture thicken • Depending on the fruit used, this process can take 5-20 minutes 10. Take your chilled spoon and use it to sample your sauce • If the sauce cools down to a desired consistency on the spoon, the sauce is done

Storage 1. Sterilize the jar and lids, this could be done by submerging them in boiling water. Leave them submerged until ready for use 2. Once ready for use, remove them with tongs and place them upside down on a clean cloth to drain the excess water 3. Ladle your sauce mixture into the jars, leaving a space on top 4. Be careful not to leave any mixture on the sealing area. This is to prevent mold from breaching your preserves and increase shelf life 5. Seal your jars!

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6. Place your jars into a tall pot and submerge the jars in water 7. Boil for 10 minutes 8. Remove the jars carefully with tongs 9. Thoroughly dry the jars 10. Store for long term use 33 KA MANA‘O

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K A M A N A’ O TEAM ADVISOR Stanley Lee EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Gerald Soria ASSOCIATE EDITOR Nicholas Espinosa (Spring) Joseph Wargo (Fall) COPY EDITOR Brandon Ferreira PHOTO EDITOR Shaina Marie Iloreta (Spring) Manuel Diaz Jr. (Fall) DESIGN EDITOR Cato Winkler (Spring) Jared Custino (Fall) WRITERS Kalahiki Reid Michael Riccio Joseph Wargo Lindsey Millard ILLUSTRATORS Nicholas Basug Zion Pascua PHOTOGRAPHERS Manuel Diaz, Jr Shaina Marie Iloreta Ethan Mitchell DESIGNERS Jared Custino Darell Ganitano Cato Winkler Vanessa Forloine

Ka Mana’o is the student publication of Leeward Community College. It is published quarterly, funded by student fees and advertising, and administered by the Board of Student Communications. Editorial content reflects views only of staff. Ka Mana’o welcomes students interested in being staff members, as well as submissions of creative works. Ka Mana’o reserves the right to edit for length and content, and publication is not guaranteed. All content published in Ka Mana’o and its website may not be reprinted or republished in any form without permission. Copies of Ka Mana’o are available at newsstands througout campus. Copyright 2019 Board of Student Communications 35 KA MANA‘O


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