Free JOY! January 2021 Digital Issue

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JOY ! Real Life

Real People

Real Christianity

Volume 30 Issue 01



Exclusive Interview!


AMIR TSARFATI Jesus is coming soon and the world needs to be ready



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Why HOPE RESTORES in every situation

CANCER: Suggestions for effective treatment

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

25 BiBle verses for


he new year has arrived, and along with it we all have new goals, high aspirations, and fresh hopes for the coming 52 weeks. While we can’t know what is coming in the new year, we can find hope in God’s Word, and maintain a positive outlook that things will be better than ever. So what can we look forward to in the new year? Fresh hopes that God will do a new thing in our lives, that He has amazing plans for us, and that His plans are for us to prosper in Him.

wait for him.’” – Lamentations 3: 22-24

focus on tHe future, and god’s plans for you God has plans for our lives, and they’re plans to help us prosper!

• “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past See, I am doing a

look Back on His Blessings

God is always faithful, and if we look at the past year we’ll find that He has been with us, and has been working in our lives – even when we don’t realise it!

• “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember • • • • •

the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgements he pronounced.” – 1 Chronicles 16:11-12 “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17 “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” – 1 Chronicles 16:8 “A blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.” – Deuteronomy 23:5 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will

new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness & streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:18-19 “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” – Jeremiah 29:11 “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

don’t worry aBout wHat is to come God is with us in the new year, and we don’t need to worry about anything when we focus on Him. He is our strength.

• “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication •

with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” – Philippians 4:6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make

a happy new year!

straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

• “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7 • “So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.

• “Not that I speak from want, for I have learnt to be content in whatever

What can mere mortals do to me?’” – Hebrews 13:6

plan ahead for the coming year While we’re reflecting on the year that has gone, and the year that is about to come, it’s important to plan ahead.

• “A wise man thinks ahead; a fool doesn’t, and even brags about it!”

• •

– Proverbs 13:16

• “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first

• •

and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish?’” – Luke 14:28-30 “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds.” – Proverbs 27:23 “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” – Psalm 20:4

find contentment in god this year, and give thanks

As we ring in the new year it’s important to remember that we can only find contentment in God. We also need to give thanks for all that He has done for us in the past year, and what he will do in the year to come.

• • • •

circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learnt the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:11-13 “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” – Proverbs 14:30 “And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness’ …Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “Enter His gates with thanksgiving, And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name.” – Psalm 100:4 “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 15:57 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” – Colossians 3:17 “Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples.” – Psalm 96: 1-3

may you have a year filled with joy, love, and happiness!

Vision JOY! Magazine seeks to glorify God by educating and informing Christians of a Biblical Worldview and applying the Lordship of Jesus Christ to all areas of life.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free


he Holy Spirit recently reminded me that “it is for freedom that Christ has set us free” – Galatians 5:1, NIV. This reminder came after I witnessed cameras being installed high on the corner of an intersection near my home. Driving a further 1km down the road I saw another set of workmen on a tall ladder installing more cameras there too. This made me feel extremely uncomfortable. We are aware that monitoring the public is practiced in controlling countries overseas, but now it is starting to happen very close to home. I have no doubt that they are installing these all over the country. Who is monitoring us and why? How do you feel about this?

Freedoms and rights are starting to erode We are certainly living in a different world post 2020 – and I feel as though our freedoms and rights are starting to erode, with little reaction from the general public. Most people I observe lately – including Christians – seem disinterested, distracted, tired, and overall quite negative, living day to day. It is rather disconcerting.

Positive change and commitments for 2021 I sincerely hope and pray that this new year brings positive change for all. I publicly commit to change positively – one thing is for sure, I will be evangelising more! This world is in a mess and it is only going to get worse. I am ashamed to confess that during 2020 I only personally led one or two people to the Lord. Yes I have prayed with, counselled, and discipled many people over this past year, but making new converts... hmmm I need to seriously get my act together. I have always had a passion for sharing my faith, so there is really no excuse. The hour is now! The only thing that will matter in heaven one day are the souls we take with. While we still have the ability, let’s all exercise our freedom to share the Gospel. Life passes by very quickly. Let’s have no regrets one day.

God bless 2021! Editor

Values Strive for excellence and integrity in all things • Provide interesting, accurate, and honest reporting at all times • Respect all Christian denominations • Encourage reader participation • Take personal responsibility • Always seek to unite the Body of Christ • Evaluate everything in the light of the Bible • Provoke readers to fulfil the Biblical mandate to be salt and light in society • Motivate readers to action • Be solution-focused


Effective treatment suggestions for cancer





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JOY! Magazine seeks to serve the whole Body of Christ and therefore does not necessarily subscribe to all the views of its contributors.

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Amir Tsarfati – Sharing God’s Plans For The End Times




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COVER STORY: How well do you know God’s Word?

*we reserve the right to reject any content that conflicts with our values/interests.


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DESIGNER Marina Hofmeyer

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EDITOR Erin Georgiou –

Issue 01

Conversion Disorder testimony



Volume 30

Hope Art Africa – Changing Lives, Investing In Futures How Well Do You Know The Word Of God? Stumbling In Life’s Race: Hindrances To Your Faith Why Hope Restores In Every Situation What Does The Bible Say About Fate / Destiny? What Does It Mean To Be Holy? Humpty Dumpty And Hermeneutics – Theology Travelling To Israel: Vaccines, Visas, And Important Information Local Minister Breaks Away From Methodist Church Over Its Support For BDS Cancer: Suggestions For Effective Treatment – Go Natural

MISSIONS & TESTIMONIES: 13 18 24 58 60 62 64 66

Dreaming Bigger: ‘You Can Choose What You Make Of Your Life’ How Amazing Is God’s Grace: A New Life, A New Start! – Sophia Roman Shake Me! My Testimony Of Conversion Disorder – Rebekah Frylinck SOZO: Passionate About Seeing People Saved, Healed, & Delivered Operation Decapolis – CfaN Testimony Visit The Persecuted Church With Open Doors Excited To Hear God’s Word In Nubian – TWR Radio From Professional / Missionary To Researcher: Henry James’ Testimony

COLUMNS: 02 12 16 17 23 23 31 39 49 73 80

Editor’s Note – It Is For Freedom That Christ Has Set Us Free 3 Points To Ponder On Gratitude – Gawie De Lange Pooch Parables: Salt Of The Earth Unusual Experiences With Animals – Hermien Van Den Bergh So Many Plans, So Little God – Tendai Chitsike Jesus Is Coming Back Soon! Are You Ready? – Grant & Theunisina Neyt Faith By Numbers: Measuring The Impact That Churches Have In Their Areas 2021: Hope For The New Year – Jennifer Naidoo What Is God Saying? – Janet Brann-Hollis Are We Called To Be Liberal Or Conservative Christians? – Pearl Kupe 5 Steps Of Growth In 2021 – Q & A With Mark Hewett

REGULARS: 06 04 04 14 22 38 42 46 48

Letters To The Editor Foundational Teaching: God’s Wrath For Sin Made Known In The Gospel Salvation Prayer (English And Xhosa) Bible Fun: Quiz And Word Search Ask Val – Biblical Answers To Tough Questions Getting To Know God: The Personhood And Deity Of The Holy Spirit Characters Of The Bible: Lot The Other Side: Overcoming A Crisis By Studying Scripture – Gerrie Bester The Book Of Revelation Revealed: Thyatira – Siva Moodley


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Real Life

Real People


Real Christianity


Salvation Prayer Jesus, I believe that You died on the Cross for me. There You were wounded for my transgressions, You were bruised for my iniquities; and the punishment for my peace was upon You. I have been like a lost sheep, I have turned to my own way, but I believe that God laid my iniquity upon You. You died for me. Then You rose from the dead, You ascended into Heaven, and now seated on Your throne as Lord of all. Jesus, forgive me. I now turn away from my sin and put my trust in You. Fill me with Your Spirit, cleanse me, and take me as Your own.


Xhosa Yesu, ndiyakholwa ukuba wandifela emnqamlezweni. Apho walinyazwa ngenxa yeziphoso zam, Walinyazwa ngenxa yobubi bam, ubetho loxolelo lwam lube phezu kwakho. Ndifana nemvu elahlekileyo, ndiye ndalahleka, kodwa ndiyakholwa ukuba uThixo walibeka phezu kwakho ityala lam. Wandifela, Waye wavuka ekufeni, wanyukela emazulwini, kungoku nje uhleli esihlalweni sakho njengeNkosi yako konke. Yesu, ndixolele. Ngoku ndiyaguquka esonweni sam, ndibeka ithemba lam kuwe. Ndigcwalise ngoMoya wakho, ndihlambe, undamkele njengomntwana wakho.


God's wrath for sin made known in the Gospel


ver the last few issues we’ve been working through Romans 1. So far we’ve learnt this: all people know about God through the witness of creation, and all people have a sense of the wrath and coming judgement of God through the witness of conscience. Said another way, every human being knows God — both from the outside (creation) and from the inside (conscience).

General Revelation versus special revelation The fact that this knowledge is held by every person is why we call it ‘General Revelation.’ But as we read Romans Paul moves the discussion to something different: a different kind of knowledge, revealed in a special way, a knowledge that only comes to some people (those who hear the Gospel). We might call this ‘Special Revelation.’ And the first aspect of this Special Revelation, says Paul, is an explanation of the wrath of God, a fuller justification for it. We all know what sin is by conscience (General Revelation), but when we hear the law of God preached (Special Revelation) sin becomes exceedingly sinful to us (Rom 7:9, 13).

God’s anger is justified When the Gospel is preached, or someone picks up a Bible and reads it, the descriptions of the holiness of God and His judgements upon sin throughout the ages – as well as the eye witness accounts of Jesus hanging on that tree bearing the wrath of God against our sin for us – all of this shows us the fierceness of God’s righteous, clean anger at sin. We come to understand how completely justified that anger is. The Gospel must wound before it heals.

The righteousness of God But now, after studying God’s wrath, we are ready to turn the corner and head towards the glorious light of the message of salvation! While God reveals His “invisible attributes, His Power, and His divine nature” to everyone through the things that He has made, and while He reveals His wrath against sin, thankfully there is one more great revelation. It is revealed in the Gospel, and to that we will turn in our next article: the righteousness of God. And, oh, what good news that is to the sinner who has been humbled by all we’ve learnt thus far! 

This is written by Steve Johnstone, the founder of Barleyfield Christian Ministries. Visit for online evangelism & early discipleship resources

The Bible in a nutshell

New Testament

A compilation of commentaries on books of the New Testament – summarised, explained, and beautifully illustrated, guaranteed to equip you with the knowledge and understanding of the foundation of our faith, the Word of God.




etters to the Editor Midgey’s Moments


happy and blessed New Year to you all! I expect that many of you will be wondering what 2021 will be like after 2020? My Arnie (Aunty Trish) told me that there are many encouraging and inspiring verses in the Bible for a new year, or new beginnings. There’s actually no need to wait for a special date to make resolutions or improvements, as every day is a new beginning. She also said that although the Bible has undergone changes over the centuries, the message remains the same and God’s love for us is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Sounds like us doggies and our love for our owners! Arnie found this lovely way of summing it up, “God is with us and we don’t need to worry about anything when we focus on Him. He is our strength; we have nothing to fear”.


ear readers, we love to hear your thoughts on the stories that we publish, what is going on around the world, and what the Lord has placed on your heart! Email your letter through to for a chance to be featured – please try to keep letters to 150 words as we have limited space.

Honouring Reinhard Bonnke I want to commend you on your tribute to Reinhard Bonnke. Bonnke was truly a remarkable evangelist. He was probably responsible for more decisions for Christ than anyone on the planet. I had the honour of being a counsellor at his Cape Town Crusade in the mid-80s when the roof blew off the tent on the first day! Even though the ‘weatherman’ had forecast rain for the entire week, prayer decided otherwise. Bonnke’s humour alone was infectious and his preaching was dynamic! Many gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus. God bless you and your staff for this biblically-based magazine. William du Toit Rest in Peace REINHARD BONNKE 19 April 1940 – 7 December 2019


I really enjoyed your beautiful feature on the Stained Glass Windows. They were and are magnificent. Please keep publishing articles like this from around the world. There are also a few beautiful churches with stained glass windows in South Africa – but the majority of this art form is still found in Europe. Thank you for the “joy” you bring us each month. R Benson

God loves animals!

“Let my mortal lips preach the eternal Gospel, and my mortal hands build Your Eternal Kingdom – to the glory of the Father.” – Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

To honour Reinhard’s legacy, we are giving away 5 copies of his book,

Flammable Or Fireproof?

Email to enter

Reinhard Bonnke.indd 4

Woofs & licks,

Love your fabulous features!

A Legacy of Harvest

A tribute to one of the world’s greatest evangelists


Thank you Jesus for being there for us and that You love us no matter what!

October 2020 we went to encourage our team workers. I was prompted to phone my friend Lindi Lourens in Robertson, requesting support to buy 23 JOY! Magazines to encourage our team, as well as two leaders of the LXP team facilitating leadership of Youth in Africa. Lindi gathered support from her Bible Study group, and within 24 hours I was able to buy every single JOY! Magazine available in Jeffrey’s bay. Three days after the team received their JOYs, 11 of them attended a Kairos Conference, heightening their awareness of God’s heart for the nations. One of the team members, Thami, was reading his JOY! while walking to his soccer team. What joy to have encouraged our team in such a way! Carina vd Walt

2019/12/11 3:15:58 PM

Reinhard Bonnke.indd 5

2019/12/11 3:16:10 PM

JOY brings Godly encouragement We are part of a ministry called 25:40 and we focus on supporting and facilitating the leadership and discipleship of vulnerable children and youth in the Eastern Cape – with the focus on the Canzibe area in Transkei and Port Alfred. On the weekend of 22

My wife and I enjoy your animal articles – especially the little dog Midgey. We must never forget that God gave us animals to love and nurture – and they make the very best friends to so many people. Long live Midgey, Pooch Parables, and the missionary mom and son who really love God’s creation. Jacob M

Should Christians have children? Dear JOY! Magazine – I have been a reader for many, many years and I love the publication. I have learnt so much from your



etters to the Editor

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Enjoying the Bible with fun Word Searches Only



& multiple choice questions by Theresa Jones

Why am I here?


Every person on earth is here by the grace of God to make a decision about their destiny when they die. We must choose between going to heaven (life) or hell (death).

2 3 4 5

God loves us and His desire is that we choose eternal life in heaven. In John 3:3 Jesus says that a person cannot enter heaven unless he / she is born again.

Heaven is completely righteous and not a grain of unrighteousness can enter.

The problem is that all people on earth are initially part of the kingdom of darkness, with the devil at the head, and are accordingly unrighteous through sin. “The wages of sin is death” – Romans 6:23


To restore all mankind, God sent Jesus to die on the Cross to pay the price of sin and unrighteousness so that through Jesus we can be born again with the spirit from God, which is completely righteous.


A person‘s spirit gets born again by accepting the Gospel and Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Then, by saying a prayer such as: “Jesus, please forgive me of my sins and come live in my heart as my Saviour and Lord.”


The Lord always answers such a prayer. We now receive the gift of eternal life and become a new creation (2 Cor 5:17). As children of God, will go to heaven when our life on earth ends. We become part of God’s Kingdom on earth (also referred to as the Kingdom of Light or Body of Christ). John 3:16 means that if we believe in Jesus we still have to make the choice to invite Him into our heart as Lord of our life, otherwise we remain in the kingdom of darkness.


We become part of God’s Kingdom on earth and must maintain and extend it. Our first task, however, is to change our mind from a carnal and worldly view to a spiritual and biblical view. We must grow spiritually and in our relationship with God

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(Rom 12:2). This transition takes time and effort, and the Lord will ask us to do many other works to extend the Kingdom of God as we develop our calling (ministry).


Many spiritually mature children of God share their testimony of growth through books they have written or through preaching to help us mature. They also use television to reach a larger audience. There is also a lot of good teaching online through the internet from Bible Colleges and also Bible studies at your local church. You are encouraged to make use of such facilities.

A joyful heart is good medicine I

t’s a new month and a new year – Hallelujah! As we turn the pages and close the chapter on perhaps the most ‘unprecedented’ year of our lives, let’s make a conscious decision in this next chapter to be happy, light-hearted, fun, optimistic, and joyful. The Bible says that a joyful heart is the best medicine! While this change of heart may not be the easiest for everyone, here are a few fun Christian jokes to lift your spirits and share with others:

The good Lord didn’t create anything without a purpose. Mosquitoes come close, though.

Which servant of God was the worst lawbreaker in the Bible?

Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once.

Who was the greatest moneyman in the Bible?

Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation.


When we are born again, it is our spirit that gets re-born with a new spirit from God (John 1:12-13.) The Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us, helping to keep us pure and to guide us through life. We receive the gift of eternal life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are also available to us in order for us to do the works of Jesus (Mark 16:17-18). We must, however, also regularly ask Jesus to forgive us of any sins we commit and to help us grow in His likeness. When a saved person dies their spirit, which remains righteous in Christ, goes to heaven.


When a child is born the woman is the mother. When our spirit is reborn God is our father and our name is written in the book of life.


There are 2 kingdoms on earth. The Kingdom of Light with Jesus at the head, and the kingdom of darkness with the devil at the head. When a child is born on earth, the child is born into the kingdom of darkness. All people in the kingdom of darkness are destined for hell unless they get saved. God does not want that any should perish, but wants us to be born again and be translated into the Kingdom of Light (Rev 20:15).


So, to sum up, from the foundation of the world the primary purpose of God is that all people should choose to inherit eternal life through Jesus.


The next supernatural intervention on earth is the rapture, when Jesus will take His born again children into heaven. Please get ready today as no one knows when this will take place. Leslie Gray

Where was Solomon’s temple located? On the side of his head.

Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible?

When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court.

What kind of person was Boaz before he got married? Ruthless!

Did Eve ever have a date with Adam? No, just an apple.

How do groups of angels greet each other? Halo, halo, halo!

Why did Noah have to discipline the chickens on the Ark? They were using fowl language.

Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?

Samson. He brought the house down.

What do they call pastors in Germany? German Shepherds

Do you have any funny jokes to share? Send them through to – we would love to publish them! GILLIAN FRASER is the Production Manager of JOY! Magazine. Email

Leader and founder of Hope Art Africa, Marinette van Coller (left), with Irene Kawele (right). Irene joined Hope Art in 2009 when it first started. Today, over 11 years later, Irene continues to faithfully turn paper into hope!

Hope Art Africa started with one word from God Pastors Paul and Marinette van Coller pioneered The Zambia Project in 2003, and in 2008 the couple planted Hope Church Mongu. The work continues to flourish under Paul and Marinette’s leadership. Visit to be inspired with what God’s doing in Western Zambia! In 2009, Paul and Marinette knew they had been called to start a village for vulnerable children. Marinette prayed and God gave her one word: “Art”. Marinette then gathered a group of impoverished Zambian women who were part of Hope Church Mongu. Some of these women were widowed, some HIV positive, but each one had a desire to make a difference! They used what they had, recycled paper, and started making paper bead jewellery! Hope Art Africa’s paper bead products were an instant hit! The majority of our products are made from recycled materials. Customers immediately started to order from all over the world! To date, Hope Art has generated a profit of over R4 million that’s been invested into The Zambia Project – where thousands of children in need are being cared for. Our adorable sock critters are made from new socks and hand stitched with love. They are stuffed with a soft fiber made from recycled plastic bottles.

Rhema South Family Church in Johannesburg ordered 1800 custom woven bracelets with custom tags for Father’s Day 2019.

Every bead is lovingly hand rolled with meticulous care.

Happy little customers with their lion critters, made from new socks.

Hope Art Africa empowers women Hope Art Africa started in Zambia where we currently empower and uplift 11 previously impoverished ladies. Paul and Marinette relocated to George, South Africa, in 2012 where they started Hope Church George. Hope Church George went on to start a community church in an informal settlement near George in 2015, Hope Church Wilderness Heights. Hope Art Africa expanded to South Africa when 5 ladies from Hope Church Wilderness Heights started to gather to make Hope Art products!

“I am Chilombo, I am 61 years old and am a widow. I grew up in an extremely poor family and was unable to attend school. It is a real privilege to be able to send my children to school with the income I earn through Hope Art, not to mention the joy of providing food for them!”

Each item is handmade by impoverished women from South Africa & Zambia. 100% of our profits are invested in caring for vulnerable children.


“My name is Irene and I am 62 years old. Prior to my involvement with Hope Art, I had no income and I struggled daily to support the 8 orphans left in my care by family members. It was very difficult for me when they cried for food and I wasn’t able to provide. I am so grateful that now, with the money I earn through Hope Art, I am able to care for and educate these children and look after my own health.”

IRENE KAWELE “I am Brenda and I am 26 years old. My parents were very sick while I was growing up – I had to care and provide for them since I was a child. By the time I was 20 they had both passed away and I had a child of my own. Hope Art has helped me to provide for my family!”


Beaded Bracelet Word Range | R50 Woven Bracelets | R50 Suede Bracelet | R30

Long Paper Bead Necklace | R110

Chain Word Necklace | R80

Contact Shannon to place your orders:

Phone: 081 714 1476 Email:

Paper Pens | R50

Heart of Hope Keychain | R50

Custom Facemasks | R60

Facemasks: Ladies & Men | R50 kids | R40

Sock Critters | Starting at R70 each

Potplant holders | R80

Changing lives, investing in futures Isaiah was one of the first children to join our children’s homes and he was welcomed into a loving family. Today he is 10 years old! Through the support he has received from Hope Art Africa, he has been able to receive a great education and has grown up to become a strong, healthy, and talented young man! 10-year-old Isaiah

Pastor Marinette continues to lead Hope Art Africa with grace and wisdom. She often reminds our Hope Art team that God is a progressive God and the best is yet to come for Hope Art Africa!

So otherS May Live.

Follow us on Social Media Hope Art Africa


the LIFE ABUNDANT fund The supporters and friends of Life Abundant believe that our shared mission of social transformation is best promoted by equipping emergent agents of change so they can serve their faith communities, positioned to proclaim and embody the love and truth of God.

3 Points to Ponder on:


This fund was thus established within the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Pretoria for the advancement of ministry training, so that future pastors, teachers, and activists could be richly and meaningfully empowered.

I had a vision to mobilise student participation in activism for the rights of children through their communities. As a student intern with Life Abundant, I learnt the necessary skills to lead and work alongside a team, which made it possible for me to start a UNICEF movement at the University of Pretoria. I am hopeful that our student organisation will be successful in the pursuit of making a difference on our campus and in our larger community. Tshwanelo Serumola Would you like to have a share in giving future champions of the Gospel like Tshwanelo a chance to reach their goals and live their dreams by making a financial contribution today? Please contact the Life Abundant director by email or by phone 012 420 6655


recently read the following quote from an unknown author: “I am thankful for the taxes that I pay, because it means I am employed. I am thankful for the clothes that fit a little too snug, because it means that I have enough to eat. I am thankful for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, or gutters that need fixing – because it means that I have a home. I am grateful for the big pile of laundry and ironing, because it means that I have clothes to wear. I am grateful for the lady behind me in church who sings off key, because it means that I can hear.”

Do you say thank you? This made me think of the story in Luke 17:11 that speaks about the 10 lepers who were healed and only one leper came back to show his gratitude. As Christians, we like to identify with the one who came back, however we often ask for help from the Father and then do not say “thank you” for His help. Does this not make us one of the 9?

3 points to ponder on: 1. Get into a habit of always giving thanks (1 Thes 5:18 – Give thanks in every circumstance) 2. Gratitude glorifies God (2 Cor 4:15) 3. Gratitude brings rest and peace (Phil 4:6-7) Let’s strive this new year to show our gratitude towards God! 

Faculty of Theology and Religion Fakulteit Teologie en Religie Lekala la Thutatumelo le Bodumedi

GAWIE DE LANGE is the General Manager of JOY! Magazine. Email

Dreaming Bigger


“You can choose what you make of your life” —by Aitsa!


ozanne Appollis grew up in Lanquedoc, a small village that was ment, passing with a 95% average and finishing second in her class! built to accommodate seasonal farmworkers. While she was still She is currently doing her level 5 ECD qualification by attending in primary school, her family moved to Kylemore, where she classes on Saturdays in Kraaifontein, about 20 km away. After comfinished her grade 12 year. There was no option to study further after pleting her level 5 qualification, she dreams of studying further at school as she needed to start working and earning money. Rozanne Stellenbosch University and qualifying as a social worker. Having initially worked as seasonal worker on the surrounding farms – been sexually abused as a child herself, she would like to shelter packing fruit and working in the vineyards with her husband when children in her community and provide a safe haven for them. She the fruit season was over. Five years ago, her boss at Lemoenkloof loves giving hugs to those children whom she can see have had a rough weekend. Farm called her in to ask if she would be interested in working at Aitsa as a kitchen assistant. She jumped at the opportunity of You can change your own life! “I want every child to permanent work. Rozanne’s two children both attend Aitsa make something good aftercare. She says that Aitsa plays a very of their lives and to big role in her personal life, helping her find Rozanne felt at home at Aitsa, inspire others to also better ways of dealing with her children, right from the start want a better life.” household, and marriage. They now eat dinFor the first two years Rozanne helped in the ner together and share the problems and kitchen, assisting with school classes when highlights of each day. Aitsa’s support and needed. Marietjie, our team leader, saw her potential and work ethic and assigned her as permanent assistant to ethos of helping each other means a lot to her. She is focused on first the Grade 4 and then Grade 3 classes. Rozanne still helps in the “using all the pieces people bring into her life to grow as a person, kitchen in the mornings until lunch time, helping to prepare meals and to share it with others”. Her message to others? You can choose what you make of your life…  for the 230 children in our care.

Aitsa encouraged Rozanne to start further training Last year Rozanne attended a course in Early Childhood Develop-

AITSA is a Bible-based organisation that wants to create a safe, loving and stimulating environment where each child’s full potential can be developed. Visit to learn more about their work.

Mergon Foundation is a resource partner to ministries who expand God’s Kingdom and bring hope and restoration to communities across Africa and the Middle East. JOY! MAGAZINE 13


BIBLICAL JOURNEYS See how many of these you can fill in before checking the answers on page 69. After you test yourself, try reading the questions aloud to a friend or family member and see how they do! 1. Where in Galilee did the wedding take place at which Jesus turned water into wine? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Name the island on which Barnabas and Paul met a magician called Bar-Jesus. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. To where were the disciples en route when Jesus walked on water? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. From which region in Syria did the woman come who asked Jesus to drive out the demon from her daughter? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where did Jesus first meet John the Baptist? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Paul’s letter to the Romans was specifically written for the people of which city? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. After feeding the 4000 men, to which territory did Jesus sail? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Name the field in which Judas Iscariot died. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Name the territory in which the village was located that refused to receive Jesus whilst He was en route Jerusalem. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Name the Island on which the ship that was carrying Paul to Italy ran aground. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. To where did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus flee when escaping from Herod? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Name the birthplace of King David, where Joseph had to register for the census. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Name the town where 18 people were killed when a tower fell on them. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Name the town to which Paul was taken under escort to meet with Governor Felix. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Where did the Roman officer meet Jesus and beg for His help to heal his servant? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16. From which city was Jesus leaving when two blind men shouted for His mercy, and were given their sight again? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. In which town did Jesus raise the dead son of the widow during the funeral procession? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. To where did Paul proceed after he left Athens? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19. To which town were the two followers of Jesus headed when He joined them, but was unrecognised? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20. From where did Joseph come, who claimed the body of Jesus and ensured its burial in the tomb? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________


Answers on page 69






This word puzzle was crafted by Theresa Jones who is a local author. Contact her on JOY! MAGAZINE 15

Pooch Parables Salt of the Earth

—by Jane Jackson


can’t claim to have tasted dog food, but I suspect that it is a little bland because whenever Sandy gets a taste of my cooking, which is well salted, or I slip her a piece of biltong, she gobbles it up. I have also noticed that when I return from an exercise session she licks me as though her life depends on it, clearly savouring the saltiness. And so, as I see her lap up all the salt she can find, I am reminded that we, as believers, are called by Jesus to be the salt of the world.

Why is salt so important?

Jesus cautions us not to lose our saltiness Salt loses its flavour and capacity to cleanse and preserve when it is diluted and polluted. May we, at all costs, avoid watering down the Gospel or mixing it with so many other ingredients that the salt loses its flavour. Let us also guard against being polluted and corrupted by compromising with worldliness. We are not to be the ones being influenced by the world, but rather to be the influencers. Our social media presence should be discerning and inspiring, rather than distracting. It should be Christ and othersfocused rather than self-centred.

Salt is an indispensable necessity for life, without which the cells in our body cannot As salt of the earth, we are function properly. And, similarly, we won’t May we be a fragrant flavour have a healthy society without people May we speak the truth boldly in love, purcommissioned to prevent rot fulfilling the function of salt. In the days sue and maintain purity, and be a fragrant and decay in our increasingly when Jesus walked on earth, there was no flavouring agent in this world that is so lawless society. refrigeration in the Middle East. Thus to desperately in need of God’s righteousprevent rot and decay of food, salt was used. ness and justice. Salt preserves life. It also cleanses and heals. As salt of the earth, we are commissioned to prevent rot and decay in our increasingly A small addition with a huge impact lawless society. We are to bring healing, acting as a disinfectant in I’m sure we have all had a baking or cooking session in which we diseased communities. Living in a world that is more interested in have forgotten to add that ‘pinch of salt’ called for in the recipe. How saving the rhino than saving an unborn child, where corruption and amazing that such a small addition can make such a huge difference? moral decay run rampant and absolutes are scoffed at, we are to be a May we be the remnant that makes the difference so that the world different taste experience. can taste and see that the Lord is good! 


JANE JACKSON resides in the Cape winelands where she is wife to Ian and mom to Dan and Jess (and of course pooch Sandy). Email

Unusual Experiences with Animals —by Hermien Van Den Bergh


e are missionaries waiting to acquire land in Botswana the terrible wolf of Umbrian city of Gubbio. A large, ferocious, and for God’s purposes. Towards the end of 2020 when we fearless wolf had set out camp outside the city, regularly feasting on were finally granted permission to cross the border into the town’s livestock and killing several people. St Francis decided to Botswana, which was closed to the public, we were overjoyed. On save the situation and ‘talk’ to the animal. Everyone tried to dissuade him, fearing that he would be killed. Despite arrival we self-isolated for 10 days on Parr’s their pleas he left and they watched him Halt farm, courtesy of the owners Cobus and Have you had an unusual anxiously to see what would transpire. The Ulinda Smit. We stayed in the bushveld near encounter with an animal? fierce and hungry predator emerged from the Limpopo river and were surrounded by the forest and stalked Francis, circling closer the animal kingdom (in which we delight). Email to and closer. One morning I was singing in tongues (the share your story with us! heavenly language) to an ostrich who was grazing at a distance from our house. To Seeking peace with creation our astonishment she came soon after to drop an ostrich egg right St Francis, unafraid and moved by a deep love for animals, made the at our backdoor where I had sung to her minutes before! Was this a sign of the cross and communicated with the wolf. Before long the coincidence or a soul connection that I had made with the ostrich? previously terrible wolf lay down meekly at his feet. With the wolf tamed, St Francis brought him back into the city. He struck a deal with the townspeople that they Unusual experiences with animals There are many people who have unusual experiences with animals. would feed the wolf instead of seeking revenge. The The most famous one is Saint Francis of Assisi. He is one of the townspeople were convinced that most revered religious figures in Christianity and well known for his St Francis acted on behalf of God patronage of animals and the natural environment. Pope John Paul on to make peace between the 29 November 1979 declared Saint Francis the Patron Saint of Ecology. ferocious animal and the citizens of Umbrian. Saint Francis of Assisi Is this fiction or true? One of the most famous accounts of Saint Francis of Assisi’s care, his In my opinion it unusual interaction and influence over living creatures was about is true. 

For anyone interested in following our journey as travelling missionaries, visit our website at Please donate and help us educate people to treat animals better, WhatsApp “LOFU” to 060 070 2753

Hermien and her son Dawid Van Den Bergh

How Amazing is God’s Grace A New Life! A New Start!

“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, a new life has begun. And all this is a gift from God, who brought us back to Himself through Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 —by Sophia Roman


ourriso was a third generation Rastafarian. Born into a strong Rastafarian family and culture, all Mourriso knew was a strong brotherhood between the men. His hair was never cut, as he was sworn into this lifestyle. With an absent father and mother, his grandparents took care of him. His grandfather was a Rastafarian too. Mourriso is very intelligent, fluent in both Afrikaans and English. Failing his matric year was his greatest disappointment as he was a hard worker – despite his home situation. He wanted to complete his studies, but things at home were not rosy at all. He had to go and work so that he could bring in money for his family. His grandparents were getting old and his biological mom was caught up in substance abuse and was unemployed.

his deep quest for the living God continued.

The Father’s touch Eventually Mourriso – at his wits end – prayed to the living God, crying out for an answer. It was at this point when he picked up a pamphlet of Evangelist Edward Ackerman, who was soon coming to his community to minister. His excitement grew as he had heard that this evangelist comes from a similar background as he

Haile Selassie – the dead god Mourriso found himself working on the farms in The Lord is faithful to turn Stellenbosch doing hard labour, trying to make ends any situation around when meet. He describes the hot summers, the scorching we cry out to Him. sun burning his skin, the fierce winter months, and the hard labour that he endured so that he could take care of his family. Speaking with Mourriso, my heart truly went out for this young does. Mourriso was curiman. He lost his job and started to live on the ous to go to the tent camstreets, becoming addicted to marijuana. As a Rasta, paign. He remembers the Mourriso had a strong belief in Haile Selassie – the night vividly. He heard about Jesus who died for him, and about the former emperor of Ethiopia – who is the god love of God, and that God has a great plan for his life. That night his they pray to. Mourriso had faith, but there life took a 360 degree turn. was a deadness in his soul. Haile Selassie deeply disappointed him. There were He is now so in love with Jesus just no answers to his questions, and Mourriso is now committed to the Lord and is excited about his new life in Christ. The first thing that he did was cut all his dreadlocks off. He is so in love with Jesus. His joy in the Lord is so obvious and contagious. He believes that the Lord has called him to do a special work with young people – but he is patient and is trusting God to lead him. His greatest desire and prayer is that his entire family will come and taste and see that Jesus is the only true and living way.  SOPHIA ROMAN is a pioneer, visionary and life transformation coach. Sophia and her husband Theo pastor the West Reach AOG Church in Mitchells Plain.


Pure Joy “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13


How well do you know

the Word of God? A

—by Nico Bougas

preacher was talking with a man when he asked him, “Do you simply collects dust and remains largely unopened and unread. know the Bible?” The man said, “Yes, sir.” He said, “What part of the Bible do you know the best?” The man said, “The story of Spending time in God’s Word the Good Samaritan.” The preacher said, “Tell me that story.” When I was a young boy of about 10 years of age I went to a little The man said, “Well, as best as I can recall, there was a good Brethren Sunday School in Brakpan. There my Sunday School Samaritan travelling down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. He teacher highlighted the importance of the Bible as God’s Word and fell among the thorns and they sprang up and choked him, leaving emphasised that we should be reading it every day. I went home and him half dead. But a man came by feeding his swine, and he said to found a copy of the good ol’ King James English translation of the the man, ‘I will arise and go to my father.’ So he took up his bed and Bible. I would read at least one chapter per day (except when I got walked. But while the soldiers were chasing him through the forest, to Psalm 119). Eventually I had read the whole Bible through from he got the hair of his head caught up in the “generations to revolutions”. Of course, I trees and he hung there for 40 days and 40 understood very little of what I was reading – nights, and the ravens fed him. especially in the English of 1611. I continued The Bible offers light in “Just then, Delilah came along with a big this practice through the years and was darkness, peace in turmoil, pair of shears and she cut off his hair and he greatly aided by the newer translations and and hope for eternity. fell on stony ground. But the good master paraphrases (and some knowledge of the of the house resurrected the man and he original Greek text). journeyed on his way. “All of a sudden, he came to the wall of Jericho and there was The Bible brings hope Jezebel sitting on the wall. She mocked him, so he said, ‘throw her I still don’t understand everything I read in the Bible. I still haven’t down to the dogs.’ And they threw her down 70 times 7, and great was proved myself to be 100% obedient to all its teachings and the fall thereof, and of the fragments that remained they picked up instructions. But it is a book that has shaped my life and conduct. It twelve baskets full, and whose wife shall she be in the resurrection?” is a book that has given me light in times of darkness, peace in times of turmoil, and hope for the future and eternity. It is a book that is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword. How often do you read your Bible? Your Bible knowledge may be a little better than this man’s, but how It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires, until we are no longer often do you read your Bible? Most homes in South Africa have a reading the Bible but the Bible is reading us.  copy of the Bible somewhere. It has a place of honour in the house, but it is seldom, if ever, opened. It is still the most widely published NICO BOUGAS is the International Director of Development for Hellenic book in the world. But sadly, for most people it is just a book that Ministries. Email: or visit: 20 JOY! MAGAZINE

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for revealing Your thoughts and Your ways to us. Thank you for giving us Your Word, written on the pages of the Bible, so that we can read it, study it, meditate on it, and learn more about You. Men and women have been martyred to make sure that we have this Word in our hands today. They have shed their blood and given their lives to preserve it. Teach us to value and treasure what they have given us so that we can be men and women who not only read the Bible, but most of all believe and practice it.


Biblically based answers for tough questions

I am a widow and very lonely. I have met someone but if we marry, I will lose my pension. May we live together under the circumstances without a formal marriage legalised by the State? We are both believers.

A. The Bible is clear that ‘fornication’ (all types of sexual behaviour outside of marriage) is unacceptable to God. “Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body” – 1 Corinthians 6:18. That leaves you with only two choices. Break the relationship and/or keep it on a friendship basis (without benefits), or forego your pension and marry. “But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; but if they cannot exercise selfcontrol, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion” – 1 Corinthians 7:8-9. Nothing is more important than our relationship with God. Forego that and we risk experiencing loneliness on a scale that we could never have imagined.


ASK VAL Email questions to: Is acupuncture rooted in another religion? I’ve been told the pain in my upper arms can be fixed with it, but I don’t want to get that treatment if there are any spiritual connotations to it. A. There are two types of treatment commonly referred to as ‘acupuncture’. One is called ‘Dry Needling’ – this involves the use of needles to relieve muscle pressure without any religious connotations. Its purpose is to alleviate pain by following evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of specific conditions. The other treatment that is referred to as acupuncture is intended to alter the flow of Qi (or energy) along traditional Chinese meridians (an imaginary circle on the surface of the earth that runs north and south through the North Pole and the South Pole). The danger is that most acupuncture practitioners genuinely believe in the Tao/yin-yang philosophy that is at the heart of acupuncture. A Christian should have nothing whatsoever to do with Taoism and avoid treatment by New Age Spiritists Therapists. If in doubt, leave it out! “But if you have doubts about

whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning” – Romans 14:23, NLT

Life under Covid-19 has been a frustrating and lonely experience for me. Do you think life could become exciting again for someone in their latter years? Or should I just accept things as they are and soldier on? A. The cure for frustration and loneliness lies in developing our relationship with the Lord and being an instrument in His hands to help others. Why not ask Him to entrust you with a project He has handpicked for you? Losing your life in serving others will be the greatest reward and source of joy you can imagine. “After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns? It is you! (i.e. ‘Others’ you impact for Jesus).” – 1 Thessalonians 2:19, NLT. Are you ready for this challenge? May you go from strength to strength and be used by the Lord to bless many. 

Val Waldeck is an author, kindle publishing consultant, and Bible teacher. If you need help writing, or with your book, see

So Many Plans, So Little God


hat is it that distinguishes disciples of Christ from the world in how we approach a New Year? God Himself. Truth be told however, we often look to the pundits and influencers as they gaze into the crystal ball of future trends. Alternatively, we spend all our time crafting and planning our goals, deadlines, and resolutions. But if we look back over 2020, we see the very limited role that all of these provided.

Without God we can do nothing The central problem then is our assumption that we can figure things out ourselves while neglecting God Himself. This was the issue that James challenged some well-to-do business people of his day on. We could say that they had so many plans, yet so little God. In a Scripture that could just as easily challenge our world, James wrote in chapter 4:13-16: “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’ As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil.”

Return God to the centre Saying “If it is the Lord’s Will” is not merely semantics, it is returning God to the centre, instead of our great big plans. What better way to do that than to begin the year with a posture of humility as we pray and fast? As EM Bounds wisely declared: “What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not new organisations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can use – men of prayer.” By all means, let us plan, but let us not have so many plans and so little God. 

TENDAI CHITSIKE is the pastor of Every Nation Church in Makhanda. Email:

Jesus is coming back soon! Are you ready?


appy 2021! 2020 was such a historical year and now we find ourselves facing this new year. Uncertainty has abounded but we have this certainty: Jesus Christ is coming back soon. There are three things that Jesus spoke about that He would want to find upon His return:

1) Will He find faith (Luke 18:8) i.e. His children living and walking by faith? 2) Will God’s children be in relationship with Him? We read this in the parable of the ten virgins (Matt 25) and the warning Jesus gave in (Matt 7:22-23). 3) Will Jesus find us “occupying” (Luke 19:13) or doing what God instructed us to do (Luke 12:43)?

Follow the Great Commission As Christians, we all have been given the Great Commission to go and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people through our lives, words, and deeds (Matt 28:16-20).

Let’s go! Let 2021 be the year that we continue to live and walk by faith, continue to focus on our relationship with our Heavenly Father, continue to do what God has called us to do, and let us double our efforts to fulfil the Great Commission to GO! 

GRANT AND THEUNISINA NEYT run Evangelism and Fire Ministries. Email: or visit for more information.


Shake Me

My Testimony of Conversion Disorder “I want to speak up and share my story in hopes of spreading awareness and to let those out there know that whatever they’re struggling with can be resolved. That they’re not alone and that Jesus can completely heal.” — by Rebekah Frylinck


t all started during lockdown. I was struggling with anxiety and fear (something that has always been a struggle of mine.) However, this time it was the last straw. On April 1st 2020 – the 6th day of lockdown – I was playing my guitar and worshipping to try and take my mind off the anxiety and fear that I was facing. In that moment, I stopped and prayed and asked God that during this lockdown period, He would shake me of all the things in my past and in my present life that I hadn’t dealt with or wasn’t dealing with, everything that was the cause of my constant stress and anxiety. I proceeded to play and started writing a song. I called it ‘Unshakeable.’ The words of the chorus are as follows: “You are unshakeable, but Lord you shake me with your truth that sets me free.”

Severe anxiety At the end of July, I was diagConversion Disorder nosed with Ulcerative Colitis (a is a rare condition chronic, inflammatory bowel in which your brain disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract). converts mental A flare up can be brought on stress/trauma into by stress or anxiety, as well physical symptoms. as many other factors. In my case, I believe it was mainly caused by severe anxiety.

‘I felt light headed and dizzy’ On the 31st of September my body and mind said: “Enough is enough.” I was at home with my family when, suddenly, I felt a wave of nausea come over me. I felt light headed and dizzy. I fell over, fainted,

and started convulsing. My stepfather, who was once a paramedic, put me on oxygen as I was hyperventilating and tried to calm me down. He kept asking me when my birthday was, but I physically could not speak. I remained conscious and was aware of my surroundings. This episode went on for approximately 20 minutes. Physically, I had no usual signs of a seizure and we narrowed it down to a panic attack. The next day, I went to the doctor and he did not seem too concerned. He told me to take an Ativan whenever I feel a panic attack coming on and to try and reduce my stress levels.

A seizure at work I was fine for 2 weeks until the 16th of October. I was working on a client doing eyelash extensions and my hands started shaking. I calmly got up and took an Ativan, but it didn’t help immediately. My second seizure started, and all my colleagues started to panic. I was transported to the hospital via ambulance. I kept on having one seizure after the next. My MRI scan showed that there was absolutely nothing physically wrong with my brain – they just could not explain it. I remained in ICU for the night, heavily sedated.

medication did not stop the seizures. The doctor came and gave me a form explaining what was wrong with me. I was diagnosed with Conversion Disorder (also known as Functional Neurologic Disorder.)

A rare neurological condition

Conversion Disorder is a rare condition in which your brain converts mental stress/trauma into physical symptoms. The symptoms cannot be explained by a neurological disease or any other medical conditions. There Jesus can heal in are multiple symptoms. My symptoms, however, many miraculous were displayed through non-epileptic seizures.

ways. Sometimes He heals instantly. Other times it is a process.

An unknown diagnosis The following day I was transported to Constantiaberg Medi-Clinic where I was treated by a neurologist and put in an observation ward. I was hooked up onto an EEG monitor to detect the electrical activity inside my brain. By this time, I was having approximately 6-10 seizures per day. Initially they thought I had epilepsy, however the scan showed no physical damage to my cerebellum and epileptic

‘I kept asking God why’

This diagnosis took a while for me to process. I kept praying and asking the Lord why this was happening to me. After five days in hospital, I was transported to Helderberg Clinic, a psychiatric hospital, for three weeks. During my stay, I had to undergo psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy with a psychiatrist, psychologist as well as occupational therapists.

Dealing with bottled up issues The time had come to deal with all my issues that were just bottled up in my subconscious mind. I worked through everything and my seizures became less and less. I learnt what triggers them and how to




Shake Me

My Testimony of Conversion Disorder “Arise, Shine, and be the Light” – Isaiah 60:1 control them when I feel one coming on.

Finally, it all made sense I started to remember the prayer that I had prayed and the song that I wrote at the beginning of lockdown. I went back to the recording and re-listened. Finally, this all made sense. I had asked God to shake me of all the things that I had not dealt with and He literally shook me!

There shouldn’t be a stigma around mental health Our mental health is so important, and many people are suffering in silence due to the stigma attached to it. I know that there are still many people out there who do not believe in mental illness and do not see the importance of psychologists, psychiatrists, and most importantly self-care.

Jesus is our Healer and Protector Jesus can heal in many miraculous ways. Sometimes He heals instantly. Other times it is a process. I believe that He uses doctors and medication to help us along. I believe that each person that came along on my personal mental health journey was placed there by Him to help me on my road to recovery. I am grateful for this journey God placed me on. He introduced me to many different people who were also struggling with their mental health and some who are far worse off than I am.

It is okay not to be okay I hope and pray that those reading this who are struggling with anxiety, depression, or any other mental illness will take heart for He has overcome. Do not suffer in silence. It is okay not to be okay. To those who have not suffered with mental illness and might not understand what their I would really loved ones are going through, love for people to be supportive and kind.

Be careful what you pray for

understand mental health better and to get rid of the stigma attached to it.

My advice to you is to be careful what you pray for or ask God to do in your life. He might just take you quite literally as He did with me (lol)! “I keep my eyes always on the Lord, with Him at my right hand I will not be shaken.” – Psalm 16:8

Be like a sunflower Lastly, to all reading this. In times of trouble, fear, or doubt – be like a sunflower and face the Son. For a sunflower to stand tall and stay bright it needs the sunlight. For us to stand tall and stay bright, we need the Son of God who is Jesus Christ! 

REBEKAH FRYLINCK can be contacted on


English Bible for the Deaf


STUMBLING IN LIFE'S RACE Hindrances to your Faith

—by Nico Bougas

“You were running superbly! Who cut in on you, deflecting you from the true course of obedience?” – Galatians 5:7


ola Budd’s clash with Mary Decker at the 1984 Los Angeles lap and saw Decker stretched out on the ground, wailing. Puica and Games is one of the biggest and most controversial events in Sly passed Budd, but she passed them back. Then, she says, she Olympic history. In a head-to-head that gripped the imagination started hearing the jeers and boos. The runners passed Budd again. of the world, the 3000 metre race pitted the experienced and popular Then another runner passed her. Then another. And another. Budd world champion from the host nation against a prodigious, barefoot, finished seventh, looking distraught. In the tunnel, right after the event teenage waif from South Africa. ended, Budd saw Decker sitting down and In the highly awaited final, Decker set approached her. She was so sorry about the the pace, followed closely by Romania’s There is really only One way things had turned out. She apologised Maricia Puica, Budd, and England’s Wendy whom we can set as an to her idol. Sly. When the pace slowed slightly at about example, our Lord Jesus. “Get out of here!” Decker spat. “I won’t 1600 metres into the race, Budd picked it talk to you.” up, running wide of Decker. Then, as she Burki saw that, too. “Mary was sitting passed her, cut back towards the inside and took the lead. Decker bumped Budd’s left foot with her right thigh, there crying. Zola was walking in front of me, apologising. Mary was knocking her off balance. Budd kept running and Decker stayed screaming at her, I’ll never forget that. Zola being such a shy person, close, clipping Budd’s calf with her right shoe. There was contact a her shoulders dropped. It could have happened in any race, and it third time and Decker fell, ripping the number right off Budd’s back. wasn’t Zola’s fault, but the partisan American fans blamed her.” Following the race there was growing public hostility and even Budd kept running. One of the runners, Cornelia Burki, who finished fifth in the race, threats that Budd was going to be shot. On her departure from Los later recounted, “I saw what happened, I saw Mary pushed Zola from Angeles, Budd needed a police escort. When they showed up, the the back. Zola overtook Mary and Mary didn’t want to give up that officers had submachine guns. “They picked me up at the hotel position in front. Mary ran into Zola from the back … As she fell and drove me and mom to the airport, right onto the tarmac, and watched as we got onto the plane. It was like a movie.” down, she pushed Zola.” All this because so-called sports fans thought their heroine had Budd kept running; she still didn’t think she’d win. But the full impact of the situation didn’t hit her until she’d completed another been hindered in an athletic event. 28 JOY! MAGAZINE

Zola Budd, Mary Decker, Maricica Puică leading the 3000 m race at the 1984 Olympics

Backsliding in the Christian faith

Hindered by persecution, misunderstanding,

Paul often speaks of the Christian life being a race and speaks in or opposition? Galatians of being hindered in this race. “You were running the race so There are many young men or women who have accepted Christ as well. Who has held you back from following the truth?” – Galatians 5:7. saviour at a meeting, youth camp, or some other event. Then they A very literal translation of this verse might well be, “Who has jostled have returned home and instead of being encouraged they are met you, cut in on you?” with misunderstanding and opposition from parents and friends. Do you recall the day of your conversion, or if you do not The test has left them discouraged and disillusioned. But the Lord remember the day, are you sure that you have been converted? How Jesus expressly told us it would be hard to be His follower. He was sad it is when someone who has been truly threatened with stones; they put a crown converted is hindered in their Christian of thorns upon Him; they mocked Him; and race and turns back, backslides, becomes then they crucified Him. We must consider Every experience that we lukewarm, or forsakes their first love? What a it a great privilege to suffer with Him. “For go through is refining us tragedy this is – to be out-and-out for Christ, you have been given not only the privilege to be deepened in our faith. a soul-winner and an earnest worker, and of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of then to turn aside and right away from the suffering for him.” – Philippians 1:29 Lord! Sadly, there are many believers who have been hindered in running the race. Some have been: Hindered by some severe trial or sorrow? Often, the very first thing God does when we tell Him that we are willing to be completely surrendered to Him is that He tests us to see Hindered by the inconsistency of if we really mean it – and all the way through our earthly journey He professing Christians? Perhaps you have stumbled in your Christian life when trying to is disciplining us. He allows all sorts of trials to come into our lives in follow other Christians whom you respected and then found that order that we may learn to be dependent on Him. The Psalmist urges, they were not that great after all. In fact, they have caused you to “Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you.” – Psalm be disappointed and discouraged. There is really only One whom 55:22. Every experience that we go through is refining us and helping we can set as an example, our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t look to other us to be deepened in our faith. people as you will often be disappointed; but if you look to Him you will be inspired and motivated because He is the only one who is Hindered by the pull of the world? truly perfect. The Christian cannot afford to sit on the fence and try to serve » JOY! MAGAZINE 29


STUMBLING IN LIFE'S RACE Hindrances to Your Faith

two masters. We cannot love the Lord Jesus and love the world at the same time. As the Epistle of James says, “Don’t you realise that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God?” – James 4:4. That was the trouble with Demas, who deserted Paul because of his love for this world and all it had to offer. This was also poor Peter’s trouble, leading to his sad three-fold denial of the Lord. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?” – 2 Corinthians 6:14. The Apostle John warned, “Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you.” – 1 John 2:15

Hindered by neglect of fellowship with the Lord?

The Christian cannot afford to sit on the fence and try to serve two masters.

There are many Christians that have backslidden because they have neglected private prayer; they have neglected the devotional reading of the Bible; they have neglected meeting together and encouraging one another at church. Consequently, they have not grown or progressed spiritually! Do not be content to remain a spiritual baby with all the marks and characteristics of immaturity about you! A burning coal soon loses its glow when taken out of the fire and isolated.

Hindered by some wilful act of disobedience? Jonah basically fled from the scene when God ordered him to go and pronounce judgement on the city of Nineveh. God had to take severe steps to shake him up and get Jonah to comply with His original instructions. For the Christ follower there must be some drastic dealing with 30 JOY! MAGAZINE

anything and everything that is wrong in our lives. As the prophet Amos reminds us, two people cannot walk together if they are going in different directions (Amos 3:3). Many a committed believer has lost their faith or certainly lost their zeal because of a relationship with someone who didn’t share their spiritual outlook. Paul warns us, “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?” – 2 Corinthians 6:14 The Israelites suffered a humiliating defeat at Ai because of the secret sin of Achan. “People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.” – Psalm 66:18

Was there something else that hindered you?

The clear message from the book of Hebrews is, “Be careful that you do not refuse to listen to the One who is speaking. For if the people of Israel did not escape when they refused to listen to Moses, the earthly messenger, we will certainly not escape if we reject the One who speaks to us from heaven!” – Hebrews 12:25 If you are willing and honest before the Lord and desire to come back to Him, He will put His finger upon that thing in your life which is hindering your spiritual walk. The only life that is glorifying to God, pleasing to others, and really satisfying to ourselves is the life that is running well, the life that is lived in complete obedience to the Truth – the Lord Jesus – and to His Word, the Word of Truth. 

NICO BOUGAS is the International Director of Development for Hellenic Ministries. Email: or visit:



ouldn’t it be great to measure the true impact that local churches and faithbased organisations have in your town or city? Many churches are doing incredible work transforming their local communities through social projects and other initiatives. The downside is that activity keeps us so busy that we may not be fully aware of the amazing work of other churches and faith-based community projects. Wouldn’t it be great to step back for a moment and take a broad view of exactly what the collective church community is doing in a city or region to transform lives?

—by Matt Bird

Faith Action Audit Cinnamon Network has developed a tool to measure and report the collective social impact of the Church in local communities – we call it the Cinnamon Faith Action Audit. Our approach, and the data it provides, has helped transform the relationship between churches and civic leadership in communities around the world. It has also positively shifted public perceptions about the role and value of the church in society.

Faith is a force for good Australia has recently published its first Cinnamon Faith Action Audit in the Illawarra region of New South Wales. The results offer powerful evidence that ‘faith is a force for good’. The Illawarra CFAA survey, completed by over 100 churches and faith-based organisations, revealed the local faith community contributes over AU $9.7 million of time to the community each year and there are 140 000 moments when people are served – which is more than half the population of Wollongong and Shellharbour combined.

Numbers help to tell an accurate story The numbers help tell the story of God’s love and our love for our neighbour. This is a community where people genuinely care about one another, where the least are not forgotten, and where the church plays an active role. Cinnamon has supported churches in 95 local government areas around the world to undertake a Faith Action Audit, giving evidences that the church contributes 9.9 billion GBP per annum to those communities.

The rationale behind the Audit The rationale behind the Faith Action Audit can be found in Cinnamon CEO and founder Matt Bird’s eBook Transform: “The church communicates value through the stories it tells. In contrast civic society communicates value through the numbers and metrics it uses. Cinnamon Network International helps the church become bilingual by communicating its value in both numbers and stories. Developing the capability to communicate the value of what the church and faith based organisations do in numbers, transforms the way in which people perceive their contribution. Previously what seemed soft, fluffy, and nice becomes concrete, specific, and real.” 


MATT BIRD is a global speaker and Founder CEO of Cinnamon Network International whose mission is to help churches transform communities. Matt is also the founder of Relationology, helping businesses build profitable relationships and Issachar Global encouraging people about how to live and lead. He lives in Wimbledon UK with his wife Esther and their three teenage children. Visit



Hope Restores

in Every Situation —by Dr James Goll


very one of us goes through dark valleys and troubled times. But in Christ Jesus we have hope. And hope restores in every situation—no matter how dark it may seem. To say the last year has been challenging would be an understatement for most of the world. Almost everyone has experienced the COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty. Added to that, you may have walked through political volatility or personal struggles like a job crisis, health challenges, or relational struggles. After you have walked with the Lord long enough, you begin to see the truth that the place of trouble always, always leads to a door of hope. Always.

strength so you will be capable of climbing the mountain when you get there. And once you get high enough up on the mountainside, your perspective will change about the valley of trouble behind you. You will surely exclaim, “Why, that valley is full of flowers. Just look at them! Look at that rushing brook. Look at that green grass. I must have missed it when I was down there!” You will be so glad you kept walking. Because hope restores.

He restores what is lost

There is a crazy story about the prophet Elisha and an iron axe head that floated on water, and the story foreshadows the events that made Jesus our God works all things for His glory redeemer. Here is a quick review of the story: God takes your deepest valley, your valley Every one of us goes “One day the group of prophets came to of Achor, and He transforms it into a door through dark valleys Elisha and told him, ‘As you can see, this place of hope. After the door of hope, Hosea says, and troubled times. where we meet with you is too small. Let’s go comes joyful celebration: “She shall sing down to the Jordan River, where there are there, As in the days of her youth, As in the day plenty of logs. There we can build a new place when she came up from the land of Egypt” – Hosea 2:15. You will sing and celebrate as Miriam did when God for us to meet.’ ‘All right,’ he told them, ‘go ahead.’ ‘Please come with us,’ had worked a miracle and delivered the Israelites from Egypt, right someone suggested. ‘I will,’ he said. So, he [Elisha] went with them. When they arrived at the Jordan, they began cutting down trees. But as one of through the midst of the Red Sea (Ex 15:20). them was cutting a tree, his axe head fell into the river. ‘Oh, sir!’ he cried. ‘It was a borrowed axe!’ ‘Where did it fall?’ the man of God asked. When Don’t stop in the middle But too many people stop in the middle. Perhaps you can’t get even he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it into the water at a glimpse of the door of hope, so you sit down. I know; I’ve done that spot. Then the axe head floated to the surface. ‘Grab it,’ Elisha said. it. But if you believe the valley is only a way of passage through to And the man reached out and grabbed it.” – 2 Kings 6:1-7 the mountain heights, the only logical thing to do is get back up and keep moving again. This means that if you find yourself in a Have you ever felt defeated? valley right now, keep on walking. As you walk, you will gain new Have you ever flown off the handle? Have you ever lost your head? 32 JOY! MAGAZINE

After you have walked with the Lord long enough, you begin to see the truth that the place of trouble always, always leads to a door of hope. Always.

Have you ever been defeated right in the middle of your hard work? repeat that?” “Your cancer is gone. It melted.” “You said the cancer Have you ever experienced a loss you just can’t fix? Have you ever melted?” “Yes, it melted and is no longer in your body.” forgotten until the mishap occurs that what you have lost was actually borrowed? Your life is not your own, you know. But the remedy for the Miracles still happen today! lost axe head points to the remedy for every one of your losses. You I left the treatment centre stunned by what I had just heard. I found a find it at the end of the story. Elisha had the man point to the exact small, quiet restaurant and took out my phone to share the amazing spot where the axe head had entered the water (In the same way, God news with my four children and a few close friends. Waves of gratitude has you humble yourself and identify honestly what has happened.) and awe washed over me each time I said, “The cancer is gone. The And then, wonder of wonders, there is hope after all! Elisha cut a stick doctor said it melted.” Miraculously, that cancer has never come back, from a tree (The Cross of Jesus is called the “tree”). He pulled back his and it is never going to come back again. I appeared before God in arm and lobbed the stick right to that spot. Zion (Psa 84:5). I know beyond a shadow of A miracle occurred. The heavy axe head that doubt I made it through the valley of the had just sunk like a stone to the bottom of shadow of death. Iron can float, and cancer Hope restores in every the river bobbed to the surface as if it were can melt away: I know. I am more than a situation—no matter how made of wood itself. Hope! survivor. I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus!

dark it may seem.

Valleys of trouble yield to doorways of hope Miracles still happen. They never happen the way you may think they should, but in the end, you are altogether grateful. With God, your valleys of trouble yield to doorways of hope every time. And hope restores.

Healed miraculously from cancer I’m grateful to report that years ago my cancer miracle happened in Zion, Illinois. I had to endure some extremely difficult and expensive treatments. I also had some powerful prayer afterwards. But as I sat in a small examination room, uncertain of what I would hear, my doctor matter-of-factly told me that my cancer was gone. “What? Could you

Put your hope in Jesus No matter what you are going through right now—nationally, personally, physically, emotionally, spiritually— there is hope in Christ Jesus. And hope restores in every situation— no matter how dark it may seem. 

DR JAMES W. GOLL is the founder of God Encounters Ministries. He is an international bestselling author, a certified Life Language Coach, an adviser to leaders and ministries and a recording artist. This article is an extract from his book, Tell Your Heart To Sing Again by Broadsteet Publishing Group. The book is available on kindle, audio book format and also in an entire Curriculum Kit called Discovering Hope for Your Life at in digital and hard copy formats.


What does the Bible say about

fate / destiny? T

his is a very complex issue, and we will start with what the Bible does not teach. Fate is usually thought of as a predetermined course of events beyond human control. A typical response to a belief in fate is resignation—if we can’t change destiny, then why even try? Whatever happens, happens, and we can’t do anything about it. This is called “fatalism,” and it is not biblical. Fatalism is a major premise of Islam, which demands total submission to the sovereignty of Allah. It is widely held in Hinduism, too; in fact, it is a fatalistic view of life that helps keep We are not the sovereign India’s caste system in place. masters of our fate. Only Greek mythology told of God is sovereign. the Moirai, or the Fates, three goddesses pictured as weavers of men’s lives. Their decisions could not be cancelled or annulled, even by other gods. Again, fatalism is not a biblical concept.

Fate and Destiny – Our Free Will The Bible teaches that man was created with the ability to make moral choices and that he is responsible for those choices. The fall of man was not a predetermined event in which Adam and Eve were hapless victims of a puppet-master God. On the contrary, Adam and his wife had the ability to choose obedience (with its attendant blessing) or disobedience (with its consequent curse). They knew what the result of their decision would be, and they were held accountable (Genesis 3).

Look to scripture for guidance This theme of being held accountable for our choices continues throughout Scripture. “He who sows wicked34 JOY! MAGAZINE

The Bible teaches that God is in charge. At the same time, He has given us the freedom to obey or disobey Him.

ness reaps trouble” – Proverbs 22:8. “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty” – Proverbs 14:23. “Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.” – Romans 13:3 Often, when the Bible speaks of destiny, it’s in reference to a destiny people have brought upon themselves: “Many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction” – Philippians 3:1819. “This is the fate of those who trust in themselves” – Psalm 49:13. “A man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself” –Proverbs 6:32. “Each person was judged according to what he had done” – Revelation 20:13

We sin because we choose to

a moral universe in which the law of cause-and-effect is a reality. But God is God alone, and there are no “accidents” in the universe.

God is omnipotent

An all-wise, all-powerful God must have a plan, so it should be no surprise that the Bible speaks of a divine plan. God’s plan, since it belongs to God, is holy, wise, and benevolent. The providence of God is working to bring about His original plan for creation. God speaks in Isaiah 48:3, “I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.” What God announces, He does (and He may announce it centuries ahead of time!). We were created with the

We can’t blame “Fate,” kismet, predestinaability to make our own tion, or God. James 1:13-14 says, “When Fighting against the plan of God choices – this is free will. tempted, no one should say, ‘God is temptis pointless ing me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is can succeed against the Lord” – Proverbs 21:30. tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.” This is why the Tower of Babel was never completed (Gen 11:1-9), why Daniel’s detractors were thrown to the lions (Dan 6:24), why Jonah spent time inside a fish (Jona 1:17), and why I get in trouble when I sin. Persisting in folly Even what we would normally call ‘chance’ or ‘fate’ is under God’s Interestingly, many people who choose to sin are annoyed by the negative consequences of their sin. “A man’s own folly ruins his life, control. “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the yet his heart rages against the Lord” – Proverbs 19:3. This is a very Lord” – Proverbs 16:33. In other words, God does not take a ‘hands-off’ insightful verse. When a man foolishly wrecks his life, he may yet insist approach to running the world. on blaming God, or perhaps “Fate.” In this way, he persists in his folly. Scripture also teaches that we choose to have faith. The oft- God works all things for good repeated command in Scripture to believe implies that we do have a Everything that happens in the world is made to work out according choice in the matter. “Be not faithless, but believing” – John 20:27 (see to God’s purpose. Evil exists, but it is not allowed to thwart God’s also Acts 16:31; 19:4). providence. God uses even sinful men for His purposes. “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases” – Proverbs 21:1. God worked in the hearts of the Egyptians (Exod 12:36) and King Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:27) to bring about His purpose. Even when Man’s intent is purely evil, God can still bring about His Will, as in the case of those who crucified Jesus (Acts 2:23; 4:27-28). Lest we get the wrong idea, we are not the sovereign masters of our fate. Only God is sovereign. His sovereign control is called Our destiny is based on our love for Christ “providence.” He has chosen to give us a free will, and He has created God’s plan includes a reward for those who trust in Him, and He »

Fate and Destiny – God’s Sovereignty

JOY! magazine 35


What does the Bible say about

fate / destiny?

promises to glorify His children. “We speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. . . . As it is written: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him’” – 1 Corinthians 2:7-9. Note the use of the word destined in this passage—and that it’s a destiny based on our love for the Lord.

Fate and Destiny – An Individual Plan God’s sovereignty reaches even to a plan for our individual lives. This is illustrated in God’s calling of Jeremiah—before the prophet was

even born. “The word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’” – Jeremiah 1:4-5 David also recognised that the Lord had a plan for him. “Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” – Psalm 139:16. Because of this knowledge, David sought the Lord’s specific guidance in many situations, such as in 1 Samuel 23:9-12.

Fate and Destiny – Putting It All Together

In Acts 9, Jesus appears to Saul of Tarsus with an interesting statement: “It is hard for you to kick against the goads” (verse 5). Jesus obviously had a plan for Saul, and Saul had been (painfully) resisting it. Exercising our freedom against God’s plan can be painful. Later, Jesus tells Saul that a man named Everything that happens Ananias would come to visit —and then in the world works out Jesus tells Ananias (verses 11-12)! Obviously, according to God’s purpose. Jesus had a pre-arranged plan for Ananias as well. Now, Ananias didn’t want to visit Saul (verse 13-14). He could have been like Jonah and run the other way. If that had been his choice, God would have had a “fish” prepared to bring him back. Fortunately, Ananias obeyed (verse 17). Exercising our freedom to follow God’s plan brings a blessing. In summary, the Bible teaches that God is in charge. At the same time, He has given us the freedom to obey or disobey Him, and there are some things that God does only in answer to prayer (Jam 4:2).

The obedient are blessed by God God blesses the obedient, and He is patient with those who disobey, even to the point of seeming laxity. He has a plan for our lives, which includes our joy and His glory both in this world and in the world to come. Those who accept Christ as Saviour have accepted God’s plan (John 14:6). From then on, it’s a step-by-step following of God’s best for us, praying for His will to be done (Matt 6:10), and avoiding the side-track of sin (Psa 32:1-11; 119:59; Heb 12:1-2).  GOT QUESTIONS provides Biblical answers to tough questions. For more information and answers visit www.



What does it mean to be



n 1 Peter 1:13-16, Peter writes to believers, “Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behaviour; because it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” Peter is quoting from Leviticus 11:44 and Leviticus 19:2.

First, let’s look at God’s holiness

nation and God has set them apart from all other people groups. They are His special people, and consequently they were given standards that God wanted them to live by so the world would know they belonged to Him. When Peter repeats the Lord’s words in 1 Peter 1:16, he is talking specifically to believers. As believers, we need to be “set apart” from the world unto the Lord. We need to be living by God’s standards, not the world’s. God isn’t calling us to be perfect, but to be distinct from the world. First Peter 2:9 describes believers as “a holy nation.” It is a fact! We are separated from the world; we need to live out that reality in our day-to-day lives, which Peter tells us how to do in 1 Peter 1:13-16.

What does it mean that God is holy? Passages like 1 Samuel 2:2 and Isaiah 6:3 are just two of many examples of passages about God’s holiness. Another way to say it is absolute perfection. God is unlike any Finally, how can we become holy? other (see Hos 11:9), and His holiness is Holiness only results from a right relationGod isn’t calling us to the essence of that “otherness.” His very ship with God by believing in Jesus Christ be perfect, but to be being is completely absent of even a trace as Saviour (accepting His gift of eternal distinct from the world. of sin (Jam 1:13; Heb 6:18). He is high life). If we have not placed our faith in above any other, and no one can compare God’s Son alone to save us from our sins, to Him (Psa 40:5). God’s holiness pervades then our pursuit of holiness is in vain. So, His entire being and shapes all His attributes. His love is a holy love, we must first make sure we are born-again believers (see John 3). If His mercy is holy mercy, and even His anger and wrath are holy we truly are believers, then we recognise that our position in Christ anger and holy wrath. These concepts are difficult for humans to automatically sets us apart from the world (1 Pet 2:9). After all, we grasp, just as God is difficult for us to understand in His entirety. have a relationship with the living God! Then we must daily live a set-apart life, not trying to “blend in” with the world, but instead living according to God’s Word as we study the Bible and grow in it.  Next, what does it mean for us to be holy? When God told Israel to be holy in Leviticus 11 and 19, He was instructing them to be distinct from the other nations by giving GOT QUESTIONS provides Biblical answers to tough questions. For more them specific regulations to govern their lives. Israel is God’s chosen questions and answers visit www.


Getting to Know God The Personhood & Deity of the Holy Spirit —by Dr Victor Kuligin


n examining the biblical revelation concerning God, we come upon an apparent contradiction. The Bible teaches that there is only one God, but it also teaches that Jesus is God. And what do we make of situations where God the Son is speaking to God the Father? All of this suggests that God exists in something more than a simple monotheism. The situation becomes even more complicated when we see what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit. We know there aren’t three gods, the Bible makes that clear (Isa 45:4; 1 Tim 1:17). And yet, the Spirit is often spoken of as someone separate from the Father and Son. How can this be? As we conclude our three-part series on the Trinity, we will see what the Bible teaches about the “Third Person of the Trinity.”

Early in the Bible God’s Spirit is mentioned in the second verse of the Bible, when at creation the Spirit hovered over the surface of the waters (Gen 1:2). Throughout the Old Testament, we see glimpses of the Spirit, such as at the time of the Flood (Gen 6:3), or when the Spirit would anoint a prophet (e.g., 2 Chron 24:20) or give special abilities to people (e.g., Exod 31:3). But there is never a full-blown explanation as to who the Spirit is. However, with the revelation of Jesus Christ we begin to understand that the Spirit is actually a person equal in essence to the We must treat the Holy Spirit Father and the Son.

The Spirit is a Person

with the same level of respect that we do the Father.

Because the Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek words translated “spirit” simply mean “breath” or “wind,” confusion can exist as to whether the Spirit is a thing or a person. How we view the Spirit will result in how we approach Him and treat Him. The Bible is clear: the Holy Spirit is a person. For example, the Spirit teaches Jesus’ disciples (John 14:26); He speaks (Acts 13:2), guides (Gal 5:16), and leads (Rom 8:4); He helps and prays and pleads (Rom 8:26-27). He can be lied to (Acts 5:3); He can be grieved (Isa 63:10; Eph 4:30). These are activities that people do, not things that an inanimate power does. Try lying to electricity and you get the point!

The Holy Spirit is not a force, but a Person In John 16, where Jesus provides extensive comments about the promised Spirit, the Spirit is said to “come,” “convict,” “guide,” “speak,” “hear,” “tell,” “take,” and “declare.” All of these activities rightly describe a person, not a commodity or force. What this means is that the Holy Spirit is not a commodity or force to be thrown around, as is seen in some churches today. The Spirit is as much a person as are the Father and the Son. We must discipline ourselves to speak of the Holy Spirit as “He” (which is what the Bible does) not as “it.” And we must certainly treat Him with the same level of respect that we do the Father and the Son. 38 JOY! MAGAZINE


Hope for the New Year The Spirit is God But what kind of person is the Spirit? In numerous places, the Holy Spirit is placed alongside God the Father and Jesus the Son, implying an intimate and equal relationship between the three. For example, at a believer’s baptism all three are brought together under one name (Matt 28:19).

More evidence that the Spirit is a divine Person: • Quotations from God in the Old Testament are attributed to the Spirit in the New Testament (e.g., Heb 10:15-16). • Old Testament prophets were given words from God, yet it was the Spirit who moved them (2 Pet 1:20-21). • Peter accused Ananias of lying both to God and the Spirit (Acts 5:3-4). • Blasphemy against the Spirit is the only unforgivable sin, which would be strange if the Spirit were not God Himself and outright weird if the Spirit is simply an energy or force (Matt 12:31-32).

One God, three Persons By examining and combining all the information that we have learnt in the last three issues of this series, we begin to get a complete picture about God’s nature. While there is only one God, He exists in a relationship of three Persons, each co-equal and co-eternal with the others. This makes sense when we consider what these Persons do. For example, all three were involved in the creation of the universe (Gen 1:1-2; John 1:3). All three were operative in Jesus’ resurrection (Gal 1:1; John 2:18-19; Rom 8:11). And all three participate in our


020 may have turned out differently to what you had initially planned as the Covid pandemic caused a major disruption in our lives, providing challenges to countless people around the world. As we begin this new year, let’s refocus on those unrealised dreams and believe in ourselves and in God to enable us to pursue all that we endeavour to accomplish.

Allow nothing to deter you “May He give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” – Psalm 20:4. Don’t give up on all that God has laid upon your heart for He will re-establish all that the enemy has stolen. Deuteronomy 30:3 promises, “God will restore everything you lost.” Despite the various challenges, 2020 was a year of rest and a time of self-reflection. Many had more time with family during lockdown and the opportunity to spend more time with God. Prepare your heart and mind for a great year and allow nothing to deter you from your aspirations.

Be expectant for what God is doing Proverbs 4:25 encourages us to, “Let your eyes look straight ahead…” Be expectant of all that God is going to do in your life. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” – Jeremiah 29:11. Let’s anticipate a peaceful and extraordinary year. God is going to transform every bad situation and empower you to fulfil His purpose in the Kingdom.

Trust in God, He is your comfort

God exists in an eternal relationship of love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He calls us to enjoy fellowship with each Person. personal salvation: the Father sent His Son, who paid the price for ours sins, and who in turn sent the Holy Spirit to indwell us. This is why Peter can write that believers are “elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.” – 1 Peter 1:2

Eternal relationship of love Our God is an awesome God! He has existed in an eternal relationship of love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And He calls us to enjoy fellowship with each Person of the Godhead. “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.” – 2 Corinthians 13:14  DR VICTOR KULIGIN is an international author and speaker who served as a missionary in Africa for 24 years. His book Snubbing God: the High Cost of Rejecting God’s Created Order is available at CUM Books. He can be reached at

To those who lost loved ones, may God’s strength surround you and be your comfort. God will heal your broken heart. “Be strong and courageous – He will never leave you nor forsake you” – Deuteronomy 31:6. If you have encountered financial difficulties, may God replenish your finances. Trust Him and sow a seed in your moment of need. Never give up on your dream and persevere through tough times. “All things are possible with God…” – Matthew 19:26. Though 2020 may not have turned out the way you hoped, let’s maintain a positive stance for 2021. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” – Romans 12:12. Embrace 2021 and go after your dreams.  JENNIFER NAIDOO is a South African songwriter and musician, working full time in IT. She moved to New Zealand in 2020 with her husband and 3 kids. Follow her on Instagram @jenn.nz_naidoo or Facebook @nz.jenn


“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – that’s all.”

Humpty Dumpty and Hermeneutics


t first glance, this brief dialogue above from Alice in Wonderland may seem to be word games from the mind of Lewis Carrol. Unfortunately, however, we’re living in that reality. Postmodern philosophers and linguists tell us “there are no absolute truth statements” and “it’s impossible to understand an author’s intention”. But if there are no absolute truths, then these statements are incorrect. If we cannot understand an author’s intention then why do they write so much and expect us to understand it?

Your opinion is not always correct and valid

—by Rev. Michael Rogers a Christ-centred way. The first step – one that’s desperately needed today – is to figure out the original context. That means to consider who is speaking, who was the original audience, when they lived (before or after Christ, etc.), and the cultural setting of the time. In other words, we need to know the historical context as best we can. But more importantly, we need to see the context within the passage, the book, and the Bible as a whole. Study Bibles, commentaries, atlases, and other resources all help with this. Once we have determined the original context we can move to interpretation.

Despite logical inconsistencies in postmodernism, this worldview has Common misuse of Philippians 4:13 infected everyday life and has poisoned all of us to some degree. We An example of what not to do is the common misuse of Philippians see this in the inane mantras, “That is your truth” or “This is my truth”. 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. This is It’s even crept into Christianity and can be a wonderful verse, but it doesn’t mean I seen in so-called Bible studies where everyam guaranteed to win SA’s Got Talent, play one’s opinion of a verse is considered equally soccer for Liverpool FC, or become the CEO Humpty Dumpty understood valid and there’s no correct interpretation. of Apple. Paul wasn’t writing to you or me, that whoever gets to define but the believers in Philippi in a specific meaning is the master. situation. Paul is encouraging them to learn He who controls the narrative contentment. When Paul says he can do controls the people all things through Christ, in context, he’s Humpty Dumpty rightly understood that whoever gets to define meaning is the master. As Christians, we know saying that he can be content whether he’s experiencing poverty or that the Triune God is Lord and He tells us what is true. But how do abundance. This is a promise that in Christ we can learn contentment we ensure that when we read the Bible we’re interpreting it correctly? – not complete your bucket-list. We need to be sure to use the same hermeneutic as Jesus and the apostles. The word ‘hermeneutic’ is a technical term that refers to the Looking through Christ-centred lenses principles or method of interpretation. The first part of hermeneutics It becomes more complex when we come to the Old Testament. is exegesis, drawing the meaning out of the passage. The second step For one, we are separated by more time and cultural distance. is to interpret the passage in light of Christ’s coming. The third is to Secondly, Christ’s coming is the fulfilment of all Old Testament apply it to our lives. promises (cf. 2 Cor 1:20). This is clear in the fact that Jesus saw Himself as the true Temple (Jn 2:19), the New Testament authors saw Jesus as the true Israel (Mat 2:15) and the final Passover Lamb How did Jesus and the Apostles interpret the Bible? Well, they certainly understood the literal, historical meaning of (1 Cor 5:7). So we have must read the Bible with the same Christthe text (exegesis) and they interpreted every complete passage in centred lenses as the Apostles. 40 JOY! MAGAZINE

As Christians, we know that the Triune God is Lord and He tells us what is true. But how do we ensure that when we read the Bible we’re interpreting it correctly? We need to be sure to use the same hermeneutic as Jesus and the apostles.

Jesus is the fulfilment of every prophecy To give full teaching on Christ-centred interpretation is beyond the scope of this article. But I want to encourage you to begin seeing Christ as the fulfilment, in either His person or His work, of every passage in the Bible. If your interpretation could be taught in a Synagogue or a Mosque without any problem, then you have a big problem! I think most Christians know this instinctively. For example, there are no New Testament passages that tell us that the almost-sacrifice of Isaac and the ram taking his place is a pointer to the crucifixion. Yet we cannot read that passage without our minds and hearts drawn to Christ taking our place on the Cross.

Finally, faithful Christ-centred interpretation must move us to action Some pastors may give a dogmatic application that is simply not biblical. For example, saying couples must go on a weekly date night. While this may be a helpful suggestion, it’s a very middle class, urban application. How would a poor person in a rural area obey this? If you’re going to make a dogmatic application then

The word ‘hermeneutic’ is a technical term that refers to the principles or method of interpretation. make sure it’s biblical and is connected to or flows from the text you’re studying.

Words cannot mean what we want them to mean So Humpty Dumpty was wrong, words cannot have whatever meaning you want them to have. Jesus is Lord and we must read our Bibles in submission to Him. When the Scriptures clash with our preconceptions and cultural norms, then they must be forsaken or else we will have a great fall!  MICHAEL ROGERS is a pastor at Heritage Baptist Church in Johannesburg and lecturer at Mukhanyo’s Johannesburg Campus. He’s married to Natalie and together they have three children.

rs of the Bibl e Characte

Lot B

y the time you read this character profile, many of you have already had New Year’s resolutions made and broken. Perhaps you wanted to exercise more, or lose weight, or read through the Bible in a year. But the initial exuberance of the new year gave way to the long, hard haul your resolutions required and so you gave up. However, hopefully some of you made a resolution similar to this one by an early church father, and you are sticking to it: “Lord, let me not be so close to your blessings and yet so blinded by worldly temptations that I would wander away from those blessings.” This month, we’ll take a look at an Old Testament person who unfortunately failed in this way. While we could consider any number of people in the Bible with similar failings, Lot is someone we rarely think about.

—by Dr Victor Kuligin

Abraham’s nephew Moses was an excellent storyteller, and like all good authors, he often conveys his message through literary form rather than simply through bald statement of fact. For example, he uses contrast several times in the earlier chapters of Genesis to expose the differences between those who follow the plan of God (e.g, those in Seth’s line), and those who oppose it (e.g., those in Cain’s line). One such instance involves the lives of Abraham and Lot. We are first introduced to Lot at the end of Genesis 11, and we soon learn that he loses his father and grandfather. The patriarch Abraham takes his nephew Lot under his wing as he moves from Ur (in Babylonia) to Haran to Canaan. Lot actually plays Lot is depicted as a drunken a prominent role immoral degenerate who in the next eight made poor choices. chapters of Moses’ account, but it is often swallowed up by the sweeping story of Abraham.

Abraham loves Lot Childless Abraham must have cared deeply for his nephew. We see this love in chapter 13, where we learn that Abraham and Lot have become so blessed by the Lord that the land can no longer support both of them. Abraham proposes that they part ways, but the senior gives his junior first choice. We are told that Lot “lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere ... like the garden of the Lord” – Genesis 13:10. He soon pitched his tents near Sodom (v. 12). In chapter 14, Lot finds himself in trouble and again Abraham displays his care for his nephew by taking all the men of his household and waging war against Lot’s captors. Moses reports that Lot is now living in Sodom (14:12) in an almost offhanded manner, a classic literary device. The rescue of 42 JOY! MAGAZINE

SERIES Sodom and Gomorrah as examples of judgement God’s judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the most-used examples of judgement in the Bible. It is used to speak against foreign nations like when Isaiah declares God’s judgement over Babylon (Isa 13:19) and Zephaniah over Moab and Ammon (Zeph 2:9). But the cities are also used in judgement against God’s chosen people. Jeremiah uses Sodom’s example when condemning Jerusalem’s false prophets (Jer 23:14), and God tells Ezekiel that the sins of His chosen people were worse than the sins of Sodom, because they knew the living God and yet turned their back on Him to follow idols (Ezek 16:44-59). In the New Testament, Jesus says cities that reject His message of salvation will experience greater judgement than Sodom and Gomorrah (Mark 6:11), indeed a harsh condemnation. And Jesus, Peter, and Jude use Sodom as warnings about God’s future judgement of the wicked, even those in the church (Luke 17:28-30; 2 Peter 2:6; Jude 7).

Lot is the last we see of the young man until the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in chapter 19, but we must not lose sight of the fact that Abraham’s pleading with the Lord over the destruction of those cities has Lot’s well-being in mind (19:29).

Lot in Sodom In the opening verses of chapter 19, we learn that Lot is sitting in the gateway of the city, a position of prominence in those days. Despite the warnings of the angels to flee from the city, Lot stubbornly resists to the point that the angels must forcibly drag him out of the city. In the ensuing judgement of sulphur and brimstone, Lot loses his wife along the way.

In speaking about God’s judgement, Peter utilises three examples to show that God’s judgement is real and imminent. The first two involve fallen angels and the victims of the Great Flood. The third comes from Lot’s life. Peter tells us that God turned “the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly; and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds) – 2 Peter 2:6-8

A righteous man falls

I must admit that my first impression of Peter’s take on the life and character The last scene involving Lot is of Lot was shock. A righteous man? Is indeed a pathetic one Lot was a man who lived by Peter serious? What we have here is a Living in a cave with his two daughters, sight and not by faith. He New Testament author giving us greater while in a drunken stupor, Lot is raped was driven by material desire. insight into the life of an Old Testament by each of them. The offspring of these character than we previously had from unholy acts become the Ammonites (who are mainly known for their worship of the god Molech), just the Old Testament account. This is nothing new and should and the Moabites (who seduced the Jews at the suggestion not shock us, but often it does. The same Spirit who inspired of Balaam, for which God sent a plague and killed 24 000 Peter also inspired Moses. When I consider the account of Lot from the perspective of Israelites – Num 25). In Lot we find a man who went from being blessed with Lot being a righteous man (Peter repeats it three times), I read flocks and herds so great that he needed to find larger pastures, it with entirely new eyes. Lot was not the immoral degenerate I to living in a cave and being raped by his two desperate assumed he was given Genesis. Rather, he was a righteous man daughters. His posterity was corrupt to the core, and evidently who was overcome by sin. Lot lost everything he had.

What can we learn from Lot? Why have I chosen the life of Lot, when by all accounts he seems to be a rather evil man who got what was coming to him? Because Peter, in his second epistle, gives us inspired insight into Lot’s life that we do not have in Genesis. Peter’s perspective is rather shocking given what we know about Lot from Moses’ account.

Making poor choices Let me be clear. Lot had enjoyed the blessing of the Lord given his association with his uncle. He certainly knew about the promises God gave to Abraham, and he spent many years with him. Then came a fateful choice when Lot and Abraham separated, and Lot threw his lot into the lush, promising land of Sodom. Despite knowing the cities were evil, Lot was willing to bear it for some reason. There was obviously something more » JOY! MAGAZINE 43

rs of the Bibl e Characte

Lot that he wanted, and he was willing to tolerate the most heinous evil around him in order to have it. Precisely what it was that Lot craved we do not know, but we do know that whatever it was, he was unwilling to forego it. The angels had to force him to leave the cities, and evidently his wife was like minded, ultimately losing her life because she longed more for Sodom than for safety.

Craving Sodom

neighbourhood of evil. The lust of his eyes was too much for him to withstand. At some point Lot allowed sin to so dominate him that he lost the ability to choose better. Sin was creeping at Lot’s door, and he opened it wide and let the monster in (Gen 4:7). His example is a warning to all of us who take sin lightly.

Modern temptations

So many believers today are like Lot, enticed by sin’s subtle Paul tells us, “Now all these things happened to them as exam- suggestions. In many instances it is nearly impossible to tell ples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the the difference between Christians and those of the world. We have the same hopes, the same desires, ends of the ages have come. Therefore let the same motivations. We squander our him who thinks he stands take heed lest Rather than flirting with money on the same frivolous things. We he fall.” – 1 Corinthians 10:11-12 enter and exit marriages at the same Lot was a man who lived by sight sin, we need to flee it. imprudent rate. We waste our time on and not by faith. He was driven by We need to combat it. the same mindless entertainment that material desire. When given the chance absorbs the world. We fill our minds to part with Abraham, he chose the best for himself, even if it meant putting himself in the with the same cinematic trash and silver screen garbage. If not for the grace of God, many of us would have found ourselves exactly in Lot’s predicament—destitute and pathetic, with only ourselves to blame.

Jesus wants to protect us from going the way of Lot Rather than flirting with sin, we need to flee it. Instead of cavorting with it, we need to combat it. There is no room for complacency in the Christian life when it comes to sin. That is why we must not hesitate to pluck out our offending eye when necessary (Matt 5:29). James warns us that “friendship with the world is enmity with God” – James 4:4. We need to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, not on worldly temptations. Because if we don’t, like Lot we may lose the ability to make sound judgements and make a ruin of our lives. 

DR VICTOR KULIGIN is an international author and speaker who served as a missionary in Africa for 24 years. His latest book Meeting Jesus is available at CUM Books. He can be reached at


Part l


THE OTHER SIDE Overcoming a Crisis by Studying Scripture —by Prof Gerrie Bester


ave you ever had the question throbbing in your mind of how to get to the other side of a crisis? It doesn’t matter how big or small the crisis may seem to those around you, it consumes your thoughts and time and swallows your peace for an unwelcome season. Over the next few issues of JOY, we will be studying a passage from the Word of Abba Father regarding this.

Missing important insights in this passage In the Gospel of Mark, we read a very well-known passage where Jesus (Hebrew – Yeshua) had just taught the people on the shores of the sea of Galilea about the Kingdom of God, comparing it to a mustard seed (Mark 4:30-34). We so often speak about ‘mustard seed faith’, which is all that is required to move a mountain, but do we really understand what it means? In the scripture that follows, something profound is mentioned that we easily miss when studHave you ever had the ying this passage. The scripture says “on the same day,” after teaching the people on the shores of the question throbbing in sea, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us pass over to your mind of how to the other side.” get to the other side

Let us just ponder on this for a while

of a crisis?

The original Greek phrase that was used meaning “to pass over,” is an ‘action’ phrase that means to pass through a place or certain area, or to travel a road that passes through a place, getting to the other side of that place. But listen to this, it also means to pierce through a certain something in order to reach the destination. In other words, this phrase – when translated literally – means that as believers on this journey of Godly purpose, we will have to travel through, sometimes even “pierce through,” certain circumstances – life in general. These circumstances may be great or they may be challenging.

Serving God on His terms, not our own Then Mark 4:36 continues, “And leaving the crowd, they took Him with them in the boat, just as He was. And other boats were with Him.” The first thing that we see here – the foundation laid for this journey of purpose and promise – is that first and foremost we will have to leave the crowd behind and make sure the Messiah is in our boat. It does not stop there, however. There is a condition given in this scripture of having the Messiah in your boat – the Word says, “just as he was.” The Greek picture of this phrase illustrates that when we travel this journey with Jesus, it has to be without perceptions, in His fullness, undiluted, and on His terms, not ours! Wow! Too many times we want to serve Abba Father on our conditions or terms, sometimes without even realising it.

Deeper revelation when studying Greek origins The Greek word for boat is the word Ploi’on, meaning vessel, but listen to this: why does 46 JOY! MAGAZINE

On this journey there may come times when we feel as if we plunge into the ‘waters of life’ – we will need to have Jesus in our vessel in order to pierce through this, remain in our purpose, and be kept afloat.

scripture choose a boat? Why not some other means of travelling? Studying the Greek clarifies this, as a supernatural revelation is carefully hidden in this word. The action associated with the Greek word Ploi’on is the action of plunging into the water, therefore needing a specific vessel that will keep you afloat. So, when putting this together, we see that on this journey there may come times when we feel as if we plunge into the ‘waters of life’ – we will need to have Jesus in our vessel in order to pierce through this, remain in our purpose, and be kept afloat.

A relentless storm that never eases Mark 4:37 then continues, “And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling.” The Greek word used here for ‘storm’ reveals even more about our journey of life. This word translated implies a very specific type of storm. Studying scripture in It is not the word for a single gust of wind or a steady wind, but a storm, relentless in its action the language it was and frequency. A storm that never gives you a originally written in break. What do we say in English, “it never rains gives a much deeper but it pours.” That is the kind of storm described revelation. in the Greek language. The Greek word for ‘waves’ that is used in this verse is the word kuma, which means to be tossed to and fro. Then it goes even deeper than that. This Greek word also means to be tossed to and fro by “the raging passions of restless men.” Do you see the picture? Restless implies those who have not found the peace of Christ in their own lives. They are always the ones that have the most to say about your life, isn’t it? Everybody always has something to say, not so? Isn’t it time we started listening to the One who calms the storms?

Putting the Greek pictures of these verses together we see the following: “On this journey of purpose with Abba Father, I will travel through circumstances that I may have to pierce, at times. Even though I am surrounded by people, I need my Messiah in my vessel. Challenges will sometimes feel relentless in their action and frequency. Many times the raging passions of those who have not found rest in their own lives will toss me to and fro, that I sometimes feel I have reached the end of the path… BUT!” Yes, there is a but … we will dig into this next issue! 

PROF GERRIE BESTER PhD CA(SA) leads Roaring Truth Ministries. Email He is also the Dean of Emet Academy of Learning. Visit for more information.


BOOKS By Prof Gerrie Bester

Virtuous Women R190 “Too many women have been broken down and hurt through a lack of knowledge by a broken world and by us men! There is so much more!”


Mighty Men of Valour

R190 “Caught up in the world’s lies, we battle to rise as the mighty men of valour that Abba Father designed us to be. What if we were to see the true picture from the Word of Abba Father – the picture He sees when He looks at us as men?”

ORDER TODAY: 066 304 5590










Part VI – Thyatira —by Dr Siva Moodley


he fourth church of Revelation is Thyatira (Rev 2:18 – 29). The Thyatira-style church is a busy, active church. Something is happening in this church every day of the week, and it is filled with active programmes. Jesus praises this church for its love, faith, commitment, perseverance, and good works. Anyone attending this church will be proud of its accomplishments and impact on the community. This is not a selfish church that only concentrates on its members but forgets the dying world. Instead, this church is leaving a legacy behind, impacting communities with the Good News. Jesus also speaks about how this church has grown over time and become more effective. Looking at the Thyatira-style church one would think that this is how churches should be run, however, there is a serious problem with this church that no one has paid attention to.

The church members could not identify what was wrong

Any church

Word (Heb 4:12-13) brings revelation and should never be substituted if it does not align to our thinking or doctrine.

What was the major problem in this church?

A witch was allowed to influence this church. The spirit behind this witch was Jezebel (a demonic spirit that possesses both male and female, that attempts to usurp spiritual authority, thereby destroying the destiny of its followers). This witch had turned people away from spiritual authority by undermining the God-ordained authority, possibly through gossip. Cliques had formed in the church and the discussion centred around who was more anointed. Christians then followed her and not the senior pastoral team. She then successfully turned God’s people away from God. Church programmes turned into ‘hook-up’ sessions to find people to have sex with. Adultery and fornication were made acceptable in the church through the that tolerates influence of this woman.

Some may have noticed the cancer eating sin and disobedience will away at this church but ignored it, balancing face Judgement. the good works with short-comings. They Embracing other religious thought it was nothing serious to worry practices about, however it was a major problem for JeChristians were then taught to embrace sus. God’s thinking and our thinking are not always aligned (Isa 55:8-9). other religious practices in addition to their faith. Attending other We might not give certain things serious attention, thinking it’s under religious festivals outside of Christ, even participating in them was grace and God understands, yet God takes it very seriously. Heaven un- considered acceptable. This made it easy for demonic possession to derstands the spiritual impact. Jesus says that Heaven has been patient take place. Finally, she called herself a prophet with “new revelation”. with this church on this matter but cannot any longer. There will be While new revelation is welcome in the church, it must always consequences. What surprises many is that the members of this church align itself to the Word of God. This witch brought prophecy that are full of faith and good works, yet cannot identify this major problem. contradicted the Word of God. Still today there are many ‘prophetic’ Jesus told His disciples to “watch and pray” – Matthew 26:41. churches where the word of the prophet overrides the Word of God. This is a Thyatira-style church.

God’s Word should never be substituted

While Thyatira might have been passionate in prayer, they lacked discernment of the spiritual environment they were in. Demonic spirits of oppression and heaviness surrounded them, tempting them to sleep. Because they did not obey the Word, their prayer was of no benefit. Jesus had given them the word to “watch” while praying, but the need to pray seemed more important than discernment. God’s 48 JOY! MAGAZINE

In complete opposition with the Word of God Everything this woman did was against the Word of God. The Thyatira church did not mind this. When she spoke against the church leadership, they did not stop her. This witch was also involved in mission work, prayer meetings, and professing to have great faith. She may have been involved in feeding the poor. This cemented her hold over the church.

Every healthy, God-honouring church needs a balance between sound doctrine and love, or it will eventually lose its testimony for Christ. She could even have started her own fellowship and had many followers. Now, with so many lives (“servants”) being destroyed, God steps in to put an end to this carnage.

Measure your actions against the Word of God Being a prayer warrior does not mean a person has discernment. When actions are measured against the Word of God then discernment is possible. The faithful Christians had tolerated this witch in their church, even though all her actions went against the Word of God. To protect the remnant, Jesus steps in. The church, including the witch, is cleansed through suffering (possibly some sickness). Those Christians who followed this witch (even those who allowed her to destroy the church), will also suffer through this deadly sickness. Eventually many, if not all, will die. There is still hope in this judgement. If they repent in time, they can be restored.

Good deeds do not equate to salvation Any church that tolerates sin and disobedience will face similar judgement. They will have Jesus fighting against them. If you are


What is God Saying?

021 is the beginning of a completely new year for those who follow the Gregorian calendar. God reveals His plans and purposes to us for preparation, warning, and adjustment. 2021 will not ease the pandemic, which has changed the course of our nation, so what is God wanting us to focus on within our walk in this year?

Worship transforms lives Covid-19 threw us many curve balls and our individual relationship was severely tested. It is the strength of our worship relationship that will sustain us through this new year. In the account of Jesus speaking with the woman at the well, He draws her attention to worship and the physical location whereby the Jews worshipped. She identifies that Jesus is “the prophet”, He gives a word of knowledge, and her identity is transformed. It was a life of worship in Spirit and in truth that Jesus spoke of. It is not the building, the mountain, the city, or the worship team – these factors were and are not the issue.

Trading false identities It is pure unadulterated worship to Father God, the time that we set aside daily, whereby we trade our false identities for His image and His plans. False identities are often rooted in our successes, our image, our wealth, our ministries, etc. 2021 will challenge all of these... Much baggage need not be carried in this year if our relationship is sustained by a lifestyle of personal worship being our utmost priority.

Don’t compromise on a lifestyle of worship

In all her good works, Thyatira lacked a zeal for sound doctrine, moral purity, and holiness. part of a Thyatira-style church that prays without watching and obeying the Word of God, then preach repentance to your church family. If they will not listen, then find a new church so that you are not part of the judgement. There is no perfect church, but a church where sin is so rampant is dangerous – even if they do good deeds.  …this series will be continued over the next few issues of JOY! Pick up your copy and make sure not to miss out. SIVA MOODLEY is a pastor and author. Visit for info on our daily TV programmes, weekly interactive livestreams with Apostles Siva & Jessie Moodley, conferences, prayer requests, bookshop details, and more.

Press in persistently, be transformed in your identity, and the fruit will be evident to all. God is warning His Bride, without this kind of lifestyle, we will not endure what is coming on the earth.  For more information as what God is saying to the government, the church, media, education, agriculture, and for the nations – order your copy of GOD SAID 2021 online:

Tune in to Company Of Prophets on Facebook Live: A strategic platform for the growth of the Kingdom! Tuesdays at 20h00: JANET BRANN-HOLLIS is a SA prophet based at Acts Church, Midrand. She is part of Harvest International Ministry’s apostolic network and the Regions Beyond Network. She is the founder of SA Back to God and Ruach Ministries. Email


Amir Tsarfati

Sharing God’s Plan for the End Times

—interview by Jackie de Lange


respected authority on Israel, the Middle East and Bible prophecy, Amir Tsarfati has seen his ministry expand globally over the last decade. Amir joined the Israeli army in 1990 and underwent basic training during the first Gulf War. He served almost a year in the IDF Armored Corps, and was later stationed in Jericho. When the peace process began and Jericho was the first city transferred to the Palestinian Authority, Amir, then 21, was appointed as active Deputy Governor of Jericho and the Jordan Valley, also becoming one of Israel’s military negotiators with the Palestinians. Since 2004, Amir has been consultant to various law enforcement agencies and seminars on homeland-security issues. In 2008 he was was the keynote speaker at the Hostage Negotiators Conference on the topic of terrorism. Amir speaks Hebrew, Arabic, English and German, and leads his own tour groups in Israel, offering pilgrims a deeper understanding of the unbreakable ties between the loving God of the Bible, His Chosen People and His Land. Ahead of his visit to South Africa this month, we caught up with Amir to discuss a few “hot topics”.

“We’ve reached a time in Israel’s history where we are safer and more prosperous than ever before. Don’t miss the prophetic implications of this.”


You were born and raised in Israel, and served in the Israel Defense Forces before becoming a tour guide. How did you come to faith in Jesus?

I was raised in several foster homes. At one point in my life while I was over at a friend’s house, his parents prayed in the Name of Yeshua (Jesus), which was very foreign to me. As life carried on, I eventually reached rock bottom and was prepared to take my own life. However, I felt I needed to give the world one more chance. So, I prayed, “God, if Jesus is real, You need to make Him known to me.” The next day, Campus Crusade for Christ put out an advert for the Jesus Film. When I went and watched it, I saw all of the Old Testament prophecies I knew coming to life before my eyes. It was after this that I trusted Jesus as my Saviour.

“The key to Revelation isn’t allegory – it’s understanding that it’s the final blueprint for the prophecies of the Old Testament. If you know your Old Testament, you will have a significant head start in understanding the last book of the Bible.”


What are the most common misconceptions that people have about life in Israel?

Many seem to be under the impression that Israel is a very dangerous place. Well, I can tell you that it is much safer for me to walk down the streets of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv than it is for me to walk around Chicago. I can let my kids play down the street in Israel. Most people in other places of the world cannot say that about their own streets. We’ve reached a time in our nation’s history where we are safer and more prosperous than ever before. Don’t miss the prophetic implications of this.


Your home overlooks the Valley of Armageddon, and unsurprisingly you have a passion for educating people about the Word of God and the end times. Why is this message so important to you?

especially as it relates to Israel. Bible prophecy is a passion of mine because of the hope it has to offer. This world needs hope, and there’s only one place to find it.


Messianic Jews are a minority in Israel and endure persecution in certain ways. Have you experienced similar challenges or resistance with your ministry by Israelis and the authorities? The minor persecution that believers experience in Israel is nothing compared to what Christians face in other countries around the world. In fact, some countries that might consider themselves “Christian” are stricter about the spreading of the Gospel than Israel. Stick to what Romans 11:25-32 says in order to understand the context for what’s taking place.

Everything in the Bible encompasses everything that’s important in life. Where I live is a constant reminder to me of what is coming. Here I am as a Jew, a descendant of Holocaust survivors, “Jesus is coming soon back in the land. Jesus is coming soon and and the world needs to the world needs to be ready! The message be ready. The message of of Bible prophecy is not to scare, but to Bible prophecy is not to prepare. Prophecy prepares people.


In 2001 you started Behold Israel. Tell us a little more about your ministry?

scare, but to prepare.”

The ministry started with tours of the Holy Land because I have a passion for bringing people here to literally “behold Israel.” The ministry has since expanded to teaching around the world, leading tours of the land and other Bible sites, and a growing online media presence. Through various social media platforms, YouTube, and our website, our ministry offers a wide range of resources to equip people with sound biblical teaching and a biblical worldview,


You have been outspoken on global events such as the American elections, a New World Order, and so forth. Are you ever concerned about censorship of your views, or perhaps a negative impact on Behold Israel when you are so bold in the public space?

Our ministry is dealing with the worst censorship issues we’ve ever had right now. But we don’t operate out of the fear of man. We act in obedience to God, and He has blessed that in ways that would be hard for you to believe. While the world seeks to suppress the truth, we expose the darkness while we’re still here (Eph 5:11).


Many Christians struggle with the tension between free will and pre-destination. In the context of the US elections (and other global events) many believers have said that it is useless to pray » JOY! MAGAZINE 51


Amir Tsarfati

Sharing God’s Plan for the End Times

for leaders to be elected or against world events – because ultimately God is sovereign and He will do what He wants anyway. What is your take on this?

through the Tribulation. The Tribulation is about Israel’s salvation and God’s wrath upon a godless world. Please see my teaching titled The Mystery of the Rapture for more insight on this.

If the logic, “I’m supposed to follow that God foreknows all things concerning world events (which is true), and therefore prayer is What is your perspective on the theological useless (which is not true)” – then why would I bother praying about argument that most of Revelation was fulfilled anything? We are commanded to pray even though our Father already historically during the time of John and the destruction knows what we’re going to ask! Yes, what God says is going to happen of the Temple in 70AD (and that most of Revelation is is, in fact, going to happen. However, while we’re still here, we are the not ‘apocalyptic’ but rather historical and metaphorical light of the world; we are the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13-14); and we in nature – and for example that the mark of the beast are the temple of the Holy Spirit who is the Restrainer. was during the time of Domitian and is not referring to Free will urges us to choose. Choices are an active part on our behalf, a future chip implant or mark in times to come). and I choose to fight evil, expose it, and have no fellowship with it – and Historically, I can tell you this – we know from the early church so should everyone else. I believe that almost everything the Democrat fathers that John the Apostle was exiled to Patmos near the end of Party represents stands in opposition to the reign of Domitian, who reigned from Christian values. Thus, to fight for the victory 81 – 96 A.D. Additionally, what took place “Bible prophecy is a passion of the Republican candidate has nothing to under the Roman Empire does not fulfil do with supporting his character, but rather the description of everything said to take of mine because of the hope the platform and policies he represents. God place in Revelation. No one has ever seen it has to offer. This world can promise you a victory, but He is also the Antichrist demand to be worshipped needs hope, and there’s only expecting you to fight. worldwide. Jesus has never returned to one place to find it.” earth and reigned for 1000 years. Jesus is going to literally stand on the Mount Believers (and churches) are of Olives (Zech 14:4). We live in the days so divided on how the End of Ezekiel the prophet. The last 100 years have been an amazing Times will unfold – some believe in a rapture, others convergence of chapters 36 through the beginning of 38. From the do not. Some believe we will endure tribulation, revival of the dead land to the miraculous return of the Jews to their others say we will be raptured beforehand. What is ancestral homeland, followed by the independence that happened your belief and teaching on this subject? We are given several examples in Scripture concerning both Old overnight (Isaiah 66) during a time of imminent danger of being Testament and New Testament saints being raptured. The rapture is wiped out (Psalm 83), we’ve made a full swing to being one of the also clearly described in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. Most often, but not most powerful nations on earth. We cannot take the Bible literally always, the reliance on a Biblical rapture falls under scrutiny when and stop doing so once we get to the book of Revelation. Are we looking at a lot of symbols? Absolutely. Are we dealing people take passages about Israel and apply them to the Church. As for enduring tribulation, this is certain. Jesus said it Himself. But with difficult passages? No question. But the key to Revelation isn’t there’s a great difference between enduring tribulation and going allegory – it’s understanding that it’s the final blueprint for the




“Our ministry is dealing with the worst censorship issues we’ve ever had right now. But we don’t operate out of the fear of man. We act in obedience to God.”

FACT FILE: prophecies of the Old Testament. If you know your Old Testament, you will have a significant head start in understanding the last book of the Bible.


There is growing concern amongst Christians that the COVID-19 vaccine will become mandatory for travel. What is your opinion on a vaccine and how will your global ministry be affected if a vaccine becomes mandatory?

At this point, my main concern is if it will be possible for people to even come to Israel again. We had to postpone all but one tour in 2020, and we’ve now cancelled our first in 2021. Am I suspicious as to why a vaccine is needed for a virus with a 99% survival rate? You bet I am. However, there are vaccines for many things. As far as I know, only one smaller airline has said they’ll require a vaccine so far, so let’s wait and see what happens.


You visited SA once before – and are planning another trip in 2021. Why does our nation resonate with you?

They have 4 children: Ariel (23), Maayan (21), Elad (15) , Eilon (7)

Amir has been a believer for 30 years

His favourite Scripture is: Exodus 33:13, “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favour with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”

“We cannot take the Bible literally and stop doing so once we get to the book of Revelation.”

It might surprise you to hear that the ministry has been long-supported by fellow believers from South Africa. And as soon as we expanded our online presence due to COVID, it became very obvious how much of a following we have here. We encounter people from your country during almost every online event. Even our Young Adults Discipleship (YAD) ministry has several participants from South Africa. I’m so excited to come back.


Married to Miriam for 25 years

How can one support your ministry?

Listen, we don’t need your money. We need your prayer. This is the single, most important way for you to support us. As our ministry continues to expand, we see the attacks of the enemy even more. Please pray for our team, our families, and our ministry partners. In these last days, we want to be ready to “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” – 2 Timothy 4:2 

Amir has written 3 books. Copies are available on their website via the online store:

• His top worship song: How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places

To unwind Amir loves to read or watch a good movie

• Three words people in his life use to describe Amir: Committed, Focussed, Generous

Follow Behold Israel on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and via their website:




rom natural disasters to plagues and pandemics, 2020 will be remembered as one of the most terrible years for mankind. And at this early stage, 2021 does not look much better either – with the world effectively still on pause until a vaccine (which is being touted as the silver bullet for us to return to normal) is administered on a global scale. Though the mainstream media and politicians alike hail the benefits of mass vaccination against COVID-19, detractors (and Christians) look on with bated breath, reticent to swallow the advice of liberal organisations like the W.H.O. and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Conspiracy theories abound, and YouTube is flooded with videos from scientists and arm-chair experts contradicting each other on a daily basis. So what are we to do as believers? Seek wisdom from God, evaluate all we are told in light of scripture, and proceed with decisions prayerfully and patiently. God is not taken by surprise, and COVID is not mightier than the Blood of Jesus. We must remember this when the voices around us resonate louder and louder with undertones of fear, control, manipulation, and despair.

What will travel look like in 2021? Unfortunately, the world of travel is subject to international agreements, government regulations, and political pressure. Rules are in flux, and regulations are constantly being updated. This has meant that we, as JOY! Travel, have had to adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach for most of 2020 and for this year too. Ordinarily we run 22 tours a year to Israel (1st and 2nd Timer tours), Turkey (7 Churches of Revelation), and Europe (Christian cruises and vacations). An ordinary touring year would commence in March and run through to December, but for 2021 we are cautiously optimistic that tours can resume by July; only time will tell in the months to follow. 54 JOY! MAGAZINE

—by Jackie de Lange (JOY! Travel)

Is this vaccine the Mark of the Beast that we read of in Revelation? A critical analysis of scripture and the timeline for the last days shows us that this is not (yet) the Mark of the Beast mentioned in Revelation 13:16-18: “[The beast] also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” Depending on their eschatology, some Christians believe we will be raptured before the Antichrist and Mark of the Beast takes place, others believe we will be here to endure part (or all) of the Tribulation. This is a contentious topic and we urge Christians to undertake a Word-based Bible Study on the matter, so that you will not be confused or fearful.

Will I need a vaccine to visit Israel and/or other nations? At this stage, most governments are quiet about their border control plans, though countries like Australia have been vocal about their pro-vaccination stance. The Israeli Tourism Department recently stated that they do not think the country will impose a vaccine for entry, however without a vaccine individuals will be limited in where they go and what they can do in Israel (which means, in essence, we expect that tourists will need to show proof of a vaccine).

Join us on a... TRI P TO



Vaccines, visas & visiting the Holy Land Again, it is a ‘wait and see’ situation, because even if Israel does mandate proof of a vaccine for incoming tourists, we expect that there will be resistance from the Christian and American markets, which may cause them to reconsider. Also, it will take a very long time for the vaccine to reach every person in every country, which may mean that tourism officials will need to be flexible in their compliance requirements as it could be another year before vaccine adoption reaches 75% market saturation (this is the threshold that experts say is needed to “eradicate” or “suppress” COVID to acceptable levels). World leaders are pro-vaccination and will push this at every turn, so in all likelihood as they fast-track the rollout, we may see rules change quickly as far as tourism is concerned.

Will I need a vaccine if I have had COVID-19? Studies are still needed to show how long antibodies (immunity) to the virus remains present in humans. However, if one has to speculate, common sense would dictate that if you have COVID antibodies in your system, you would be exempt from taking the vaccine and would only need to produce a negative PCR COVID test to travel. Many people have had COVID unknowingly as they were asymptomatic, so we encourage all our travellers to take an antibody test either at a laboratory or at Clicks (costs R199). Knowing if you have immunity will be worthwhile in future decision-making. There are religious bodies in America fighting the case for faith-exemptions to be allowed to those who do not wish to be vaccinated. Whether these legal battles will be won remains to be seen, but in the interim the possibility must be considered that should you not take a vaccine, you will not be allowed to travel internationally indefinitely. This consideration would also apply to enrolment at schools and attending large events (like concerts etc). The Word tells us in the last days there will be difficulties of many kinds. But in all this, we have hope in Christ who is our Saviour, our Lord, and our Redeemer. In a world full of political ambition, nefarious agendas, and wicked plans, we are to move forward in faith, continue to make plans for the future, and embrace this scripture: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” – Philippians 4:6. The world may change, COVID regulations may change, but God does not change. 



JOY! Tour Types Compact • Comfort • Luxury Different tour types to suit every budget. We only do high-quality tours, as your experience in the Holy Land is a lifelong dream that should be special.

Tour Dates May • June • Sept • Oct • Dec 2021 tour dates to be announced as government eases travel restrictions and there is more clarity around travel insurance and vaccines, etc.

More info Egypt • Israel • Turkey • Greece For other itineraries call 021 852 4061 or email: book n ow

p ay later!

Local minister breaks away from Methodist Church over its support for BDS —by Tali Feinberg


Christian minister has put his livelihood on the line by quitting the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA) over its Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) policy towards Israel. Reverend Rowan Rennie says he would rather “sleep on the street” than “stand against the people of God”. Rennie led a group of 150 families from across South Africa in the break away. In a video that has since gone viral, Rennie said amongst other points that the Methodist Church’s resolution was “so unbiblical and such an injustice that we cannot find ourselves under the umbrella of the Methodist Church”.

Methodist Church opposes Israel, supports Palestine

Reverend Rowan Rennie

Israel is Biblical, not a tool in a political agenda Rennie says that some senior ministers have been supportive. “They are in the same place I’m in, in that they need to break away [because of the MCSA resolution on Israel]. You cannot tell Christians they cannot visit the Holy Land. People visit Israel not because they support the Israeli government, but because they want a spiritual experience. This resolution turns the entire nation of Israel and its integrity into a political agenda.”

Rennie won’t budge in his convictions Of the small percentage of his former congregation [the St Luke’s Methodist Church] who have chosen to stay in the MCSA, there has been a backlash. A few senior ministers have berated him, but they haven’t spoken on behalf of the MCSA. He says all this animosity is understandable, but he won’t budge, as he has “a clear conscious going forward”.

The Methodist Church of Southern Africa has more than 66 000 members across southern Africa. It adopted BDS principles against Israel in September 2019. It directs its members to “Boycott, Disinvest, and Sanction all businesses that benefit the Israeli Rennie says he would rather economy; [and] all future Holy Land tours The shift in church policies is recent “sleep on the street” than organised by Methodist clergy or persons Rennie has been in the MCSA for 24 years. He stand against God’s people. affiliated to the MCSA [are] to boycott all was ordained as a minister in 2001, and has Israeli operators and tours and deliberately just completed his second five-year term as seek out tours that offer an alternative Pala reverend of a congregation in Welkom in estinian perspective”. the Free State. “Over the past two years, we have been talking about leaving as we realised there would be a resolution rejecting Israel. We recently officially broke away, becoming the Bethany Fellowship.” A terrifying decision Looking back, he says, “The church was quite biblically conservaRennie told the SA Jewish Report that his decision to lead the tive when I first joined. It’s only in the past five years that we’ve seen breakaway had been “terrifying”. “The house I live in belongs to the Methodist Church and they’ve it line up with the government. I believe its rejection of Israel is influtold me to leave by the end of the month,” he says. “I have three enced by its close connection with the government, as can be seen foster children in my care. I don’t know the future, but it’s okay, I with a number of its policies, especially regarding land. “The Methodist Church is the biggest Protestant church in won’t compromise on this issue.” His breaking point was that he believed there was “no biblical the country, and it uses its channels to push this agenda.” He says grounding for this resolution”. In his opinion, “it’s tantamount this is particularly heart breaking in South Africa, where the term to hate speech and racism. You cannot place blanket blame on “apartheid” has real meaning for many people. “Its comparison of Israel.” He believes that the issue will eventually cause a split in the Israeli [policies] to apartheid was done in a deceptive way, drawing conclusions without saying much, without questioning, and without Methodist Church.

BDS South Africa— an NGO that enjoys significant influence within the ruling African National Congress—announced that it has adopted a new name, a new logo and a new(ish) mission. Henceforward, the group will be known as “Africa for Palestine.” AFP “will seek to build alliances and partnerships across the continent, reinforce direct support to Palestine, and assist the Palestinian Diaspora.” The main means of achieving this is through “pushing back against Israel’s creeping infiltration into our continent.”

tion, commented, “The MCSA has been wilfully blinded by the doctrine of ‘replacement theology’, which attempts to deny the Jewish people’s unbreakable connection to Eretz Yisrael. The modern manifestation of it is to use the artillery of BDS against Israel. The MCSA’s BDS resolution is a disgraceful attempt to single out and discriminate against the Jewish state. “Reverend Rowan Rennie is a courageous and principled individual. We strongly support his heroic decision,” said Polovin. “Those who stand with Israel do so out of moral conviction and must be applauded. We extend our deepest gratitude to him.”

showing both sides,” he says.

Biblical perspective opposes the church

Describing the moment he realised the resolution was official, Rennie recalls, “I was in shock. It hit like a ton of bricks. I realised the church’s political voice was way above its spiritual voice. To get there and to still call yourself a Christian, when the Bible is so contrary to that stance … It’s insane from a biblical perspective.” Rennie said that immediately after the resolution was passed, “We said, ‘no way, we can’t go this route’.” Those in agreement with him wanted to leave the church by March 2020, but COVID-19 made it difficult. However, the lockdown meant that more people heard Christians, open your eyes! their message online and supported them. “We eventually felt we Rennie hopes that “Christians open their eyes, and question the had enough followers, and broke away.” Those who have followed things told to them”. He also hopes that the “Jewish community finds him have “taken such ownership of what comfort that serious Christians empathise we’ve said. We are privileged to make this with everything they’ve been through. The stance and move forward in our conviction whole world might be against you, but you “You cannot tell Christians of supporting Israel.” have an ally in the Christian community. You that they cannot visit the aren’t alone.”

The MCSA’s response

Holy Land.”

In response to the video, the MCSA released a statement saying that it “notes with deep sadness and concern” Rennie’s video. It went on to say that having accepted his resignation, “we note with deep disappointment the encouragement and invitation to other Methodists to join him. This is a wilful breaking of a covenant he made. Breaking these solemn and sacred vows isn’t viewed lightly.” The MCSA urged members to “engage in open conversations to raise the theological issues we aren’t clear about or uncomfortable with. Maligning and breaking away from the church won’t create reformation, transformation, or bring healing to us, our nations, our continent, or the world.” The MCSA did not respond to questions from the SA Jewish Report.

Standing with Israel out of moral conviction Rowan Polovin, the chairperson of the South African Zionist Federa-

Reverend Rennie is not alone Charisse Zeifert, from the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, said, “Having spoken to Reverend Rennie in an interview on ChaiFM, I was struck by his courage and sincerity. At great personal and professional cost to himself and his parish, he has taken a principled stance to speak out publicly against what he sees as a blatant misinterpretation of the Bible. It’s reassuring for the Jewish community to know that we have allies fighting BDS lies, and I believe it’s important for Reverend Rennie to know that he too isn’t alone.”  TALI FEINBERG is a reporter with the SA Jewish Report, where this article first appeared. Visit to read more important articles and interviews.

Scan this QR code to watch the video of Reverend Rowan

Passionate about seeing people SAVED (Rom 10:9), HEALED (Matt 9:22), & DELIVERED (Luke 8:36) —by Carina Boshoff


grew up in a Christian home. My dad died before I was 4. My mom was only 34 at the time. Although I knew Jesus as my personal saviour since the age of 5, the basic needs that only a father can provide to a child were not adequately met. I incurred wounds such as fear of abandonment and not trusting God to protect me, to name only two.

God started to heal me

Falling in love

Bringing Sozo to South Africa

I met my husband, Deon, in our first year at Stellenbosch University. He studied law and I studied Home Economics. We were married in our final year in 1976. We have lived in Knysna for most of our married lives and have been blessed with 3 lovely children and 7 grandchildren. I enjoy gardening, cooking, home making, and the relaxed lifestyle of a small town.

Shortly after our return to South Africa, I was asked to help someone with serious personality problems. I found myself using what I had learnt about the Sozo tools, experiencing powerful results. I was joined by my friend Ilse de Waal. With the support of our pastor, Brian Long of the Island Church, we took small steps towards establishing the Sozo ministry in our town. Before we knew it, many applications streamed in. We decided to go to Bethel for internships. At Bethel, God orchestrated a meeting with Dawna De Silva and Theresa Liebscher, the founders of Bethel Sozo, who asked us to be their official contacts in South Africa.

Through a prophetic word we received in 2008, God led us to the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in California in 2009/10. There we were introduced to the Sozo Ministry, amongst other wonderful things. I experienced a Sozo Ministry session for myself and God started healing some of the issues in my own life.

The birth of a booming ministry in Africa Since then we have organised many domestic and international training conferences, and more than 80 teams have been established throughout South Africa, with many more in Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Togo, Botswana, Rwanda, and Burundi. In 2012 I was appointed as the Regional Facilitator for the International Bethel Sozo Organisation (IBSO) for the continent of Africa.

The Holy Spirit breaks people free

Deon and Carina Boshoff


There are very few things that touch me as deep as witnessing the gentle way the Holy Spirit breaks a person free in a Sozo session. This freedom mostly stays because the root issues are dealt with. It reminds me of Isaiah 61:4, “And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall rebuild the ruined city, the desolations of many generations.” 


sessi on in 2019

From left to right: Debbie Bailey, Stephen de Silva (Financial Sozo), Leroy Anderson, Susan Anderson, Dawna de Silva (Co-founder of Bethel Sozo), Carina and Deon Boshoff

Deon and Carina (middle) with Bessie Nchenge (newly appointed Sub facilitator of Bethel Sozo, Cameroon) (left) and Carine Nwanege (Bethel Sozo Cameroon Team) (right)


Tr ain


The Sozo Ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry The Bethel Sozo Ministry originated in Bethel Church o in California in 1997. The ministry team of healing that enables us to get to the root of oz ic S Cari s a B n a d ur i n g a things that prevent us from living in the evangelist Randy Clark had trained the prayer servants of the church according to a 10 step deliverance tool that was peace and joy of our salvation, of which the most important is knowing the Father, used by Pablo Botari in the revivals in Argentina. Dawna de Silva Son, and Holy Spirit intimately. started to use these tools in the prayer line at church. There was so much success that the leadership took notice and commissioned her to start a new inner healing ministry. SOZO is the Greek word translated “saved, healed, delivered”, which has been used 110 times in the New Testament to describe the People who experienced Sozo sessions at Bethel started to invite Dawna and result of the finished work of the Cross. Teresa to their states and countries for training, and in this way the ministry spread into many nations. The IBSO was consequently founded to render support where needed, and to preserve the heart and DNA of Bethel Sozo. Not SOZO IS NOT COUNSELLING! every person that uses the Sozo method is part of the Bethel Sozo Network, but A Sozo team of two facilitate a meeting between only those who apply to the Regional Facilitators, are trained, mentored, and the client and the Holy Spirit, from whom he/ released by these leaders. she hears what lies about themselves and the members of the Godhead they agreed with and what God’s truth is. The exchange of agreement with lies for truth is very powerful and can MAKING AN APPOINTMENT be likened to a “deliverance”. This is the soAn appointment for a Sozo session can be made through the Sub called “Sozo moment” that can change people Facilitator or team leader in the area (or closest to) where the person forever. The Bible teaches us that the enemy lives. Some teams also offer Zoom or Skype sessions, which has become has no power unless we give him our power by more popular during lockdown. Details can be found on our website: agreeing with his lies.

LIVE TRAINING We believe live training conferences are the best way to learn Sozo and connect with Sozo leaders. To keep the ministry true to form, only certified teachers are allowed to do live training. There are Training Request forms on our website, as well as other useful information regarding training and purchasing manuals and resources.

For more details contact Carina at Sozo South Africa via email or visit

Carina Boshoff and Ilse de Waal during their visit to Bethel Church in Redding California.







TANZANIA 12 – 22 November 2020

5 CfaN Gospel Campaigns in 5 cities in 2 weeks! CfaN Bootcamp graduates and guest evangelists share testimonies of what God did in Tanzania…

Shinyanga God grew a little boy’s leg

After one meeting had ended, I was heading back to our vehicle when people surrounded it and started asking for prayer. There was a woman holding a little boy – about three years old – and she told me that her son’s leg was shorter than the other. I could tell that the right leg was much shorter than the left when I held him. As I prayed for the boy, his right leg grew to the same length as the left! The mom put him down, I grabbed his hand, and we began to walk around. He did not have a limp any longer. The mom was crying so much. She could not believe that her son’s legs were now equal length. – Evangelist Gary Smith


Miracles broke out across the crowd


Jesus heals a Muslim woman’s tumor

I expected that there would be a lot of people at the campaign, but to walk onto a platform and see a massive crowd in front of you is a lot to take in all at once. After we prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit, Bootcamp graduates David Clementi and Jim Weitner prayed for the sick and started taking testimonies. David and Jim were in Tabora weeks before the campaign began, working diligently to make the campaign a success. After the healing prayer, a Muslim lady came forward. She had come to the meeting with a large tumor in her stomach area. On stage she testified that during the meeting it disappeared. She declared, “Now I have to follow Jesus!” — Evangelist Jared Horton

I preached about the paralysed man who was let down through the roof. As I rebuked every pain and sickness, miracles broke out across the crowd. • A lady came to the platform carrying her crutch. She had been unable to walk for ten years, but as the band began to play music, she danced with her crutch lifted high. • A lady who had been paralysed for nearly two years was brought to the event by her neighbour on public transportation – and was completely healed. • One woman could not walk properly for 18 years. She was in a lot of pain and had to use a stick to walk. After prayer, she was completely pain-free and no longer had to use her walking stick. • One woman had severe pain from gout in both of her legs. During the prayer, she felt the power of God enter her body and all her pain left. I preached on a paralysed man being healed by Jesus and then Jesus proved that He is still alive by healing many paralysed people in Kahama! He is still the same Jesus today. – Evangelist Daniel King


Running around, free of pain

This city is 50% Christian and 50% Muslim. When I came down from the stage, two Muslim women approached me and wanted prayer for their children. I noticed one of the women had a “Now That You Are Saved” follow-up booklet, and I asked what happened to her. She said she gave her life to Jesus! The other Muslim lady told me the same thing! I even heard a testimony of a Muslim woman who was filled with the Holy Spirit after she gave her life to Christ. After I preached, Evangelist Joe Turnbull (who was the local campaign director and a Bootcamp graduate) gave a teaching on faith and prayed for the sick. One lady came to the meeting crawling on her knees; she could barely stand and could not keep fluids down. Her husband had come on the first night and told her what God was doing. She had a dream that night that Joe prayed for her, and in the dream, she was completely healed. When Joe prayed, she was healed of all pain and sickness, and began to run around on the stage! – Evangelist Paul Maurer


The power of God was moving

As I entered the field on the first night, I could sense the expectancy of the large crowd that had already gathered, waiting to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I preached ‘Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world’, and thousands responded to the call of salvation. Every night, there were powerful miracle testimonies like these: • A lady who had been blind in her left eye for the last 14 years testified that she had regained her eyesight! She was completely healed as we tested her vision. • A man who was paralysed on the right side of his body for the last three years from seizures was completely healed and danced along as we worshipped God for his healing. • After a word of knowledge that God was moving in a woman’s womb and that the child would not die, a woman testified to having three miscarriages in the past. She was currently four months pregnant. At the hospital they told her they could not find the baby’s heartbeat. With tears flowing down her face, she described coming to the meeting believing for a miracle. The power of God came upon her, and she felt her baby move for the first time! – Evangelist Nathan Morris

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Visit the persecuted Church with Open Doors —by Open Doors SA


ou can be a tourist on a secret mission by joining Open Doors Southern Africa on a trip to the persecuted Church. Anyone who has a passion for Jesus Christ and a love for our persecuted family across the world can join this life-changing experience.

Through the Travel Ministry of Open Doors, you can take a step to literally cross borders to hold a persecuted Christian’s hand to encourage them and pray with them. Travellers can also take resources to a church that has been praying and trusting God to provide them with the means to learn more about Him.

Peter went on his first trip to the persecuted Church in Asia in 2014, where he met Adam* and Natalie* during an outreach. They reach out to drug addicts and prostitutes, bring them into their community, lead them to Jesus, and then disciple them. “When I left Adam and Natalie that day, I couldn’t help thinking that what they do is real church. I decided that I also want to make a difference. I will do whatever I can to remain in Him. I wish to bear much fruit and to be His disciple, to the glory of the Father. If that too is your wish, I encourage you to go and find out where God is working and join Him. You don’t need to pray about whether you should do it, He wants you to follow Him,” he says.

A ministry changing lives across the world

Different options for travellers

Meeting persecuted believers

International trips: • • • • •

China in March, June, and September (three separate trips) North-Asia in May and July Colombia in April, June, and November (three separate trips) Southeast Asia in September Bangladesh in November

Change your own life forever Any trip you choose will be sure to encourage persecuted Christians and change your life forever. For more information on the Open Doors Travel Ministry, visit or send an email to Samantha at 

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*Names changed for security reasons. | Photos: © 2021 Open Doors International

Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors International, took the first Travellers can go on encouragement trips, where they will have the step to visit the persecuted Church more opportunity to meet persecuted believers, than 60 years ago – and this was a step that pray with them, and possibly attend a church had effects he never even imagined at the service. Otherwise they can choose between You can meet persecuted time. Today his ministry has expanded into prayer trips to intercede for our family in believers, hold their hands, numerous countries across the world. Christ in their own country, delivery trips to and pray with them. take much-needed resources into countries where there is a great need for them, youth A change of heart trips to meet and encourage young people Peter*, an Open Doors supporter who recently went on a trip to Southeast Asia, says: “I felt distanced from in the persecuted Church, and special trips to help persecuted God before my trip. However, the trip changed my whole life and Christians in a practical way. really strengthened my relationship with God. I will never be the same again, as my heart was changed forever. Base trips from South Africa in 2021: “I met Andrew*, a seven-year-old boy who was injured in a church • Central Asia in July (two separate trips) bombing. He was badly burnt over 40% of his body and had 39 • Egypt in October surgeries since the bombing. Despite his hardships, he testified that • Vietnam in November Jesus is all that he needs. I saw the love of Jesus in his eyes.”

Travel with Open Doors to the persecuted Church in 2021

Representative image used.

Be a tourist on a secret mission and travel across borders to hold the hand of a persecuted Christian. By simply being there, you will show your family in Christ that they are loved and never alone.

Visit to join us on a visit this year!

Open Doors South Africa

Tourists on a Secret Mission


Excited to hear God’s Word in NUBIAN This simple story of how an unreached Nubian community came to hear the Gospel is an inspiring illustration of the power of ministry partnerships and multilingual media.


n 2016 a church in an agricultural area got in touch with Egide Bandyatuyaga, TWR’s ministry director for East Africa, requesting help in reaching out to the large Nubian community living there. Egide knew just the tool to use to connect with this unreached people group – The Way of Righteousness (TWOR) audio programme.

other religious literature. In this way, it lays down a peaceful ground that makes it difficult for listeners to automatically reject what they hear only because it is Christian.”

The first ever programme in their native language

With the guidance of Branko Bjelajac, TWR vice president for Africa, Egide sought and received generous funding help from ministry national partners like TWR Canada and ERF Medien of Germany. The director knew that TWOR is broadcast “I appreciate you for sharing The programmes were translated and reby TWR in many parts of the world because the Gospel and making the recorded in Nubian and then distributed on of its success at communicating the Bible transition easier for those of 200 MP3 players to Nubian people. to other religious groups. It focuses on the us who did not believe Jesus “According to recipients, the TWOR prophets and shows how their prophecies Christ was our Saviour.” programme we produced was the very point to the saving work of Christ. first programme in their language and the “TWOR uses a different approach, a reason why they were so excited to listen to friendlier one,” said Egide. “It never speaks badly of other religions or their literature. It only presents the Bible, it,” he said. “Even the national broadcaster has no programme for using stories of people that are spoken about in both the Bible and them in their language!”

The perfect content to reach other religious groups

Lives have been changed Egide (right) and the villagers


That excitement is evident in many of the responses the East Africa ministry team received from Nubian listeners. One of them called to say the programme helped him make the transition from his previous faith to new life in Christ.

Buidling used for Church meetings

“The teachings are very encouraging; they gave me peace,” the listener told the team. “They were different, but I’ve been learning from them. I appreciate you so much for sharing the Gospel and making that transition a little easier for those of us who did not believe Jesus Christ was our Saviour.”

Reaching the unreached through media Another listener thanked the TWR staff for sharing the Gospel and said he listens every day. “My Pastor teaches lady B how to 12-year-old daughter and I listen on the way to operate an Mp3 player work and school every morning. I can’t wait until tomorrow to listen as I work!” This is a great example of how the Lord has used regional and international partnerships, effective teaching via The Way of Righteousness, and multilingual media technology to crack open the door among this formerly unreached Nubian community. And the work doesn’t stop with the realisation of a few professions of faith. Now the ministry team is starting home study groups to take the new believers deeper in the faith. 

About the programme

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While serving as a missionary in Senegal, the programme author, Paul Bramsen, saw the opportunity to build a bridge between the Old Testament prophets and the coming of Jesus Christ. He developed 100 radio programmes, 15 minutes each, that take the listener on a journey through the Scriptures to hear God’s answer to Job’s question, “How can a man be righteous before God?” – Job 9:2 The Way of Righteousness is a radio programme that is expanding rapidly around the TWR world because of its proven ability to explain the scriptures to people of other world religions. Available now in more than 30 languages, it generates great feedback from listeners, including a remarkable number deciding to follow Jesus. Through The Way of Righteousness, listeners realise that Jesus Christ is more than just a prophet. He is the Son of God who gave his life for our salvation. Listener with an audio player

WILL YOU REACH OUT? If God leads you to support The Way of Righteousness in the Nubian language, please visit Use TWOR-Nubia as reference, or let us know that the funds should be allocated to this project.

LISTEN TO THE PROGRAMME Listen to an English episode – or several – of The Way of Righteousness radio series at It’s also available on the TWR360 web portal in multiple languages. or you can give securely by EFT or deposit into our bank account: TRANSWORLD RADIO SA Standard Bank, Branch code: 012442 Account number: 011932945 Please use reference: JOY Mag Standard Bank will not accept any cheques from January 2021. If you deposit directly into our account, please email or post the deposit slip to us and state how you would like us to use your donation.

From Professional & Missionary to RESEARCHER Henry James – the man behind the books


Indian village deep in

Amazon Jungle

t village Indian family from tha

any years ago, God told me that He did not want me bearing office Anastasis Mercy Ship. Guinea West Africa. in any denomination as He was A doctor examining a pat ient to see if going to use me interdenomisurgery could help her. nationally. During the 1980s there was a large amount of underground political activity as the ANC strove to take over churches and get them to preach a gospel of political salvation. There were, however, a number of ministers in the town where I was stationed who would only preach salvation through Jesus Christ. A strange thing about ministers is that they are always afraid that another minister will steal their sheep. I was not another minister, but a medical doctor in their town. This enabled me to minister to the ministers, encouraging them and arranging for visiting preachers to speak to them. One such visitor was Floyd McClung senior, the father of his better-known son of the same name who more recently moved to Cape Town. I saw no good reason why only the ministers in the richer white cities should hear God’s gifted servants from other places. In this fashion, the ministers became my part time small ‘congregation.’ We had monthly fellowship at my home and had absolutely precious times of seeing the unity in Christ – which has no racial prejudice. The reason for my not holding office in a denomination became clear when God trained me as a spiritual mapper, starting about 25 years ago. I could do research without having to follow certain doctrines. One thing that I have learnt is that Jesus spoke to ordinary people in ordinary terms that they could understand. When University seminaries have to redefine the meaning of Jesus’ words, they are wrong. Jesus is never wrong. As we gallop towards the end of our age and the planned culling of the human race by the ‘elite’, we need to remember that Jesus listed a specific sequence of events to come in Matthew 24.

What is coming at us? During the tribulation that is coming very soon with the ‘Great reset’ that politicians talk about now, denominations will vanish and Bibles will become illegal, so memorise God’s Word now!

What should believers be doing now? • Telling folk that Jesus can forgive their sins • Taking the Gospel to them • Warning people about the dangers of the coming vaccine • Ask God how they must prepare for what is coming g lunch. The tiny operatin Doctors get beans for Anaesthetic equipment. al rooms had no Gener al anaesthetic. Surgery done under loc

It is time for unity in the Body of Christ Preaching messages that knock other theologies shows a lack of understanding the times. God’s people, whatever their denomination, may flee together or be arrested and killed together. When satan tells you to argue with your fellow believers on details, rebuke him, then ignore him.



Memories of Henry James:

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South America: YWAM Missionary Tales We were travelling down one of the tributaries of the Amazon River by boat as dusk approached. A sudden gust of wind blew the boat over. The first indication that anything was wrong was when all the pots slid off the stove in the galley. We scrambled out and sat on the side of the slowly sinking vessel. Then someone spotted a light in a house near the river. An American lad stripped to his underpants, swam to the edge, and ran into an Assemblies of God prayer meeting. A man in underpants in a society where women went swimming in full length dresses – God has a sense of humour! In spite of language problems, the locals soon rushed down and canoes were rescuing us. The next morning the entire boat was under water. Young men dived in and fished out bags. One came up through a broken window and cut his shoulder open on the glass. “We had better take him to Hospital,” said one man. “No,” I said. “The hospital is two to three hours away by boat. Let someone dive again and look for my red backpack.” I had walked jungle trails with that medical backpack. Soon the red backpack came to the surface, wet but intact. Ten minutes later the young man’s shoulder had been stitched together. I spent a week each month in that town, flying in the empty fish plane that had only a seat for the pilot, and sitting on a sack of frozen fish on the return a week later. That town also caused some amusement for me. One night, a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) team was to address the entire town. The church was packed. An American was the first to speak and I translated. Next up was a boere seun. With me there to translate, he preached in Afrikaans. Upon leaving the building, I overheard one local woman speaking in her native language. “That second guy spoke such deep American that I could not understand a word he said!”

God created this universe using maths and patterns. Does He still run it using them? The JUBILEE YEAR – is it an irrelevant ancient concept that applied in ancient Israel only? Or a pattern that controls both the restoration of the Jewish people, as well as the changes to our society today? Do the 70 year cycles of judgement & restoration, as revealed to Daniel, still operate today? …The book also shows that whenever a nation attempts to force Israel to give up land deeded to Abraham through Isaac and Jacob, the Creator clobbers that nation with natural disasters. Daniel chapter 9 contains a timeline with multiple fulfilments, although the church at large understands only one of them. It throws up 2021 as the year when everything will change prior to Messiah’s return a few years later.


FREE ebook

Prelude to the Great Tribulation? Jesus warned us 4 times in Matthew 24 that the characteristic of the age before His return would be deception. He also left clues as to when trouble will start, which has been confirmed by recent revelations. The mass media only says what the planet’s “elite” tell it to say. Various present day deceptions and hidden agendas are revealed in this book. The ‘research’ that was used to discredit chloroquine was proved to be fake. Plans for vaccine passports and contact tracing were in place before the pandemic. The outbreak was planned. Population reduction is the real agenda. Many researchers have found parts of the puzzle. This book just connects the dots…

The Abi, the ship that belonged to a YWAM Missionary. Photo taken a wee k before the ship sank while I was on it. All photos about 1994


To order your copies of these interesting books, or to chat to the author email:

Memories of Henry James: the man behind the books

Healed and praising Jesus! Some years ago, I was asked to teach the Spiritual Warfare module on a YWAM Discipleship Training School in a neighbouring country. At the end of the week of lectures I said to my students, “It doesn’t help that you just have knowledge, you need to be able to distinguish the spirits in the spiritual realm. I am going to pray for you to receive the gift of discerning of spirits.”

aw roofed church in After preaching in str n. I prayed for the childre neigbouring country,

‘When Jesus was quoted, the demons fled’

I then prayed for them. Some students from an Australian health care school were on the same YWAM base for a short time and they sat in on my other lectures. After I prayed for the other students, this team asked me to pray for them to receive the gift of healing. So, I prayed this for them. The next day they went to the local hospital and met an older woman who was bent over with arthritis and very short of breath. The Aussie team prayed for her healing. The next day they went back to the hospital and there she was, healed! Walking straight up, breathing normally, and praising God.

On another occasion, we drove into a village in Mozambique in the Renamo area just after the cease fire. A pastor went with us and he preached a short sermon to the people. One woman immediately manifested demonic spirits. With all the demons in her, this tiny woman just pushed the men away. Some folk prayed that the demons be cast out of her, without success. Then one young man read the story of Jesus casting out the demons from Luke 8:28. Immediately, as he finished reading the passage, the woman was in her right mind again. I spoke to her a few minutes later and she was quite normal. It was amazing to see that when Jesus was quoted directly, the demons left at once. MAF Mission Aviation Fellowsh ip plane on strip cut out of Jungle

‘The witchdoctors had perished in the flood’

Truck stuck in the mud on main road connecting north and south Mozambique, about 20 years ago. This road has now been tarred.


When Cyclone Elena hit Mozambique, my wife and I joined an urgent relief team put together by friends in Youth for Christ. We drove from Cape Town to Maputo and were then flown to an airstrip in a devastated area. We took food into refugee camps. In one camp my wife asked the camp leader if she could speak to the witch doctors. The reply was that there were none in the camp. In a country held captive by witchcraft, all the witchdoctors in that area had perished in the flood. After distributing food, I stood under a tree in a few camps and preached. I nearly caused a riot as I did not have enough tracts. Everyone wanted a tract. I have never seen such openness to the Gospel than amongst these people who had just lost their worldly possessions and homes. 

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1. Cana (John 2:1) 2. Cyprus (Acts 13:4-6) 3. Bethsaida (Mark 6:45) 4. Phoenica (Mark 7:26) 5. Jordan River (Matt 3:13) 6. Rome (Rom 1:7) 7. Magadan / Magdala (Matt 15:39) 8. Akel Dama (Acts 1:18-19) 9. Samaria (Luke 9:52-53) 10. Malta (Acts 28:1)

11. Egypt (Matt 2:13) 12. Bethlehem (Luke 2:4) 13. Siloam (Luke 13:4) 14. Caesarea (Acts 23:33) 15. Capernaum (Matt 8:5) 16. Jericho (Matt 20:29-34) 17. Nain (Luke 7:11-15) 18. Corinth (Acts 18:1) 19. Emmaus (Luke 24:13) 20. Arimathea (Matt 27:57)

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CANCER Suggestions for effective treatment

—by Johan Jacobs


hy is cancer such a big health problem in our society today? Statistics show that one in three people will be diagnosed with cancer. Throughout my book, Go Natural, I repeatedly point out the exponential exposure to carcinogenic (cancer-causing) modern chemicals. The body is designed to clean, protect, maintain, and heal itself. However, the accumulated effect of the overexposure to toxins, a nutrient-deprived diet, prolonged stress, and other modern evils will cause the body’s overburdened immune system to malfunction and not to detect and neutralise cancer cells. Cancer cells proliferate and start forming a tumour. It is been said that everybody has cancer, but that a healthy immune system kills cancer cells every day. Statistics vary, but it could be between 2000 and 12000 cells per day. Thus, if you have been diagnosed with cancer, it means that you have an unhealthy, overburdened immune system that is not coping.

Conventional mainstream treatment Once the cancer diagnosis is made, mainstream treatment includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. After these procedures, the cancer is hopefully eradicated and the patient is ‘healed’. However, cancer is a symptom and not an illness, therefore removing the cancer is not the cure. Once the patient has received chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery, the body’s systems will be even more strained. I am not proposing that the above treatments should be avoided – many lives have been saved by these treatments. It is important however to only make use of them when they have a reasonable chance of success and the benefits outweigh the toxic side effects. Also, pay great attention to the underlying root causes. Someone remarked that eliminating symptoms with the use of medicine is as ridiculous as a mechanic trying to fix the flashing oil level light in your car by removing the bulb.

TYPICAL ROOT CAUSES OF CANCER Below is a summarised list of the obvious and most dangerous root causes. I go into more detail in my book: 1. Oral pathology (root-canal-treated teeth and dental jaw cavitations) 2. Vaccine ingredients and DNA from aborted foetuses (Prof Judy Mikovits exposed this sad reality in her in-depth study and published research papers) 3. Heavy metals, like mercury in silver amalgam fillings 4. Sugars and refined carbohydrates 5. Chemical food colourants, preservatives, and taste enhancers 6. Herbicides on food 7. Lack of critically important nutrients like vitamin C, B17, D, antioxidants, etc 8. Genetically modified food 9. Acidic pH-balance 10. Chlorine in drinking water and swimming pools 11. Rancid carcinogenic oils and fats in processed grains and foods 12. EMF, cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation, 5G 13. Tobacco and cigarette smoke 14. Emotional and spiritual wellbeing

R250 GO NATURAL: Wisdom for Healthy Living will help your family optimally strengthen their immune system. Cancer Recovery Suggestions:


Optimal nourishment

Change your diet and lifestyle. This is the most logical point of departure. My book is a fantastic guide on how to do this.


Aim to live free from toxins


Natural and alternative treatment protocols

Remove all the root causes. Remember to eliminate everything that puts stress on your immune system.

Research, select, and apply a selection of proven alternative and natural cancer treatment protocols. If you do your research, you will discover that the cures for cancer have been discovered long ago by pioneers like Dr Max Gerson, Dr Johanna Budwig, Dr Krebs, Dr Kelley, Bill Henderson, Dr Nicholas Gonzalez, pioneer Jim Humble, and many more.

Alternative, natural, and supportive treatment suggestions for fighting cancer: • A strict ketogenic diet (elimination of sugar and low or no carbohydrates) is recommended as cancer cannot survive without blood glucose. • Your pH balance. The balanced ketogenic diet is naturally alkaline, but in the case of cancer, it is advisable to eat less animal proteins, especially red meat. • Five to seven apricot kernels per day and/or vitamin B17 intravenously. Read World Without Cancer – The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin. • Cannabis Oil – Research Rick Simpson and the oil. I have talked to many people that used his methods for treating their cancers and health issues. • Sutherlandia capsules (kankerbossie). Traditionally used for a variety of conditions, enhancing well-being and immune support • High dosages of Vitamin C, even intravenously • Juicing therapy: no fruits, way too much sugar, only vegetables without sugar and carbohydrates • Herbs. Include fresh raw herbs like cayenne pepper, cinnamon, ginger, and garlic in every meal.

• Ozone therapy • Essential oils • Rebounding (mini trampoline). This critically important exercise is needed three times per day to clean your body through your lymphatic system by removing toxins and dead cancer cells. • The Gerson therapy • The Budwig protocol • Dr Hilda Clark’s parasite cleansing programme These treatment suggestions should always be administered under the guidance of a qualified natural health care professional.


Monitor your progress:

This is the most important! To measure is to know. You need to know if there is progress. There are different ways of doing it. Find a method that you are comfortable with. One of the best ways is the Navarro Urine test (HCG Urine Immunoassay). This accurate and inexpensive test was developed by oncologist Dr Manual D. Navarro. The test detects the presence of cancer cells before signs or symptoms develop. For more details visit

IN CONCLUSION There are a growing number of holistic, integrated, and natural doctors all over the globe who practice common sense medicine, treating the root cause and not the symptom. Empower yourself with the facts and truth about credible alternative cures not endorsed by the mainstream media. There are no magic ‘silver bullets’ (quick fixes). You need to tackle this challenge holistically, starting by removing all the root causes. Remember, it is not only what you take that is important; but also what you remove. Let’s finish off with a quote from Jessie Potter, an educator and counsellor on family relationships, “If you keep on doing what you did, you’ll keep on getting what you got.” It is another way of saying: “What you sow you will reap.” By ‘sowing’ the correct diet, lifestyle, and treatment the body is empowered to heal itself. 

Scan this QR code to read the full 8 page article on

If you want to see your WHOLE TOWN Healed, Saved & Set Free

HOST a “JESUS Be Set Free Whole Town Revival” We need your help. Help us share the Love of JESUS in your town and see it changed. Many are drawn by the Love of Jesus Christ through the Cross into His Presence, receiving healing, salvation, and deliverance.

The 5 key results on a town of a Whole Town Revival: • Multitudes are healed, saved & set free • Crime decreases

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In the last 15 years we have done 50 Whole Town Revivals Here are a few: 1. Ventersdorp, Host: Maryna & Frik , saved 12 952, prayed for 23 250 2. Rundu, Namibia, Host: Bernie & Chrissie, saved 60 000, prayed for 72 654 3. Ventersburg, Host: Willie Landman, saved 18 362, prayed for 27 543

Contact me to find out more information about hosting or funding the Gospel in your town: Robbie Cairncross 083 989 8149 |

Robbie Cairncross and his wife Angela


Are we called to be LIBERAL or CONSERVATIVE Christians?


n the run up to the 2020 USA elections, I became increasingly puzzled by terminologies that started bombarding the internet. The Body of Yahshua was divided into “Conservative” and “Liberal” Christian camps. I tried to search the scriptures to get biblical justification to support these terminologies and failed to find any. What I found, instead, was the opposite. Galatians 3:27-29 says “For as many of you as were baptised into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

We are to be one in Him

Light. The defining essence of Salt is that it controls flavour and determines taste. A key defining component of Light lies in its ability to push back darkness. You cannot be either Salt or Light and play an indifferent role or be a backbencher. We must step out of our comfort zones to “Go” and impact Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world in line with Acts 1:8.

Be salty In Matthew 5:13 it says salt that has lost its flavour should be thrown away. May the Body of Yahshua release its saltiness in this season!

Radical sons of God united in Him

My understanding of this scripture is that we are to be one in Ke Nako, let the Body of Christ rise up to take nations by the hands Christ and get our identity from Him, not in line with Isaiah 51:17-19. Let us not allow from our earthly tribes, ethnicities, social ourselves to be labelled with worldly terms – Let’s not allow differences of statuses, or biological genders. In the same such as “conservative” or “liberal” – that only political beliefs to divide us breath, we should not get our identity serve to divide us further. Our power lies in from the political parties we support, but our unity. According to Genesis 11:6, unity is and take our eyes off Christ. from Yahshua Himself. We must be careful what makes us immovable and unstoppable. of entertaining worldly labels that are Unity, according to Psalm 133, is where the unbiblical and provide fodder for division. Mark 3:24 and Matthew anointing (oil) is released and the blessings of God are commanded. 12:25 tell us that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.

Called as Sons of God None of us are called to be conservative or liberal Christians. We are called as sons and daughters of God to exercise stewardship over our Father’s estate. If we read Psalm 24:1 we know that the whole earth belongs to God, our Father, including every nation and every inhabitant. As Believers, therefore, the earth is our Father’s estate and our mandate as His children is to manage that estate in line with His Kingdom principles. Any believer who does not understand this essential truth will struggle to fulfil their Kingdom and ordained purpose.

Our mandate is clear The mandate given to God’s children is clear cut, unequivocal, and unambiguous. From Genesis 1:26-28, the mandate given is to exercise dominion, subdue, and take authority. It continues in the New Testament in Luke 19:13 to occupy and do business until He comes, and in Matthew 5:13-14 with a clear charge to be Salt and

Division in the Body of Christ helps the devil

Let us not allow differences of political beliefs to divide us and take our eyes off the Kingdom goals and targets. The enemy’s mandate is to steal, kill, and destroy. To allow division in the Body of Yahshua and amongst the sons of God is to help the devil in this mandate and goal. May we be One in Yahshua Hamashiach and reject unbiblical Christian tags. #MakeUsOneLord!  DR PEARL KUPE is an attorney and an international consultant to world leaders and international organisations. She is the international president of the Global Forum for Women Entrepreneurs. Email or follow her Facebook page, Kingdom Transformer Pearl Kupe



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Joyful Ethiopians kiss the ground after making Aliyah to Israel

ver 300 Ethiopian Jewish immigrants arrived in Israel last month, many of them kissing the ground in thanks when they came off the plane at BenGurion International Airport. Israeli Immigration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata, herself an Ethiopian Jew, accompanied the immigrants on the flight. She is working to bring up to 8000 more Jews to Israel who have New immigrants from Ethiopia kiss the ground upon been stranded in Ethiopia for arriving in Israel. PHOTO: Keren Hayesod years. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was at the airport to greet the new the thousands of Ethiopian Jews still waiting arrivals, saying he and his wife Sara had tears in to return home and reunite with their families their eyes. “These new immigrants are part of already in Israel. “Following decades of sepathe 2000 Ethiopian Jews that the Government ration and grave circumstances, thousands of of Israel has approved to make Aliyah by spring Ethiopians will now have the opportunity to 2021,” Keren Hayesod of United Israel Appeal be reunited with their families and fulfil the said in a statement. The organisation is part biblical prophecy of returning home to Israel,” of Operation Tzur Yisrael, the project to bring Keren Hayesod said in a statement. 

Cape Town man makes history as first ever paraplegic athlete to swim 8km Robben Island crossing, gives God all the glory


Alwyn Uys, the first Paraplegic in the world to cross from Robben Island to Bloubergstrand


lwyn Uys made history recently when he became the first ever paraplegic athlete to swim 8km from Robben Island to Eden on the Bay. Alwyn showed the world that facing adversity is difficult, yet achievable. That South Africans are a resilient and diverse nation. And that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. Alwyn was a keen rugby player and represented Maties and the Sharks Academy before he broke his back in a car accident in 2014 and became paralysed from the waist down. However, he is also a born-again Christian and it was this faith and the power of God that not only carried him through this giant storm in his life, but also gave him a new purpose and calling in life. “My strength came from my brokenness. I have found power in my pain,” he testifies on his website. “Too many people just talk about what they want to do, or are going to do one day, but just remember, you are not always going to have the strength, mobility or life that you have now – use it! Get up, go out and do it!” 



Mass locust outbreaks confirmed in 3 South African provinces (Free State, Northern Cape, Western Cape)

Pastors and their families are under attack – please pray!

A locust swarm in East Africa from mid-2020. PHOTO: Sven Torfinn


ocust plagues of ‘biblical proportions’ are currently devastating crops in three South African provinces. In a statement on the government’s Twitter account, Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development Minister Thoko Didiza confirmed that the Free State, Northern Cape, and Western Cape are currently experiencing mass outbreaks of locusts, which could put immense pressure on South Africa’s agricultural industry and crop production. The swarms are being aided by strong winds and dry conditions. Didiza outlined a plan of action to combat the outbreaks. “Control meas-

Netherlands approves euthanasia for under 12s

74 000+ people around the world signed a petition opposing Netherlands’ plans to extend euthanasia to young children

ures are currently being implemented to curb the spread of the locusts. The current strong winds are aiding the fight and spread of the locusts. Farmers and farmer organisations must alert the department whenever they spot a swarm of locusts and work with the officials on the ground to curb the spread. The department has already dispatched a team of specialists to the affected provinces to work with the provincial departments of Agriculture and Rural Development officials and our own entity, the Agricultural Research Council.” 

US adds Nigeria to top of religious persecution list after countless terrorist atacks – Christianity Today

Open Doors Southern Africa appoints Loyiso Bala as ambassador


pen Doors SA, a ministry that supports persecuted Christians all over the world, recently appointed the well-known singer and media personality, Loyiso Bala, as its ambassador. Open Doors serves persecuted Christians in over 60 countries across the world by delivering Bibles and Christian literature, visiting persecuted Christians, discipleship and training, offering emergency aid to victims of persecution and natural disasters, and speaking out and raising awareness through advocacy. The executive director of Open Doors SA, Jan Gouws, welcomes Loyiso to their team and ministry. “We are looking forward to the road ahead with Loyiso as our ambassador. His enthusiasm to get involved with the persecuted Church, as well as his love and passion for the Lord, makes him the ideal ambassador for our ministry. We are excited to bring him on board as an integral part of our ministry. Open Doors Southern Africa celebrates its 50th year of existence in May 2021. We look forward to share this milestone with Loyiso as our ambassador.” 

– Citizen Go



See page 56 to read the full story!

The impact of ‘Church Capture’ on Christianity & how this affects where our country is headed

C South African minister breaks away from Methodist Church over its support for BDS

orruption, gender-based violence, continued poverty and inequality: these are some of the issues facing South Africans daily. They have almost become synonymous with the country. Where does this leave Christianity? Historically, Christianity has been the largest religious group in the country, with around 80% of the population identifying themselves as Christians. But what does it mean to be a Christian and, more importantly, what role should Christianity be playing in addressing the major social issues South Africa is faced with? In his new book, Missing Jesus? Finding the Shepherd we Lost, author John Wessels cites the tendency of Christian leaders to conform to the demands of political, social and economic systems (Church Capture) as a key problem area. Missing Jesus is aimed at encouraging congregations across Southern Africa to build an authentic relationship with Jesus, rather than be mere “consumers” of religion. Within this context Christians need to undergo a process of introspection in order for Christianity to make a relevant contribution to the discussions around many

of the issues plaguing the country. John fervently believes that Jesus and His Kingdom are what Southern Africa needs most right now. Developed over the course of 20 years, Missing Jesus is intended as a real-world application for individuals and groups alike in order to bring them closer to the Kingdom of Jesus as they gain a greater understanding of Jesus’ life, ministry, and teachings. Research by the PEW Centre suggests that while Christianity is still the dominant religious group worldwide by some way, Islam will overtake it by 2070 to become the largest religion in the world. In response to this, Wessels observes that “Christianity needs to chart a new path that will help Christians have an authentic relationship with Jesus and the hope He offers to the world. Jesus did not come to start a new religion but rather to announce God’s reign and show us how God intended life to be lived by individuals and society.” 

Buy your copy today! Available at, Exclusive Books, and Christian Connexion bookshops

Thousands of Argentinians march against proposed abortion law


housands of pro-life protesters held marches and caravans in Buenos Aires and 500 other cities in Argentina to try to stop the draft law for the legalisation of abortion recently presented by President Alberto Fernandez. Among the entities that motivated the marches were evangelical churches, the Catholic church, and Pro-life Unity, an organisation that includes more than 150 civil society organisations. Before the march, the organisers read two statements, harshly criticising the legislators and the national executive power. “We have come to say that we need a united Argentina, committed to human life in general and to the human life of the unborn in particular”. Furthermore, they called on demonstrators to “denounce this inhumane, insensitive, and criminal attempt. For this law not to be approved, we need to stand up against this serious injustice, to raise awareness of the situation and act accordingly”. Despite persistent rain in Buenos Aires, the pro-life activists managed to rally in front of the Congress, where they denounced what they consider an encroachment on the majority. The main targets of the chants and slogans were the deputies and senators, who will soon decide on this draft law. The marches and caravans also took place “in 500 other cities” in the country, according to the organisers. In the city of Neuquén, an important crowd took the streets. Councilwoman Nadia Márquez was among them. “We are going through a difficult time, after months of a pandemic, with poverty and crisis, but Alberto Fernández’s priority is to kill unborn children”, she denounced.  The pro-life activists managed to rally in front of the Congress




Mpumalanga-based apostle built a home from scratch for a grandmother who was living in rubble

RIGHT: the previous home, ABOVE: Peter in the temporary home. PHOTOS: Apostle Peter Jones


n December 2020, the Apostle Peter Jones Foundation joined hands with partners to help an old ‘gogo’ who was living in a rubble shack in Lillydale for many years. Her little shack was barely standing, had no insulation, no floors (only sand that she slept on), and was supported by blocks. The house was not secure or safe at all. In a video that was shared to Facebook, Peter unveils a new temporary home that he built for this gogo with his own hands. The house is now safe, secure, and a place of refuge. She

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was not only given a new place to live in, but also basic furniture to use. She was so in awe of the gesture that she didn’t even know how to use the keys to her new home. To make things even better, the Ward Councillor from Lillydale has agreed to establish an RDP house for the grandmother in the New Year, providing water and electricity. To watch this heart-warming video, scan the QR code above. 

Bahrain and Israel have just signed a historic peace accord

Bahrain Gov’t Minister Zayed bin Rashid Al-Zayani loves Jerusalem, calls it ‘the most spiritual city in the world’ – Yakir Benzion, United With Israel

Isaiah 41:10 was the most popular Bible verse of 2020, YouVersion says


uring the hardest moments of a particularly difficult year, Bible searches soared online, and a record number of people turned to Scripture for passages addressing fear, healing, and justice. The popular YouVersion Bible App saw searches increase by 80 % in 2020, totalling nearly 600 million worldwide. Isaiah 41:10 ranked as the most searched, read, and bookmarked verse on the app: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” “Through every hardship, people continue to seek God and turn to the Bible for strength, peace, and hope,” said YouVersion founder Bobby Gruenewald. “While 2020 was a year so many say they’d like to forget, we see it as a year to remember how God used the Bible to help so many people who are searching for answers.” 



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n this column Mark Hewett, CEO of Legion of Lions, will answer five key business questions. The first two questions are covered in this issue and the last three will be addressed next month:

• What should be our readers’ approach to 2021 for their businesses? • What should you do when you encounter obstacles? • What can business owners practically do to overcome such obstacles? • What is the next step to take when you, as a business owner, have found a solution, product, or service to offer the market? • How do you grow your brand once you have an effective business?

STEP 1. GOALS & A PASSIONATE APPROACH Q: How should readers approach 2021 for their businesses? I would propose that the readers begin by setting audacious business or personal goals for themselves, goals that excite them and align with their passions. Thus when problems occur, they are willing to punch through adversity and have a positive mindset to problem solving.

STEP 2. ENCOUNTERING PROBLEMS & PAINS Q: What should you do when you encounter obstacles? In consulting hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years, I have seen that overcoming a problem is usually not the problem, but rather, their perspective on the problem. Whatever the problem may be, there is always a solution. People are only afraid of challenges because are they are ultimately afraid to fail. They are afraid to encounter problems that they think they cannot overcome. They remain afraid of the unknown, instead reducing and limiting their ambition and goals – sadly becoming demoralised over time by settling for less and letting difficulty consume them. Conversely, when you switch your thinking to viewing problems as exciting, problemsolving becomes an enriching process. Failure will happen in many shapes and forms – they are excellent learning experiences. If you aren’t failing and encountering problems, then you aren’t aiming high enough. The key is to fail well and fall forward on your way to becoming successful and reaching your goal. Every time you encounter pain through problems, it’s an indication that something is just at temporary odds. The people who can solve pain by identifying the cause and effect and diagnosing the unique problems to find the ultimate solutions, are who Steve Jobs referred to as “the crazy ones”. They are those who feel they can change the world, and generally can position their business or brand successfully. Where big problems prevent growth or solutions for a large part of any market is also the magical realm where potential resides, where innovation is conceived and born through – becoming some of the best ideas in history. The entrepreneurs who embrace and leverage that reality find previously impossible solutions. Here’s a tip for 2021 – identify big problems in your market and embrace collaboration to formulate solutions that create value.  80 JOY! MAGAZINE

MARK PETER HEWETT has established himself as an internationally accomplished entrepreneur, venture capitalist, business mentor, and author (with Paul Kerton, Chief Founding Editor of Men’s Health South Africa). Mark works in various global enterprises in the technology, marketing, media, energy, business development, real estate, events, and international distribution industries, either as owner, founder, member, or consultant. For more than ten years he has invested and operated in advertising and marketing media – including digital, retail, outdoor, airport, mall and mobile – for mainly the corporate, multinational, liquor and pharmaceutical industries, including being the founder of South Africa’s largest, multi-million dollar, independently owned, digital media network. He has a passion for mentoring business owners and students, having coached Marketing and BCom graduates from Europe for several years through his Internship Training Programs in his companies. As group CEO of Legion of Lions™ International, Hewett now focuses on connecting with top entrepreneurs, building brands, and establishing international businesses. As a specialist services superfirm, Legions of Lions operates in collaboration with a Dutch Co-Op based in the Netherlands –composed of award-winning partnered servicing agencies, talent and companies – and is positioned uniquely as South Africa’s premium Brand Commercialising Movement.

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