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Thank You, From Rabbi Matuson


By Rabbi Matuson, Beth El - The Beaches


I am no Moses. I make no claims to be, and like him, my rabbinate has been a 40-year journey through the wilderness of uncertain times. I have gained wisdom and learned lessons along the way. Often these lessons were painful, but in time, became sources of wisdom.

Before the pandemic, we gathered to observe Rosh Hashanah. When the time came to deliver the sermon, I wasn't nervous. I had a great sermon: educational, funny, aspirational, and emotional. They were listening and I had them. Then, I made an inappropriate joke. After the service, a gentleman I genuinely respect came up to me.

“What you did was cruel. You asked me to follow you, to allow myself to dream, to make the world better. You had me, and then you made that stupid joke. You’re better than that,” he said. I have tried to be better than that.

My father died just before the High Holy Days. I fl ew to New York, conducted the funeral, fl ew home, and lead services here. As I walked into the Sanctuary, a gentleman put his arm around me, told me to accompany him to the library. He said, “Rabbi, you are not ready yet. Sit here for a moment, and talk to me about your Dad. Or don’t talk, breathe. Don’t worry, they’ll wait for you. Now, I’ll walk with you to the bima.” Many of you were there and saw the diff erence one person can make in the life of another and when the community beheld the power before them, they said, Amen.

Soon, it will be time for me to fi nd a diff erent way to serve the Holy One. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I will be grateful for the lessons I’ve learned, and thankful for this community who, for 40 years, gave me the honor of calling me Rabbi.

Beth El – The Beaches Synagogue is a benefi ciary of the Jewish

Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida funding. 19