v17n17 - Amazing Teens 2019

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VOL 17 NO. 17


APRIL 17 - 30, 2019




Pink House Deals With ‘Heartbeat Bill’

Easter Festivities Cardon, p 18

Bishop Gunn: From Europe to Mississippi Scarborough, p 20

Pittman, Langele, pp 6-8

Teens Amazing

2 0 1 9 p p

1 4 - 1 7


Bilal’s EasyKale congratulates the Mississippi Coding Academy Jackson Class of 2019.

Jalen Jordan

Kordia Mosley

Oliver Robinson

Jalon Kingston

Ethan Daniels

Nekiedra Singleton

Alexis Williamson

Vanessa Dillion

Travis Cooley

Stephen Wolcott

Jay Finkley

Daisha Golden

Zandrya Gabris

Ryan Jones

Rodney Smith

Noah Lackey

Jeremiah Wright

D Michael McElroy

Larry Weems

LaMonta Davis

In the past 10 months, these young adults have been working hard writing code and developing applications using current programming languages and techniques to become full stack software developers.

April 17 - 30, 2019 • jfp.ms

They will be presenting their final projects in mid-May and graduating on May 24th.


If you or someone you know is an employer with a need for entry level software developer(s), we would love to help get you in touch with some of these bright young coders. We also have new coders graduating from our Golden Triangle Region Academy in Starkville. Please contact the academy at javier.peraza@mscoding.org.

Justin Harthcock

Registration for the class of 2020 is open now. We also are accepting applications for a new evening and weekend program: COMCAST Veterans Code which will train veterans in front-end software development. Both programs start in June. For information on the Mississippi Coding Academies in Jackson and Golden Triangle or COMCAST Veterans Code go to www.mscoding.org



April 17-30,2019 • Vol. 17 No. 17

ON THE COVER Ishan Bhatt, photo by Captures by Casey

4 Editor’s Note 6 Talks

8 Delta Dreaming One organization is fighting hard to raise the Mississippi Delta back up.

12 opinion


ne of the reasons Brandie Wigley decided to do the Jackson Public Schools Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Cadet of the Year contest was because she found out that a Provine High School student has not won the title in 36 years. She says she also wanted to become the first woman at Provine to win the title. “I want to be able to make a change for my school and show everyone that I can do anything,” she says. Wigley, a 17-year-old junior at Provine, won on Feb. 20, after competing with six 11th-grade JPS students and one sophomore who gave speeches on what JPS and the JROTC have done for them and how the school district has helped them prepare for a successful life after high school. Each student also submitted an essay on honor and duty to their country. “For my essay, I wrote my efforts to help other children who can’t help themselves,” Wigley says. “Mentoring other children who need help is something I feel is my duty, and it’s part of the creed I go by.” Part of Wigley’s efforts to help others includes volunteering with Rise Against Hunger, an international hunger-relief nonprofit that packages and distributes food to people in developing countries. She also works with members of New Jerusalem Church in

18 Easter Event Hunting

Brandie Wigley Jackson, of which she is a member, to gather donations of food and clothing every other month for local charities such as Stewpot Community Services and the Jackson branch of the Salvation Army. Her church also holds picnics to help feed homeless people in north Jackson. Wigley enrolled in the Provine JROTC program during her freshman year in order to acquire better leadership skills, she says. She also knew even before she entered high school that she wanted to join the United States Air Force after she graduates. “I know that women are treated well in the Air Force, and that those women are strong-minded, great leaders who always get the job done,” Wigley says. “I knew that joining JROTC was one of the steps I needed to take to get where I want to go.” After she graduates from Provine, Wigley plans to enroll at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and study to become a judge advocate, which is a type of court officer that works in the legal system for fields such as health care. Wigley is also the top student in the 11th-grade class at Provine, a member of the Provine Honor Society and a member of the National Honor Society of High School Scholars. She has been a member of Provine’s cheerleading team since 2018. —Dustin Cardon

Check out this year’s roundup of local events to celebrate with your family.

20 Music 22 events 23 sPORTS 28 music listings 32 Puzzles 33 astro 33 Classifieds

34 Easy Gardening Lauren Rhoades gives us tip on make the spring season easier for your flora and fauna.

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

Captures by Casey

14 Cover Story


editor’s note

by Amber Helsel, Managing Editor

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms



here was absolute chaos in the gym. Junior and high-school students were running around the room, some doing a three-legged race, some whacking a piñata and some removing tissues from boxes. It was my church youth pastors’ last hurrah before they left to take new jobs at a church in Baton Rouge, and they wanted to go out with a bang, so of course they orchestrated a whole event that took more time to explain than to actually do it. I was standing off to the side watching when one of the other youth leaders motioned for me to come to the group huddle. As it had happened numerous times before, I suddenly found myself among the leaders, getting ready to volunteer to distribute tape for “Pin the Eye on the Emoji.” It was one moment in a whole series of moments where I found myself time and time again helping lead the youth group, even though I had originally started going to youth night on Wednesdays just to help them with smaller production things. As the night pressed on, I once again remarked at how some of the girls in the group look up to me. I remember being that age and looking at older girls and women and thinking how mature they seemed, how in control of their own lives they were. And now I’m that person that younger women look up to. It’s strange when you start noticing that. It’s strange when you become the adult that teenagers and other young adults look up to. Did you know that you’re being watched? Not in a creepy way (though that is a possibility). But people, especially younger people, are watching you. They’re watching what you do with your life and how you live it. They’re watching how you react to situations, and how you deal with the little things in life. They’re watching what you do and using it as a mirror for their own lives. They’re taking it to heart, and what they see you do may very well be part of who they become as they mature. What you observe in people as a child often becomes a part of your psyche as you get older. There’s something in psychology called schema. Dictionary.com defines it as “an underlying organizational pattern or structure; conceptual framework.” The concept helps us organize and categorize the world around us, and confirm our preconceived beliefs and ideas, especially about ourselves and other people. As my therapist explained it, schemas are basically things we learned in childhood that help

NASA/CXC/Villanova University/J. Neilsen

Set an Example for the Next Generation

As women, we have to go through things such as our work being devalued after we play a major role in a scientific discovery or research project. A recent occurrence that comes to mind is the backlash Event Horizon Telescope project researcher Katie Bouman experienced after the project released the first images of a black hole on April 10.

us understand the world around us and our place in it. Schemas are helpful when information is coming at you from all directions, but they can be not-so-helpful because a lot of times the schemas color the world in way we shouldn’t see it. For example, since childhood, I’ve held unrelenting standards toward myself. This isn’t a bad thing until my standards are so high that I can’t possibly meet them, and when I don’t measure up, I’m left hating myself and edging into an episode of major depression. As humans, we’re going to develop those beliefs about the world around us. It’s inevitable. We learn how to move through the world by watching others, and guess what? People are incredibly imperfect. We screw up. We let each other down. Sometimes we don’t show as much consideration

for others as we should. I’ve had plenty of those moments. Those beliefs are just a part of life, but some of them shouldn’t carry so much weight. We shouldn’t have to spend years fighting with body image or selfworth. We shouldn’t have to believe that we’ll be accepted only if we think or act or look one way. I’ve spent years searching for my place in the world. I tried to fit in when I was younger, but the mold was too small for me. I’m too big and bold and loud and full of ideas. But because I couldn’t fit that mold, I struggled for years with self-worth and self-confidence. I still do sometimes. And I know I’m not alone. During the few months I spent on the youth group’s leadership team, I often got to sit in on the group discussions, and a lot of what the girls talked about reminded


Acacia Clark

Nate Schumann

James Bell

Freelance photographer Acacia Clark picked up the photography gene from her father. When the camera is down, she playing the cello and piano, cooking, and her family and friends. She took the cover photo and the Amazing Teens photos.

Editorial Assistant Nate Schumann loves consuming stories, whether that story be in the form of a book, a comic, a television series, a game, etc. He enjoys engaging in various areas of “nerdom,” especially comic books and related media. He wrote Amazing Teens stories.

James Bell is an intern reporter for the JFP and a sophomore at Millsaps College. He aspires to become a political reporter upon graduating. He wrote about Ishan Bhatt for Amazing Teens.

me of what I went through, and sometimes still go through, as a woman. They remind me of how unsure of myself I’ve been throughout my life, how much I beat myself up sometimes for situations in life that I can’t fix. All humans deal with that, but girls and women especially have to put up with unrelenting and unfair standards. Society tells us that we have to look or act or dress a certain way. We can’t wear what we want because men might take it the wrong way. We can’t do things like play a major role in creating the first image of a black hole without the Internet devaluing our work. If we’re women who see more fulfillment in a career than starting a family, people tell us we need to get our priorities straight. Hell, people say that if we don’t shave our legs, we’re not going to attract a man. (By the way, if you’re getting that close to the hair on a woman’s legs, you probably need express permission anyway.) As women, we have an uphill battle to fight. All of us do. The girls who are in middle and high school now are facing some of those battles, and they’ll just get harder and harder as we get older. As women, we need to band together to make sure we set good examples for the younger generation. We need to show them that it’s OK to be whatever kind of woman they want to be, that they don’t have to fit that mold. Maybe if we set a better example than we have in the past, the world will be a better place. And maybe if we remember that younger people are watching us, we will set that better example.

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April 17 - 30, 2019 • jfp.ms

Nixing carbs?



storytelling & re, ir tu

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“I cannot imagine that Jesus would refuse to allow any child a home and family regardless of what that looks like.”




—Pastor Brandiilyne Magnum-Dear on AG candidate Mark Baker vowing to defend state funding for anti-LGBT adoption agencies

ce eren rev

The Pink House Deals With ‘Heartbeat Bill’ Fallout by Taylor Langele and Ashton Pittman

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms


Condemnation and Hellfire The newest law is not the first time during Bryant’s tenure that the JWHO clinic has defended itself against anti-abor-

Ashton Pittman


esus loves you, mommy. Mommy, please don’t kill me,” a child’s voice pleads from a large speaker system outside Mississippi’s last abortion clinic, which is known among its defenders as “The Pink House.” Several times a week, anti-abortion protester Coleman Boyd stands outside the Jackson Women’s Health Organization in Fondren and broadcasts recordings of his children’s voices for women to hear as they arrive for their appointments. “What did I do wrong, mommy? Mommy, Jesus loves you. I love you, mommy,” a child’s voice intones. “Mommy, I have a heartbeat,” yet another says, echoing the anti-abortion movement’s most significant political gambit this year. On April 2, those voices duel with the sounds of Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” courtesy of clinic workers. Last month, Gov. Phil Bryant signed Senate Bill 2116 into law—making it one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. Set to take effect July 1, 2019, it bans all abortions after doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat, which typically happens around six weeks gestation—before most women know they are pregnant. It includes no exceptions for rape or incest. Courts will likely halt the law’s implementation, though, after the Center for Reproductive Rights announced a lawsuit on March 28. That has not stopped Mississippi women from fearing they may soon lose their abortion rights, though. “We get patients who call and say, ‘I have an appointment next week. Are you guys closed, or have you stopped doing abortions?’” JWHO Director Shannon Russell Brewer told the Jackson Free Press on April 4. “That’s what we get every day. It’s the phone calls asking, ‘Are you still here?’”

Derenda Hancock began volunteering at the Pink House in 2013. She uses music to help drown out anti-abortion activists.

tion legislation. Last year, a Jackson federal judge struck down a ban on abortions after 15 weeks, but the state is appealing that decision to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. The clinic only does abortions up to 16 weeks. “They just tried to get a 15-week ban passed, and that didn’t work. Now they

come back with a six-week ban?” Russell Brewer told the Jackson Free Press. “How much money are you going to waste, governor?” There may be no limit. On the day Bryant signed the bill, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, a Republican candidate who hopes to succeed Bryant early next year, said he had “ab-

65% Things A random bowl of mashed potatoes You’re Likely to Encounter in Jackson

solutely no problem supporting whatever it costs to defend this (legislation) because I care about unborn children.” In the weeks since the fetal heartbeat bill passed, the number of protesters who show up outside the clinic has increased, often including Coleman Boyd and his children. Part of that is due to the anti-


A working parking meter


Windsor Ruins


A pair of ballet flats on a power line


Decent water

‘Women Belong in this House’ On Jan. 23, 2013, Derenda Hancock, one of those trainees, hula-hooped outside the clinic, her hair blowing in the wind, as she wore a bright yellow clinic escort vest and held up a placard that read, “Celebrate 40 Years of Choice.” In contrast, anti-abortion protesters from the out-of-state anti-abortion group Operation Save America stood nearby, holding placards with graphic depictions of what they claimed were aborted fetuses. Earlier that day, OSA members had carried a tiny white coffin up the steps of the Mississippi Capitol. Inside the coffin, they claimed, were the remains of a 14-week old aborted fetus they had named “Baby Daniel,” which they invited adults and children nearby to look at and touch. Six years later, Hancock is now escort director at the Pink House. Between 2013 and 2016, she said, the ranks of protesters

thinned out, and the atmosphere on the sidewalk around the clinic calmed down—until Donald Trump won the 2016 election. “When Trump got elected, we knew what was getting ready to happen,” Hancock said. With help from Kim Gibson, whom she calls her “right hand guy,” Hancock ramped up recruiting efforts, and the group of escorts grew to nearly two dozen. On March 24, just three days after Bryant signed the “heartbeat bill” into law, 20 escorts helped out at the clinic. That day, Hancock estimates, nearly 130 anti-abortion protesters filled the sidewalks outside the Pink House. Anti-abortion activists Keith and Amber Dalton joined the anti-abortion side that day, along with their children. The couple wore matching black graphic tees, with the outline of a small family home and the words, “Women belong in this House.” Underneath that, were the words, “Not TAYLOR LANGELE

abortion movement’s “40 Days for Life event,” which calls on activists to stay gathered around clinics nationwide throughout the Christian holy season of Lent. For women arriving for abortions, the scene can be chaotic and stressful, as street preachers with megaphones shout condemnation and hellfire toward women they do not know. “We’ve had women try and walk up the sidewalk because our parking was full, and had protesters on every side of them yelling … and they’re crying because they’re scared,” Cory Drake told the Jackson Free Press. “I’ve had to comfort many women going in. My job is just to make sure they get in there safely without being harassed over and over again.” Drake is a part of a group of volunteers, known as clinic escorts, who are there to counter the chaos outside by helping women make the trip from car to clinic door with as little incident as possible. The current escort group began in 2013, as the clinic braced for a massive anti-abortion protest on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that declared safe and legal abortion a right. That year, the clinic was fighting off a separate attempt by Mississippi’s Republican leadership to shutter it; Republicans, along with a handful of Democrats, passed a law requiring anyone performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital—a requirement they knew would be practically impossible for the clinic. Leaders from national abortion-rights groups like the Feminist Majority and the National Organization for Women met with clinic owner Diane Derzis, and then helped recruit and train clinic escorts.

Coleman Boyd reads scripture into a microphone that is connected to professional sound equipment. Business owners have complained excessively on how the noise affects their customers.

this one,” situated next to an outline of the White House. “I’ve got a few escorts that have been around anywhere from two to four years, but it’s very few because this will burn people out pretty easy,” Hancock said. Not all protesters are alike. While many use aggressive shaming tactics, others are quieter. Hancock mentioned a protester named Danny, a Catholic she described as “the calmest protester you’ll ever see.” “All he does is come out here Friday and say the rosary,” she said. “He never

speaks to anyone. So you know, if we’ve got to have somebody out there, we want Danny because he’s very unobtrusive.” ‘He Reaped What He Sowed’ Many of the protesters, including Coleman Boyd, are affiliated with Operation Save America. Originally called Operation Rescue, OSA has a history of targeted harassment of abortion providers and patients. In June 2009, Scott Roeder, a man with ties to a Kansas branch that still calls itself Operation Rescue, walked into a Lutheran church in Kansas and shot George Tiller, an abortion-clinic doctor whom the group had long protested, in the head. Tiller, a church usher, was handing out church bulletins when Roeder killed him. After the assassination, Randall Terry, who founded the original Operation Rescue in 1986, held a press conference to say Tiller got what was coming to him. “George Tiller was a mass murderer and, horrifically, he reaped what he sowed,” Terry said at the time. In recent weeks, the louder protesters have begun spreading their messages to other parts of Jackson. Coleman, who lives in Bolton, Miss., has begun attending city council meetings, where he uses time reserved for public comment to speak out against abortion, which he refers to as “murder.” Earlier this month, he used that platform to spread the myth that abortion began in Mississippi as a racist ploy to cut down the black population—a common, but false, narrative anti-abortion leaders use to try to sway African Americans to their side. Republican leaders, like Bryant and Reeves, often use similarly bombastic language when talking about abortion. Last November, Bryant sought to deflect accusations of racism against U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith by tying abortion to “the genocide of 20 million African American children.” “It is absurd that a governor in a state that has one of the worst maternal and infant mortality rates in the country, where it is one of the most dangerous places for women to give birth—black women to give birth, specifically—would talk about abortion being black genocide,” Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund Executive Director Laurie Bertram-Roberts told the Jackson Free Press after his remarks. ‘It’s Not About the Babies’ On April 4, JWHO Director Shannon Russell Brewer said she does not think politicians like Bryant and Reeves are truly concerned for children. She pointed to GOP leadership’s lackluster funding for

MOST VIRAL STORIES AT JFP.MS: 1. “Mississippi Reps Vote ‘Nay’ on Violence Against Women Act” by Ashton Pittman 2. “The Hunt for Vouchers in Mississippi, After All These Years” by Ashton Pittman 3. “Poor Mississippi Counties Are Top IRS Targets in Hunt for Tax Cheats” by Ashton Pittman 4. “Jackson Unveils ‘Data Portal’ to Increase Transparency” by Taylor Langele 5. “Vegan Food for All” by Dustin Cardon MOST VIRAL EVENTS AT JFPEVENTS.COM: 1. Museum After Hours: Garden Daze, April 18 2. MTAT’s Good Friday Downtown Walking Tour, April 19 3. Drag Bingo, April 19 4. Vibe Fest, April 20 5. “Sweat,” April 23-May 5

public education and their decision to slip millions in funding for private school vouchers in the final two days of this year’s legislative session. “It’s not about the women. It’s not about the babies. It’s not about the fetuses,” Russell Brewer said. “This is male ego that needs to be stroked badly.” Yet, on the day he signed the six-week ban into law, Bryant declared that “it is the child we are fighting for in Mississippi.” Reeves joined him, calling it a “very important day in the history of Mississippi” and made a commitment to Bryant to “continue to fight to make Mississippi the safest place in America for an unborn child.” When the Center for Reproductive Rights filed its lawsuit, Bryant defiantly shot back on Twitter: “We will all answer to the good Lord one day. I will say in this instance, ‘I fought for the lives of innocent babies, even under threat of legal action,’” he wrote. On Bryant and Reeves’ watch, though, Mississippi remains the deadliest state in the country for babies after they are born. In 2016, nearly nine out of every 1,000 children born alive in the state died in infancy—a statistic that amounts to nearly 1 percent. That number is up since 2014, when it was 8.2. The national infant mortality rate is 5.6. Separately, a 2018 report from the United Health Foundation found that Mississippi is the second deadliest state in the more PINK HOUSE p 8

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms





A Dream Continued in the Mississippi Delta by Taylor Langele


Dubbed “The Poor People’s Campaign” by King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the organization’s goal was to expose the quality of life, or lack thereof, in the wealthiest nation, holding its first protest in the summer of 1968. After

King’s assassination, Rev. Ralph Abernathy Jr. then led nine caravans of mule-drawn carts from across the country to Washington, D.C. By the time the “Mule Train” travelers arrived at the National Mall, more than 3,000 people had arrived to assist in a week-long occupation and protest. Now

a first-hand account of the systemic poverty that has long choked the region—and the work yet to be done.


‘A Duty Before God and Man’ The push for heartbeat legislation came after President Trump replaced Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy with Brett Kavanaugh. Whereas Kennedy was known as the swing vote who saved Roe v. Wade from being struck down in the 1990s, Kavanaugh’s record on abortion is more conservative. As Mississippi legislators debated the heartbeat bill earlier this year, several Republicans hinted that they believe this abortion ban could fare better in the courts this time around, thanks to the dozens of conservatives jurists Trump has appointed to the federal bench. This year, heartbeat bills sprang up in state legislatures across the country, and lawmakers in Ohio and Georgia have passed their own since Bryant signed the Mississippi bill in late March. “We see the Court as being much

more favorable to pro-life legislation than it has been in a generation,” Ohio Right to Life spokeswoman Jamieson Gordon told NPR on April 12, after the bill’s passage there. “So we figured this would be a good time to pursue the heartbeat bill as the next step in our incremental approach to end abortion-on-demand.” Boyd, like others in OSA, disagrees with the heartbeat bills, which he considers too “unjust and wicked” because it does not ban all abortions and punish the women who choose them or the doctors who perform them. “A heartbeat bill says it is okay to kill babies until you detect a heartbeat,” Boyd told the Jackson Free Press on April 16. “That’s basically saying you can murder people as long as they don’t meet a certain standard of development.” Republican politicians like Bryant

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

from page 7


country for all children ages 1 through 18, and that mortality rate worsened between 2015 and 2016. The state is the worst in the nation when it comes to clinical health services for children, and the UHF also found that Mississippi is the least healthy state overall for women, infants and children. During his tenure, Bryant has repeatedly rejected billions of dollars in federal funds to expand Medicaid, which could save rural hospitals in danger of closing and extend healthcare access to an additional 300,000 Mississippians.

led by Rev. William Barber II of North Carolina, the campaign still fights to represent the interests of the marginalized. The Poor People’s Campaign mobilized the March bus tour to draw attention to flood victims in the Delta and to provide Taylor Langele

r. William Laurence Lackey III stood in the center aisle of a bus chartered by the Poor People’s Campaign just outside of Tchula, Miss., on March 23, 2019. At 6-feet-4inches tall, he towered over the passengers, singing blues tunes, sharing anecdotes and pointing out relevant historical markers as they appeared along dusty Mississippi Delta roads. Next to the road, brown drainage water kissed the bottom of some mobile homes and completely swallowed those closer to the Mississippi River basin. There are no signs of residents. “They call places like this ‘the bottom,’” Lackey announced more than once. The truth is, people have been calling the Mississippi Delta “the bottom” for a long time. Democrats from U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy in 1967 to, recently, Sen. Elizabeth Warren have visited the Delta to spotlight it as a symbol of systemic poverty that Americans must abolish. Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith and Gov. Phil Bryant have portrayed their delayed attempts to address recent flooding as outstanding leadership. To date, however, no political prowess has organized the force necessary to eliminate the region’s systemic poverty and economic blight. Some, however, fought harder than others and Lackey, along with several other passengers, have continued their fight into the present. Lackey is continuing a tradition he started with Martin Luther King Jr.

Homes near the Mississippi River Basin in Tchula were completely submerged in late February 2019, and residents are still waiting for water to recede before they return.

‘You Have to Do Your Part’ The first stop out of Jackson was the Mileston Cooperative in Tchula, Miss., a

historically significant location, dating back to the Great Depression. Today it is also the campaign’s designated location for food and emergency supplies. Director of the cooperative Danyelle Holmes told the Jackson Free Press that before the Poor People’s Campaign stepped in, there was no regulation to assure that wellmeaning volunteers could get supplies to those who need them most. The cooperative is essentially a cleared-out gas station with impromptu shelves made with the type of cork wall commonly found in tool sheds. After the bus arrived, volunteers filled a cleared space in the four-room station with more than 175 gallons of emergency water. The walls were white on the surface but brown underneath the numerous paint chips that turned the jugs placed in front of them a murky beige. Volunteers shuffled back and forth, trekking through dust as they unloaded each gallon jug. Outside, local farmer Edmond Park and Tchula resident Francine Jefferson gestured over the community garden that local citizens use for necessities. They share that while the floods are the most pressing present concern of the community, Holmes County has long faced food shortages, which are steadily getting worse, again. The Mississippi Historical Society reports that, in 1932, President Roosevelt ordered the Agricultural Adjustment Admore delta p 10

and Reeves, Boyd said, use anti-abortion legislation like the heartbeat bills to turn out voters. “It’s a hamster wheel. They say that to keep people running on it to get votes, but nothing’s going to happen on it,” he said. “That’s all political gamesmanship.” In 2011, Mississippi voters rejected the Personhood Amendment, which would have banned abortions, even in cases of rape or incest, and some forms of contraception. In the same election, voters first sent Bryant to the governor’s mansion and made Reeves lieutenant governor. Email city intern reporter Taylor Langele at taylor@jacksonfreepress.com and follow him on Twitter at @taylor_langele. Jackson Free Press State Reporter Ashton Pittman reports on state politics and campaigns. Follow him on Twitter @ashtonpittman and send tips to ashton@jacksonfreepress.com.

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April 17 - 30, 2019 • jfp.ms

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Episcopal Church 9


delta from page 8

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms


A Flood That Never Dries In downtown Tchula, a silver sedan sat on a narrow dirt road with back doors flung open like wings. Volunteers moved rippled jugs into the car to deliver supplies to residents whose water supply smelled of sewage and contaminants. Right off the main drag of Tchula, large pools of drainage stood around the base of mobile homes. Flood waters from the Mississippi River drowned the homes earlier that month, and the floods still had not subsided. Walking down the streets of the mobile-home parks, it was not readily apparent that people are suffering. Children were out playing with their dogs in gravel driveways. Wood porches built on the metal homes gave the structures a sense of stability and permanence. On this street, Samuel Callahan, a Tchula native who recently returned to the area, told the Jackson Free Press that his

own home there had not flooded, but the situation still weighed on him heavily. “When something affects one of us, it affects all of us,” Callahan said. “I have family and friends who are out of their homes, who don’t have food to eat. I have to give those resources.” When asked where he gets his food,

parents. High-school graduation rates in Quitman County are 16 percent lower than the state and national average, and 12 percent of the town’s residents have a ninthgrade education or lower. Further north on the journey, the campaign landed in Mound Bayou, where Mayor Eulah Peterson explained her chalTaylor Langele

ministration to establish policies to raise the price of agricultural goods. In theory, this served to lift most of those in the farming industry out of hunger-inducing poverty. However, in places like the Mississippi Delta, sharecroppers farmed land for credit at town stores that the same landowners owned. Most sharecroppers saw no cash profit from their labor; in fact, most lived their lives in debt. As a result of increased food prices, many African Americans in the Mississippi Delta had to confront debilitating hunger regularly. The government was slow to correct this problem in 1932. Back then, the solution was the formation of farming cooperatives, the first of which was in Hillhouse, 80 miles north of Mileston. The historical society notes that The Delta Cooperative eventually made its way to Cruger, just north of Tchula in Holmes County, where it established housing, food supplies, financial support and education for black children who at the time were only provided one-fourth the educational resources that white children received from the state. The Delta Cooperative was one of the few places in pre-civil rights Mississippi where whites and blacks lived, worked and raised their children together. In 2019, the co-op is a hub for local farmers to donate excess crops to those in need. Jefferson explained that local and personal gardens are the primary resource of food for the region because the supermarket in Lexington, a 20-minute drive north, is overpriced. “Most people gain food either by way of places like the cooperative or are food sharing with their friends, family or neighbors,” she said.

Samuel Callahan says his family was forced out of their home due to food scarcity. The nearest grocery store is a 20-minute drive, and most residents do not own a car.

Callahan said the supermarket in Lexington was far too high, so he usually goes to the co-op or grows it himself. ‘Four Miles Up the Road’ As the bus approached Marks’ city center, Lackey proudly pointed out his county’s A-rated Quitman County Elementary and Madison Palmer Middle School, which receive a B-rating from the State of Mississippi. “If you don’t have a good education system, no business will trust you,” he said. “That’s where we started. We have seen our schools go from an ‘F’ rating to a ‘C’ rating overall with one ‘A’ school and two ‘B’ schools.” Lackey then recounted the hurdles of finding qualified teachers to work in Quitman County—people who could organize an effective curriculum and work well with

lenges with educational inequity. Mound Bayou was at one time the only self-sufficient African American-run town in the South. It served as an oasis for black people and others who wanted to escape the harsh racial codes that bound the rest of the state. Emmett Till’s mother found refuge in this town when she came from Chicago to give testimony regarding her son’s murder. Now, the mayor says the county has shut them out of their school system. “They closed the school and sent our kids four miles down the road,” Peterson said. “We are a town of career educators, and the school system was the largest employer in the town. They said they would turn the old high school into a vocational school to attract businesses; now the county office has moved in, and the alternative school relocated there. Now we’re looking at charter options.”

In August 2018, Peterson helped lead a boycott with JFK United, a local group opposing the merger of John F. Kennedy Memorial High School in Mound Bayou with Broad Street High School in Shelby, the Bolivar Commercial reported. Peterson convinced most of Mound Bayou parents to withhold their children from school rather than sending them to a school outside the town. Without a school, there are hardly any jobs for the residents of Mound Bayou, but charter options come with their risks as well. On the lawn where the 1968 “Mule Train” began, Lackey explained that while African Americans have done well politically in the town, they haven’t seen the same growth in educational and economic development, which are so interrelated that they must be the starting point for the Delta. Lackey says most of the advice he gets from state officials revolves around turning Marks into a tourist hub. “So when people from Oxford and Ole Miss come here and catch a train, we’re going to make sure they see pretty things,” Lackey said. A Call for Moral Revival Despite the local effort to keep these historical communities afloat, the Delta is far from thriving. The Poor People’s Campaign decided it was vital to bring awareness of that need to the Mississippi Legislature on March 25, 2019. In front of the Capitol steps in Jackson, a collection of Mississippians presented a set of “demands” to lawmakers that work to “give every citizen of our state a good shake and a fair deal.” A modest podium sat within throwing distance from the Capitol steps. Advocates like Kathleen Chapman came to speak about the inability of the state to adequately provide and facilitate a safe life for its disabled citizens. Chief among her complaints was an inefficient public-transit system and the continual budget cuts that seem to affect extended Medicaid and Medicare programs the most. Unfortunately, there were only around 30 people to hear Francine Jefferson as she stepped to the platform to invoke Isaiah 58:1, where the prophet shouts “like a trumpet” to expose the iniquities of the nation. She then began her proclamation: “So-called leaders, Christians, Americans and Mississippians alike, I will cry aloud and spare not, and lift my voice like a trumpet and show the leaders and Mississippians their transgressions. This is the wealthiest nation on the planet. It is wrong. Do not be silent. Tell them that this is wrong.” Email city intern reporter Taylor Langele at taylor@jacksonfreepress.com and follow him on Twitter at @taylor_langele.

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Nsombi Lambright


t a recent campaign stop, Republican candidate for attorney general and Mississippi State Rep. Mark Baker claimed the 1965 Voting Rights Act, a pivotal law in black Americans’ struggle for equal rights and representation, violated Mississippi’s “sovereignty.” Not only does he clearly not understand the constitutional guarantee that every person has the right to vote, but his comments also show a shocking disrespect for both the voters of Mississippi and the law. As a result of the 2013 Shelby v. Holder decision, Mississippi was removed from pre-clearance requirements that the 1965 Voting Rights Act placed the state under. These requirements ensured that the government did not legislate racial barriers that would deny African Americans the equal right to vote. After the gutting of the act in 2013, Mississippi’s response was immediate—increased restrictions on voting. The very next legislative session, Mississippi passed a voter ID law, and, even this year, legislators tried to make requirements even more restrictive. Mark Baker has demonstrated his disdain for racial equality using words like “sovereignty,” a code word for supremacy. Mississippi needs elected officials who understand that voting is the cornerstone of democracy. Last year, when Jennifer Riley Collins, who is also running for attorney general in November, hosted a forum on racism in America, she said, “It is time for Mississippi to move forward!”

Your turN

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

Response to “Mississippi Reps Vote ‘Nay’ on Violence Against Women Act” by Ashton Pittman


Keli Worthy: When will Republican women see that their party sees them as second-class citizens? Why are you okay with the men you vote for telling you that a gun is more important that your lives? I truly don’t understand. Thile: “I will say that Congressman Guest does believe that this bill would undermine our Second Amendment rights,” Pillow said. And there it is. Protections for guns was more important to you know, people’s lives, according to Michael Guest and his GOP counterparts. Mississippi

Stephen WIlSon

Baker’s ‘Sovereignty’ Comment Shows Disrespect for Voters, Law

EDITORIAL State Reporter Ashton Pittman JFP Daily Editor Dustin Cardon Editorial/Events Assistant Nate Schumann City Intern Reporters Taylor Langele State Intern Reporter James Bell Editorial Intern Armani T. Fryer Editor-in-Chief’s Assistant Shakira Porter Writers James Bell, Richard Coupe, Bryan Flynn, Armani T. Fryer, Jenna Gibson,Torsheta Jackson, Mike McDonald, Brinda Fuller Willis Consulting Editor JoAnne Prichard Morris

“Rep. Mark Baker has demonstrated his disdain for racial equality using words like ‘sovereignty,’ a code word for supremacy.”

I agree with her. She has been a fierce advocate for commonsense voting reforms like online registration and early no-excuse voting, both of which would increase access to the polls. Our vote is our voice and our freedom, and politicians should never threaten our freedom. When we fail to increase access to the polls using innovations like the ones Collins has asked lawmakers to consider, we are closing doors of opportunity in our state. Legislators who are more interested in hateful rhetoric and restrictive policies fail to move Mississippi forward. We must also not forget that state lawmakers have intentionally and permanently disenfranchised tens of thousands of Mississippians.

Perhaps the real threats to Mississippi’s sovereignty are career politicians like Mark Baker. Nsombi Lambright is the Executive Director of Director of One Voice, a statewide leadership development and policy advocacy organization, headquartered in Jackson, Miss. She sits on the boards of the Center for Constitutional Rights and the Mississippi Low Income Child Care Initiative. She is also a life member of the NAACP and the Rho Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., serves on the City of Jackson’s Civil Service Commission and the Criminal Justice Taskforce.

has some of the nation’s highest rates of violence against women.

place of employment when he realized I had left, with a gun, threatening everyone I worked with. This was 40 years ago. If you think abusive people have changed, you are wrong. Had I killed him, it would have not been considered self-defense. I would have gone to prison—women and children still do. Then my children would have had no parents. All this to say ... if you’re in an abusive relationship, leave. Restraining orders often don’t help, the system is rarely on your side, and certainly not in Mississippi.

KR: Vote these neanderthals out of office. Women make up 50% of the population of Mississippi. Let’s evolve from our closed-mindedness and get people who put humanity first into office. disqus_lR3RphSZ1Q: This takes us backwards 40 years! I lived in an abusive house. I tried to leave many times. My children were often held hostage during these times. I was “rescued” when a distant relative found out an invited me to come clear across the country, which I did. I couldn’t tell anyone I was leaving or where I was going. My abuser showed up at my

Editor-in-Chief and CEO Donna Ladd Publisher & President Todd Stauffer Associate Publisher Kimberly Griffin Art Director Kristin Brenemen Managing Editor Amber Helsel

This column does not necessarily reflect the views of the JFP.

These comments have been edited for content, clarity and style. See more and comment at jacksonfreepress.com.

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Email letters and opinion to letters@jacksonfreepress.com, fax to 601-510-9019 or mail to 125 South Congress St., Suite 1324, Jackson, Mississippi 39201. Include daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, as well as factchecked.


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Teens Amazing

2 0 1 9I

n the current political climate in the U.S., teens have shown that they are a force to be reckoned with, and that they are pretty amazing. Each year the Jackson Free Press honors some of the local teens doing amazing things in the Jackson metro area. See one more on page 3.

Evelyn Henderson

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms


Recently, Forest Hill High School’s National Honor Society hosted a STEM Fair at Bates Elementary School (STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The point of the event, says NHS member Albert Jackson, was to get kids involved in the subjects at a young age so that when they go into middle and high school, they will have a better background. “They can know that it’s not all just difficult, that it’s actually fun and exciting,” Jackson says. The 17-year-old Jackson native strives to keep a 4.0 grade-point average, but he is also involved in numerous clubs, including NHS, ACT Club, band, choir and more. He is also the vice president of the school’s chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, an Academic and Performing Arts Complex student, and was named Student of the Month in September 2016. He is currently third seat in the clarinet section on the All-City Honor Band. Jackson plans to go to Hinds Community College in Utica, and then to a four-year college. He wants to study chemistry and music education. “I’ve always loved science,” he says. “It’s always been my favorite subject, and I’ve always had a passion for music.” Jackson likes that science has the same precision as mathematics, but it’s not as math-heavy as trigonometry or algebra. For his career path, he plans on teaching chemistry and music. Besides listening to music, his hobbies include knitting and crocheting. —Amber Helsel

Even at 17 years old, Evelyn Henderson is passionate about showing people the importance of getting regular physical exams. “It’s important because you need to know how your body is, and if a problem happened with you recently … you can stop it if you’re getting a (regular) checkup,” she says. Henderson wrote about the subject for Callaway High School’s 2019 Healthcare Awareness Essay Contest, and her work garnered her first place. “I couldn’t believe it,” she says. She plans to go to Holmes Community College and then the University of Mississippi Medical Center to study nursing. Her grand goal is to become a pediatrician, but in working up to that point, she plans to become a nurse and then a nurse practitioner. “I love people, and I love helping people,” she says. Her favorite subjects in school are math and science. “Math, it picks with my brain,” she says. “It’s just so fun to figure out things and learn new things in math, and with science, (there’s) always a step being added, and it has some type of mathematics in it, especially chemistry.” Henderson is also involved in organizations such as Jobs for Mississippi Graduates, which prepares at-risk or disadvantaged students for postsecondary education or work, a member of the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps at Callaway, and she is a student ambassador for Jackson Public Schools. —Amber Helsel

Acacia Clark

Acacia Clark

Albert Jackson

Kilando Chambers

Acacia Clark

In his junior year at Murrah High School, Kilando Chambers had to do a project on a work of historical fiction. After looking at his own bookshelf, he realized most of his collection is in that genre. “I love to read books that can take me to another time period, and another place, and another location,” he says. “I might feel like going to 17thcentury France or going to Israel or someplace like that, and I love to understand what was going on in that time period that influenced the writer to write what he or she or they are saying at the moment.” His love for historical fiction was a huge influence in his decision to major in history or literature when he goes to Harvard University in the fall. Chambers, 17, is currently part of Base Pair, a biomedical research partnership between Murrah and the University of Mississippi Medical Center, in which he studies how doctors could use virus-

like particles to treat cancers, especially brain cancer. He is also part of the marching band at Murrah, and has been in the jazz and symphonic bands. Chambers scored a 35 on his ACT, and says the secret to his success was focusing on areas that he struggles in. He knew from an ACT bootcamp course that while he does not have problems with math, he did struggle with the last few questions in that section. “I knew that I needed to focus on that, and I knew that I didn’t need to focus on English as much as the other subjects,” he says. His advice for other students is to commit to studying. In his free time, he likes to read and watch Netflix. He also does a lot of babysitting. “I do so much in school that by the time I come home, there’s not very much left to do,” he says. —Amber Helsel

Writing is everything for Jackson Academy junior Wisdom Ware, She always excelled at writing stories in elementary school, then discovered spoken word in middle school. “She fell in love with that art form,” her mother, Tonya Ware, says. Wisdom Ware won a Gold Key in the Mississippi Scholastic Arts & Writing Awards contest winner for her poem “When Cancer Wins,” which she wrote in honor of her aunt Lydia Dailey, who lost her battle with breast cancer June 19, 2018. “This piece was a way for me to process the grief,” Ware says. She also won a Silver Key for “When I Thought Black Wasn’t Beautiful,” a narrative poem Ware wrote about her school experiences when she was younger. “I was one of the few black students at my school, so I had some insecurities

about my kinky hair and skin tone because it was different from the rest of the students.” Ware began attending Jackson Academy in seventh grade. Ware, 16, is involved in school and around Jackson as a writer. This is her second year taking a creative writing class at Jackson Academy. She is the captain of the poetry writing club at her school, and the school’s Images Creative Magazine has published her poems “Blue,” “Shoe Laces” and “Remember The Roses.” Ware has been a member of Youth Leadership Greater Jackson, a local nonprofit organization, for a year and is in the current class of leaders. After graduation, Ware wants to pursue a degree in film with a minor in creative writing. Eventually, she wants to become a screenwriter, poet and director. —Armani T. Fryer

Luke North

When students in the CSPAN StudentCam competition had to answer the question, “What does it mean to be American?,” Luke North, a 17-year-old junior at Madison Central High School, focused on the Civil Rights Movement. He and partner Jillian Russell created a short documentary called “America Through the Lens of Civil Rights.” Their work got an honorable mention in February. North and Russell did the competition as an assignment for his Advanced Placement English class. Their documentary focused on living and growing up in Mississippi, and the state’s tumultuous history of race relations. “Mississippi more than any other state has a racially charged history, and people think about that negative history first when they think about our state,” North says. “However, I think we can and have changed, and people are working hard to do it. Our answer for what it

means to be American was that spirit of standing up for your rights and practicing civil disobedience from the Civil Rights Movement.” North’s favorite interview for the documentary, he says, was with Laurin Stennis, the granddaughter of the late Sen. John C. Stennis and creator of the Stennis Flag, a proposed alternative to Mississippi’s current state flag. “We used her as an example of the passion to fight for what you believe in,” North says. “She advocates for changing the state flag in a non-aggressive manner without bashing on those who support the current one, and I think that’s a teachable act that embodies what it means to be American.” North is a member of the Madison Central debate team and Student Government Club, and a member of local civil rights group Advocates for Change. —Dustin Cardon

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

styles, and values the technical skills he gains from the first style as well as the persuasive skills from the second one. As part of the USA debate team, Bhatt is now engaged in a style of debate called World Schools, in which topics change for every round, and each team of three has to research in advance Although he prefers styles where the topic doesn’t change, he still finds this format enjoyable and says he loves debating with the team. “It’s a great experience because even though we’re sort of all across the country, you really feel like a team,” he says. Bhatt, 18, is also a member of St. Andrew’s Quiz Bowl team and enjoys watching shows like “Dr. Who” and “Stranger Things,” and reading science fiction and fantasy books in his spare time. He is currently considering attending Harvard University to major in either political science or public policy. —James Bell

Acacia Clark

Acacia Clark

For Ishan Bhatt, debate is akin to an academic game. “It’s just a really fun game based on research, speaking abilities, strategic thinking, all of that stuff,” Bhatt says. “People really underestimate how much prior preparation goes into this activity, and that process is something that’s just really intellectually stimulating and really invigorating, and I really like it.” Bhatt, who is a senior at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, is among 12 students from across the nation who will be on the USA Debate team. The St. Andrew’s senior has been a member of the school’s debate team for nearly four years and has competed in several competitions. He was the winner of the “Lincoln-Douglas debate” (a type of one-on-one debate) at the 2018 National Speech and Debate Association’s national tournament. In preparing, he can either focus on research and speaking skills, or content and presentation, he says. He enjoys both

Wisdom Ware

Acacia Clark

Ishan Bhatt

more AMAZING TEENS, see page 16 15



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Morgan Bailey

Jermey Lynn

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

Acacia Clark

Lanier High School senior Jermey Lynn wants to help people, specifically younger people. “[I]t will help build the next generation into a better generation (more) than helping old people try to become better when it’s already a little too late,” Lynn says. He will attend Jackson State University in the fall to study social work, with the eventual goal of becoming a school guidance counselor. That way, he would get to walk through situations with students, Lynn says. “As you go to a school, you’ll see more situations than you would in real life because you’re physically with them as they’re going through the situation,”


he says. “Instead of walking into a situation you don’t know anything about, you get to see it.” The Jackson native is in the Lanier chapter of the National Honor Society, treasurer of the Student Government Association and a cadet captain on the Junior Reserves Officer Training Corps at the school. Lynn, 18, is also on JROTC’s drill team and serves as the vice president of Jobs for Mississippi Graduates, a program that prepares disadvantaged students for post-secondary education or work. “(JMG) will look good on my resume, and it’ll help me get a better job by me already knowing interview skills and what not to do,” he says. —Amber Helsel

When organizers for the Nissan Resume Challenge asked Valery King why he believes Wingfield High School principal Roderick Smith chose him for the opportunity, he told them it was because he is a scholar and a leader who strives in every way to help himself and his community grow. “I make every effort to advocate on behalf of students and teachers for better education,” says King, who is a Youth Academy ambassador for Jackson Public Schools. “I’ve even gone to Washington, D.C., to talk speak directly with our state representatives on how to help improve JPS.” In September 2018, youth mentoring organization 100 Black Men of Jackson put out a call for JPS principals to select scholars from their schools to take part in the Nissan Resume Challenge in February 2019. After Smith selected King, he traveled to Nissan’s headquarters in Franklin, Tenn., to represent his school. In the challenge, students had to Acacia Clark

she says. “Occupational therapy is a career that I am able to combine all my passions into.” Her win marks the first time a student from Brandon has taken top honors in any category of the state competition. The 16-yearold is now preparing for the HOSA International Leadership Conference in June, where she will compete against attendees from across the globe. In addition to HOSA, Bailey serves as the junior class vice president and is a member of the Key Club and on the yearbook staff and the Bowling team. During summers, she volunteers at Merit Health River Oaks in Flowood. She plans to attend Hinds Community College and Mississippi State University, where she will major in kinesiology with a neuromechanics concentration. She hopes to then attend occupational therapy school. —Torsheta Jackson


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Valery King prepare a detailed resume of their accomplishments and participate in face-to-face interviews Nissan representatives from the Franklin plant. King’s other accomplishments include being president of the Wingfield Student Government Association, a member of the National Honor Society, and captain of both the Wingfield soccer and cross-country teams. . He has been a member of the Wingfield JROTC since ninth grade and currently holds the rank of cadet command sergeant major, which is the highest non-commissioned officer rank in the Wingfield JROTC battalion. He recently finished his basic training to enter the U.S. Army Reserves and plans to receive his commission at Marion Military Institute in Alabama before transferring to Tennessee State University to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. “As a kid, I always admired soldiers and knew I wanted to be one,” he says. —Dustin Cardon

Roshuna Burns Roshuna Burns joined the Boys & Girls Club in 2015 when her mother, Pamela Burns, wanted to give her children something to do during the summer. Roshuna Burns has been active with the Boys & Girls Club for the last four years and has been employed as part of its Work and Development program for the last two summers. “Before I started coming here, I was kind of shy and wouldn’t really talk to anybody,” Burns says. “(The Boys and Girls Club has) made me become a more outgoing person.” In October 2018, the Boys and Girls Club of Central Mississippi Capitol Unit named the Jim Hill High School sophomore Youth of the Year. Soon after that, the 15-year-old moved on to the regional competition, Acacia Clark

Acacia Clark

Morgan Bailey has been around health care for most of her life. Her parents, Charley Bailey and Leila Bailey, are nurses. “I loved asking my mom and dad what they (saw) during their day,” she says. When the Brandon High School junior had the opportunity to take health science classes, she jumped at the chance. Her participation in Brandon’s Health Science Academy led her to join the school’s Health Occupations Students’ Association. Bailey took top honors in the “Clinical Speciality” category at this year’s HOSA state competition. Her event required researching and creating a portfolio of a chosen health profession, and performing a skill of the career on video. She chose the career that she hopes to one day pursue—occupational therapy. “I’ve always had a heart for children with disabilities, and I’ve always been athletic and wanted to treat injuries,”


where she won third place. “I said I would improve myself if I made it to the next level,” she says. “I promised to be more active in my community and pick up trash, donate clothes and other things people need.” The organization holds various programs that have helped her, including ones that focus on community service, public speaking and finance management, she says. Her favorite subject in school is resource management, and she plans to pursue cosmetology after graduating high school. Outside of school, when she is not working on school projects, Burns spends the majority of her free time helping at the Boys and Girls Club. —Nate Schumann

Shelby Dean

AcAciA clArk

Clinton High School junior Shelby Dean, a semi-finalist for the Mississippi State Board of Education’s 2019 Student Representative Program, says it’s important for students to have a voice in education because what they learn will shape how they grow up. For example, she says, had the school district not made it mandatory to get at least one art credit, she would have never discovered her love for the subject. “If that hadn’t been a requirement, I don’t think I would have ever tried it out,” Dean says. “… The decisions that the board and stuff are making for students all over the state are important because it’s going to shape how people grow up and how they learn.” The board announced earlier this year that Dean and other students around the state were semi-finalists for the orga-

nization’s Student Representative Program for the 2019-2020 school year. The board will announce the winners in July. If she wins, she will be a non-voting member of the board, but can give input on policy decisions that affect the state’s public schools. “It was really surprising, but I’m definitely grateful for my sponsor and the principal, who thought I would be a good candidate for it,” she says. Dean, 16, is also the student body vice president and is gunning for president in the 2019-2020 school year. She is a member of the school’s cross-country, track and soccer teams. Though she is not sure on a college, yet, she plans to become a teacher either for math or physics. She is also involved in the youth praise team at First United Methodist Church in Clinton. In her free time, she likes to draw and paint. —Amber Helsel

Congratulates Ishan Bhatt JFP Amazing Teen 2019

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AcAciA clArk

One of Jackson Preparatory School senior Neil Marchetti’s favorite pieces he created for his portfolio in Advanced Placement Art was of his brother, Lawson Marchetti, who goes to the University of Mississippi. “I went to hang out with him, and I took a picture of him,” Neil Marchetti says. “He has a long beard (and long, curly hair) right now so it was really neat to get to draw something like that.” His work for AP Art was displayed in the Senior Art Show at Prep in March. For AP Art, students must create 24 samples for their portfolios, with 12 showing a range of styles and 12 concentrating on one. Marchetti, an admirer of renowned portrait artist John Singer Sargent, Marchetti chose to focus on portraits, his favorite. In creating art, Marchetti chooses to use his iPad and Apple Pencil. “The (device) allows me to mimic

the techniques of a real pencil while also providing paint and pen tools,” Marchetti says. “I can achieve a higher value of colors and techniques.” Creating art on his iPad allows Marchetti to cut down the time it would take to switch between tools, wash brushes or sharpen pencils, he says. Marchetti is a member of his Jackson Prep’s speech and debate, tennis and Ultimate Frisbee teams. While he is outside of school, though, Marchetti spends his time drawing, playing ping pong or video games, and watching shows and movies on Netflix with his friends. After graduating in May, Marchetti plans to attend UM this fall. While he is currently undeclared for his major, he has interests in math, science and art, and he is considering pursuing engineering because it is a field that can incorporate those disciplines. —Nate Schumann


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April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

Neil Marchetti


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Hop into Local Events by Dustin Cardon

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

First Baptist Madison Spring Fling First Baptist Madison (2100 Main St., Madison) will host its Spring Fling event on Saturday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to noon at the former Tulane Campus Field across from the church. The event is free and open to the public and will include space jumps, face painting, carnival games, an egg hunt and more. For more information, call 601-856-6177 or find the event on Facebook.


City of Jackson Easter Egg Hunt The City of Jackson will host its annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 20, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the VA Legion Softball Complex (4500 Officer Thomas Catching, Sr. Drive). WJMI and WKXI radio stations are sponsors for the free event, which is open to children ages 4 to 8. The event will also include food vendors, live entertainment and prizes for children. The City asks that parents bring their own bag, basket or bucket for their child. For more information, call 601-960-0471 or find the event on Facebook. Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash

Easter Egg Hunt at Ag Museum The Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum (1150 Lakeland Drive) will hold its annual Easter egg hunt event on Saturday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The egg hunt begins at noon and is divided into categories for children ages 0 to 3, 4 to 7 and 8 to 12. Parental assistance during the event is only allowed for children under age 3 or for special-needs children. In addition to the egg hunt, the event will have egg dyeing and decorating, face painting, carousel and train rides, hot dogs and pictures with the Easter Bunny. Admission is $7 for adults, and $5 for children ages 3 and up. For more information, call 601-432-4500 or email msagmuseum@mdac.ms.gov.

Highland Village Easter Bunny Experience Highland Village (4500 Interstate 55 N. Frontage Road, Suite 281) will offer pictures with the Easter Bunny for families on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until April 20. Customers will receive a memory card of their photos to take home for unlimited print and electronic distribution. The photo studio will be located in The Plaza next to Beagle Bagel Café. Photo sessions are $39.95 per family. The studio is open Fridays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 60-982-5861 or find the event on Facebook.

Wells UMC Easter This Easter, celebrate with local Egg Hunt businesses and events. Wells Memorial United BRAVO! and Broad Street Methodist Church (2019 Bailey Easter Events Ave.) will host an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 20, BRAVO! Italian Restaurant & Bar (4500 Interstate from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The event is free and open to 55 N., Suite 244) will provide a special Easter brunch the public, and will include crafts, games, snacks and more. on Sunday, April 21, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The The egg hunt will begin at 10:30 a.m., and will feature sep- restaurant will have its full brunch menu along with arate hunting areas for children ages 1 to 5 and 6 to 12. An specials such as smoked leg of lamb with duck fat poadult must accompany all children. For more information, tato hash and carrot cake cheesecake. For more inforcall 601-353-0658 or find the event on Facebook. mation, call 601-982-8111 or visit bravobuzz.com. Broad Street Baking Company & Café (4465 InEstelle’s Easter Brunch terstate 55 N., Suite 101) will offer special menu items Estelle Wine Bar & Bistro (407 S. Congress St.) will for Easter until Sunday, April 21. Specials include hot hold an Easter brunch on Sunday, April 21, from 10:30 cross buns for $7.95 per half dozen, Easter basket Rice a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $39 per person and are avail- Krispies for $2.50 each, Easter sugar cookies for $2.65 able by reservation only. Customers over age 21 can also each and Easter cookie kits for $28 each by pre-order order bottomless brunch cocktails for $17 a person. The only. Cookie kits include eight Broad Street sugar cookevent will have free valet parking. For more information, ies, three pre-filled icing bags and sprinkles. For more call 769-235-8400 or visit estellejackson.com. To make a information or to place orders, call 601-362-2900 or reservation, visit opentable.com. visit broadstbakery.com.

Bunnies & Butterflies at the Mississippi Children’s Museum The Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Museum Blvd.) will host Bunnies & Butterflies on Saturday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in its Literacy Garden. The event will include activities such as planting herbs and spring vegetables in the museum’s garden, learning about the science behind bubbles with giant bubble wands and a rabbit petting zoo. Central Mississippi Bee Keepers will also teach children about how bees pollinate flowers and make honey, and the Mississippi Bug Blues mobile museum will have hands-displays about different kinds of insects. Bunnies & Butterflies will also have face painting, craft tables for making bunny ears, and insect wings and a bunny hop parade through the garden. General admission is $10 general and is free for those with MCM memberships. For more information, call 601981-5469 or mschildrensmuseum.org. Salvation Army Community Easter Egg Hunt The Jackson metro Salvation Army branch (110 Presto Lane) will hold a community Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 20, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event is free and will include popcorn, drink, jump houses and chicken plates on sale for lunch. For more information, call 601-982-4881 or find the event on Facebook. The Manship Easter Brunch The Manship Wood Fired Kitchen (1200 N. State St., Suite 100) will have an Easter brunch on Sunday, April 21, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The restaurant will have a brunch buffet, an a la carte menu, cocktails and live music. For more information, find the event on Facebook. Easter Weekend at Saltine From Friday, April 19, to Monday, April 22, Saltine Restaurant (622 Duling Ave., Suite 201) will have a full brunch menu and chef specials from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The restaurant will also have all-day breakfast ramen on Monday, April 22. For more information, find the event on Faebook. Nandy’s Candy Easter Treats For Easter this year, Nandy’s Candy (1220 East Northside Dr., Suite 380) will have confections such as caramel Divinity eggs, chocolate whipped eggs, chocolate Easter bunnies, themed chocolate-dipped apples, Easter baskets and more. For more information, visit nandyscandy.com. La Brioche Patisserie Treats For Easter this year, La Brioche (2906 N. State St.) will have treats such as mini-maracon-filled eggs, Easterthemed entremets and more. For more information, find the business on Facebook. This is not an exhaustive list. See and add more at jacksonfreepress.com/easter2019.


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Bishop Gunn Brings Natchez Rock ‘n’ Roll to Europe and Back by Tom Scarborough


April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms


How did the European audiences respond to you? Sharp: Amazing. It’s culturally different how they go to a concert. In the U.S., at shows people are talking and drinking, enjoying the band, and that’s great. Over there, it’s very much like, “The movie has just started in a theater. No cell phones please.” Maybe we were like exotic creatures over there—I mean, Travis walks on stage in a Versace bathrobe and no shirt on, I guess we did look a little strange. But the audiences really pay attention to the music. McCready: And they knew the songs. When you see them singing along, you know this is a crowd that has really studied you and done its homework. In

Milan, as we were walking up to the venue, the line outside stretched for blocks. So after you performed your smaller gigs in the UK, Paris, Belgium and the Netherlands, you joined up with Slash in Berlin. That must have required you to make some adjustments. Lewis: These dates in Europe gave us a lot of “firsts”: We had our first tour

lose your calluses.” On the first night we opened for Slash, his dressing room was right beside me. We had gotten this email from management before the tour telling us basically to keep our distance (from Slash), just silly stuff that turned out not to be so strict. On the night of the Berlin show, I saw his door was open, and he was changing his strings. I gave him a half-wave and kept walking, and Anthony Scarlati

t’s late afternoon in the VIP lounge at Smoot’s Grocery in Natchez, Miss. Three of the four members of Bishop Gunn are in town, fresh off a triumphant 15-date European tour. On seven of those dates, the band opened for Guns n’ Roses lead guitarist, Slash, on his “Living the Dream” tour. Lead Bishop Gunn lead vocalist Travis McCready is splayed out in a chair. Drummer Burne Sharp, and bassist Ben Lewis are were also present. Lead guitarist Drew Smithers remains back at the band’s base in Leiper’s Fork in Franklin, Tenn. In barely two years, Bishop Gunn has gone from playing local gigs around Natchez to performing before crowds of thousands around the nation, and garnering national and international acclaim. In 2018, the band toured across the country, opening for Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Marcus King Band, Gov’t Mule and Whiskey Myers. After the band released its debut album, “Natchez,” in May 2018, the record landed almost immediately at no. 4 on the Billboard Magazine Blues chart and no. 8 on the iTunes rock charts. The band conceived the Bishop Gunn Crawfish Boil in March 2018. The event filled local hotel rooms and bedand-breakfasts, and kept local bars and restaurants overflowing all weekend. The event returns this year on May 11. In Natchez the Jackson Free Press sat down to talk with McCready, Sharp and Lewis about their tour with Slash, the Bishop Gunn Crawfish Boil and more.

Bishop Gunn performs at the Bishop Gunn Crawfish Boil at Bluff Park in Natchez on May 11.

bus experience, our first non-Englishspeaking audiences, and the Slash dates gave us our first (arena) experience. We were able to watch videos after the first show opening for Slash, and we realized we needed to spread out. We’re used to being huddled together in small clubs. We had to learn to use the available space to communicate with the audience more effectively. So we made some adjustments and tried again. By the time we got to Lisbon, I think we were all much more comfortable. The report is that Slash personally selected Bishop Gunn as one of his opening bands. Was this the case? How much interaction did you have with Slash? McCready: Yeah, he did. I have this saying, “Embrace technology, but don’t

then I stopped and said to myself, “Alright, I can look like an a**hole who was too cool to stop and talk to Slash, or I can stick my head in there and say hey. So I peeked my head in and said, “Hey, man, I’m not trying to bother you, but I didn’t want to look like I was going to keep walking because I was too cool to stop.” And he said, “No, man, come in.” So we shook hands, and I thanked him for bringing us on, and he said, “Man, they gave us your album, and we really dig it.” And we chatted some more. But what I’m getting at was that he was changing his own strings—he had people that could do that for him. ... The fact that Slash is sitting there changing strings, and then I could hear him breaking them in—that was really cool to see. He’s keeping his calluses.

Was there a show when it all came together, where you knew you couldn’t have played any better, and the crowd knew it too? McCready: Lisbon, Portugal. Every night up to that point, we thought the gig we had played was the best one—and it wasn’t just the adrenaline talking. But in Lisbon, when we were playing “Making It,” there’s a photo that Ben took from behind his microphone when I went back to my amp to wipe my face. You see Ben’s mic in tight focus, and behind it are thousands of lights in the crowd—they were all holding up their phones—and I almost started crying. I missed a line because I was choking up, and my voice was cracking on the last chorus of “Making It.” When you see the video clip of that song, I was practically crying in front of 10,000 people. Tell me about the Bishop Gunn Crawfish Boil and some of the talent you have lined up. Sharp: Last year we really wanted to put together an event to help out our hometown, and what could be more representative of Natchez and Mississippi than a crawfish boil? We weren’t sure what to expect, but when we saw 4,000 people out there eating crawfish, listening to music, and having a great time, we knew we had a winning event for Natchez. We hadn’t toured nationally yet, and the album had only just come out. This year I think we’re going to have an attendance of 8,000, maybe even 10,000. McCready: Black Stone Cherry was a real hard push from us because their live show is unbelievable. It’s a good pushpull relationship between us—they love us, and we love them. We were incredibly lucky to get Tyler Childers—his profile has increased dramatically since we first started putting the line-up together. Southern Avenue is a riveting, high-wattage, Stax-influenced act. And, of course, our little brothers from Gulfport, Miss., Magnolia Bayou, will rock the crap out of the place. Bishop Gunn will perform at the Bishop Gunn Crawfish Boil on May 11at Bluff Park (Broadway Street, Natchez). Black Stone Cherry, Tyler Childers, Southern Avenue and Magnolia Bayou will also perform. For more information, visit ardenland.net.

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aTo Do Listd

Looking for something great to do in Jackson? Visit JFPEVENTS.COM for more. COMMUNITY Open Mic hosted by Reed Smith April 17, April 24, May 1, 9 p.m., at Martin’s Downtown (214 S. State St.). Participants sing, read poetry, tell jokes and more. Free admission. Business Bites: Learn Online Strategies and Low-Budget Promotion Tools April 18, April 25, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., at Soul Synergy Center (5490 Castlewoods Court, Suite D, Flowood). The class teaches participants new online marketing skills, such as creating a website and other skills. Networking encouraged. Participants should bring their own lunch and computer. $33 per person; call 405-612-7782; email allyn@ energymedicinesquared.com; energymedicinesquared.regfox.com.

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

Paws on the Patio: Benefiting ARFMS April 18, 5-8 p.m., at Library Lounge at Fairview Inn (734 Fairview St.). The event invites participants to bring their pets to a dinner of grilled hotdogs and other refreshments. Includes silent auction and live music. Attendees can purchase raffle tickets for prizes. Proceeds benefit the Animal Rescue Fund of Mississippi. Doggie pools, water bowls and complementary treats provided. Free admission; find it on Facebook.


Events at Hal and Mal’s (200 Commerce St.) • MTAT’s Good Friday Downtown Walking Tour April 19, 2:30-5 p.m. Participants attend an informative tour of downtown Jackson, which includes a number of stops and lasts approximately 2.5 hours. $25; email mtattravel@gmail.com. • Drag Bingo April 19, 7-10 p.m. Special guest Miss Catastrophe hosts the bingo night. Free admission, drink prices vary; find it on Facebook. • Ideas on Tap: The Future of Public Education in Mississippi April 23, 5:30-7 p.m. The program hosts a panel of education policy experts who will discuss different approaches to improving public schools. Panelists include Grant Callen (Empower Mississippi), Nancy Loome (The Parents’ Campaign) and Rachel Canter (Mississippi First). MHC Executive Director Dr. Stuart Rockoff moderates. Snacks provided. Follow-up event held May 21. Free admission, drink prices vary; call 601-4326752; email cgillespie@mhc.state.ms.us; find it on Facebook. • MTAT’s Jackson City Highlight Tour April 27, 1:30-4:30 p.m. Participants will attend a tour on select places within Jackson, including the downtown, Belhaven, midtown and Fondren areas. The event also features raffle prizes and refreshments. $50; email mtattravel@ gmail.com; morethanatourist.net. The Village Social Trivia Night April 19, 7-9 p.m., at Highland Village (4500 I-55 N. Frontage Road, Suite 281). The trivia night offers beer for attendees with prizes awarded to first- and second-place winners, as well as to those with the best team name, most spirited and best dressed. Must be age 21 and up. Free admission; call 601-982-5861; email lynsie.armstrong@ wsdevelopment.com.

Islamic Art: Architecture, Photography & Calligraphy April 20, 4-6 p.m., at Mississippi Arts Center - International Museum of Muslim Cultures (201 E. Pascagoula St.). The event celebrates Islamic Appreciation Month with an exhibition of Islamic architecture, photography and calligraphy. Free admission. Credit Repair April 22, 1-2 p.m., at Willie Morris Library (4912 Old Canton Road). The lecture from Charlotte Flowers advises attendees on how to improve their credit and understand their credit scores. Free admission; call 601-987-8181; jhlibrary.com. Events at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.) • Basics of Investing April 22, April 29, 6-7:15 p.m. Mark Maxwell is the instructor. Participants learn about topics such as stocks, bonds, annuities, mutual funds, taxation, qualified plans and more. Class meets Mon-

Events at Fenian’s Pub (901 E. Fortification St.) • Karaoke April 22, April 29, 9 p.m. Free; find it on Facebook. • Open Mic April 23, April 30, 9 p.m. Free. Trivia Throwdown April 23, 6-10 p.m., at The Iron Horse Grill (320 W. Pearl St.). Proceeds for the trivia night benefit Disability Rights Mississippi, which assists people with disabilities in Mississippi. Includes food, a silent auction and prizes. $10; call 601-968-0600, ext. 248.; email cmartin@drms.ms; find it on Facebook. Karaoke April 23, April 30, 7:30-11:30 p.m., at Shucker’s Oyster Bar (116 Conestoga Road, Ridgeland). Free; shuckersontherez.com. Crowdfunding for Social Good April 24, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at Hinds Community College, Rankin Campus (515 Country Pl Parkway, Pearl). In Clyde Muse Conference Center. Author and educator Devin Thorpe presents on

parents of children who attend Jackson Public Schools. Highlights include workshops, summer camp information, food, door prizes and more. STEM enthusiast Captain Barrington Irving serves as the guest-speaker. Transportation provided with pick-up and drop-off locations at other JPS high schools at 4 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. Buses depart from Callaway at 8:30 p.m. to return parents to high schools. Childcare provided. Registration closes April 12. Free admission; jackson.k12.ms.us. The Great Hangout 2019 April 26-27, at Clinton Community Nature Center (617 Dunton Road, Clinton). Begins 6 p.m. Friday and ends 9 a.m. Saturday. The overnight camping event allows participants to socialize and sleep in hammocks. Includes hotdogs and s’mores. For adults and children ages 12 and up. $8 members, $10 nonmembers; find it on Facebook.

THURSDAY 4/18 Museum After Hours: Garden Daze is from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). The museums hosts the event featuring a flower arrangement exhibit, painting opportunities, a printmaking class, a plant sale the “Springtide” dance performance by Kinetic Etchings Dance Project, live music from TB Ledford and the Accumulators and a screening of “A Bug’s Life.” Cash bar available. Food from La Brioche available for purchase. Free admission, food/drink prices vary; msmuseumart.org. RAWPIXEL

days from April 8-May 6. $80; call 601-9741000; millsaps.edu. • How to Sell What You Write April 23, April 30, 6-7 p.m. James L. Dickerson is the instructor. Participants learn to sell their unpublished work. Includes one-on-one evaluations of nonfiction book proposals, magazine query letters, synopses and first chapters of novels. Class meets Tuesdays from April 9-May 7. $150; millsaps.edu. • The Forgotten Era in Mississippi Architecture: Reconstruction to the Gilded Age April 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). Todd Sanders is the instructor. Participants learn about the architectural styles that developed in Mississippi following the Civil War but preceding the ornate styles of 1890s. $40 per person; millsaps.edu. • What Style Is My House? April 30, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.). Todd Sanders is the instructor. Participants learn about a variety of architectural styles seen in Mississippi domestic architecture from the 19th century to 20th century. Location of class distributed via email with confirmation of registration. $40 per person; millsaps.edu.

how to more effectively raise funds for an organization. The class teaches skills such as calculating realistic goals for campaigns, using social media to promote campaigns and writing persuasive emails that yield more results. Participants receive a take-home workbook. Must bring videocapable smartphone or tablet. $39 members, $49 nonmembers; call 601-968-0061. Thanks Admins Open House April 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at Triad Business Centers (460 Briarwood Drive, Suite 400). The event honors local administrators and the work they do on a regular basis. Includes gifts, refreshments and a tour of the facility. Networking encouraged. Walk-ins accepted. Free admission. A Night Just for the Brides April 25, 4-7 p.m., at Mississippi Crafts Center (950 Rice Road, Ridgeland). Brides-to-be gather to get ideas for flowers, catering, cakes and photography, as well as for bridal party gifts, hostess gifts and unique bridal keepsakes. Attendees may register to use the venue. The first 20 to RSVP receive a gift at the event. All who RSVP receive a discount card. Door prizes available. Free admission. Spring Parent & Family Engagement Conference April 25, 5:30-8:30 p.m., at Callaway High School (601 Beasley Road). The event invites

Metro Master Gardeners’ Plant Sale April 27, 8 a.m.-noon, at Mynelle Gardens (4736 Clinton Blvd.). Attendees purchase plants and explore Mynelle Gardens. Members of the Metro Master Gardeners come from all over the Jackson metropolitan area. The Master Gardeners have propagated a wide variety of native and naturalized heirloom plants, perennials, shrubs and trees that are suited to southern soils and climate. Free admission, vendor prices vary; call 601-613-5223; email sadiecat17@comcast.net; find it on Facebook. Pop-Ups at the ‘Park April 27, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., at Northpark (1200 E. County Line Road, Ridgeland). Vendors come and set up pop-up booths throughout Northpark to sell their products. Free admission, vendor prices vary; find it on Facebook. $20 Microchip Clinic and Adoption Event at Orvis April 27, noon-5 p.m., at Orvis (1000 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite 9019, Ridgeland). The event allows attendees to bring their pets to get microchipped at a discounted price. People can also come to adopt pets and likewise get them chipped. $20 for chipping; find it on Facebook.

YBL Jackson 2019 Spring Banquet April 30, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., at The Country Club of Jackson (345 St Andrews Drive). Mississippi State Auditor Shad White presents on his experiences in business, life and faith. The event encourages networking as participants dine. Admission TBA; call 601-957-6860; email info@ybljackson.org.

KIDS Events at Northpark (1200 E. County Line Road, Ridgeland) • Easter in Real Life April 18-20, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Children can have their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny. Online registration allows attendees to skip the walk-in line. Prices: $24.99 (one 5x7, one 3x5 and three walletsized), $29.99 (two 5x7s, two 4x6s, one 3x5 and two wallet-sized), $34.99 (digital files— up to three photos), $39.99 (three 5x7s, two 4x6s, three 3x5s and two wallet-sized), $49.99 (digital files—up to three photos, four 5x7s, two 4x6s, four 3x5s and four wallet-sized). See description; bunnyfastpass.com. • Kids Club April 20, 10-11 a.m. Kids plant seeds and learn about the plant life cycle from Green Oak Florist in the Earth Day event. Free admission; call 601-863-2300; email sreeks@northparkmall.com. Nature Nuts April 19, 10-11 a.m., at Clinton Community Nature Center (617 Dunton Road, Clinton). Parents and guardians bring their children ages 2-5 to learn about nature. $5 per child, $1 off per consecutive child, free for members; email claymansell@gmail.com; find it on Facebook. Look & Learn with Hoot April 19, 10:30-11:30 a.m., at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.). The educational event for children up to 5 years of age and their parents features creative play, a hands-on art activity and story time with Hoot, the museum’s education mascot. Please dress for mess. $10 per child; call 601-960-1515; email mdrake@msmuseumart. org; msmuseumart.org. Events at Willie Morris Library (4912 Old Canton Road) • Willie Morris Easter Egg Hunt April 19, 10:30-11:30 a.m. The library hosts an egg hunt. Children also create Easter-themed crafts. Free admission; call 601-987-8181; jhlibrary.com. • Earth Day Crafts April 22, 3:30-4:30 p.m., at Willie Morris Library (4912 Old Canton Road). Children create seed bombs and build sprout houses. Children may return at later dates to observe their seeds’ growth at the library. Free admission; call 601-987-8181; jhlibrary.com. Highland Village Easter Bunny Experience April 19, 1-5 p.m., April 20, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., at Highland Village (4500 Interstate 55 N. Frontage Road, Suite 281). Families may take pictures with the Easter Bunny. Participants take home a memory card of their photos for unlimited print and electronic distribution. $39.95 per family; call 601-982-5861; email lynsie.armstrong@ wsdevelopment.com; find it on Facebook. 4everCaring’s Easter Egg Hunt April 20. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at LeFleur’s Bluff State Park. The event offers Easter egg hunts for children ages 4 and under with assistance, ages 5-11 without assistance, and special-needs kids and adults with

Looking for something great to do in Jackson? Visit JFPEVENTS.COM for more. assistance. Prizes awarded for every category. Includes space jumps, face-painting and free Easter baskets while supplies last. Train rides available from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free pictures with the Easter Bunny also available. Free admission; call 601-862-1807; email 4evercaring@gmail. com; evensi.us.

MAFM Easter Egg Hunt April 20, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at Mississippi Agriculture & Forestry Museum (1150 Lakeland Drive ). The annual Easter egg hunt begins at noon and splits children into three age groups: 0-3, 4-7 and 8-12. The event also offers egg dyeing and decorating, face painting, carousel and train rides, hot dogs

FRIDAY 4/19 KidFest! Ridgeland is from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Freedom Ridge Park (253 W. School St.). The festival features a variety of shows, interactive activities, rides and other attractions for kids. Acts include A Grizzly Experience; The Magical


Poodles; Zoppé, an Italian Family Circus; Hilby, the Skinny German Juggle Boy; Backyard Circus; and the Kids Work Zone. Attendees can print a coupon off the event’s website for $2 off general admission for a ticket. Additional date: April 20. $12 general admission, $2-off coupon found online; kidfestridgeland.com.

(while supplies last) and pictures with the Easter Bunny. $7 adult, $5 child; find it on Facebook. Events at Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Museum Blvd.) • Bunnies & Butterflies April 20, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The second-annual event allows attendees to pet rabbits and observe butterflies in the museum gardens. Participants may craft butterfly wings. $10 general admission, free for MCM members; greaterbelhaven.com. • Visiting Artist: Tempestt Gilmore April 20, 11 a.m., at Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Museum Blvd.). Visiting artist Tempestt Gilmore instructs participants in dance. There are four sessions: 11 a.m., noon, 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Admission TBA; greaterbelhaven.com. • Magic Monday—Earth Day April 22, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Museum Blvd.). Children engage in an Earth Day-themed project, where they plant a seed and take it home to watch it germinate. The event also offers a farm-to-table activity, a

recycling craft and a community collaboration project. $10 general admission, free for MCM members; greaterbelhaven.com. • “Harry Potter” Day April 27, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Museum Blvd.). The “Harry Potter”-themed event features various children’s activities, including a Quidditch ball game, quillmaking, a house-sorting chemistry activity, wand making and patronus art. Stations are set up throughout the museum where children can use wands to perform “magic.” Costumes encouraged. $10 general admission, free for MCM members; greaterbelhaven.com. • Play Eat Learn: The Sensory World of a Child April 30, 6-7:15 p.m., at Mississippi Children’s Museum (2145 Museum Blvd.). Parents, caregivers and educators listen to a panel while children explore the museum. Pediatric expert Susan Butross, M.D., serves as the keynote speaker. Dinner provided first-come, first-served. Free admission; find it on Facebook.

McClain’s Easter Egg Hunt April 20, 11-11:30 a.m. and noon-12:30 p.m., at McClain’s (874 Holly Bush Road, Brandon). The event hosts two Easter egg hunts, one for toddlers ages 4 and under at 11 a.m., and one for children ages 5-12 at noon. Parents may assist toddlers, but the second hunt is kids-only. Eggs contain an assort of prizes, coupons and candy. Each hunt has one grand prize egg, which offers a prize to be revealed at the event. Free admission; call 601-829-1101, ext. 1; email Guestrelations@ mcclain.ms; mcclain.ms. Events at Lemuria Books (4465 I-55 N.) • “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”: 50th Anniversary Story Time & Celebration April 22, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Participants attend for a reading of the popular children’s book. Kids can take photos with the titular character at the celebration. Free admission. • Dino Party Storytime April 27, 10 a.m.noon. The event celebrates Independent Bookstore Day by holding a dinosaur-themed storytelling session. Children may take a photo with a dinosaur. Free admission; find it on Facebook.

FOOD & DRINK “BBQ, Beer & Live Trivia” April 22, April 29, 7:30 p.m., at The Pig & Pint (3139 N. State St.). Challenge Entertainment presents Live Trivia, featuring a $50 gift card for first place, a $20 gift card for second place and a $10 gift card for third place. Free; pigandpint.com.


the best in sports over the next two weeks by Bryan Flynn, follow at jfpsports.com, @jfpsports

April is currently a month of firsts, as the University of Virginia won its first men’s national championship. And this weekend, Tiger Woods returned to the top of golf world with his first Masters win since 2005. THURSDAY, APRIL 18

College baseball (8-10:30 p.m., ESPNU): MSU v Arkansas FRIDAY, APRIL 19

College baseball (6-8:30 p.m., SECN+):UM v Auburn SATURDAY, APRIL 20

College softball (1-3:30 p.m., SECN+): UM v MSU SUNDAY, APRIL 21

College tennis (1-6 p.m., SECN): SEC Men’s and Women’s Championship MONDAY, APRIL 22

NFL (7:30-10 p.m., ESPN2): “SportsCenter Special: Mel and Todd’s Mock Draft” TUESDAY, APRIL 23

College baseball (6-8:30 p.m., SECN): Missouri State v Missouri WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24

College softball (6-8:30 p.m., SECN): USM v. UM THURSDAY, APRIL 25

NFL (7-11 p.m., ABC): 2019 NFL Draft, round one FRIDAY, APRIL 26

NFL (6-11 p.m., ABC): NFL Draft, rounds two and three. SATURDAY, APRIL 27

NFL (11am-5 p.m., ESPN): NFL Draft, rounds four to seven.

Taste of the Town April 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Jefferson Street (Jefferson Street, Clinton). Restaurants from the Clinton area set up stands on Jefferson Street and offer attendees food samples. Tea, lemonade and water included with ticket. Craft beer available for purchase at Olde Towne Restaurants. $20 admission; find it on Facebook.


Church’s Chicken to Host a Grand Re-Opening in Jackson, MS April 26, 3-6 p.m., at Church’s Chicken (5673 Mississippi Highway 18). The location’s re-grand opening celebration offers music and giveaways. Food and drink prices vary; email mariangela@inklinkmarketing.com.


Bowtie Jazz Brunch April 27, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., at Rickhouse by The Manship (717 Poplar Blvd.). The brunch event benefits the Mississippi Boychoir. Live entertainment by Raphael Semmes.

College softball (noon-2:30 p.m., SECN): Missouri v MSU MONDAY, APRIL 29

NFL (8-9 p.m., ESPNU): “The Draft Featured” College baseball (6:30-9 p.m., SECN+): Tennessee Tech v Vanderbilt WEDNESDAY, MAY 1

College baseball (6-9:30pm ESPN3): Wichita State v Kansas State

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

aTo Do Listd


aTo Do Listd The menu includes French toast bread pudding, hash brown casserole, vegetarian quiche, bacon, fresh fruit and drinks. $50 general admission, $100 lunch and signage, sponsorship prices available online; call 601-665-7374; mississippiboychoir.org. Martin’s Downtown Annual Crawfish Boil April 27, 2 p.m., at Martin’s Downtown (214 S. State St.). Attendees eat crawfish in the annual event. Includes live music from Southern Komfort Brass Band, Epic Funk Brass Band and Eric Deaton. $5; find it on Facebook. “The Night After” Dinner Theater at Sombra April 27, 7-9 p.m., at Sombra Mexican Kitchen

Looking for something great to do in Jackson? Visit JFPEVENTS.COM for more. Class meets Wednesdays from April 10-May 1. $95 plus $5 supplies fee; call 601-974-1000; millsaps.edu. • Advanced Basketball April 17, April 24, May 1, 7-9 p.m. Jimmy Smith is the instructor. The class is for current and former college basketball players looking to develop advanced skills and complex team strategy. Class meets Wednesdays from March 27-May 1. $120 per person; millsaps.edu. • T’ai Chi April 18, April 25, 6:15-7:45 p.m. Mike Chadwick is the instructor. Participants learn about and practice Yang-style T’ai Chi with an emphasis on health, stress manage-

SATURDAY 4/20 Township Jazz Festival is from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Fusion Coffeehouse (1111 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland). The annual jazz festival features live music from various artists, including the Ridgeland High School Jazz Band, the JSU Jazz RAWPIXEL Professors, Barry Leach, Raphael Semmes, Todd Bobo, The Vamps, Southern Komfort, Delfeayo Marsalis and the Uptown Jazz Orchestra, Astral Project and the Grammy Award-winning Rebirth Brass Band. Free admission; townshipjazzfestival.com.

(111 Market St, Flowood). The Detectives and Sombra present a comedic theatrical performance while participants dine. Cocktails and seating begin 6 p.m. $42, plus tax and gratuity; call 601-291-7444; email thedetectives@; thedetectives.biz. “The Night After” Dinner Theater at Char April 29, 7-9 p.m., at Char Restaurant (I-55 N. Frontage Road). The Detectives and Char present a comedic theatrical performance while participants dine. Cocktails and seating begin 6 p.m. $49, plus tax and gratuity; call 601-291-7444; email thedetectives@ymail.com; thedetectives.biz.


April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

Boxing & Kickboxing April 17-18, April 22-25, April 29-30, May 1, 5-7 p.m., at Boxers Rebellion Fighting Arts & Fitness (856 S. State St. Suite E). Instructors teach participants boxing and kickboxing skills. $15 single day, $100 session; more options shown on website; call 262994-3174; email jeremy@boxersrebellion.com; boxersrebellion.org.


Choreorobics Dance Off @ Steps the Studio April 17, April 24, May 1, 6:15-7 p.m., at Steps the Studio, School of the Performing Arts (6800 Old Canton Road, Suite 113, Ridgeland). Choreographer Roger L. Long and dance professional Tena Long instruct participants in hip hop-styled dance fitness techniques. $10 per person; call 601-853-7480; email golongproductions@ yahoo.com; choreorobics.com. Events at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.) • Move Sense: Exploring the Body & Self Through Movement April 17, April 24, May 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Jane Newkirk is the instructor. The class is based on principles of the Axis Syllabus and somatic movement, combining biomechanics, art, imagery and movement.

ment, increased balance and more. Class meets Thursdays from April 4-May 23. Limited class size. $150; call 601-974-1000; millsaps.edu. • Soul Care for Caregivers April 22, April 29, 6-8 p.m. Soul Care for Caregivers offers participants a safe and sacred space to reflect honestly on the joys and struggles of their caregiving journeys and receive support through Christian spiritual practices, caring community and practical strategies for self-care. $112; call 601-974-1130; email revsherry@msn.com; millsaps.edu. • Yoga for Everyone April 23, April 30, 6:157:30 p.m. Sally Holly is the instructor. Participants learn yoga techniques and postures to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility. Must bring sticky mat and a firm blanket. Class meets Tuesdays from April 16-July 2. $150; call 601-974-1130; millsaps.edu. Bend & Brew | Yoga April 18, 5:30-6:30 p.m., at Highland Village (4500 I-55 N. Frontage Road). Local yogi Carly Chinn instructs the yoga class. All fitness levels welcome. Attendees who stay until the end receive a froze’ from Aplos. Those who want mats should bring their own. The event occurs every third Thursday of the month. Free admission; call 601-982-5861; email lynsie. armstrong@wsdevelopment.com. Free West African Dance Class April 21, April 28, 2-3:30 p.m., at Central United Methodist Family Life Center (517 N. Farish St.). The class teaches West African choreography and performance. All ages and experience-level are welcomed. Baby and child-friendly class. Strollers, carriers, playpens are welcomed. Live music by Alkebulan Music Philosophy. Sponsored by Greater Jackson Arts Council and Mississippi Arts Commission. Free admission; call 601-9839305; email shanina.carmichael@gmail.com; find it on Facebook.

Mississippi Thrive! Child Health and Development Summit April 25-26, at Mississippi Civil Rights Museum (222 North St., Suite 2205). The event features panels on various childrengeared health and development topics. Guest speakers include Laura Jana, Jeana Ross, Julie Sweetland and Marissa Kaiser. Admission TBA.

“Twelve Angry Jurors” April 25-27, 7:30 p.m., April 28, 2 p.m., at Black Rose Theatre (103 Black St., Brandon). The courtroom drama tells the story of 12 jurors as they deliberate the verdict of a homicide case that could mean the death of a young man. Reservations encouraged. $15 adult, $10 seniors, children and military; blackrosetheatre.org.


The Bard on the Bricks presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” April 27, 7-9 p.m., April 28, 2:30-4:30 p.m., at Leake St, Olde Towne Clinton (300 Jefferson St., Clinton). The troupe presents a theatrical performance of the classic Shakespeare comedy. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets for seating. Free admission, food prices vary; call 601-924-5472; email abennett@clintonms.org; find it on Facebook.

Dr. Lenny Moore & Friends April 19, 9:30 a.m., at Secrets Blues & Comedy Club (426 W. Capitol St.). The Miami, Fla., native comedian Dr. Lenny Moore performs. Comedians Silk Breezy; Eddie Seawood, Sr. and QP also perform. Hosted by J Fizzle. VIP tickets include valet parking, drink setup and immediate entry. BYOB. $15 general, $40 VIP table for 2, $100 VIP booth for 5; Eventbrite. “I Am” Darren Fleet Tour April 19, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at The Hideaway (5100 Interstate 55 N. Frontage Road). Comedian Darren Fleet performs. VIP tickets include a meet and greet. $20 general, $65 VIP table (2); $100 VIP table (4); Eventbrite. “Sweat” April 23-27, 7:30 p.m., April 28, 2 p.m., April 29-30, 7:30 p.m., May 1-4, 7:30 p.m., May 5, 2 p.m., at New Stage Theatre (1100 Carlisle St.). The stage-play tells the story of a group of friends who work together on the factory floor and have spent their lives sharing drinks, secrets and laughs. But when layoffs and picket lines begin to chip away at their trust, the friends find themselves pitted against each other in a heart-wrenching fight to stay afloat. $30 ticket; newstagetheatre.com. Fam Friday | Alice in Wonderland Experience April 26, 5:30-7 p.m., at Highland Village (4500 I-55 N. Frontage Road). The event welcomes Ballet Magnificat and features live performances, ballet lessons, face painting and a Mad Hatter tea party. In The Courtyard. Free admission; call 601-982-5861; email lynsie.armstrong@wsdevelopment.com.

FRIDAY 4/26 Chef Battle Jackson is from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Soul Wired Cafe (4147 Northview Plaza Drive). Attendees watch chefs compete for the Jackson’s Best Chef title. Participants get to sample the chefs’ food and get to vote for a crowd’s


favorite award. Includes live entertainment. Cash bar available. $40 general admission; find it on Facebook.

“Lyric: Falling In Love With All The Wrong Men” April 27, 7-10 p.m., at Clyde Muse Center (515 Country Place Parkway, Pearl). The stage-play tells the story of a woman and the complications of her romantic life. Vendors and concessions available. No alcoholic beverages allowed. Doors open at 6 p.m. $15 advanced, $20 at-door; email Admin@waregirl. com; waregirl.com. “La Bohème” April 27, 7:30 p.m., at Thalia Mara Hall (255 E. Pascagoula St.). The Mississippi Opera presents Giacomo Puccini’s classic opera about a group of young Bohemians living in 1840s Paris. The production features popular arias such as “Che Gelida Manina” and “Quando Me’n Vò.” Reserved seating. $20-$65; call 601-960-2300; email exdir@ msopera.org; msopera.org.

CONCERTS & FESTIVALS Robert Earl Keen April 18, 7:30 p.m., at Duling Hall (622 Duling Ave.). Americana artist Robert Earl Keen performs. Doors open 6:30 p.m. $5 uncharge for people under 21. $35 advanced ticket, $40 at door; dulinghall.ticketfly.com. Vibe Fest: Earthly Vibrations Festival April 20, 12 p.m.-8 p.m., at Midtown, Jackson (155 Wesley Ave. ). The Earth Day celebration endeavors to promote good vibes, encourage the idea of community and raise environmental awareness. Includes live music, guest-speakers, yoga sessions, mindfulness presentations, healthy food options, consciously curated artists, artisans and vendors. Free admission; call 601-691-1697; email contact@jax-zenfloat.com; vibefestjxn.com. “Million Dollar Quartet” April 20, 8 p.m., at Thalia Mara Hall (255 E. Pascagoula St.). The rock and roll musical tells the story of the fateful meeting between Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash at an impromptu jam session in December of 1956. The musical focuses on these newcomers before they became icons, gathered for a rare collaboration at Sun Studios in Memphis. $36-$95; ticketmaster.com. The Avett Brothers April 20, 8 p.m., at Brandon Amphitheater (8190 Rock Way, Brandon). The rock band performs. $35-$153; www1.ticketmaster.com. CMBS Blue Monday April 22, April 29, 7 p.m., at Hal & Mal’s (200 Commerce St.). The Central Mississippi Blues Society presents the weekly blues show, which features a “Front Porch Acoustic Hour” and a jam with the Blue Monday Band. Cash bar available. $5 admission,

Annie Dawson, Tea Cup and Saucer, 1872. Porcelain with black handles and gold rims. Gift of Miss Lena Cadwalader Evans. The New-York Historical Society, New York. Photograph © New-York Historical Society. 1936.788ab NYHS



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April 17 - 30, 2019 • jfp.ms

F E B R U A R Y 2 – A U G U S T 11 , 2 0 1 9


aTo Do Listd $3 for CMBS members; call 601-948-0888; halandmals.com. Pearl Day 2019 April 26, 6 p.m., at Trustmark Park (1 Braves Blvd., Pearl). The annual festival features a concert with various special guests. $15; cityofpearl.com. Gospel Explosion Musical April 26, 7-10 p.m., at Greater Fairview Baptist Church (2545 Newport St.). The Jackson Tougaloo Alumni Chapter hosts the event, which showcases the talents of alumni and friends who are professional gospel artists known throughout the southern region. Proceeds go toward student scholarships. Donations only; Eventbrite. American Guild of Organists with the Millsaps Chamber Singers April 26, 7:30-8:30 p.m., at St. James Episcopal Church (3921 Oakridge Drive). Organist Kenneth Miller and the Millsaps Chamber Singers present British works for choir and organ. Free admission; millsaps.edu. Birdsong and Bluegrass April 27, 4-8 p.m., at Mississippi Museum of Natural Science (2148 Riverside Drive). Participants listen to bluegrass music, take a guided nature walk, enjoy local art and experience a live birds of prey program with Freedom Ranch Outreach Education. $8 adult member, $4 youth (ages 3-18) member, $10 adult nonmember, $6 youth (ages 3-18) nonmember members, kids 3 and under free; mdwfp.com.

Looking for something great to do in Jackson? Visit JFPEVENTS.COM for more. ing April 25, 5 p.m. Author Ali Benjamin signs copies. Reading at 5:30 p.m. $16.99 signed copy, free reading; lemuriabooks.com.

CREATIVE CLASSES Events at Millsaps College (1701 N. State St.) • Italic Calligraphy April 18, April 25, 6-8 p.m. Cathy O’Rear is the instructor. Participants learn to create Italic forms with a broad-edged pen, designing a short quotation and learning the basics of envelope addressing. Limited to 15 people. Class meets Thursdays through May 16. $110 plus $20 instructor fee; call 601-9741000; millsaps.edu. • Beginning Harmonica April 22, April 29, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Scott Albert Johnson is the instructor. Participants learn rudiments of playing single notes, the difference between melodic and blues harmonica playing, basic songs and phrases, and more. Class meets Mondays from April 15-May 6. $100 (plus harmonica); call 601-974-1000; millsaps.edu. • To Tell the Truth: The Art of Creative Nonfiction April 22, April 29, 6:30-8 p.m. Ellen Ann Fentress is the instructor. Participants explore a variety of nonfiction forms,

American Aquarium with Joshua Ray Walker at Martin’s Downtown April 30, 9 p.m., at Martin’s Downtown (214 S. State St.). The folk-inspired Southern rock-and-roll band American Aquarium performs. Country music artist Joshua Ray Walker also performs. $15; find it on Facebook.

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms



History Is Lunch: John Ramsey Miller and Stephen Smith April 24, noon-1 p.m., at Two Mississippi Museums (222 North St.). In the Craig H. Neilsen Auditorium. John Ramsey Miller and Stephen Smith present “McCartys of Merigold, Mississippi: The Pottery.” Book sales and signing to follow. Free admission; mdah.ms.gov. Events at Lemuria Books (4465 I-55 N.) • “Southern Lady Code” Book Signing April 24, 5 p.m. Author Helen Ellis signs copies. Reading at 5:30 p.m. $22 book, free reading; call 601-366-7619; lemuriabooks.com. • “The Next Great Paulie Fink” Book Sign-

Events at Downtown Giftery (151 W. Government St., Brandon) • Alcohol Ink Paint Class with Pamila Ross April 27, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Pamila Ross instructs attendees in painting using alcohol ink. Materials included. Participants receive a 20 percent discount on art supplies the day of the event. $35; find it on Facebook. • Acrylic Paint Class with Ashley Watkins April 27, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Ashley Watkins instructs attendees in painting using acrylics. Materials included. Participants receive a 20 percent discount on purchases from the store the day of the event. $35; find it on Facebook.

ARTS & EXHIBITS Art Attack April 19, 1:45-3:45 p.m., at Eudora

SATURDAY 4/27 Guts and Butts 5K begins 4 p.m. at Brandon Amphitheater (8190 Rock Way, Brandon). Participants run and walk in the 5K event that raises funds to benefit the 70x2020 initiative, whose goal is to have 70 percent of all eligible Mississippians screened annually for colon cancer by 2020. The kids fun run begins at 5:15 p.m. $37 5K, $10 kids fun run; runsignup.com.

Jackson Choral Society April 28, 2:30-3:30 p.m., at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church (5400 Old Canton Road). The organization presents “Across Two Continents,” featuring European works from Mozart, Schubert and Faure as well as American works by Moses Hogan, Liebau and Dandridge. Proceeds benefit the Community Stewpot of Jackson. Attendees asked to bring a canned good for donation. $15 general admission, $10 students/seniors; call 601-2606356; email jcolemanedu516@gmail.com. Student Composition Concert featuring Mississippi Symphony April 28, 7:30-8:30 p.m., at The Reclaimed Miles (140 Wesley Ave.). The concert serves as the culminating event of semester-long collaboration between Millsaps’ student composers and the MSO Woodwind Quintet. Free admission; millsaps.edu.

• Knitting a Cotton T-shirt April 23, April 30, 6-8 p.m. Donna Peyton is the instructor. Participants learn to construct a short-sleeved cotton T-shirt. Basic knitting skills and knowledge of casting on, knitting, purling and more. Class meets Tuesdays through April 30. $70 plus materials; call 601-9741000; millsaps.edu.


including memoir, personal essay, criticism and humor. Class meets Mondays from April 8-May 13. $110; call 601-974-1000; millsaps.edu. • Transformational Writing: How to Find Your Voice April 22, April 29, 6:30-8 p.m. Jean Farish is the instructor. Participants learn to sharpen their writing skills, develop their own voice, discover their stories and more. Class meets Mondays from April 8-May 13. $110 plus $15 material fee; call 601-9741000; millsaps.edu. • Paint & Antique Almost Anything Like a Pro April 23, 5:45-8:30 p.m. Latresa Enns is the instructor. Participants learn the proper ways to paint, antique and apply decorative finishes to furniture through latex paint, oilbased paint and other mediums. Class meets Tuesdays from April 9-23. $200 plus $60 supplies fee; call 601-974-1000; millsaps.edu. • Basic Enameling April 23, April 30, 6-8 p.m. Laura Tarbutton is the instructor. Participants learn to create jewelry through enameling techniques such as counter enameling, using glass stringers and more. Class meets at instructor’s studio in Brandon (address given upon confirmation). $45 plus $40 supply fee; call 601-974-1000; millsaps.edu.

Welty Library (300 N. State St.). The inaugural open arts festival presents the works of invited Mississippi student artists grades 6-12 and their teachers. Free admission; call 601-372-8088; email nurenaissanceyouthartclub@gmail.com. CommUNITY Canvas - Open Studio April 21, 2-5 p.m., at The Community Canvas at Jax-Zen (155 Wesley Ave.). Attendees use the studio space to work on art. Limited to 15. Participants may bring their own supplies. $10 entry, $20 entry and supplies; find it on Facebook. Events at Mississippi Museum of Art (380 S. Lamar St.) • Art in Mind April 24, 10:30 a.m.-noon, 1-2:30 p.m. Art therapist Susan Anand and McKenzie Drake lead the hands-on art activity designed to stimulate observation, cognition and recall. Registration required. The event takes place on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Free admission, registration required; call 601-496-6463; email mindclinic@umc.edu; msmuseumart.org. • Spring Family Day | Meet the Artists April 27, 9 a.m.-noon. The museum debuts its “Black Out: Silhouettes Then and Now” exhibit with a celebration that includes museum-exploration, music, dance and crafts.

Dressing expecting potential mess recommended. Free admission; msmuseumart.org.

BE THE CHANGE RUNable $5 5k for The Growing Tree April 18, 6 p.m., at Outback Steakhouse (Flowood) (5286 Park Lane, Flowood). Participants run in the 5K benefiting The Growing Tree, which services children with autism. No advanced registration required. Pets allowed. Outback will donate 20 percent of diners’ checks to the fundraiser for the day. $5 5K run/walk, meal prices inside vary; find it on Facebook. Miles for Migraine Walk, Run or Just Relax April 20, 9-11 a.m., at Renaissance at Colony Park (1000 Highland Colony Parkway). Participants run to support migraine awareness. The event includes a 5K run, a 10K run and a 2-mile walk. Attendees can register as an advocate for free. Proceeds benefit The Headache Center, which conducts research to help those who suffer through regular migraines. A prize is given to participants who wear the most purple attire. Admission TBA; find it on Facebook. The Vision Gala April 26, 6-11 p.m., at Mississippi Arts Center (201 E. Pascagoula St.). The fundraising event celebrates Obama Magnet’s official name change and its current standing as the no. 1 elementary school in the state of Mississippi. An awards ceremony starts at 6 p.m., followed by a cocktail reception, entertainment, and silent auction from 7:30-11:00 pm. $50 general gala ticket, $500 gala table; find it on Facebook. Racing for Donation April 27, 7:30-10:30 a.m., at Donate Life Mississippi (4400 Lakeland Drive, Flowood). Participants run and walk in the 8K/5K or one-mile fun run that benefits Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency, which helps people in need receive organ, eye and tissue donations. $30 individual 8K/5K, $25 team member 8K/5K, $10 1-mile; call 228-697-6245; email tbyrd@msora.org; find it on Facebook. Kick Up The Dust Trail Run April 27, 8-11 a.m., at Mississippi College Choctaw Trails. Participants run in this fundraising event that benefits the organization’s family-assisting endeavors. Runners can sign for a 4k, 8k or 12k. $35 adult, $20 child (registering day-of adds $5 for each); call 601-355-6276; find it on Facebook. Love Out Loud April 27, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at Yogi on the Lake (143 Campground Road, Pelahatchie). The event features music, games and other entertainment. Lunch plates are sold to raise funds for Ever Reaching Community Outreach, a nonprofit that provides clothes, food, housewares and more to families in need from multiple counties in Mississippi. Free admission, lunch prices TBA; call 601-7172675; email tbrun@everreaching.net.

Check jfpevents.com for updates and more listings, or to add your own events online. You can also email event details to events@ jacksonfreepress.com to be added to the calendar. The deadline is noon the Wednesday prior to the week of publication.

SWEAT New Stage Theatre Presents

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April 17 - 30, 2019 • jfp.ms

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courtesy Flywalker

4/17 - 4/30 Wednesday 4/17 1908 Provisions - Bill Ellison 6:30 p.m. Alumni House - Gena Steele 8 p.m.

burg - Dr. Zarr’s Amazing Funk Monster 8 p.m.

Georgia Blue, Madison Brandon Greer

Bonny Blair’s - Brian Jones 7 p.m.

Bonny Blair’s - Jason Stogner Band

Hal & Mal’s - Thomas Jackson

Drago’s - Chuck Bryan 6 p.m.

Char - Ronnie Brown 6 p.m.

Iron Horse Grill - High Frequency Band 9 p.m.

Hal & Mal’s - New Bourbon Street Jazz Band

Kathryn’s - The Lucky Hand Blues Band 7 p.m.

Kathryn’s - Larry Brewer & Doug Hurd 6:30 p.m.

Martin’s - Hood Baby & The Barnacles 10 p.m.

Pelican Cove - Phil and Trace 6 p.m.

Bonny Blair’s - Stace and Cassie

C.S.’s - Risko & Friends 9 p.m.midnight

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Drago’s - Greenfish 7 p.m.

Drago’s - Chad Perry 6 p.m.

Duling Hall - Magnolia Bayou 8 p.m.

Kathryn’s - Gator Trio 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Shaun Patterson 6 p.m.

F. Jones Corner - The Amazin’ Lazy Boi midnight $10

Shucker’s - Sonny Brooks & Friends 7:30 p.m.

Georgia Blue, Flowood Shaun Patterson

Table 100 - Andy Henderson 6 p.m.

Georgia Blue, Madison - Chad Wesley

Thursday 4/18 1908 Provisions - Vince Barranco 6:30 p.m. Bonny Blair’s - Rob P. and Dirty D. Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Drago’s - Ralph Miller 6 p.m. Duling Hall - Robert Earl Keen 7:30 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Chris Minter & the KJ Funkmasters 11 p.m. $5

See more music at jfp.ms/musiclistings. To be included in print, email listings to music@jacksonfreepress.com.


Hal & Mal’s - Jackson Gypsies

Offbeat – Flywalker, Locl & DJ Young Venom 9 p.m.-midnight Pelican Cove - Stace and Cassie 1 p.m.; Proximity 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Steele Heart 3:30 p.m.; Hairicane 8 p.m. $5; Shayne Weems 10 p.m.

Iron Horse Grill - Mark Doyle & Mr. Bud 9 p.m.

Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Kathryn’s - Faze 4 Dance Band 7 p.m.

Underground 119 - Kingfish 9 p.m.

Kingpin, Brandon - Jonathan Womble 7 p.m.

Sunday 4/21

Martin’s – Katie and Doc 6 p.m.; Futurebirds 10 p.m.

1908 Provisions - Knight Bruce 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Offbeat – Chris Offal, Idle, Kicking & Stonewalls 8 p.m.

Char - Big Easy Three 11 a.m.; Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

courtesy Bill & Temperance

Iron Horse Grill - Tiger Rogers 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Kathryn’s - Soulstew 6 p.m. Pelican Cove - Splendid Chaos noon; Lucky Hand Blues Band 5 p.m. Shucker’s - Acoustic Crossroads 3:30 p.m. Table 100 - Raphael Semmes Trio 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Dan Michael Colbert 6-9 p.m. Wellington’s - Andy Hardwick 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Monday 4/22

Bill and Temperance

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Fitzgerald’s - Doug Hurd 7 p.m. Kathryn’s - Johnny Crocker 6:30 p.m. Georgia Blue, Flowood - Jason Turner Georgia Blue, Madison - Brian Smith Hal & Mal’s - Scott Albert Johnson Iron Horse Grill - Reverend Robert 6 p.m.

April 17-30,2019 • jfp.ms

Kathryn’s - Bill and Temperance 6:30 p.m.


Martin’s - The Jauntee

Pelican Cove - Jason Turner Band 6 p.m.

Pelican Cove - Charade, Unplugged 6 p.m.

Table 100 - Andy Henderson 6 p.m.

Thursday 4/25

Saturday 4/27 Bonny Blair’s - Sledgehammer Char - Bill Clark 6 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Big Money Mel & Small Change Wayne 10 p.m. $5; Jesse Robinson & SLD midnight $10 Georgia Blue, Flowood - Chad Wesley Georgia Blue, Madison - May Day Hal & Mal’s - Vittles, Vinyl and Vino 6 p.m.

Bonny Blair’s - Spunk Monkeys 7 p.m.

Iron Horse Grill - Sherman Lee Dillon 9 p.m.

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Kathryn’s - Travelin’ Jane 7 p.m.

Drago’s - Daniel Fehrenbacher 6 p.m.

Pelican Cove - Jonathan Alexander 1 p.m.; Lovin Ledbetter 6 p.m.

Duling Hall - Ghost Light 8 p.m. F. Jones Corner - Chris Minter & the KJ Funkmasters 11 p.m. $5

Shucker’s - 4 on the Floor 3:30 p.m.; Spunk Monkees 8 p.m. $5; Charade 10 p.m.

Georgia Blue, Flowood - Zack Bridges

Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Georgia Blue, Madison - Jason Turner Hal & Mal’s - D’Lo Trio Iron Horse Grill - Davis Coen 6 p.m. Kathryn’s - Keys vs Strings 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Hunter Gibson and Rick Moreira 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Acoustic Crossroads 7:30 p.m. Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.

Friday 4/26 1908 Provisions - Andrew Pates 6:30 p.m. Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicksburg - Hunter & The Gators 8 p.m. Bonny Blair’s - Ronnie McGee Band 8 p.m. Drago’s - Johnny Crocker 6 p.m. Duling Hall - Grady Champion 8 p.m. Char - Ronnie Brown 6 p.m.

Sunday 4/28 1908 Provisions - Knight Bruce 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Char - Big Easy Three 11 a.m.; Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Iron Horse Grill - Tiger Rogers 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Kathryn’s - Faze 4 Dance Band 6 p.m. Pelican Cove - Stace and Cassie noon; May Day 5 p.m. Shucker’s - Steele Heart 3:30 p.m. Table 100 - Raphael Semmes Trio 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Dan Michael Colbert 6-9 p.m. Wellington’s - Andy Hardwick 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Monday 4/29 Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m. Duling Hall – Carl Broemel 7:30 p.m.

Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.

Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Fitzgerald’s - Larry Brewer 7 p.m.

Drago’s - Barry Leach 6 p.m.

Georgia Blue, Flowood - Aaron Coker

Kathryn’s - Two for the Road 6:30 p.m.

Georgia Blue, Madison - Shaun Patterson

Bonny Blair’s, Brandon - Open Jam with Sonny Brooks 7 p.m.

Martin’s - TAUK w/ The Busty Petites

Hal & Mal’s - Dirt Road Cadillac 7 p.m.

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Saturday 4/20

Pelican Cove - Acoustic Crossroads 6 p.m. Shucker’s - Sofa Kings 7:30 p.m.

Bonny Blair’s - Sweet Tooth Jones

Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.

Char - Bill Clark 6 p.m.

Tuesday 4/23

Pelican Cove - Johnnie B and Miss Iretta 6 p.m.

F. Jones Corner - Big Money Mel & Small Change Wayne 10 p.m. $5; The Amazin’ Lazy Boi midnight $10

Table 100 - Chalmers Davis 6 p.m.

Alumni House - Pearl Jamz 7 p.m.

Fenian’s Pub - Risko & Friends 10 p.m.-1 a.m.

1908 Provisions - Dan Gibson 6:30 p.m.

Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicks-

Georgia Blue, Flowood - Andy Tanas

Alumni House - Johnny Crocker 8 p.m.

1908 Provisions - Ronnie McGee 6:30 p.m.

Shucker’s - Sonny Brooks & Friends 7:30 p.m.

Table 100 - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Shucker’s - Sonny Duo 5:30 p.m.; Hairicane 8 p.m. $5; Sid Thompson 10 p.m.

Ameristar Bottleneck Blues Bar, Vicksburg - Dr. Zarr’s Amazing Funk Monster 8 p.m.

Friday 4/19

Char - Tommie Vaughn 6 p.m.

Wednesday 4/24

F. Jones Corner - Sherman Lee Dillon midnight $10

Iron Horse Grill - John Bull Band 9 p.m. Kathryn’s - The Sole Shakers 7 p.m. Martin’s - PONCE 10 p.m. Pelican Cove - Steele Heart 6 p.m. Shucker’s - DoubleShotz 5:30 p.m.; Spunk Monkees 8 p.m. $5; Billy Mauldin 10 p.m.

Kathryn’s - Joseph LaSalla 6:30 p.m. Pelican Cove - Keys vs Strings 6 p.m. Table 100 - Andrew Pates 6 p.m.

Tuesday 4/30

CS’s A Night of Noise w/ Science Man 7 p.m. Drago’s - Hunter Gibson 6 p.m. Kathryn’s - Barry Leach 6:30 p.m. Martin’s - American Aquarium w/ Joshua Ray Walkers Pelican Cove - Thomas Barnes 6 p.m. Table 100 - Chalmers Davis 6 p.m.






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Episode 7x03

April 17, 2019

In this episode of Let’s Talk Jackson, Todd Stauffer sits down with Vince Jordan, co-founder of Lobaki, Inc. and the Lobaki Foundation, two organizations focused on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) projects and education. Jordan has opened offices in Jackson to train what he calls “Extended Reality” creators and to create projects for universities, industry and healthcare applications. Lobaki’s Extended Reality lab in downtown Jackson may be the most comprehensive in the country, and the whole concept of Extended Reality may, in 2019, be where the Web was in 1993 in terms of its potential to affect the global economy. Can Jackson, Mississippi take advantage? This episode is brought to you by the members of the JFP VIP Club. Join at jfp.ms/VIP and help support JFP programming such as Let’s Talk Jackson.

Let's Talk Jackson is now powered by the Jackson Free Press. Join hosts Todd Stauffer, Amber Helsel, Donna Ladd and others in Season 7

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April 17 - 30, 2019 • jfp.ms


Vince Jordan


Last Week’s Answers 51 With “The,” fantasy video game series including “Oblivion” and “Skyrim” 55 Actress Whitman of “Parenthood” 56 Shepherd’s pie tidbit 57 Topple 61 The O. Henry ___-Off 62 “Yeah, pretty unlikely” 66 Jay Presson Allen play about Capote 67 Will’s concern 68 Ireland, in Ireland 69 Thanksgiving dinner item 70 Industrial city of the Ruhr Valley 71 Kit piece


40 Permanent marker brand 41 Grain-storage building 42 Like Boban Marjanovic 47 Blood-sucking African fly 49 Musical ligature 51 Like new vacuum bags 52 Michelle’s predecessor 53 Throws, as dice 54 1994 movie mainly set on a bus 58 Start to awaken

59 Hosiery shade 60 The other side 63 Small batteries 64 Sault ___ Marie, Mich. 65 Bill of Rights count ©2018 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@ jonesincrosswords.com)

For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800 655-6548. Reference puzzle #903.


“Gimme One Vowel” —and the rest, consonants. Across

1 Beetle variety 5 Did some community theater, say 10 “Ben-Hur” novelist Wallace 13 Its state song is the creatively titled “The Song of [that state]” 14 Potato often used for fries 16 Spot in la mer 17 Starting at the beginning 19 Element #50 20 “For rent,” in other, shorter words 21 Want ad palindrome 22 Tater ___ 23 1920s mobster who mainly worked in

bootlegging and numbers rackets 28 Aries symbol 31 Tie type 32 Voicemail sound 33 All excited 35 What the “J” in TMJ doesn’t stand for 36 German submarine 39 Find a way to make things happen 43 Doctor’s directive 44 Traveling through 45 Like, making your mind blown 46 Obnoxious kid 48 Full pairing? 50 Some NCAA players

1 Prepare flour for baking 2 Bull, in Bilbao 3 Gone wrong? 4 Played in Las Vegas 5 Trajectory influenced by gravity 6 Dog, unkindly 7 Gatekeeping org.? 8 “Melrose Place” actor Rob 9 Boil down 10 Kiddos 11 Playwright T.S. 12 Fall Out Boy bassist Pete 15 Words after “on” or “by” 18 Ticket remainder 24 Japanese general of WWII 25 Casino delicacy? 26 In any way 27 Without being asked 28 Does 2 Chainz’s job 29 Freebie at a Mexican restaurant 30 Element #42 (which for some reason isn’t in as many puzzles as, say, 19-Across) 34 Fierce look 37 Antiquing material 38 Cocoa amts.

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BY MATT JONES Last Week’s Answers

“Sum Sudoku”

Put one digit from 1-9 in each square of this Sudoku so that the following three conditions are met: 1) each row, column and 3x3 box (as marked off by heavy lines in the grid) contains the digits 1-9 exactly one time; 2) no digit is repeated within any of the areas marked off by dotted lines; and 3) the sums of the numbers in each area marked off by dotted lines total the little number given in each of those areas. Now do what I tell you—solve!! psychosudoku@ gmail.com


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TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

The Beat Generation of American poets arose in the late 1940s as a rebellion against materialistic mainstream culture and academic poetry. It embraced sexual liberation, Eastern spirituality, ecological awareness, political activism and psychedelic drugs. One of its members, Jack Kerouac, tweaked and ennobled the word “beat” to serve as the code name for their movement. In its old colloquial usage, “beat” meant tired or exhausted. But Kerouac reconsecrated it to mean “upbeat” and “beatific,” borrowing from the Italian word beato, translated as “beatific.” I bring this to your attention, Taurus, because you’re on the verge of a similar transition: from the old meaning of “beat” to the new.

“Scattered through the ordinary world, there are books and artifacts and perhaps people who are like doorways into impossible realms, of impossible and contradictory truth.” Argentinian author Jorge Luis Borges said that, and now I’m passing it on to you—just in time for your entrance into a phase when such doorways will be far more available than usual. I hope you will use Borges’ counsel as a reminder to be alert for everyday situations and normal people that could lead you to intriguing experiences and extraordinary revelations and life-changing blessings.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

The Free Will Astrology Committee To Boldly Promote Cancerian’s Success is glad to see that you’re not politely waiting for opportunities to come to you. Rather, you’re tracking them down and proactively wrangling them into a form that’s workable for your needs. You seem to have realized that what you had assumed was your fair share isn’t actually fair, that you want and deserve more. Although you’re not being mean and manipulative, neither are you being overly nice and amenable; you’re pushing harder to do things your way. I approve! And I endorse your efforts to take it even further.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

Many experts who have studied the art and science of running fast believe that it’s best if a runner’s legs are symmetrical and identical in their mechanics. But that theory is not supported by the success of champion sprinter Usain Bolt. Because he has suffered from scoliosis, his left leg is a half-inch longer than his right. With each stride, his left leg stays on the track longer than his right, and his right hits the track with more force. Some scientists speculate that this unevenness not only doesn’t slow him down, but may, in fact, enhance his speed. In accordance with current astrological variables, I suspect you will be able to thrive on your asymmetry in the coming weeks, just as your fellow Leo Usain Bolt does.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Virgo adventurer Jason Lewis traveled around the world using transportation powered solely by his own body. He walked, bicycled, skated, rowed, pedaled and swam more than 46,000 miles. I propose that we make him your role model for the next four weeks. You’re primed to accomplish gradual breakthroughs through the use of simple, persistent, incremental actions. Harnessing the power of your physical vitality will be an important factor in your success.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

Curcumin is a chemical found in the plant turmeric. When ingested by humans, it may diminish inflammation, lower the risk of diabetes, support cardiovascular health and treat digestive disorders. But there’s a problem: the body is inefficient in absorbing and using curcumin—unless it’s ingested along with piperine, a chemical in black pepper. Then it’s far more available. What would be the metaphorical equivalent to curcumin in your life? An influence that could be good for you, but that would be even better if you synergized it with a certain additional influence? And what would be the metaphorical equivalent of that additional influence? Now is a good time to investigate these questions.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

“I have the usual capacity for wanting what may not even exist,” wrote poet Galway Kinnell. How abut you, Scorpio? Do you, too, have an uncanny ability to long for hypothetical, invisible, mythical and illusory things? If so, I will ask you to downplay that amazing power of yours for a while. It’s crucial for your future development that you focus on

yearning for actual experiences, real people and substantive possibilities. Please understand: I’m not suggesting you’re bad or wrong for having those seemingly impossible desires. I’m simply saying that for now you will thrive on being attracted to things that are genuinely available.

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SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

“Sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in,” wrote Sagittarian novelist Jane Austen. I’m guessing you’ve had that experience—maybe more than usual, of late. But I suspect you’ll soon be finding ways to express those embryonic feelings. Congrats in advance! You’ll discover secrets you’ve been concealing from yourself. You’ll receive missing information whose absence has made it hard to understand the whole story. Your unconscious mind will reveal the rest of what it has thus far merely been hinting at.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

All over the world, rivers and lakes are drying up. Sources of water are shrinking. Droughts are becoming more common and prolonged. Why? Mostly because of climate change. The good news is that lots of people are responding to the crisis with alacrity. Among them is an engineer in India named Ramveer Tanwar. Since 2014, he has organized efforts leading to the rejuvenation of 12 dead lakes and ponds. I propose we make him your role model for the coming weeks. I hope he will inspire you to engage in idealistic pursuits that benefit other people. And I hope you’ll be motivated to foster fluidity and flow and wetness everywhere you go. The astrological time is ripe for such activities.

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AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

A blogger named Caramelizee offered her definition of elegance: “being proud of both your feminine and masculine qualities; seeing life as a non-ending university and learning everything you can; caring for yourself with tender precision; respecting and taking advantage of silences; tuning in to your emotions without being oversensitive; owning your personal space and being generous enough to allow other people to own their personal space.” This definition of elegance will be especially apropos and useful for you Aquarians in the coming weeks.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

You Pisceans have been summoning heroic levels of creative intensity. You’ve been working extra hard and extra smart. But it seems that you haven’t been fully recognized or appreciated for your efforts. I’m sorry about that. Please don’t let it discourage you from continuing to express great integrity and authenticity. Keep pushing for your noble cause and offering your best gifts. I’m proud of you! And although you may not yet have reaped all the benefits you will ultimately sow, three months from now I bet you’ll be pleased you pushed so hard to be such a righteous servant of the greater good.

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

French writer Simone de Beauvoir sent a letter to her lover, Aries author Nelson Algren. She wrote, “I like so much the way you are so greedy about life and yet so quiet, your eager greediness and your patience, and your way of not asking much of life and yet taking much because you are so human and alive that you find much in everything.” I’d love to see you embody that state in the coming weeks, Aries. In my astrological opinion, you have a mandate to be both utterly relaxed and totally thrilled; both satisfied with what life brings you and skillfully avid to extract the most out of it; both at peace with what you already have and primed to grab for much more.

Homework: Imagine your future self sends a message to you back through time. What is it? Freewillastrology.com.

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Tips for the Lazy Gardener


by Lauren Rhoades


have a confession to make: I am a lazy gardener. Plants bring me joy. Weeding, watering and pruning do not. If you’re like me and would rather let nature do most of the work in your yard, here are some spring gardening tips that require minimal effort. Don’t mow your lawn. Does this count as a gardening tip? I’ll let you decide, but no homeowners’ association will ever get me to mow the beautiful carpet of wildflowers that is on my lawn right now. Pink and white daisy fleabane, native oxalis, vervain, wild blue phlox, wild onion flower, crimson clover and lyreleaf sage. These wild blooms provide food for pollinators, and they’re pretty to look at. The best part is that you don’t have to lift a finger; however, if you prefer a tidy yard, designate a small patch of lawn near the back to go wild and uncut. Call it a mini-meadow. Learn which weeds are worth your time. If I see grass growing in my garden beds, I’ll pull it. Grass is boring. But I’ve learned not to waste my time ripping up cleaver (that sticky, velcro weed that likes to grow in exposed soil) or chickweed. Not only are both of these weeds edible and highly nutritious, but they die back naturally once the weather starts to heat up. Plant (forgiving) perennials. Perennials come back year after year. They get bigger and better and stronger with time. As a lazy gardener, I look for pe-


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rennials that are drought resistant, heat tolerant and independent (aka, hard to kill). Some of my favorites are yarrow, coneflower, shasta daisy, salvia and butterfly bush. Not only do these guys grow up to be big, bushy and beautiful, but they also attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Look for perennials at your local garden store and transplant them right into the soil. Let your plants go to seed. If you grew greens like collards, lettuce or kale over the winter, chances are those plants are sending up delightful little flowers right now. Soon those flowers will turn into seed pods. Seed pods are free vegetables. Let them dry out, then crunch them up and sprinkle those seeds right back into the soil. By the time fall rolls around, you’ll have volunteer greens plants popping up. Look for other vigorous self-seeding flowers, herbs and vegetables like dill, marigolds, zinnia, chamomile, carrots, squash and tomatoes. Lazy gardening is all about letting go of the reins and allowing nature to fill in the gaps. It’s about asking the philosophical question: What is a weed, really? There are no straight lines or hedges in a lazy garden. There is a lot of experimentation and observation. Give lazy gardening a try today: Pour a glass of lemonade, and go enjoy the wildflowers in your lawn.


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