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HVAC&R Hub Speakers

Gain valuable insights from some of New Zealand’s industry professionals

Empower your staff with expert-led seminars that are completely free of charge, providing discussions on the latest industry trends and challenges. Gain CPD points. Our lineup of speakers includes:

Flammable Refrigerants - Some Current Issues

HALL 2, 21 June, 2.30-3.15pm

The phase-down of HFC refrigerants is resulting in increased interest in the use of low GWP refrigerants. The improper use of flammable refrigerants creates risks of fire and explosion in homes, motor vehicles, commercial buildings, and other workplaces. The intention is to highlight and discuss some current issues.

Rod Dickson, Hazardous Substances Technical Specialist with Worksafe

Breaking the barriers - Women In Industry

HALL 3, 20 June, 2.00 - 2.45pm

How can we collectively attract, support and retain women in our industries to address the urgent skills and labour shortage and ensure future productivity and prosperity? Aspects of this presentation will cover, Why do we need to attract women? Showcasing the amazing women in our industries and what can employers do to attract more women?

Samantha McNaughton Hanga-Aro-Rau Workforce Development Council

The good, the bad, and the future of the H1 changes

21 June, 12:00 - 12:45pm

Join us for an informative session on the latest H1 changes, including the new acceptable solutions and verification methods. There are more climate zones, higher insulation requirements for both commercial and residential developments & crucially higher window R value requirements. We’ll be answering questions like; what are the good and the not-so-good revisions? How can we implement the changes without breaking the bank? We’ll also explore future developments in this ever-evolving field.

Peter Raimondo & James Powers Oculus Architectural Engineering Limited

For exhibiting enquiries please contact us admin@irhace.org.nz