InFlight Feb 2017 full issue

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Auburn Riverside Student Voice Feb 7, 2017 • VOLUME 22 • ISSUE #4

I N SI D E : Valentine’s Day Origins See Page 6.

News ASB creates new ideas for new year 2

InFlight February 7, 2017

Skin cancer causes death; use sunscreen

Sasha Terry Staff Reporter ASB has kicked off 2017 with upcoming events and fundraisers. Throughout the school year, ASB has been incorporating the theme “Soar” into assemblies and every day activities in the community. ASB also put on the Martin Luther King Jr. assembly on Friday, Jan. 13. ASB scheduled students to speak about social issues that had an effect on the race for equality during Martin Luther King Jr.’s life, and social issues that are occurring today. Senior Yeh-Sun Lee believes the assembly went PHOTO BY PJ SILLS well and will create a more Seniors John Williams and Claire Jackson prepare materials for the inclusive family atmosphere Martin Luther King Jr. assembly. at the school. “Everything we planned went exactly the way we wanted it to,” Lee to continue the year with a boom,” Lee said. ASB will be hosting the SPSLAC said. “We focused on the history of Martin meeting. The SPSLAC is for all regional Luther King Jr. and crucial points.” schools who meet together to discuss ideas After the assembly, ASB reviewed their about how they ran their school's ASB and performance at the MLK Jr. assembly. They what they would change. have compared and contrasted the strengths Sophomore Hailey Blum is interested and weaknesses from the assembly and figin attending the SPSLAC meeting and getured how they could present ideas better. ting new ideas to improve the community of Lee hopes ASB will unite together to Auburn Riverside. accomplish a bunch of goals and focus on “I’m looking forward to getting to know having fun this year. people who are interested in the same things “We have a lot of passion and we want as I am from other schools,” Blum said. ASB is also putting on a food drive sometime in the spring.


Greetings from Newspaper

editor-in-chief Jessica Perez business manager Sara Koenig photographer PJ Sills social media editor Sasha Terry cover photo Jessica Perez

A select few worked hard on our February issue, while everyone else goofed off as usual.

adviser Patrick Swenson

staff reporters ZaReah Barren Bella Coronado Alexus Jacobs Chloe Knox Sara Koenig Maya Martin Jessica Perez PJ Sills Sasha Terry Bailee Youngren

InFlight Policies InFlight is compiled by the student newspaper staff at Auburn Riverside High School, 501 Oravetz Road, Auburn, WA 98092. The InFlight staff strives to maintain accurate and objective reporting for our stories. However, opinion stories are included. Any commentary which is signed by the author accounts for his or her opinion only, and not necessarily that of anyone else on staff. An unsigned editorial reflects the majority opinion of the InFlight staff. InFlight accepts student, faculty, and community members’ letters to the editor, artwork, opinions and comments.

However, we will not print any unsigned letters or work. Please contact us in room 402, through email at pswenson@auburn. or by calling 253-804-5154. Advertisement is available through InFlight. Advertising gives business the opportunity to reach more than 1800 faculty and students. Support students going to the state and national journalism conventions, help with publication costs, hardware, software, and resource purchases. We encourage students, faculty and community members to contact us through e-mail at or by calling 253804-5154 for further advertisement information.


Auburn Riverside High School Betsy DeVos Education

Attorney General

Betsy DeVos has established the not-forprofit organization the American Federation for Children. She has advocated charter schools, and voucher programs for students. Lacks any experience in either banking or education. DeVos said, "our desire confront the culture in which we all live today in ways that will help advance God's Kingdom." This leads many to think that DeVos does not believe in seperation of church and state as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. DeVos supports guns on school property stating, "I would imagine that there's probably a gun in the school to protect from grizzlies." She said this in reference to a bear attack at a Wyoming school. She has also stated her belief that public school teachers are overpaid and that public schools everywhere are failing.

When Jeff Sessions was attorney general of Alabama, he refused to outlaw chain gangs and hitching posts in both male and female prisons. Hitching posts are when a prisoner has their hands tied above their head for several hours without water or bathroom breaks. Chain gangs are when four to five prisoners are chained together and forced to do menial labor such as breaking rocks - again without water or bathroom breaks. It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and every other state has abolished such practices. Sessions is a climate change skeptic. Sessions former colleagues testified that he used the n-word and joked about the Ku Klux Klan saying he thought they were, "okay, until he learned they smoke marijuana."

Rex Tillerson Secretary of State

Jeff Sessions Attorney General

Rex Tillerson is the Exxon Mobil CEO and has now been confirmed as Secretary of State. Tillerson considers the military campaign to defeat ISIS the "most urgent" foreign policy challenge. As chief of Exxon Mobil he backed a carbon tax in 2009 and expressed support for the 2015 Paris climate agreement. Has a possible conflict of interest with his business dealings within Russia. Called Islam a "great faith" and that part of fighting terrorism must involve working with moderate Muslims across the world. Claimed under oath that Exxon did no lobbying against Iran sanctions however fact checkers have determined that there were actually 14 lobbying reports involving Exxon between 2006 and 2014.

Jeff Sessions when he was attorney general of Alabama refused to outlaw chain gangs and hitching posts in both male and female prisons. Hitching posts are when a prisoner has their hands tied above their head for several hours without water or bathroom breaks. Chain gangs are when four to five prisoners are chained together and forced to do menial labor such as breaking rocks again without water or bathroom breaks. It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and every other state has abolished such practices. Sessions is a climate change skeptic. Sessions former colleagues testified that he used the n-word and joked about the Ku Klux Klan saying he thought they were, "okay, until he learned they smoke marijuana."

- Sara Koenig

Donald Trump’s most influential cabinet nomina tions

Jeff Sessions




InFlight February 7, 2017

Inequality still complicates society today Jessica Perez Editor-in-Chief It’s 2017 and inequality and racism are still huges problems in our society. It is so bad, that it’s gotten to the point where young black women are being tackled by police officers, just for being black, and Mexicans are being pulled over just for looking brown. It’s so freaking disgraceful that in this day and age, people are still being treated differently just for the way they look, or because of their political beliefs. It is even more disgraceful, that some people still refuse to accept that this is a problem, when many, many, recent events have shown otherwise. Just last month, a white man was attacked and tortured in Chicago for being a white Trump supporter. Authorities say they aren’t sure that it was a hate motivated crime, but quite honestly, if you look at the facts, you can’t point this attack being motivated by anything else. Is this statement not the most ignorant thing you’ve ever heard? Especially when there’s a darn video of the four attackers yelling “F*** Trump!” “F*** white people!” Okay, so the guy was white and a Trump supporter. I can’t stand Trump’s views as much as the next guy, but that is no reason for this man to have been

attacked. Each and every individual who lives in our nation is entitled to their opinion and it should be respected, even if it be the most ignorant of opinions. It’s about damn time that people realize that there’s no constitutional right to protect you from getting offended. It’s also time that people, like the authorities, in this case, realize that this is just one instance of racism. This happens almost every day, so yes, it is a problem. Inequality happens on pretty much a daily basis as well, and if the majority of Americans’ heads weren’t so high up in the clouds they’d realize that. One example of inequality in the United States is our entire freaking court and jailing system. According to the NAACP, African Americans and Hispanics make up 58 percent of all prisoners, even though they only make up one fourth of the United States population. Why is that, you may ask? Well I’ll tell you. According to, a survey taken of over 58,000 federal criminal cases found that a person of color is 60 percent more likely to get sentenced, or get a harder sentence for the same crimes committed by white people. This is the actual definition of inequality, and the fact that it doesn’t just happen at the state level, but at the federal level, is extremely disturbing. But hey, everyone is


A person of color is 60 percent more likely to get sentenced, or get a harder sentence for the same crimes committed by white people. Statistics like this really provoke us to ask-- why?

treated equally in America, right? At least according to Tomi Lahren that’s the case. At this point if you haven’t realized that both inequality and racism are huge problems, you need to seriously get out in

the world and see what’s happening. Trust me, you won’t like it. And if these examples haven’t convinced you, do some research, watch the news, take a walk, literally anything, and you’ll see it happening.

Meghan Trainor

66% Students share their opinion on current topics and pop culture

Valentine’s Day


New Year’s Resolutions


With 2017 about two months in, the school is nearly split on whether or not they’re going to keep up with their resolutions.

NFL Viewers


With the Super Bowl now past and the 2017 season done, over half of surveyees said they at least sometimes watch NFL football. Most asked said they watched it as a hobby or pasttime, while others were adamant they are absolute superfans.

About a third of students said they were interested in Meghan Trainor’s music or listened to her fairly often. Most commented by saying they knew one or two songs but weren’t extremely fond of her.

Dog Lovers


Whether it be because some single people are salty, or because they just feel it isn’t necessary, once again just barely over half of people asked said they didn’t like Valentine’s Day. One main reason more people than not didn’t like it was because it’s a commercial holiday, and that you should do sweet things for your significant other all the time without reason.

Most of the students asked said they liked dogs or that they were their favorite animals. This makes good sense, noting that dogs in fact improve one’s self esteem or make them more comfortable.


Auburn Riverside High School


Annoying couples frustrate single people Alexus Jacobs Staff Reporter


In the halls, it is common to find couples making out, hugging, and doing other things that offen make single people uncomfortable.

This Valentine’s Day, a group of people will be ready to celebrate with their significant others, and another group of people will just sit on their couches, lonely. We’ve all been single at some point and that is perfectly fine. What isn’t fine, is those friends with significant others flaunting their relationships for all to see. It can be bad enough watching romantic comedies alone, but it wanes even more when your closest friend brings her hot guy along and then shows excessive forms of PDA. It’s even worse when you’re trying to have a good time, yet your friend goes on for 45 minutes about the diamond earrings her boyfriend gave her. Now, I may sound bitter and seem unhappy for my friends who have relationships, but I’m not. I get bitter and unhappy when they write 80 page essays on how wonderful their significant other is. Everyone deserves someone that makes them happy, and it’s understandable if a couple wants to hold hands and kiss each other for a respectable amount of time, however it’s just downright bothersome when they go to great lengths like always be touching each other. Middle school and elementary school

are places where people begin to experiment with boyfriends and girlfriends. The majority of people are lucky enough to find that one person that they can count on to be their partner, yet others aren’t that lucky. For those who are lucky, it quickly gets annoying when someone’s always talking about their flame. Students who are “taken” tend to think that their single friends complain too much about their relationship status. “Single pringles,” however, feel as if their coupled friends prefer their lover over hanging out with them, leading them to become jealous and/ or insecure about their friendship. A way to avoid these huge disagreements is to balance friendships and romantic relationships. Instead of always rain checking your buds so you can get with your sweetheart, make time for them every now and then. If you’re always pushing your friends away, they’ll eventually stop trying. Boyfriends and girlfriends are temporary, but best friends are forever. Corny, but true. So, this upcoming Valentine’s Day, try hanging out with your besties if you usually hang with your cutie,s or even do a mashup of both besties and beaus. This will definitely show you care about your friends, who of course should be the ones you care about.

Keeping New Year’s resolutions alive throughout year Sasha Terry Staff Reporter 2016 has passed and 2017 has arrived. Which means many people have decided to rely on their New Year's resolutions to follow their goals this year. Many don't follow their New Year's resolutions for a whole year and give up too easily. The purpose of New Year's resolutions is to eliminate an undesired behavior or start something that would be good for you in the coming year. New Year’s resolutions are designed to help improve one’s life and well-being. Most resolutions are something along the lines of staying fit and healthy or losing weight, but do resolutions really help people keep their promise? According to an article by CBS News, writer Ashley Welch explains why New Year’s resolutions often fail, and she provides tips on how to keep track of goals every year. “Often times, we set goals because we think that’s what we’re supposed to do,” Welch said. People give up on their goal too easily, and lose the whole effect of the resolution. A resolution is supposed to push you to aim for a good outcome that can come with rewards. Dr. Karen Lawson, director of the In-

tegrative Health Coaching program at the Center for Spirituality & Healing at the University of Minnesota believes that people don’t choose a good resolution, which makes it hard for them to abide by their resolution for a year. “Many people don’t make their own resolutions out of what’s most meaningful and desirable for them, but they set it out of what other people told them they need to do out of fear or guilt. So the motivation doesn’t come from within but comes from the outside and that doesn’t tend to lead to success.” Time management is a big factor to why most people don't follow their New Year’s resolution. People get lazy and put off doing something that could benefit their well-being. Sophomore Angelina Pogosian chose to read more books for her New Year’s resolution. She has already read one book and is on her second book (as of press time) and is happy with her resolution. “I feel that reading will better open my vocabulary and make use of my time,” Pogosian said. Besides exercising and eating healthy, are some resolutions that are possible to achieve throughout the new year. Spending more time with family and friends is a good New Year's resolution that has the potential to last throughout 2017. Also enjoying life to the


Keeping New Year’s resolutions alive can be difficult, but so far, the people interviewed have managed to keep theirs.

fullest, by doing things that would be memorable and enjoyable with family and friends. Senior Colin Wingate’s New Year’s resolution is to drink a cup of coffee every morning. Wingate is staying true to his resolution and would not want to change his resolution even if he could.

“I work till 1 a.m., so I have to,” Wingate said. “I would be dead in class.” New Year’s resolutions are definitely not overrated as some may claim it to be. If one stays true to their resolution, day by day, it will allow them to succeed in everyday life.

InFlight February 7, 2017 Feature Valentine’s Day has disturbing origins


Maya Martin Staff Reporter When the thought of Valentine’s Day crosses one’s mind, memories of happiness and love may begin to blossom. Yet, those lovey-dovey moments are far from what occurred during the original holiday. There are five possible theories of how Valentine’s Day originated, but most of them are built on gore, harassment, and murders. To begin with, the first theory winds around the ancient Romans of 44 BC. They held a celebration called Lupercalia from February 13 to 15 in honor of their respected god Lupercus. As a ritual, they began killing goats, skinning them, and then dipping them in “sacrificial blood” that Lupercus supposedly blessed. When the blood had soaked through the whole goat hide, they would cut it into strips and take turns whipping women with them. The women thought the blood made them fertile, finding it an honor to be whipped. After they were “fertilized,” their names would be entered in a lottery to find the lucky man they’d soon marry. The results were always random, however, so the marriages usually never worked out. Another theory from around the year 278 BC says that Emperor Claudius II banned marriage for all young men since he thought they should be soldiers, not bachelors. However, a priest by the name of

Saint Valentine decided that this was unjust, and performed marriage ceremonies in secret. The emperor somehow caught on, and sent the Romans to kill him. His death was known as Valentine’s Day so, if this is true, we’re celebrating the death of a priest. A similar theory is that, instead of the Romans killing Saint Valentine, Emperor Claudius II did it himself. The priest was locked in jail before his beating, stoning, and decapitation, where he fell in love with the jailer’s blind daughter, Julia. He sent her a letter right before his death signed “from your Valentine.” The holiday could also be celebrated since the Catholic Church supposedly martyred three priests by the names of Valentine or Valentinus, or because Pope Gelasius made February 14 a day to honor Saint Valentine for being so brave as to perform marriage ceremonies no matter the circumstances. Needless to say, Valentine’s Day has become a completely different holiday than what its said origins suggest. We can thank Chaucer and Shakespeare for their writing, for they are the ones who “sweetened” the celebration. Hallmark took over in 1913 to make cards about the holiday, and the rest is history. Even though the origin of Valentine’s Day is yet to be confirmed, it’s true to say the holiday has certainly morphed into something different today.


School causes students stress, anxiety, depression ZaReah Barren Staff Reporter


Due to the stress and anxiety that some feel because of school, some students become reclusive to society and the outside world.

Many high school students feel a certain degree of stress sometime in their fouryear career. This stress can eventually lead to anxiety and other forms of mental health diseases. A study conducted by Stanford Graduate School of Education found that excessive amounts of homework causes high stress levels and physical health problems. These symptoms include headaches, exhaustion, weight loss, sleep deprivation, and stomach problems. Another survey, conducted by the American Psychological Association, found that 45 percent of all teens said school pressures were stressful to them. With the stress from schoolwork, grades, peer pressure, and social status, sometimes coupled with anxiety, this combination can form into a more serious condition: depression. For some students, college is much more stressful than high school. According to the American Psychological Association, college and university counseling service are seeing an increase in the number of cries for help. Also, at college counseling centers

across the country, 32 percent have waiting lists at some point throughout the year because they are not able to keep up with the demand, according to a 2013 national survey. According to, “If students do not feel adequate or prepared to cope with the new environment of a college campus, they could easily become susceptible to depression and anxiety.” If you add this stress, you might get a fatal combination. According to that same website, in the last fifteen years depression has doubled and suicide has tripled. It is always a good idea to seek help even if you are just beginning to feel different or even if you are just stressed. Another reason for teenage stress is because of parental pressure to perform well in school. “Sleep deprivation, eating disorders, cheating, burnout, loss of interest in friends or family,” all are symptoms of parental pressure according to the Bump. According to, if you just eat a healthy diet, reduce caffeine and sugar, avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, and get plenty of sleep, you can go through your high school and college life without an episode of any mental health issues or diseases.


Auburn Riverside High School


Who’s behind locker #...

Emmett Grames

Lily Gulchuck

Brayden Brown

Selene Manzo Beltran





InFlight: What was the last thing you ate? EG: Bacon. InFlight: If you had a really fluffy bunny, what would you name it? EG: Fluffy. InFlight: How many selfies do you take a day? EG: None. InFlight: If you catch a fish, do you eat it or let it go? EG: Feed it to my cats. InFlight: What is one movie you wish was real life? EG: Harry Potter. InFlight: If you could pause time, what would you do? EG: Sit around and sleep. InFlight: If you had to hear the same song every hour for a week, what song would it be? EG: “Castaway” by Strange Talk.

InFlight: Where do you see yourself in five years? LG: In college, studying. InFlight: How would you spend a billion dollars? LG: Give a lot to families and charity. InFlight: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? LG: Iceland; I’ve wanted to go there since I was little. InFlight: What was your dream job when in elementary school? LG: A nurse. InFlight: What are you more likely to fight for, love or money? LG: Love. InFlight: If you could change one law, what would it be? LG: Driving law. I want to drive right now.

InFlight: How many pillows do you sleep with? BB: One. InFlight: What’s your favorite sandwich? BB: Peanut butter and jelly. InFlight: If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? BB: In bed. InFlight: If you were in a commercial, what would be being advertised? BB: A pillow. InFlight: What’s the worst thing you did as a kid? BB: I stole a Sharpie once from Office Depot. InFlight: What is your perfect pizza? BB: Just cheese. InFlight: What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep? BB: 48 hours.

InFlight: What’s the right age to get married? SMB: 20. InFlight: If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? SMB: Roam around. InFlight: If you could time travel, where would you go? SMB: The ’60s. InFlight: If you could only eat three foods for the rest of your life, what would they be? SMB: Tacos, fries, and salad. InFlight: If you had to dye your hair one of the colors of the rainbow, what color would you dye it? SMB: Red. InFlight: If you had to choose your own nickname, what would it be? SMB: Cielo. InFlight: What is your favorite smell? SMB: Flowers.











InFlight February 7, 2017

Improve acne regiment; avoid breakouts Bella Coronado Staff Reporter


These items are different, but they all have the power to clear and prevent breakouts if used correctly.

When pressured or stressed, your face produces cortisol, which causes your oil glands to produce hormones that clog your pores. Stress is a factor that none of us can escape. As finals hit and homework piles up, how can you stop zits from appearing? Stress pimples tend to break out around the nose and forehead areas. According to, after research on high school students in Singapore, acne was discovered to be worse among the students during exams as compared to summer break. Stress doesn’t actually create breakouts, but increases the chances of them developing. Being linked to the digestive system, spicy, greasy, and high-dairy food items will also increase the chance of breakouts. Simply avoiding these foods will prevent major outbreaks from happening. Oil left on the screen of your cellphone can also breakout the skin, so clean it often. Even with our extreme efforts, pimples always seem to appear at the most inconvenient times. There are many natural remedies that actually work in controlling acne. Lemon

corrects discoloration, honey calms redness, and tea tree oil works quick to clear pimples and prevent new ones. Try mixing two tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon to create a natural mask for your skin. The honey will soothe your face while the cinnamon will tackle bacteria. Skincare products with salicylic acid also quickly diminish blemishes. It helps to unclog pores and reduce the size of pimples. Be careful when using products high in salicylic acid, because they can be irritating on sensitive skin. With this, moisturizing is key. Even when your skin feels anything but dry, do not forget to hydrate it. Our skin actually produces more oil when it is lacking moisture, generating more pimples. Water also does wonders for hydrating skin, something that many of us take advantage of. When a big test is coming up, drink water regularly throughout the day. Water ensures a healthy body and clearer skin. Clear skin is hard to achieve, but if you are intentionally taking care of your face, especially when you are stressed, your chances of notorious breakouts will decline.

Self-image negatively affects teens’ thinking Bailee Youngren Staff Reporter Self-image is more than just a reflection in the mirror. It is about the way one feels they come off to somebody else. Is one a positive or negative attribute to the world? Somepeople conflict with this question. Most people would probably say that they don't usually take the time to think about themselves and the way that they impact others. “You yourself can affect the way you act and treat others,” freshman Robby Walker said. In reality the way you feel about yourself goes into the way that you treat others which then creates a domino effect as to how they feel about themselves. However, others do. “People don't like the way they look so they tell others their way is wrong,” sophomore Kyra Lehto said. Trying to get somebody to feel bad when you are not feeling good about yourself is dangerous. Often times, self-images can be used as a way to reflect on how far a person has come and a tool to use to become a new improved version of themself. Other times it can be used in the opposite direction. “People put others down because they don't like themselves,” junior Drake Pearisaeff said. Such as the way that

somebody talks about themselves, and how they hold themselves up to society’s standards. More often than not, family members and friends make the greatest impacts on a person’s self-image. But strangers can affect one’s selfimage almost as much a best friend or family member. If a stranger walks up to you and tells you your shirt is ugly, or they don’t like their hair, the person will feel terrible about themselves. This person didn’t even know you, and they’re already making judgements about you, which would hurt as much, if not more, than if your little sister told you that. “My family likes me for who I am, why can’t others?” freshman Tiegan Warner said. You’re born into a family, you can’t choose them like you can choose your friends. When one’s out with their friends, each of them is feeding off of one another’s personalities and even if they are unaware of it, they are changing each other just a little. So though one may not know it, everything they do can affect their self-image in some way.


Most people look a themselves in a mirror and don’t see what they want, causing their self-esteem to drop. This can also be affected by the people you surround yourself with.


Auburn Riverside High School


Low-cost Valentine’s Day gift ideas Alexus Jacobs Staff Reporter On Valentine’s Day, people stress about what they should get for their valentine. Luckily, there are cheap and creative ways to be romantic without looking tacky. Loved ones can make homemade cards for their valentines. Grab some cardstock, glitter and other art supplies to make a one-ofa-kind card. Decorate the outside of the card with hearts and glitter, then write a heartfelt letter or original poem on the inside. Handpicked flowers are also another option. If one’s really strapped for cash, think about picking flowers straight from the earth. As long as one’s not pulling flowers from other people’s yards or from a restricted area, it’s a thoughtful way to save money. A movie night is one activity that can be done for those who are currently broke and can’t afford to take their valentines on an expensive date. Rent a Redbox movie or break out the Netflix subscription. The genre can be anything from romantic to comedy. Popcorn and blankets will definitely make the environment cozy. On Valentine’s Day, anything can be given as a gift, as long as thought is put into it. At the end of the day, the thing most appreciated by one’s valentine is that time was taken out of one’s day to see them.

Left: Handpicked flowers are always a good choice for girlfriends who enjoy them. In Washington, however, it can be a bit hard to find some this time of year. Top right: A movie night is a date idea for those on a tight budget. Bottom right: Most people worry about what to buy for their lover, but homemade gifts are just as appreciated as store-bought ones.




InFlight February 7, 2017

Women arguing their life expectations Chloe Knox Staff Reporter In today’s society, many believe that women are held to certain standards, as well as looked down on. They say that men are still offered better opportunities than women, although it is often denied. The expectations of women in today’s society are seemingly less than those of men, and some women have reached their limit. Numerous people say Hillary Clinton took a huge stand for women’s rights when running for president the past few elections. She has inspired many women to reach out and try new things, and overcome the obstacles in their lives. “Women have been depicted showing a more individual lifestyle over the years through media and job choices,” junior Drake Pearisaeff said. “Like you see way more women being shown as doctors or police chiefs.” Women have made many advances in society, but people say much more needs to be done. Today women are thought to live a very simple life, by completing school, getting married, having kids, and staying home, to teach their children all the necessary life skills they need before they go off into school. The man is expected to provide for the

family, as if the women are not capable, and the children cannot function without their mother all day, every day. “If a little girl sees her mom being bossed around by her dad, she’s going to grow up and think that’s what women are for,” freshman Ariana Stephens said. “But if she sees her mom as a strong, independent woman, she’ll grow up and become that.” There are some men, even women for that matter, who believe a girl should act like a pretty little doll, be bossed around by the boys and be sheltered from the real world. “I think women are expected to be the one to work non-major jobs like being an assistant or nurse,” Pearisaeff said. There are many strong women who have taken a stand and argued against these expectations. Such as Rosa Parks, brought up by sophomore Makena Metje. “[I look up to] Rosa Parks for her strong will for what was right.” Although there is much controversy around the topic of women and what they can achieve, with all the strong women taking a stand about womens rights and their expectations, women will continue to fight for what they believe in.


Many believe that women need to just stay at home all day, doing all the family chores, running errands, and teaching their children the skills they need before starting school.

Auburn Riverside High School Fill in the blanks with your choices of each. Then make tally marks until a friend says stop. Every time you count to that number, cross something off until you are left with one thing in each column.

Arts & Entertainment

M. A. S. H.


M.A.S.H stands for mansion, apartment, shack, or house. Don’t forget to start counting at the top with M.A.S.H.



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Arts & Entertainment

A Dog’s Purpose Jessica Perez Editor-in-Chief A Dog’s Purpose is a beautiful heartwarming movie, with an amazing message. The movie is about a dog named Bailey who keeps dying and keeps being reincarnated into another dog’s body. With each body he’s in, he lives a new life with a new owner, and he keeps asking himself, “What is my purpose? Why do I keep coming back?” Little did this dog know, that with each life he lives, his purpose is to make that owner’s life happier, and a little better. The film is shown from the dog’s point of view, so although you may know what’s actually happening in the scenes, it’s funny to see what the dog thinks is happening. Like in one scene his owner, May, is being proposed to, and she screams in excitement and Bailey thinks that she is in trouble. In another scene he gets shot, but when his owner says he’s been shot, he thinks it’s a

InFlight February 7, 2017

vaccine, which is honestly so sad. The thing I loved most about this movie is how it depicts the bond between a dog and his owner. It shows how much a part of a family a dog can become and how they can help make your life better no matter the circumstances. Like in the first family he was with, the father of the boy he belonged to was a drunk and would take out his anger on the boy’s mother. Bailey is shown in one scene to protect the mother from being hit. In another instance, Bailey warns the family of a fire and saves them. Showing the love a dog has for their “pack” was honestly so beautiful and it makes the movie that much better. In the end, Bailey finds what his purpose is as a dog, and fulfills that purpose well by reuniting his owner with his high school love that he regrets letting go, who recently moved back into town. Overall, this movie is fantastic. It’s a bit of an emotional rollercoaster watching the dog die so many times, but it’s definitely worth the watch.

Artist of the Issue: Meghan Trainor Maya Martin Staff Reporter

Meghan Trainor is a fresh-faced and funky Grammy-winning artist who is famous for writing retro, make-you-want-to-get-up-and-dance tunes.

5 of her best songs: 1. Dear Future Husband 2. All About that Bass 3. Mom 4. Title 5. My Selfish Heart

Meghan Trainor is a fresh and funky pop star with retro, upbeat songs that make you want to hop on the table and groove like nobody’s business. She co-wrote “All About That Bass,” with music producer Kevin Kadish for Epic Records, and it was released on June 30, 2014. Before she knew it, she had reached stardom overnight, and couldn’t leave her thousands of fans hanging. On September 9, 2014, she released her album Title, which was written entirely by her and Kadish. I love the jazzy tunes “Dear Future Husband” and “My Selfish Heart.” Trainer won the Grammy for Best New Artist shortly after. Although she dropped her retro vibe for a more modern one in her new album Thank You, it’s still fun and upbeat with songs like “Me Too,” and the ever-so-catchy “Mom.” Trainor is a fun new artist who promotes a great image of loving your body the way it is. Her upbeat songs are funky and addictive, so hopefully it won’t be too long until her next album is released.


Auburn Riverside High School

GIRLS BASKETBALL The girls basketball team has had a great season so far. They are 12-1 league and 17-2 overall. As most teams, the girls are hoping to go to Districts and State this season. If the girls make it, their next game will be at State at the Tacoma Dome from February 24 through March 4. Districts were February 2-4 at Auburn Mountainview High School. “My goal is to go to the Tacoma Dome, or State,” senior Natalie Raum said. The girls have grown personally and as a team throughout the season. The girl’s support each other through wins and losses, and have bonded and created friendships. “My team is very supportive, we push each other to get better,” sophomore Autumn Lee said. “We’re like a family this year, it’s really nice.” The girls only lost one game in league, to Beamer, who the Ravens beat earlier, so the teams are co-champions of the NSPL. “I think we’ve stayed to the game plan,” Lee said. “There have been bumps in the road, but we’ve been able to get over that.” The girls feel that they are growing as individuals, and as a team through hard work and dedication to the sport. “I push myself in practice, and I go into the game or practice wanting to get better,” Raum said. “Not to win.”


BOYS BASKETBALL Despite a hot and cold season, the boys varsity basketball team has managed to slip into the playoffs, finishing in a tie for 3rd in the league. “We’re a tight group,” junior Isaiah Prescott said. “We’re going to take care of business in the playoffs, we just have to be more consistent.” The boys team finished with a record of 11-8, closing out the regular season versus Auburn High, winning 78-67. The guys look to stay hot with the postseason looming, and had a must-win game last Thursday after press time against Kent-Meridian. “We haven’t been able to string a lot of wins together and keep momentum, but we haven’t had any real losing streaks either,” head coach Kevin Olson said. “A little more enthusiasm and excitement from our guys could give us an extra push.” “We could work harder in practice and have better communication on the court,” freshman Javon Forward said. “We need more intensity, we need to believe we’re always in games.” The guys have now won three out of their last four regular season games, with their only loss coming at the hand of Auburn Mountainview by only two points in a heartbreaker. If the team can put together enough wins in the playoffs they may be able to make it to Regionals. The first step now is beating Kent-Meridian.



Boys and girls wrestling has been in season since late November, both teams working hard to send some selected wrestlers to State. The boys team was undefeated, 7-0, and places in the top ten in most, if not all, of their tournaments After much anxiety and anticipation, on January 25, the boys officially won their first league championship by defeating Auburn High, 39-22. Junior Kenny Miller mentioned that Auburn High is their toughest opponent, so this win meant a lot to the boys. They had been neck-and-neck with Auburn, both 6-0, until the championship where Riverside pulled out a win. “Hopefully we . . . get five guys into State, and place in State,” Miller said. The girls team is pretty small, so they have a bit of a struggle gaining points, but sophomore Kaitlyn Packer said they “have a good team this year.” Packer hopes to personally land a place at State, and bring a win home to her school. Miller said that their season typically lasts about four months. Now that the boys team is league champion, the season will be a bit longer, so they can practice and improve to hopefully compete on a state level. Their team consists of many from each grade, Miller saying their best athletes would be either freshman Jaden Cassel, or sophomore Yusef Nelson.

After performing dazzling routines during pep assemblies and at sports games, the cheerleading team has brought their A-game to State. “We worked hard, and we’re glad we won State,” senior Amber Hindman said. Although the cheer squad had faced some major challenges, the team only went forward, with high heads and full hearts. This positive attitude made the cheerleading squad here an even better team. “Girls were being injured and some quit, but we stayed confident, and didn’t give up,” Hindman said. “Our captains Lauren and Alexis made sure we were confident and happy.” By working hard on making sure the counts were right and the team was synchronized, the cheer squad had improved over time at practice. Throughout the struggles and triumphs, one thing that most girls on the squad can agree on is that they all get along well just like they were sisters. “We’re like family. We’re all super close and love each other,” Hindman said.



GYMNASTICS The girls have had a good season, with a record of 4-2 (as of press time). As the season comes to its tail end, the girls prepared for Sub-districts this past Saturday. Senior Luba Migdal is a captain and she competes as an all-around. She believes her teammates put in a lot of work to making senior night amazing. “I love how much work and effort the other girls put into making that night special,” Migdal said. Freshman Madeline Kelly is an all-around and she hopes to improve her scores on each event. She encourages her teammates to work hard and try their best. “I help everyone out in ways I can,” Kelly said. “I try to make everyone happy and a part of the team.” The girls last in-season meet was on Wednesday, January 25 and the meet was against Auburn, Auburn Mountainview and Enumclaw. The girls won by scoring 157 points—their exact goal score for Sub-districts or Districts. Coach Cathy Robinson believes the team has shown quite a bit of improvement throughout the season and she knows that gymnastics is a tough sport. “Gymnastics is a difficult sport and it is more challenging than it looks to be. It’s a mental and physical sport,” Robinson said. “We are polishing a few more skills and elevating routines [for districts].”

Come down to the Raven’s Nest!

InFlight February 7, 2017

BOYS SWIM & DIVE Boys swim and dive is sending all three of their relays to districts. They are also showing spectacular promise for sending athletes to state this year. “[Our season is going] really well so far,” junior Thomas Marchant said. “We’ve had a positive win to loss ratio and we’ve improved our times…Overall, a lot of improvement.” Swim and dive is a sport that is both individual and a team sport, depending on your perspective. “It’s a combination in my mind,” Marchant said. “For me it’s a team sport—to be in a team environment and have people support you. [My teammates] are a lot of fun to be around. They work hard and care a lot about the sport.” Boys swim and dive have won four of their six meets, losing only to Enumclaw and Thomas Jefferson. This appears to be one of boys swim and dive’s greatest seasons in recent years. The NSPL League meet happened this past Friday and Saturday after press time, with the divers competing on Friday at the Auburn pool, and swimmers at the Hazen pool on Saturday. From here the team moves on to the WCD swim and dive meet at the Curtis High School pool.

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