SCOPE Newsletter 22/23

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SCOPE Newsletter Vol.2 Medical Students Worldwide
"The Role of IFMSA Exchanges in Future Healthcare"

SCOPE Newsletter

Editorial Board


Yazan Dumaidi

SCOPE D 22-23

Sahand Soran


Rhea Rajkumar


Alexandra Florentina


Emma Pahua

SCOPE RA for Americas 22-23




InternationalFederationofMedical Students’Associations(IFMSA)

InternationalSecretariat: c/oIMCC,NorreAllé14, 2200KobenhavnN.,Denmark





The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 141 National Member Organizations from 130 countries across six continents, representing a network of 1.3 million medical students

IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, so to shape a sustainable and healthy future

IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association

This is an IFMSA Publication

© 2023 - Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non political and non profit purposes, provided mentioning the source


This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positionofIFMSA

The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA in preference to others of a similar nature that arenotmentioned


All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA to verify the informationcontainedinthis publication However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied

The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lieswiththereader

Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors

We have taken every consideration not to violate theirrights


Welcome Letter from your Editorial Board Articles on the this Volume's Theme Articles about SCOPE activities, events, news, and ideas

Narratives and Short Stories


Photographs, Drawings, Graphic Designs and Motion Graphics

Dear SCOPEnguins

We present to you the second volume of the SCOPE Newsletter!

The first volume of the newsletter was published a few terms ago and the main purpose of it was to further connect SCOPE enthusiasts from all over the world, through art, articles, activities and etc. Because of the importance and beauty of its goal, we tried our best to make sure the tradition lives on

This volume, themed “The Role of IFMSA Exchanges in Future Healthcare”, is packed with worthwhile articles, memories engraved in pictures, breathtaking poems, and announcements from all over the world.

Even though this is the second volume, we acknowledge that the concept of the newsletter might be new to many of you, therefore, we strongly recommend you check the volume out wholeheartedly, so that you (for others from your NMO) don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this SCOPE masterpiece.

To many more creative volumes, Yazan, Sahand, Rhea, Emma, Alexandra

WelcomeLetterfrom theEditorialBoard

Articles onthethis Volume's Theme

"The Role of IFMSA Exchanges in Future Healthcare"




Exploring the potential of IFMSA Exchanges in Future Healthcare

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to participate in the first Professional and Research Exchange training, also known as PRET, held in the post-pandemic Americas in Lima, Peru and I have to say that I learned a lot about the role of exchanges in pillars of our beloved federation and its influence on each medical student who performs one.

I learned that exchanges strengthen all the abilities and skills of medical students through experience. When a student has an opportunity like this, it's not to be missed! Knowing how other health systems work and the different explanatory models of health in each country broadens their knowledge and strengthens qualities that graduate doctors must have, such as empathy and excellent communication skills as well as active listening with patients Contributing, therefore, to the success of their medical training and, at the same time, to the care of their future patients.

At the beginning, there may be some challenges such as cultural differences, but that is why each student can know different realities and learn about them, both the good things and the things to improve. Each exchange is organized by a team whose objective is that the person who goes on the exchange returns to the country with a broader picture of health and new communication techniques for patients regardless of their sex, religion or beliefs.

Likewise, regarding Healthcare and exchanges, they provide an opportunity to connect with different people around the world, meaning that in the future, there are greater possibilities for cooperation regardless of the barriers we may have due to distance or language.


What I am finally trying to say is that exchanges are an opportunity that brings many benefits for the student, his environment and his future patients. As I said at the beginning, the exchanges strengthen the pillars of IFMSA, especially medical education, today we need doctors who know what they are teaching at medical schools but who also know how to treat their patients because finally, as I read once a long time ago, "It is worth nothing to have read an entire book about medicine, if at the moment of treating a patient you do not have the necessary empathy”.

Personally, every day I am happier and prouder to belong to the exchange team, knowing that each exchange that is organized can have a positive impact on each student who does one and an even stronger impact in the future for society and patients Thank you very much for reading me!


SCOPE is not a month-in-a-lifetime experience but a lifetime in a month. IFMSA exchange programs are not something new nor a farfetched concept but rather the link between medical students worldwide and the acquisition of skills, knowledge and connections which will be beneficial for their future professions. The IFMSA represents the mother body of all national member organisations (NMOs) worldwide with professional exchange programs at the heart of SCOPE being the backbone of this organization. Based on how much medical education has been evolving over the past years, it is necessary to say that professional exchange programs which are often described as “enriching” “month in a lifetime” experiences focused on equipping medical students with the right medical knowledge and skills which are essential in the medical student’s practice. We won’t remain medical students forever and we will indeed become doctors. The field of medicine is a very broad, diverse and dynamic one offering countless opportunities but also requiring doctors who are able to equally display such dynamism, competence and diversity with the main goal of providing optimal healthcare services for the population. The answer to this is provided by nonother than IFMSA exchange programs which would never leave participants the same A medical doctor isn’t somebody who has all the medical knowledge in the world but one who shows mastery of his work while exercising scholarly attitudes, exhibiting leadership qualities, communication, collaboration, advocacy, medical expertise and also professionalism, just as seen in the CANMed criteria. All of such roles can’t be acquired from just one setting but exploring many more after all, the world is a big place and made of people from varying ethnical backgrounds and cultural perceptions; the world is a culturally diverse universe of its own. A lack of understanding of these varying cultural perceptions could fail to provide conducive and inclusive grounds during medical practice.

5 CAMSA-Cameroon FMSPoftheUniversityof Dschang,Cameroon NSIAKENGNIFREDYLEONEL

Thus IFMSA exchange programs create culturally sensitized medical students who are able to meet with new individuals, mix, share, and relate with them and also appreciate different cultures while discovering new health systems. The impact of these exchanges is immeasurable and spans across many more domains including patient-centred care and global health. Exchange programs enable medical students to think out of the box and cause a shift in their mindsets, a shift directed towards tailoring provided healthcare services to suit the needs of the patients. This in return fosters and reinforces the patient-doctor relationships and allows for more effective communication, understanding, engagement during the consultation and better treatment outcomes.


FridaJudithMaciasTapia& EneidaCarolinaNúñezRodríguez,


FacultyofMedicalandBiologicalSciences "Dr.IgnacioChávez"

Around the world, there are many differences between each country: culture, religion, economy, politics, language, education and of course, health systems.

IFMSA Exchanges are a great opportunity to expand our perspective, this influence in our knowledge about health systems and how medicine is practiced in other places so this way we can analyze advantages and disadvantages, based on this, students could implement new ideas, technologies and strategies for their countries they are from. Absolutely, this method will improve personal and professional growth Also, practicing languages like English and some others (like French, Italian, German, Spanish, etc.) are important aspects we should promote.

We have been involucrated in SCOPE exchanges because we are contact persons. We believe that our role is very important for all incomings that arrive each month because exchange students need support when they arrive, they need to manage the cultural impact in a correct manner and something we must remember is they don’t know anyone in the new place they arrive, their families are not with them and they need to feel comfortable.

Our role as contact persons has opened our perspective, we had met many people from different countries around the world and it had been relevant for our development. It is amazing to meet new people, personalities, ideas, points of view, methods and empathize with that. In addition, having this knowledge sharing must help to implement a broader educational system with updated ideas and new methods that will support different procedures. Some places in the world have the most recent medical theory, but others are more advance at practice, if we join both and analyze each one, as medical students and professionals we can have a better and a complete education.


There are not only academic benefits, we also believe that being part of this group of contact persons and exchange programs will influence in a positive way to our careers and to the society (everybody at any moment of life require some medical service). That’s why we want to include more students to this association We totally agree that the main objective of IFMSA exchanges is share new knowledge, compare it and this way we would learn a lot from both parts, work as a team with our future colleagues and in consequence improve the healthcare and medical education for next generations.


An Exchange Student’s Apology

Why should I go on an exchange program when I plan to practice medicine in my home country? In a world where all humans seem to be connected via electronic means, are exchange programs really necessary? As G. H. Hardy presented an apology for Mathematics in his phenomenal book "A Mathematician's Apology", I will attempt to propose an apology for medical student exchange programs. I ask the readers to be patient as, being a SCOPEnguin, I am bound to show bias towards the IFMSA programs

From dealing with global health crises such as the coronavirus pandemic to fighting infectious diseases in underserved communities, the field of medicine is one that brings humanity to a common ground. After all, the eight billion humans on this planet all share one quality: the quality of being human Since medicine is a field that is truly global, medical students must acquire the skillset needed to become culturally sensitive and competent physicians capable of dealing with global health problems.

With hands-on experience working under novel conditions in a different country, medical students learn about the various approaches to healthcare and gain exposure to patients experiencing illnesses that they may not encounter in their home countries; this allows them to become more confident in their clinical skills and learn how to adapt to new situations. Moreover, exchange programs help cultivate openness, and tolerance in medical students by creating room for dialogue about the similarities and differences in healthcare provision encountered in different systems.

9 rija
FatimaJinnahMedical University,3rdYear

Being a great networking opportunity, exchange programs also set the stage for future collaboration between medical students for addressing important public health problems; getting involved in public health initiatives during the programs can be a great way for students to get inspired to take action both during and after the program.

With the importance of exchange programs having been established, the question arises: why choose IFMSA? The answer lies in the high quality of the exchange experience. Endorsed by organizations such as the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) and the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), the SCOPE exchanges are a cost-effective way of gaining exposure to different healthcare systems Exchange students are facilitated by local students and trained by a mentor or physician supervisor and receive an official certificate as well as credits from their home university upon successful completion of the program Moreover, the programs are well-organized with a unique blend of educational and social activities that offer an experience of a lifetime, especially to travel enthusiasts who are eager to explore new places, learn about new cultures and possibly even pick up a new language!

Whether you plan to practice in your home country or abroad (it is possible that you may decide to do so after your exchange experience!), IFMSA exchange programs are a great learning experience that is conducive to both your personal and professional development.


Articlesabout SCOPE activities, events,news, andideas


FMSPoftheUniversityof Dschang,Cameroon

SCOPE represents a unique opportunity for medical students to go out and discover the world while still enjoying, engaging and falling even more in love with the field of medicine. With SCOPE-CAMSA we are doing our best to let the members of our NMO know more about professional exchange programs as well as engage actively in them. These exchange programs are live-changing and offer unique experiences for the medical students during those clerkships One of the very first activities which our standing committee had was the recruitment of the members of its national team, while taking into consideration the rigorous work that lied ahead The call was launched for highly motivated and engaged individuals who were interested in widening their SCOPE and knowledge about issues related to global health as well as gaining a better understanding on what intercultural learning and cross-cultural learning entailed. The next activity we had during our journey towards professional excellence and professional exchanges was an online workshop on the usage of the various google apps for the members of the national team. The aim was to boost capacity building within the team as well as enable them to develop and retain the skills required for the manipulation of such applications and hence. Halfway through the term 2021/2022, the SCOPE team held another online activity which was the first of its kind in the standing committee called the SCOPE café. It served as a SCOPE 101 or introduction to SCOPE which saw various speakers shed more light on what CAMSA, SCOPE and the IFMSA are. Participants were also given a walk through the application process for an exchange program. The 27th of August 2022 marked a very important day for SCOPE CAMSA as the IFMSA was pleased to grant it the status of SCOPE-active meaning that students from also SCOPE active local committees could now take part in these exchange programs


This activation process wasn’t an easy battle but in the end, the team emerged victorious and is very much excited as well as looking forward to engaging in these exchanges. The Cameroon Medical Students’ Association, CAMSA held its 2nd general assembly last year and 2 major highlights from the event were SCOPE sessions and a general conference day subtheme titled “Benefits of Professional Exchange in Cameroon Medical Education to reach the CanMED criteria” This physical event provided room for a better understanding of what professional exchange programs are, what they entail as well as the benefits of professional exchange programs such as Cultural diversity, learning, mentoring, exploring, acquiring new skills and increasing medical knowledge. The speakers and mentors were glad to share their own experiences on such exchange programs and encouraged active participation The team is constantly looking for ways to grow and do better. Soon, it will soon launch its first call ever for participants in exchange programs, a 2nd edition of a SCOPE café and a hybrid/online exchange fair


Students Exchange include many benefits in global health such as Strengthen ethical partnerships,Allow for education of global workforce,Empower trainees to be agents of change at their home institutions,Improve training and opportunities at hosting institutions.

In spite of all the benefits the student exchange include it, We have to address its psychological impact on the exchanger And the host, since mental health is among the concerns of the scope, where the host is exposed to high psychological pressure and tension because of his attempt to provide the best service to the delegation, in light of the fact that companies may suddenly break their promise of funding.

In my personal opinion If SCOPE allocates part of the fees paid by the countries in exchange for the exchanging or establishes specialized institutions in each country that provide workshops for trainers who are in charge of volunteers contracted with scope, that the volunteer will be given a certificate, provided that a number of seats are allocated to them in WHO meetings free of charge for a year, and It allows him to enter scope workshops for a year without fees, after the end of his volunteer period. As methods that help in financing the visit, this will relieve great pressure on the host It ensures that he maintains his psychological comfort and ensures a well-equipped visit for the exchanger,and help in solve international partner barriers to sending learners”

MedSIN-Sudan NationalRibatUniversity ZeinabSalahEldeenAhmed Mohamed


BangladeshMedicalCollege, 3rdyear

SCOPE x SCORE of BMSS presented a week-long event, EXCHANGES WEEK 2023 with the theme “Future of Healthcare” from February 0410

The entire week comprised various social media posts introducing IFMSA Exchanges, SCOPE and SCORE

On February 9, several virtual sessions were conducted by our facilitators on Financial Management, Advocacy and Recognition in Exchanges, followed by the strategies for becoming a perfect Local Officer.

The week topped off with an offline event on February 10, encompassing various sessions, one of them conducted by our external speaker Prof Khondaker A Mamun (Founder and Chairman of CMED Health Ltd.) on the theme for the Exchanges Week: "The Future of Healthcare".

Other offline sessions included Academic Quality in Exchanges and Activating Exchange in your LC.

Some events that took place at the Exchange Fair consisted of Exchangeopedia, MerchandVentory, an Open Space discussion, and of course, the LC Exchange Fair.

International students of BMSS from different countries put up impressive showcases to display their culture at the Exchange Fair, and 6 Local Committees (LCs) came together to give us a look into the lives of students in their medical college. The LCs' stalls were assessed by a judge based on presentation, creativity, and amount of information the presenters were able to impart about their LC and medical college.


The Local Committees that took part in the Exchange Fair were:

1 Bangladesh Medical College Local Committee

2. Dhaka Medical College Local Committee

3. Green Life Medical College Local Committee

4 Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Local Committee

5. Mymensingh Medical College Local Committee

6. Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College Local Committee

Exchanges Fair 2023 was a gargantuan success in bringing together over 130 enthusiastic medical students passionate about creating exchange opportunities in Bangladesh, and allowed a creative outlet for BMSS members to explore the feasibility of Exchanges in Bangladesh.


Narratives andShort Stories

The story I want to share with you guys, is that of the activation of SCOPE in our NMO, it particularly marked us because it starts from a period of hardship, a period of rejection and so many setbacks and obstacles. Last year our NMO embarked on the journey of SCOPE activation, which was a tremendous journey full of trials and tribulations. These trials and tribulations that we got were primarily from our administrators that did not get the vision of SCOPE and did not want this novel idea, they were afraid of how the idea was going to impact them and were reluctant to try a new thing, so many of our administrators were skeptical about accepting SCOPE, the SCOPE programs, the exchanges programs and so on in their universities so it was very difficult for us, in some places we were insulted, looked down upon and in others we weren’t even granted audience to talk, so activation could not be fast That’s why our activation process took a lot of time, it took a whole year, it took a longtime because we had to beg, we had to plead, we had to look for papers required by the university and papers required by IFMSA, so it was really really difficult. But thank God we had a really wonderful NT members, they where really proactive and they did not relent their efforts especially with regards to going towards those administrators, plead, look for other routes to reach to the route concerned, and finally upon all their efforts, they had the acceptance letter from one University (CATUC University of Bamenda) out of around 10 universities we have in Cameroun. After we got the activation letter we submitted everything to IFMSA, and they started laying as well because it was on the 27th of August, just few days after the AM2022 and they were all concentrated in the reports of the event Finally on the 25th of June 2022, we received the confirmation that Cameroon is SCOPE ACTIVE, that was the best news we had during all the year, we were just so excited to finally being eligible to exchange programs and have our first exchange. This story just reflect the fact that we do not have to relent our efforts in the face of adversity, in the face of trials and tribulations, we have to push through, because if we had abandoned , Cameroon wouldn’t have been SCOPE ACTIVE today.

18 CAMSA-Cameroon
FMSPoftheUniversityof Dschang,Cameroon NSIAKENGNIFREDYLEONEL


AMMEFMEXICO MichoacanUniversityofSanNicolásde Hidalgo,FacultyofMedicalandBiological Sciences"Dr.IgnacioChávez",5thyear.


As Contact Persons, we love to share our culture, we like to take advantage to show to our incomings every tradition and more if we are in the right month to make that they can live the real and whole experience.

Personally, I think the day of the dead is one of the most famous, strong and at the same time beautiful traditions that as Mexicans we have. In the indigenous vision implies the transitory return of the souls of the deceased, who return home, to the world of the living, to live with the relatives and to nourish themselves of the essence of the food offered to them on the altars placed in their honour.

It’s celebrated in all Mexico, but specially in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán

People remember their relatives or people who loved and died, every year on November 1 and 2, they prepare all a feast for them just like if they were coming to visit us, and there is the magic, they really feel their presence, at least once a year, and that’s like a “Gift of God”, as Doña María told us once that we, group of contact person, and our incomings went to Pátzcuaro and had the opportunity to visit pantheons, talk to some residents of there, and ask some questions, all they were kind and they told us touching and lovely anecdotes I would like to make clear is that this is not about don’t have feelings or don’t feel sad about losing someone that we love, is more about this special opportunity to feel them a little more closer, and remember all the nice moments in life of this person, commemorate their life, and pray for them. During our visit, we make sure we are respectful, and

prudent about the feelings of the people

The experience to be in touch with the native people from Pátzcuaro was amazing, In the sense that our incomings lived by their own experience this tradition, they learned about the meaning of life and dead for us like mexicans and how important is to appreciated it.


In addition, we had the opportunity to show to our incomings delicious typical foods such as Tamales, Corundas, Pan de muerto Previously to our visit to Pátzcuaro and towns around, like Janitzio’s Lake, we had a talk about what Day of Dead is, we even teach them how to make cantrin/catrinas’s make up, and the meaning of every litte thing on the altars. We wanted to make sure that they would find sense of everything they saw later. We took a lot of pictures, even one of our incomings made a beautiful video, I’m sure that they had a very nice experience. This is why this socio-cultural activities are implemented in our local committee, in this way our incomings can get to know our traditions in depth, and understand why certain festivities are so loved and carried out in our country.



My doctor was on an exchange (a short poem-story)

A normal day like every day, again feel tired, but kinda okay, morning coffee and sleepy eyes saying prayers to the skies:

"Please, God, I want to rest" He replies: "You will be a doctordo your best!''

Another one going fast:

"Please, I want to sleep at last."

"Ecto, endo, mesoblast"

And this is how with my brain I continued my daily vain...

Two kilometers and here I am, in the hospital elevator without a plan

What shall we do?

Wondering around the halls without a clue?

Asking doctors for their time?

They don't have us on their mind! Attention seekers is our name, looking for knowledge is the happiest gain

But check in this direction!

Who is coming with so much affection?

An angel all in white,

or a miracle so bright?

A doctor with a smile on his face, coming closer to embrace! Come on, students, for what do you wait?

You are the one who decide your faith!

Let me show you how you can, spoke with many cultures of a man!

Thus, we headed to the office, a patient's most sacred fortress, where the doctor started to explain, how an exchange was the Sun in a constant rain! How he went to a distant place, and the challenges that he faced! The way he became a new person, and how he brought up his two sons:

Students, kindness and understanding it is all the patients are demanding! No matter where they come from or where they were born, you have to get with them along! Be patient, brave, and gentle

AMSBBulgaria MedicaluniversitySofia StilyanaAvramova

it's not only sentimental! And this is how the day has started and this feeling has never departed.

How much the road is changing and the heart is forever engaging.

To be on an exchange is a gift, the sweetest one and coming swift!

Getting back at home I thought, I want to bring what he has broughtpassion, love, and eagerness to help everywhere - not only in myself! I went to bed and what I dreamed were jungles, desserts and in between!

My dream has been raised within the SCOPE world where all begin!

Photographs Drawings GraphicDesigns MotionGraphics
25 CIMSA-Indonesia BrawijayaUniversity ShahifahMutiaraAz'zahra "CountingDays"




Sudanuniversityofscienceand technology,3rdyear

"Healthcaredifferentcountries anddifferenttimes"

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