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Julie Smirnova is a 23 year old PPES graduate who currently resides in Teach a Sé. Her debut poem “I Married My Highschool Sweetheart: Are Crushed Toes Cause for Divorce?” was published in Icarus 72.2 last year. She is delighted to report that the relationship survived, as did Laoise Lynch’s toes.

Charlotte Moore —Anna Rice wrote this bio.


Eloise Rodger would, more than anything, like people to stop asking her about it, because she actually, truly, really doesn’t know. She doesn’t know. Not the tiniest fraction of a bit. And she’s convinced you don’t either.

Elise Carney Frazier is a third year English Literature and History student who watches Fleabag bimonthly, consumes infnite cups of tea, and practices pre-emptive nostalgia – in and outside of her poems.

Violette Smith — Hi! My name is Violette Smith, and I’m a frst year at Trinity in the CLAHA program. I’m originally from the States (Massachusetts), but I also lived in Greece (Paros). Sometimes I forget that I’m a photographer but when I remember, I take some pretty cool photos, some of which I post on my Instagram, @violett7s (this is a shameless self plug by someone who is not a narcissist even if she takes a lot of self portraits).

Nicole Hur is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Hanok Review, a literary magazine devoted to Korean poets and poetry. Her work has been published in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Rogue Agent Journal, and The Poetry Society. She frequently writes about her hometown, where food and family play a dominant role in daily life. You can fnd her on twitter @nhurwords.

Lily O'Byrne is busy understanding what Frank O'Hara meant when he said "pleasant thought fresh air free love cross-pollenization."

Kim O’Leary thinks that it's okay that Isaac left the band. Leave them alone, they miss him too.

Grace Anne Culhane. 22. Really just a little guy who likes KC Peaches and submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known. Just found out that coconut milk hot chocolate is really yummy. Everyone say thank you Cathal for letting me know about that email or else I would not have written this bio.

Yeva Huseva, born in Luhansk, relocated to Odessa in 2014 and then a Galwegian convent in 2022 before attending Trinity, has always used art as the stabilising force in life. Loves ink and oil painting.

Alex M. is from the District of Columbia.

Inés Murray Gómez is an Irish/Spanish writer currently in her third year of English.

Alice Gogarty sometimes wonders if she can touch the sky with her hands. (It doesn't seem likely.)

Fionn Duffy is a fnal year Film & English student from Galway and writing about himself like this leads to identity crises and watching the dance sequences from Pablo Larrain’s Ema on repeat. @fonnduffyy on Instagram

Harry Pierce hopes one day he'll get over it and fnd that it never really mattered at all.

Megan O’Driscoll is going to try everything twice. You can collect the issues of Icarus in which she appears like shiny Pokémon cards, or read some of her recent work in The Martello, and Celestite Poetry. She is the editor of Sweet Tooth and a Carpo girl.

Jim Xi Johnson is an Irish-Malaysian photographer based just outside Dublin. His photography has been featured been featured in An Áitiúil Anthology, the Martello Journal and Orange Peel Magazine. Outside of photography he enjoys calm music, long walks and longer video essays. For more of his work check out his Instagram, @jx.jpegs.

Grant Burkhardt is a poet and short fction writer. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Claudia Friel would like to remind you that everything is conscious (genuinely).

Shane Leavy is a writer and researcher based in Leitrim, where he runs creative writing workshops, with work published by Trasna, Popshot: The Illustrated Magazine of New Writing, The Stripes Magazine, The Road Not Taken: The Journal of Formal Poetry, Infnite Worlds Magazine and Jacked Crime Anthology. Other interests include history, heavy metal, woodcrafts, and befriending neighbourhood cats encountered on runs.

Vanessa Nunan — My name is Vanessa and I am from Donegal. I am in 4th year European Studies. I love football, painting and making icecream. Life is good.