AboutUS by Hotspotorlando

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Beatriz Araujo at Amazon Forest Cafe

# 7

As t ime goes by life changes and runs on the fast lane, what was a success yesterday is no longer a hit and everything goes into the past almost as they never existed. Conquer cyberspace is more important that anything else affecting your regular life. Being popular and successful is not only being a part of the news on T V but also be seen on the net all the time. Forget those 15 seconds of fame, they no longer count. And life goes on, with hits, clicks and likes, the more the merrier, in a frenetic daily run to the computer. Scary?! NO !, Not at all! Part of daily life. But I wonder what will be next, what will come to get our attention as deep as Facebook, and all the .com out there, that fight for a piece of the pie. Many remember the old black telephone? Of course, but we no longer have it or need it. Do you remember Atari? yes it was fast gone, the regular cellular phone, forget it, now it has to be a smart phone, computers are fast replaced by laptops, tablets and soon will no longer be needed because everything has to be mobile, fast, taken wherever you go, and so are the books, and the magazines. We believe we are fast going into a new reality, and one day we will look behind and around, finally realizing nothing is the same, and we can’t even recognize anything because we were fixed on a screen. Did you realize how fast it is all going? Well, we did, that is why we are on the net only, and we don’t print! we are mobile like everything that matters. All major newspapers and magazines already have their online version, and soon will make the transition. And by the way remember you can take us everywhere too! you can open and save our magazine in any mobile phone or iPad. Well we hope you enjoy your Summer! there are a few things you can do and suggestions inside the magazine. Enjoy your Journey,! All of it! Laiz Rodrigues/Hotspotorlando AboutUS Magazine !

AboutUS-Crew Owner/CEO: Ademar Rodrigues Editor: Laiz Rodrigues Photography: HotspotOrlando Social Media affairs: Sean Slack EcoTourism: Edmundo Cavalcanti - on vacation Brazil Tourism and Photography: Marcio & Simoni Lucena Fashion Editor: Patricia Costa Child Behavior: Deo Britos Special Themes: Ademar Rodrigues Orlando Music Scene: Larry Pointer Jr. Vicky talking a lot show: Vicky Treats come true: Marta Thompson- recipes Events Miami- Paulo Gualano Unidos da Florida Guests this issue: Artist Yatin Patel Photographer Bob Smith - Amazon Mission The best thing about all this ! we are loving every minute!


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A little about them Pie fection is a love story, a story of hard work and love that started many years ago,. Maninho e Joyce met when they were realy young and they built a relationship and a life together. They went to school and worked hard, got engaged, got married and decided to come here and start a new life, safer, with larger dreams, but always filled with love. They are the spirit that fills Pie-fection. Maninho with his strength, and Joyce with her smile makes the magic. If you did not try yet, please do it, and enjoy the best Brazilian Pizza in Orlando.

The beauty of Brazil Paraty-Rio de Janeiro

Paraty By Marcio&Simoni Lucena.


ere we are in one more gorgeous trip. This time, with the possibility of being transported through time to stroll the streets of irregular stones pavement known as "Pé de moleque" of the eighteenth century. We walked around Paraty through the colonial buildings, mansions, houses and churches that reflect the style of an era, true architectural relics preserved. Considered a National Historical Monument, Paraty is now a hub of tourism that attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. Besides the natural beauty, the vast city's cultural calendar offers Festival of Dance, Music, with international and national attractions, jazz, blues, pop, cinema, theater, exhibitions, gastronomy, folklore festivals, Brazilian Cachaça Festival and various religious events, and it could not fail to mention the FLIP - Paraty International Literary Festival this year in its tenth edition that will honor our great Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade. The beautiful beaches surrounded by mountains covered by Atlantic Forest are part of the National Park Serra da Bocaina and can be visited by car, but mostly only allows access by boat. There are numerous possibilities for island tours that can be made with ​​ schooners that hold up to 150 people, or motorboats, sailboats, which can be rented for a private tour. By car you can visit the famous town of Trinidad, 25 km from the center of Paraty, which is part of the Environmental Protection Area Cairuçu. According to local information, the Bay of Paraty has 65 islands and nearly 50 beaches. Many still wild, deserted or almost untouched. We can not visit, not a third of these charms in just three days, but we are sure of a return soon to complete this "arduous" task of exploring a few more wonders of the Bay of Paraty.





moni Lucena the writer


PARATY Por Marcio & Simoni Lucena

Aqui estamos com o registro de mais um belíssimo passeio. Dessa vez, com a possibilid irregular de pedras conhecidas como “pés-de-moleque”, do século XVIII. Viajamos em o estilo de uma época, verdadeiras relíquias arquitetônicas preservadas. Considerada Patrimônio Histórico Nacional, hoje Paraty é um pólo de turismo que atr vasto calendário cultural da cidade oferece Festivais de Dança, de Música, com atraçõe mia, festas do folclore brasileiro, Festival da Cachaça e diversos eventos religiosos. E n ano na sua décima edição que irá homenagear o nosso grande poeta brasileiro, Carlos As belíssimas praias cercadas de montanhas cobertas pela Mata Atlântica fazem parte maioria só permite acesso de barco. Há inúmeras possibilidades de passeios pelas ilhas veleiros, que podem ser alugadas para passeios particulares. De carro podemos visitar Proteção Ambiental do Cairuçu Segundo informações locais, a baía de Paraty possui 65 ilhas e quase 50 praias. Muitas do total desses encantos em apenas três dias, mas levamos a certeza de um retorno brev baía de Paraty.

dade de sermos transportados através do tempo ao passear pelas ruas de calçamento m Paraty através das construções coloniais, casarões, sobrados e igrejas que traduzem

rai milhares de visitantes de todos os lugares do mundo. Além das belezas naturais, o es internacionais e nacionais, jazz, blues, MPB, cinema, teatro, exposições, gastrononão poderia deixar de mencionar a FLIP – Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty, este Drummond de Andrade. do Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina e podem ser visitadas por carro, mas a sua s que podem ser feitos com escunas que comportam até 150 pessoas, ou com lanchas, r a famosa Vila da Trindade, há 25 Km do centro de Paraty, que faz parte da Área de

s ainda selvagens, desertas ou quase intocadas. Não conseguimos visitar nem um terço ve, para completar essa “árdua” missão de desbravar mais algumas maravilhas da

Vera Fonseca

, writer, Brazilian poet born in the State

of Paraná, she writes since she was 12 years old, also worked in many areas,

from banks, engineering companies, and even as a PR and marketing Specialist, when she had the opportunity to travel and meet lots of people, in many regions of Brazil. In 2009 she decided to leave her job and dedicate herself completely to Literature, materializing a childhood dream. Her books of Poetry in Portuguese are available in the USA, and you can also find her on her Blog and Facebook profile http://www.amazon.com http://veraluzdasletras.webnode.com.br http://www.facebook.com/VERAFONSECA66

Biografia de Vera Fonseca

Escritora e poetisa brasileira, nascida no interior do estado do Paraná, escreve desde os doze anos de idade, trabalhou em diversas áreas, desde bancos a empresas de engenharia civil, atuando principalmente com marketing e relações públicas, onde teve a oportunidade de viajar e conhecer muitos lugares e pessoas diferentes, em várias regiões do Brasil. Desde 2009, resolveu abandonar as atividades profissionais, dedicando-se exclusivamente à literatura, realizando assim, um sonho de sua infância. Conheça os outros livros desta autora:

Minhas páginas em sua vida; Plenitude; Espelhos, e o mais recente Caminhos

Tem seu trabalho divulgado em diversos sites de literatura, i nclusive no exterior: Portal da artista plástica e poetisa Claudia Houdelier, em Nice – França. http://houdelier.com Revista Varal do Brasil – Geneve – Suiça http://varaldobrasil.com/ Portal CEN de Lisboa – Portugal http://www.caestamosnos.org/autores/autores_v/Vera_Fonseca-2.htm Contatos: Email: verafonseca_4@hotmail.com Tenho um blog onde divulgo o meu trabalho http://veraluzdasletras.webnode.com.br https://www.facebook.com/VERAFONSECA66 https://twitter.com/#!/Verafonsec


uero ter ao seu lado, o melhor tempo deste mundo, preciso desamarrar as minhas urgências, cheias de receios, olhar para frente com mais calma, e conseguir ver o teu passeio, sei que somos iguais, então posso ver a delicadeza do teu traçado. para preencher as minhas horas, tão solitárias da tua companhia, posso inventar uma nova receita, e escolher bem os ingredientes, ainda não conheço tudo o que o teu apurado paladar gosta, mas, quem sabe, eu consiga adivinhar a tua preferência por inteiro. esmo que dentro dos sabores, hajam motivos muito apimentados, no centro desta nova iguaria, devo acrescentar algo mais adocicado, já que pretendo desvendar, cada mistério dos teus afogueados desejos, vou misturar neste alimento, aquela vontade crua de renascer. omo se ao satisfazer o teu apetite, eu pudesse despir a tua alma, devo inserir também neste preparo, uma pitada mágica de paz, quando você chegar, poderá descansar, sem precisar olhar pra trás. ontigo, todas as minhas intenções, além de puras são sinceras, Então, estico a toalha branca na mesa, para ressaltar as tuas cores, já escolhi até as flores do arranjo, as que mais combinam contigo, adoráveis margaridas, bem me quer, mal me quer, bem me quer... epois, acenderei na hora certa, as velas de um antigo castiçal, para refletir o faiscar lento da chama, no fundo do teu olhar, assim poderei saborear, o gosto molhado e quente do vinho, esparramando de leve, meus lábios em tua boca faminta, na pretensão louca e abusada, de seduzir teu corpo ligeiro. após este gostoso jantar, flambarei sob o teu colo de mansinho, neste ambiente onde crio os meus sonhos, posso te namorar, e te acolher em meus braços, que prá você estão sempre abertos, assim, vou desenhando o nosso destino, onde os traços são certeiros. este cantinho, posso colocar tudo o que precisarmos para relaxar, aqui podemos juntar as alegrias, e esquecer todas as limitações, e mesmo que ainda haja dúvidas, decifraremos as respostas, pois é somente por estarmos nesta tão serena comunhão, que temos todas as chaves, antes perdidas, agora seguras em nossas mãos... ntão, venha quando quiser ou puder, minha urgência, já sabe lidar com a carência, busco sempre descobrir um novo tempero, posso deixar a vontade com menos molho, e guardar para outro dia, esta linda utopia, pois quando chegar a hora de acontecer, certamente saberemos o que fazer,







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downtown orlando

o museums and art

summer time vacation time

museum time is learning having fun !

1. Orange County History Center


exhibits, an observatory, and much more. Visit the museum on a weekend to check out one of the cool events, like Laser Light Shows and The Science of Wine. Make sure to stop in the Science Store before you leave!

ituated in the masterfully restored 1927 Orange County Courthouse, the History Center is consistently ranked the top museum in Orlando. The 5-floor attraction tells the story of how this region made the transi- 4. The Charles Hosmer Morse tion from a small town amidst citrus groves Museum of American Art and cattle ranches to today's thriving metropolis. It is home to extensive collections of his art museum is perhaps most famous the Historical Society of Central Florida, Inc. for housing the most comprehensive coland features exhibits like Natural Environlection of works by Louis Comfort Tiffany, ment, Pioneer Cracker Home, and The Road including Tiffany jewelry, pottery, paintings, to Modern Orlando. This vibrant Center has art glass, leadedglass windows, lamps, and tons of hands-on history for all ages to enjoy. the chapel interior he designed for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. 2. Orlando Museum of Art Additionally, the museums galleries hold major collections of American art from the his top quality art museum is a popular 19th and 20th centuries. Exhibitions, films, destination for tourists from all over the and lectures, family programs, and music world. It features treasures in art and archiperformances are regular features, as well. tecture spanning the globe from the 19th You'll definitely want to stop in The Museum century to the present. Upon entry, you'll be Shop before you leave to pick up exclusive fascinated by Dale Chihuly's glass Cobalt & merchandise derived from the works of Lois Citron Tower standing 20-feet high, drawing Comfort Tiffany. your eye toward the glass skylight above... and that's just the beginning. The Orlando 5. The Museum of Arts and Museum of Art has the broadest collection of Sciences African art and art of the ancient Americas in the entire Southeast. It's definitely worth n affiliate of the Smithsonian Instituthe trip for any art- appreciator. tion, The Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona is located on a beautiful 90-acre 3. Orlando Science Center park. This cultural treasure features 9 permanent exhibits as well as a newly created nspiring curiosity and exploration, the Orenvironmental center inside a naturally lando Science Center offers fun, engaging preserved Florida hammock. Among many exhibits for visitors of all ages. Become a medisplays, you'll see a 12-foot tall skeleton of a teorologist for the day at the Severe Weather ground sloth, the largest Coca-Cola memoCenter or take to the air in the F1-11 and rabilia collection outside of Coca-Cola headF-16 flight simulators. This innovative muquarters, a state-of-the-art planetarium, and seum features a giant screen domed theater vast collections of art from around the world. for films and planetarium shows, 4 floors of





1.Condado de Orange Centro Historco

Situado no majestoso e completamente restaurado Orange County Courthouse, o Centro Histórico está classificado como o melhor museu, em Orlando. A atração de 5 andares conta a história de como essa região fez a transição de uma pequena cidade no meio de pomares cítricos e fazendas de gado a próspera metrópole de hoje. É a casa de extensas colecções da Sociedade Histórica da Flórida Central, Inc. e exibe caracte rísticas do Meio Ambiente Natural, Casa dos Pioneiros, e a “Estrada para a Orlando Moderna”. Este Centro vibrante tem toneladas de história para todas as idades desfrutarem.

2.Museu de Arte de Orlando

Este museu de arte de alta qualidade é um destino popular para turistas de todo o mundo. Possui tesouros na arte e na arquitetura abrangendo todo o globo a partir do século 19 até o presente. Após a entrada, você vai ficar fascinado pela torre de vidro e cobalto de Dale Chihuly com 20 metros de altura, atraindo sua atenção para a clarabóia de vidro acima ... e isso é apenas o começo. O Museu de Arte de Orlando tem a mais ampla coleção de arte Africana e da arte das Américas antiga na região Sudeste inteira. É definitivamente a viagem para qualquer apreciador de arte.

se projetam shows de planetário, 4 andares de exposições, um observatório e muito mais. Visite o museu em um fim de semana para conferir um dos eventos, como shows de laser .Certifique-se de parar na loja Science antes de sair!

4. The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art

Este museu de arte é talvez o mais famoso na area de habitação e possui a mais completa coleção de obras de Louis Comfort Tiffany, incluindo Tiffany jóias, cerâmica, pinturas, arte em vidro, janelas leadedglass, lâmpadas, e o interior da capela que ele desenhou para Exposição Universal de 1893 em Chicago . Adicionalmente, as galerias do museu possuem grandes coleções de arte norte-americana dos séculos 19 e 20. Exposições, filmes e palestras, programas de família, e performances musicais são características regulares, também. Você definitivamente vai querer parar em A Loja do Museu antes de sair para pegar mercadorias exclusivas derivada das obras de Lois Comfort Tiffany. Sextas apos as 5 entrada franca.

5. O Museu de Artes e Ciências

Uma filial da Instituição Smithsonian, o Museu de Artes e Ciências em Daytona está localizado em um parque de 90 hectares muito bonito. Este tesouro cultural apresenta 9 exposições permanentes, bem como um centro recém-criado dentro de um 3. Orlando Science Center ambiente natural preservado Florida HamInspirando curiosidade e exploração, o mock. Entre muitas exposições, você vai Orlando Science Center oferece diversão, ver um esqueleto de 12 metros de altura de e exposições atraentes para os visitantes de todas as idades. Torne-se um meteorologista um bicho-preguiça, a maior Memorabilia da Coca-Cola fora do quartel geral sede da por um dia no Centro de Tempestades ou pilotem no F1-11 e F-16 simuladores de vôo. Coca-Cola, um planetário state-of-the-art, e vastas colecções de arte de todo o mundo. Este museu apresenta um cinema inovador com tela gigante em dorma de cúpula onde

summer orlando science center

This museum is not only a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, but also an organization with a mission to combat anti-Semitism and racism in all forms through educational and cultural programs. It is one of the oldest Holocaust museums in the nation and features a library, permanent exhibit hall, special exhibitions, and a film series - all of which are family-friendly. Changing exhibitions include work from photographers, artists, historians, and more. For an inspiring experience in healing and hope, this is a museum you can't miss.

7. Harry P. Leu Gardens This 50-acre park of meandering paths and Florida wildlife offers a peaceful taste of old Florida in its farming days. Highlights of the Gardens include the Butterfly Garden, permanent and temporary art exhibits, The Garden House (the entrance, meeting place, and art gallery), a gift shop, and the Leu House Museum - the meticulously restored farmhouse. The Gardens offer guided or selfguided tours, access to the reference library, and horticulture workshops for children and adults.

Harry P. Leu Gardens

6. Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center


u Gardens

6. Memorial do Holocausto e Centro de Educação e Pesquisa.

Este museu não é apenas um memorial às vítimas do Holocausto, mas também uma organização com a missão de combater o anti-semitismo e o racismo em todas as formas por meio de programas educacionais e culturais. É um dos museus mais antigos do Holocausto no país e dispõe de uma biblioteca, sala de exposição permanente, exposições especiais e uma série de filmes - todos os quais estão a família. Exposições temporárias incluem o trabalho de fotógrafos, artistas, historiadores, e muito mais. Para uma experiência inspiradora de cura e de esperança, este é um museu, que você não pode perder.

7 Harry P. Leu Gardens

Este parque de 50 hectares de caminhos sinuosos e vida selvagem da Flórida oferece o sabor pacífico da Flórida da epoca de seus dias de cultivo. Destaques do Leu Gardens incluem o Jardim de Borboletas, exposições de arte permanentes e temporárias, The Garden House (galeria de entrada, ponto de encontro e de arte), uma loja de presentes, e o Leu House Museum - a casa meticulosamente restaurada. Os jardins oferecem visitas guiadas ou auto-guiada, o acesso à biblioteca de referência, e oficinas de horticultura para crianças e adultos.


To say that Yatin Patel is a creative artist is an understatement. He had many business ventures, all with success, excelled in business and now he does the same with his art, life gave him a chance to follow his dream and he is doing it with outstanding pictures.. The classic Black&White the total absence of color, and still his work screams loud . In reality there is no need of color when you can cause that much impact without it. For the ones that know him also know how impor-

tant his photography is for him, maybe because there is so much of him in it. This is not the first time we show his work, and the reason why we do it is because we want more and more people to see it, share it, cherish, recognize it.. To give others the same chance we had when we saw it for the first time, to feel what we felt. The pictures are large, in hand crafted paper, beautiful work of a Collection named Sutra.

Sua fotografia se baseia na Índia onde ele nasceu e retratam aspectos Histórico e sócio culturais do pais . Arte e filantropia para Yatin esat sempre aliados e ele procura trazer reconhecimento para sua arte e ao mesmo tempo ajudar aos que podem se beneficiar com o sucesso da mesma. Para ver mais visite seu site, www.yatinpatel.com

The Amazon Forest Cafe’ Experience the unexpected 5417 International Drive Orlando Florida 32819 www.amazonforest.us

Celebrating 50 years of p

time pieces

precise performance

BREITLING comemora os 50 anos do primeiro cronógrafo de pulso Espacial. Em 24 de maio de 1962, o Breitling Navitimer cronógrafo de pulso se tornou o primeiro instrumento a participar da conquista do espaço, acompanhando o vôo Aurora 7. Para comemorar o 50 º aniversário deste feito histórico, a marca está lançando em órbita um novo Cosmonauta Navitimer equipado com um movimento de alto desempenho da Breitling , inteiramente desenvolvido e produzido nas oficinas da empresa. Esta edição limitada de 1.962 peças se distingue pela sua indicação de 24 horas, com o seu meio de manual winding com dois botões, como o cronógrafo original de 1962 , assim como a insignia da missão Aurora 7 gravada no verso da caixa.

Navitimer Cosmonaute. A lenda continua. Feito para o ESPACO

Nos anos 1960 tudo era voltado para a corrida espacial. Os norte-americanos lançaram o programa Mercury que pretendia desenvolver vôos tripulados. Eles estavam procurando um cronógrafo de alta performance, preciso e confiável, capaz de resistir a condições excepcionais. Com isto em mente, eles naturalmente se voltaram para a Breitling, o "fornecedor oficial para o mundo da aviação" e um parceiro privilegiado dos melhores momentos da história aeronáutica. O Navitimer, relógio oficial do piloto criado em 1952, com a sua famosa régua circular movel que serve para realizar todas as operações relativas à navegação aérea, naturalmente firmou-se como o instrumento ideal para assumir este desafio. Ele passou com sucesso por todos os testes necessários, e em 24 de Maio de 1962, o TenenteComandante Scott Carpenter orbitou a Terra três vezes a bordo da cápsula Aurora 7. Em seu pulso um Navitimer equipado com uma escala de 24 horas servindo para distinguir o dia da noite - uma necessidade absoluta no espaço. Missão cumprida. Este foi um novo simbolo, o principal para o reconhecimento da Breitling, e esta conquista pioneira entrou nas coleções da marca sob o nome de Cosmonaute.

A maquina dirigindo esta REALIZAÇÃO.

A nova fabricação Breitling Caliber 02 que movimenta o novo Cosmonaute Navitimer se destaca por seu marcador de 24 horas e sua corda de sistema manual, duas características distintas do modelo que acompanhou Scott Carpenter em órbita da Terra. Desenvolvido pelos engenheiros da Breitling e relojoeiros com base no Calibre 01, o melhor cronografo do mundo, em relação ao movimento, e é dotado de todos as melhores qualidades deste "motor" excepcional - incluindo uma estrutura de coluna circular, o máximo de confiabilidade, segurança e funcionalidade, firme robustez e precisão excepcional confirmada por um certificado do cronometro concedido pelo COSC (Instituto Oficial de Testes Suíço de Cronômetros). Emitido em uma edição limitada de 1.962 peças , o 50 º aniversário Navitimer Cosmonaute apresenta um mostrador preto com contadores de prata. O mostrador foi criado usando o refinado processo "par épargne" em uma base de prata, garantindo assim o brilho inigua lável e legibilidade das indicações seja ela qual for . Além da gravação da missão Aurora 7 , a tampa traseira do relógio também carrega uma escala de conversão Celsius / Fahrenheit outro detalhe fiel ao desenho dos modelos vintage Navitimer.

BREITLING CELEBRATES THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST SPACEGOING WRIST CHRONOGRAPH. On May 24th 1962, a Breitling Navitimer chronograph became the first wrist instrument to share in the conquest of space by accompanying the Aurora 7 flight. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of this historical feat, the brand is launching into orbit a new Navitimer Cosmonaute equipped with a highperformance Manufacture Breitling movement, entirely developed and produced in the company workshops. This 1,962-piece limited edition is distinguished by its 24-hour display, its manualwinding mode – two nods to the original 1962 chronograph – as well as the Aurora 7 mission insignia engraved on the caseback. Navitimer Cosmonaute. The legend continues. MAIDEN SPACE FLIGHT. The early 1960s were all about the space race. The Americans launched the Mercury program intended to develop manned flights. They were looking for a high-performance, accurate and reliable chronograph capable of withstanding exceptional conditions. With this in mind, they naturally turned to Breitling, the “official supplier to world aviation” and a privileged partner of the finest hours in aeronautical history. The Navitimer, the cult pilot's watch created in 1952, with its famous circular slide rule serving to perform all operations relating to airborne navigation, naturally asserted itself as the ideal instrument in taking up this challenge. It successfully passed all the required tests, and on May 24th 1962, Lt Commander Scott Carpenter orbited the Earth three times aboard the Aurora 7 capsule. On his wrist was a Navitimer equipped with a 24-hour graduated scale serving to distinguish day from night – an absolute necessity in space. Mission accomplished. This was a major new token of recognition for Breitling, and this space conquest pioneer soon entered the brand's collections under the name of Cosmonaute. THE ENGINE DRIVING THE ACCOMPLISHMENT. The new Manufacture Breitling Caliber 02 powering the Navitimer Cosmonaute stands out by its 24-hour display and its manual-winding system – two distinctive features echoing the model that accompanied Scott Carpenter in orbiting the Earth. It was developed by the Breitling engineers and watchmakers based on Caliber 01, the world's best chronograph movement, and is endowed with all the assets of this exceptional “engine” – including an original column-wheel structure, maximum reliability, security and functionality, unfaltering sturdiness and exceptional precision confirmed by a chronometer certificate granted by the COSC (Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute). Issued in a 1,962-piece limited edition, the 50th anniversary Navitimer Cosmonaute features a black dial with silver counters. The dial motif is created using the refined “par épargne” process on a sterling silver base, thereby guaranteeing the peerless radiance and readability of the indications. In addition to the Aurora 7 mission insignia, the engraved caseback also carries a Celsius/Fahrenheit conversion scale – another detail faithful to the design of the vintage Navitimer models.

City of Orlando The city Beautiful! O

rlando re-elected Mayor Buddy Dyer last April 3rd, and on June 1st Mayor and City commissioners had thei Oath of Office Ceremony to rewew their vows for 4 more years of commitment to this City. This commitment may not seem a lot to some but for the ones taht have been following this administration for more than 2 years, believe when we say that they give public service a new meaning. Mayor Dyer and City Commissioners are very serious about being the number one City in the US and they have not stopped to make this happen. o this ceremony took hundreds of people to the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center, because we were all celebrating a victory that in our hearts couldn’t be different. Here is what Mayor Dyer had to say. My hope is the history books will reflect that the Dyer Administration asked citizens to imagine a great City and created just that.” Friends, over the last ten years… we have done exactly that. We dreamed of new ways to make our beloved city even better. We tapped into the power of partnership like never before to make those dreams a reality and in doing so, we wrote a bold new chapter

S “

in the history of Orlando, the City Beautiful! When I look back at that first oath of office and the shared vision we laid out for our community… I am filled with awe at what we have been able to accomplish. On that first day, we said diversifying our economy beyond our tourism base and creating quality, high paying jobs for our residents was a top priority. Those job creation engines are in place in the form of the Medical City at Lake Nona, our main street small business districts, our entrepreneurial incubators, our leading educational institutions and what will, in the years ahead, become Orlando’s Creative Village.


hrough these initiatives we have laid the foundation for a 21st century economy and become what national publications call, “One of the most businessfriendly cities in America.” Today, three of our powerhouse industry sectors... Modeling, Simulation and Training… Life Sciences and Biotechnology… and Digital Media contribute an annual economic impact of nearly 15 billion dollars and are responsible for employing 51-thousand residents. In just the last few years we have been recognized as:

Entrepreneur Magazine’s Number One City in America for Entrepreneurship

arts and entertainment, and the corresponding economic impact derived from those activities. On that first day, we committed Inc. Magazine’s Top “Hot Spot” for job creto restoring Parramore. Orlando’s historic ation among companies with 100 employees African American neighborhood had been in or less. decline for decades and had become notorious for crime and drugs. The least expensive City in America to open a Nearly seven years after we established Pathbusiness. ways for Parramore, crime in the neighborhood has been reduced dramatically through And, America’s number one “Hot Bed for community policing, bike patrols, IRIS camHigh Tech Growth.” On that first day, we eras and neighborhood watch groups. We committed to making sure that everyone also worked to stabilize the neighborhood by in our City had greater access to education encouraging home ownership through the and opportunity. So, we worked with busiaddition of new and rehabilitated homes… nesses to adopt the City’s first living wage along with the construction of more than 100 ordinance, to make it easier for working men new rental housing units. and women to support their families. We established 12 voluntary pre-kindergarten And, we launched the Parramore Kidz Zone, classes in the City. And, we created the Blue- which helped reduce juvenile arrests in print Program to make sure that Orlando’s the neighborhood by 80 percent. PKZ also residents benefited from our construction provided young people in the neighborprojects in the form of jobs, contracts and hood with access to tutoring, resulting in a job training. On that first day, we focused on dramatic increase in FCAT scores. Our first revitalizing Downtown Orlando. group of those PKZ students are enrolled in college. A decade ago, Downtown was described by many as a blighted “ghost town,” a center City that had lost its identity along with many of its residents and visitors. Through a number of citizen task forces, our community set to work engineering one of the most dramatic turnarounds, of any urban core in America. We doubled our skyline in less than five years. We increased our Downtown tax base by more than 50 percent and saw more than six hundred new businesses open their doors, which are still operating today. We helped shepherd more than 1.7 billion dollars of investment in our Downtown core. We also secured the largest public, private building project in Central Florida history, giving our residents access to world class sports,

Commissioner Jim Grat District 1

Commissioner Patty Sheehan District 4

Commissioner Samuel B. Ings District 6

Commissioner Tony Ortiz District2

success isn’t a des it’s a direction.


n that first day, we stressed the critical need to focus on transportation and giving our residents options outside of their automobiles. After nearly 25 years of failed attempts to secure a public rail transit system, we were finally able to begin construction on SunRail, Central Florida’s first commuter rail line. We also put plans in place to expand LYMMO, Downtown’s free bus circulator, to Parramore and Thornton Park and worked to increase ridership on our LYNX bus system. And, last year LYNX hit record ridership of 28 million passengers. We also established an intelligent transportation system, which provides route guidance and emergency information for Downtown motorists, making it easier and safer to navigate our Downtown core.


n that first day, this administration inherited a 23 million dollar budget shortfall. So, we laid out a plan to fix the budget without raising taxes and without cutting police and fire protection while also putting measures in place to make our finances more accountable and transparent.


e didn’t just keep that promise, we went beyond it. Ten years later, taxes are lower than they were on that day and our residents pay the lowest tax rate of any major city in Florida.


oday, we have more police officers and firefighters per thousand residents than any other major city in Florida. We’ve reduced the overall number of employees everywhere else, with the only new spending going towards police and fire protection. We did all this without draining our reserves. The result of this hard work is that we are now in the best financial shape of any major city in Florida.


ow, things didn’t always happen like we planned. We have had our share of challenges and disappointments over the last ten years. We certainly have not been immune to a national recession that has crippled cities across the country. We had to adjust on the fly. We had to scale back some projects and reduce some services. We had to shrink the size of our City government and make sure we lived within our means.


hrough it all, we were able to keep our vision for the future moving forward. The result of our perseverance is that people are talking about Orlando as the place that is primed to recover stronger and faster than anywhere else.


he successes of the past decade are important. They have shaped the City we live in now and the City that we will be a generation from now. But, we must remember that success isn’t a destination; it’s a direction.

More photos and complete speech at http://thehotspotorlando.com/

The Brazilian Community at representatives at the Oath ceremony


Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce HAPPY-HOUR @ Doubletree by Hilton- Seaworld

the perfect setting


hat a great way to spend the night, the Doubletree by Hilton at International Drive, open its doors to receive The Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce in great style.


t was actually a great setting at the Florida Hall that gave it an Hacienda style feeling. The room was beautifully decorated with patio furniture, bar tables with silk covers and centerpieces adorned with birds of paradise. A platter with cheeses, fruits, three different types of salsa, and hot hors d’oeuvre. Everything perfect. The catering manager Carolina Garry and her crew really went all the way to please the crowd, and they succeeded .


he guests arrived as expected, many new faces, new businesses and lots of networking. Vice Presidents Nelson Freitas and Marcio Silva spoke to all guests, and new member Edward Clarck from Nielson Bonds www.nielsonbonds.com spoke and presented himself to all present. Cindy Brown representative to Senator Daniel Webster was also present for the first time and met all the guest, Miss teen Florida Maria Eduarda was present, showing her grace, and graciously answered all the questions about her pageant history, she really shines everywhere she goes, a great success.

Maria Eduarda Pereir e Cindy Brown


alking about success, Marta Cerqueira brought her art to the event and entertained all the curious people about her paper sculpture art. Beautiful event , great atmosphere and more business connections. Mr. Edward Clark


The Doubletree By Hilton Management Team


From left Jim Bowie from UCF and friends

From the Left Hector Perez NYLife and friends

2nd Annual Fighting Hunger 5K At 6 :30 AM everyone was getting in gear to a great start.


he race proceeds were 100% reverted to the Community Food Outreach Center, an organization that helps people in many ways and fights to give them a hand up! Pastor Scott is the leader, founder and he was present to greet everyone. The sponsors were South Eastern Surveying, Sign factory US, Cara Read Real Estate, and Honesttea, all present at the Run also greeting the Community. The race was not only an opportunity to help the center but also a wonderful way to connect. Families participated, kids , young adults, all ages. It was a truly great morning!


ere is a little more information about the center and maybe you would like to be a volunteer or get to know them a little more.

he Community Food and Outreach Center (CFOC) has a mission to help families in poverty and those hurt by the recent economic crisis in our community. We do this by offering hunger relief, crisis services, and educational opportunities for job readiness and hope to families in Central Florida. Our Downtown Orlando helps more than 1,500 families per week and our Community Food and Outreach Center’s programs serve thousands a month looking for help and hope.

Who We Serve


he Community Food and Outreach Center serves everyone who comes to us in need. These are good people who are not looking for a hand out, but just need a hand-up to help them rebuild their lives. Hurting children and families are in need in greater numbers than in any other time in our lifetime, weneed your help to sound the alarm and rally this great community to rise up and meet the need. It is important to note that all donor gifts stay local! There are hungry children right here in central Floridathat we can help every day. Throughout the year, families receiving help will receive emergency Food Boxes and also be given the opportunity to sign up for other programs such as food stamps, Medicaid, and Florida Kid Care in Community Food & Outreach Center’s Crisis Relief Centers. They are also educated through our life skills classes each day.

A solução para os seus problemas legais no Brasil MMLYRA- INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING-INC (advogados no Brasil) 5950 LAKEHURST Drive – Suite 250 – Orlando – FL -32819 Prédio da Florida Christian University Fone: 407.401.9657 Celular: 407.729.7426 / 407.580.3718 E-mails:

mmlyra@mmlyra.com roseanamaranhao@mmlyra.com marcellemarcia@mmlyra.com

AGENDAMENTO DE CONSULTA – Horário: 2:00 pm às 8:00 pm, segunda à sexta-feira, sem nenhum ônus financeiro. MMLYRA Advogados Associados Tambem localizado no BRASIL Rua Bispo Cardoso Ayres, 57 Boa Vista – Recife – PE – Cep. 50050-100 Pabx: (55 81) 34236745 mmlyra.adv.br

The Amazon Forest Cafe soft Opening



n a jungle that is responsible for 20 % of the oxygen in the world and in the biggest river that crosses this Jungle lays the Amazon Forest. A magical world with, flavors colors and tastes never experienced before. In the Amazon Rain forest a palm tree was discovers, is a small purple fruit almost the size of a grape with less pulp but it has ingredients that are so powerful that represent 42 % of the diet in the region. A palm tree that has already rescued part of the areas that were victim of deforestation, because the palm tree where the Acai grows is less devastating than the Sugar cane culture. he Acai Palm Tree is one of these miracle that were there waiting to be discovered, and now can do so much as far as sustainability for the region it comes from. Back in 2008 the Greenpeace declared that just its culture alone would solve all the deforestation problems. Acai represents a better life, for them and for us. he Amazon Forest was created in 2009, it represents a trilogy, Acai Fruit, AFC Combat, and Amazon Forest Franchise. This trilogy created by Fabricio and Felipe represent an ambitious project that plans to be really big in a few years, and they are working hard, they are driven.. The Acai fruit pulp is already a champion in sales and based on the fruit, and its properties. It is the top anti-oxidant in the market and great source of vitamins.



he Amazon Forest Cafe has combined two powerful icons of the Amazon, Acai, and the Tambaqui Fish, with these frontier breakers and the motto "Fresh to the last drop", they want to be one of the top food chains by 2015. ith exclusive rights to the import of the fish, they believe that this will be a powerful weapon in establishing their style and brand here in the United States.The Tambaqui is famous for its large ribs almost as big as the Pork ribs, and it is of amazing taste and freshness. he Amazon Forest Combat (AFCMMA) is already a famous fight allover Brazil and Canada and it is already in process to be promoted in Orlando. Although the franchise of the Amazon Forest Cafe is something new and innovative due to the different sizes and styles in which is presented, cafe or kiosk. The AFC brand is here to stay, and it already is a success. The soft opening for the press and close friends was a great opportunity to taste all the exquisite and sophisticated fresh food. ll major products were prepared and served in appetizer sizes, the acai Juices, smoothies and desserts, served in small cups as well, all prepared with elegance in a beautiful display. An Indian, performed by Beatriz Araujo, greeted all guests and was wearing an original Amazon Indian costume. Everything the way it is in the Amazon Forest. Prepare yourself to embrace the idea.



For more pictures about thevent follow this link

Amazon Forest Cafe

Located at Orlando Crossings,at 5417 International Dr. the new Brazilian Hottest point for Tourists, that just gained a great sensation. Fabricio and Felipe are the youngest Brazilian entrepreneurs in Orlando, working full power to achieve their goals.

At Amazon Forest you will also find the Art of Soco Freire a great Brazilian Artst that is displaying some of her work at the Cafe.



“Jovem, obedeça sempre a seu pai, nunca deixe de seguir os conselhos da sua mãe…As ordens de seu pai e os conselhos de sua mãe são uma lâmpada para iluminar o caminho da vida. Quando seus pais repreendiam você eles estavam querendo lhe mostrar a direção certa para uma vida feliz”. Provérbios 6:20,23 (A Bíblia Viva). A criança que não sabe quais são os seus limites de comportamento, sente-se insegura e não amada. Os problemas emocionais entre os jovens não são causados pela disciplina firme, mas pela ausência dela. Definição de disciplina. A disciplina é no geral definida como a ordem que produz obediência. Este conceito é limitado. A palavra disciplina deriva de “discípulo”. Tanto disciplina quanto discípulo significa instruir, educar e treinar. A disciplina envolve a modelagem total do caráter da criança, encorajando o bom comportamento e corrigindo aquele que é inaceitável. Formas de disciplinar: Desenvolver respeito pelos pais esta é a base para todos os futuros relacionamentos da criança. Se quiser que seus filhos aceitem seus valores na adolescência, deverá então merecer seu respeito na infância. Seja um modelo de disciplina para o seu filho. Cumpra as regras, antes de cobrá-las. A criança busca ser como aqueles que ama e admira. Estabeleça regras. As crianças respeitam os pais que estabelecem regras. As crianças ficam confusas e infelizes quando lhes é permitido fazer o que sabem que é errado. Tente se lembrar: As professoras que mais marcaram na sua vida escolar foram

aquelas que eram firmes no estabelecimento e cumprimento das regras. Comunique claramente aos seus filhos as regras que devem ser cumpridas, depois faça perguntas para saber se ele entendeu as regras. Não aceite ser desafiado pelo seu filho. ex.: “Não faço, Não vou, ou Cale a boca você.” Tome uma atitude não finja que é surdo. Ordene a Privação de privilégios. Sempre deve-se explicar à criança o porquê da disciplina.Não castigue seu filho por atitudes infantis do tipo: pular, cantar, correr, derrubar leite na mesa coisa muito natural até mesmo entre os adultos que tem uma boa coordenação motora, ainda mais com uma criança que está em processo de desenvolvimento da coordenação motora (atenção: ninguém quebra ou derruba alguma coisa porque quer. Pense nisso! Seja mais tolerante). Não crie o hábito de castigar a todo momento, porque perde o sentido. Evite cometer os mesmos erros que os seus pais cometiam e te deixavam infeliz “Sábio é o homem que aprende com os erros dos outros’. (autor desconhecido). Nunca castigue seu filho obrigando-o a fazer coisas que deveria gostar. ex.: Vá ler uma página da Bíblia. Evite disciplinar ou brigar com o filho quanto estiver fazendo as refeições à mesa. Sempre deve haver uma atmosfera harmoniosa entre a família na hora das refeições. A criança tem que aprender a ter gratidão, tem que aprender a valorizar o que tem e o que recebe. Cuidado com o excesso de materialismo o excesso de materialismo diminui a alegria de receber. extraído livro: As sete necessidades básicas da criança. John M.Drescher, Editora mundo cristão.


A CHILD NEEDS DISCIPLINE " My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. 21 Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. 22 When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. 23 For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life, Proverbs 6:20,23 (The Living Bible).The child who does not know what their limits of behavior, feels insecure and unloved. The emotional problems among young people are not caused by firm discipline, but by its absence. Definition of discipline. Discipline is generally defined as punishment that produces obedience. This concept is limited. The word discipline comes from "disciple." Both discipline and disciple means to instruct, educate and train.The discipline involves modeling the character of the child, encouraging good behavior and correcting that which is unacceptable.Forms of discipline:Developing respect for parents this is the basis for all future relationships of the child. If you want your children to accept their values in ​​ adolescence, then you should earn your respect in childhood.Be a model of discipline for your child. Observe the rules before charging them. The child seeks to be like those who love and admire. Establish rules. Children respect parents who set rules. Children are confused and unhappy when they are allowed to do what they know is wrong. Try to remember: The

more teachers who were hard in his school life were those who were firm in establishing and enforcing rules. Communicate clearly to your children the rules that must be met, then ask questions as to whether he understood the rules.Do not accept being challenged by your kid. Example "I do, I will not, or you shut up." Take action do not pretend to be deaf. Punishment: Deprivation of privileges. Always explain to children why the punishment.Do not punish your child for childish like, jumping, singing, running, dropping milk on the table very natural thing even among adults who have good coordination, especially with a child who is in the process of development their coordination ( Nobody brakes something because they want to! Think about it! Be more tolerant).Do not make a habit of punishing all the time, because it loses its meaning.Avoid making the same mistakes your parents committed and made you unhappy "Wise is the man that learns from the mistakes of others. '(Unknown author). Never punish your child forcing him to do things they would like to do, example: Go read a page of the Bible. Avoid disciplining or fighting with your child as you are eating meals at the table. There should always be a harmonious atmosphere in the family at mealtimes. The child must learn to be grateful, you have to learn to value what you have and who receives. Beware of excessive materialism, it diminishes the joy of receiving. Extracted from the book: The seven basic needs of the child. John M.Drescher, Publisher Christian world.

Yummies Desserts For all your Catering needs www.yummiesdesserts.com 2100 - Whisper Lakes Blvd Orlando - Fl - 32837 Tuesday to Saturday 9 AM - 6PM (407)851-6060 / (407)557-3030

By Larry Poynter Jr.

Larry Pointer Jr.

It's going to be a great summer for Indie artists in Orlando. This month South Coast Records releases "My Dubstep Experience" It's the debut EP from SomeKosher Yuppy (SKY). The EP is produced by Stupid Genius. SomeKosher Yuppy is the next generation of MC. SKY reps the youth today and with his team GMATT (Give my all to talent) and Stupid Genius, they have put together one of the hottest releases of the summer. Be on the lookout for SKY as he starts a Florida tour this summer in hopes of being picked up for a bigger tour. SKY also just signed a publishing deal to get his music in upcoming movies and TV. Be on the lookout for "My Dubstep Experience" it's a FREE download if you go to www.reverbnation.com/somekosheryuppy You can check out other South Coast artist@ www.southcoastrecords.com

groups in Portuguese, and even the entire friendly management staff made their way up front to greet all of the new passengers, along with AllTour group Coordinator Marcio Russo, James One of the largest and most wellMeassick Sales Manager, Cortney known American retailers on the planet Whitlow, Jackie Aponte, and Mustafa has launched a new program to Hovic. aggressively pursue Brazilian tourism in The fact that Macy’s is well known Orlando, Fl. in Brazil helps the brand and will Recently, Macy’s enlisted the help of Sean enhance the itineraries of all types of tour Slack (Owner of Marquis International) operators and agencies. Working with to drive Brazilian tourism into the doors companies like All Tour of America and of Macy’s locations. Sean’s efforts within Suncoast USA and eventually several the Brazilian community and bringing others, the steady stream of Brazilian American and Brazilian businesses totourism will flow. gether have been well “Macy’s is only interested in documented with stores like Just For working with the best, most respected Feet, hhgregg, Toys R Us, Burlington companies and operators because quite Coat Factory, and the Sports Authority. frankly, they are the best.”, Sean said. “ We are confident Macy’s will be in good They recognize the importance of harhands as evident from the pictures of re- nessing the power of the tourism indusceiving their first buses last week. try, and will form partnerships within the Macy’s also launched a major cam- tourism community that enhance their paign within their stores “BRAZIL A brand and allow for the passengers to enMAGICAL JOURNEY” that focuses on joy a focused, genuine experience.” the culture and beauty of Brazil via cloth- Eventually, the program could posing, cosmetics, accessories, and other sibly be expanded to include South Floriitems. They understand the growth and da and New York as the growth curve will power of the world’s 5th largest economy, be very rapid heading into the peak seaand have placed a full court press on cap- son in Orlando….July. turing this business. “ I anticipate the response within On this particular day, we were the Brazilian tourism community will be invited to visit the store by VP Store Man- quick and decisive, and the majority of ager Macy’s Florida Mall Murray Tolkov operators will be contacting us soon to be Jr. and capture the unveiling of the proa part of this exciting program.” gram first hand. As far as we could see, Macy’s has It was an immediate success receiving two embraced the Brazilian culture and is AllTour buses and several people from well on their way to continuing as one of all over Brazil. the best retailers on the planet. We wish Brazilian music playing in the them the best. background, special coupons for the MACY’S LAUNCHES NEW PROGRAM IN CENTRAL FLORIDA TO LURE BRAZILIAN TOURISM TO THEIR DOORS WRITTEN BY: LAIZ RODRIGUES

MACY'S lança novo programa na Flórida Central para atrair turistas brasileiros ao seu estabelecimento

diato ao receber dois ônibus da AllTour e turistas de todo o Brasil. Com música brasileira de fundo, cupons em português para os grupos, até mesmo gerentes do Macy’s, fizeram um encontro amigável à frente da loja para cumprimentar todos os turistas/clientes. Juntamente com o Coordenador de Grupos da AllTour Marcio Russo estavam: James Meassick Gerente de Escrito por: Laiz Rodrigues Vendas, CortneyWhitlow, Jackie Aponte e Um dos maiores e mais conhecidos varejis- Mustafa Hovic. tas americanos do planeta, lançou um novo O fato da Macy’s ser bem conhecida no Brasil ajuda a reforçar os itinerários de programa agressivo para obter o turismo muitas Operadoras Turísticas e Agências brasileiro em Orlando, Fl. Atualmente, a Macy’s esta contando com a de Viagens. Trabalhando com empresas ajuda de Sean Slack (Proprietário da Mar- como AllTour of America, Suncoast USA, no futuro eventualmente várias outras, quis Internacional) para impulsionar o turismo brasileiro para dentro da Macy’s . fara com que o fluxo constante de turismo brasileiro flua mais ainda. O pensamento do Sean dentro da comu"Macy’s esta trabalhando com as nidade brasileira e de trazer empresas americanas e brasileiras em conjunto, isto melhores e mais respeitadas empresas e operadoras, porque, francamente, eles são têm sido bem documentado atraves de os melhores. ", disse Sean. lojas como: Just For Feet, HHGregg, Toys R Us, Burlington’s Coat Factory e a Sports "Eles reconhecem a importância de aproveitar o poder da indústria do Authority . turismo, e vai formar parcerias dentro da Estamos confiantes de que a Macy’s está comunidade do turismo, que melhoram em boas mãos, como é evidente a partir das fotos na qual registramos a gerencia da a sua marca e permite que os passageiros Macy’s ao receber os seus primeiros grupos desfrutem de uma experiência, com foco genuíno."Eventualmente, o programa de ônibus na semana passada. A Macy’s podera’ ser expandido para incluir o sul da também lançou uma grande campanha Flórida e Nova York, com a curva de crescidentro de suas lojas "BRASIL UMA VIAGEM MÁGICA" que incide sobre a cultura mento rápidamente se expandindo devido a alta temporada de Orlando em Julho. e beleza do Brasil através de roupas, cos"Eu antecipo que a resposta dentro da méticos, acessórios e outros itens. comunidade do turismo brasileiro vai ser Eles entendem o crescimento e poder da economia do Brasil (quinta maior do mun- rápida e decisiva, e a maioria dos operadores entrarao em breve em contato conosdo), e ter chamado uma imprensa local co para poder fazer parte deste programa para a captura deste elo de negócios . emocionante."Tanto quanto pudemos ver, Neste dia especial, fomos convidados a a Macy’s tem abraçado a cultura brasileira visitar a loja do Flórida Mall atraves do Sr. Murray Tolkov Jr. VP Store Manager e e está bem no seu caminho para continuar poder capturar a inauguração em primeira como um dos melhores varejistas do planeta. Desejamos o melhor para todos. mão deste programa.Foi um sucesso ime-

Macy’s "Brasil: Uma Viagem Mágica" "Francisco Costa para Cal-

vin Klein"

Influenciado pela arquitetura moderna brasileira, "Francisco Costa para Calvin Klein" possui vestidos com linhas puras e formas limpas para um olhar sem esforço. O crepe fluido e silhuetas de jersey são oferecidos em uma paleta vibrante de goiaba, barro, trigo e cacau, inspirados no por-do-sol do Brasil e no ambiente natural, bem como o tipo de assinatura neutros - mármore, cimento, aço, ferro e preto. Detalhes contemporâneos, como cintos com fivelas delicadas tom de prata são vistos em toda a linha. Os preços de varejo para os vestidos variam de R $ 135 a $ 180.

RACHEL Rachel Roy + Seu Jorge

A coleção Rachel Rachel Roy + Seu Jorge de edição limitada reúne as influências do designer Rachel Roy e ícone do rock brasileiro Seu Jorge. A coleção infunde o espírito do Brasil em artigos esportivos, calçados, jóias e bolsas com preços a

partir de $ 36 - $ 149. Inspirado por viagem de Rachel ao Brasil - a música, a praia, a comida, as pessoas, e a cor do oceano e do amor de Seu Jorge pela sua terra natal, tecem a vitalidade da cultura em cada peça. A coleção captura a essência da mulher brasileira - forte, bonita e sexy - apresentando estampas vibrantes, cores e silhuetas simples que lhe transportam para o Brasil.

Falchi por Falchi A coleção"Falchi por Falchi" mantém estética única. Carlos Falchi que se caracteriza por exóticas peles inspiradas em texturas e projetadas em cores brilhantes, marcou tudo com preço acessível. Como nativo do Brasil, Carlos Falchi foi inspirado pela cultura vibrante do país. bolsas, totes, plataformas e bijoux em tons punchy incluindo laranja, rosa e verde acentuados com uma impressão de pele de cobra, bem como uma seleção de bolsas em um design arrojado animal print, na moda, mas funcional. Muitos dos sacos estão disponíveis como bolsas reversíveis de modo que pode ser usado de duas maneiras. A coleção "Falchi por Falchi" varia de 59,00 dólares ate 119,00 dólares.

FALCHI by Falchi The “FALCHI by Falchi” collection maintains Carlos Falchi’s unique aesthetic featuring his iconic exotic skin-inspired textures and is designed in bright colors all at accessible price point. As a native of Brazil, Carlos Falchi was inspired by the country’s vibrant culture. Hobos, totes, cross-bodies and clutches in punchy shades including orange, pink and green accented with a snakeskin print, as well as a selection of bags in a bold animal print design, are trendy yet functional. Many of the bags are available as reversible handbags so they can be worn in two colorways. The “FALCHI by Falchi” handbag collection ranges in price from $59.00 to $119.00.

RACHEL Rachel Roy + Seu Jorge The Rachel Rachel Roy + Seu Jorge limited-edition capsule collection brings together the influences of designer Rachel Roy and Brazilian rock icon Seu Jorge. The collection infuses the spirit of Brazil into sportswear, footwear, jewelry and handbags priced from $36-$149. Inspired by Rachel’s trip to Brazil – the music, the beach, the food, the people, and the color of the ocean and Seu Jorge’s love for his homeland, the capsule weaves the vibrancy of the culture into each piece. The collection captures the essence of Brazilian women – strong, beautiful and sexy – showcasing vibrant prints, colors and easy silhouettes that transport you to Brazil.

Macy’s “Brasil: A Ma “Francisco Cos

Influenced by modern Brazilian architecture, the “Francisco Costa for Calvin Klein” capsule features dresses with pure lin wheat and cocoa, inspired by Brazil’s sunsets and natural environment, as well as the brand’s signature neutrals – mar Retail prices for the dresses range from $135 to $180.

agical Journey� featuring sta for Calvin Klein�

nes and clean shapes for an effortless look. The fluid crepe and jersey silhouettes are offered in a vibrant palette of guava, clay, rble, cement, steel, iron and black. Contemporary details like delicate belts with silver tone clasps are seen throughout the line.

Passion Fruit Mousse

O ver達o esta chegando com poder total e o nosso paladar pede por sobremesas leves. Mousse de maracuja

1/2 copo de heavy cream 1/2 copo de leite condensado ( sweetened condensed milk) 1/2 copo de suco concentrado de maracuja 2 colheres de sopa de cream cheese 1 colher de rum copinhos de chocolate, plasticos, ou pastry cups raspas de chocolate e frutas para enfeitar. *Coloque o heavy cream em um recipiente e com uma batedeira eletrica comece a bater ate que comece a tomar consistencia * acrescente o creme cheese e continue batendo *acrescente o leite condensado * por ultimo acrecente o suco com o rum e bata por mais alguns segundos . Neste ponto a mousse ja vai estar bem cremosa, deixe na geladeira por pelo menos uma hora. Em seguida coloque nos copinhos, enfeite com as frutas e raspas de chocolate e sirva. Esta sobremesa deixa ate um jantar simples muito mais elegante. Boa sorte! Marta Thompson from "Treats Come True"

Summer is coming with full force and our craving calls for light desserts. Passion fruit mousse

1/2 cup heavy cream 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk (sweetened condensed milk) 1/2 cup passion fruit juice concentrate 2 tablespoons of cream cheese 1 tablespoon of rum chocolate cups, plastics, or pastry cups chocolate chips and fruit for garnish. Place the heavy cream in a container and and beat with a mixer until it begins to have consistency. * Add the cream cheese and continue beating * add the condensed milk * Add juice with rum and beat for another few seconds. At this point the mousse will already be very creamy, refrigerate for at least one place then hora.Em in glasses, garnish with fruit and chocolate shavings and serve. This dessert makes up a simple dinner much more elegant. Good luck! Martha Thompson from "Treats Come True"


tos. Eu sempre quero ganhar campeonatos. É uma daquelas ROB VALENTINO coisas, você odeia perder e ama vencer. Toda vez que você deO que fez o ORLANDO sistir de um objetivo é quase CITY a equipe que fez você como um punhal no coração. Você nunca quer desistir de um realmente prosperar como objetivo DEFESA? Que objetivos pessoais você tem para o resto da temporada? A armação em torno de mim é É o mesmo que a cada dois a coisa mais importante. Todo mundo da Diretoria ate os trei- anos. Eu quero ganhar todos os nadores, é um ambiente onde é jogos sair em campo para comfácil prosperar. Os técnicos são petir. Como uma equipe, nos concentramos sempre no próxde nível superior e é divertido de jogar aqui. Esta organização imo jogo. Seja um jogo de Copa tem sido grande para mim, des- Aberta ou um jogo de finaisde a assinatura ate onde estou esse é o jogo mais importante para nós, o que esta para vir e’ agora. O Orlando realmente sempre o mais importante. tem as ferramentas para ser o Posição: Defesa melhor clube e estou feliz por Altura: 6'3 " Peso: 190 lbs. fazer parte dele. O que voce mais gosta jogando Nascimento: 1985/12/21 hometown: Danville, CA na Defesa? Último Clube: FC Tampa Bay Eu joguei na defesa toda a minha vida. Se você estiver defendendo, você só precisa de um erro para permitir que você leve um GOL. Se acontecer de você ser um meio campo, você tem um pouco mais de liberdade de cometer um erro e continuar com o jogo. Meu pai incutiu em mim em uma idade muito jovem, que ofensa ganha jogos mas a defesa ganha campeona-

May 2012



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The Orlando Magic recently unveiled its tenth reading and learning center presented by Kia Motors at the John H. Bridges Community Center, home to the Apopka Branch of Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida. The reading and learning center was renovated through a collaborative effort of Magic, Kia Motors and Turner Construction staff as part of the Magic Volunteer Program.

O Orlando Magic revelou recentemente o seu décimo centro de leitura e aprendizagem apresentado pela Kia Motors no H. John Bridges Community Center, que abriga o Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida de Apopka. O centro de leitura e aprendizagem foi renovado através de um esforço colaborativo do Magic, Kia Motors e o pessoal da Turner Construções como parte do Programa de Voluntariado Magic.



NBA Cares Bigger than Basketball

Locomoção estilo N.Y. E

m julho uma frota de 10.000 Citibikes serão liberados nas ruas de Manhatan e Brooklyn. Elas fazem parte de um novo programa de bicicletas públicas financiado conjuntamente pelo Citibank e Mastercard, que pagaram US $ 41 milhões e $ 6,5 milhões, respectivamente.


s bicicletas são fabricadas por uma firma sediada em Quebec PBSC Urban Solutions, também conhecida como Bixi-que forneceu tambem os veículos para 10 programas semelhantes em cidades como Melbourne, Boston e Londres. Eles foram concebidos pelo designer industrial Michel Dallaire junto com os engenheiros da fabricante de bicicletas Devinci. Juntos, eles resolveram criar uma máquina praticamente indestrutível, capaz de sobreviver ao assalto hidra-headed de abandono e vandalismo.


Esta bicicleta é forte para o uso de somente uma pessoa", diz Bruno Gauthier, engenheiro-chefe da Devinci. "É como um Hummer. É forte demais. Essa bicicleta é construído para a selva urbana".



ELIM- A altura ideal para montar na Citibike que possui um-tamanho-único para todos é de 5 "10", de acordo com Gauthier. Mas o selim aumenta e diminui para acomodar as pessoas de 4 "10" a 6 "5". ACK- Bixi evitou a cesta. "Você verá que sua bolsa não ira caber (na cesta)", diz Dallaire. "E elas ficam cheios de lixo (cesta). Ao utilizar um rack você tera mais flexibilidade." AMBIO DE MARCHAS- A bicicleta terá três velocidades. Perguntado quão rápido ela pode andar, objetou Gauthier. "Não é uma bicicleta de corrida. (Isso é) como comparar um Porshe à um carro de família". ESENHO-"Eu tentei fazê-la muito elegante", diz Dallaire. "O quadro é um bumerangue. Este movimento dá a bicicleta uma robustez visual e tambem eficaz robustez ". OROA DO PEDAL - O eixo do pedal/corrente está protegido. "É um dispositivo Shimano projetado para uma bicicleta de propriedade privada", diz Dallaire. "Nós tivemos que ter certeza que ninguém vai chutá-la".




The Commute: "A New York Style" I

n July a fleet of 10,000 Citibikes will be released on the streets of Manhattan and Brooklyn. They are part of a new public bike program jointly funded by Citibank and MasterCard, who paid $ 41 million and $ 6.5 million, respectively. The bikes are manufactured by a firm based in Quebec PBSC Urban Solutions, also known as Bixi, which also provided 10 vehicles for similar programs in cities like Melbourne, Boston and London. hey were designed by industrial designer Michel Dallaire with engineers Devinci bicycle manufacturer. Together they decided to create a machine virtually indestructible, able to survive the assault of neglect and vandalism. "This bike is strong for the use of only one person," says Bruno Gauthier, chief engineer of the Devinci.



It's like a Hummer. It is too strong. This bike is built for the urban jungle."


SADDLE-The ideal time to ride in Citibike which has one-size-fits-all is 5 '10 ", according to Gauthier. But the seat raises and lowers to accommodate people from 4 '10 "to 6" 5 ". RACK-Bixi avoided the basket. "You'll find that your bag will not fit (the basket)," says Dallaire. "And they are full of rubbish (basket). By using a rack you will have more flexibility." Shiftgear-The bike has three speeds. Asked how fast it can walk, objected Gauthier. "It's not a racing bike. (This is) like comparing a Porsche to a family car." DESIGN-"I tried to make it very elegant," says Dallaire. "The picture is a boomerang. This move gives the bike a visual robustness and ruggedness also effective." THE PEDAL CROWN - The pedal axle / chain is protected. "It is a device designed for a Shimano bike private property," says Dallaire. "We had to make sure that nobody is going to kick it."

ARC is a not-for-profit archive, music library and research center located in New York City. The ARChive collects preserves and provides information on the popular music of all cultures throughout the world. Since 1985 our holdings have grown to two million sound recordings, making the ARChive the largest popular music collection in the World. Members of the Board of Advisors are: David Bowie, Jellybean Benitez, Jonathan Demme, Michael Feinstein, Ellie Greenwich, Jerry Leiber, Youssou N'Dour, Lou Reed, Keith Richards, Nile Rodgers, Todd Rundgren, Fred Schneider, Martin Scorsese, Paul Simon, Mike Stoller and Jerry Wexler

The ARChive of Contemporary Music is a not-for-profit music library dedicated to collecting, preserving and providing information about popular music from around the world. Now in its twenty-fifth year of operation, ARC is the largest and most important popular music collection in the world – with over two million sound recordings and approximately three million photographs, books, press kits, videos, memorabilia and related ephemera.

ARC was founded in 1985 by Bob George, the current Director, and David Wheeler. Fred Patterson is head archivist. Will Susich is our newest archivists. Alexis Cavaretta is heading up the book scanning project and Beco Dranoff Brazilian World Music Day. Our Board of Advisors (listed on the left) is comprised of respected members of the music and entertainment community. Board members create and maintain Special Collections, such as the 10,000 disc Keith Richards’ Blues Collection.

Our simple goal is to guarantee that the world’s musical heritage is ARC currently occupies over preserved for future generations to 14,000 sq. ft., at two sites in Tribestudy and enjoy. ca, in Lower Manhattan. Our main office is on the ground floor at We believe that all forms of popu- White Street. lar music, jazz, be-bop, bluegrass, country, rock, rap, blues, enka, reg- To move forward, and move togae, calypso, zydeco, and countless wards allowing access to our colother forms are significant cultural lections, in early 2009 ARC partexpressions. All musics entertain nered with Columbia University to as well as reveal a people and their create a major cultural institution values to the rest of the world. merging academic study and popular music, to enrich and enhance the cultural life of New York City, the country and the world.

Oi semprebom bomestar estarpor por aqui Olapessoal, pessoal, ee’ sempre aqui para para a saudade vocêse econtar contar um matarmatar a saudade de de voces um Type to enter text pouquinho dasdas novidades. pouquinho novidades. Dia Dia 29 29 de demaio maio eu eutive tiveo oprazer prazerdede conhecer ator conhecer ee entrevistar entrevistar oo lindo lindo ator Caio Caio Castro Castro que que fez fezo opersonagem personagem Antenor da novela Fina Estampa.foi Antenor da novela Fina Estampa, Fum oi bate um bate super descontraípapopapo super descontraido o do o Caio e’ lindo, simpático e com Caio e lindo, simpatico e com certeza um excelente ator. Durante nossa certeza um excelente ator. Durante entrevista falamos sobre a asua nossa entrevista falamos sobre sua carreira, ferias feriase atendendo e atendendo as carreira, a inumeras f‹s Þz aapergunta pergunta que que inúmeras fãs eu eu fiz nao quer quer calar calar questionei se ele esta não e questionei se ele solteiro ou namorando e a resposta esta solteiro ou namorando e a resfoi otima voces precisam ver eu posta foi ótima! Vocês precisam ver! inlusive aproveito para convida-los a Caio Castro, autografou 2 camisetas assistir toda a entrevista no meu site. para presentear a suas fãs e estamos fazendo uma super promoção. Caio Castro, autografou 2 camisetas Eu aproveito parainclusive presentear a suas para fãs e convidano meu las a assistir toda a entrevista no site foi feita uma super promocao. meu site. Visite www.vickyshowusa.com para assistir todas as entrevistas e novidades.

! !

A Partir de Junho vamos receber grandes nomes da musica Apartir de junho vamos receber grandes nomes da musica em turnê nos Estados Unidos e eu estarei no Brasileira Brasil em turne aqui aqui nos Estados Unidos e eu estarei la registrando as pessaoseque por moregistrandotudo tudoe etrazendo trazendopara as novidades melhores algum motivo nao puderem mentos para todos vocês!estar presente.

Ja estao conÞrmados o grupo deoSamba Ja’ estão confirmados grupoedePagode Samba e Pagode * Bom Gosto Junho * Bom Gosto - Junho * Gusttavo Lima - Julho * Gusttavo Lima - Julho * Grupo Pixote - Julho * Grupo Pixote - Julho * Os Havaianos - Agosto * Os Havaianos - Agosto * Guilherme e Santiago - Outubro Santana * Guilherme e Santiago - Outubro * Luan - Novembro

Fiquem ligadinhos para saber quando sera o Show em sua cidade!

* Luan Santana - Novembro

E ja’ que temos uma relação de carinho e amizade gostaria dividir com vocês de a grande que Ja quedetemos uma relacao carinhoalegria e amizade eu egostaria minha família tivemos sermos surpreendidos de dividir com em voces a grande alegria que pela falando mimem mais uma vez em seu euXuxa e minha familiasobre tivemos sermos surpreendidos programa internacional, todos na torcida pela Xuxa falando sobreestamos mim mais uma vez em seu porprograma uma grande surpresa e eu estarei sempre portorcida aqui internacional, estamos todos na por uma grande e eu sempre aqui contando tudo parasurpresa vocês! Ate la’estarei ! nos vemos napor próxima contando tudo para edição da AboutUS ouvoces! todos os dias no meu site!

Hello people! , it is always good to be here to see you and let you know a little bit of the news. May 29 I had the pleasure to meet and interview the gorgeous actor Caio Castro he played Antenor a character at the Brazilian soap opera Fina Estampa - Globo TV, it was amazing! he was super relaxed, we chat, Caio is a beautiful person, friendly and certainly a great actor. During our interview we talked about his career, holiday and given the many fans I asked the question that all fans beg to find out! If he is single or dating, and the answer was great you need to see it ! Visit www.vickyshowusa.com to watch the entire interviews and news. Then starting this month of June we will be meeting great names fromBrazilian music on tour here in the States and I will be bringing everything to you! We Already confirmed the group of Samba and Pagode * Bom Gosto- June * Gusttavo Lima - July Group * Grupo Pixote- July * The Hawaiians - August * Guilherme and Santiago - October * Luan Santana - November. Stay hooked to know when the show will be in your town! And since we have a relationship of love and friendship I would like to share with you the great joy that my family and I had to be surprised by Xuxa talking about me again in your international program, we are all cheering for a big surprise and I'll always be here to tell you everything! I would also try to take this opportunity to invite you to watch the whole interview on my site with Caio Castro, and participate on a super promotion to win two autographed shirts by him! Once again, thank you for visiting me here on AboutUS and on my site! Come back to see us always! See you next time kisses hugs and Love


For more than 20 years, NIKE has placed at its core a commitment to providing athletes with the most advanced product innovations. NIKE creates product to help promote superior athletic performance and lower environmental impact as part of our Nike Better World ethos.

tion by an estimated 30% compared to manufacturing virgin polyester.

This year, NIKE expands its use of this seminal technology, crafting the fabric of the Nike Hyper Elite basketball shorts from 100 percent recycled polyester, while the jersey fabric is made from approximately 96 percent recycled Innovation is embedded into the design and polyester. The uniforms are made using an development process from the very beginning, average of 22 recycled plastic bottles. addressing use of environmentally preferred materials, reduction of waste and eliminating In the global football arena, NIKE introduces toxics. national team kits made using an average of NIKE has revolutionized sustainability in 13 recycled plastic bottles per kit: shorts fabric performance product. NIKE’s vision is closed is made with 100 percent recycled polyester, loop, which takes materials from an old shoe and jersey fabric is made with approximately or an old shirt, grinds them up and transforms 96 percent recycled polyester. The creation of them into new products. Continuously explorthis year’s kit used approximately 16 million ing ways to incorporate sustainability has led recycled plastic bottles, enough to cover 28 Nike to highlight two groundbreaking innovasoccer pitches. tions: NIKE Flyknit and the expanded use of recycled polyester in performance apparel. Additionally, fabric for the Nike Pro TurboSpeed is made with approximately 82 percent NIKE Flyknit: NIKE debuts the NIKE Flyknit recycled polyester, using an average of 13 Racer and NIKE Flyknit Trainer, lightweight recycled plastic bottles. shoe. NIKE believes that to design for the future, we need to create products in a comThe principles of Nike Better World are servpletely new way today. ing the needs of the athlete and the planet at the same time. Our innovation is in the NIKE Flyknit manufacturing process; NIKE uses only the materials needed to knit the upper of a shoe. Traditional footwear manufacturing processes use a number of materials and cuts. NIKE Flyknit reduces waste using special yarns, knitted together to create one lightweight, formfitting upper. Recycled Polyester: Utilizing recycled PET plastic bottles, NIKE designs superior performance apparel. Reclaimed, discarded plastic bottles are melted down to produce new yarn and converted into fabric to create NIKE’s high performance apparel. This process saves raw materials and reduces energy consump-

Nossa inovação é no processo de fabricação NIKE Flyknit; NIKE usa apenas os materiais necessários para tecer a parte superior de um sapato. Processos de fabricacao de calçado tradicional usam um número de materiais e cortes. NIKE Flyknit reduz o desperdício de usar fios especiais, tecidos em conjunto para criar um leve, formfitting superior. Poliéster reciclado: Utilizando garrafas de plástico reciclado de PET, NIKE projeta vestuário de desempenho superior. Recuperados, garrafas plásticas descartadas são derretidos para produzir fios novos e convertidos em tecido para criar roupas da Nike, de alto desempenho. Este processo poupa matérias-primas e reduz o consumo de energia em cerca de 30% em comparação à fabricação de poliéster virgem. Este ano, a NIKE expande seu uso desta tecnologia seminal, elaborar o tecido da bermuda de basquete Hiper Nike Elite de 100 por cento poliéster reciclado, enquanto o tecido jersey é feita a partir de aproximadamente 96 por cento de poliéster reciclado. Os uniformes são feitas utilizando uma média de 22 garrafas plásticas recicladas. Na arena do futebol mundial, a NIKE apresenta kits equipes nacionais feitos com uma média de 13 garrafas plásticas recicladas por kit:O tecido dabermuda é feito com 100 por cento poliéster reciclado e o tecido jersey é feita com cerca de 96 por cento de poliéster reciclado. A criação do kit deste ano usou aproximadamente 16 milhões de garrafas plásticas recicladas, o suficiente para cobrir 28 campos de futebol. Além disso, o tecido para o Pro Nike TurboSpeed ​​é feita com cerca de 82 por cento de poliéster reciclado, utilizando uma média de 13 garrafas plásticas recicladas. Os princípios da Nike Mundo Melhor estão servindo as necessidades do atleta e do planeta, ao mesmo tempo. UNIFORMES FEITOS DE PET-GARRAFAS PLASTICAS RECICLADAS

The all-new Undefeated for Converse Jack Purcell Collection for Summer 2012 – The first time Undefeated has collaborated with Converse on the Jack Purcell shoe. Specialty retailer Undefeated is globally recognized for its sport inspired identity and attitude and worked closely with Converse to create a Converse First String, limited-edition summertime Jack Purcell collection.

rands to give the shoes a sporty, classic Converse look and feel. Undefeated leaves the signature Jack Purcell toe-smile intact and adds summery terrycloth to the lining and foot beds, and a subtle Undefeated branded heel pull-tab to the heel. The collection features three colors of the iconic silhouette with understated styling and just the right amount of Undefeated attitude.

“Converse’s heritage is the inspiration “We are excited to collaborate with for these shoes,” says James Bond and Undefeated for the first time on the Eddie Cruz, co-founders of UndeJack Purcell shoe. The Jack Purcell feated. “We were excited to work with began as a humble badminton shoe, Converse again and the Jack Purcell yet it has evolved to symbolize confi- model for the first time. We wanted to dence, wit and style— likewise, Unde- honor the original with minimal defeated is rooted in sport and has come tails to give them just a touch of Unto represent its own brand of smart, defeated attitude.” refined street style that is recognized globally,” says Magnus Wedhammar, Converse First String is a limitedGeneral Manager Footwear, Conedition collection that celebrates verse. craftsmanship, authenticity and collaboration at the highest level. The An American classic, the Jack Purcell Undefeated for Converse Jack Purcell shoe came on the scene a little over 75 collection will be available in limited years-ago and quickly became a court quantities, beginning on May 25, and campus classic. Soon after, young 2012 at Undefeated stores and select rebels of 1950s Hollywood cemented Converse First String retailers globthe shoe as an icon of style. For the ally. The collection offerings include Summer 2012 Undefeated for Conthe shoe in black, white or red canvas verse Jack Purcell collection, Undeuppers, with the red version available feated made subtle design changes to exclusively at Undefeated stores. All the iconic shoe, beginning with the shoes will retail for a MSRP of $55 addition of stylishly simple red and and will be available in unisex sizing navy racing stripes to their rubber 3 – 13.

Paulo Gualano’s Magica Paulo Gualano had the busiest month of May and beginning of June from the opening of Macy's campaign in Boca and Aventura Mall in Miami, to parties and weddings here are some of the highlights! Check the pictures!

al Journey

Rose & Ramatiz

Paulo Gualano e amigos

From the best costumes to the best instruments GOPE, Paulo Gualano offers a great show http://aboutshow.net

Um clássico show de carros com um toque moderno. Car MastersWeekend voltou pelo segundo ano em Downtown Disney, nos dias

2-3 de junho. Dois dias de evento dedicados a tudo de Automóveis o show apresentado pela Hess Express, onde voce pode encontrar e cumprimentar com Lightning McQueen, Mater e Finn McMissile. Em uma corrida para "Best in Show", entusiastas de automóveis da rede local de Muscle Cars of Central Florida exibiram mais de 100 carros de estilo clássico e carros exóticos para as famílias e juízes verem e julgar. Os convidados podiam votar no seu carro favorito para ganhar o prêmio Kid Choice. Novos elementos que estrearam este ano incluiram: Uma aparição do desenhista de automóveis Chip Foose, que contribuiu para a concepção de Ramone no filme Cars, incluindo Doc Hudson, McQueen Relâmpago, Flo, Ramone e Mater. A Lego zona interativa. Topiarios com temas do filme Cars.


ni & Ferrari

Mission to the Amazon - First Baptist Orlando

M “


Therefo Father a

ew 28: 19-20

ore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to.

what he saw and lived. The first notion was that he was in a completeLife becomes simple by choice or by destina- ly different surrounding. The Amazon Forest tion, in this case we are going to tell you a is responsible for 20% of the oxygen in the story. Pastor Josh Blackwell from First Bapworld, covers 4 million square Kilometers of tist Orlando, traveled on a mission to the land, and holds the title of biggest rain forest Amazon Jungle to visit a few tribes that are in the world. concentrated on that area, his mission had 10 The Mission is located in the Amazon River members. the second most extensive and deepest river in It is important to say that if you have never the world, and during the rain season changes been in that area or visited, the impact that dramatically in volume and extension, affectcauses is really great, sometimes overwhelm- ing the entire area. ing. The tribes that live around it are subjected to In order to enter the reserve the Mission all these changes and these facts do not make needed to get authorization from entities that it any easier, but a lot harder, although with a are in charge of all the Tribes in the area, so lot of compensations there is no doubt that you are there to help The rich soil, and vast land gives them the opand not to just enjoy the environment or take portunity to cultivate a lot more than we do, pictures. while we are only growing 200 different types The trip was made possible by a mission of fruits they have a variety of 3000 of which called AMOR ( Amazon Mission Organiza2000 are of possible consumption tion) More than 10 Million species of plants, inwww.amor-brasil.org their main objective is: sects, and animals live in this forest, and have The Amazon Mission Organization was the opportunity to face all this grandiosity, created and exists primarily to proclaim only takes you closer to the notion of GOD, the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ to the peo- and his creation, and how powerful it really ples living in remote regions of the Amazon is. To see the ones that are still facing life in a Valley of Brazil – Salvation is possible only in way we could never endure and that in a way the power of the Holy Spirit working through is also a miracle. the presentation of the Gospel. AMOR fulIn 1500 when Brazil was discovered, it is calfills this charge of proclamation as we help culated by approximation that 6 to 9 Million meet the physical and emotional needs of the Indians inhabited the area, when the Colopeople as well. Over the past quarter century, nization started in 1900, by Holland, Spain, AMOR has been about developing genuine, and Portugal, they were downsized to 1 Milloving relationships with all we’ve come in lion. Today there are 200 Indian tribes and contact with along the rivers, streams and their population total an amount of 250.000 lakes of the Valley. We take groups of volun- Indians From these groups today, almost 70 teers from many different evangelical backtribes have never touched or seen civilization. grounds. We choose not to engage in deAll these tribes are under the protection of nominational differences. Instead, we lay all the Brazilian Government and FUNAI The dogma aside for the sake of sharing the only National Indian Foundation. The Mission Word capable of changing lives – the simple, visited the Satere Maue Community, they crepure Gospel Message of Jesus Christ.” ated the Guarana culture, the City of Maue is Returning to Josh’s Mission we will have the considered the Guarana City. Six Communiopportunity to check his point of view, about ties were visited in this mission, MISSIONARY MISSION TO THE AMAZON FIRST BAPTIST ORLANDO.

Santa Maria (7 baptisms, including 2 de Coruatuba) São Bento Vila Duguinha Nova Esperança Mequiles Nova Jerusalém

that may bring. Maybe a difficult life with tribulations, the impossibility of adventure yourself into the unknown, or even afraid or having a boring life, but this is not really the full truth, accepting Jesus, will create a whole new dimension in your life, where the adventure of a life guided by the father Pastor Josh was deeply touched by the will fulfill your adventurous spirit. baptism of 7 members of the comThere is no life meaning without God munity. Moments like these really go in your heart, the need to serve, and your heart, considering that some of to live for a greater purpose is exactly the people don't speak Portuguese, just what we need to live our adventure. their dialect, the number of Bibles is It is not about the emotion, but the limited, and still the mission reached devotion, a life filled with Faith is like its purpose of bringing the word, the tree that will give the perfect fruits. sharing the knowledge that GOD exists Think about that. and needs to be accepted in your life. John 5:4 A simple life, a life where the kids alfor everyone born of God overways play soccer outside, everyday at comes the world. This is the 4 PM, like a ritual, there is no use of video games or the exposure to violent victory that has overcome the images or stimulation . The soccer field world,even our faith. according to Pastor Josh is in great Photos by Photographer Bob Smith conditions, they care more for the field than to the grass that grown around them. Nobody works crazy long schedules, they eat what they grow, and that is enough, no stress, no complaints, and life is fulfilling, everybody helps each other, because there is time to care . The great life adventure is lived the way it was meant to be, no distractions to take you away from the true purpose of life. Love one another. Many of us choose not to live a religious life because we are afraid of what

Tribe Satere Maue


Perfume Suggestions

A linha Niche Bond numero 9 irá lançar Eu amo Nova York para o Dia dosPais em Junho e I Love New York para a Igualdade de Casamento em julho. Elas são as sexta e sétima fragrâncias , ambas respectivamente da série Eu amo Nova York criado em colaboração com a agência de turismo do estado de mesmo nome. Eu amo Nova York #6 para o Dia dos PAIS ~ "I Love New York para Pais, Uma fragrancia gostosa-de-usar e fácil de-amar . Novo Bond No. 9 de eau de parfum celebra o colorido, a velocidade do ritmo das raças, a respiração do homem aventureiro que construiu e definiu o Empire State. "Com mixtura de manjericão, limão, coentro, lavanda, sálvia, flor de laranja, limo de arvore, musk e âmbar. I Love N.Y. #7, Um fragrancia gostosa-de-usar, fácil de amar a fragrância que homenageia Nova York ditando orgulhosamente o ritmo mundial ao celebrar o amor, casamento ... e o direito civil." Com mixtura de mandarim, noz-moscada, ameixa, rosa, jasmim, lírio do gengibre, madeira de cashmere, sândalo e âmbar. Bond numero 9 I Love New York para Pais e I Love New York para a Igualdade de Casamento estarao disponível em 50 ($ 105) ou 100 ($ 175) ml Eau de Parfum. Este ano, Azzaro lançou Azzaro Pour Homme Night Time, um novo verde amadeirado flanker fougère que foi lancado antes para Azzaro Pour Homme (1978). O novo perfume será liderado por Enrique Iglesias. Azzaro Pour Homme Night Time foi desenvolvido pela perfumista Christophe Raynaud e Michel Girard. O forte sera a mixtura do amargo da laranja , rhubarb, fougère heart accord, pimenta do reino, noz-moscada, vetiver e cedro.Azzaro Pour Homme Night Time estará disponível em 50 e 100 ml Eau de Toilette. Jo Malone irá lançar Blackberry & Bay, em setembro. A nova fragrância significa evocar “as memórias da colheita de amora dos dias de infância”. A mixtura inclue amora, grapefruit, folhas de louro, petalas florais, vetiver e cedro. Blackberry & Bay estará disponível em 30 e 100 ml de Colonia e assim como produtos iguais para o corpo.

A bailarina italiana Carla Fracci irá lançar Aurora, uma nova fragrância para mulheres inspiradas no balé A Bela Adormecida: Como em uma quebra vibrante de feitiço, como um beijo há muito esperado, Aurora faz uma aparição luminosa e cintilante, com os aromas brilhantes e tonificantes do Bérgamo e da Pimenta Rosa. Um despertar delicado mas apaixonante suavemente vem à vida: as essencias ricas e intensas florais da Rosa de maio, abrem-se, iluminada pela romântica Violeta e as essencias aveludadas do Pêssego Branco. Como em uma performance de beleza encantadora, toques suaves e agradáveis do Heliotrope são enriquecidas pelo caráter de madeira de cedro e o vigor sedutor de Musk. Carla Fracci Aurora estará disponível em 30 ml Parfum, 30, 50 ou 100 ml Eau de Parfum. A linha de luxo de Clive Christian irá lançar V para as Mulheres e V para os homens, em julho. As novas fragrâncias seguem 2010’s C para as Mulheres e C para os homens. V para Mulheres - com mistura de pêssego, neroli, bergamota, jasmim, cravo, ylang ylang, rosa, gardênia, flor de laranjeira, pimenta rosa, pimenta preta, camomila, lavanda, Liatris, heliotrope, coentro, estevas, mel, sândalo, semente de ambreta , benzoin, âmbar, musgo de carvalho, patchouli, couro, incenso, labdanum e almíscar. V for Men ~ um amadeirado oriental com elemi, laranja, pimenta rosa, pimenta preta, pimenta branca, noz-moscada, íris, âmbar, madeira de cedro, peroba, incenso, vetiver, baunilha e oudh. Clive Christian V para as Mulheres e V para os homens custara £230 para cada 50 ml. Marc Jacobs irá lançar Marc Jacobs Dot, uma nova fragrância chamada de bolinhas que frequentemente aparecem na moda da marca. Dot apresenta mistura de amoras vermelhas, fruta de dragão, madressilva, jasmim, flor de laranja, água de coco, baunilha, almíscar e salgueiro. Marc Jacobs Dot estará disponível em 30, 50 e 100 ml Eau de Parfum e assim como produtos iguais para o corpo.

Lancôme irá lançar La Vie Est Belle, uma nova fragrância para mulheres, ainda este ano. La Vie Est Belle tem como objetivo capturar a felicidade em uma garrafa, e será liderada pela atriz Julia Roberts. La Vie Est Belle foi desenvolvido pelo perfumista Olivier Polge e Dominique Ropion; essencia contem íris, patchouli, fava tonka, praline, groselha, flor de laranjeira e jasmim.

New fragrances

Prada irá lançar Luna Rossa, uma nova fragrância para homens inspirados pela equipe da marca Desafio da América Copa de mesmo nome, ainda este ano. Contará com essência de laranja, lavanda, sálvia, hortelã e semente de ambreta. Prada Luna Rossa estará disponível em 50, 100 e 150 ml Eau de Toilette e assim como os produtos de beleza. Procure por uma edicao de colecionador da América Cup Edition em 2013 e uma versão extrema em 2014.

Vera Wang irá lançar Lovestruck Floral Rush, um flanker novo de 2011 do Lovestruck, em agosto/2012. Como Lovestruck, Lovestruck Floral Rush será liderada pela atriz Leighton Meester. O prequel para a história Lovestruck, Floral Rush é alimentada pelo encanto e a possibilidade doamor à primeira vista. A descarga de adrenalina quando a curiosidade bate. Como um olhar desconhecido, há um potencial ilimitado de onde ele irá te levar, fragrância brilhante, cativante e inesquecível. A fragrância é um bouquet floral brilhante que floresce com uma atração instantânea. Você vai cair de cabeça para baixo com essencias de dar água na boca. Champanhe e flor de damasco. O coração bate um pouco mais rápido com uma rica camada de flor de maracujá cor de rosa, e uma impressão duradoura fica com madeiras cashmere e almíscar puro, varrendo voce para fora de seus pés. Lovestruck Floral Rush foi desenvolvido pelo perfumista Pascal Gaurin; essencias adicionais incluem pimenta rosa, calêndula, freesia e âmbar branco. Vera Wang Lovestruck Floral Rush estará disponível em 30, 50 e 100 ml Eau de Parfum. Moschino irá lançar Buquê Rosa, uma fragrância floral frutal nova para as mulheres, em junho, apesar de não atingir os EUA até 2013. Bouquet Rosa foi desenvolvido pelo perfumista Olivier Pescheux; a essencia contem bergamota, creme de abacaxi, framboesa, jasmim, rosa, lírio do vale, peônia, violeta, gengibre, pêssego e cosmone musgo. Moschino Rosa Bouquet estará disponível em 30, 60 e 100 ml Eau de Toilette.

so good...



The 2012 Hispanic Business Conference at the Orange County Convention Center was a great tool to all the business participants that had the opportunity to learn about different topics of the moment like marketing, business and social media,how to reach the Hispanic Market, how to help your employees excel, and more . Also the opportunity to participate in a great breakfast and lunch networking opportunity, with speakers as David Ruiz, President of UPS Florida, Elizabeth Chalas Berman President of Continental food & Beverage, Mark Brewer President & CEO Community Foundation of Central Florida. Senator Bill Nelson, among other great speakers. The Brazilian American Chamber participated, and for the first time a more relevant participation. Not only because it promoted the Hispanic Consumer & Business Expo in the Brazilian Community, bringing more Brazilian Companies to the Expo but also because this new Board is all over the Com-

munity promoting the Brazilian Chamber in Central Florida, trying to improve their involvement with business owners but also in the Community. The highlight of the day was the Senator,with a very powerful and profound speech. Democratic Senator Bill Nelson said, "when I was in space, from there on the first day I used to peak and look for Kennedy Space Center, on the second day I looked for home, on the third day in space i looked at Earth our planet and I thought this is home". This is the perfect sense of the expression look outside the box. We are all conected, the Earth, Nature, Animals, ocean rivers, everything we do has a consequence and we all suffer them, men kind needs to be more global more concient of this grandiosity It is not everyday that we have such a great opportunity to learn from people's experiences and milestones but this lesson I will carry with me forever.

Maritza Martinez, Amy Litter, and Ingrid

Ramon Ojeda President HCCMO

Senator Bill Nelson

Pr. Silas A. Pinto

Paulo Souza, Luiz Martinez, Ybeth Bruzual, Laiz Rodrigues, Juan Saldarriaga

o, Mayor Teresa Jacobs, Amy Litter, Nelson Freitas

Pr. Silas, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, CFBACC President Amy Litter, Nelson Freitas, TAM Sales Director.

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