Aboutus by hotspotorlando #29

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AboutUS By Hotspotorlando

Year 3 #29 Bi-Weekly

The Art Of

Angela Cardoso Oliveira

Jai Gallery The Mazda Miata 25th Anniversary Orlando’s New Chief of Police Valencia’s Brazilian Film Festival Opening

Red Dress creations by Orlando Fashion Artists ABAV Brazil Chinese New Year’s in Orlando Animal Conservation

Our Collaborators in This Issue Ademar Rodrigues- CEO Laiz Rodrigues-Editor & Creator Photography-HOTSPOTORLANDO Art Editor Brazil: Edmundo Cavalcanti Ana Maria Ribas-Brazilian History Coralie Claeysen-Gleyzon- Art Curator-Jai Gallery Larry Poynter Jr.- The Orlando Music Scene Laiz Rodrigues- Events and Various Articles Our Thanks to all guest Photographers

Painting By Angela C. Oliveira

AboutUS By Hotspotorlando

Hello Everyone! We present you with one more edition of AboutUS, and we are happy with our accomplishments. Our partnership with AcheiUSA, is meaningful, and we are certain that will bring both communities a lot of exposure. At this point it is just great to offer businesses the same quality and support we have in the last three years. We are proud of the work we do, and our growth shows that. So if you want to visit us here are both sites www.acheiusa.com and www.thehotspotorlando.com we are just a click away, anywhere anytime . Now moving on, this month we lauched our page and blog Artspotorlando, honoring all art subjects we have photographed in the past three years. It is amazing when you glance at our past and find so many great and meaningful moments. Based on that we would like to reinforce and continue our support to the arts, We promote all good things, beautiful, meaningful, good for the soul, and environment. You can visit us at www.artspotorlando.com and on facebook, https:// www.facebook.com/Artspotorlando. We would like to also talk about another digital publication, Brazilconnect on ISSUU, all digital, about tourism, created by FenacturUS . As we all know FENACTUR is the largest gathering of travel agents in Brazil, responsible forthe event Friendly Beans Club and hosts this event every year in Orlando. It is a great opportunity for all tourism related companies to get familiar with the publication. This month we continue to show you Orlando’s Best and we hope you can enjoy all the great moments. For now, enjoy this issue and we will see you in two weeks! Laiz Rodrigues Editor in Chief Hotspotorlando/AboutUS Digital Magazine AcheiUSA Orlando Representative

O Que te Faz Feliz? What Makes you Happy? I heard this song Happy from Despicable Me 2- Have you heard? Well you have to! Happiness is what we are made for, is the best

thing in the world. So many things can make us Happy, watch this video, because you have to stop and dance ! Here it is !



A Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - Entre Histórias e Vivências-By Ana M.Ribas

As cidades, como os sonhos, são construídas por desejos e medos, ainda que o fio condutor de seu discurso seja secreto, que as suas regras sejam absurdas, as suas perspectivas enganosas, e que todas coisas escondam uma outra coisa. (...). De uma cidade, não aproveitamos as suas sete ou setenta e sete maravilhas, mas a resposta que dá às nossas perguntas.” Ítalo Calvino. As cidades invisíveis, 2008.

articulava e se exercia o poder da metrópole, levantaram-se fronteiras, mesmo que nem sempre visíveis, entre a “cidade dos europeus” e a “cidade dos aquilombados”. Isso configurou a urbes dos contrários que tanto atemorizaram a elite branca e proprietária – os portugueses de cá que, em outro tempo, iriam selar uma aliança com os Bragança para assegurar a ordem escravocrata e fundar a Nação brasileira.

A cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que já foi o coração político-burocrático do BraPara além das questões econômicas, um projeto político delineou-se na época sil, é considerada uma dádiva da natureza. A “Cidade Maravilhosa” !? pombalina e concretizou-se com a vinda de D. João VI no ano de 1808, qual Imortalizada por artistas, poetas, músicos, carnavalescos, especialistas, quais seja: transferir o Império Português para os trópicos, longe das inquietações sejam, ela é vista como uma das cidades mais belas do mundo. Cidade cosmo- e temores que estavam sacudindo a Europa desde a segunda metade do século polita aberta ao turismo e aos transeuntes. Aquela que ora seduz e cativa pela XVIII e, assim sendo, transformar a cidade do Rio de Janeiro na “Nova Lisalegria e pelo samba; ora oferece um encontro inusitado entre praia e mon- boa”. Ministros e conselheiros, influenciados pelas Luzes, planejavam fundar tanha; ora atemoriza pela “violência urbana” e pelas “mazelas sociais”; ora é um novo Império que exibisse prestígio monárquico e garantisse segurança aos súditos, qualidades que há muito não existiam mais no Velho Reino. vista como espaço de virtudes e de vícios. O projeto de criar um Império na América tornou-se realidade, sob os auspícios da Inglaterra que, nesse tempo, era a “rainha dos mares” e a oficina industrial do mundo. A nobreza lusitana chegou na colônia e a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a nova sede do Império Português, exibia, aos olhos da elite, o prestígio e a importância de uma capital europeia. Sem dúvida, a instalação da Corte joanina transformou a cidade em um importante centro político, econômico, social e cultural, dentro do qual a maior parte da população, aqueles excluíEnfim, ao compreendermos a urbes como exercício da nossa própria condição dos do acesso à propriedade ou escravizados, não participou. humana, torna-se possível perceber o Rio de Janeiro como espaço que é socialmente (re)construído. Espaço-tempo de contrários ou de metáforas que o Conquistada a autonomia política, a elite senhorial pretendeu organizar o Esqualificam. Porquanto a ordem e a desordem; a elite e o povo; o bem e o mal; tado Nacional com o objetivo de transformar a Monarquia, a única na América o mundo do asfalto e o mundo da favela; a casa e a rua; a civilização e a bar- do Sul, em um modelo político equiparável às formas de governo das nações bárie; a segurança e o perigo; a escassez e a abundância; os homens bons e a modernas e civilizadas da Europa. E ainda – caberia a essa elite a difícil obra turba, por meio de vivências do nosso cotidiano, se entrelaçam e forjam um de construir e legitimar uma Nação definida pelo “corpo branco”, a fim de legitimar a “boa sociedade” demarcada pela e na escravidão através de um acorlugar para a nossa humanidade. do entre senhores. O objetivo crucial era resguardar a propriedade associada No período colonial, o Rio de Janeiro articulava dominação metropolitana e à defesa da unidade político territorial do Brasil e driblar a insegurança repcentro portuário, onde se intercambiavam mercadorias e ideias entre os “dois resentada pelo medo de que a sublevação escrava no Haiti – símbolo do mal mundos” atlânticos – o da civilização e o do além mar. A transferência da absoluto – aqui se repetisse, transformando a luta pela independência em um capital da colônia portuguesa da cidade de Salvador para a cidade do Rio de confronto etnicorracial. Mais do que essas percepções do imaginário social, propomos aqui, à luz do presente do passado, repensar essa cidade no âmbito de uma sociedade plural, solidária e plenamente democrática. E destacar os princípios, hoje bastante debilitados, de bem comum, liberdade e civismo para ensejar uma interpretação não superficial de cidadania e manter a reflexão sobre o entendimento histórico social da nossa contemporaneidade.

Janeiro, no ano de 1763, aconteceu por ordem de Marquês de Pombal, ministro de D. José I, em um contexto de crise do Império Português e da maior importância da colônia americana, quando, dentre outros aspectos, a mineração se transformou no eixo de sobrevivência da economia escravista e, logo, da própria metrópole.

Ao longo da dominação colonial, os homens bons e os funcionários reais tiveram que enfrentar os inimigos externos – outras potências interessadas grosso modo na expansão de territórios e nas riquezas do Pindorama – e os inimigos internos – os “negros da terra” (os índios) e os “negros da Guiné” (os africanos). Se a cidade, naquele momento, era o lugar por excelência onde se

Na segunda metade do Oitocentos, assistiu-se a uma maior urbanização do Rio de Janeiro graças à sua posição político administrativa e ao boom do café. A cidade, sede do poder central, transformou-se também em centro econômico, sob o controle dos “barões de café” – a aristocracia fluminense encastelada no Conselho de Estado. A casa associada à liberdade estava protegida sob o manto da autoridade imperial contra a rua identificada à desordem. A posição da urbes carioca como espaço de dominação da Corte Bragantina e pólo da economia cafeeira, além da sua condição de maior porto exportador e importador, explica a sua importância na vida política do Império do Brasil.

Ana Maria Ribas, Licenciada e Bacharel em História pela PUC-RJ. Mestre em História do Brasil pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação de História da UFRJ. Doutora em História pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação de História da UERJ. Professora do Colégio Pedro II / Campus Humaitá II. Professora Supervisora do Programa de Residência Docente da Pró Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação do Colégio Pedro II em parceria com a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Membro da Secretaria Executiva e Parecerista da Revista Encontros do Departamento de História doColégio Pedro II. Colaboradora da Área de Humanas do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais AnísioTeixeira (INEP/MEC). Consultora Acadêmica/ Parecerista ad hoc de materiais didáticos do Programa FGV Ensino Médio Digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, RJ.

A partir da crise da Monarquia, a cidade conheceu um período de instabilidade, destacando-se as campanhas abolicionistas, com a forte mobilização de setores médios urbanos, a Revolta do Vintém de 1880, com a multidão manifestando-se contra o aumento das passagens do bonde, e as constantes fugas dos afrodescendentes enquanto instrumento de resistência à escravidão.

a peste bubônica e a varíola. À aprovação do decreto da vacina obrigatória em 1904 e à ausência de esclarecimento à opinião pública, especialmente aos humildes e analfabetos, resultando na vacinação à força, seguiu-se uma revolta popular, com paus e pedras nas ruas, transformando a cidade em um campo de batalha. Tal acontecimento resultou em forte intervenção da polícia, saldo de inúmeros mortos e muitas prisões na A virada do século XIX para o século XX foi Casa de Detenção. A Revolta da Vacina expresmarcada por muitas inovações, que anunciaram o prodígio da técnica e um tempo novo e assim serviram para reforçar o arcaísmo das instituições no Brasil, tornando ainda mais visível a descrença pela Monarquia. Muitos acreditaram que a República e a Abolição da Escravidão – ícones do ingresso do país na modernidade – trariam prosperidade e segurança à sociedade brasileira. Contudo, os ideais de civilização e progresso tinham suas sombras. Para a maioria da população urbana e do sertão, esse outro lugar tão distante, as novidades do tempo pouco ou nada significaram: a República não trouxe benefícios para suas vidas, assim como não ouviram falar em cinematógrafo, luz elétrica e automóvel. Com a fundação da República, a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, então Distrito Federal, deveria continuar ocupando o seu lugar na história, tornando-se, simbólica e ideologicamente, o “cartão postal” do país e a vitrine da “ordem e progresso” – a divisa positivista da bandeira nacional. A cidade ocupou a posição de capital federal até o ano de 1960, quando o presidente Juscelino Kubitschek transferiu para Brasília, no planalto central, retirando o poder da beira da rua e afastando-o do povo. Com a transferência da capital da República, a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, antigo Distrito Federal, foi transformada em Estado da Guanabara. No governo Rodrigues Alves, o projeto de urbanização do Rio de Janeiro, expresso no embelezamento e saneamento da área central, foi realizado na Prefeitura Pereira Passos e baseado na remodelação de Paris à época de Napoleão III, com o prefeito Haussmann. Inspirada no modelo europeu, a cidade foi transformada em canteiro de obras, seguindo o plano da reforma que teve a participação do engenheiro Paulo Frontin, e, no ano de 1905, houve a inauguração da Avenida Central (hoje Avenida Rio Branco). A obra de saneamento ficara por conta do médico Oswaldo Cruz, cujo objetivo era acabar com as “pestes” e higienizar a cidade. Embelezar e sanear o espaço urbano carioca significava o quê? As vacinas eram encaradas como a solução para a erradicação de doenças, como a febre amarela,

Na década de 1920, ocorreu na cidade o primeiro movimento armado urbano contra a República dominada pelas oligarquias – o tenentismo. Movimento da jovem oficialidade que começou no Forte de Copacabana e, diante do fogo cerrado, os revoltosos seguiram pela Avenida Atlântica em direção às tropas legalistas, em uma atitude de claro enfrentamento ao poder. Esse episódio ficou conhecido como a Marcha dos Dezoito do Forte – uma ação legendária marcada pela bra-

sava a resistência do povo que nenhum benefício vura de “heróis” ancorada nas pedras da cidade! recebeu com as obras da prefeitura, mostrando Dois sobreviventes, Siqueira Campos e Eduardo que o progresso não era para todos. Gomes, e os outros tombaram como “mártires”. Na verdade, esse levante foi o centro de outros Muito do traçado colonial da cidade desapare- movimentos que aconteceram no Distrito Fedceu com a reforma urbanística dos anos 1902 a eral, como o da Vila Militar e o da Escola Militar 1906, que derrubou e desapropriou construções de Realengo, dentre outros, mas foram eficaz e coloniais, como por exemplo o Morro do Castelo, duramente reprimidos. Ameaças internas à casa para dar lugar à “civilização” e proteger contra a sempre existiram, tais como cisões políticas que “barbárie”, resguardar a “boa sociedade” contra ameaçavam, ainda que conjunturalmente, a oros “estranhos”. Os benefícios da civilização, asso- dem e as instituições. ciados ao gradativo aburguesamento do espaço urbano, apresentavam uma outra face: a exclusão Durante os anos 1940, 1950 e 1960, a cidade do dos pobres do centro da cidade, sob a alegação de Rio de Janeiro foi palco de importantes mobique eram culpados pelas doenças, atraso e mau lizações políticas e sociais. Destacaram-se: as cheiro. A presença da turba, que lutava contra a manifestações pelo fim do Estado Novo e a refome e as enfermidades e habitava os cortiços, democratização do Brasil. O Atentado da Rua sótãos e casas baratas do centro, encarados como Tonelero, que resultou no falecimento do Major focos de marginalidade, contrastava com a im- Rubens Vaz da Aeronáutica e na formação do Inponência das mansões e as casas de negócios. Isso, quérito Policial Militar (IPM), conhecido como sem dúvida, ameaçava a ordem que a elite políti- “República do Galeão”. A comoção popular no ca republicana pretendia instaurar. Por isso, sa- Palácio do Catete diante do suicídio do presidennear e embelezar significava antes de mais nada te Getúlio Vargas, que marcou, simbolicamente, expulsar as famílias pobres, sujeitas à exploração a orfandade política do país e mostrou a fragilido trabalho, a fim de demarcar fronteiras con- dade das instituições. tra os perigos que vinham da rua, advindo daí o Imagens Wikipedia- Rio Antigo lema pejorativo “Bota Abaixo”.

O golpe preventivo do General Henrique Teixeira Lott para garantir a posse de Juscelino Kubitschek e João Goulart respectivamente à presidência e vice-presidência da República. As manifestações da UNE e de sindicatos coligados ao PCB e PTB para assegurar a posse constitucional do vice-presidente João Goulart à presidência da República por ocasião da renúncia do presidente Jânio Quadros e do veto de civis e militares de alta patente.

tura carioca sempre dava às costas. Os problemas urbanos e sociais se avolumaram cada vez mais, destacando-se, por exemplo, a crise de abastecimento dos serviços urbanos entre 1950 e 1954. No início dos anos 1960, quando o político Carlos Lacerda era governador da Guanabara, a cidade foi alvo de reformas, tendo em vista adequá-la às demandas do desenvolvimento urbano com o aperfeiçoamento da rede viária e da infraestrutura, e a retirada de favelas da Zona Sul e do Maracanã, que empurrou os trabalhadores A radicalização política durante os conturbados pobres e suas famílias para a periferia, supondo anos do Governo João Goulart, com greves, pas- uma “recuperação”. seatas e comícios, destacando-se o importante Comício da Central do Brasil em 13 de março de A urbe ampliara os seus contrários enquanto o 1964. poder público impunha a segregação sócio espacial. As comunidades pobres eram um “incômoO Rio de Janeiro, capital da República e um im- do social” e encaradas como uma “anomalia” da portante pólo industrial, transformou-se na urbanidade, por isso as constantes remoções por “Cidade Maravilhosa” nos anos 50, sendo tema meio do uso da força eram consideradas legítidas principais revistas semanais da época, como mas. Na vigência do Estado autoritário , que Manchete e Cruzeiro, que destacavam a beleza tinha um plano de “desfavelização” da Zona Sul da paisagem e o traçado urbano. O objetivo era carioca, ocorreram, por exemplo, as remoções publicizar o progresso, associado ao avanço do do Pasmado (Copacabana) e Macedo Sobrinho capitalismo e dos ideais burgueses, uma vez que (Humaitá), assim como o incêndio da Favela da as alterações do espaço urbano foram necessárias Praia do Pinto, em 1968, para que essa área loe benéficas para transformar a cidade em uma calizada no Leblon fosse aproveitada para a conmetrópole. strução de prédios modernos e arborizados que acabaram por beneficiar a classe média. O conNão obstante, nem só de decisões políticas e junto residencial conhecido como “Selva de Peeconômicas vivia a cidade, pois ela se constituíra dra” supunha, em um outro tempo, defender a também como centro da cultura e do lazer refi- abundância contra a escassez, as virtudes contra nado, onde se juntavam os moradores da Zona os vícios, a casa contra a rua. Sul. Enquanto isso, na Zona Norte e nos subúrbios – o outro lado da cidade, onde se multipli- Ainda durante a ditadura militar, o Rio de Janeicavam os bairros operários e de gente humilde ro foi também cenário de muitas manifestações –, as condições eram bem diversas: o cenário de políticas de oposição ao autoritarismo vigente, abandono, a precariedade dos serviços de água, a exemplo de ações da luta armada encabeçaluz e esgoto e sem nenhuma beleza denotavam o da por organizações de esquerda e da Passeata desprezo das autoridades. Era a cidade murada dos Cem Mil por ocasião do assassinato do estudentro da “Cidade Maravilhosa”, a quem a prefei- dante Edson Luís no Restaurante Calabouço, por

soldados do Exército. E, no processo de abertura política, a cidade foi palco de atentados à bomba na Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB) e no Riocentro, que foram tramados por setores militares da chamada linha dura contrários à reliberalização do regime proposta no Governo Geisel; assim como de forte mobilização política, ressaltando-se as “Diretas - já!”, que contou com ampla participação de vários setores da sociedade brasileira. Ao mesmo tempo em que as cortinas do silêncio começaram a ser lentamente rompidas e a rua adquiria novas dimensões, expondo simulacros da casa, o poder preocupava-se em estampar o embelezamento e a expansão das áreas nobres da cidade, com a presença de arranha-céus, prédios modernos e grandes condomínios, por meio de acordos com grandes construtoras. Não por acaso, aconteceu o boom imobiliário da Barra da Tijuca e a construção de apartamentos de luxo na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, após a derrubada da Favela da Catacumba, na década de 1970, que transferiu as famílias pobres e carentes para a Zona Oeste, na época sem infraestrutura e bastante longe dos locais de trabalho. Nesse contexto, não resta dúvida que o projeto Favela-Bairro dos anos 1990 representou alguma mudança em relação à política habitacional excludente das décadas de 1960 e 1970. E no desenho dos contrários, tecido e revigorado em tantos tempos, a paisagem geográfica evidenciava a deterioração da cidade pelo crescimento urbano rápido e desordenado, a exclusão social, a precariedade dos serviços públicos, a carência nas áreas de educação e saúde, o ‘poder paralelo’, a forte especulação imobiliária associada aos interesses corporativos do capital e a repressão policial truculenta. Largo do Paco-Casa dos Governadores

Os problemas urbanos e sociais da “Cidade Maravilhosa” se expõem pari passu a um projeto político que sempre excluiu os deserdados do sistema e reprime as manifestações sociais, como se não existisse o Estado de direito e a garantia constitucional de respeito às liberdades individuais e coletivas’. Tudo aponta para a quebra de valores caros à cidadania e o desrespeito à gestão da “coisa pública”, colocando em xeque o próprio significado de República Nesses tempos inquietantes em que vivemos, pretensamente ahistóricos, defrontamo-nos a cada passo, a cada momento, com a “cidade partida”, de Zuenir Ventura, ou “em cada ribanceira uma nação”, de Chico Buarque. As aceitáveis diferenças entre pobreza e miséria, segundo os padrões capitalistas e burgueses, estreitaram-se cruelmente durante os longos anos da ditadura militar e prosseguiram, com certas diferenças, na chamada Nova República. O mundo da favela afirmara-se em uma atitude de franca negação aos supostos valores civilizatórios do mundo do asfalto. O que fazer diante de projetos urbanos que ousam não enfrentar a segregação sócio espacial e optam por reproduzir a “cidade murada” e a “cidade civilizada” para reinventar a tradição da boa sociedade, dentro de uma perspectiva militarizada de segurança? As sucessivas obras da prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro celebram a consolidação de uma modernidade, ainda que tardia. Porém, a liberdade e a própria civilização, no que esta implica em

vitória dos direitos humanos e em assertiva con- como um lugar no tempo que (re)funda identitumaz de humanização do povo, ficam posterga- dades, sejam individuais e/ou coletivas. Lugar das, mais uma vez, para o futuro. construído e reinventado pelo homem ao longo de temporalidades históricas diversas que, a Na busca de alternativas à liturgia política ofi- partir dos vínculos sutis entre o eu e o outro, faz cial – baseada em uma determinada visão de lembrar as ações e comportamentos de indivídudesenvolvimento, de segurança pública e de re- os e grupos que erigiram fronteiras para demarconstrução do espaço coletivo adequado aos in- car diferenciações de classe, exercer o poder e teresses da elite –, a democratização da urbes ca- definir relações de força. Mas não só. Na nossa rioca representa, a nosso ver, uma utopia a ser cidade foi e continua sendo possível tecer utoapre(e)ndida enquanto desejo, conforme James- pias, rascunhar outros projetos políticos, travar on . Desejo legível em filigrana que possibilita lutas coletivas e fazer novas histórias em meio a refazer o nosso olhar na perspectiva da inclusão tantas vivências, desnaturalizando certa visão de que aproxima e congrega ao invés de exilar mui- mundo e práticas sociais forjadas no e pelo exertas pessoas e/ou grupos de seu próprio lugar. Até cício da dominação. porque a força das armas não poderá, como no Assim, quem sabe, será possível construir uma passado, destruir mobilizações sociais e fazer nova dimensão do espaço urbano pelos sujeitos terraplanagem da arena política. históricos, tendo em vista a reelaboração de identidades e a pertença à própria comunidade por Perceber a cidade onde vivemos como local por meio de uma releitura crítica da nossa generosa excelência de disputas e de resistências pode diversidade, opondo-se à banalização do mal asoferecer vivências singulares de pertencimento sociado à retórica da violência, do caos e da ora uma certa tradição cultural que necessita ser dem em perigo em que vivemos cotidianamente. continuamente apreendida e questionada. E, NOTES: também, permite recuperar o necessário senti- 2. No ano de 1975, por decisão do governo milido de historicidade que permeia a compreensão tar, houve a fusão do Estado da Guanabara com desse lugar para transformá-lo em um espaço de o Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A cidade do Rio de (con)vivência efetivamente democrático, no qual Janeiro, antiga Guanabara, passou a ser a capital possamos colher os frutos de tantos plantios de do estado. Surgiu assim o Município do Rio de Jadiferentes mãos de todos os dias em diferentes neiro que foi reincorporado ao Estado do Rio de tempos. Janeiro. 3. Ver JAMESON, Fredric, Archaelogies of the fuÉ de uma outra visão do Rio de Janeiro que ten- ture: the desire called utopia and other science fictamos aqui esboçar aos leitores. Uma aventura tions. London/New York: Verso, 2007. pelo passado como forma de reconhecer a cidade Armada Imperial Brasileira

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Angela Cardoso Oliveira

Angela Cardoso de Oliveira Talento, Foco e Determinação. Por Edmundo Cavalcanti http://www.artedeedmundo.com

Mais uma artista plástica paulista que vem se destacando no cenário nacional e internacional, com suas lindas obras. E possível observar a evolução de seus traços,formas e de todo o colorido observando suas telas. Angela, sem perceber foi se expressando cada vez mais de uma forma mais notória. Sem preocupar-se em participar de e posições e salões no eixo da arte,não construiu um currículo como a maioria dos artistas,no entanto se aprimorou e é impossível não perceber a intensidade poética madurecida em suas obras.,que acompanham suas cores vibrantes e ágeis pinceladas.

de forma nada convencional por valores bastante acessíveis, pois naquele momento galerias pareciam distantes e impossíveis, desta maneira espalhou sua arte por aí. Paralelamente a pintura colocou sua criatividade em curadorias realizadas Brasil afora em eventos de moda e arte editoriais e em algumas edições de revistas e livro além de desenhar peças para vestuário diferenciadas em um projeto junto à prefeitura de Itapetininga.

Em 2012 seu trabalho começou a ser notado nas redes sociais e chamar atenção de galeristas e apreciadores da arte pelo seu colorido intenso e pela forma de se expressar quase instintiva e desprendida de regras e técnicas exatas.

Começou a pintar aos sete anos de idade, desde muito cedo se familiarizou com a arte assistindo o pai executar desenhos em carvão e bico de pena a fazer recortes e acompanhando-o na elaboração e confecção de carros alegóricos e lendo sobre grandes Em 2013, Ângela recebeu convites para mestres como Gauguin, Matisse, Van participar de exposições coletivas imGogh e Modigliani... portantes internacionais e assim expos em Roma, em Tunis na Tunísia e Ângela Cardoso nasceu em Itapetin- na Republica Dominicana. inga-Sp-Brasil, onde viveu até aos 17 anos quando foi para a capital estudar Suas telas também passaram a ser venartes plásticas na FAAP (Faculdade didas em galerias do Rio de janeiro São Armando Álvares Penteado). Paulo e Fortaleza, mas, foi em setembro, que participando de uma coletiEm São Paulo e teve contato com a va na galeria Entrecores em São Paulo arte mais vanguardista a contempo- conheceu Fernando, Adriana e Joyce, raneidade das bienais, questionou as um encontro que criou novas perspectendências que a arte tomava e suas tivas e a levou a criar o projeto "marés novas expressões, ainda preferia Ma- flores cores e estrelas guia”, que para tisse. Casou, vieram os filhos, mu- ela simplifica todas as suas buscas e danças e a pintura ficaram meio de responde aquela pergunta básica.". O lado, em 1996 a retomou em um mo- que espero encontrar com meu tramento pessoal de transição bastante balho? difícil e começou a vender suas obras

“O projeto consiste em pisar em solos novos e neles confrontar seu universo e sua linguagem feminina com o universo de diferentes mulheres mundo afora e através disso mostrar sob sua ótica em pinturas fotos e textos O resultado dessas vivencias desse laboratório a céu aberto, com a bagagem de uma mulher vivida e convicta de seu caminhar, Ângela visitou a Croácia, Eslovênia, Bósnia e Montenegro em outubro considerando essa viagem uma prévia do projeto em si, dia 12 de dezembro expos 15 telas referentes às impressões dessa viagem na Freeway em São Paulo, com sucesso. Em dezembro duas boas noticias vieram. Um convite para ter suas obras impressas em série e vendidas por grande empresa que trabalha com artistas de renome a nível nacional e a aprovação de seu projeto no Minc (ministério da cultura) através da lei Rouanet,o que permitirá que durante os meses de maio e junho explore a Alemanha e exponha em Berlim,Frankfurt, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Itapetininga, além de lançar livro sobre essa etapa do projeto que pretende atingir outros países e culturas de preferência exóticas.

desta vez com a função de orientar artistas no sentido de usufruir de leis de incentivo e entra também na captação de recursos para viabilizar projetos aprovados.

Flat-Alphavlle Barueri-SP-2002 Solar Ville Garaude-Alphaville Barueri São Paulo-2002


Galeria Bric a Brac -São Paulo- SP-2002

Com parcerias importantes e contando com profissionais de peso no mercado 2014 poderá ser um grande ano no seu caminhar

Rede de hotéis Blue Tree Towers-São Paulo- SP(12 coletivas)

não sou só artista, sou apaixonada pela arte e Palácio do comercio –Maceiósei reconhecer talentos, Alagoas-2003 quero colaborar para que haja uma interação maior OAB- Rio de Janeiro RJ- 2003 do artista com seu público”.

Leilão em prol a Fundação Gol de Letra na Sala São Paulo-Sp-2004

Galeria Danielle Araujo-Fortale“Foram 20 anos de luta árdua, za-Ceará-2012

mas valeram a pena todos os Galeria Entrecores- São Paudias, bons ou ruins”. lo-Sp-2013 Ângela estará expondo de 01 a 09 de março de 2014 na AABB (Associação Atlética Banco do Brasil) em São Paulo 15 obras que remetem a mulher brasileira e o samba, o carnaval e o futebol. Ela credita a coragem, fé e aos filhos André e Angélica este momento de sua vida, pois é pura ousadia querer viver de arte em uma sociedade que não sabe reconhecer que a arte é um trabalho e não uma diversão e que tem seu tempo de maturação........


Trittico art muscum – 2013-Tunis-Tunisia Clube cultural Tahar Haddad – 2013-Santo Domingo-Republica DominicanaMeseo Del hombre dominicano 2013

Exposições individuais

Hotel Iporã-Itapetininga-São Paulo. -2005 Lojas Style –itapetininga-São Paulo-2010 Bar des arts -são paulo-São Paulo -2011 Resort dois santos-Porto feliz- São Paulo-2012 Camará municipal de ItapeExposições coletivas tininga-São Paulo-2004 Concessionária Mercedes Bens-Al- Concessionária Itauto-Itapephaville Barueri-Sp-2000 tininga-São Paulo -2005

Salão negro do Teatro NacionParalelamente ao seu papel de al-Brasilia-Distrito Federal-2001 Facebook:

artista Ângela retomou agora www.facebook.com/ang.oliv seu lado empresário da arte, Le Bouganville-Espaço cultural do

Angela Cardoso Talent , Focus and Determination . By Edmundo Cavalcanti

and shape to express almost instinctive and unselfish rules and exact techniques . In 2013, Angela received invitations to participate in important international group exhibitions and expos so in Rome in Tunis Another São Paulo artist who has stood out in Tunisia and in the Dominican Republic . in the national and international scene, with her beautiful work. It is possible to observe Her paintings are now also sold in galleries the evolution of her traits, forms and the in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Fortaleza, colors observed in her canvas but was last September that attending a conWithout realizing, she was increasingly ex- ference at Gallery Entrecores, she met Ferpressing herself more. Without bothering to nando, Adriana and Joyce, a meeting that participate in exhibitions and art salons on created new perspectives and led to the projshe did not built a resume like most artists, ect " Tides, Flowers, Colors and Guiding however she has improved and is impossi- Stars ," which for her simplifies all her quesble not to notice the poetic intensity and tions and answers ," What do I hope to find maturity in her work, ccompanying its vi- with my work? “ The project consists of stepbrant colors and agile brushstrokes . ping into new grounds and confront them Angela Cardoso de Oliveira began painting at the age of seven, very early became acquainted with the art by watching her father run charcoal drawings and pen- making cutouts and following it in drafting and preparation of floats and reading about large masters such as Gauguin, Matisse, Van Gogh and Modigliani. Shenwas born in Itapetininga - Sp- Brazil, where she lived until age 17 and went to the capital to study fine arts at FAAP ( Faculty Armando Alvares Penteado ).In São Paulo she had contact with more avant-garde contemporary art biennials, questioned the trends that were emerging and new expressions, but still preferred Matisse. After getting married, came the children, and the painting was aplaced a little to side,until 1996, when she found herself in a difficult transition and began selling her work by quite affordable values, because at that moment seemed distant and impossible that galleries would take interest and spread her art around. Alongside painting she placed her creativity in curatorial work throughout Brazil in fashion events and editorial art and in some editions of magazines and books drawing clothing pieces for a project with the city of Itapetininga . In 2012 her work began to be noticed in social networks and draw attention of gallery owners and art lovers for its intense color

passionate about art and know recognize talent , I work so there is a greater interaction between the artist and his audience ." Important partnerships and enlisting professional weight on the market in 2014 will be a big year in his walk " There were 20 years of hard struggle , but were worth every day, good or bad ."

Angela will be setting out a 01 March 9, 2014 at AABB ( Athletic Association Bank of Brazil ) in Sao Paulo 15 works that refer to women and Brazilian samba , carnival and football . Angela credits the courage and faith to their children Andrew and Angelica this point in your life , it is pure audacity to want to live in a society that art can not recognize that with your feminine universe of language, art is a job and not fun and having their time with different women around the world and of maturation . through this show from their perspective in Group Exhibitions paintings photos and text. Mercedes Benz dealership Barueri-Sp -2000 Black Hall - Brasilia - Distrito Federal NationThe result of these experiences in this out- al Theatre -2001 door lab, with an experienced woman bag- Le Bouganville - Alphavlle Barueri - SP -2002 gage Angela visited Croatia , Slovenia , Solar Ville Garaude Alphaville Sao Paulo Bosnia and Montenegro, last October and -2002 considering this trip a preview of the proj- Bric a Brac Gallery - São Paulo - SP -2002 ect itself . In December 12th she expoed 15 Palace of trade - Maceió- Alagoas -2003 paintings related to her impressions from OAB Rio de Janeiro - RJ -2003 the trip on the freeway in São Paulo, with Blue Tree Towers Sao Paulo - SP -12 collective Auction in aid Gol de Letra Foundation in success. Sao Paulo -Sp -2004 GalleryDanielleAraujo-Fortaleza-Ceará2012 In December two good news came. An invitation to have her work printed in Gallery Entrecores - Sao Paulo -Sp 2013 series and sold by a company that works Rome- Italy with renowned artists and the approval of Trittico muscum Art - 2013- Tunis - Tunisia your project in Minc ( ministry of culture ) Cultural Club Tahar Haddad - 2013- Santo through the Rouanet Law, which will allow Domingo- Dominican Republic her during the months of May and June to Meseo Del Dominican hombre - 2013 explore and expose in Germany in Berlin, Solo Exhibitions Frankfurt, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Hotel Iporã - Itapetininga - São Paulo . -2005 Itapetininga, in addition to launch a book Shops Style- itapetininga - São Paulo -2010 based in this phase of the project to reach Bar des - arts- sao paulo Sao Paulo -2011 other countries and cultures of exotic pref- Two saints Harbour Resort - Happy - São Paulo -2012 erence. Municipality of São Paulo - Itapetininga -2004 Concessionaire Itauto - Itapetininga - São Alongside in her role as a photographer, Angela now resumed her business side of Paulo -2005 art, this time with the function of guiding Find Angela on Facebook: artists to take advantage of incentive laws https://www.facebook.com/ and also comes in fundraising to enable ap- ang.oliv proved projects. " I am not only artist, I am

A Galeria PontoArt se inspira na Semana de Arte Moderna para a realização da exposição comemorativa e coletiva “92 Anos da Semana de 22” Por Edmundo Cavalcanti http://www.artedeedmundo.com

Estivemos presente na vernissagem, e gostaria de parabenizar o propietario da galeria Marrey Peres Jr e sua esposa e galerista Lucilia Giordano,pela exposição e pela calorosa recepção aos artistas e seus convidados. Gostaria também de agradecer a Adriana Guidolin propretaria da Escritório de Arte GC2 Comunicação, Fotografia & Assessoria, pela colaboração nesta matéria. Inspirada na histórica semana de 1922, mais conhecida como a Semana de Arte Moderna, a Galeria PontoArt realizou no dia 11 de fevereiro a abertura da exposição "92 anos da semana de 22”, com grande sucesso de artistas e público. A exposição acontece até dia 22 de fevereiro de 2014, com a participação ativa de 22 artistas plásticos, que juntos com a Galeria, comemoram o aniversário do evento, uma espécie de homenagem e que é inclusive o próprio tema da exposição. Trata-se dos “92 anos da semana de 22”, que ocorreu no Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, entre os dias 13 e 18 de fevereiro de 1922.

Lucilia,Marrey Jr,Edmundo Cavalcanti

Marrey Jr Adriana Guidolin Paulo Byron Helena R

Mário de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade, Menotti del Picchia, Anita Malfatti e Tarsila do Amaral foram os principais precursores da Semana de Arte Moderna no Brasil, além da presença de Brecheret, testemunhada por suas obras que foram expostas no saguão do Teatro.

Ana Mora Erika Cardoso Sandra Lozano Everson Cimino

Eles souberam expressar suas insatisfações mediante os acontecimentos sociais, políticos e econômicos da época e, sobretudo influenciados pelos movimentos vanguardistas, externaram seus posicionamentos ideológicos, por meio de suas criações artísticas, seja na pintura, música, escultura, literatura, folclore, entre outras formas de arte. A produção artística trazida pelo movimento modernista ainda é utilizada como grande referência até os dias de hoje no Brasil. Seja pelo esgotamento do acadêmico, seja pela transformação cultural brasileira da época, durante o início do século XX e o final da década de 1920. Apenas a título de enriquecer melhor esse contexto, os destaques daquele período eram para questões relacionadas à pesquisa do nacional; o papel da cidade de São Paulo; a formação do modernismo pelas artes plásticas, o percurso dos artistas europeus radicados no país, a influência de Paris, as contribuições do expressionismo, entre outros temas. A ocasião histórica adaptada pela Galeria, contou com um coquetel de abertura, quando a casa recebeu os artistas e o público visitante, e no encerramento, próximo dia 22 de fevereiro, será realizado um passeio, uma caminhada pelas ruas próximas à Galeria PontoArt, na Vila Madalena.


n Fonseca Iolanda

Artista Acacio Pereira

Cada artista carregará sua própria obra, com o objetivo de promover uma exposição ambulante, com grande possibilidade da presença de músicos tocando peças alusivas à semana de 22 e a leitura de uma carta, à exemplo de como ocorreu em nossa história. Os temas, as técnicas e os estilos são livres e as obras desses artistas ficarão disponíveis para vendas durante todo o período da exposição. Para o artista e galerista, proprietário da Galeria PontoArt, Marrey Peres Jr, “A Semana de 22 é o maior evento de transformação e liberação da Arte já ocorrido no Brasil. Foi um marco de quebra dos paradigmas do próprio pensamento crítico brasileiro. Por isso é importante lembrá-la e comemorá-la, pois ainda temos muitos paradigmas para serem quebrados neste país.” E para a sua mulher, a galerista Lucília Giordano, “a ideia de sairmos às ruas com as obras para um passeio, tem o objetivo aproximar o artista do seu público, de inovar a forma de expor as obras de arte e de nos divertirmos também, é claro”

Photos By Sandra Loza Adriana Gui

ano e idolin

Os artistas que participam da comemoração da Semana da Arte Moderna: “92 Anos da Semana de 22”, são:

Acácio Pereira, Ana Mora, Ananda Giordano Peres, Beth Lima, CarlosDavid Segre, Daniel Freitas, Elizabeth Belleza, Fernando Naviskas, Giuseppe Ranzini, Helena Ribeiro, Lucas Pennacchi, Maria Clarice Sarraf, Marrey Peres (in memorian), Maurício de Toledo Piza Lopes, Mi Castelani, Plinio Arenare, Rosalva Maria Campos Siqueira, Tarzio Tomei, Thais Lino Costa, Vivielen Dall Osto e Yves Winandy Galeria PontoArt Espaço de Artes e Objetos

Rua Inácio Pererira da Rocha, 246 – Vila Madalena – Tel (11)25481661 Para outras informações, acesse o site : www.marreyperes.art.br

Abertura da Exposição: “ 92 Anos da Semana de 22”.

De 11 de fevereiro ao dia 22 de fevereiro de 2014. Horário: das 18hs às 22hs.

Visitação aberta ao público: De 3ª à 6ª, das 11h às 18h e aos sábados, das 12h às 17h. Entrada: Franca

Fotos:Sandra Lozano e Adriana Guidolin

“92 Anos da Semana de 22”By Edmundo Cavalcanti

Galeria PontoArt - Sao Paulo - Brasil

The greatest force for women


Go Red and Go Red For Women速 are trademarks of AHA. The Red Dress Design is a trademark of U.S. DHHS.

n is National Wear Red Day Friday, February 7

Don’t be silent on Friday, February 7 and wear red in our fight against heart disease. Share your “red” on the Greater Orlando American Heart Association’s Facebook page! #OrlandoGoesRed nationally sponsored by:

locally sponsored by:

Raise your voice about this silent killer at



STARS SIZZLE AND DESIGNERS SHINE AT THE GO RED FOR WOMEN® THE HEART TRUTH ® RED DRESS COLLECTION-FASHION SHOW SPONSORED BY MACY'S AND SUBWAY® RESTAURANTS TO KICK OFF MERCEDES-BENZ FASHION WEEK star-studded runway show was the first-ever collaboration of the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women® movement and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's awareness campaign, The Heart Truth®

ing designers in the fashion incubator programs at Macy's.

Three designers, one each from The Chicago Fashion Incubator at Macy's on State Street, Philadelphia Fashion Incubator at Macy's This year's Red Dress Collection℠ kicked off Center City and the Fashion Incubator San Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York Francisco at Macy's Union Square, designed City last night with notables such as Lindsey a gown for the event. Vonn, AnnaSophia Robb, Colbie Caillat, Giada De Laurentiis, Bella Thorne and Daphne To see images of the dresses on Martine RearOz showing off some of the hottest designers’ don, Daphne Oz and Jill Martin, click on the red gowns to bring awareness to the number Photos and Red Dresses tab. 1 killer of women – heart disease. Macy's also made over three heart disease surMore than 900 fashion-forward, health-mind- vivors who donned Macy's three benefitting ed attendees turned out in red to support red dresses from Kensie, XOXO and Calvin the cause. The event kicked off with Martine Klein and then sat front row for last night's Reardon, Macy's Chief Marketing Officer, show. and Nancy Brown, Chief Executive Officer of the American Heart Association, welcoming the audience. Star Jones, who is a heart disease survivor and an American Heart Association National Volunteer, shared her passionate heart story and introduced the premier of Go Red For Women's new digital film, The Common Thread. Twenty-two celebrities then walked the runway in their own style – some walking, dancing, and even twirling – to make a statement in red, dressed by both world-renowned designers as well as emerg-

The Little red Dress Raises Awareness

s And promotes Fashion Artists


Peter Morales

Hadascha Brutus

Rhonda Spears

On February 7th Jai Gallery's Fashion Lounge Orlando opened a one-of-akind exhibition and event. The Little Red Dress exhibition gathered 10 local designers' couture dresses under one roof. For 10 days the public had a chance to come visit the exhibition and admire their truly magnificent work. The purpose of the exhibition was for lovers to commission a one-of-a-kind experience for their valentine: the opportunity to commission a MADE-TO-MEASURE COUTURE GARMENT according to their BUDGET.

The public had a chance to see the designs up close and browse the work of emerging designers as well as extremely established designers such as Peter Morales, whose intricate work is magnificent.

Desiree Voight

The designers included in the show were: TallyReNee, Rhonda Spears, Rania Tabbah, Peter Morales, Desiree Voight, Yves Francois, LOF8, Hadascha Brutus Kimberly Hendrix, Nailuj Villarroel

Nailuj Villarroel


Rania Tabbah

Yves Franรงois

Michael Conti: By

Coralie Glayson

Jai Gallery Curator

This series of clay sculptures are designed by sculptor Michael Conti. Conti began working three-dimensionally in the 60s and evolved from a traditional wheel-clay background to using his own method called “pick-and-stick” breaking away from the creation of traditional vessels and thus embracing fully his desire to make purely sculptural works. The forms are described by curator Coralie Claeysen-Gleyzon as “sonorous; their mouth-like openings give the impression the sculptures are singing, talking, alive and in movement. Conti’s sculptures are reminiscent of the conchshell we used to put to our ear as a child, just to listen to the sound of the sea it captures… Magical. Pure and simple”. For more information about Michael Conti and to experience his art, please contact Jai Gallery. www.jaigallery.net

Happy New Year

The Year of The Horse

It’s the Lunar New Year and the Chinese Year of the Horse. The horse is part of a 12-year-cycle of animals that make up the Chinese zodiac. These interact with the five elements: wood, metal, fire, water, earth. 2014 is the year of the wood horse, taking over from the year of the water snake. Be prepared to stand your grounds and stick to your principles. It will be a year full of argumentation. So it is hard to negotiate or compromise as there are more tendencies for

people to fight for their ideals.� Remember there is always space for reflection and compromising. But focusing in the Chinese New year Celebration, Little Saigon near Downtown Orlando had a parade and a Fest like every year and we captured some of the moments. We had the pleasure of watching the drumers in a colossal show, saw the beauty queens and were honored to find some Brazilians present at the festivities. We hope you will have a great New Year.

The Asian Fest- Celebrating The Chinese New Year in Little Saigon-Downtown Orlando, attracted many residents of all nationalities, coloring the event and the streets, with flags, and colorful costumes. Taking in consideration that Winter gave us a break, with a warm sunny day, that lasted just enough to celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Horse, everyone

could relax and enjoy the shows and all the tents, with services, sponsors and small businesses showing their product. The Asian American Chamber of Commerce was present, Bright House Networks, Walgreen’s, The Orlando City Soccer and many more. The Festival happens every year and it is already a tradition in Orlando. Happy New Year !

A Represe

Alexandre Law Firm, above, Bright House Networks below to the right The Asian American Chamber, President Coco Johnson and Board Members, and The Orlando City Soccer.

yíng cái shén), th


he God of Wealth

Asian American Chamber of Commerce.

The 2014 Florida Queens International at the Chinese New Year Celebration

The presence of The Florida Queen International allow us the pleasure to see our Dear Maria Eduarda Pereira an icon in our Community always representing us with pride, and with the support of her parents Marcelo and Patricia Pereira. It is great to see all the Brazilians in this event, like Alexandre Law Firm and Maria Eduarda, which we will have a full report on her last winnings in our next issue. We are happy for everyone in this event and organizers, it gets better every year. Thank you for sharing your culture with us.

Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce The CFBACC Had its first Breakfast of the Year at The Florida Hotel on Friday, February 7th. After the delicious breakfast at Marcelo’s Bistro, all members and guests were directed to Legends Ballroom where the seminar was given The speaker of the month were Joseph and Claudia Low, authors of the Book “They Don’t Speak Spanish in Brazil” A book that has been a success in the business community, due to all the information in doing business with Brazil, including their own experience and expert advice. It was illustrative, and a great learning experience that everyone should enjoy. If you would like to purchase the book go their website: www.theydontspeakspanishinbrazil.com

www.cfbacc.com info@cfbacc.com Phone #(407)610-7158

The Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce

4630 South Kirkman Rd. Suite #183-Orlando Fl. 32811

Opening Day at The 7th Valencia Brazilian Festival Every year for seven years now, the Valencia Brazilian Film Festival, thrives in bringing the best films to its faithful audience. Professor Richard Sansone, is the creative mind behind it all and does it out of passion for his students. An amazing history of raising the Brazilian Flag and promoting the event, non stop, and doing it he sees that every detail will be just perfect. From Brazilian snacks, to beverages by Ana’s Kitchen, with everything prepared so well, and Brazilian Bossa Nova interpreted by Taquinho, the audience kept getting bigger and bigger. Like they say “If you build, they will come” and they did. At a full house, Professor Sansone thanked the artist Clóvis Júnior, whose gorgeous paintings adorned the fliers for the Festival. Documentarist Luciano Mota Reis Film-Short Film named Coco and all others that were involved directly or indirectly with the event, including all students volunteers. The Festival is growing each year, and everyone appreciates the effort and the dedication. The Festival still runs for a few more days, and we are all anxious to all the great films, Capoeira and Bossa Nova. All food for the event was prepared by Bahian food by Maria Fonseca -Mrs. Catering, at the Capoeira shows and appetizers from Ana’s Kitchen, to all pre movie cocktails.

Ademar Rodrigues CFBACC- and Maria Fonseca-Mrs Catering

Maria Fonseca, her daughter Vanessa e amigos

Musician Taquinho

In the Center Professor Sansone, Artist Clovis Junior, Rosana Almeida, Steven,Documentarist Luciano Mota Reis Filhoand on the left The Dean of the Department at Valencia College.


PLANET HOLLYWOOD TO INTRODUCE NEW ORLANDO MAGIC-THEMED MENU ITEM ! STUFF’S MAGIC BURGER TO DEBUT AT PLANET HOLLYWOOD With the combined efforts of Planet Hollywood’s culinary experts and the monumental appetite of the Orlando Magic’s mascot, Planet Hollywood and the Magic have teamed up to offer a new item, STUFF’s Magic Burger, on the iconic restaurant’s menu at its Downtown Disney® West Side location. The burger will hit the menu immediately, and anyone ordering the unique creation will receive a special Orlando Magic ticket offer courtesy of Planet Hollywood. STUFF’s Magic Burger combines the finest ingredients – 10 oz. of USDA ground beef is stuffed with a combination of three cheeses (pepper jack, colby and cheddar) and is finished with fresh iceberg lettuce, sliced tomato, red onion and two dill pickle slices. The new burger will be set on a gourmet bun that is branded with basketball stripes and served with your choice of Magic blue potato chips or the famous Planet Hollywood french fries. As part of their partnership, Planet Hollywood will also have a presence at Fan Fest before select games and will also have entitlement to the “Celebrity Cam” in the arena during home games.

Planet Hollywood at Downtown Disney® West Side Walt Disney World Resort is located adjacent to Disney's Pleasure Island and a "must do" while in Orlando. Patrons of the restaurant can continue the magic of Disney while enjoying flavorful cuisine surrounded by some of the world's most famous Hollywood movie memorabilia.

Source: The Orlando Magic

Orlando Magic Players Maurice Harkless and E’Twaun Moore Joined the Magic and Florida Blue to Promote Literacy to Youth By Josh Cohen, orlandomagic.com ny, 40 kids in Central Florida are he Orlando Magic is on a mission now more aware of the importance to change some very disheartening of reading and books. statistics. As part of the Baskets for Books proThey include attempting to increase gram, which has a purpose of develthe number of children’s books oping lifelong learners through litlow-income families have in their eracy and education, a “storytime” homes (currently stands at 61 per- was held for 40 local youth on Tuescent) and multiply the number of day, February 11 at the Florida Blue words kids in those same living con- Center in Winter Park. ditions hear on a daily basis through reading. Harkless, Moore and Florida Blue Chairman and CEO Patrick GerBy age four, children living in low-in- aghty joined together to read to the come homes have heard 32 million children and also handed out healthy fewer words than children who read snacks to preach the significance of regularly and have access to books. With help from Magic players Maurice Harkless and E’Twaun Moore, Community Ambassadors Nick Anderson and Bo Outlaw and representatives from Florida Blue and the Houghton Mifflin & Harcourt (HMH) Publishing Compa-

staying fit through a balanced diet and exercise. “Reading is pretty much the foundation of anything you do,” Harkless said. “It’s important for kids to enjoy reading at a young age. It’s fun to be part of something like this.” “They (kids) see us on TV playing and look up to us so telling them that reading and their education is important hopefully will make them want to continue improving their reading skills,” Moore added.

This is the fourth straight season the Magic and Florida Blue have teamed up for this event. For every point made by the Magic at every home game one book is donated to the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County. Since program inception, more than 25,000 books have been donated (through February 2014) and more than 4,500 books were donated last season with the help of HMHCo.

both on and off the court. The Magic’s commitment to Central Florida is celebrated in its Silver Season with 25 years of giving through more than $40 million donated to the local community by way of event sponsorships, donated tickets, autographed merchandise, scholarships and grants over the years.

Through a quarter century of giving, Magic commu“We want to do things in the community to help pro- nity programs have impacted nearly two million total mote health, wellness and literacy,” Geraghty said. “The youth along with more than 5,000 player and commuMagic are great partners. They create great energy, the nity ambassador appearances. kids are excited to see them. We are very committed to this activity and Baskets for Books.” The Magic continues its quest to be champions on the court and in the community and looks toward a city that The Magic remain committed to helping children reach flourishes through a collaborative effort of the Magic’s their full potential by investing resources in a variety coaches, players, employees, partners, fans and Cenof areas and it’s something that players like Harkless tral Floridians. really appreciate and respect. To learn more about the Magic in the community, visit “The Magic do extremely well just getting involved in http://www.nba.com/magic/magic-in-the-communithe community and I have a lot of fun with it,” Har- ty. kless said. “A few years ago we were the same kids who wanted to interact with the profe s s i on al athletes in our towns so it’s humbling to put smiles on these kids’ faces.” The Orlando Magic celebrates 25 years of Magic basketball

At the Contemporary

Chef Mickey’s

Copyright 2002, THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY.) A 7-4

WHAT’S COOKING? Chef Mickey and his friends take a break from cooking up delicious,well-balanced meals to mingle with guests of Chef Mickey’s at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. A Character breakfast and dinner are offered daily.

The Disney’s Contemporary Breakfast and Dinner are one of the most happy places to eat. When Mickey comes out to play, everyone goes crazy and they are joined by, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and Pluto. You get the complete crew to take pictures, get autographs and enjoy their company for a few minutes, with the ultimate fun. It is the greatest highlight to any travel plan, and even for residents that want to celebrate, or have a special day with family. It is located at Magic Kingdom Resort Area at the Disney’s Contemporary Resort, and serves American Cuisine in a Buffet/Family Style, Character Dining, Reservations Accepted -($30 to $59.99 per adult). It is located at 4600 N World Dr, Orlando, Florida 32830, Phone #(407) 939-3463 For reservations and infformations : https://disneyworld.disney.go.com

Myombe Reserve

mercial hunting of these apes, the virus creates “a recipe for rapid ecological extinction.�.

An ape habitat featuring gorillas and chimpanzees in a natural setting. This exhibit is magnifiConservation efforts include the Great Apes Surcent even at this time of the year when it is coolvival Project, a partnership between the United er, because the animals are all outside enjoying Nations Environment Programme and the UNEthe reserve. SCO, and also an international treaty, the Agreement on the Conservation of Gorillas and Their This is an oasis where they are protected. Even Habitats, concluded under UNEP-administered considering that they are in captivity, is is better Convention on Migratory Species. The Gorilthan being exposed to the dangers of the Jungle, la Agreement is the first legally binding instruwith poachers, climate desasters and devastatment exclusively targeting gorilla conservation; ing deseases. Gorillas must be protected in any it came into effect on 1 June 2008. way we can, they are special creatures that proIn a cooperative effort with other AZA (Ameritect each other and and still find a way to concan Zoo and Aquarium Association) institutions, nect with humans. They are the largest primate Busch Gardens Tampa Bay closely manages goby size and only eat leaves, herbs giving them the rilla populations through a program called the classification of herbivorous. Species Survival Plan (SSP), which works to improve the genetic diversity of managed animal Their original habitat are the forests of Central populations. Africa and carry a DNA that is the clorest from humans of all apes. The eastern gorilla is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List, with the mountain gorilla listed as Critically Endangered. The western gorilla and its subspecies are also listed as Critically Endangered.Threats to gorilla survival include habitat destruction and poaching for the bushmeat trade. In 2004, a population of several hundred gorillas in the Odzala National Park, Republic of Congo was essentially wiped out by the Ebola virus. A 2006 study published in Science concluded more than 5,000 gorillas may have died in recent outbreaks of the Ebola virus in central Africa. The researchers indicated in conjunction with com-

American Zoo and Aquarium Association

find anymore. And if we don’t take measures, our grand kids are not going to meet them. They will be extinct. It will be too late. There are many programs that Busch Garden and Seaworld have to protected species in extinction. In these days, it is imperative that we must trust parks and entities to provide shelter, care and a way to breed these creatures so they are not gone forever, away from our lives, left to exist only in pictures.

The SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund’s mission is to work with purpose and passion on behalf of wildlife and habitats worldwide, encouraging sustainable solutions through support of species research, animal rescue and rehabilitation and conservation education. In 20042005, the Conservation Fund supported the following gorilla preservation projects through conservation education programs and habitat Please visit this site http://www.swbg-conservationprotection. fund.org to see all the work and programs done to help, if you can every little helps. They are worth Project: Mbeli Bai Study it. Nature will thank you forever, It has already suffered too much. Partner: Wildlife Conservation Society Location: Congo, Africa This is a long-term study of western lowland gorillas using direct observations. This study provides in-depth information on gorilla social structure, behavior, and current threats to their population. Researchers’ presence is a deterrent for poachers. The project includes Club Ebobo which provides conservation education to children in surrounding areas. A satellite phone was implemented for gorilla researchers to communicate with Busch Gardens Tampa Bay’s Adventure Camp participants. These creatures are sacred. You look int heir eyes they are innocent, and pure, something you do not

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74% of gathers 80% of the sales force of the counthe exhib- try, which is the world’s eighth largest econitors that omy. participated in According to the study, which has just been the 41st published by Observatório do Turismo, a ABAV - Tourism Fair of the Americas, held research center linked to the University of in Sao Paulo (Brazil) on the last year, said São Paulo (USP), the total financial volthat the event has generated new business ume generated by the fair to 2,613 exhibopportunities. itor brands ranged from US$73.8 million and US$120 million, considering the miConsidered the largest and most import- numum and maximum values that make ant travel trade fair in the Americas and up the analysis interval. The survey also the Southern Hemisphere, the event has shows that the 2013 edition, according to changed its name to 42nd ABAV - Inter- exhibitors, generated an average of US$97 national Tourism Expo. Save the date: Sep- million in businesses. tember 24th to 28th, in Sao Paulo. In 2013, the total financial volume generated by the fair to 2,613 exhibitor brands ranged from US$73.8 million and US$120 million, considering the minimum and maximum values that make up the analysis interval. Tourism expo in Brazil generates global businesses According to 74% of the exhibitors that participated in the 41st ABAV – Tourism Fair of the Americas, held in São Paulo (Brazil) by the Brazilian Association of Travel Agencies (ABAV Nacional) last year, the event has generated new business opportunities. ABAV Nacional

The institute has also revealed the visitors’ pro- Also according to 60% of the exhibitors, the file: 59% are directors and managers, includ- major impact caused by the event’s latest ediing 34% with final decision-making power to tion was the chance to work on new contacts complete purchases, and 44% with influence and networking. The remaining 40% highlight in planning and recommending transactions consolidating the brand (22%), new businessto be made. es (13%), and expanding sales (6%) as additional benefits. For 94% of the 2,613 exhibitor The motivation of buyers (exhibitors) and brands from 60 countries, return on investsellers (visitors) consolidates the ABAV fair, ment was positive. which has been held in the major inbound and outbound tourist center of the continent Companies from all segments of the travel and since last year, as the ideal stage to do global tourism trade interested in obtaining further businesses. information and ensure their participation According to 60% of the visitors, the chance to in the next edition of ABAV – International get to know and trade in market novelties is Tourism Expo, to be held from September 24 the key reason for participating in the event, to 28, 2014, can contact the event’s organizafollowed by networking (21%) and qualifica- tion at THE SITE: tion (18%). expo@abavexpo.com.br.

Exposição de turismo no Brasil gera negócios em rada com expositores e visitantes, respectivaâmbito global mente, consagra a feira ABAV, realizada desde o ano passado no principal polo emissivo e receptiPara 74% dos expositores que participaram da 41ª vo turístico do continente, como palco ideal para ABAV – Feira de Turismo das Américas, realiza- a celebração de negócios em âmbito global. da em São Paulo (Brasil) pela Associação Brasileira de Agências de Viagens (ABAV Nacional), que Na opinião de 60% dos visitantes, a possibilidade concentra 80% da força de vendas no país, oitava de conhecer e negociar novidades do mercado figeconomia mundial, o evento, promovido no final ura como a razão principal para participação no do ano passado, gerou novas oportunidades de evento, seguida por networking (21%) e capacinegócios. tação (18%). De acordo com o estudo, que acaba de ser divulgado pelo Observatório do Turismo, núcleo de pesquisas vinculado à Universidade de São Paulo (USP), o volume total gerado pela feira, para as 2.613 marcas expositoras, variou entre US$ 73,8 milhões e US$ 120 milhões, considerando os valores mínimos e máximos que compõem os intervalos de análise. A pesquisa demonstra que, na edição de 2013, segundo expositores, a geração de negócios alcançou US$ 97 milhões em média. O instituto também revelou o perfil dos visitantes: 59% diretores e gerentes, entre os quais 34% com poder de decisão final para efetivar compras e 44% deles com influência no planejamento e na recomendação de negócios a serem concretizados. A motivação de compradores e vendedores, apu-

Também para 60% dos expositores, o principal impacto propiciado pela feira na edição anterior diz respeito à formação de novos contatos e à possibilidade de networking. Os outros 40% destacam consolidação da marca (22%), novos negócios (13%) e ampliação de vendas (6%) como benefícios complementares. Para 94% das 2.613 marcas expositoras, de 60 países, o retorno do investimento foi positivo. Empresas de todos os segmentos do setor de viagens e turismo, interessadas em obter informações complementares e garantir presença na próxima edição da ABAV – Expo Internacional de Turismo, que será realizada de 24 a 28 de setembro de 2014, devem entrar em contato por meio do e-mail expo@abavexpo.com.br.

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What is Good Orlando !?

Larry Poynter Jr.

What's good Orlando? This month I'am very excited about the Orlando music scene. We have had some really good Indie releases this year so far and the buzz in the city is better then it has been for along time. We are evolving Orlando. We are becoming more professional and the quality of our work competes with the majors. I have been in some very healthy debates with some respected peers in regards to a few great topics but one topic in particular, I wanted to share this month. I was in a debate about artist doing showcases for free. As an Indie artist we have so many expenses to make our product quality but find ourselves doing shows for free because we allow promoters to down play our worth. If you have 20 people that will come to your show and they all pay 10 dollars, then you

should profit for doing that show. Artist need to be more demanding with these promoters when booking shows.

The only show that should be free should be an open mic night but other then that, if there is a cover charge then the artist should be paid, period. If we all get on board with this state of mind then we can create a market that will increase our fanbase thus forwarding our career in the right direction. We need to have merchandise to sell at these events as well like t-shirts, hats, cds etc. Recording music is only one part of your business. I leave you with this, Know your worth and accept nothing less for yuor talents. as always i appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts and until next time remember, Real talk, Real Music, South Coast Records.

Nuclear Cowboyz®Freestyle Motocross Tour Makes Central Florida Debut at Amway Center, March 8 & 9, 2014 Nuclear Cowboyz®, the world’s most explosive choreographed arena-based freestyle motocross (FMX) touring production, make its first-ever stop in Central Florida at Amway Center March 8-9, 2014. The highly acclaimed 2014 Nuclear Cowboyz® FMX show features the saga of an allied tribe, the Nuclear Cowboyz, whose sole commitment is to defeat an indestructible evil tyrant and her army in this action-infused freestyle performance of pure danger and raw combat. The 2014 Nuclear Cowboyz FMX tour features a storyline conveyed through more than 1000 gravity-defying freestyle tricks performed by the globe’s most dominant freestyle athletes. The adrenaline-packed show is complete with stunning laser effects, the largest indoor pyrotechnics show and an infectious soundtrack comprised of heavy metal, electronic dubstep and alternative hip hop. Adding to the action, the show features the critically-acclaimed Shaolin Kung Fu Warriors defying their limits of courage through heart-wrenching martial arts performances with swift movements, extreme force and fierce concentration that test the sheer strength and agility of their bodies. These warriors will use their own bodies to bend metal rods, break objects in precise strikes and be lifted in the air on the points of handheld spears. Entering its fifth touring year, Nuclear Cowboyz 2014 is led by an award-winning creative team and features the world’s top freestyle motocross athletes, including multi-time X Games medalists Jeremy “Twitch” Stenberg, Taka Higashino, Mike Mason, Matt Buyten, Ronnie Faisst and Colten Moore as well as freestyle heavyweights Derek Garland, Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Nick Dunne, Brody Wilson, Marco Picado and more.

Show Times Saturday, March 8 at 7:30 pm Sunday, March 9 at 2 pm Where Amway Center, 400 West Church Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Ticket Information Beginning July 26, tickets will be on sale at http://www.ticketmaster.com or by calling 800-745-3000. Tickets may also be pur-

chased at the Amway Center box office. All seats are reserved. Tickets start at $20 for adults and $10 for teens (ages 2-15). For Group Sales, call 866-248-8740. See a clip from the show and sample the action with videos and more at http://www.nuclearcowboyz.com Experience Nuclear Cowboyz with a VIP Fallout Zone ticket. A very limited number of tickets are set aside for the BIGGEST Nuclear Cowboyz fans. Each VIP Fallout Zone ticket includes: Premium seating and admission to a private meet-and-greet with the stars of Nuclear Cowboyz 2014 where fans will be presented with a commemorative VIP Fallout Zone credential and poster. Only VIP Fallout Zone ticket holders will be able to take part in the meet-and-greet. It’s the ultimate VIP experience. Don’t wait as these seats are extremely limited and will go fast. VIP Fallout Zone tickets are $100 each. About Feld Motor Sports® Feld Motor Sports, Inc. is the world leader in specialized arena and stadium-based motor sports entertainment. Feld Motor Sports productions include Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam®, Monster Energy Supercross, AMSOIL Arenacross and Nuclear Cowboyz®. Feld Motor Sports is a division of Feld Entertainment, the world’s largest producer of live family entertainment. For more information on Feld Entertainment, visit http://www. feldentertainment.com

MARCH 2014


Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer

ority, Mayor Dyer has oversee the day-to-day opappointed John Mina, erations of the department a 23-year OPD veteran and serve as chief counsel to succeed Rooney and to the Mayor in matters of serve Orlando as the public safety. 38th Police Chief. “Over the last three During his 23-year tenure years, under Chief with the Orlando Police DeRooney’s leadership partment, Mina has worked our City has continued in a variety of divisions, into see reductions in vi- cluding the West Patrol Diolent crime year after vision, the Criminal Inyear,” said Mayor Dyer. vestigations Division, the Community Policing Divi“Chief Rooney sion, the Training Unit and Chief Paul Rooney launched new domestic vi- the Drug Enforcement Diolence initiatives, enhanced vision. Today, Orlando Mayor Budoutreach and support to dy Dyer announced the reHe has also served as the Divithe elderly, initiated a body tirement of Orlando Police camera study, placed a new sion Commander for both the North Patrol Division and the Chief Paul Rooney after emphasis on officer safety Criminal Investigations Divinearly 28 years of service and training and made suc- sion and served as Staff Directo the citizens of Orlando. cession planning a priority.” Committed to ensuring pubAs the newly appointed Polic safety remains a top prilice Chief, John Mina, 45, will

tor for the Chief of Police under former Chief Val Demings

Announces New Police Chief In addition to his regular 254th Session of the FBI Na- priority for the City of Orlanjob assignments, Chief Mina tional Academy and has also do.” served as a member of the completed the Southern Police SWAT Team for 17 years and Institute Command Officer’s The appointment of Chief was the Team Commander. Development Course. Mina will go before the Orlando City Council on February Most recently, he served as the Chief Mina is currently work- 24, 2014 for confirmation. Bureau Commander for the ing on a Master of Science in Patrol Services Bureau, the Criminal Justice from Columlargest section of OPD com- bia College. prised of 392 sworn and civilian personnel. “I am confident that under Chief Mina’s strong, capable Chief Mina is a graduate of the leadership, the Orlando Police Department will continue to work diligently in protecting our community against crime while utilizing proven practices and developing proactive, innovative approaches to meet the growing and changing needs of our City,” said Mayor Dyer.

Chief Mina

“Chief Mina has grown through the ranks of OPD over the last 23 years and remains committed to ensuring safety is a top

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer invites Central Florida residents and visitors to the 8th annual Blues B-Q in Downtown Orlando on Saturday, March 1. Injecting the blues genre into the Downtown culture, this FREE blues festival is presented with community partner STAR 94.5, attracts music fans from across the state.

Cave Inn BBQ, Smokey Jay’s BBQ, and Caribbean Sunshine Bakery will be available for purchase.

BACKGROUND: Now in its eighth year, Blues B-Q boasts previous headline acts such as GRAMMY Award winning artists Buddy Guy, The Robert Cray Band, Jonny Lang and Queen of the Blues Koko Taylor. Other performers have included GRAMMY nominated Shemekia Copeland and John Mayall, “The Godfather of British Blues.”

WHO: Blues B-Q is one of the City of Orlando’s four sig- Denise LaSalle nature events and features national and local blues The Lee Boys acts as well as Orlando’s finest mouth-watering barbecue available for purchase. WHEN:

Saturday, March 1, 2014 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Mayor Dyer is proud to announce that this year’s Blues B-Q will feature American blues and R&B/ WHERE: soul singer, Denise LaSalle. LaSalle was inducted Corner of Garland Avenue and Central Boulevard into the Blues Hall of Fame in 2011.

at 25 South Garland Avenue.

Most recently in 2013, LaSalle was nominated for Blues Music Award in the “Soul Blues Female Artist” category. Also performing at Blues B-Q this year is Miami based group, The Lee Boys, a funk and gospel band. The Lee Boys, known for their unique "sacred steel" sound, have played or toured with musical artists such as Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, The Allman Brothers Band, The Black Crowes, Los Lobos and many more. This year’s event will also feature local blues talent. Barbecue from Bubbalou’s BBQ, Serena’s BBQ,

PARKING: From Orange Avenue, head west on Central Boulevard for parking in the Central Garage at 55 West Central Boulevard (regular garage rates will be in effect). The free LYMMO circulator is recommended for Downtown residents and attendees parking at garages other than the Central Garage. For LYMMO stop information, visit GoLynx.com.

Saturday, March 1 - Mayor's Neighborhood and Com- Questions - Susan Harris - 407.246.2779 or susan.harmunity Summit - 7:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m., at the Double- ris@cityoforlando.net. March 7 Tree by Hilton at the entrance to Universal Orlando Brazilian Chamber of Commerce's Monthly Breakfast Seminar - 9-10 a.m., Florida Mall Hotel Please join Mayor Buddy Dyer for the Kim King, City's Business Development Assistance 9th Neighborhood & Community Summit. For registration information go to cityoforlando.net/ Manager, will be the guest speaker of the Brazilian summit. Mayor's Dyer's annual Summit brings together Chamber's Monthly Breakfast. The City's Business Deneighborhood, arts and cultural, civic, community and velopment Program workshop will offer an overview of faith-based leaders and volunteers to learn and share the City's programs and services available to businesses best practices for community building and civic engage- at various stages. The Business Development Division ment. This Summit is one way we keep you informed, promotes economic development by helping new and connected and involved in your City. Register by Feb- existing businesses meet their goals for growth while ruary 14 and pay only $10. You are able to register and creating new jobs for city residents. For information and pay online by going to cityoforlando.net/summit. If you RSVP, please contact Laiz Rodriguez, Vice President of the chamber, at hotspotorlando@gmail.com. have questions about the Summit call407.246.2500. 2014 Mayor's City Academy - will begin on Thursday, As an exhibitor the Summit offers your business or or- February 27th ganization an opportunity to connect with neighborhood and community leaders and residents. The cost The City of Orlando is now accepting applications for the for exhibit space is $100; the non-for-profit rate is $50. 2014 Mayor's City Academy. The Mayor’s City Academy Due to space limitation, exhibit tables will be offered on is an ideal way to become informed about your City gova first come first serve basis. The deadline for exhibitor ernment. Let us take you on a backstage tour of the City Beautiful, highlighting some of the services, activities registration and payment is February 14. 2014. and opportunities the City of Orlando has to offer. This Register Online - To register and pay online go tohttp:// 10-week program familiarize you with our hard-workwww.cityoforlando.net/executive/neighborhoods/ ing City family, featuring road trips, field demonstrations, department tours and many other experiences summit/2014_exhibitors.htm Register by Mail - To register and pay by mail, please that will give you a new perspective and stronger sense return the attached exhibitor registration form and of pride in your community. Deadline to submit an appayment no later than February 14th. The exhibit space plication is Saturday, February 1st. For more informaconsists of one six foot table and two chairs. We are ask- tion, please visit ing that the exhibits be set up by 7:15 a.m. and left up http://www.cityoforlando.net/elected/mayor/cityacaduntil 11:30 a.m. You can also set up exhibits on Friday, emy.htm

Exhibitors Opportunities

February 28th between 3-4:30 p.m.

Brazilian Club Fluminense FC U23 Squad Fluminense FC is one of the world's leadCompletes theWalt Disney World Pro Soc- ers in talent development. The club is not cer Classic LineupFluminense U23 join only responsible for selling world soccer six Major League Soccer (MLS) teams in- stars like Thiago Silva on to Europe to AC cluding MLS Cup Champion Sporting KC, Milan, but also developing several currentSupporters Shield Champion New York ly renowned players such as Marcelo (Real Red Bulls, Philadelphia Union, Columbus Madrid), Rafael (Manchester United) and Crew, Montreal Impact, and Toronto FC, his twin brother Fabio (Manchester Unitalong with USL Pro Club Orlando City to ed). complete the eight-team field; Tickets on sale nowThe Brazilian Fluminense FC U23 “This is a great addition to the tournament team will round out the Walt Disney World and gives us one of our strongest fields in Pro Soccer Classic field at the ESPN Wide the five-year history of Pro Soccer Classic,’’ World of Sports Complex. said Disney Sports Director of Sports Development Mike Millay. Fluminense FC, one of the top soccer clubs in Brazil, joins the New York Red Bulls, “ We have always looked to strengthen the Toronto FC, Sporting KC, Philadelphia tournament year after year and with our Union, Columbus Crew, Montreal Impact world class facility and event management and Orlando City soccer clubs in the eight- staff we feel this event will give the teams team field. a unique training camp experience that Teams begin arriving in Central Florida hopefully will launch them toward successon Feb. 19 for three weeks of pre-season ful seasons. training camp and competition, culminating with the Disney Pro Soccer Classic title "We are proud to be the first Brazilian team game on Mar. 1 at 8 pm. invited to compete in the Walt Disney World Pro Soccer Classic,’’ said

Fluminense President Peter Siemsen. “We cer throughout Central Florida and estabsee the U.S. as a fast growing market, stra- lish the area as a prime training and competegic in our international plans for the club tition destination for pro soccer clubs. Last during the next couple years. Our goal is to year, the event at Disney attracted fans from continue to develop these players and we’re across the U.S. and Canada and gave them a looking forward to playing great MLS com- unique opportunity for an intimate fan expetition." perience at a world-class facility. Fluminense Director of Operations Marce- The tournament is just one of more than a lo Teixeira added, "The quality of play in the dozen popular soccer events held annualUnited States is improving each year. It is ly at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, physically more demanding than in Brazil. It which is the leading multi-sports venue in is most similar to the European game, where the nation and the official preseason trainplayers have less time on the ball. The oppor- ing home of the AS Roma soccer club. tunity for our younger players to compete at this level is fantastic and compliments the For more information on the Disney Pro final stage of their development as profes- Soccer Classic, visit www.espnwwos.com/ sionals." prosoccerclassic. Tickets for the event are on sale today through Ticketmaster.com, search The Disney Pro Soccer Classic field will be “Pro Soccer Classic” or by calling 800-745split into two groups. Group A features Or- 3000. Travel packages are available through lando City, Philadelphia, Columbus and To- GetTravel.com. The packages may include ronto. Group B includes New York, Montre- accommodations near Walt Disney World al, Sporting KC, and Fluminense. Resort, game tickets, ground transportation and discounted Disney theme park tickets. Entering its fifth year, the Disney Pro Soccer Classic is designed to boost interest in soc-

Walt Disney World Pro Futebol Clássico Lineup

ney Pro Futebol Clássico em 1 de março às 8 pm .

O Fluminense FC é um dos líderes munO Fluminense U23 junta-se a seis equi- diais no desenvolvimento de talentos. O pes de Major League (MLS), tais como o clube não é apenas responsável pela venMLS Cup Campeão Sporting KC, Sup- da de estrelas do futebol mundial como porters Shield campeão o New York Red Thiago Silva para a Europa para o MiBulls, Philadelphia Union, Columbus lan , mas também o desenvolvimento de Crew, Montreal Impact, e Toronto FC, vários jogadores atuais de renome como juntamente com o USL Pro Clube Or- Marcelo (Real Madrid) , Rafael ( Manlando City completando as 7 equipes que chester United) e seu irmão gêmeo Fábio ( Manchester United) . participam do campeonato; O brasileiro Fluminense FC equipe U23 "Este é um ótimo complemento para o vai se apresentar no campo de futebol torneio e nos presenteia com um dos mais do clássico de Walt Disney World Pro na fortes campeonato da história do Pro FuESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, tebol Clássico nos últimos cinco anos '‘, disse Disney Sports Diretor de Desencomplementando o campeonato. volvimento de Esportes Mike Millay . O Fluminense FC, junta-se a todas essas Sempre procurei fortalecer o torneio, equipes campeãs que chegam na Flórida ano após ano, e com as nossas instaCentral para no dia 19 de fevereiro dar lações de classe mundial e todo o pesa largada a três semanas de treinos de pré-temporada e competição, culminan- soal de gestão de eventos nós sentimos do com o jogo do título – a final da Dis- que este evento vai dar as


equipes uma experiência única no bol europeu, onde os jogadores têm campo de treinamento que espero menos tempo na bola. A oportunivenha a lançá-los em direção a tem- dade para os nossos jogadores mais poradas de sucesso. jovens para competir a este nível é fantástica e complementa a fase final Nós estamos orgulhosos de ser a de seu desenvolvimento como profisprimeira equipe brasileira convi- sionais. " dada para competir no Walt Disney World Pro Futebol Clássico '‘, disse O campo de futebol do clássico da o presidente Peter Siemsen do Flu- Disney Pro serão divididos em dois minense. " Vemos os EUA como um grupos. Grupo A apresenta Orlando mercado em rápido crescimento, de City, Filadélfia, Columbus e Toronto. importância estratégica em nossos Grupo B inclui Nova York, Montreal, planos internacionais para o clube Sporting KC, e Fluminense. durante os próximos dois anos. Nos- Entrando em seu quinto ano, o Disso objetivo é continuar a desenvolv- ney Pro Futebol Clássico é projetado er estes jogadores e estamos ansio- para aumentar o interesse no futesos para atuar na grande competição bol em toda a Flórida Central e estaMLS . " belecer a área como uma privilegiada área de treinamento e destino de comO Diretor de Operações do Flumi- petição para pro clubes de futebol. nense Marcelo Teixeira acrescen- No ano passado, o evento na Disney tou: "A qualidade do jogo nos Esta- atraiu fãs de todo os EUA e Canadá dos Unidos está melhor a cada ano. É e deu-lhes uma oportunidade única fisicamente mais exigente do que no para os fã em uma instalação de classe Brasil. É o mais parecido com o fute- mundial.





Carnaval em Orlando Festa com Nilson Dizeu e Beto Araujo. A boa música dos antigos Carnavais do Brasil!

1 de Março o

- Sábado - das 8pm às 11:30pm


Venha PARTICIPAR COM SUA FAMÍLIA DE UMA NOITADA ROMÂNTICA com muito MPB, e com músicas dos ANTIGOS CARNAVAIS DO RIO DE JANEIRO. “Pode vir vestido a caráter “ Colombinas e pierrôts serão bem-vindos. Afinal, recordar é viver!

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EGARD watch company, a USA based watch brand launched a collaborative watch collection with William Shatner named 'PASSAGES' by EGARD. Mr. Shatner was deeply involved in the conceptu-

alization and design of PASSAGES, a signed Limited Edition watch, featuring an automatic movement outfitted with a custom disk to represent day and night, that sits opposite to the open "beating heart" of the mechanical automatic movement displayed on the dial. Mr. Shatner's idea behind this feature is that

"our hearts & passions are what drive us through the days and nights of our lives."

• #2 most funded on all Crowd Funding platforms in its category • #16 most funded on Indiegogo.com in all categories • PASSAGES by EGARD, is now available as a preorder on www.egardwatches.com, and will be distributed through brick & mortar and internet luxury retailers in the spring of 2014.

Technical Specifications: • Limited edition case back numbered to 999 (of each color) • Engraved with William Shatner's signature • Custom case design (45mm width, 46.7mm length, height 14mm) - available

To further solidify the concept of the Passages of • in 4 colors (Stainless steel, PVD black, PVD time, EGARD decided to add authentic meteor dust gunmetal and PVD rose gold) to the AM/PM disc, in order to include elements from the present moment, back to the moment of • Modified automatic movement (miyota 82s7 creation of the universe itself. The launch of the PASwith added sun and moon indicator) SAGES collection took place on the crowd funding site, WWW.INDIEGOGO.COM on November 19, • -Curved sapphire crystal (conforming to the case) 2013, offered as a Presale,the campaign surpassed Sapphire crystal exhibition back its funding goal in less than 48 hours. The campaign ended on January 17(th )to record results: • Raised $681,721 in presales orders #1 most funded in the watch category on www.Indiegogo.com

• Swiss Superluminova Specially treated rubber strap with butterfly buckle • 3 year warranty • Water resistant to 5atm

Discovery Times Square Announces Heralded Return Of THE ART OF THE BRICK®

Exhibit With New Additions

Back by popular demand, Discovery Times Square is proud to announce the encore return of the captivating LEGO® brick exhibition, THE ART OF THE BRICK. After welcoming an unprecedented number of visitors during their 2013 run, the world's biggest and most elaborate display of art created from LEGO® bricks returnedto New York City's Discovery Times Square on February 14, 2014. Tickets to see THE ART OF THE BRICK, which showcases a collection of creative and inspiring art, constructed using only LEGO toy bricks by renowned contemporary artist Nathan Sawaya, are on sale now.

see exhibitions” in the world - achieved record-breaking runs in Singapore, Taiwan, and Australia. “I am grateful that there is so much demand for the art that we are returning to New York City,” said artist Nathan Sawaya. “I create and share my art to inspire others, and to take LEGO where it has never been before. Now more people will have the opportunity to experience THE ART OF THE BRICK and see LEGO bricks in a new light.”

On its heralded return to New York City, THE ART OF THE BRICK will also feature a newly introduced gallery that showcases Sawaya’s In THE ART OF THE BRICK brings to life Pieces collection, a multimedia collaboration Sawaya’s one-of-a-kind pieces of art, including produced in tandem with award-winning phoan impressive T-Rex dinosaur skeleton and the tographer Dean West. iconic pop-culture favorite “Yellow”--a lifesize sculpture of a man ripping his chest open THE ART OF THE BRICK at Discovery Times with thousands of sunshine-yellow LEGO Square runs until May 11, 2014. Discovery bricks cascading from the cavity. The exhibit, Times Square is open seven days a week. Tickone of the most successful exhibitions held at ets are available for $16.50 (child 4-12 years), Discovery Times Square, is the largest collec- $19.50 (adult) and $17.50 (seniors 65+). Once tion off LEGO art ever on display showcasing open, the last tickets are sold 45 minutes primore than 100 creations, including 50 stunning or to closing. For individual tickets and venue replicas of some of the most famous works of hours, visit http://www.discoverytsx.com/exhiart throughout history, like Van Gogh’s Starry bitions/art-of-the-brick, call 1.866.9.TSXNYC Night and Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. (866-987-9692) or visit the Discovery Times Square Box Office. Special savings for groups Prior to opening in NYC, the critically ac- of 10 or more are available with advanced resclaimed collection of creative and inspiring art ervation by calling Discovery Times Square - named by CNN as one of the Top 10 “must Group Sales at 855-BOOKDTS (855.266.5387).

Slimmer, Lighter PlayStation®Vita Launching In North America This Spring, Bundled With Borderlands®2 Lineup of Over 100 Games Heading To PlayStation Vita in 2014, Including God of War® Collection and Minecraft

Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC (SCEA) today announced a new slimmer, lighter PlayStation®Vita (PS Vita) Wi-Fi model (PCH-2000 series) will be available in North America this Spring. The system will be available in black as part of the Borderlands®2 Limited Edition PlayStation®Vita Bundle, which includes the first-person role-playing shooter hit Borderlands® 2 with six DLC packs and an 8GB PS Vita memory card, all for $199.99 (MSRP). The new PS Vita model comes with a redesigned architecture that is approximately 20 percent slimmer and 15 percent lighter than the original version, with new rounded edges that makes the system even more comfortable to hold. Incorporating a 1GB internal memory card, the new model makes it possible to enjoy games without purchasing a separate PS Vita memory card(*1).

tion Now will expand the gaming library further by allowing PlayStation 3 titles to be streamed to PS Vita when the service launches later this year."

Borderlands 2, from Gearbox Software, and 2K, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., takes advantage of the PS Vita system's unique features by letting players use the system's front touchscreen and rear touch The battery life has also been extended to four- to six-hours pad to zoom and pan on maps, manage inventory, inspect of game play (from three- to five-hours in the current mod- items, and more. el) and approximately seven hours of video play (from five hours in the current model). In addition, a high-defini- The sequel to the breakout original shooter-looter follows tion liquid crystal display (LCD) has been adopted for the six new Vault Hunters as they fight to free Pandora from the new system, delivering vivid and crisp visuals that PS Vita clutches of the brilliant, charismatic and utterly despicable games are known for. CEO of the Hyperion Corporation - Handsome Jack. Borderlands 2 for PS Vita includes six downloadable content PlayStation Vita is poised for a strong year, and introducing (DLC) packs: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty, Mr. the new model is just the start." said John Koller, vice presi- Torgue's Campaign of Carnage, Psycho Character Class, dent of platforms marketing, SCEA. " Mechromancer Character Class, Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 1 and Collector's Edition Pack. With an array of great games like MLB 14 The Show and The Walking Dead Season Two adding to PS Vita's huge Content for the PS Vita system is stronger than ever with catalog of games, as well as our strong indie lineup and the more than 100 games planned for the system this year, inability to play PS4 games through Remote Play, now is the cluding: perfect time to be a PS Vita owner. In addition, PlaySta-


• God of War®: Collection from SCE Worldwide Stu- • Fez from Polytron • 1001 Spikes from Nicalis dios (WWS)

Since the launch of the PlayStation®4 (PS4) system, the PS Vita system has become the ultimate companion device for • MLB®14 The Show(TM) from SCE WWS the home console with key features like "Remote Play," which allows most PS4 games to be streamed on the PS Vita system • The Sly Collection from SCE WWS at home over a Wi-Fi connection. The PS Vita system will also support PlayStation®Now (PS Now), SCE's streaming game • Invizimals(TM): The Alliance from SCE WWS service that leverages cloud-based technology. The service will be offered first on the PS4 and PS3 systems this summer, fol• Murasaki Baby(TM) from SCE WWS lowed by the PS Vita system and most 2014 U.S. models of Sony's BRAVIA TV lineup. • FINAL FANTASY® X HD Remaster and FINAL FAN- • Some titles or features may require using a memory card, which is sold separately. TASY® X-2 HD Remaster from SQUARE ENIX • The hard disk drive contains space that is available for users and space that is reserved for the system, therefore the • Hohokum((TM))( )from SCE WWS/HoneySlug actual space that is free for users is smaller than the total space stated in this document. • Helldivers(TM) from Arrowhead Game Studios/SCE • Design and specifications are subject to change without WWS notice. SOURCE Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC

• Destiny of Spirits(TM) from Q Entertainment/SCE WWS • No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either! (TM) from SCE WWS • BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma from Aksys Games • The Walking Dead: Season Two and The Wolf Among Us from Telltale Games Support from independent developers remains strong on the PS Vita system, with upcoming titles including:

• Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number from Dennaton and Devolver Digital • Minecraft from Mojang • Metrico from Digital Dreams • LUFTRAUSERS from Vlambeer and Devolver Digital

Victoria's Secret Launches 2014 Swim Collection Shot in glamorous St. Tropez, it features the hottest suits under the sun—and everything you need for your own Angel getaway. Enjoy a peek at some of our favorite suits here. Angel Candice Swanepoel on the cover of the first 2014 Swim catalogue cover of the year wearing the NEW! Very Sexy Lei Twist Bandeau with Lei String Bottom. An exotic beauty, this bandeau bikini combines Hawaiian-style straps in luxe Italian fabric. We are showing some of the suits, but you can find the entire collection at http://www.victoriassecret.com




On February 9, 1989, the world was introduced to the all-new Mazda MX-5 Miata at the Chicago Auto Show. A few months later, it was named as one of the five "World's Best Cars" by Road & Track and never looked back. Twenty-five years later, MX-5 has racked up more than 200 awards and sold more than 920,000 worldwide as of December 2013, making it the Guinness Book of World Records holder for “Best-Selling Two-Seater Sports Car.” Adding to these great achievements, more MX-5s are road-raced on any given weekend than any other model of car. “The MX-5 Miata has hit a number of milestones over the years and we’re honored to say that 25 years later it’s as much a global success and favorite among enthusiasts as it was on day one,” said Jim O’Sullivan, president and CEO, Mazda North American Operations (MNAO).

"At the Chicago Auto Show in 1989, MX-5 Miata set the bar for sports car performance and driving pleasure. Here we are on its 25th birthday still looking up at that bar." MX-5's success is that it has not strayed from its promise to deliver pure driving enjoyment at an attainable price. Its introduction in 1989 revived the two-seat roadster segment, and it went on to be named to Road & Track's "World's Best Cars" list and was 14-times one of Car and Driver's "10Best". Enthusiasts are encouraged to wish the MX-5 Miata a happy birthday on Twitter using the hashtag #MX5Turns25. 25 Years of Greatness A Look Back Launched in May 1989 with a starting price of $13,800 MSRP, the first-generation MX-5 Miata featured a 1.6-liter four-cylinder engine with 116 horsepower and 100 lb-ft of torque. A five-speed manual transmission was standard, but a four-speed automatic was available as an option. Suspension was by independent double wishbone on all four wheels, and braking consisted of four wheel-disc brakes with the front ventilated. The engineering team created a three-fold, easy-to-operate soft top

with one-hand operation that was lightweight and offered superior weather protection, and is still the model of simplicity in today's roadsters. All together, the MX-5 Miata weighed a low 2,116 pounds curb weight and could reach 60 mph in less than nine seconds. The second-generation MX-5 Miata debuted in 1998 as a 1999 model year, offering a more powerful 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine with 140 horsepower and 119 lb-ft of torque, and new styling that was most obvious in the front as the first generation car's distinctive pop-up headlights were replaced with a faired-in design. In addition, the plastic rear window in the MX-5's soft top was replaced with a heated glass window. Features such as a straight intake port, a variable-inertia exhaust system and a dual exhaust manifold were incorporated to aid the sporty feel. The base model could reach 60 mph in 7.9 seconds, with a top speed of 122 mph. A special limited edition model was introduced in 1999 to celebrate MX-5's 10-year anniversary. This model ramped up performance by use of a new six-speed manual transmission, Torsen(速 )limited-slip differential and sport-tuned suspension with Bilstein shock absorbers. A special

Sapphire Blue Mica paint with more than 700 dealers. blue soft top also was offered on Operations in Mexico are manthe special edition model. aged by Mazda Motor de Mexico in Mexico City. In 2005, the third generation MX-5 was introduced with a new 16-valve, 2.0-liter MZR I-4 engine, producing 170 horsepower and 140 lb-ft of torque, coupled to either a fivespeed or a six-speed manual transmission or 166 horsepower with the optional six-speed automatic transmission. Every component on the car was either all-new or extensively revised, with the only part shared with the earlier generations being the side-repeater turn signal lamp on non-U.S. models. A front wishbone/rear multilink suspension was used beginning with the 2006 MX-5 to increase ride quality and handling. Technologies like traction control and stability control also were added. Mazda North American Operations is headquartered in Irvine, Calif., and oversees the sales, marketing, parts and customer service support of Mazda vehicles in the United States and Mexico through


Mercedes-AMG and Cigarette Racing Team present two visionary super sports concepts Two visions of Design and Craftsmanship Roar into the Miami International Boat Show: • Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision Gran Turismo • Cigarette Racing 50' Vision GT Concept Two legendary brands with legendary visions will unite once again at the Miami International Boat Show on February 13, 2014. Cigarette Racing and the Mercedes-Benz high-performance brand AMG join forces for the fourth consecutive year to present futuristic visions, the Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision Gran Turismo Concept car and the Cigarette Racing 50' Vision GT Concept. For the new PlayStation(®)3 racing game Gran Turismo(®) 6, Mercedes-Benz designers developed the ultimate concept of a super sports car - the Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision Gran Turismo. Extreme proportions, sensual contours and intelligently implemented high technology blend to form a body that visually brings to life the breathtaking performance of the AMG V8 front-mid engine with 577 hp (430 kW) and 590 lb-ft of torque. Realized as a 1:1-scale model, the Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision Gran Turismo celebrated its world premiere on November 19, 2013 at the opening of the new Mercedes-Benz Research & Development Center in Sunnyvale, California. The super sports car with its hallmark Mercedes gullwing doors made its auto show debut in Los Angeles on November 20, 2013 and then took to the virtual racetrack when the new racing game went on sale in December 2013 - as the first of the “Vision Gran Turismo” series of vehicles.

Two visions of design and craftsmanship roar into the Miami International Boat Show: the Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision Gran Turismo Concept car and the Cigarette Racing 50'(TM) Vision GT Concept.

To mark the 15th anniversary of the popular Gran Turismo(速) series in 2013, Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of Gran Turismo and president of Polyphony Digital Inc., called upon the world's leading automotive manufacturers and design studios to look forward into the future. Using the theme "Vision Gran Turismo," these creative teams were to develop concept models which give a unique insight into the further development of the automobile. As virtual vehicles that nonetheless function just like a real car, the visionary concepts will be gradually unveiled in and integrated into the new game Gran Turismo(速) 6 through online updates. The Mercedes-Benz AMG Vision Gran Turismo was the first concept of the "Vision Gran Turismo" series to be integrated in the game, released in December. The Mercedes-Benz concept car perfectly embodies the design philosophy of sensual purity. The technical details engineered with utmost precision, such as the headlamps, the front grille and even the tailpipe trim, create a deliberate contrast to the sensual design idiom of the vehicle body and bolster its breathtaking appearance on the road. While this concept car is a vision that is not committed to production, it does preview design inspirations for the future of Mercedes-Benz.

Extreme proportions striking design

and spired by the Formula 1 cockpit, the red integral sports seats blend into the black The sports car proportions flooring of the footwell to that are a typical Mercedes form a protective shell. The feature are reinterpreted in form of this flowing, sculpthe Vision Gran Turismo: the tured shell suggests enormous long hood has a flowing tran- forward thrust. sition into a compact greenhouse offset to the rear, which The dashboard also creates an takes the form of an aerody- equally dynamic effect. It has namically efficient water drop been designed in the form of to descend slightly at the rear, two gullwing doors which are where it rests on the rear end positioned on each side of the with broad shoulder contours. steering column. As a result the actual doors themselves The dynamic aura is accen- appear to be an extension of tuated by an extended, dra- the instrument panel. matic side contour and a pronounced bulge to the wheel A natural collaboration with arches, which blend into the Cigarette: Crafted lightlow-slung, muscular body- weight performance shell. The extraordinary headlights, with their color Virtually simultaneous to the scheme and determined look, development of the Vision convey a sense of sportiness Gran Turismo was the special and readiness to leap forward. development of the Cigarette Racing 50' Vision GT ConThis impression is reinforced cept, a one-of-a-kind special by the hood with its expres- model which is the most powsive forms and motorsport erful production twin engine details, such as the release performance boat ever develcatches on the hood and the oped and built by Cigarette fuel cap, for example. The Racing. red-glowing contour lines on the lower part of the vehicle Collaboration between Cigcreate an effect similar to that arette Racing Team, Merof exterior ambient lighting cedes-AMG and Polyphony and stand out from the sil- Digital Inc. created one-ofver-painted bodywork. This a-kind elements for the Cigmakes the Mercedes-Benz arette Racing 50' Vision GT AMG Vision Gran Turismo Concept, incorporating a look even more expressive. stunning Alubeam painted exterior that includes a custom The exterior design of the matte black hull and accents. Vision Gran Turismo, which is systematically and passion- The Cigarette Racing 50' Viately geared to motor racing, sion GT Concept has twin 1650 is congenially mirrored in the hp Mercury Racing engines, interior of the two-seater. In- which roar at 300 hp per en-

gine higher than the standard engines used in the 50' Cigarette Marauder. Lightweight construction has allowed for approximately 1000 lbs to be removed from the standard spec weight, thereby allowing the boat to have an estimated top speed of more than 140 mph at a length of 50' and a width of 8'. No detail was left untouched when designing the interior of the Cigarette Racing 50' Vision GT Concept. The crafted interior is black with black alcantara accents, and uses carbon fiber dash panels inside the boat with silver face gauges. User interface technology is also maximized with Bluetooth, computerized controls, four high-definition displays, and the next generation integration of Garmin and Cigarette navigation and audio. The price of this one-of-akind boat from Cigarette Racing Team is USD $1.5 million. The Miami International Boat Show is open to the public from February 13-17 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. For more information, please visit miamiboatshow.com.


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The Volkswagen Microbus 2014 The Volkswagen Microbus 2014 is ready to show its new model of microbus. Now VW shows off its microbus segment after 10 years. This car built in Europe will become the main competitor to the Honda Odyssey, Nissan Quest, and Toyota Sienna. The final motivation for this New VW Microbus is to maximize the investment in the group MQB “matrix� platform.

available with turbocharged, four-cylinder gasoline and diesel engines; a hybrid is a strong possibility. VW said that the 2014 Volkswagen Microbus will be 3,200 pound curb weight would be running from 0 to 62 mph in 11.5 seconds with the power of 199 pound feet of torque. Further, 170 h 2.5 liter in five-cylinder, 2000 hp 2.0 liter turbo-four and 140 hp 2.0 liter TDI turbo diesel-four will equipped by Front wheel Drive. The The selling price will start at $30,000, and it is ex- six-speed manual and six-speed automatic funcpected to get closer to $40,000, released on the fall tion are both available. of 2013 with sales beginning early in 2014. The Interior shows a minimalist concept design on the 2014 Volkswagen Microbus. There are gauges and control group around the steering wheel and pair of slim-section 3-passenger bench seats, which can be folded to create a makeshift bed. Volkswagen Microbus styled under VW Group design, Walter de Silva and also VW brand deputy, Klaus Bischoff. New VW design will show its characteristic, such as, a basic box with rounded lines, a bulldog nose with oversize VW logo, a gently curved windshield, a space-efficient wheels-at-the-corners stance, and 4 conventionally hinged side doors instead of rear sliders or the original T1 s dual French rear doors. Volkswagen Microbus 2014 would be


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A firma americana WET cria a fonte oficial para os Jogos OlĂ­mpicos de Inverno de 2014 em Sochi

A fonte As Águas do Parque Olímpico de diâmetro e comporta aproximada- cadas pela WET para produzir uma é revelada nas cerimônias de abertura mente 700.000 galões de água. O proje- experiência mágica, emocionante e A WET, companhia de projetos de fontes aquáticas ganhadora de prêmios, baseada no sul da Califórnia e responsável pelos mais icônicos ambientes com água e fogo de todo o mundo, incluindo as famosas Fontes do Hotel Bellagio em Las Vegas, revela hoje sua mais recente criação, As Águas do Parque Olímpico, nas cerimônias de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 2014 em Sochi, Rússia. Concebida, projetada, desenvolvida e fabricada pela WET expressamente para os Jogos de Sochi, a fonte As Águas do Parque Olímpico é um modelo criativo e tecnológico apresentando águas, névoa e luzes coreografadas. Todos os elementos atuam em união, sob a direção de coreógrafos de longa data da WET, ao som da música de compositores russos, incluindo Tchaikovsky e Khachaturian, para celebrar a 22a. edição dos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno. Além de fazer parte das cerimônias de abertura e encerramento, a fonte As Águas do Parque Olímpico serve como epicentro da Praça das Medalhas e pano de fundo das cerimônias de entrega das medalhas. Ela também foi projetada como um ponto social central e centro de entretenimento para atletas, participantes e o público em geral. A firma russa contratante Stroi International criou o ambiente que abriga a fonte. Após o encerramento dos Jogos, a fonte será presenteada à cidade de Sochi e continuará sendo uma atração permanente. A fonte As Águas do Parque Olímpico mede 75,3 metros (cerca de 247 pés)

to apresenta os cinco simbólicos anéis olímpicos formados por centenas de Shooters® movidos a ar da WET, o quais lançam para o ar colunas verticais de água com altura de até 70 metros (230 pés). Entrelaçados com os Shooters® estão os bicos robóticos controlados por movimento da WET, que criam ondulantes leques de água que fazem piruetas por toda a bacia da fonte. Espirais de névoa também deslizam sobre a superfície da água, criando uma aura de suspense antes de plumas de água sincronizadas emergirem debaixo delas.

inigualável. Apesar de todos os elementos das criações sofisticadas e impressionantes da WET serem concebidos e feitos nos Estados Unidos, as fontes são basicamente projetadas para se tornarem símbolos das comunidades onde são instaladas. Desde sua fundação em 1983, a WET criou mais de 220 fontes em mais de 20 países em cinco continentes. Detentora de mais de 100 patentes e empregando mais de 200 designers, engenheiros, arquitetos, cientistas, animadores e coreógrafos, a WET projeta e fabrica todos os elementos de suas fontes internamente, dentro de seu centro de pesquisas de 50.000 pés quadrados, sua fábrica de 60.000 pés quadrados e seu estúdio de projetos de 8.000 pés quadrados, todos localizados em seu campus na região de Burbank/Sun Valley, em Los Angeles, Califórnia.

À noite, as colunas de água se transformam em fogos líquidos ultra-vibrantes, realçados pelas centenas de luzes de LED de palcos teatrais submarinas (as luzes de LED coloridas mais brilhantes de todo o mundo). A apresentação melhora ainda mais com o efeito do recurso "céu noturno", com milhares de "estrelas" cintilantes que aparecem dentro das águas da fonte, espelhando Nomeada uma das "Companhias Mais o céu acima dela. Inovadoras" pela revista Fast Company em 2010, a WET recebeu vários prêmiMark Fuller, co-fundador e CEO da os de design e negócios, e apareceu na WET, disse, "A WET está honrada e es- revista The New Yorker, nos jornais The tamos muito satisfeitos por fazermos New York Times e Los Angeles Times e parte dos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno no programa de TV Sunday Morning de 2014 em Sochi. Os Jogos são o en- da CBS. contro literal de atletas, países e pessoas celebrando a excelência e o espírito da Além das Fontes do Bellagio, os projecompetição saudável. É isto que inspi- tos da WET incluem A Fonte de Dubai ra a inovação e impulsiona a conquista. (a maior fonte do mundo), O Caldeirão Esta busca por excelência está também dos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 2002 no coração da WET e estamos ansiosos em Salt Lake City, a Fonte do Parque para expressarmos nossa paixão através Efteling na Holanda e a Fonte Revson de nosso trabalho neste extraordinário no Lincoln Center for the Performing evento global". Arts. Para mais informações, visite o endereço www.wetdesign.com. As tecnologias próprias usadas na fonte As Águas do Parque Olímpico são todas criadas, desenvolvidas e fabri-

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