AboutUs By Hotspotorlando

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AboutUs By Hotspotorlando

# 18

Vai de Bike-Luiz Cavalli

aboutUs By Hotspotorlando


Spring arrives in full power! Blooming trees and flowers, blue skies and lots of rain, inspiration at its highest levels, everything in a roll of overwhelming feelings, and best of all bringing us a preparation for the Summer. The Prelude to it all! We should have Yard Sales, Spring cleanings, and hope for enough time to maybe, fix the garden, or even plan a trip, or a small vacation. But what I really want is to just lay my body in the sun and let the ocean water hit me, caress my face, and thank the creator , one more time, for making me a part of such a beautiful world, for the marvelous nature, and for being alive. No matter what, I am happy for being here, and to be part of this world. Even the not so fair people we find along the way. Life is a gift, and if any of us take a minute to stop, we will realize how grand it is, and then maybe you will start paying more attention to it. Love yourself, the environment, nature, they are all God’s creations for us. Never forget this. It is called present for a reason, receive it ,embrace it. It is God’s gift to all of us. Have a great Spring!

Laiz Rodrigues

Paint by Jessilyn Park

this issue’s colaborators CEO Ademar Rodrigues EDITOR Laiz Rodrigues Photography Hotspotorlando Guest Photography By WDW Disney Universal Patricia Moura Keneth Cole Hyatt Regency Resort Our Thanks to: Amy Litter-A Clear Path Edmundo Cavalcanti-Brazilian Art Elita Freitas- Easy Culinary Between Friends Larry Poynter Jr. - Orlando Music Scene Patricia Moura-Environment Vicky-Vicky Talking a lot Show www.thehotspotorlando.com Luiz Piquet Laura Richeson Communications

Flamenco Dancers at Heritage Day-May 2013

table of contents

Page 1 Cover- Luiz Cavalli Page 2 Editorial Page 3 Colaborators & Table of Contents Page 4 Jessilyn Park Art Expo Page 9 Jay Gallery-Slow Art Day Page 11 Snap Orlando Page 15 Roberto Cavalli by Edmundo Cavalcanti Page 18 Patricia Moura Page 23 Brazilian Hospitality in Orlando Page 24 City of Orlando-Orlando Science Museum Page 27 Superstation in Orlando Page 28 Business Page 37 Christiano Piquet Award Page 38 Vicky Talking a lot Show Page 40 Elita Freitas Entre Amigos Page 41 Amy Litter-A Clear path Page 44 Travel Page 48 Tourism Page 57 Led Zeppellin Page 58 Larry Poynter Jr.-The Orlando Music Scene Page 60 Soccer and the City-The Orlando City Soccer Page 61 Easy Culinary


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The month of April and begining of May were particularly busy, there were many important Art events and for us our Art Edition started with Jessilyn Park’s first solo expo, an accomlishment that must be celebrated, every victory counts for the young artist, and since she was in our magazine a few months ago we wouldn’t miss it, and you will see all of it!


EXCELENT! Then what we have been waiting for a year! Snap! Orlando. For us Snap is the best ! it is vibrant, creative, the largest and most complete Photoraphy event and a moment where everything else must wait till it is over. In Brazil Edmundo is bringing one of our best artists and very well known, with more color and visual magic! Luz Cavalli renown Brazilian Artist.

Later in the month, we participated in Jai Gallery-Slow Art Day, a very unique event, where you observe each piece with care and attention. It was So right now, take a deep breath and dive in! Because we are in a roll!

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Slow Art Day

In a mixture of Art photography, beautiful paintings and sculptures, a large array of artists await for our senses to awaken and observe. According to Carolie Claeysen-Gleyzon, Jai Gallery’s Director, in a museum or Gallery the average time frame to observe each work is about 17 seconds. And that is just not enough. Slow Art Day was designed to allow people the opportunity to have 10 minutes with each one of the Artists work picked by the Gallery, to observe, feel and understand what each one is all about. The most important aspect of admiring art is the fact that regardless of the artist’s inspiration, art is what you feel, and the feeling its beauty brings to you, and with the opportunity of observing it for 10 minutes, you will eventually touch into the artist’s intended message. Slow Art Day is for everyone, not only for the Art connoisseur or experts. Every single person with sensibility to find beauty will enjoy it and understand that Art interpretation is an ability that everybody is entitled to have. Observe, feel and find within yourself to relate to it, and find your own point of identification with the object of your attention. Jai Gallery is at 101 South Garland Ave., Suite 105, Orlando Florida 32801. Find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/JaiGallery Phone #(407) 921-0693 Email coralie@jaigallery.net Website http://www.jaigallery.net

To the Left Carolie and Dennis Liddy, she is the Gallery Director, he is the owner, bellow photo by Jenny Risher, “ In My Skin” series. To the left Patricia Chute


orks by Patricia Chute, Jenny Risher, Jefrey Hoffman, Michael R. Rothwell and Marcos Cruz, were observed and then discussed in a group gathering after a series of 10 minutes reflections in each art piece. The group discussion was mediated by Coralie, and the group was compost by people from the media, art experts, kids, fashion and design experts, guests from France. It was a very eclectic group of people with many different ideas, and visions. Slow Art Day happens once a year, but Jai Gallery opens Monday through Saturday, always available to show the best in Art.


motion to light

Every year Snap reunites a group of art photographers with different qualities and the ability to transform. As art is transformation beyond your very eyes, snap brings to us the minds that are able to bring their world to Photography, and their experiences and their vision of life as well. If an image is worth 1000 words, snap will bring you a million. Executed in the heart of Downtown Orlando, snap showed, not only images but, lectures, interviews with the artists, and a fashion photoshoot. From May 2nd to May 5th, snap Orlando was the place to be.

Patrick , Snap creator, and Holly Kahn with their children, all supporting Snap together.


5472 International Dr Orlando, Florida 32819-8561 Phone (407) 447-8946 Website http://www.paogostoso.net

Edmundo Cavalcanti Arte Brasileira LUIZ CAVALLI

Intensa visão - Arte e dinamismo

Tive a honra e o prazer de conhecer Luiz Cavalli e suas obras,em uma das exposições que visitei, e gostaria que vocês conhecessem a arte desse talentoso artista.

Automóveis, bicicletas, lambretas, carrinhos com vendedores de cocada e cadeiras são imagens recorrentes na pintura de Luiz Cavalli. Sua pincelada, livre e em movimentos circulares, é uma solução plástica feliz para transmitir a ideia de um movimento constante.

A reflexão poética que cada tela traz é a de uma expressão contínua de amor pela vida e pelo gesto sem freios. Não existem limitações de cor ou de forma a tolher o progressivo desenvolver da pintura. Acima de tudo, está a decisão visual de mergulhar em si mesmo para retirar dali a força motriz de sua obra. O maior mérito de Luiz Cavalli é o poder que ele atinge nas composições. Existe muito mais um caminhar gregário do que uma solidão existencial. As próprias cores utilizadas indiciam justamente o calor da conversa possível com o outro. Assim, Luiz Cavalli traz essa intensidade à tona quanto mais se permite ser fiel a si mesmo. Nasceu em 1956 em Soledade - Rio Grande Sul –Brazil e vive em São Paulo desde 1965

Cores intensas e gestos largos contribuem para introduzir no trabalho uma dose de humor, no sentido de uma aparente fé na própria Como foi a escolha do curso vida e nas suas potencialidades. de faculdade? Mesmo que a sua pintura traga o Terminei o IADÊ colégio técnico de conceito inerente de dinamismo e de Comunicação, e a melhor escola que que tudo é passageiro, prossegue o existia de arte neste pais na época, era compromisso com a qualidade. o Colegial Técnico e não queria como Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/A-arte-de-Edmundo-Cavalcanti

todos fazer depois a FAAP- Faculdade Armando Álvares Penteado então optei pela Casper Libero porque eu queria ser correspondente fotográfico, mas claro, não entrei e resolvi então tentar FAAP e entrei para fazer Comunicação Visual.

Quais são suas principais influências?

Bem, é muito variada e cheia de coisas, fui muito influenciado pelos professores do IADÊ e através de amigos conheci muita gente como Geraldo de Barros que me ajudou muito, Rui Gama professor da FAU (Faculdade de arquitetura e urbanismo), Loy Portinari irmão de Candido de quem tive aula particular de desenho de observação. Tive também um grande apoio de Inácio de Loyola e Claro os professores da FAAP.

Email: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

para trabalhar no Departamento de RTVC, e com isso parei de desenhar até 2003, quando recomeçou, veio com tudo. Neste período eu rabiscava em cadernos trabalhando, mas estava fo cado em cinema e produção e como falei, tive um stress no trabalho e comecei a levar para casa restos de Cenários em madeira e comecei a pintar da noite para o dia. Primeiro pintei muito xadrez para me ambientar com a tinta e depois comecei a soltar o pincel, comprei telas e gostei. Mostrei para alguns artistas que conhecia como o Aguilar e fui bem recebido, ele pediu para não parar mais de pintar...

Como é o seu processo criativo Não tenho processo criativo, acho que o tempo me deu muita informação em si? O que te inspira...um visual. Vejo uma figura e pinto. filme, livro... De onde vem esse Como fotografei anos e anos, olho primeiro impulso para criar? uma foto minha e pinto.

Bem, eu desenhava pontilhismo até mais ou menos os 22 anos. Mas em 1975 eu tinha 18 para 19 anos, e entrei na Agencia MPM propaganda

Acordo a noite e vou pintar. Não tem uma explicação. Sai como necessidade de produzir arte.

Blog: www.artedeemundo.blogspot.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edmundo.cavalcanti

Se você fosse resumir em poucas palavras o significado das Artes na sua vida...

A arte para mim é a minha vida hoje e hoje meu negocio é tinta. A arte aproxima as pessoas, alivia alma.

O que a arte representa para você? (Pois é sabido que muitos artistas usam a arte para expressarem seus sentimentos e impressões de mundo, porém á aqueles que apenas o fazem como forma de hobby ou passatempo, para dar uma pausa no estresse do dia-a-dia).

Quando você começou Para mim hoje significa nea trabalhar com artes cessidade de vida. Vou pintar plásticas? até o fim. e como falei vivo da

Em 2003 recomecei a pintar, mas viver da arte foi em 2006 que comecei a vender e viver da arte larguei tudo e agora vivo da arte.

A arte é uma produção intelectual primorosa, onde as emoções estão inseridas no contexto da criação, porém na historia da arte, vemos que muitos artistas são derivados de outros, seguindo técnicas e movimentos artísticos através do tempo, você possui algum modelo ou influencia de algum artista? Quem seria? Tenho loucura por cor, por isso Matisse me inspira muito e o expressionismo Alemão que gosto muito, tinta largada na tela, uma maravilha e muitos outros. Como o Aguilar eJorge Guinle, e ai vai...

arte, virou um produto. e eu vivo dele...Muita tinta e vida.

sonhos a outros patamares pressionismo da palavra está ligado ao conceito de um de expressão, quem é essa pessoa e como ela te intro- movimento de fora para dentro que retrata uma duziu no mundo das artes? Já respondi um pouco sobre eles lá em cima, mas tudo começou de repente e sou livre, eu resolvi pintar. Comprei a tinta e fui aprendendo tudo sozinho...

Exposições mais recentes:

Exposição Individual – Equilibrio - Galeria 22 Abril 2013

Exposição Individual no Quais as técnicas que você Espaço Mercearia São Roque usa para expressar suas - Dezembro 2012 ideias, sentimentos e percepção a cerca do mundo? Exposição Coletiva na Art e (Se é através da pintura, es- Art Brasília - Dezembro 2012 cultura, desenho, colagem, fotografia... ou usa várias Exposição Coletiva Wine técnicas no sentido de fazer Art Joquey Club São Paulo um mix de Agosto 2012 formas diferentes de arte). Bem já usei diversas técnicas, de tudo um pouco mas, trabalho mesmo em acrílico sobre tela.Na pintura tenho uma grande influencia da fotografia, mas só trabalho com pintura por enquanto.

Todo artista tem seu mentor, aquela pessoa a quem você se espelhou, que te incentivou e te inspirou a seguir essa carreira, indo adiante e levando seus

Telão do Faustão apresenta arte e dinamismo de Luiz Cavalli - Junho 2012

Exposição Individual no Festival Art Delight -Rio de Janeiro- 2012 Exposição Individual no Espaço Mestiço São Paulo -SP - Janeiro 2012 Opinião da critica: Expressionismo feliz O ex-

Geralmente associado com o pensamento alemão, o movimento da pintura, tendo esse nome geralmente é marcado por gritos de dor e de guerra em um mundo dilacerado.

No caso de veículos como carros, bicicletas, scooter ou carrinhos com vendedores de cocada e outros produtos alimentares, a arte de Luiz Cavalli cresce, porque se seu toque expressionista feliz encaixa naturalmente o movimento circular e a busca de uma resposta que o dinamismo de plástico propõe veículos.

Gaúcho de pintor da cidade de São Paulo, Luiz Cavalli, expressa no Expressionismo alegre. Dentro dele, a agonia da Europa, que é marcada pela destruição ou cicatrizes, não existe.

Oscar D’Ambrosio, jornalista, é mestre em artes Instituto de artes visuais (IA) da Unesp, câmpus de São Paulo e integra a Associação Internacional de críticos de arte (AICA-Seção Brasil).

visão do mundo.

http://www.luizcavalli.com.br Sua visão da vida é poesia. A cor é trazida a lona com http://luizcavalli.blogspot.com/ Facebook:Luiz Cavalli ampla liberdade e refere-se Email: a figura humana com intensidade brilhante design col- luizcavalli@luizcavalli.com.br orido vibrante das formas. luizinhocavalli@yahoo.com.br Existe uma maneira de ver o ser humano cuidar.

Mesmo quando ele é destruído pela quantidade de cor e o gesto amplo, algumas pinceladas de humor e uma visão de pessoas como críticas e escárnio alerta sobre a natureza finita da vida e a futilidade de vaidade em um mundo onde tudo é cada vez mais efêmero.






CHAIR 2011

LUIZ CAVALLI Intense vision Art and dynamism By Edmundo Cavalcanti I had the honor and pleasure of knowing Luiz Cavalli and his work in one of the exhibitions that I visited, and I would like you to meet the art of this talented artist. Cars, bikes, scooters, carts with vendors cocada and chairs are recurring images in his paintings. His brushwork, free and in a circular motion, is a plastic solution, happy to convey the idea of a​​ constant motion. Intense colors and sweeping gestures contribute to introduce the work with a dose of humor, to an apparent faith in life and its potential. Even though his paintings bring in their concept an inherent dynamism and everything is fleeting, he keeps his commitment with quality. A poetic reflection that brings each screen is a continuous expression of love for life and the gesture without brakes. There are no limitations on color or shape to thwart the progressive development of the painting. Above all, the decision is visually immerse yourself in there to remove the driving force of his work. The greatest merit of Luiz Cavalli is the power that he reaches with his compositions. There is more of a gregarious walk than an existential loneliness. The precision indicated in the colors used make the dialogue possible with each other. The more Luiz Cavalli brings that intensity to light the more it allows him to be true to him-

self. Born in 1956 in Soledad - Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil living in São Paulo since 1965

climate myself with paint and then started to drop the brush, bought screens and I liked it. Showed to some artists who I knew like Aguilar and was well received, he asked me not to stop painting ... I have no creative process, I think the time has given me a lot of visual information. I see a figureI paint. Like in photography I look at a picture of me and paint .I wake up at night and I have to paint. There is no explanation. I just need to produce art.

How did you choose your College Course? I finished technical college Communication at IADE. Tecnical College was the best school of art that existed in the country at that time, Then I opted for Casper Libero because I wanted to be a correspondent photographer, but of course, I did not get resolved then try FAAP and went to Visual Communica- If you were to summarize in a tion. few words the meaning of Art in your life ... What are your main influences? Art for me is my life and now Well, There is variety of things, my business is ink. I was very influenced by teach- Art brings people together, ers at IADE and through friends soothes the soul. I met a lot of people like Geraldo de Barros that helped me When you started working with a lot, Rui Gama FAU professor art? (Faculty of Architecture and Ur- Resumed painting in 2003, but banism), Loy Portinari Candido living from art was in 2006 that Portinari’s brother who had I began to sell and live from art tuition in drawing from obser- I dropped everything and now vation. I also had a great sup- live art .... · port from Ignatius Loyola and course teachers at FAAP. Art is an exquisite intellectual production, where emotions are embedded in the context How is your creative process of creation, but in art history, itself? What inspires you ... a we see that many artists are movie, a book ... Where does derived from other, following this first impulse to create technical and artistic movecomes from? ments through time, you have Well, I drew pointillism until any models or influences fromabout age 22. But in 1975 I was some artist? Who would it be? 18 to 19 years, joined the agency I'm crazy for color, Matisse inMPM Propaganda Department, spires me so much and I really to work on RTVC, and I stopped like German expressionism, ink drawing until 2003, when I re- dropped on the screen, a marstarted, came full force. In this vel, and many others. As Aguiperiod I scribbled in notebooks lar and Jorge Guinle. at work but I was focused in film and production and as I said, I What does art mean to you? was overwhelmed at work and (For it is known that many artstarted to take home remains of ists use art to express their Scenarios in wood and started feelings and impressions of the painting the night on the first world, but those who will only day. First I painted plaid to ac- do so as a hobby or pastime, to

take a break from the stress of day-to-day). For me today means necessity of life. I paint until the end. and as I said l Iive art, I turned it into a product. and I live it ... Much ink and life. What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perceptions about the world? (If it is through painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography ... or use several techniques to make a mix of different art forms). Well I've used several techniques, a bit of everything,even worked with acrylic paint on canvas. I have a great influence from photography, but just work with paint for now. Every artist has his mentor, the person to whom you mirrored, you're encouraged and inspired you to pursue this career, going ahead and taking your dreams to new heights of expression, who that person is and how it introduced you to the art world ? I answered a little about them before, but it started suddenly and I am free, I decided to paint. I bought the paint and I learned it all by myself ...

Solo Exhibition at Art Festival Delight-Rio de Janeiro-2012 Opinion of the critics: Expressionism happy Expressionism, the word is linked to the concept of a movement from outside to inside which depicts a world view. Usually associated with German thought, the movement of the painting, and this name is usually marked by cries of pain and in a war-torn world. Gaucho painter from the city of São Paulo, Luiz Cavalli expressed Expressionism cheerful. Inside, the agony of Europe, which is marked by the destruction or scars, no. His view of life is poetry. Color is brought to canvas with ample freedom and refers to the human figure intensely bright vibrant colorful design shapes. Is there a way to see the human caring. Even when it is destroyed by the amount of color and sweeping gesture, a few strokes of humor and a vision of people like criticism and derision warning about the finite nature of life and the futility of vanity in a world where everything is increasingly ephemeral.

For vehicles such as cars, Most recent exhibitions: bikes, scooter or stroller with Solo Exhibition-Equilibrio - Gal- vendors cocada and other food lery 22 - April 2013 products, the art of Luiz Cavalli grows, because if your touch Solo Exhibition Space Grocer- expressionist happy fits natuies São Roque - December 2012 rally circular movement and Collective exhibition in the Art the search for an answer to the and Art Brasilia - December dynamic plastic proposes ve2012 hicles. Collective Exhibition Art Joqu- Oscar D'Ambrosio, a journaley Wine Club São Paulo - Au- ist, a Master of Arts Institute of gust 2012 Visual Arts (IA) of UNESP, São Paulo campus and includes the Screen Faustão features art International Association of Art and dynamism of Luiz Cavalli - Critics (AICA-Section Brazil). June 2012

O Mundo lá Fora

Patricia Moura Quando aceitei o convite da Editora Laíz Rodrigues para assinar uma coluna na revista AboutUs, de imediato veio em mente o desejo de abordar temas, pessoas e ações que contribuem para mudar e melhorar o mundo, assim, esta primeira coluna é dedicada a você, caro terráqueo, que assim como eu, está preocupado com o mundo lá fora. Começo lembrando algo fundamental e que embora pareça óbvio, muita gente não se dá conta: o mundo está em nossas mãos! A força e o poder de nossas atitudes são infinitamente mais potentes do que podemos supor e cada escolha, seja a de um político corrupto, a forma de educarmos nossos filhos, como cuidamos do nosso lixo ou como atuamos nas relações de consumo, por mais banal que possa parecer, direta ou indiretamente, sempre irá interferir em

muitas outras vidas.

mais de sete bilhões de pessoas e mesmo que estejamos vivendo em um país Há séculos temos feito escolhas maravilhoso ou confortavelmente erradas, comprometendo os recursos instalados em uma mansão luxuosa, do planeta.

to caro, do menor que te roubou, enfim, ser expectador passivo, mas, com o mundo em colapso, a inércia já não cabe no cenário global e quando falo

É preciso parar e olhar em volta, refletir e rever nossa parcela de responsabilidade por cada escolha, reavaliar nossa relação socioambiental com a Terra.

Não podemos esque cer que temos um único planeta em comum e não há como escapar, mesmo com todo o dinheiro do mundo, temos que dividi-lo com

a beleza dos nossos dias poderá ser maculada ao dobrarmos a esquina, onde inevitavelmente estarão muitos dos excluídos, pois a miséria tem uma cara muito feia e essas caras estarão por toda parte, impotentes e inertes na desesperança. É cômodo apontar e reclamar da violência, da desigualdade social, da corr up ç ão, da natureza e animais se extinguindo, do alimen-

no cenário global, não estou me referindo ao que de bom ou ruim acontece no outro lado do globo terrestre. Refiro-me ao cenário que nossos olhos alcançam.

Dignidade é um direito de todos e é nosso dever resgatar quem padece ao nosso lado e atuar na construção de uma melhor qualidade de vida para todos.

lugar onde vivemos. É preciso trabalhar para resgatar a paz e o equilíbrio socioambiental com atitudes conscientes e éticas. O conjunto da obra desenvolvida a partir das ações mais simples é que promove as reais

“Uma folha que cai desarruma o universo. O respiro de uma ave afeta o clima da Terra. O balançar de uma teia de aranha afeta a galáxia. Uma criança que nasce muda o destino

mudanças e essas mudanças transformarão você, o seu olhar, as suas atitudes como ator - e não mais como expectadorconsciente do tamanho da sua força e poder.

do mundo. Cada gesto de amor salva toda a humanidade”.

Mude a si mesmo e mude o mundo com atitudes a b s o l u t a m e n te simples, sem necessidade de ser megalomaníaco, mas é preciso começar a pensar coletivamente. Atitudes que vão desde o respeito e gentileza com que tratamos o próximo à educação no trânsito, a forma como trabalhamos Viver em um país, cidade ou bairro os resíduos dos nossos lares, enfim, rico, não significa segurança, afinal, como cuidamos uns dos outros e do ninguém vive uma vida inteira numa redoma de vidro (blindado).

É possível sair da inércia seja plantando árvores, lendo para cegos, ensinando um ofício ou cuidando de animais.Abraçar uma causa não importando o tamanho dela, desde que façamos, de fato, algo concreto para melhorar o mundo. Somos todos tão iguais e com as mesmas necessidades vitais.

Finalizo citando o poeta e escritor pernambucano Valter da Rosa Borges, o qual, no meu entender, traduz verdadeiramente o espírito greenpeace:

Patrícia Moura Consultora e Designer de Biojoias Imagens:PatríciaMoura www.patriciamoura.com

http://patriciamourabiojoias.blogspot.com http://facebook.com/patriciamoura.biojoias

When I accepted the Editor’s invitation to sign a column at AboutUs immediately came to mind the desire to address issues, about people and actions that contribute to change and improve the world, so this first column is dedicated to you, dear earthling, who like me, is concerned about the outside world. Start remembering something fundamental and although it seems obvious, many people do not realize:

our hands!

the world is in

The strength and power of our attitudes are infinitely more powerful than we can suppose. In each choice of a corrupt politician makes, in how to educate our children, how we take care of our garbage or how we operate our consumer relations, as casual as it may seem, directly or indirectly, every choice we make will always affect many other lives. For centuries we have made wrong choices, compromising the planet's resources.

You need to stop and look back, reflect and revise our share of responsibility for each choice, reevaluate your environmental relationship with Earth. We can not forget that we

in the overall picture and when I talk on the global level, I am not referring to what good or bad happens on the other side of the globe. I refer to the scenario that our eyes can see. Living in a rich country, city or neighborhood, does not mean security, have only one planet in common and there after all, nobody lives a lifetime in a glass is no escape, even with all the money in dome (Bullet proof). the world, you have to share it with more You can exit the inertia is planting trees, than seven billion people and even though reading to the blind, teaching a craft or we now live in a great country and maybe caring for animals. Embracing a cause comfortably installed in a luxury mansion, no matter the size of it, since we do, in the beauty of these days will be tainted after going around the corner, and find the fact, something concrete to improve the many that will inevitably be excluded, be- world. cause misery has a very ugly face and it We are all so similar and with the same basic needs. Dignity is everyone's right and it will be everywhere, inert and in helpless is our duty to rescue those suffering alonghopelessness. side us and act on building a better quality It is easy to point out and complain of vio- of life for all. lence, social inequality, corruption, nature Change yourself and change the world with and animals becoming extinct, the expen- ordinary attitudes, no need to go crazy, but sive food, the kid that stole from you, fi- you need to start thinking collectively. nally, be the passive spectator, but with Attitudes ranging from the respect and the world collapsing, inertia no longer fits kindness in which we treat others, even

our traffic education, the way we treat the waste in our homes, the way we take care of each other and where we live. It takes work to rescue the peace and balance with environmental conscious attitudes and ethics. The body of work developed from the simplest actions is promoting real changes and these changes will transform you, your look, your attitude as the main character - and not as an spectator-conscious of the size of his strength and power. I conclude by quoting the poet and writer from Pernambuco Valter da Rosa Borges, which, in my opinion, truly reflects the spirit greenpeace: "A falling leaf litters the universe. The breath of a bird affects the Earth's climate. The swing from a cobweb affects the galaxy. A child born changes the fate of the world. Each gesture of love saves all mankind. " (Patricia Moura - Consultant and designer biojewelry) Images: Patricia Moura

Brazilian Hospitality in Orlando

Orlando is for sure the favorite destination of millions of tourists year around, among them a great deal of Brazilians everywhere, and they like to get comfortable, with good shopping deals and great food for a reasonable price.

gatherings, catering capabilities and Chef Santos talent and great smile.

All Brazilian Restaurants in Orlando, prime in quality of service and food, from All you can eat to fancy Steak houses, Orlando offers all types of Brazilian food, for all budToday we are showing Santos Restaurante, gets and tastes. not only because it serves a La Carte and all you can eat buffet, but also because it is also Here is Santos Restaurant and Catering. a beautiful place, with a private room for 7000 South Kirkman Road, Orlando Fl. 32819

The City of Orlando The monument will offer our community a symbol of courage and triumph over adversity that will inspire them in their pursuit of academic success and careers in STEM fields, such as aviation.

Photos by Hotspotorlando

Monument Groundbreaking Salutes Red Tail Pilots of the Tuskegee Airmen on Anniversary of Last MissionThree Central Florida Red Tail Pilots were recognized.

vice of the Red Tail pilots on the anniversary of their last mission. Three surviving Red Tail pilots who call Central Florida home attended the groundbreaking event.

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, District 3 City Commissioner Robert F. Stuart and representatives of Vision of Flight and Orlando Science Center honored the Red Tail pilots of the Tuskegee Airman with a monument groundbreaking event lastTuesday, May 7 at The Orlando Science Center. The event honored the dedicated ser-

They are: Lt. Col. Leo Gray, Lt. Col. George Hardy and Lt. Col. Hiram Mann. The Tuskegee Airmen were the first African American military aviators in the United States armed forces. There were 932 pilots trained at Tuskegee, Ala., of whom 356 airmen

were considered an elite group of Vision of Flight Executive Director fighter pilots that were sent to vari- Mike McKenzie ous bases in Europe. Orlando Science Center President and CEO JoAnn Newman Flying escort for heavy bombers, the Red Tail Pilot Lt. Col. pilots earned an impressive combat Leo Gray record. The Allies called these airmen Red Tail Pilot Lt. Col. “Red Tails” or “Red-Tail Angels” be- George Hardy cause of the distinctive crimson paint Red Tail Pilot Lt. Col. predominantly applied on the tail Hiram Mann section of the unit’s aircraft. During World War II, African Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer Americans in many U.S. states District 3 City Commissioner were still subject to the Jim Crow Robert F. Stuart laws. The Tuskegee Airmen were

subjected to racial discrimination, both within and outside the army. Despite these adversities,

they trained and flew with distinction. The monument to be announced on Tuesday will ultimately honor the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen and serve as an inspiration for future generations. By honoring the past, we celebrate the future.

Monument Groundbreaking Salutes Red Tail Pilots of the Tuskegee Airmen on Anniversary of Last Mission

Airplane photo taken at Fantasy of Flight by Hotspotorlando at the Tuskeegee event

A Pedra fundamental do Monumento em homenagem aos Red Pilots -Tuskegee Airmen foi lançada no aniversário de sua última missão

res de "Red Tails" ou "Anjos da cauda-vermelha" por causa do distintivo tinta carmesim predominantemente aplicado sobre a cauda do avião da unidade.

Três dos Red Pilots que moram na Florida Central foram reconhecidos pelo Prefeito de Orlando Buddy Dyer, pelo comissário Robert F. Stuart ( District 3), e por representantes da Divisão de vôo e do Orlando Science Museum.

Orlando MayorPrefeito Buddy Dyer District 3 Comissário Robert F. Stuart Diretor da Divisão Executiva de vôos Mike McKenzie Orlando Science Center Presidente e CEO JoAnn Newman Red Tail piloto tenente-coronel Leo Gray Red Tail piloto tenente-coronel George Hardy Red Tail piloto tenente-coronel Hiram Mann

Na homenagem aos pilotos do avião de cauda vermelha, os aviadores Tuskegee foram reconhecidos com um monumento, que ira lembrar o heroísmo desses pilotos na entrada do Orlando Science Center que será inaugurado antes do próximo Dia dos Veteranos em Novembro 2013. Os três pilotos sobreviventes que residem na Florida Central estavam presentes no evento por seus serviços foram: o tenente-coronel Leo Gray, o tenente-coronel George Hardy e o tenente-coronel Hiram Mann. The Tuskegee Airmen foram os primeiros aviadores militares afro-americanos nos Estados Unidos das forças armadas Americanas. Haviam 932 pilotos treinados em Tuskegee, do Alabama, dos quais 356 pilotos foram considerados um grupo de elite de pilotos de caça que foram enviadas a várias bases na Europa.

Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, os americanos africanos em muitos estados dos EUA ainda eram sujeitos às leis de Jim Crow. The Tuskegee Airmen foram submetidos a discriminação racial, tanto dentro como fora do exército.

Apesar destas adversidades, eles treinaram e voaram com distinção. O monumento que foi anunciado na terça-feira acabará por honrar o legado dos Tuskegee Airmen e servir de inspiração para as futuras gerações. Honrando o passado, celebramos o futuro. O monumento vai oferecer à nossa comunidade um símbolo de coragem e triunfo sobre a adversidade que irá Voando como escolta para bombardei- inspirá-los em sua busca do sucesso esros pesados, os pilotos ganharam um colar e carreiras nos campos do caule, registro de combate impressionante. como a aviação. Os Aliados chamavam esses aviado-

Superstation Media -Globo International Great News Coming Up! The event went on to show the different al are the ones responsible for this huge packages and opportunities in advertise- progress and growth. The night went on ment with the video about all the new shows and soap operas coming up, all with the highest This year the Globo International Event quality of digital image in high resolution. had a great feeling ! It seemed refreshed with a different approach. Jo & Yara Cavaig- A whole new grid of programs destined to nac, the habitual hosts, with their charm the Global International audience, domesand welcoming way to conduct the event, tic and overseas. After dinner the new Adwere happy to show us all the Good News vertisement packages were unveiled, and that Globo has coming up, not only in their for the surprise of many, the price fits all line of shows, but also in the advertisement budgets and company sized. front, promising a great opportunities. Attorney Barry Brummer also presented Jo and Yara started the evening thanking the guests with tickets for the Orlando all for being there, advertisement profes- City Soccer Game against the VSI Tampa sionals, clients and local media, and the Flames, that were given to the winners of City of Orlando Representative, Luiz Mar- Cycle One Motorcycles and Alexandre tinez- Director of Multicultural Affairs for Rosa. Mayor Buddy Dyer. Jo said ” The Success of Globo TV International exists thanks Commercial Director Marcos Maranhão to you! Winners we see here! (Vencedores gave all the details on the packages and deagente vê por aqui) pending on the client’s choice he can have 20, 25 or 16 spots, with spots of 15”, 20”, Jo continued saying ” We are proud to say 25” and 34” inches, without Inter package that Globo TV is the largest TV in the exchange or change in the line of shows world. Last year alone we had the Number you choose. Minimum Buy is 6 packages, One Income in the World, and also one of and the cost is $990 per month per packthe first in Audience in the World. We con- age. For further information, please continuously celebrate our success showing tact SUPERSTATION MEDIA, Globo In900 different productions per year, sold to ternational Representative for the USA. more than 30 different Countries, that love to show what we produce. Brazil is today The usual hospitality of Nelore Steakhouse one of the 6 first economies in the World, always appreciated , really marked its presand companies like Globo Internation- ence with delicious food and great service

Attorney Walter G Santos, Marcelo Machado e Fabio Lobo

Jo and Yara Cavaignac and family- Jo’s sisters

Linken Thome and his sister Lauma

Anthony Portigliarti & Wife, Eraldo Manes, Amy Litter and Fabio Lobo

Luis Martinez-City of Orlando-Oscar Ortiz, EzraDo Camila’s Alex Alencar & Andre Catena Neto Intra Web-Amy Litter CFBACC President

Marcelo Machado & Lara Machado

Yara Cavaignac, Priscila Souza Azzolini andHugo Azzolini, Jose from Tempus Hair Restoration, and Rafael Guerra from the ad agency Different Perspective.



Business After Hours Networking has been a powerful tool in business and in the last few years, more and more companies and Organizations promote Networking events and take advantage of all the benefits networking can generate. Taking advantage of these great opportunities , is now a chance to make that connection that was missing. We really never know what could happen, and you could be soon to meet a great business opportunities.

great mission. The event was at Terrace 390, where everyone met to network and have a great time. It is different when you network for business and for education, it feels great! Please visit their website to learn more. http://www.nshmba.org/ We were also invited to the Moroccan Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours at Le Rouge Wine Bar and Tapas on Sandlake, where we had the pleasure to meet Board Director Khalid Muneer, Nejame Law Attorney Nayef A. Bumarak, Steve Graul 2013 ORIC Chairman, Yanira Nazario from Go Ally Go, and Becky Malicsi Past President and Sr. Advisor at the Asian American Chamber of Commerce. http://www.maccflorida.com/

This month we were invited to a fantastic event: NSHMBA Happy Hour at Terrace 390-Downtown Orlando For the ones that are not familiar NSHMBA it means National Society of Hispanic MBAs, a National Organization that provides to http://asianamericanchambercfl.org/ many Hispanics graduated the opportunity to transition their grad- CFBACC - Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Comuate degree to a Masters Degree. merce Business After Hours, was NSHMBA has 400 chapters and also a huge success at Vittorio’s 17.000 members Nationwide that Restaurant with a large attendance understand this need, and for this and many new members getting reason they thrive in direct every associated. Nothing compares to candidate in the right direction, the warm Brazilian Welcome and looking to prepare the Hispanic the great food at Vittorios. number of graduates to achieve success getting their MBAs. It is a www.cfbacc.net

Sandra Palacios and President Richard Montes from NSHMBA

Business Networking

Moroccan American Chamber at La Rouge Wine and Tapas

Group picture with all present- Asia AMerican Chamber, ORIC, Moroccan American Chamber, Unlimited Travel and Tour, Nejame Law, and Orlando Magic.

Khalid Muneer and Yanira Nasario Representatives of Unlimited Travel and Tours, Nejame Law and the Moroccan Chamber

Youssef Joudaane, Board Member and Becky Malicsi

Khalid Muneer and Representatives of Regions Bank

Steve Graul and friend Khalid Muneer and Becky Malicsi

Orlando Magic Representative, Ali Yche MAC President,Director Khalid Muneer and Friend.

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Asian American Chamber of Commerce Celebrating their Heritage month, the Asian American Chamber had another event at the City of Orlando Rotunda and it was a great afternoon. With supporters and friends present, they presented Asian food, Asian wear fashion, costumes and the usual Asian-Pacific hospitality. The event is already a part of Orlando’s Business Community Calendar and it is growing. Asian American President Coco Johnston, has showed how important it is to always be a way to the solution, facilitating friendship and support. The sponsor tables were sold out a week before the event and that shows how is their effort growing and being recognized. Let’s wait for another opportunity to participate on next year’s event . For now, Check the pictures!

City Commissioner Patty Sheehan (District # 4) delivering a proclamation from Mayor Buddy Dyer to the Asian Chamber at the event opening to Kathryn Llamas Chamber Vice President

Chamber President Coco Johnston- Khalid Muneer and Visit Orlando Representative Ms.Rothbauer

All City Oficials and Government Representatives were recognized

Becky Malicsi Adviser to the Asian Chamber, Former Chamber President, with Hefang Lin and members of the Chamber

Luiz Martinez City of Orlando and Brighthouse Representative Monica Correa

CFBACC- Business After Hours Drury Inn + Suites Orlando Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, Business After hours event, are becoming more popular every month and it is also not only proving itself as a great business networking tool, but also as the numbers of new members grow after each event, they know they are doing something right.

stronger, with partnerships to make a better Community, helping Orlando to be an even Greater place to live and Visit.

The event at The Drury’s Hotel was excellent, where all the guests had the opportunity to take a Tour and get to know the facilities and all they have to offer, making it also a chance to let peo“It took awhile to realize that we needed to reach ple know about see for themselves. out more and more to the community in general. We are not only growing in numbers, but we are The food was provided by UNO Restaurant, getting more credibility and support from oth- from International Drive, Managers Joyce and er Chambers, City of Orlando, Orange County Bob were present, along with Melissa PenningGovernment, and this is a huge help. ton, Melissa Allen, Robert and Brittany from Drury’s Management. We have just participated in the Orange County Chambers of Commerce Leadership Summit, and we had the opportunity to learn so much”, said President Amy Litter. We are growing

Xcel Sports Recruiting-Attila Czaco, Khalid Muneer, Jupiter Properties and Brian Paul Marketing Orlando City Soccer

Celestino DeCicco- CF Realty, and Barry Williams AFLAC Insurance

CFBACC President Amy Litter, her husband Jim Clark, Asian American Chamber Director Dahlia Hayles and her daughter

Heather, Volney, Justine Assal, Robet Bolle Moneycorp ORB Solutions and Bella Artistry Spa

Simone Kuska - The Florida Hotel, and Wal Rosa owner at Bella Artistry Spa

From Drury Hotel Melissa Pennington, Melissa Allen, GM Robert, and Brittany

Latinas Con Visi贸n New York Life Latinas Con Visi贸n Event at The Citrus Club A special discussion and network reception for professional women.

Women are strong and powerful beings, they have children, carry them, handle careers, and dedicate themselves to their passion in life. There are no secrets in life Inspiration is a gifted moment for women, and they are driven. In where you could almost see what is each story we heard, the main mesto come if you take a certain path. sage was, we can do it! Everyone is afraid of change, no matter if good or bad there is al- It was rich and gave us more inspiways an uncertainty about it, but ration. New York Life, has the key little we know that no matter what to offer, not only a new career, but we are always subjected to change also a powerful life transformaand great surprises, otherwise it tion. If you choose to embark in wouldn't be life. this journey, next year it could be you or anyone in that room that At Latinas with Vision, New York decided to take the step for a maLife, organized an event to dem- jor transformation in life, giving onstrate all very motivated women their testimony for more than 150 present, that if you are looking for a people. change in your life, a career change may be just what you need. The Citrus Club hosted the even that was produced in Orlando for The panel Presented four very in- the first time, it was organized by fluential women in the Hispanic Hector Perez NY Life Senior ManCommunity, Diana Bolivar- Presi- ager to Hispanic & Brazilian Mardent at HCCMO, Rosalina Stober- kets. Vice President at HBIF, Maria Turk -NY Life Hispanic Market Man- For more Information ager, and Kissimmee City Com- New York Life Senior Manager missioner Wanda Rentas, with Hispanic & Brazilian Markets Gaby Ortigony Alpfa President O: 407.999.0349 | M: 407.973.6976 as a Moderator. A super powerful 495 North Keller Road, Suite 150 group, and they all gave their testi- Maitland, FL 32751 mony about life, career and vision, Hector_Perez@NewYorkLife.com with open hearts.

Annia Zavala (Corporate Vice PresiKyle Williamson (Executive for Central Florida) Kissim- dent for Hispanic & Brazilian mee City Commissioner Wanda Rentas and Hector Perez Markets)

Hector Perez NY Life, Diana Bolivar- HCCMO President and Zoraida Velasco- Orange County Government

Maria Turk NY Life, Rosie Stobe- VP HBIF Gaby Ortigoni- OUC The Reliable One

Gaby Ortigoni-OUC The Reliable One

Maria Turk, Diana Bolivar, Wanda Rentas, Rosalina Stober

The Best Brazilian Newspaper in Central Florida


LOCAL ORGANIZATION PROVIDES FREE EN- critical decisions needed to become successful. CFBACC - May Breakfast at The Florida Hotel TREPRENEURIAL TRAINING AND BUSINESS Upcoming topics include import and export, op- Speaker Rosalina Stober- HBIF Vice President ASSISTANCE

Are you planning to start a business? Do you already own one? If so, the Hispanic Business Initiative Fund of Florida (HBIF) may be just the resource for you.

timizing your corporate image, and obtaining minority contracts and certifications. In the month of May, HBIF Vice President Rosalina Stober, gave us a speech about all the benefits and learning to excel in your business HBIF also offers entrepreneurial grants that al- you can get, joining the Business iniciation Program at HBIF. Many low startups and existing businesses to receive CFBACC Board Directors and members were present and happy to high-level professional services free of charge. participate and learn all the information they got. HBIF contracts business and marketing consultants, attorneys, accountants and Web developers, allowing you to receive one or more of the following services: • Accounting Assessment

HBIF is the leading Hispanic nonprofit economic development organization in Florida specializing in providing free bilingual business development services to Hispanic and Brazilian entrepreneurs trying to establish or expand their • Legal Structure Assessment business. For more than 15 years, HBIF has promoted and provided support to Hispanic busi- • Corporate Branding nesses in Central Florida. • Business Plan HBIF business specialists work one-on-one with you to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, oppor- • Loan Application Preparation tunities and threats to the existing or prospective business and to address its short and long-term • Marketing Plan needs. In addition, HBIF offers entrepreneurial services in the form of education and a unique • Quickbooks® Training business scholarship program. • Web Site Development For those thinking about starting a business, HBIF’s orientation session in Portuguese, HBIF is dedicated to its mission of strengthen“Como Iniciar Seu Negocio”, provides a wealth ing the economy of Florida through quality busiof information and resources. Topics include le- ness development and training to Hispanic and gal and accounting structures, licenses and per- Brazilian entrepreneurs. Keep these services in mits, state regulations and financing options. mind as you move forward with your business. 407-428-5872 or visit www.HBIFFlorida.org for To register for a seminar or to schedule an apinformation regarding the next orientation. pointment with an in-house business development specialist, call 407-428-5872 or visit If you are seeking more specialized education, www.HBIFFlorida.org. HBIF’s offers a Hispanic Business Workshop Series in Spanish that provides training on spe- HBIF currently has offices in Orlando, Kissimcific topics that assist entrepreneurs in making mee, Tampa, and Miami.

ORGANIZAÇÃO LOCAL OFERECE resposta às suas necessidades de curto e TREINAMENTO EMPRESARIAL E DE longo prazo. Além disso, HBIF oferece NEGÓCIOS GRATUITO serviços empresariais na forma de educação e um programa exclusivo de bolsa de ASSISTÊNCIA negócios (Grants). Você está planejando iniciar um negócio? Ou você já tem um negócio? Se assim for, Para aqueles que pensam em começar um o Fundo de Iniciativa de Negocios His- negócio, a sessão de orientação da HBIF panicos da Flórida (HBIF) pode ser o re- em Português, "Como Iniciar Seu Negocurso que você necessita. cio", oferece uma riqueza de informações e recursos. Os tópicos incluem estruturas HBIF é a principal organização de desen- legais e contábeis, licenças e alvarás, regvolvimento econômico latino-americano ulamentos estaduais e opções de financiasem fins lucrativos na Flórida especial- mento. Ligue para 407-428-5872 ou visite

izada na prestação de serviços de desenvolvimento empresarial bilíngües livres para os empresários latino-americanos e brasileiros que tentam estabelecer ou expandir seus negócios. Por mais de 15 anos, HBIF promoveu e apoiou empresas hispânicos na Flórida Central. Especialistas em negócios HBIF trabalha junto com você para analisar as forças, fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças para o negócio existente ou em potencial e dar

www.HBIFFlorida.org para obter informações sobre a próxima orientação. Se você está em busca de uma formação mais especializada, a HBIF oferece palestras e Oficinas-Business Series em Espanhol com treinamento sobre temas específicos que auxiliam aos empresários na tomada de decisões críticas necessárias para se tornar um sucesso. Temas futuros incluem a importação e exportação, otimizando a sua imagem corporativa, e

obtenção de contratos minoritários e certificações. HBIF também oferece bolsas empresariais que permitem startups e empresas já existentes para receber serviços profissionais de alto nível, e de forma gratuita. Contratos de negócios e consultores de marketing, advogados, contadores edesenvolvedores de Web, permitindo a você receber um ou mais dos seguintes serviços: •

Avaliação Contábil

• Avaliação da Estrutura Legal • Corporate Branding • Plano de Negócios • Preparação do Pedido de empréstimo • Plano de Marketing • QuickBooks ® Training • Desenvolvimento de Web Site HBIF tem feito a sua missão dedicada a forta lecer a economia da Flórida, através de desenvolvimento de negócios e formação de qualidade para os empresários latino-americanos e brasileiros. Mantenha estes serviços em mente em como você pode progredir com o seu negócio. Para se inscrever em um seminário ou para agendar uma consulta com um especialista em desenvolvimento de negócios em casa, ligue para 407-428-5872 ou visite www.HBIFFlorida.org. HBIF tem atualmente escritórios em Orlando, Kissimmee, Tampa e Miami.

World Trade Center International Heritage Day One more time World Trade Center brings to the Business Community in Orlando their International Heritage Day. This event showcases many of the International Communities and Chambers of Commerce in Orlando, and gives all the opportunity to show the guests about all the different heritages here in Orlando Many cultures are shown through dance and a variety of foods and tipical attire. As usual the event attracted many people, and gave everyone the opportunity to learn a little more about the different dances and costumes from each country. During the event The Organization World Trade Center, raffled several prizes, and presented all the Dance groups during the event

World Trade Center Organization with President Byron Sutton

Asian American Chamber of Commerce

Cristiano Piquet-Piquet Realty Cristiano Piquet achieves another Milestone Residential Real Estate - International: Cristiano Piquet is owner and founder of Piquet Realty. After years of growth, Piquet Realty turned into a group to better serve clients. As of 2013, the most prominent companies among Piquet Group are Piquet Realty, Piquet Concierge & Property Management, Piquet Studio+Design, and Piquet Real Estate University. To date, there is no other known real estate company in Miami offering such an array of services; earning the tagline, “Your Gateway to Miami." Piquet Realty has been humbled with amazing opportunities to share the Miami Real Estate market with a global audience, one of many recent examples being a BBC WORLD NEWS dedicated segment on Piquet Realty, aired globally.


Vicky Talking a lot show is growing! To all the fans that have been following her during her career, you know how magical everything has been. So we decided it was time to give her fans the opportunity to cherish and be part of this great magic her smile brings. We are giving all fans, a space to show Vicky their love. This month we have more pictures! And we are very excited about it! So to all of you, thanks for sharing your images. www.vickytalkingalotshow.com


O inicio de maio veio com uma alegria a mais para Vicky que esteve na Florida para receber o Brazilian Internacional Press Awards pelo melhor web tv show e para sua surpresa foi convidada pelo jornalista e organizador do evento Carlos Borges a ser uma das apresentadoras no segundo dia de evento, pode-se imaginar tamanha alegria e realização!

Interviewing Edson Celulari No dia 29 de abril somente 2 dias de terminar a novela Guerra dos Sexos da Rede Globo o ator Edson Celulari viajou para New York de ferias e eu estive lá batendo um super papo com ele que vocês vão poder conferir no meu site.

No dia 27 de abril eu tive a minha participação no programa Caldeirão do Huck, confesso que fiquei muito apreensiva com o que seria exibido mas graças a Deus ele me ajudou e os meus 2 minutinhos ao lado do Luciano Huck foram maravilhosos, alem da simpatia que houve durante nossa With Luciano Huck conversa a edição do programa ainda me presenteou colocando em rede nacional a abertura do meu programa, isso realmente me deixou muito alegre e quem quiser conferir a matéria também já esta disponível no meu site. Nota, quero fazer um agradecimento especial a turma do Salão Brazilian Touch by Clau que me recebeu super bem esses dias que estive na Florida e tratou do meu cabelo com muito carinho, muito obrigada Clau.Telefonepara contato 954942-9818

vickyfofinha(Twitter) vickytalkshow(Twitter) Website http://www.vickyshowusa.com


Email vicky.show.9@facebook.com

With Claudia Abreu

with Soco Freire

With Romero Britto

Elita Freitas Olá pessoal,

O amor que sentimos por um filho não tem explicação, e’ um amor gostoso e Mais uma edição do nosso querido ma- dolorido ao mesmo tempo, pois sabegazine e eu como sempre, muito alegre mos que a medida que eles crescem, em poder compartilhar com todos vo- precisamos cortar aos poucos o corcês os meus pensamentos..... dão umbilical, que nos une desde o pequeno embrião que era. Este mês gostaria de falar sobre o AMOR, aproveitando que temos tan- Apesar de ser difícil para ambos, tetas comemorações, como o Mês das mos que fazer isso, e tornar-nos Mães Noivas, Mês de Maria (para os católi- desnecessárias, pois com esse procedicos) e o Dia das Mães, gostaria de falar mento não só crescemos mas ajudamos sobre esse Amor.... os nossos filhos a crescerem e terem as próprias escolhas, superar frustrações Acho que não existe um amor maior e terem seus erros e acertos. do que esse que sentimos por um filho, esse ser que desde o primeiro momen- A cada fase da vida, uma nova perda to que ficamos sabendo da sua existên- e um novo ganho para os dois lados, cia, já nos enche de um amor infinito, mãe e filho. um amor incondicional, e que sabe- O amor e um processo de libertação mos que será para sempre, transpondo permanente e esse vinculo não para de barreiras, dimensões e tempo. se transformar ao longo da vida, ate o dia em que eles, adultos, constituem a Quando eles são pequenos, tão lindos, própria família e recomeçam o ciclo. ensinamos as primeiras palavras, os primeiros passos, as primeiras brinca- O que eles precisam e’ ter certeza de deiras. Depois já crescidos temos que que estaremos firmes, concordando ou ensinar que apesar do grande amor não, no sucesso ou no fracasso, com o que temos, eles precisam ficar longe coração aberto para acolhe-los nas hodos nossos olhos (quando vão a esco- ras difíceis. la), eu via tempo no olhar dos meus filhos, quando eu os esperava frente ao portão, medo e muito amor, medo pois pensavam que não estaríamos esperando por eles, e amor quando me via, ali, em pé, com os braços e corações abertos para recebe-los!!!!!!!.

Entre Amigas Hello Everyone!

receive them!!!!. The love we feel for a child has no exAnother edition of our beloved mag- planation, it is good and painful at azine and as I always say, very happy the same time, because we know that to be able to share wall my thoughts as they grow, we need to gradually with you ... cut the umbilical cord that connects us from the little embryo that was. This month I would like to talk about LOVE, taking advantage that Although it is difficult for both, we we have so many celebrations, such have to do it, and become unnecesas the Brides’ Month, Mary’s Month sary mothers, because this way, we (for Catholics) and Mother's Day, I don’t only grow but we help our chilwould like to talk about this love, dren grow and have their own choicMother’s love .... es, overcoming frustrations withtheir hits and misses. I think there is no greater love than what we feel for our children, since At every stage of life, a new loss and the first time we hear of their exis- a new gain for both sides, mother tence in us, since it fills us with an and son. infinite love, unconditional love, and Love is a process of permanent we know it will be forever, transpos- liberation and this bond is a lifelong ing barriers, dimensions and time. transformation, until the day when they, adults, constitute their own When they are little, so beautiful, family and resume a new cycle. we teach them the first words, first steps, the first play. Then when they What they need is to make sure that are grown we have to teach them we stand strong, in agreement or that despite the great love we have, not, with success or failure, with an they need to grow away from us (like open heart to welcome them in difwhen they go to school). ficult times. See you next month! Many times I saw in the eyes of my children, when I was waiting outside the school’s gate, fear and love, afraid because they thought we would not be waiting for them, and love when They saw me there, standing with arms and open heart to

AClear Path

Amy Litter



our perception, and bring the necessary internal closure, through the clarification of conflicts. We nurture the intellectual knowlAfter we understand that there is, indeed, a edge of what is available to us to achieve yet clear road inside of us, begging for attention we lack the necessary effort to work on it and … if we sincerely believe that the inside road make it happen. is waiting for a personal contact, so both of our sides may get together … when both All of what was said reinforces the simple roads recognize each other and become one, premise that, as soon as we can come to a supposedly, everything becomes smoother better understanding of the different steps in life, and accept which would be the next best in our path … or not? road to follow through, the better we will be. Well, even though that would be the best so- At that level we would embrace an unwavlution it doesn’t happen all the time. In dif- ering commitment to all necessary changes ferent levels of conscience, our material life and engage in serious compromising with and the subjective life occur in diverse time new paths, as the only road to reach upcomframes, each in its own layer, even if in the ing results. same wave length. Each part of us serves a different objective all the time and the focus I am aware of what to expect from the road on what is really important, and what really and am absolutely convinced we all can get should come first, gets lost in a myriad of there. It only takes serious commitment, as everything else in life, readiness to step in a dismissible options. new path, and face new and uncomfortable The choice of the self dimension we have the settings, which will force a entirely new set of desire to reach determines what level of the attitudes. The comfort we are always looking being is paramount to the chosen endeavor. for is not, most of the times, our best friend. The desired personal dimension is the one It molds our life into old positions which use that sits comfortably inside of us and is the outdated behaviors as the norm. one perfect internal set we will be longing for throughout life, even if without us being At this moment, if it serves you, you could aware of it. With some attention and dedi- experience embracing the CHANGE … cation, exercising the willpower, we will de- bringing it to your life, welcoming it to your velop the ability to access each special inter- mind, making peace with it. Its use with utnal dimension of our being and determine most frequency will bring the so much aswhich one is the most comfortable place. The pired personal growth and spread throughaccess can be done for each special section of out the world! It is never too late to start! our beings, in its own way. We only have to work on focus and willpower. It’s our knowledge that the coming together of all the parts of our beings would bring an unheard of personal growth; we know that the unity of the whole would brighten up


mentamos o conhecimento intelectual das coisas que precisamos adquirir, mas nos falta o esforço necessário para trabalhar e realizar o objectivo.

No momento em que entendemos que existe, na verdade, um claro caminho dentro de nos, suplicando por atenção ... se acreditamos sinceramente que essa estrada esta aguardando um contato pessoal, para que as duas partes de nós se encontrem ... e se reconheçam, e se tornem uma, supostamente tudo se ajustaria em nosso caminho ... ou não????

Tudo isso reforça a premissa de que, assim que conseguimos entender as diversas etapas da vida, e aceitamos qual setrá o melhor caminho para nós, melhor será o resultado. Nesa altura estaremos preparados para um inabalável compromisso de aceitar todas as mudanças necessárias estabelecendo uma séria dedicação a novos caminhos, como única opção para obter os resultados que virão.

Bem, apesar de ser a melhor solução, não acontece com frequência. Nos diferentes níveis de nossa consciência, nossas vidas material e subjetiva ocorrem em diferentes espaços, cada um em sua camada, apesar de estarem no mesmo comprimento de onda. Cada parte de nós serve a um objetivo e o foco em relação a prioridades, se perde em uma miriade de opções descartáveis.

Estou ciente do que devo esperar do caminho e certa de que todos podemos chegar lá. Tudo o que precisamos é de abraçarmos o compromisso, como em tudo na vida, estarmos prontos para a nova caminhada, enfrentando caminhos desconhecidos (e desconfortáveis) que nos obrigarão a atitudes inteiramente novas. O conforto que estamos sempre desejando não é, na maioria das vezes, o melhor Ao escolhermos o nível dimensional em que amigo que temos. Por causa dele, nos acomodesejamos viver determinamos qual o nível damos a posições que aceitam velhos padrões de nosso ser é primordial para o caminho a como uma norma. ser alcançado. A dimensão pessoal desejada é aquela que se acomoda confortavelmente A esta altura, se desejar, experimente receber dentro de nós, aquela com que sonhamos ao a MUDANÇA dentro de si ... e traga-a para longo da vida, apesar de não percebermos. sua vida, dando-lhe as boas vindas dentro de Com um pouco de atenção e dedicação, além sua mente, entrando em paz com ela. Seu uso da força de vontade, podemos desenvolver a frequente vai lhe trazer aquele tão desejado habilidade de acessar cada dimensão especial crescimento, além de espalhar seus efeitos interior e determinar qual a mais confortáv- pelo mundo! Nunca é tarde para começar el. O acesso a cada sector especial do ser se faz de sua própria maneira. Nosso foco deve estar na força de vontade. Sabemos que a reunião de todas as partes de nosso ser pode trazer um manancial de crescimento pessoal, e que a unificação do todo ampliará nossa percepção, além de trazer a paz, pela clarificação dos conflitos. Ali-

The trip you dreamed of The Sultanate of Oman is a country with an enormous wealth of natural attractions, a fascinating culture and history spanning 6,000 years, stunning landscapes and warm, welcoming people.

for any nature enthusiast with a new tented camp recently opened on site.

Straddling the Indian Ocean and offering a coastline of 3,165km, Oman The second offers a truly unspoilt and authentic largest city Sataste of Arabia. lalah, in the Southern region of Dhofar, is a one hour flight from Muscat One of the many highlights of any where visitors can explore the flourtrip to Oman is a tour of its atmo- ishing frankincense trees, lush green spheric and vibrant capital, Muscat, valleys unique to the region and venvoted Arab Tourist Capital 2012. ture towards the vast Empty Quarter First-time visitors to Muscat are of- for an ten stuck for words to describe its en- awe-inspiring desert safari. chantment. It is a perfect blend of old and new, enjoying a dramatic setting The Musandam peninsula, separated with mountains on one side, the In- from Oman by the UAE, is often redian Ocean (Arabian Sea) on the oth- ferred to as the “Fjordland of Arabia�. er and is home to luxury hotels, spas Visitors can fly direct with Oman Air and three 18 hole golf courses. from Muscat or take the six hour ferry to discover the ancient charm of Beyond Muscat, day tours or short the main town Khasab. overnight stays to former capital city Nizwa and theJebel Akhdar, just over The rugged landscape of the majestic two hours drive from Muscat is a fjords have created world class waters must, as the area is a playground for snorkelling, diving, sailing and for the outdoor enthusiast complet- dhow cruises. ed with boutique hotel and camp.

Visit: http://www.omantourism.gov.om FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/oman.tourism

A three hour drive from Muscat is the vast Wahiba Sands which offer world class desert safari experiences and luxury camping options, with visits to the turtle reserves of Ras Al Jinz, a must see attraction

Ferias na Disney ! Por que se hospedar em um hotel do Walt Disney World? Os benefícios podem começar até mesmo antes de o hóspede chegar… e continuam 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana

ções dos hotéis Disney se encaixam na categoria econômica. Famílias que preferem áreas abertas podem alugar um acampamento no Resort e camping Disney’s Fort Wilderness (com quase 800 unidades disponíveis) e armar uma tenda ou levar um trailer. Resorts moderados, resorts de luxo Para vários hóspedes, os benefícios de se e resorts Deluxe Villa estão disponíveis hospedar em um resort operado pelo Walt para hóspedes que preferem comodidades Disney World começam antes da chegada adicionais durante a sua estadia. no reino das ferias. E a combinação de benefícios e privilégios criam mágica para Consistente em todos os hotéis de proprieas férias dos hóspedes 24 horas por dia dade e operados pela Disney, os funcionári– seja em um hotel Disney Value Resort os são treinados para ser amigáveis e eficiprojetado para quem deseja tirar férias e entes, como a personalidade da Disney. economizar… em um hotel Disney Deluxe Outro fator consistente: os privilégios e Resort ou Deluxe Villa que ofereçe como- benefícios agregam valor à experiência de férias. Confira algumas das razões pelas didades suntuosas. quais os hotéis da Disney são tão populares Os hotéis dos resorts Disney foram plane- com os turistas: jados para oferecer muito mais do que um teto sob as cabeças dos hóspedes. Eles OS QUATRO PRINCIPAIS BENEFÍCIOS foram criados para levar os hóspedes a um mundo mágico alem dos parques da Dis- Disney’s Magical Express – Quando os hóspedes a caminho dos hotéis de proney. priedade e operados pela Disney viajam Portanto, os hotéis possuem temas que cel- por aerolinhas comerciais até o Aeroporto ebram tempos passados ou futuros ou até Internacional de Orlando (MCO), eles pomesmo o mundo da imaginação no qual os dem solicitar etiquetas especiais para as brinquedos podem ser maiores que as pes- suas malas que os permitem despachá-las em seu aeroporto natal, pular a coleta de soas. bagagem no MCO e viajar gratuitamente O Walt Disney World Resort oferece uma em ônibus de última geração até o mundo ampla gama de acomodações – mais de 20 magico da Disney, onde suas malas “magiresorts com preços variados, o que permite camente” aparecerão em seus quartos. que os hóspedes paguem somente pelas coQuando chegar a hora de se despedir, os modidades que importam para eles. hóspedes são novamente transportados Os hóspedes de resorts Disney Value des- gratuitamente em ônibus até o MCO. Hósfrutam de temas incríveis, piscinas e áreas pedes viajando em vôos internacionais, dede lazer, salões de jogos e as comodidades vem viajar com suas malas para o aeroporpadrão – e, com mais de 8.000 em quatro to quatro horas antes do horário de vôo. resorts, cerca de um terço das acomodaSource Disney WDW News

O sistema de transporte do Walt Disney World – Um ID de um resort do Walt Disney World é um ingresso para ônibus, monotrilhos e embarcações que, combinados, ligam praticamente todas as áreas do Walt Disney World. Com a conveniência do serviço de "porta a porta" em todo o resort, muitos hóspedes podem aproveitar suas férias sem precisar de um carro. Horas mágicas extra – A cada dia, os hóspedes dos hotéis recebem tempo exclusivo em um parque temático do Walt Disney World uma hora antes da abertura programada do parque ou até três horas após o fechamento do parque. O parque varia de acordo com o dia. Além disso, os parques aquáticos da Disney ocasionalmente abrem uma hora mais cedo para os hóspedes dos hotéis Disney. Para aproveitar mais tempo nos parques, os hóspedes deverão ter seu ID do hotel e um ingresso Magic Your Way válido para os parques que ofereçam as horas mágicas extras. Plano de alimentação Disney – Hóspedes que combinam suas acomodações de hotel e ingressos para atrações em um pacote Magic Your Way estão qualificados para adicionar alimentação e desfrutar a conveniência de um pacote de

férias "estilo cruzeiros" mais inclusivo. Em 2011, diversas opções de planos para satisfazer diferentes orçamentos e preferências. Todas essas opções incluem pelo menos duas refeições e um lanche para cada noite da estadia na Disney. As promoções e opções de restaurantes variam. Para mais informações, por favor entre em contato com seu agente de viagens Source- Disney WDW News

Pop Century Resort

About that Disney Vacation Why Stay at a Walt Disney World Owned/Operated Hotel?

Benefits Can Begin Before Guest Arrives … and Continue 24/7 For many guests, the benefit of staying at a Walt Disney World owned-and-operated resort begins before arrival at the Vacation Kingdom. And for all guests, the benefits and perks combine to make vacation magic 24 hours a day – whether at a Disney Value Resort designed for budget-minded vacationers … or at a Disney Deluxe Resort or Deluxe Villa offering lavish amenities. Disney resort hotels are designed to provide a lot more than a pillow beneath guests’ heads. They are created to immerse guests in a continuation of the worry-free vacation magic and adventures of the Disney parks. Thus the hotels have themes celebrating the long ago or the far away or even the world of imagination where toys can be bigger than people. Walt Disney World Resort offers a broad range of accommodations – more than 20 resorts that vary in price, allowing guests to pay for only the amenities that are important to them.

Wilderness Resort Lodge

Disney Value resort guests are treated to larger-than-life theming, swimming pools and playgrounds, arcade rooms and standard amenities – and with more than 10,000 rooms at five resorts,

about one-third of Disney’s ness Resort and Campground hotel accommodations fall (with nearly 800 available) into the Value category. and either pitch a tent or bring along an RV. Families who prefer the great outdoors can rent a camp- Moderate resorts, Deluxe resite at Disney’s Fort Wilder- sorts and Deluxe Villa resorts

are available for guests who prefer additional amenities during their stay. Consistent among all of the Disney owned-and-operated hotels is staff trained in the Disney way of friendly help-

fulness. Also consistent: perks and benefits that add value to the vacation experience. Here’s a look at some of the reasons why Disney hotels are so popular with vacationers:

coaches for complimentary transportation to the Vacation Kingdom, where their bags “magically” appear in their guestroom. When it’s time to say good-bye, guests board motor coaches for complimentary transportation back to OIA. An extra convenience: Guests traveling on participating airlines can check their baggage for the return flight at their Disney resort, saving time and luggage-toting at the airport.

TOP FOUR BENEFITS Disney’s Magical Express – When guests bound for Disney owned-and-operated hotels are traveling via commercial airline to Orlando

Walt Disney World Transportation System – A Walt Disney World resort ID is the ticket for buses, monorails and boat launches that combine to International Airport (OIA), connect virtually they can arrange for special all areas of the Vacation luggage tags that allow them Kingdom. to check their bags at their hometown airport, bypass With the convenience of baggage claim at OIA and “door-to-door” service board state-of-the-art motor throughout the resort,

Source WDW News- Photos WDW News

many guests enjoy their Walt NOTE: Extra Magic Hours Disney World vacation with- of up to two hours after park out a car. close take effect in JanuaryFebruary 2013. Extra Magic Hours – Each day, Disney hotel guests are offered exclusive time in a Disney Dining Plan – Guests Walt Disney World theme who combine their hotel acpark one hour prior to sched- commodations and attraculed park opening or for up tions tickets into a Magic to three hours after park clos- Your Way Package are eligiing. The park varies from day ble to add dining for the conto day. I venience of a more-inclusive “cruise-style” vacation packn addition, Disney water age. In 2012, there are three parks sometimes open one plan choices to satisfy differhour early for guests of Dis- ent budgets and appetites. ney hotels. To take advantage of the additional time in the parks, guests must have their hotel ID plus a Magic Your Way ticket valid for the park(s) offering Extra Magic Hours.

All include at least two meals and a snack for each night of a Disney resort stay. Savings and restaurant choices vary. More details: 407/W-DISNEY or www.disneyworld.com.

Best Fun Under The Sun The award-winning Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, located one mile from Walt Disney World® and close to Universal Orlando® and SeaWorld® Orlando, unveils the renovated lagoon pool and enhanced recreation amenities for timeless family fun.

Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress

"The family vacation experience reaches new heights in Orlando with the new and enhanced activities just waiting for families to experience. Inspired by contemporary design matched with the simplicity of timeless fun, the resort features will make guests smile as they enjoy the moSummer Splash Special Offer ments that make memories," said Paul Tang, vice president and managing direcBook your next vacation at www.Hyatt- tor of Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress. GrandCypress.com and use code SUMMER to receive a food and beverage cred- Family favorite recreation activities init for use during your stay now through clude; S'mores pit with fireside storySeptember 30, 2013. Enjoy the resort's telling and classic family marshmallow award-winning restaurants including roasting fun, beach volleyball, tether ball, Cascade American Bistro, Hemingway's, lounge seating and hammocks, watersor the new On the Rocks pool bar. Rates ports with paddleboats, kayaks, hydro begin at $169*. bikes, canoes, aqua cycles and sailboats, old-fashioned, canopied surrey bikes, Living up to its 'cool pool' designation, and Camp Hyatt kids' activity programs. the lagoon pool is the signature attraction at Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress The 1,500 acre Grand Cypress resort ofsurrounded by enhanced lush tropical fers families an upscale travel experience landscaping, rock formations, modern with well-appointed guest rooms and lighting, and finishing touches. Located suites and a host of new family amenities along the 1,000 feet of white sandy beach and activities. of private Lake Windsong, the 800,000 The new pool bar, On the Rocks, is situatgallon, ½ acre, free-flowing lagoon pool ed along Lake Windsong, offering views boasts 12 waterfalls, heated and non- of the lagoon pool and beach. The new heated pools, two whirlpools. pool bar is the hub of outdoor activity with four 60" TVs, relaxing, shaded seatThe new Water Slide Tower Pavilion, new ing with misting fans, 16 bar seats and Water Jet Splash Zone, and new children's table seating for 20 with full bar and food Rock Climbing Stations, complement re- service options. From grab-and-go sesort favorites including the rope bridge, lections to popular grill station favorites walking paths, and expansive, wrap- and signature cocktails the pool bar ofaround sundecks, Jack Nicklaus Signa- fers convenience and value. ture Design golf, the Tennis and Racquet Club, and marked jogging, walking, and *Offer valid for stays through 9/30/13 at biking trails. Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress. All hotel reservations are subject to availability and must be made in advance. Three-

night minimum length of stay required and requires full prepayment/non-refundable. Offer is not valid with groups/ conventions and may not be combined with other promotional offers. Food and Beverage credit based on length of stay: 3 nights - $100 food/beverage credit per stay; 5 nights - $200 food/beverage credit per stay; 7 nights - $300 food/beverage credit per stay. Food and Beverage credit not applicable to room rate, taxes, resort fee or gratuities. No refunds for any unused portion of package. Additional charges apply to room-type upgrades. Additional guests may be subject to additional hotel charges. Promotional blackout periods may apply due to seasonal periods or special events, and normal arrival/departure restrictions apply. Hyatt reserves the right to alter or withdraw this program at any time without notice. Hyatt Hotels & Resorts® encompasses hotels managed, franchised or leased by subsidiaries and affiliates of Hyatt Hotels Corporation.

The trademarks Hyatt Regency® and related marks are trademarks of Hyatt Corporation. © 2013 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved.

SEAWORLD- SUMMER NEWS Reduce, Reuse, Recycle And ... Refill -SeaWorld Designs New Conservation-Minded Cup To Interact With Coca-Cola Freestyle Custom Technology Engages Guests on a Personal Level This penguin-shaped cup may look cute and cuddly, but it has a noble purpose: encourage guests to help the planet, one refill at a time. In conjunction with SeaWorld(®) Orlando's epic new attraction and ride Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin(TM) opening Memorial Day weekend, SeaWorld has created the Cup That Cares(TM)-- a new reusable cup program with a twist of technology. The innovative, interactive cup was designed specifically to connect with Coca-Cola Freestyle(®) beverage dispensers in the new realm.

not-for-profit foundation that helps protect miniature Shamu® ice cream bars and Sea- dispensers offer guests more than 100 difwildlife around the world. World shopping bags. ferent beverage brands. Also only in Antarctica, Coca-Cola Freestyle will offer an HOW DOES IT WORK? The Create A Cup That Cares will be sold in all-new, vanilla-infused choice -- South Pole Technology embedded in the Cup That the Antarctica gift shop, and includes a free Chill(TM). Cares calculates the amount of CO2 each first fill at the nearby Antarctica beverage guest saves from entering the atmosphere stations. Create A Cup That Cares experi- For more information, visit when they choose to reuse the cup for refills ence starts at $15.95 with the option to add www.SeaWorldOrlando.com. at Coca-Cola Freestyle machines in Ant- accessory items. arctica: Empire of the Penguin. With each refill at the designated machines, exclusive "Just as penguins do within software developed by Coca-Cola and Sea- their colonies, humans also World serves up an onscreen message that can band together to make a is customized to that guest's Cup That Cares big difference through small history. The message thanks the guest for actions," said Dan Brown, choosing to reuse, tracks how many refills Chief Operating Officerof the Cup That Cares has been used for, and SeaWorld, Discovery Cove calculates the running total of CO2 the guest and Aquatica Parks. "We see has saved from entering the atmosphere. great potential with this new program because it encourEach refill with a reusable cup prevents the ages guests to be more aware emission of approximately 27 grams of CO2. of their actions - and reduce their carbon footprint -- in WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE: an easy, fun and innovative way. Each step may be small, There are two options, both available exclu- but it all adds up when we sively in the new Antarctica: Empire of the work together." Penguin attraction at SeaWorld Orlando: Refills throughout the park Cup That Cares(TM) souvenir reusable cup for both Cup That Cares opavailable at the two beverage stations inside tions are $.99 each. the attraction for $9.99 - is adorned with photos of Puck(TM) and his penguin family. PLUS -- NEW custom CocaPuck is the hero penguin character featured Cola flavor served up only at throughout the new realm. Antarctica

The new Cup That Cares engages guests in a personalized manner to reuse materials and reduce their carbon footprint. An RFID chip embedded in each Cup That Cares interacts with software at Coca-Cola Freestyle(®) dispensers to calculate and tell guests how they are being more environmentally responsible Create A Cup That Cares(TM) - Guests by choosing to reuse. may build their own personalized penguinPlus, SeaWorld will donate $1 from each shaped character cup by choosing from Cup That Cares purchase to the SeaWorld more than 40 accessories such as eyes, hair, & Busch Gardens(®) Conservation Fund, a glasses, hats, bow tie, necklaces and even

The Cup That Cares concept was developed in partnership with the park's beverage partner Coca-Cola, whose Coca-Cola Freestyle

Reduzir, Reutilizar, Reciclar ... e Refil

SeaWorld passam uma mensagem personalizada agradecendo aos hóspedes por reutilizar SeaWorld Designs novo copo visando a o copo, rastreia quantas recargas a Cup That Cares foi usada para refill, e calcula o total parconservação para interagir com hóspe- cial de cargas de CO2 que o hóspede salvou de des em um nível pessoal através da tec- contaminar a atmosfera. nologia sob medida da Cada recarga com um copo reutilizável evita a emissão de cerca de 27 g de CO2. Coca-Cola Free Style

Este copo em forma de pinguim pode parecer bonitinho e fofinho, mas tem um propósito nobre: ​​ incentivar os clientes a ajudar ao planeta, um refil de cada vez.

Em conjunto com o SeaWorld (®)a nova atração de Orlando, o passeio Antártica: Empire of the Penguin (TM) com abertura oficial no Memorial Day weekend, criou o Cup that Cares (TM) - um novo programa de copo reutilizável com um toque de tecnologia. O copo interativo inovador foi projetado especificamente para se conectar com os dispensadores de bebidas do novo reino Antártica de Coca-Cola Freestyle (®).

COMO ELAS SÃO: Existem duas opções, ambas disponíveis exclusivamente na nova Antártica: Império dos Pinguins no SeaWorld Orlando: O Cup That Cares(TM) souvenir reutilizável, disponível nas duas estações de bebidas dentro da atração por US $ 9,99 - é adornado com fotos de Puck (TM) e sua família pinguim. Puck é o personagem herói pinguim.

Criando o Cup That Cares (TM)

Os hóspedes poderão construir seu próprio pinguim personalizado em forma de copo personagem, escolhendo entre mais de 40 acessórios como olhos, cabelos, óculos, chapéus, graO novo “Cup that Cares” se engaja com clientes vata borboleta, colares e até mesmo miniatura de forma personalizada e convida para a reuti- de sorvete Shamu ® e SeaWorld mini sacolas de lização de materiais com o objetivo de reduzir compras. a poluição de Gás carbono na Atmosfera Terrestre. Um chip RFID embutido em cada Copo Ao Criar o “Cup that Cares” que serão vendiinterage com o software das maquinas de Coca- dos na loja de presentes Antártica, esta inclu-Cola Freestyle (®) , calcula e diz aos convidados ído um refil grátis nas estações de bebidas da Antártica. Criar um “Cup That Cares” começa como eles estão sendo ambientalmente mais em US$ 15,95, com a opção de adicionar acesResponsáveis por escolher a reutilização. sórios. Além disso, SeaWorld vai doar US $ 1 de cada “Cup That Cares” comprada para o SeaWorld "Assim como os pinguins fazem em suas colô& Busch Gardens Conservation Fund (®), uma nias, os seres humanos também podem se unir fundação sem fins lucrativos que ajuda a prote- para fazer uma grande diferença por meio de pequenas ações", disse Dan Brown, Chief Opeger a vida selvagem ao redor do mundo. rating Officer of SeaWorld, Discovery Cove e Aquatica Parks. "Vemos um grande potencial COMO FUNCIONA? com este novo programa, pois incentiva os A Tecnologia embutida no “Cup That Cares” clientes a serem mais conscientes de suas ações calcula a quantidade de CO2 que cada hóspede - e reduzirem a poluição de Gas Carbonico. evita de entrar na atmosfera quando optam por reutilizar o copo para fazer o refill nas máqui- De uma forma fácil, divertida e inovadora Cada nas de Coca-Cola Freestyle no Ride Antártica: passo pode ser pequeno, mas tudo isso acrescenta-se quando trabalhamos juntos. " Empire of the Penguin. Recargas em todo o parque, para os dois tipos A cada recarga nas máquinas designadas, o sof- de copo custam US$ 0,99 cada. PLUS - NOVO tware exclusivo desenvolvido pela Coca-Cola e sabor da Coca-Cola servido apenas na Antár-

tida. Para mais informações, visite O conceito do “Cup that Cares” foi desenvolvi- www.SeaWorldOrlando.com do em parceria com a Coca-Cola, cujos distribuidores da Coca-Cola Freestyle oferecem aos clientes mais de 100 marcas de bebidas diferentes. Também só na Antártica-Seaworld, a Coca-Cola Freestyle com a totalmente nova infusão de baunilha - South Pole Frio (TM) será encontrada.

Universal Orlando Resort Reveals Grand Opening Date for Blockbuster Attraction, TRANSFORMERS: The Ride - 3D The highly anticipated blockbuster attraction TRANSFORMERS: The Ride - 3D will officially open on Thursday, June 20, 2013, Universal Orlando announced today. Universal also launched an all-new “Join the Resistance” Facebook experience to prepare fans for the battle they’ll experience on the mega-attraction. “Recruits” can create their very own NEST IDs, train for battle, access exclusive photos and video and win prizes - including a trip to the attraction’s grand opening celebration on June 20. Click here to join the resistance. TRANSFORMERS: The Ride - 3D is a mindblowing, action-packed ride experience that pushes the limits of technology to place guests in the middle of a larger-than-life battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. The ride was created under license from Hasbro, Inc. and is based on its iconic TRANSFORMERS brand. The battle begins when guests enter the NEST facility - the headquarters for the government operation that partners with the Autobots to protect Earth from the Decepticons. While inside, they are recruited to help protect the AllSpark - a powerful energy source that would allow the Decepticons to destroy the planet. Guests board EVAC - an Autobot created exclusively for the attraction - to transport the AllSpark to safety. But beware...the Decepticons are in close pursuit... For more information about Universal Orlando and TRANSFORMERS: The Ride - 3D, visit www.universalorlando.com Universal Studios Art at Downtown Orlando Photo by Hospotorlando

Programado para abrir em 2014, e trazendo a experiência multi-parque temático com o Mundo Mágico de Harry Potter para ambos os parques da Universal Orlando a equipe criativa da Universal traz uma visão incomparável a este projeto exclusivo trazendo a Universal para o centro das atenções. A nova área vai trazer à vida algumas das experiências de lugares encontrados dentro e ao redor de Londres nos livros e filmes de Harry Potter, oferecendo novas aventuras para os fãs e visitantes do parque temático de todo o mundo.

"Eu estou tão contente que O Mundo Mágico de Harry Potter provou-se tão popular, e eu tenho certeza que a atenção aos detalhes na criação da nova área de Diagon Alley vai tornar esta uma experiência ainda melhor", disse JK Rowling. "Nós estamos continuando a viagem e adicionando um nível inteiramente novo de aventura", disse Tom Williams, presidente da Universal Parks & Resorts. "E nós estamos trazendo o mesmo comprometimento, entusiasmo e inovação para este projeto como fizemos com o primeiro." "Estamos entusiasmados por oferecer as legiões de fãs a oportunidade de embarcar nesta nova jornada de experiência em Diagon Alley, assim como foi trazida à vida nos livros e filmes", disse Brad Globe, presidente da Warner Bros Consumer Products.

Diagon Alley e 'London' serão localizados dentro do parque temático Universal Studios Florida, que fica ao lado da Universal Islands of Adentures onde os hóspedes vão experimentar Hogwarts e Hogsmeade. A nova área dentro da Universal Studios vai ser tão expansiva, envolvente e autên- "Nossa visão é a de criar duas experiências tica como o ambiente temático já existen- incríveis nos dois parques temáticos que te. se combinam em uma um só, completa, viagem mágica", disse Alice Norsworthy, E - assim como nos livros e filmes - os vice-presidente executivo de marketing e hóspedes poderão viajar entre 'London' e vendas para a Universal Orlando Resort. Hogsmeade, a bordo do Expresso de Hogwarts. O Mundo Mágico de Harry Potter - Hogsmeade abriu na Universal Islands of Os trabalhos da nova área já estão em an- Adventure em junho de 2010 como um damento. Quando concluído, ela contará envolvente ambiente totalmente temático com lojas, um restaurante e um inovadora Harry Potter - trazendo à vida os livros atração baseada em Gringotts Bank - to- best-seller de JK Rowling e os filmes de dos inspirados diretamente na ficção dos grande sucesso da Warner Bros . Desde filmes. aquela época, tornou-se um fenômeno global, entreter milhões de pessoas de Mais detalhes sobre O Mundo Mágico de todo o mundo. Harry Potter - Diagon Alley vão ser li berados ao longo do tempo. Visitantes do Mundo Mágico de Harry Potter são arrastados para as aventuras de Para trazer Diagon Alley e 'London' à Harry Potter. Eles podem visitar o castelo vida, à equipe criativa da Universal está de Hogwarts, fazer compras em Hogsmetrabalhando em conjunto com a Warner ade e jantar no Três Vassouras. Eles poBros e a equipe de projeto de produção de dem voar acima de Hogwarts com Harry, filmes de Harry Potter - exatamente como e muito mais fez para Hogwarts e Hogsmeade.

London' and Diagon Alley versal Studios Florida theme Will Come to Life at Univer- park, which is adjacent to sal Orlando in 2014 Universal's Islands of Adventure theme park, where guests World's First Centrally now experience Hogwarts and Themed, Multi-Park Experi- Hogsmeade. The new area ence within Universal Studios will be just as expansive, immerBuilding on the global phe- sive and authentic as the existnomenon that is The Wizard- ing themed environment. ing World of Harry Potter, Universal Orlando Resort and And - just like in the books Warner Bros. Entertainment and films - guests will be able today announced an expan- to travel between 'London' sion of historic proportion and Hogsmeade aboard the with the entirely new themed Hogwarts Express. environment, The Wizarding Work on the new area is alWorld of Harry Potter - Di- ready underway. When comagon Alley. plete, it will feature shops, a restaurant and an innovative, marquee attraction based on Scheduled to open in 2014, Gringotts bank - all directly the world's first centrally inspired by the fiction and themed, multi-park experi- films. ence expands The Wizarding World of Harry Potter across To bring Diagon Alley and both Universal Orlando 'London' to life, Universal's theme parks and allows Uni- creative team is working versal's creative team to bring closely with Warner Bros. and an unparalleled vision to this the production design team unique project. The new area from the Harry Potter films will bring to life some of the just as it did for Hogwarts and experiences and places found Hogsmeade. in and around London in the Harry Potter books and films, "I'm so pleased that The Wizoffering brand-new adven- arding World of Harry Potter tures for fans and theme park has proved so popular to date, guests from around the world. and I'm sure that the attention to detail in creating the Diagon Alley and 'London' new Diagon Alley area will will be located within the Uni- make this an even better expe-

rience," said J.K. Rowling. "We are continuing the journey and adding an entirely new level of adventure," said Tom Williams, Chairman of Universal Parks & Resorts. "And we are bringing the same drive, commitment, enthusiasm and innovation to this project as we did to the first." "We are thrilled to offer the legions of fans the opportunity to embark on this new journey and experience Diagon Alley as it was brought to life in the books and films," said Brad Globe, president, Warner Bros. Consumer Products. "Our vision is to create two amazing theme park experiences that combine into one, complete, magical journey," said Alice Norsworthy, executive vice president, marketing and sales for Universal Orlando Resort. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade opened at Universal's Islands of Adventure in June 2010 as a fully immersive Harry Potter themed environment - bringing to life the bestselling books by J.K. Rowling and the blockbuster feature films

from Warner Bros. Since that time, it has become a global phenomenon, entertaining millions of people from around the world.

Hogwarts castle, shop in Hogsmeade and dine at the Three Broomsticks. They can soar above Hogwarts with Harry, be chosen by a wand at Ollivanders, sample ButterVisitors to The Wizarding beer and much more. World of Harry Potter are Photos provided by swept into the adventures of Universal Studios Harry Potter. They can tour

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Conservancy of Southwest Florida public and members to enjoy. officially reopened the new 21-acre Funding was provided through the Conservancy of Southwest Florida “Saving Southwest Florida” CamNature Center . paign which raised over $38.8 million. The newly renovated Conservancy of Southwest Florida Nature Cen- In addition to the Conservancy Nater, located off of Goodlette-Frank ture Center renovations, the balance Road just south of the Naples Zoo, of funds is being used for policy iniis designed to raise awareness of the tiatives, environmental education importance of protecting the water, programs, environmental science reland, and wildlife in the region. search and native wildlife rehabilitation. The $20 million in sustainable reno- The Campaign also provided invations at Conservancy of Southwest creased endowment funding, inFlorida included a new entrance, four cluding an environmental education additional acres of nature preserves, partnership with Florida Gulf Coast new filter marshes, three new build- University. ings and three renovated buildings. Conservancy of Southwest Florida “The original Naples Nature Center Nature Center offers a variety of new was built in 1981 and the old style, programs and experiences for the energy “inefficient” labs, classrooms,

auditorium and wildlife clinic were in dire need of an extreme makeover,” said Conservancy of Southwest Florida President and CEO Andrew McElwaine. “The new Conservancy Nature Center was designed to teach people about the natural treasures of the region, the work the Conservancy conducts to protect our water, land and wildlife, and to inspire people to take action to preserve our quality of life.” Visitors enter the Conservancy Nature Center from Smith Preserve Way, just south of Naples Zoo on Goodlette-Frank Road. Spectacular native species, including endangered gopher tortoises, are seen meandering through the Christopher B. Smith upland preserve.

Conservancy of Southwest Florida opens newly renovated 21-acre Nature Center

Eaton Conservation Hall and the Jeannie Meg Smith Theater offer a state-of-the-art multi-media experience with presentations, daily programs, speakers and more. A new Conservancy film produced by Elam Stoltzfus is currently featured in the Theater. Ferguson Learning Lab is will be home to the Conservancy of Southwest Florida STEM Institute, where hands-on environmental studies incorporate the latest in science, technology, engineering and math. At the Allyn Family Lagoon and Dock, guests search for wildlife and manatee on a leisurely electric boat cruise, or rent a kayak for a closer look at nature in a mangrove-lined lagoon up to the Gordon River. Guests can explore the secrets of how the Shotwell Wavering Family Filter Marsh cleans and purifies water, and view wading birds and wildlife from the gazebo. In addition, the Bradley Nature Store showcases nature-inspired gifts, books, toys, games and more. The Nature Center also offers short walking trails and is designated as Site #69 on the Great Florida Birding Trail. The Eva Sugden Gomez Environmen-

tal Planning Center and Sustainabil- goal to meet the U.S. Green Building ity Plaza are on track to open in late Council’s LEED standards. 2014. Our new Nature Center truly reflects “We are proud of our extreme nature the mission of the Conservancy, and center makeover, as every corner of we are grateful to our donors, the the 21-acre Nature Center was part construction teams, staff, volunteers, of a sustainable effort, from land and local and state officials, and the comwater conservation, to green build- munity for supporting us throughout ings and energy sources, including the Campaign and renovation.” utilizing geothermal energy for cooling,” said McElwaine. The public can help protect the region’s water, land and wildlife by vol“Each building was designed with the unteering, becoming a Conservancy

member, making a donation, or making a purchase or donating furniture at the Conservancy Upscale Resale Furniture and More store in Naples. To plan your visit to the Conservancy of Southwest Florida Nature Center, visit www.conservancy.org or call 239-262-0304. SOURCE Conservancy of Southwest Florida


mercial success with albums such as Led Zeppelin (1969), Led Zeppelin II (1969), Led Zeppelin III (1970), their untitled fourth album (1971), Houses of the Holy (1973), and Physical GrafMusic should never die, Good Music is fiti (1975). a legacy, and if we fail to show it and teach to the new generations, we are Their fourth album in particular, taking away from them an important which features the track "Stairway to Heaven", is among the most popular lesson Led Zeppelin was more than great, and influential works in rock music, they were legends of Rock’n Roll and and it helped to cement the popularity all the young kids should learn about of the group. The group's later albums them, reason why I have paced them saw greater experimentation and were here, so we revisit this great band that accompanied by record-breaking marked many lives all over the world. tours that earned the band a reputation for excess and debauchery. Led Zeppelin were an English rock band formed in London in 1968. The Although they remained commercialband consisted of guitarist Jimmy ly and critically successful, their outPage, singer Robert Plant, bassist put and touring schedule were limited and keyboardist John Paul Jones, and in the late 1970s by the personal circumstances of the members, and the drummer John Bonham. group disbanded following Bonham's The group's heavy, guitar-driven sudden death in 1980. sound, rooted in blues rock on their early albums, has drawn them rec- In the decades since, the surviving ognition as one of the progenitors of members have spoheavy metal, though their unique style radically collaborated drew from a wide variety of influences, and participated in one-off Led Zeppelin including folk music. reunions. The most After changing their name from the successful of these New Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin signed a was at the 2007 Ahmet deal with Atlantic Records at the be- Ertegun Tribute Conginning of their career that afforded cert in London, with Jason Bonham taking them considerable artistic freedom. his late father's place The band disliked releasing their behind the drums. songs as singles, as they viewed their albums as indivisible and complete Led Zeppelin are listening experiences. Although the widely considered to group was initially unpopular with be one of the most critics, they achieved significant com- successful, innovative believe that our feelings and thoughts are good enough to give others guidelines. We can learn a lot from others!

and influential rock groups in history. They are one of the best-selling music artists in the history of audio recording; various sources estimate the group's sales at more than 200 or even 300 million albums worldwide. With 111.5 million RIAA-certified units, they are the second-best-selling band in the United States. Each of their nine studio albums placed on the Billboard Top 10, and six reached the number-one spot. Rolling Stone magazine described them as "the heaviest band of all time", "the biggest band of the '70s"and "unquestionably one of the most enduring bands in rock history". They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995; the museum's biography of the band states that they were "as influential in that decade [the 1970s] as the Beatles were in the prior one"

Led Zeppelin's music was rooted in the blues.The influence of abrupt, non-fluid American blues of Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters and Skip James was particularly apparent, especially on Led Zeppelin and Led Zeppelin II. Tracks were structured around the twelve-bar blues on every studio album except for one, and the blues directly and indirectly influenced other songs both musically and lyrically.

between Page and Plant became predominant, with Page supplying the music, largely via his acoustic guitar, and Plant emerging as the band's chief lyricist. Jones and Bonham then added to the material, in rehearsal or in the studio, as a song was developed.

In the later stages of the band's career, Page took a back seat in composition and Jones became increasingly important in producing music, often composed on the keyboard. Plant would then add The band were also strongly influ- lyrics before Page and Bonham enced by the music of the British, developed their parts. Celtic and American folk revivals. Scottish folk guitarist Bert Jansch helped inspire Page, and from him Page with the double-neck Gibson he adapted open tunings and ag- EDS-1275 used for playing "Stairgressive strokes into his playing. way to Heaven" live Early lyrics The band also drew on a wide vari- drew on the band's blues and folk ety of genres, including world mu- roots, often mixing lyrical fragsic,[14] and elements of early rock ments from different songs. and roll, jazz, country, funk, soul and reggae, particularly on Hous- Many of the band's songs dealt es of the Holy and the albums that with themes of romance, unrefollowed. quited love and sexual conquest, which were common in rock, pop The material on the first two al- and blues music. Some of their lyrbums was largely constructed out ics, especially those derived from of extended jams of blues stan- the blues, have been interpreted dards and folk songs.This method as misogynistic. Particularly from led to the mixing of musical and Led Zeppelin III, they incorpolyrical elements of different songs rated elements of mythology and and versions, as well as impro- mysticism into their music,which vised passages, to create new ma- largely grew out of Plant's interest terial, but would lead to later ac- in legends and history. cusations of plagiarism and some legal disputes over copyright. These elements were often taken to reflect Page's interest in the ocUsually the music was developed cult, which resulted in accusations first, sometimes with improvised that the recordings contained sublyrics that might then be rewritten liminal satanic messages, some of for the final version of the song. which were said to be contained From the visit to Bron-Yr-Aur in in backmasking: claims generally 1970, the songwriting partnership dismissed by the band and mu-

sic critics.[138] Susan Fast argues that as Plant emerged as the band's main lyricist, the songs more obviously reflected his alignment with the West Coast counterculture of the 1960s. In the later part of the band's career Plant's lyrics became more autobiographical, and less optimistic, drawing on his own experiences and circumstances. According to musicologist Robert Walser, "Led Zeppelin's sound was marked by speed and power, unusual rhythmic patterns, contrasting terraced dynamics, singer Robert Plant's wailing vocals, and guitarist Jimmy Page's heavily distorted crunch".

drum.[149] Jones' basslines have been described as melodic and his keyboard playing added a classical touch to the band's sound.

These elements mean that they are often cited as one of the progenitors of hard rockand heavy metaland they have been described as the "definitive heavy metal band",although the band members have often eschewed the label. Part of this reputation depends on the band's use of distorted guitar riffs on songs like "Whole Lotta Love" and "The Wanton Song".

Towards the end of their recording career, they moved to a more mellow and progressive sound, dominated by Jones' keyboard motifs. They also increasingly made use of various layering and production techniques, including multitracking and overdubbed guitar parts.

Often riffs were not doubled by guitar, bass and drums exactly, but instead there were melodic or rhythmic variations; as in "Black Dog", where three different time signatures are used.Page's guitar playing incorporated elements of the blues scale with those of eastern music.Plant's use of highpitched shrieks has been compared to Janis Joplin's vocal technique.

Page stated that he wanted Led Zeppelin to produce music that had "light and shade". This began to be more clearly realised from Led Zeppelin III, which made greater use of acoustic instruments. This approach has been seen as exemplified in the fourth album, particularly on "Stairway to Heaven", which begins with acoustic guitar and recorder and ends with drums and heavy electric sounds.

Their emphasis on the sense of dynamics and ensemble arrangement has been seen as producing an individualistic style that transcends any single music genre. Ian Peddie argues that they were "... loud, powerful and often heavy, but their music was also humorous, self-reflective and extremely subtle" Whatever it is their music is the best we can ever remember, and it needs to be teached and reminded from time to time so it won’t get lost in the cracks of time.

Bonham's drumming was noted for its power, his rapid rolls and Source-Billboard,Wiki, and personhis fast beats on a single bass al notes


What's good Orlando? Every month I showcase artist or industry related professionals in my monthly segment and I've received a lot of submissions wanting to be a part of AboutUS Orlando.

free sites that you can add your product to. YouTube, Face Book, Reverbnation are just a few methods. RECORD as often as you can, but stay focused on the quality of your product. If you are serious about your muIt dawned on me that sic, you need to make there are so many lev- sure it's official. els of development with Orlando artist 2. PREPARE TO that it can be diffi- SPEND: cult to separate your- It's important to take self from the pack. advantage of all free With that being said, services but let's face I wanted to give the it, some things cost starting artist a few money. If you can't tips on what could can spend money on your make them stand out product, no one else from others while try- will. ing to make a name for yourself. I have Since most artist are broken down my TOP "starving" as the say5 things that I think ing goes, it's imporwould start to create tant to spend wisely. separation as an art- When I started South ist. Coast Records, I always said that the 1. MARKET YOUR one thing SCR will be PRODUCT: known for is our vidA good marketing eos and studio recordplan can be created ings. You cant take with little or no bud- the mastering of your get. If you have access product for granted. to a computer, you can Spend the money on start to build a buzz. what will carry you There are hundreds of the furthest.


Of course this is just how I see it. I briefly touched on what I think is important. We started our company from an email address and a FB account 4 years ago and even though were not where we want to be yet, we are on our way to getting there. It takes hard work and confidence. It will take nights without sleep and tireless loyalty to your music. The question you must ask yourself is would you be willing to drop everything in your life and follow your dreams? Well, would you? That's what every big artist out today did before you. I will leave you with this. If you truly believe you have what it takes then its your job to let everyone in the world know one person at a time. It's not about selling a million records, it's about having a million people hear your music.

3. STREET PRESENCE: I'm from the old school and even though I feel the artist today have an advantage because of internet, the one thing that will never be Music, South Coast Records. replaced in being seen. As an artist you have to socialize. You have to build a buzz and in order to do that, you have to be active on the circuit. Even if your not performing you should be there with your product in hand ready for whatever. 4. TIRELESS AMBITION: If you ever want to make it past showcases and open mics, you have to work harder then every artist out there. Your drive will dictate what level of the game that you get to. Your every thought should be in one way or another connected to your craft. There is no such thing as a part time artist. You either are or your not. NOTHING IS GIVEN TO YOU and the game is surely not waiting for you. Dedicate your everything into making the best music possible and be willing to sacrifice for your objectives. 5. SUPPORT TEAM: You can not reach your goals without a great support team. Your team will more then likely be your friends in the beginning but they should all have a role. A successful artist must have a team dedicated to making that artist a star. It's impossible for the artist to do everything, so sit down with your team and organize what needs to be done and assign your team task that they can be accountable for.

As always I appreciate you taking to time out to read this month's article. Be blessed and stay engaged in your craft. Real Talk, Real

The Orlando City Soccer In a night where Soccer was the main topic of the event. Players, admirers, fans were all fighting for a cause and giving everything they got, as they do it every year with dedication. There were, silent auctions, a little dance and even a t shirt auction that was the highlight of the moment. No matter what the Orlando City Soccer is

Soccer and the City

growing stronger, reaching out, digging deep in our hearts, and becoming a passion. I could sit here all day talking about it, but for you to feel it you must come to the games and check what it is all about! The Orlando City is a force and it is roaring louder and louder. Check the event!

Brian Fekete #24

Erik Ustruck #8 Jamie Watson #77

Kevin Molino #18

Don Dwyer #9

Justin Clark #13, Jonathan Mendoza #3 and a friend

Elita Freitas

Easy Culinary - Culinaria Facil!

Bolo de Banana Caramelizado Para a massa do bolo 3 ovos 1 xicara de óleo 2 xicara de leite 2 xicara de açúcar 3 xicara de farinha de trigo Essência de baunilha a gosto 1 colher de sopa de fermento

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No liquidificador coloque todos os ingredientes líquidos e bater por aproximadamente 3 minutos, depois de tudo misturado ponha o açúcar e bata mais 1 minuto mais ou menos.... Em uma vasilha coloque as 3 xicaras de farinha de trigo peneiradas....

xicaras de açúcar e ponha no fogo, quando o açúcar começar a queimar nas bordas, coloque 1/2 xicara de água e sem mexer, deixe apurar ate formar o caramelo. Em uma forma media coloque no fundo o caramelo. Por cima vá pondo as bananas cortadas no sentido do comprimento, depois jogue a massa em cimadas bananas e ponha no forno a 325 F - por 30 a 40 minutos mais ou menos, vá testando com um palito...Desenforme quente e você fará o maior sucesso. O mesmo processo poderá ser feito também com abacaxi..... Fica Delicioso, espero que vocês gostem e para mais dicas e receitas visitem a minha website www.culinariafacil.com

Depois misture todos os inAmigos, visitem minha wegredientes e coloque o ferbpage mento Para caramelizar a banana Numa panela coloque duas

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Caramelized Banana Cake For the cake batter 3 eggs 1 cup of oil 2 c ups of milk 2 cups of gingerbread 3 cups of flour Vanilla essence  1 teaspoon of yeast In a blender : Place all liquid ingredients and beat for about 3 minutes, then add sugar and beat 1 more minute or so ....

sugar start to burn on the edges, place half cup of water and without stiring let it turn to caramel. In a pan place the caramel in the bottom, then the bananas cut to length, then throw the dough upon the bananas and put in the oven at 325 F - for 30 to 40 minutes or less, test it with a toothpick ... Unmold warm and you will make a greatest success. The same process may also be made with pineapple .....

It is delicious , hope you enjoy! and for In a separate bowl place more tips and recipes visit my website the 3 cups of flour sifted Then mix all ingredients www.culinariafacil. com and place the yeast To caramelize the banana and my webpage In a saucepan put two cups www.sweetpiecesusa. com of sugar, when the

Elita Freitas


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