AboutUS # 53

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Fusion Art Group Alberto Quintero

AboutUS By Hotspotorlando

Pie-Fection The Best Brazilian Pizza in ORLANDO

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Congratulations! It’s a Boy! Welcome John Emmanuel



“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

From My Desk This time we fell short on courage. The world moment was in Paris when we should be in Brazil, laying nature down in its death bed. Little by little as an agonizing frail being, Nature slowly gets forgotten, in the corner of our minds. We need to fight, we need to put busy on the side an press the nerve, no matter how it hurts, until we have a better scenario. Minas Gerais-Brazil hit with a shot in the heart, bleeding chemicals, bad blood, metal, left over poison everywhere and we watch, considering the Paris Flag instead. Not a fish, bird, dog, home, person, family, nothing was forgotten, the water took it all, like a plague, angry, paying back the constant abuse. Vengeance! And we sit, waiting, because this time the negative is the lack of action, the head turned to Europe, the fear of dying the death from far away, instead of the one knocking at the door. We need to hurt this time, to feel, to take nature’s side, to breath clean air while we can, because if we keep up there won’t be anything left to breath. Have a great Month!

Contributors Ademar Rodrigues

Our CEO Brazilian, great photographer and with a mind set to detail. The ground person.

Laiz Rodrigues Editor in Chief, PR., project creator. Brazilian. Responsible for the visual of our site and digital magazine. President at CFBACC

André Luiz Santos Brazilian Writer, every day stories of life and imagination

Giuseppe Ranzini Brazilian Artist Atelier G. Ranzini Arts and GM at NEXUM Consultoria em Marketing Empresarial

Ana Maria Ribas Professora e Pesquisadora do Departamento de História do Colégio Pedro II. Editora Responsável e Parecerista da Revista Encontros. Colaboradora da Área de Humanas do Instituto Nacional de Estu­dos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP/MEC). Doutora em História.

Elita Freitas

Brazilian, lives in Boca Raton,g reat mom and friend, with a special vision of life and great baking skills that she shares with us every month.


Laiz Rodrigues

#thehotspotorlando #hotspotorlandonews


​André Luiz Santos​ - Fica olhando pra todos os lados e desenhando, causando alvoroço. Tira a atenção dos alunos da aula.

Murilo sempre foi uma criança esquisita. Os pais já tinham levado o menino a vários especialistas. Os diagnósticos eram os mais diferentes - Desenhando? - o pai gritou, deu um soco na mesa e colocou a mão no possíveis: autismo leve, transtorno neurobiológico, síndrome de as- rosto de vergonha. perger, déficit de atenção, TOC. - Ele sofrerá muito se continuar aqui. Seus colegas não o aceitam do jeito que ele é. E, infelizmente, não conseguimos controlar a turma. O pai trabalhava fora. A mãe, desesperada, buscava uma solução. Um dia, chorando na varanda, foi surpreendida pela vizinha: - Diretora, a senhora falou em desenhos. Meu filho nunca disse nada - Mara querida, vem tomar um café. Fiz especialmente pra você. sobre isso. A casa de Solange era simples, mas bem cuidada. - Fico surpresa. Ele deve ter muitos... - Quero tranquilizar você sobre seu filho. Na verdade, sou médium. Mas O casal não trocou uma palavra no carro, até chegar em casa. se você preferir, encare como intuição. O Murilo não tem nada. Ele é uma criança normal. Isso eu garanto. - Júlio, meu filho, a gente pode ver um dos seus desenhos? - Tem certeza, Solange? Eu já fui a tantos médicos... - Claro, mãe! - saiu correndo para pegá-los - Taqui! Júlio e Mara passaram folha a folha. Eram mais de cinquenta. - Ele só tem uma sensibilidade muito aguçada. Nenhum médico vai con- As imagens traziam toques surrealistas, com figuras em vários planos, seguir chegar nisso. Nem vai explicar porque o Murilinho fica olhando desafiando a percepção do observador. A sensação de quem olhava é tantos objetos durante horas. Calado. que estava prestes a entrar e passear dentro do desenho. Apesar da Mara gelou. Nunca tinha comentado isso com a vizinha. Solange s precisão técnica, a imagem passava uma grande emoção. Sua mãe egurou nas mãos de Mara e olhou no fundo dos seus olhos. começou a chorar. O pai ficou embasbacado. - São... são as imagens mais lindas que já vi na vida... não tenho pala- Não se importe com os outros. Apenas ame o seu filho. Dê todo o vras... desculpa, borrei este aqui com uma lágrima - disse Mara. apoio que ele precisar. Tem muito amor aí dentro que eu sei. Faça isso e ele será um grande O menino se animou. homem! Mara saiu de lá flutuando. Mas, com o passar dos dias, - Pera que eu vou buscar os coloridos! voltaram as críticas. Murilo não gostava de jogar bola, não se enturma- - Como assim? Tem mais? - Perguntou o pai, incrédulo. va com os colegas, não queria sair de casa. Para ele, tudo se resumia a Ele voltou com um calhamaço na mão. Como uma criança de dez anos olhar objetos. poderia criar tudo aquilo? O pai estava boquiaberto. Não entendia nada de arte, mas de cifrões. Sabia que poderia ganhar muito dinheiro com o - Filho, porque que você olha pra essas coisas e fica quieto tanto filho. A mãe chorava de alegria e lembrava das palavras da tempo? vizinha: “é uma criança normal... sensibilidade aguçada...”. - Mãe, você nunca reparou os animais que se formam no meio das nuvens? Ela lembrou de uma vez, na praia, quando era menina. - Meu amor, porque nunca mostrou isso pra gente? - perguntou ela. As nuvens formavam animais. Ela adorava ver. Eles se mexiam lá em - Achei que vocês iam odiar...Mara o abraçou com força. Sentiu seu talcima, até o vento espalhar e formar outros. Murilo percebeu a resposta ento no fundo do peito e percebeu, pela primeira vez, como um menino no sorriso de sua mãe. de tamanha sensibilidade deveria ser incompreendido naquela escola. Pela internet, descobriu outras mães com filhos “diferentes” como Mu- Então mãe! Eu vejo formas em tudo o que olho! No mármore, os rilo. Encontrou com elas e achou uma escola com uma linha pedagógipontos se juntam e viram um rosto! Nas paredes, eu vejo ondas. ca especializada. Murilo adorava as aulas. Seus colegas eram parecidos No chão do metrô...O pai entrou na sala e interrompeu a conversa, com com ele - tinham dons incríveis, cada um numa área seu ar autoritário e brusco: diferente. - Murilo, abre o jogo. Você tá usando drogas? O menino não conseguiu segurar a decepção. Foi chorar no quarto. O tempo passou. Murilo fez faculdade de Belas Artes e arrumou um Júlio e Mara discutiram mais uma vez. Ela queria tanto que o pai en- emprego de ilustrador numa editora multinacional. Ganhava bem. Cortendesse aquele filho. A relação do casal já estava desgastada. tara relações com seu pai, já divorciado da mãe. Dela, estava sempre perto. Tinha alguns romances rápidos na faculdade ou no trabalho, - Eu tenho um filho anormal, que me envergonhava na frente dos meus mas não conseguia cultivá-los. Sua verdadeira paixão eram seus desenamigos, e você quer que eu entenda? Você foi muito frouxa na criação hos, sua arte. dele! Isso é falta de tapa! - e saiu. Foram chamados pela diretora da escola. Foi convidado para a filial de Nova Iorque. Sua mãe sofreu mas deu a - Sr. Júlio e Sra. Mara, vou direto ao ponto. Seu filho não se adapta neste maior força. Queria a felicidade do filho. Ele a convidou para morar com colégio. Ele não acompanha as aulas e atrapalha o rendimento da tur- ele, mas ela recusou. ma.- Como assim? - perguntou a mãe.

CONTO BRASILEIRO - Filho a gente cria pro mundo.

nuava travado. Mais um dia raiou. Em cinco horas o pessoal da revista chegaria. Ele estava um caco. Decidiu tomar um banho e se arrumar. Sua vida ia muito bem como ilustrador sênior da editora em - Seja o que Deus quiser! - riu. Logo ele, um ateu, falando em Deus. Manhattan. Até que um sábado foi visitar o Metropolitan Museum of Art. Olhou de novo para a tela em branco. Nunca imaginou que passaria essa O que viu naquela tarde transformaria sua vida para sempre. vergonha aos sessenta anos. De repente veio uma ideia. Fechou os olhos. Alugou um apartamento com dois quartos e transformou o segundo em Ele estremeceu. ateliê: pincéis, tintas e telas em branco. Lembrou-se de quando era criança e olhava objetos por horas, até ver algo que ninguém - Será? A ideia era ousada. Pegou o pincel. Ainda tinha três horas. percebesse. Trabalhou na tela até a campainha tocar. Deu a entrevista todo sujo de tinta. A matéria de capa na Time teve grande repercussão, com Murilo Abriu a janela e olhou as nuvens. Observou-as em movimento por um todo borrado ao lado do quadro: “O gênio brasileiro das artes em Nova bom tempo. Depois fechou os olhos. Algo se formara em sua mente. Foi York: Ser ou Não Ser?”. “A obra do Sr. Maloto mostra a desfragmentação para a tela. Pintou por oito horas seguidas. Sentiu-se em êxtase. Uma do irreal de forma majestosa” - Revista Newsweek. sensação muito mais intensa do que as ilustrações que fez a vida toda. “O quadro demonstra os maiores arrependimentos do ser humano, cuja Quando terminou, estava imundo. Mas tinha criado algo inédito: um prín- consciência só chega nos últimos minutos de vida” - Dr. Albert Hupert cipe que, rasgando a tela, retornara de outra dimensão na forma de um Psiquiatra renomado beija-flor com asas de borboleta, para visitar a ilha onde um dia vivera. A ilha era representada por uma concha d’água com flores de lótus. Em seu ateliê, em frente ao Central Park, Murilo tomava seu Nespresso. Não acreditava no que lia. Os veículos de comunicação mais importantes Em poucos meses, com seus contatos e muitos amigos, Murilo Maloto fez dos Estados Unidos escreviam maravilhas sobre o quadro mais nonsense sua primeira exposição em Nova Iorque. As críticas foram positivas. Com de sua vida: uma tela em branco com um grande ponto de interrogação o tempo, virou artista plástico em tempo integral. Expôs em vários países. no meio. Seu significado? “Não tenho a menor ideia do que vou pintar e Ao longo de vinte anos, ganhou prêmios. os caras da revista chegam em três horas”. internacionais, medalhas de ouro e menções honrosas. Obteve o tão * Quadro “O Retorno do Príncipe à Bela Ilha”, de Patrícia Amato desejado primeiro prêmio na Bienal Internacional de Artes de Roma. Murilo era celebridade nas artes em Nova Iorque. Mas não esquecia de sua mãe, já velhinha, para quem mandava dinheiro todo mês. Algumas vezes por ano, a trazia para ficar com ele. Mas ela gostava mesmo era do Brasil. Murilo era ateu. Mas ajudava, em segredo, o centro espírita de dona Solange, a vizinha de sua mãe. Nenhuma das duas sabia. Solange sabia. Todo mês entrava uma gorda quantia na conta do Centro. Com isso, conseguia ajudar os necessitados. Murilo tinha gratidão pela ajuda que ela tinha dado à sua mãe. O telefone tocou. - Sr. Murilo Maloto, por favor? - O próprio - respondeu, num inglês impecável. - Aqui é da revista Time. Gostaríamos de fazer uma reportagem de capa com o senhor. Seu coração acelerou. Sair na capa da Time? Era bom demais pra ser verdade! Marcaram dia e hora. Fizeram um pedido: - Poderia pintar um quadro para sair na capa da revista com o senhor? - Claro! Com prazer. Murilo foi para o ateliê. Usou a velha técnica das nuvens. Não saiu nada. Olhou para todos os objetos à sua volta. Nenhuma inspiração. Tentou lembrar de tudo o que aprendeu na faculdade e nos tempos de ilustrador. Nada. Travou. Entrou em desespero! - Meus Deus, em sessenta anos nunca tive isso. E logo agora, pra Time, deu esse branco! Entrou numa tristeza profunda. Ficou noites sem pregar o olho. Faltavam apenas dois dias para a entrevista. Pensou em desmarcar. Inventaria uma desculpa. Não! Nunca mais teria outra chance dessas! Mas conti

The Shame Nobody Feels

by teleSUR / ns-CM-gp

The minister of agriculture, a member of a party that defends landowners' interests, is one of the law’s main supporters. A group of Brazilian lawmakers approved Tuesday the draft of a constitutional amendment that would transfer responsibility for the demarcation of Indigenous land from the government to Congress.

al Amendment PEC 215 poses a threat to both Indigenous survival and the environment.

Under the current proposal, there are currently 78,000 square kilometers that could be opened up to agricultural exploitation. If that land is allowed to be exploited for private profit, IPAM projects that 8,300 square kilometers would Under the new proposal, the au- be deforested, raising Brazilian thority to demarcate Indigenous CO² emissions by 110 million tons land would be transferred from the through 2030. National Indian Foundation, the Ministry of Justice, and the presi- Brazilian Lawyer Mauricio Guetta, dent, to Congress. with the Socio-Environmental Institute, also criticized the proposed Indigenous groups claim they will changes, warning that it would lose the rights to their ancestral grant concessions to Brazil’s powlands if the amendment passes. erful agriculture lobby at the expense of Indigenous sovereignty. If approved, congress will be granted the authority to demarcate ​“On the one hand you have landfuture territories, as well as the owners that want to expand their power to revise previously existing areas of production. On the other ones. hand you have Indigenous peoples and traditional communities Four hundred and thirty-four in- that are dependent on their land digenous territories have already to continue their physical and culbeen demarcated; another 199 are tural survival,” Guetta told Brazilian currently being evaluated, which news organization Amazonia. totals 10 percent of Brazil’s land territory. The amendment, PEC 215, was approved by the Senate in September In a study carried out by Brazil’s In- and will be voted on by the Lower stitute for Environmental Research Chamber, where the agribusiness of the Amazonia (IPAM), warned industry is pushing for its approval. that the proposed ConstitutionThis content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address: “http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Brazilian-Commission-Approves-Controversial-Indigenous-Land-Law-20151028-0010.html”. If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article. www.teleSURtv.net/english

#World Indigenous Games

Ahead of the Summer Olympics in 2016, Brazil is host to a new international event - the World Indigenous Games, withcontests including a hockey-like game using a ball of fire. Competitors from ethnic groups in Brazil, also from as far afield as New Zealand and the Philippines, take each other on in events from tug-of-war and log-carrying, as well as soccer and athletics. Brazil, home to nearly 900,000 indigenous people, has held a dozen Indigenous Games for its own natives since 1996 and decided to expand the games into an international event. The inaugural games take place in Palmas, the capital of the northern state of Tocantins, gathering over 2,000 participating indigenous athletes from 30 countries. Some of the sports contested are unique. They include a type of lacrosse (rokra) using sticks and coconuts, as well as a variety of soccer (xikunahity) using only the head to move the ball.

5700 International Dr. Orlando, Florida- Phone # (407) 345-5566

Ramos Trattoria

The Museum Of Tomorrow-Rio de Janeiro-Brazil

TheTomorrow Museum is a museum of different sciences. An environment of ideas, explorations and questions about a time of great change in which we live and the different ways that open for the future. It is not a date on the calendar, it is not a place where we will arrive. It is a construction in which we participate all as people, citizens, members of the human species. And why a Museum of Tomorrow? Because we live in a new era in which the whole of human activity has become a global reach force. We are able to intervene on the scale of molecules and continents. We handle atoms and create artificial organisms. Diverted the course of large rivers, forests changed, we influence the atmosphere, we transform the climate. We inhabit a planet that has been extensively modified by our actions. Tomorrows that will be generated by our own choices? The Museum of Tomorrow offers a narrative about how we live and shape the next 50 years. A journey towards possible future, from great questions that humanity has always been done. Where we came from? Who we are? Where are we? Where are we going? How we want to go? Guided by ethical values of Sustainability and Living, essential to our civilization, the Museum also seeks to promote innovation and disseminate the advances in science and publish the vital signs of the planet. A Museum to expand our knowledge and transform our way of thinking and acting. The Museum of Tomorrow is one of Rio de Janeiro City Hall initiatives, designed and conducted in conjunction with the Roberto Marinho Foundation, an institution linked to the Globo Group and Banco Santander as Master Sponsor. It also includes the BG Brazil as sponsor and support of the State Government, through the Secretary of State for Environment, and the Federal Government, through the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep).

Fotos by Bernardo Lessa

The institution is part of the network of museums of the City Department of Culture. The Management Development Institute (GDI), the social organization of culture without winning profit bidding promoted by the City Hall, is responsible for managing the Museum.

O Museu do Amanhã é um museu de ciências diferente. Um ambiente de ideias, explorações e perguntas sobre a época de grandes mudanças em que vivemos e os diferentes caminhos que se abrem para o futuro. O Amanhã não é uma data no calendário, não é um lugar aonde vamos chegar. É uma construção da qual participamos todos, como pessoas, cidadãos, membros da espécie humana. E por que um Museu do Amanhã? Porque vivemos em uma nova era, em que o conjunto da atividade humana tornou-se uma força de alcance planetário. Somos capazes de intervir na escala de moléculas e de continentes. Manejamos átomos e criamos microrganismos artificiais. Desviamos o curso de grandes rios, alteramos florestas, influenciamos a atmosfera, transformamos o clima. Habitamos um planeta que vem sendo profundamente modificado por nossas ações. Que amanhãs serão gerados a partir de nossas próprias escolhas? O Museu do Amanhã oferece uma narrativa sobre como poderemos viver e moldar os próximos 50 anos. Uma jornada rumo a futuros possíveis, a partir de grandes perguntas que a Humanidade sempre se fez. De onde viemos? Quem somos? Onde estamos? Para onde vamos? Como queremos ir? Orientado pelos valores éticos da Sustentabilidade e da Convivência, essenciais para a nossa civilização, o Museu busca também promover a inovação, divulgar os avanços da ciência e publicar os sinais vitais do planeta. Um Museu para ampliar nosso conhecimento e transformar nosso modo de pensar e agir. O Museu do Amanhã é uma iniciativa da Prefeitura do Rio, concebido e realizado em conjunto com a Fundação Roberto Marinho, instituição ligada ao Grupo Globo, tendo o Banco Santander como Patrocinador Master. Conta ainda com a BG Brasil como mantenedora e o apoio do Governo do Estado, por meio da Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente, e do Governo Federal, por intermédio da Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep). A instituição faz parte da rede de museus da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura. O Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Gestão (IDG), organização social de cultura sem fins lucrativos vencedora da licitação promovida pela Prefeitura do Rio, é responsável pela gestão do Museu.


Museu do Amanh達-Rio de Janeiro-Brasil

Address:5600 International Dr. Orlando, FL .32819 ​Open every day​12:00pm-11:00pm Tel: (407)354-0260

Mud from a dam that burst at an iron mine in Brazil in November, killing 12 people and polluting an important river, is toxic, said the United Nations’ human rights Agency

show the mud released in the dam burst, made up mostly of water, iron oxides and silica or quartz, presents no danger to human health and does not contain water contaminants.

While iron and manganese levels in the mud are above normal, Samarco said, they are below dangerous levels. Biologists have been The statement contradicts claims by Samarco, the mine operator at shocked by the impact of the burst dam, which Brazil’s government the site of the rupture, that the water and mineral waste contained has called the country’s worst-ever environmental disaster. by the dam are not toxic. The mud has killed thousands of fish as it flows through the Rio Doce, the river which connects the mineral-rich state of Minas Gerais with Espirito Santo on the Atlantic coast. The 60 million cubic meters of mine waste, equivalent to 25,000 Olympic swimming pools, cut off drinking water for a quarter of a million people. The dense orange sediment has now reached the ocean. The UN statement criticized the response of the companies and the Brazilian government as “insufficient,” saying, “The government and companies should be doing everything within their power to prevent further harm.”

Citing “new evidence,” the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said in a statement the residue “contained high levels of toxic heavy metals and other toxic chemicals.” The agency did not identify the studies that were the basis for the evidence or say who conducted them.The owners of Samarco, Brazil’s Vale SA and Australia’s BHP Billiton, said they are taking every measure possible to provide emergency assistance to those affected by the dam break and to reduce the social and economic impacts of the disaster. Samarco said in a statement that both pre- and post-disaster tests

By Stephen Eisenhammer and Marta Nogueira


MARIANA, Brazil (Reuters) - Brazil’s president slapped preliminary fines of 250 million reais ($66.2 million) against a mine in the country’s southeast where two dams burst, killing nine people and coating a twostate area with mud and mine waste. The fines, announced after President Dilma Rousseff flew over the affected area, come as federal prosecutors announced plans to work with state prosecutors to investigate possible crimes that could have ”We are determined to hold responsible those who are responsible for contributed to the disaster at the mine, jointly owned by two of the world’s biggest mining com- this,” Rousseff told reporters, citing the two multinationals by name, as well as their joint venture, Samarco Minerais SA. panies, BHP Billiton Ltd and Vale SA Rousseff said the fines, imposed by Brazil’s environmental regulator IBAMA for violations that include river pollution and damages to urban areas where water service has been suspended, could be followed by penalties from other federal or state agencies.The top government lawyer is working with IBAMA to sue the mine owners for up to $1 billion in environmental damages in civil court, a senior administration official told Reuters.

The moves by federal officials toughen the response of a national government, now faced with a disaster affecting two states, that until recently had left much of the official reaction in the hands of the state government of Minas Gerais, a global mining hub and site of the dams. Earlier on Thursday, the country’s mining minister said the government would conduct an audit of other dams in the sector.</On Wednesday, Rousseff, a native of Minas Gerais, spoke with the chief executives of BHP and Vale, who held a press conference earlier last week to apologize for the disaster and promised to meet their obligations as the mine’s owners.

SpaceX Falcon 9

The Launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket By Joe Skipper A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from Florida on Monday with a payload of communications satellites before the reusable main-stage booster turned around, soared back to Cape Canaveral and landed safely near its launch pad in a dramatic spaceflight first. The successful mission, capped by delivery of all 11 satellites to orbit for launch customer ORBCOMM Inc <ORBC.O>, unfolded in just over 30 minutes and marked a pivotal reversal of fortunes for privately owned Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, founded by high-tech entrepreneur Elon Musk. It was the first flight for his California-based company since a rocket failure in June that destroyed a cargo ship being carried on a resupply mission bound for the International Space Station. The upgraded, 23-story-tall Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 8:29 p.m. EST/0129 GMT, with the nine-engine suborbital main stage returning 10 minutes later to a landing site about 6 miles south of its launch pad. The upper-stage booster continued its ascent to Earth orbit with its payload. Musk has said the ability to return

his rockets to Earth so they can be refurbished and reflown would slash his company’s operational costs in the burgeoning and highly competitive private space launch industry.

SpaceX employees erupted in jubilationas they watched live video footage of the 156-foot-tall white firststage booster slowly descending upright through a damp, darkened night sky amid a glowing orange ball of light to make a picture-perfect landing.

legs and settled gently onto a newly revamped landing pad occupying a decommissioned missile site. SpaceX, which has more than 60 launch missions pending collectively worth about $8 billion, previously experimented unsuccessfully with attempts to land its rockets on a platform in the ocean.

“Welcome back, baby!” Musk wrote in a celebratory Twitter message he The Hawthorne, California-based posted. company was founded in 2002 by Musk, who also serves as chief exRival company Blue Origin, a space ecutive of Tesla Motors Inc <TSstartup founded by Amazon.com LA.O>, the electric car maker. <AMZN.O> Chief Executive Jeff Bezos, nailed a similar return rocket Before Monday, SpaceX had been landing test last month. In a seem- grounded since June 28, when a Falingly back-handed compliment to con 9 rocket exploded shortly after SpaceX, Bezos tweeted a message of launch during a space station cargo congratulations to Musk’s company, run for NASA. saying: “Welcome to the club!” Investigators traced the problem But the SpaceX feat, which the to a faulty support beam that held company had characterized before a bottle of helium inside the rocklaunch as a “secondary test objec- et’s upper-stage liquid oxygen tive,” was achieved during an actual tank. When the strut broke, helium commercial mission. flooded into the tank, causing it to over-pressurize and then explode. Minutes after blast-off, the Falcon 9’s first-stage rocket separated from SpaceX switched to a new supplier its upper-stage booster, which con- for the steel struts and upgraded its tinued on into orbit to release ORB- testing program, Musk later told reCOMM’s satellites about 500 miles porters. The Falcon rocket launched (800 km) above the Earth. on Monday also included a more powerful first-stage engine and a Monday’s deployment completed beefed-up landing system. a $200 million 17-satellite network that will provide machine-to-machine messaging services on the ground - such as between retailers (Reporting by Joe Skipper at Cape and shipping containers. Canaveral; Additional reporting by Irene Klotz from Cape Canaveral After separation from its upper and Philadelphia; Additional reportstage, the Falcon rocket’s main stage ing and writing by Steve Gorman in turned around and fired a series of Los Angeles; Editing by Mary Millikengine burns as the vehicle flew en) back to Earth, unfurled its landing

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@Cafe Mineir

ro - Orlando


inho & Xororó em Orlando José de Lima Sobrinho e Durval de Lima, ou simplesmente Chitãozinho & Xororó são dois irmãos naturais da cidade de Astorga, estado do Paraná, formam uma das mais reconhecidas duplas sertanejas do Brasil. Com mais de quarenta anos de carreira e enorme sucesso no Brazil e fora do Brazil, a dupla em 2016 visita os EUA- Orlando, para um show que vai permanecer na memoria para sempre.

Um pouco da Historia: O Grupo WDS é o maior grupo de entretenimento do Brasil. Possui diversas empresas em vários segmentos diferentes e em várias regiões do país. O grupo detém a liderança no mercado e é referência em entretenimento noturno no Brasil. Wood´s aterrissa nos Estados Unidos Novo projeto “Wood´s Festival USA” leva o legítimo sertanejo brasileiro a solo americano com a chancela do maior Grupo de Entretenimento de casas noturnas do país Depois de desbravar o Brasil com a abertura de 16 casas noturnas, o Grupo Wood´s se prepara para chegar aos Estados Unidos em grande estilo. No dia 6 de janeiro de 2016 (quarta), a cidade de Orlando, na Flórida, recebe o “Wood´s Festival USA”, com apresentação de uma das duplas mais renomadas do segmento, Chitãozinho & Xororó. O evento será realizado no VENUE 578 (578 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801), em parceria

com a NeoLive Marketing, e os portões já estarão abertos ao público desde às 19h30. Mais informações e venda antecipada de ingressos pelo www.venue578.com. O grupo não para de crescer, já são vinte casas noturnas de diferentes segmentos, desde o sertanejo universitário ao samba pop.



Cuiabá Goiânia Campo Grande Belo Horizonte Vitória São Paulo Maringá Cascavel Foz do Iguaçu Curitiba Atlântida Porto Alegre Caxias do Sul Balneário Camboriú Curitiba Atlântida

The WDS Group is the largest group of Entertainment Brazil. It has several companies in various different segments and various regions of the country. The group holds a leadership position in the market and is in reference nightly entertainment in Brazil. Wood's lands in the United States New Project "Wood's USA Festival" takes the legitimate Brazilian countryman to American soil with the seal of the most Entertainment Group nightclubs country

The group continues to grow, there are already twenty nightclubs in different segments, from the university backcountry to pop samba.



Cuiabá Goiânia Campo Grande Belo Horizonte Vitória After breaking Brazil with opening of 16 São Paulo clubs, the Wood's group is preparing to Maringá reach the United States in style.On Jan. 6, Cascavel 2016 (Wednesday), Orlando, Florida, Foz do Iguaçu Curitiba receives the "Wood's USA Festival", Atlântida presented by one of the double more Porto Alegre renowned segment, Chitãozinho & Caxias do Sul Xororó. Balneário Camboriú Curitiba Atlântida The event will be held at VENUE 578 VENUE578 is an internation(578 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, ally acclaimed Orlando staple featuring a multidimensional Florida 32801), in partnership entertainment complex bridgwith NeoLive Marketing, and the gates ing together world renowned are already open to the public from talent with cutting-edge pro19:30. More information and sale duction and sound design. Advance tickets at www.venue578.com. Formerly known as Firestone Live, it has

developed itself into one of the nation’s leading historical concert and entertainment venues.


The Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce had the honor to host a luncheon at BoiBrazil Steakhouse with the internationaly awarded writer, with several books and TV series, Doc Comparato . Doc Comparato is an extraordinary thinker, with a vision of the universe that is unique but very realistic. Everyone present was enchanted by his words and the opportunity was incredible.

2016 New Board of Directors

The Central Florida Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, the President and its Executive Board of Directors, request your presence to the 2016 Board Installation ceremony in the Rotunda of Orlando City Hall. Date and Time: January 11, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. Address: 400 South Orange Avenue, Orlando-Florida, 32801 Please R.S.V.P. to marketing@cfbacc.com

President : Laiz Rodrigues Vice President: and Senior Board Advisor: Amy Litter Treasurer: Andrea Almeida Executive Board Secretary: Carlos Velez Fiancial and Ethics Advisor: Eraldo Manes Board Directors: Aloysio Vasconcellos Andre Gucailo Dahlia Hayles Daniel Janequine Edward Beshara Heidi Boon Miguel Kaled Shayana de Faria


On the pictures Yara and Jo Cavaignac the hosts. Global TV stars, Orlando Stars- Ed Beshara, Andrea Almeida, Laiz Rodrigues, Luis Martinez, Oscar Ortiz, Ademar Rodrigues, Eraldo and Maida Manes. From South Florida, Zigomar Vuelma and wife and Fernanda, Arthur giving a thumbs up for the fun, Brazilian Santa Francisco Silva, Aray and Ivy Abujamra.

SUPERSTATION MEDIA -USA-2016 Globo International Salutes the Gaucho-@fogo de Chao-Miami After 15 years of Feijoada completed in 2014, with a major celebration, Globo International TV party by Superstation Media had a makeover, not only in venue but in theme.

It was as usual a great party, but with a lot more flavor. One more time, congratulations to Jo and Yara Cavaignac, official Globo representatives in the US, Caribe, Latin America and Canada.

Celebrate the South of Brazil traditions, was a The event was organized by Aray Alexandra Abugreat idea, with lots of guests dressed as Gau- jamra Director at Blend Connections. Congratulachos, performing music and dance, creating an tions all for the Success. amazing atmosphere, added by great food from Fogo de Chao Steakhouse in Miami.

Feliz Natal!

By Elita Freitas

Oi amigos queridos....

da falta da bicicleta que nunca recebi, do sapatinho que colocava na janela esperando o Papai Noel, e que na maioria das vezes ela colocava somente alguns chocolates, pois com Quero escrever hoje sobre o Natal.... cinco filhos pequenos e sem a presença do O mundo se veste de luzes e cores para comemorar o nas- pai, não havia escolha!!!! São inúmeras mecimento do Nosso Salvador, porem tantos anos desde a morias, impressas no coração e na mente por sua vinda se passaram que o sentido verdadeiro do Natal muitos Natais felizes vividos... esta se perdendo! E lindo ver as lojas, ruas e casas enfeitadas, e em muita gente o espirito natalino se instala, pessoas fazem listas para ajudar outras menos favorecidas, Hoje com bem mais idade e mais conhecimenseria maravilhoso que o ano inteiro fosse assim, porem to da vida, procuro transmitir aos meus netos a realidade não e essa, as pessoas mudaram e o mundo o sentido verdadeiro do Natal, e fico feliz ao mudou, ficou mais frio, sentimos a falta do dito "calor hu- vê-los me ajudando a decorar a arvore, peco palpites, opiniões, e sinto que eles gostam de mano".... fazer..... Onde foi que perdemos o fio da meada? Onde deixamos aqueles sentimentos lindos desaparecerem? Não sei quando foi que mudou o Natal ou eu mudei o mundo mudou? Não sei explicar a tristeza que sinto nessa época do ano, a lembrança dos que se foram que a gente carrega pela vida afora, e que nesses dias se tornam mais presentes.

Gosto de sentir o Natal o espirito Natalino, aquela alegria gostosa e saudosa ao mesmo tempo, porem uma sensação muito boa....

Vamos comemorar o Natal o ano inteiro? Senti-lo em fevereiro, julho ou setembro, porque amor e carinho ao próximo não tem época certa para ser demonstrado!!!!! Pessoas consumindo desenfreadamente ate com brigas Que vocês todos tenham um santo e Feliz Napor mercadorias quando alguém pegou determinado tal..... produto antes dele, correrias nas lojas, gastos desnecessários e dividas cada vez maiores, sem pensarmos em muitos que não têm o minimo necessário para viver decentemente.... Amigos, visitem minha webpage

Quando penso em Natal, eu o sinto na pele, com cheiros, gostos.... Gostos das comidinhas que a minha mãe jovem http://www.culinariafacil.com e viúva, preparava com tanto carinho e pouco dinheiro,

ARTEGON With my Eye After Artegon was opened, we didn’t visit right away. We wanted to wait and see how it would turn out, the complete idea, the concept of art in a different environment. Last week, in a moment to spare, I stopped by Artegon and was really happy with what we found. It is large, spacious, clean and modern. Leaves a lot for the imagination, in how it is going to evolve from here. The innovative way the stores were put together., style, merchandise and unique products which are not the main target for either tourist or avid buyers. Artegon requires a different consumer, and should evolve into not only art but architecture, and innovative design options. I had the feeling I was in the future, but there is a place for the antique and the new, a contrast you can’t find anywhere. Art deserved it, but not only sculpture and painting, dance and music should be a part of it. Artegon should be a place to preserve culture, save it for the people to enjoy and revive. We were happy and relieved to see how out of the ordinary it is, and how much it will be enjoyed by people who like these experiences. Artegon felt like tomorrow. There is so much more Artegon can reach, we hope it will become all of it. Artegon Address: 5250 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819


By Hotspotorlando

ARTEGON With my Eyes


Above the work of International Brazilian Artist Dora Masini. She has her work shown in many prestigious places such as the Carrousel du Louvre. To the left, painting by Carlos Alberto Quintero, from Colombia, with an impressive international trajectory. Along with Juan Jairo Porras and other great artists, the Fusion Art Group is located at Artegon Market Place.

Fusion Art Group at Artegon Marketplace-Suite 13-I Carlos Alberto Quintero Dora Masini & Juan jairo Porras

brazil holds 38% of solar bears fanbase

The Orlando Solar Bears, proud affiliate of the NHL's Toronto Maple Leafs and AHL's Toronto Marlies, are proud to announce the release of their International Tourism Report and the launch of a new Hotel and Lodging Concierge Program. In their first three seasons of ECHL competition, the Solar Bears hosted over 733,600 fans and have cultivated a world-wide fanbase that has seen the team host fans from 42 countries outside the United States. Notably, the four nations with the largest volume of out-of-market online ticket purchases includes Brazil (38%), the United Kingdom (30%), Canada (5%) and Australia (5%). During the 2014-15 season, the Solar Bears hosted the 2015 ECHL All-Star Classic presented by Visit Orlando. The All-Star Classic was part of a week-long event for the Solar Bears, in which the team hosted over 36,000 fans - many from outside Central Florida - resulting in $4.2 million in economic impact. The $4.2 million will be added to the projected $76 million in economic impact the Solar Bears will generate in their first five seasons. Last season the Solar Bears partnered with their parent club, the Toronto Maple Leafs, to promote the All-Star event in the Toronto market. The online promotion was the second largest in Maple Leafs history; through social media, traditional media and in-arena exposure at the Air Canada Centre, the online promotion generated 3.84 million impressions. According to Visit Orlando, the Orlando market hosted 1.17 million Canadian visitors this past year. As a result of the success, the Leafs will run the promotion again this season in collaboration with Visit Orlando.

"After looking back on our first three seasons we were pleased with the volume of international ticket buyers we've entertained in that time. It demonstrates we're a microcosm of the world's number-one tourist destination," Solar Bears President/CEO Jason Siegel said. "It's not unusual to see two to three-dozen requests via social media per week from international tourists actively planning a trip to Orlando including a Solar Bears game in their travel plans."

Lodging Concierge Program so that hoteliers have the ability to sell tickets directly to their customers. Already, more than 100 hotels have signed on to participate with us," Siegel added. "We've experienced more than 100% growth in international sales year-over-year since our first season, and anticipate continued aggressive growth thanks in part to our relationship with Visit Orlando and continued emphasis on social and digital media which proved in the case of the Maple Leafs, to propel the Orlando Solar Bears into the homes of "When I traveled to Australia, one of the first things I looked into international hockey enthusiasts." planning was attending an Australian Rules Football game," Solar Bears Chairman Joe Haleski said. "It's not surprising that when peo- For more information on the Orlando Solar Bears Hotel and Lodging ple travel to the United States, they want to take in a hockey game." Concierge Program, contact Solar Bears Vice President of Ticket Operations Chris Carmichael at ccarmichael@orlandosolarbearshock"To build upon our early success, we've launched our Hotel and ey.com or (407) 951-8200.

The report was designed by BubbledIt, an Orlando based strategic partnership formed between the leadership of Prismatic and Southern Strategy Group. Infographics were used to showcase the team's growing fanbase from 42 countries and its relationship with the Toronto Maple Leafs. The volume of out-of-market online ticket sales boosts Orlando tourism, creates local jobs, and benefits more than 400 local and non-profit organizations. This piece will be used for print and presentations by team leadership.

Orlando Recebe a Copa America Centenario

Copa America Centenario

Orange County, a Prefeitura de Orlando e o Orlando City Soccer, ofereceram uma conferencia de imprensa na Churrascaria BoiBrazil na International Dr., para anunciar que a Copa America Centenário sera realizada em

Orlando com a presença da seleção Brasileira. Os anunciantes do evento foram o Presidente da Central Florida Sports Commission John Bisignano, e o Vice Presidente de desenvolvimento do Orlando City Tim Holt.

Fabio Paduan, Nelson Ramos Jr. and Nick Santos

DSC_0006O mais antigo torneio de futebol internacional do mundo será realizado em 10 locais nos EUA, 03-26 junho. Os bilhetes para este evento irá em pré-venda para Orlando City, Orlando Orgulho e Orlando City B titulares de bilhete de temporada, juntamente com membros de outras organizações relacionadas com o desporte, em janeiro próximo. Os fãs podem visitar www.CA2016.com para mais informações. Informações adicionais de bilheteria será lançada nas próximas semanas. "Junho será um mês histórico para o futebol de classe mundial em Central Florida com o pontapé inicial da Copa América e, especificamente, a Seleção Brasileira aqui na cidade linda", disse o prefeito da cidade de Orlando amigos Dyer. "Convidamos todos os fãs de futebol e dos esportes, cuja manifestação de apoio nos ajudou a garantir esses eventos, para se juntar a nós no Orlando Citrus Bowl para esta experiência uma vez-em-um-vida." Orlando City SC, a Comissão de Esportes da Central Florida, Cidade de Orlando e Governo de Orange County trabalharam em parceria para trazer o campeonato latino-americano de prestígio para o Orlando Citrus Bowl, e para a Flórida Central, pela primeira vez em sua história. Além disso, parcerias com Florida Citrus Sports, líderes do turismo e da comunidade empresarial local foram integrante em garantir o evento.

quando nos unimos por um objetivo comum", disse Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs. "Este evento esportivo incrível não só irá oferecer oportunidades excitantes para nossos residentes, atraindo milhares de pessoas de todo o mundo, beneficiando a nossa economia local. Espera-se que o torneio ocupe mais de 40.000 diarias e US $ 30 milhões em impacto econômico para Orange County - precisamente por isso que o Governo de Orange County alocou $ 475.000 para patrocinar a Copa América Centenario. " "O anúncio de que a selecao Brasileira terá sua equipe em Orlando não poderia ser melhor notícia para nossa comunidade", disse o Presidente da Comissão de Sports da Central Florida e o CEO John Bisignano. "Turistas brasileiros são um grupo demográfico chave para a nossa área, mas é o espírito e a paixão do país para o jogo de futebol que vai fazer jogos de Copa no Orlando Citrus Bowl muito mais especial." A Copa América desse ano marca a primeira vez que esse premier evento acontece fora da América do Sul, com as principais estrelas da Associação Caribenha de Futebol (CONCACAF) regiões Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (CONMEBOL) e a Confederação do Norte, e América Central. A Copa América 2016 Centenario contará com seis equipes da CONCACAF e todos os 10 times da CONMEBOL: Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Equador, Paraguai, Peru, Uruguai e Venezuela. De CONCACAF, o anfitrião EUA e México são eliminatórias automáticas, enquanto Costa Rica (2014 vencedor Copa Centroamericana) e Jamaica (2014 campeão da Copa do Caribe) se qualificaram.

As duas últimas equipes da CONCACAF serão determinadas no playoff double-header, a ser disputado em 08 janeiro de 2016, na Cidade do Panamá. Trinidad & Tobago enfrenta o Haiti, Panamá joga con"Sediar a Copa América Centenario no Or- tra Cuba com os vencedores qualificados lando Citrus Bowl é um grande exemplo para a Copa América Centenario. do que nossa comunidade pode realizar

Copa America Centenario

Cinco vezes campeã da Copa do Mundo-FIFA a seleção Brasileira vai dar DSC_0005uma parada na Flórida Central no dia 8 de junho de 2016 durante sua campanha na Copa América Centenário. A programação completa do evento único, que honra 100 anos de história, contará com alguns dos melhores jogadores e equipes do mundo, foi lançado hoje cedo, da Linda Cidade de Orlando e vai acolher três jogos da fase de grupos da 16 nações torneio - 4, 6 e 8 de junho de 2016.

Orlando Magic’s STUFF Honored as One of the Best Mascots in Sports By Dan Savage, OrlandoMagic.com There’s no question that STUFF is one of the best mascots that sports has ever seen. Just this season alone, he’s gone toe-to-toe with Robin Lopez, landed Olympic-worthy backflips off ladders and terrorized opposing fans far and wide. But now, STUFF is finally getting the recognition he deserves. Gameops.com recently named the Magic’s loveable green dragon as one of 2015’s top three mascots in all of sports, a field that included characters from both professional and college ranks. “While many mascots are cutting and pasting standards, STUFF continues to innovate and create,” the site explained. “In the NBA, where there is a wealth of mascot talent (he stands) out in the crowded field.” Standing out has never been a problem for STUFF, who makes drilling half-court backwards shots look routine. “STUFF also continues to showcase a wide range of skills, from gymnastics to dance to comedy,” Gameops.com added. They must have done their research. After all, how many mascots could hop on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, battle Hashtag in a dance off and emerge as the people’s champion? Very few, if any. That’s why STUFF is at the top of any mascot list, including this one.

Laiz Rodrigues e Khalid Muneer


to become more active and devote time to their various causes and issues relating to the ir respective communities.

Khalid, how do you see this great recognition? Is this something you expected one of 125 most influential in orlando?

How can you relate to the fact that sometimes it is easier to be recognized by other communities than your own?

In my case I consider all the above communities are my own as Worked and lived in 11 countries and visited over 43, learning 9 languages. during my career in International Banking. I have a good understanding of other cultures, values and their business practices. As for business, it is a well known fact that people like to do business with realtors from other communities as they feel their confidential information will not leak out to their own community members.

I have always been very passionate about my public and community service and this has been in the family genes as my father was awarded the Order of the British Empire by the Queen in the UK in 1966 for his public service to the various communities. So to answer your question I did not expect this recognition but I am very humbled and honored to be recognized for my commuTell us about why you came to America. nity and professional services. I moved here from the UK as I wanted my children to be educated in the American school system as it is more open and the children graduate with great confidence about job opportunities. I also wanted to have my own business after working for major corporations for 17 years, in Europe, Africa and the Middle East countries. .On both counts the USA offers the opportunities that no other country can even come close in giving the individuals opportunities to develop their full entrepreneurial potential. Next year you will take the presidency at the Asian American Chamber, what are your plans? Are you an innovator? Do you think this recognition will influence the way you are seen in the community?

When you talk about the community, I think you mean the various communities as I am actively involved in the Asian American Chamber of Commerce, as their next President as well as the Puerto Rican,Moroccan, Moslem and the Arab communities in various leadership roles. This will enhance and encourage others

My main focus will be on membership drive of small businesses.Unfortunately there is a perception that a Chamber is some elite group for elite people, however as you know it is forum for all members to have an opportunity to network and build a trust to take their business to the next level. To be successful in life you need, good education, hard work, professional connections, which we will promote to make our Chamber forum for promoting Asian American businesses.

Lucia De Cicco, Gilson Rodrigues, Amy litter and Khalid

Business Profile-Khalid Muneer in commercial and Business Brokerage which represent a major source of revenue and areas that most Real Estate companies do not focus To answer your question, Yes I am looking to grow my company Internationally as I just came back from Dubai where I signed a joint venture agreement with a local Real Estate company to market Central Florida properties. I also participated on CFBACC trade mission to Sao Paulo and it was a great opportunity to market Central Florida. looking forward to the Mission Orlando, from Brazil in February. What advise would you give to new realtors?

I would tell them that if they work hard to get their Real Estate license, the next stage is to participate in one of the 13 International Chamber in Orlando where foreign buying is still strong You recently had heart surgery. Under this and they can learn about these buyers and get other referrals. scenario, did anything change in your life? I think for anybody a quadruple by pass is a traumatic experi- In addition participate in various trade missions organized by ence and after 6 months I am back to my normal work schedule. Chambers,like the CFBAAC to Brazil, and now from Brazil to As for the change I have become more health conscious with Orlando. In addition join companies where they can learn about more frequent visits to the Gym and a much more healthy diet other products, such as commercial and business Brokerage In order to have a diversified knowledge and other sources of r evenue than just residential real estate..


Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for it in full,and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world�

Monica Correa and Iris Gonzalez from Bright House Networks, Luis Martinez City of Orlando and Khalid

Do you consider yourself completely fulfilled in your career, or you have much more to achieve?

To be successful in life one has to have goals and these change with the dynamics of the economy and other factors. My company Jupiter Properties Inc has been evolving into a truly International real estate company, specializing in Residential, Commercial and Business Brokerage. in order to meet the new demographic changes, we are experiencing in Central Florida, we now have 15 International realtors speaking over 11 languages including Tagalog, Arabic, Swahili, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Spanish, Gujarati, Urdu and Portuguese, to name a few. I personally trained them

1ª Mostra Internacional de Artes “Faces da Arte’ Por Giuseppe Ranzini realizada pela ‘Academia de Ciência, Letras e Artes de São Paulo’ sob a curadoria do Artista Plástico Roko

Texto by Giuseppe Ranzini Fotos: Giuseppe Ranzini Meus Retratos.com.br Paulo Berti Roko Brasil Sandra Lozano

No último dia 4 de novembro a Associação Paulista dos Magistrados de São PauloAPAMAGIS, abriu seus belos salões, no aristocrático bairro Jardim Lusitânia em São Paulo, para uma noite repleta de momentos culturais voltados para as Artes Plásticas, Literatura e Música, realizada pela Academia de Ciências, Letras e Artes de São Paulo, sob a curadoria do seu vice-presidente o Artista Plástico Roko Brasil. Nas Artes Plásticas, foi a noite do vernissage da 1ª Mostra Internacional de Artes “Faces da Arte”. Uma exposição que reuniu belíssimas obras de 20 renomados artistas plásticos do Brasil, EUA, Alemanha, Canadá e Portugal, como Carlos Teixeira, Catherine Boisvenue, Cláudia Lente, Clemente Meyer, Elisa Mondé, Ernesto Ferro, Giuseppe Ranzini, Karla Mattos, Kazuhe Shizuru, Lu Terra, Luciana Alfredo, Malu Renó, Paulo Lionetti, Regina Paixão, Rogério Della Valle, Roko Brasil, Romero Britto, Sam Tiussi, Silvia Ferreira, e Valéria Fernandez.

1a Mostra Internacional de Artes "Faces da Arte" na Associação Paulista dos Magistrados

Faces da Arte Na Literatura, foi a noite de autógrafos e lançamento do livro “Mansão Molnár” do versado escritor, poeta e apresentador, Roberto Ferrari. Na Música, um show para os convidados e artistas, abrilhantado pela notável cantora da OSESP, Gabriela Kazakevicius na abertura da Mostra e no encerramento, pelas belíssimas apresentações da grande violinista brasileira Fernanda Kostchak, conhecida internacionalmente.

Faces da Arte Inúmeros convidados e destacadas personalidades da sociedade paulistana prestigiaram com muito entusiasmo essa Mostra que, sem dúvida, foi um dos grandes destaques da vida cultural desta capital durante o mês de novembro. Uma noite que ficará marcada na memória de todos os presentes !

Obra de Luciana Alfredo e a modelo ao lado, sua filha

Rogerio Della Valle Martins e sua obra !

O escritor e poeta Roberto Ferrari e o curador Roko Brasil

Luterra Terra e Claudia Lente

Faces da Art

Elisa Mondé

rte Kazuhe Shizuru

Fernanda Kostchack

Malú Renó

Kazuhe Shizuru

“WONDER” at the Ren Smithsonian Amer “WONDER,” the debut exhibition at the newly renovated Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, celebrates the opening of the historic building with immersive installations by nine leading contemporary artists—Jennifer Angus, Chakaia Booker, Gabriel Dawe, Tara Donovan, Patrick Dougherty, Janet Echelman, John Grade, Maya Lin and Leo Villareal. “WONDER” will open Nov. 13 and will be on view for six months. The exhibition is organized by Nicholas R. Bell, The Fleur and Charles Bresler Curator-in-Charge of the Renwick Gallery. The artists featured in “WONDER” were selected for their ability to transform spaces through installation and for their focus on process and materials. Each was invited to select a gallery in the Renwick while the building was closed for a major two-year renovation and then create an installation inspired by that space. “The Renwick was the first purpose-built art museum in the United States, intended to exhibit American art and to celebrate American genius,” said Betsy Broun,

Maya Lin, Folding the Chesapeake, 2015

Works by Nine Major Contemp First Art Museum in Ce

porary Artists Transform Nation’s elebration of Reopening The Margaret and Terry Stent Director of the Smithsonian American Art Museum. “For the next chapter in its 156-year history, we will showcase exemplary artists like these nine who are dissolving the boundaries that once existed between craft, art and design. ‘WONDER’ rededicates this landmark museum to the future of art.” While the nine artists work in strikingly different media, they are connected by a shared interest in materiality and the labor-intensive creation of objects by hand in a digital age. Their works are created by exploring the potential of unlikely materials and utilizing both traditional techniques and cutting-edge technology. The resulting installations are expressions of process, labor and materials that are grounded in our everyday world, but which combine to produce awe-inspiring results. Jennifer Angus, In the Midnight Garden, 2015

Jennifer Angus, In the Midnight Garden, 2015

nwick Gallery of the rican Art Museum

“The concept of ‘wonder’—that moment of astonishment in the face of something new and unknown that transports us out of the everyday—is deeply intertwined with how we experience art,” said Bell. “These nine artists are masters of constructing works that startle us, overwhelm us and invite us to marvel—to wonder—at their creation. These elements matter in the context of this museum, devoted for more than four decades to the skilled working of materials in extraordinary ways.” On the first floor, visitors will encounter works by Dawe, Donovan and Dougherty. Dawe’s textile-based installation is made from thousands of strands of embroidery thread, all hung by hand, which appear as waves of color and light sweeping from floor to ceiling. Donovan’s towers are constructed from hundreds of thousands of index cards that have been individually glued together to form irregular, looming spires. Dougherty’s enormous pods of woven willow osiers seem to dance and sway through the rear gallery. Maya Lin, Folding the Chesapeake, 2015. Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Photo by Ron Blunt. Works by Angus, Booker, Echelman, Grade, Lin and Villareal will be installed on the second floor. Angus covers gallery walls in spiraling, geometric designs reminiscent of wallpaper or textiles but made using specimens of brightly colored insects. Booker works with discarded rubber tires, splicing and weaving them into an enormous labyrinth. Echelman explores volumetric form without solid mass, overtaking the museum’s famed Grand Salon with a suspended, handwoven net surging across its 100-foot length. Grade uses 500,000 pieces of reclaimed cedar to reconstruct a hemlock tree approximately the same age as the Renwick’s building, based on a complete plaster cast he made of the tree in situ in the Cascade Mountains. Lin’s deluge of green marbles flows across the floor and up walls, recalling the flow of the Chesapeake Bay as part of her investigation into the fluidity of natural forms in her artworks. Villareal’s installation—320 steel rods embedded with 23,000 LEDs programmed to display a code written and manipulated by the artist into endless variations—will be mounted above the Renwick’s Grand Staircase. The exhibition will close in two phases to allow for the reinstallation of the museum’s permanent collection. The second-floor galleries will close May 8, 2016, and the first-floor galleries will close July 10, 2016.

John Grade, Middlefork, 2015

Chakaia Booker, ANONYMOUS DONOR, 2015

Patrick Dougherty, Shindig, 2015

An International Team Of Professionals

Khalid Muneer CIPS,TRC,ABR Broker-Owner/CEO Jupiter Properties Inc, Daytona Beach, Orlando, Palm Coast, Florida Cell 386 547 6161 jupiterproperties786@gmail.com www.khalidmuneer.com skype.. khalidmuneer44

We have many options: Commercial Real Estate Residential Properties Business Brokerage Land Investments Vacation Homes International Properties


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By Kathy Hunt Zester Daily


This past May’s massive avian flu outbreak and the resulting egg shortage left many of us scrambling for breakfast alternatives. Those who don’t eat meat yet rely on eggs for protein were particularly hard-hit by this deficit. So, too, are fans of the fast and nutritious simplicity of cracking open a soft- or hard-boiled egg first thing in the morning.

ga-3-rich kippers. Known as the king of the English breakfast, the kipper is the mildest of all smoked herring. It has starred in British breakfasts since the mid 19th century. Cooked and then served on buttered toast, kippers are an inexpensive yet nutritious way to kick off the day. A 2-ounce serving has 14 grams of protein.

To them and anyone wondering how to keep protein in their breakfasts without the use of eggs or meat, I suggest trying these global dishes.


Rugbrà A staple of Danish cuisine, rugbrød is a hearty, rectangular-shaped, oatand seed-flecked brown bread. Although usually featured in smorrebrød or an open-faced sandwich, it also makes an appearance on the breakfast table. When served with cheese, smoked fish, fruit preserves or even on its own, rugbrød offers a filling and protein- and fiber-rich start to any day. It contains as much as 9 grams of protein in each slice. Cheese Imagine you’re in continental Europe and do as the Europeans do: Indulge in some cheese with your dawn coffee or tea. High-protein cheeses include such familiar favorites as Parmesan, goat, mozzarella, Gruyere and cheddar. One ounce of these cheeses provides between 8 grams and 11 grams of protein. Pair your morning cheese with slices of rugbrød for an especially lavish treat. Kippers If you’re fond of either the United Kingdom or seafood, you may want to start your day with a plate of savory, protein-filled, ome-

Not of fan of smoked foods but still crave a flavorful protein for your morning meal? Reach for Scandinavian gravlax. Similar to smoked fish, this salt-cured salmon was born from the need to store seafood in a time when refrigeration did not exist. Thanks to 24 to 48 hours of macerating in salt, sugar and dill, gravlax possesses a velvety texture and luxurious taste. It also has a long history of feeding the hungry in the wee hours of the day. A 2-ounce serving of gravlax contains 10 grams of protein.

ALTERNATIVE BREAKFAST Muesli Less common but no less delicious than granola, muesli consists of rolled oats, sliced nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts, dried apricots, raisins and bran, wheat germ or seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower. With 8 grams of protein in a 3-ounce serving, this Swiss creation provides a wholesome, protein-packed breakfast with every bite. If you want a bit more complexity, add fresh fruit or honey to your muesli. You can also replace the usual milk on your cereal with yogurt.

and decidedly British breakfast dish. With 10 grams of protein per half-cup, the low-calorie soybean curd known as tofu affords not only healthful eating but also versatile cooking. Its benign, mildly nutty taste goes with countless ingredients, plus it performs well with a variety of cooking techniques. It can be scrambled; baked in a quiche; sauted with vegetables, herbs or spices and served in a wrap; made into a spread; or pured in a smoothie. The uses of tofu are almost limitless.

Nuts and nut spreads

Beans on toast

People around the globe consume nuts and nut spreads as part of their morning routines. At 6 grams of protein per 1-ounce serving, almonds and pistachios rank the highest in protein, followed by walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and Brazil nuts. As you may know, the familiar peanut is a legume and not a nut. Nonetheless, at 7 grams per 1-ounce serving, peanuts beat the aforementioned nuts for greatest protein content in a nut spread.

Cottage cheese

The British Council reports that the United Kingdom consumes more than 90 percent of the world’s canned baked bean supply. Thus, it’s not surprising that another quintessential English offering consists of baked beans spooned over toasted bread. Warm, tartly sweet and with 7 grams of protein per half-cup, beans on toast is a delectable

Part of both British and North American cuisines, cottage cheese is unripened and unpressed cow’s milk cheese. While mild in flavor, it is surprisingly rich in protein. A mere 4 ounces of cottage cheese contains 13 grams of protein. Pair this subtle food with pumpkin seeds or chopped dried apricots for an especially tasty and nourishing repast.

that brings the benefits of professional dermaplaning home. Designed for the delicate skin on a woman's face, it gently clears away dull surface cells and built up debris while removing pesky peach fuzz. In just ten minutes, DERMAFLASH whisks away surface imperfections with a subtle sonic vibration, leaving nothing but silky smooth skin.

after using DERMAFLASH • 88% reported that skin looked smoother • 96% credited DERMAFLASH with giving them softer, more supple skin

"Sephora is excited to be launching DERMAFLASH as the first of its kind anti-aging and exfoliating device," says Priya Venkatesh, VP of Merchandising for Sephora. "This technology brings a sought after spa treatment into people's own homes in a safe and efficacious way."

The system comes with everything needed for six at-home treatments including:

By gently removing dead cell build up and fine hairs round the forehead, cheeks, jaw line, lip and chin, DERMAFLASH creates a smooth glowing canvas for flawless skincare and makeup application. The days of feeling embarrassed about peach fuzz or matted facial hair strands in foundation can be over. The numbers speak for themselves, in a clinical study(1):

DERMAFLASH is safe, fool-proof and color blind. How It Works

• Prep cleanser • Six single-use Edges • Soothing balm DERMAFLASH's single use edge comfortably hugs and contours the face, empowering women to achieve perfectly polished results in approximately 10 minutes, all in the convenience and privacy of home. The DERMAFLASH edge is designed for sensitive skin with built-in safety features. Use weekly or as needed for smoother, healthier and more vibrant skin.

DERMAFLASH® Debuts At Sephora

DERMAFLASH is a non-invasive exfoliation treatment 89% of women reported easier makeup application

Fossil's First Touchscreen Watch Powered by Android Wear(TM)

It's time to meet Q Founder, the newest addition to Fossil's connected accessories line. Engineered with Intel速 Innovation and powered by Android Wear, Q Founder tracks your activity, connects to your favorite apps, alerts you of your notifications and has customizable digital watch faces that are sure to fit your style. With its stunning touchscreen display, refined steel and classic leather accents, Q Founder is an unassuming powerhouse. Q Founder will let you know when you have an incoming call or text message, notify you of upcoming appointments or even whether or not your flight is on time with smart Google Now cards and inspire you to get creative with a weekly curiosity challenge. And if you want to go hands free, it can also listen and respond to your commands via your voice.

ditional ones. Q Curiosity: Cue your curiosity! These notifications alert you that it's time to break free from routine, look from a different angle or try something new in your community. These activities will ignite a new perspective, open up your creativity and leave your brain feeling refreshed.

Tracking+ Notifications: With built-in activity tracking, you can keep track of all the steps, jumps and runs you take with "Technology is a major disruptor in many industries right your Q Founder. Notifications at a glance let you see who is now - even fashion. But to successfully merge the two, you calling, texting or emailing. need to have the fashion design expertise and focus on it first," said Jill Elliott-Sones, chief creative officer at Fossil. Q Founder is compatible with both Android phones and iP"What's most exciting about Q Founder is not only how it hones, and will be available on Nov. 25 starting at $275 in looks, but the true flexibility it offers our customers. Thanks select Fossil stores and online. to its ability to pair with both iOS and Android devices, and the personalization opportunities it brings, we're more ac- Q Founder joins Fossil's fashionable connected accessories cessible to more people, and able to complement even the family - Fossil Q - which launched this fall. These devices most unique personal styles." showcase the design excellence, expert craftsmanship and bit of whimsy that defines Fossil - one of the world's leadQ Founder features low power Intel速 Atom(TM) processor ing accessory brands. Comprised of two types of connectthat enables Android Wear, an operating system that's tai- ed watches (both display and nondisplay) and two styles lor-made for watches. It allows you to get the information of connected bracelets (one for men and one for women), you want, when you need it, on a watch that expresses your there's something for everyone. style and fits what you love to do. The entire line of connected accessories is engineered with Q Apps: With Android Wear and Fossil Q companion apps, Intel速 Innovation and is compatible with Android(TM) 4.4 you can receive display notifications, personalize your watch and higher, iPhone 5 and above (running iOS 8.2 and highface, track your activity and cue your curiosity. er) and connects via Bluetooth technology. They also come with a wireless charging base for stress-free recharging. Q Customization: Make your watch face fit you. Choose from preloaded Fossil dials, customize your own or download ad- For more information please visit www.fossil.com/Q

NFL announces Pepsi Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show on CBS will echo On the Fifty Campaign

As part of the year-long celebration of Super Bowl 50, which will be played on Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016, the NFL announced today the PEPSI SUPER BOWL 50 HALFTIME SHOW on CBS will echo elements of the NFL's On the Fifty campaign – honoring the past, recognizing the present and looking ahead to the next 50 years. This announcement is just the beginning. One of the global superstars performing at the PEPSI SUPER BOWL 50 HALFTIME SHOW on CBS will be revealed next Thursday, Dec. 3 during the Green Bay-Detroit game on CBS and NFL Network. Kickoff is at 8:25 p.m. ET. Fans are encouraged to visit Pepsi.com now for a sneak peek of next Thursday's announcement. For the first time ever, fans will receive exclusive PEPSI SUPER BOWL 50 HALFTIME SHOW content and behind-the-scenes access to the making of this unprecedented event. The Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show is the most-watched musical event of the year. More than 118.5 million U.S. viewers watched last year's show – marking the most-watched Halftime Show ever. Both Super Bowl 50 and the Halftime Show will be broadcast worldwide from Levi's Stadium in the San Francisco Bay Area. The esteemed list of recent halftime acts includes Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Beyoncé, Madonna, The Who, Bruce Springsteen

& The E Street Band, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Prince, the Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, U2 and more. Super Bowl 50 marks Pepsi's fourth year as the title sponsor of the Super Bowl Halftime Show, and 14th year as an NFL partner. Pepsi and the NFL have teamed up again to provide fans with a halftime experience worthy of pop-culture's biggest stage. This year, Pepsi brings fans closer than ever to the show with unprecedented content and an exclusive behind the scenes look at what it takes to pull off the biggest music event of the year through its unique digital mini-series, "Pepsi presents: The Super Bowl Halftime Show Show." The PEPSI SUPER BOWL 50 HALFTIME SHOW is an NFL NETWORK PRODUCTION led by executive producer RICKY KIRSHNER and director HAMISH HAMILTON. Visit Pepsi.com leading up to Super Bowl 50 to see what this historic Halftime Show has in store for fans. For more information about Super Bowl 50, visit SuperBowl. com.

American Humane Association Military Dog Adoption Bill

Victory for Military Working Dogs and Veterans! For first time, newly passed 2016 National Defense Authorization Act with language supported by American Humane Association guarantees return of retired military war dogs to U.S. soil and gives former handlers first right of adoption. Source American Humane Association

Aventura Mall Lights Display

Aventura Mall's all-new Santa's Workshop is highlighted by mirrored gift boxes stacked 60 feet high and adorned with cuddly 10-foot teddy bears, classic English-style rocking horses, 12-foot tall toy soldiers, and 13-foot candy canes.

Aventura Mall Lights Display

Aventura Mall's Twinkling Snowfall LED Installation, created by Snarkitecture, invites shoppers to experience the sensation of being swept into the middle of a wintery snowfall that appears to be floating down through the skylight of the three-story atrium. Source:Aventura Mall


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