Spring 2018 Home Business

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Home-Based Business & Opportunity Magazine

Spring 2018

GO GREEN Special Business Growth Issue

Grow A Business By Going Green – Pg. 10


SAVVY START-UP: Key Profit Points STELLAR SEVEN Marketing Growth Tips ECO-FRIENDLY Home Office VENTURE CAPITAL Funding Sources

SAFE PROFITS Online Safety Home Biz

Tree Hugging Generates Green Dollars — Pg. 28 Display Until 7/3/2018

INTERVIEW: CHRIS HEMSWORTH Reinventing Yourself to Conquer New Opportunities — Pg. 16

Engineer Launches Booming Baby Biz — Pg. 37

WWW.HOMEBUSINESSMAG.COM Spring 2018 Cover VFinal.indd 1

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steps to more leads, higher sales and a stronger brand! Amazon best seller in marketing

2018 A Axiom xiom i Busine Business Book Award Winner

The most practical marketing book you will ever read 04_HBM_SPRING2018.indd 4

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“HELP People DEFEND Themselves and Make Hundreds, Thousands, Even Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars--Month In, Month Out--Selling Stun Guns, Tasers, Pepper Sprays, Personal Alarms, Hidden Cameras & Survival Equipment – PLUS . . . We'll Even DROP SHIP For You!”

CRIME is real! Women who are assaulted or raped… families whose homes are invaded...the damage done to people this way goes far beyond just the loss of money or jewelry. And, for the most part, the police can only get involved after the damage has been done.

You can be the real first line of defense. You can educate and equip people to protect themselves, their loved ones, their homes and businesses. This is not something most people do of their own initiative. They don't get up in the morning and say "Let's go over to Wal-Mart and buy some non-lethal self-defense products." PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW WHERE THEY CAN FIND THESE PRODUCTS. Which is where you and I come in, and do good! In this business, you can take real pride in the fact that you save lives for a living. That you provide peace of mind and real security. That you earn your money by helping people make their lives, homes and businesses safer. Second, this is a very, very, very PROFITABLE business. In fact, I'm happy to show you how to add a few thousand dollars a month of spare time income, if that's what you want...or how to make $10,000.00 a month or more. Our top dealers enjoy GIANT incomes --- with far less work, stress and investment than owners of other businesses. Emergencies can occur anywhere, and preparedness matters. Think Hurricanes that devastated parts of Florida and Texas. Or the fires in the Northwest and California. Or the everyday crimes that are committed to people and property. God forbid people are victims, but if they are, and need to fend for themselves and protect their families, they’d be a lot better off with a Taser, stun gun or at least MACE in their pocket. Most people are "under-protected" and admit that "they ought to…" as soon as these products are put in front of them. A lot of our products are "Impulse Items", purchased as soon as shown and explained. Like the Stun Guns, Pepper Sprays and Personal Alarms. We also have a full line of hidden cameras and surveillance systems needed both by home and businesses. The Surveillance Systems will put 1000’s of dollars in your pockets! Safety is on peoples’ minds. There's a legendary marketing expert named Robert Collier who says that the secret to success in selling is to "enter the conversation already taking place in the customer's mind." Well, is there a day that crime isn't in the news? Child abductions, robberies, mass shootings, rapes, muggings, bombings, break-ins & home invasions. As soon as you bring up the subject of personal and home security, you tap into real concerns.

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7 REASONS TO JOIN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY… First...FREE Drop-Shipping This means we will ship to your customers with your name and address on the shipping label. NO drop shipping fee! NO minimum order! You don’t have to stock anything. You are paid by your customer before you have to pay for any product.

You came this far. You read this information; you want success in a good, profitable business of your own. Now - don't wimp out!!! The temptation is to procrastinate, to waffle, to "think it over”. But what is there to think over? Do you want success or not? Act decisively and start now. We will help you. As a wholesaler, we don’t make money until you make money.

Second...Over 500 Products We warehouse all our products so we can ship quickly to you or your customers. The variety of products we offer means there’s something for every person – family – home and business. Over 50 stun gun models and colors, over 60 pepper sprays, 20 hidden cameras, 49 Diversion Safes, 19 Personal Alarms…just go to www.helpdefendpeople.com to see all our products. Third...Our Unbeatable Prices You get maximum profits from Safety Technology’s great wholesale prices. The prices are low because we are the source. Further, because I remember what it's like to start small, there is no minimum order requirement…and, we will drop ship for you. Fourth...Many Ways To Sell The Products!!! Sell on the Internet, at Home Parties, Flea Markets, Gun Shows, Trade Shows, To Businesses, Give Safety Seminars, Mail Order. Fifth...at your option, a Complete "Web Site Super Store" Business Without a doubt, selling on the Internet is the biggest way to sell these products. Not only do we build a website for you, we teach you how to use it, how to get traffic to your website and convert it into sales. Sixth...Our reputation for fair-dealing, quality and service stands behind you. I started small, off a card-table in my house! Over these 32 years, I've seen a lot of "operators" come and go....sell cheap, imitation products that don't work right... then disappear. Safety Technology has been wholesaling these products for 32 years. We stand behind all our products GUARANTEED! Seventh...Exceptional Dealer Service & Support Our phone lines are manned 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, by people right here in my office, who really know our products, and who want you to succeed. You will also have access to our 24/7 Help Ticket System.

“Everything is now in place for YOU to join me in making more money than you ever imagined possible. These products are high impulse. Get them in front of people and you will sell them!!!” Michael Gravette/President Safety Technology

"While still in the Army, I set up an online business through Safety Technology and it was the best decision I ever made. I’ve have grossed over $3,000,000.00 in ONLINE sales.” Steve Thibeault, Fayetteville, NC “I started out by buying $350.00 in products and spending $25.00 for a table at a gun show In Lincoln Nebraska. At the end of the two days my $350.00 turned into $1,800.75. You took a 60 year old cancer survivor and give me a business that has changed my life.” Robert Breeling, Cook, NE “I do an average of 3 or 4 gun shows a month. Occasionally I will do other events like women’s expos. Because of the income I make at the shows, I was able to quit my full time job.” Wendy Megyese, Emerald Isle, NC

HOW TO GET STARTED Go to www.helpdefendpeople.com now to get started. You will be given information on how to become an Authorized Dealer and access our wholesale prices and product info. We look forward to you joining our team.

3/6/18 6:21 PM


Home-Based Business & Opportunity Magazine



Spring 2018 FEATURES

Going Green and Solar: Increase business, save money, run more efficiently, and improve consumer relations.

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Interview with Chris Hemsworth. On Starring in 12 Strong, the Real Heroes in Life, and What He Learned from This Movie.


20+ Home Business Ideas. Perfect for Spring 2018.


Savvy Startup Guide. Steps to launching your own green home business.


Small Biz Ad Marketplace.


Classified Ads.

Chris Hemsworth: “I wanted to do something that was more grounded and had some real heart.”





Go Green and Go Solar. Steps to Cut Costs and Grow a Business While Reducing Your Carbon Footprint.

© Reuters


Green Home Business: Stay energy-efficient and recycle whenever you can!


Treating Conditions with a Super Spice.


Balancing Groceries and Parenting.


Planting Trees for a Monthly Fee.


An Idea as Strong as Iron.


Love for All Things Baby.


Simplifying Shopping Trips with Infants: Mompreneur launches shopping cart hammock.



Optimize the Season of Fresh Starts. Grow your at-home business with seven vital 2018 spring marketing tips.

Marketing Your B Business: M k ti Y i Clean up your marketing campaign this spring.







Product Reviews. Valuable books for the entrepreneur.


Go Green in Your Workspace. Steps to make your home office eco-friendly and improve the environment.


Eco-Friendly Eco Friendly Home Office: Learn how it will benefit your workspace and lifestyle.

Sourcing Venture Capital. Seven laws for everyone who wants to fund a business in 2018. Getting Financed: Raise money to launch your business. Spring 2018 | Home Business

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3/5/18 3:26 PM

Magazine M i Volume 25 Issue 2 Spring 2018 www.homebusinessmag.com

The Home Business Team ®

Publisher Richard Henderson United Marketing & Research Company, Inc. Editor-in-Chief Stacy Ann Henderson Managing Editor Sherilyn Colleen Publicity Editor Shannah Carol Graphic Services Camilla Martinez-Fleitas, Slice, Inc. Production Manager Jon Crossley, Ultra Graphics Digital Ad Production Angel Macias, Ultra Graphics Art Direction Richard Rabil Advertising advertise@homebusinessmag.com Phone: 800-734-7042 Shayla Christine http://www.homebusinessmag.com/magazine-advertisng http://www.homebusinessmag.com/online-advertising Distribution Manager Richard Trummer, Curtis Specialized Circulation Bob Kennedy, Cavendish Media Circulation Manager Dennis Porti, Curtis Michelle Ingenito, Curtis Subscriptions Publication Fulfillment Services Int. Call 888-881-5861 - M - F 8am-4pm PST. For International, call 714-226-9782. Fax: 714-226-9733 Email: homebusinessmag@pfsmag.com Print Manager Keith Oelke, Quad Graphics Mark Quartaroli, Quad Graphics Reprints Betsy White, The Reprint Outsource, bwhite@reprintoutsource.com Mailing Lists www.homebusinessmag.com (Click on “Mailing Lists” to order) Mailing List Manager Danny Grubert, Danny.Grubert@lakegroupmedia.com List File Manager Travis McMillian, Lee Coats Newton Digital Media Manager Jim Pappadeas, Epsilon Digital Media E-Readers Bob Mehta, Supremus Group Rachel Unclebach, Libre Digital Internet Manager Robert Edwards SEO Janice Johnson, Search Engine Optimization Social Media Shelby Cara At Your Service Portal Lisa Schneegans, Buzz 360 I T/Computer Operations Jim Easton, letmefixyourpc.com Customer Service Email: customerservice@homebusinessmag.com Phone: (800) 734-7042 Fax: 714-388-3883

Editorial Scott Cramer, Kayla Matthews, Tech New Logica, Kristoffer Canimo, Tom Jager, and others.

Distribution Curtis Circulation Company 730 River Road New Milford, NJ 07646 Tel: (201) 634-7400 Fax: (201) 634-7499

Home Business® Magazine Home Business Magazine (ISSN 1092-4779) is published by United Marketing and Research Company, Inc., 20664 Jutland Place, Lakeville, MN 55044. 6-issue Subscription Rates: Domestic $15. Canadian $31. Foreign $47. For Subscriptions: 714-693-1866, M–F Periodicals Postage Paid at Lakeville, Minnesota, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Home Business® Magazine, 20664 Jutland Place, Lakeville, MN 55044.



The Steadily Approaching Online Revolution Is Your Home Business Ready for Video? The online world for home business continues to evolve at a lightning-fast pace. I can barely keep up with the changes. And now the latest bow wave to hit small business is video. Specifically, video content. During an episode of my “Home Business Podcast” (https://homebusinessmag.com/podcast), we interviewed a guest who forecast that in the not-too-distant future, most content posted online will be video. I believe this forecast will change the face of marketing communications, and home business owners must adapt and get ready now. First, if you’re not already producing videos to market your business, get started by understanding the technology and make the small investments to produce good-quality videos. It’s easy. Equipment-wise, you can make do with your computer’s built-in camera and microphone for video taping. But for better quality and flexibility, I recommend the purchase of a USB camera and microphone. A separate camera gives you flexibility for zooming and different camera shots. A USB microphone gives you control over sound inputs for different video situations, greatly improving audio quality which is the most important part of video.

“ Once you’re able to film and produce videos, map out a video content strategy.

Technology-wise, you’ll need a way to produce finished videos from your raw video feeds. This requires a video production program. There are many good free choices, and some are pre-loaded with computer operating systems. I’m always a little leery of using “free stuff,” so I purchased a video production program (CyberLink). Without any training whatsoever, I was up-to-speed in producing a decent quality video for my Home Business Podcast. Once you’re able to film and produce videos, map out a video content strategy. At a minimum, produce a short video introducing your business and post it online. I recommend linking to YouTube or Vimeo, or you can upload it directly. Take the next step and produce short videos for each of your main content channels, about products or services offered, frequently asked questions, tips and advice, other team members you work with, or a lead capture form. A short video with your lead capture form can increase response by 50%! If your business has a good, viable content channel of interest to your customer base, consider expanding with a short video podcast. You can get by with just one video a month, but weekly is best. Produce and distribute video links in your newsletter and in your content channels. Place your videos into a YouTube channel and encourage customers and prospects to subscribe. Short, high-quality videos are the best way to break through as a content marketer. These videos will build your reputation as a business leader. Content marketing is the most effective way to generate new leads for your business, and requires that you map out a video strategy. Don’t forget social media. Distribute your content at least through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For Instagram, upload a 60-second clip. We’ll continue to talk more about how to make the transitions in using video to build your home business. It’s our future! Please subscribe to the Home Business TV Channel at YouTube.com/HomeBusinessMag.

Printed in the United States

Publisher, Home Business® Magazine 8 Home Business | Spring 2018 ®

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Go Green and Go Solar Steps to Cut Costs and Grow a Business While Reducing Your Carbon Footprint By Scott Cramer



very thousand-mile journey begins with a single footstep, but nothing sours the beginning of a journey like a business’s Bigfoot-sized carbon footprint. In addition to bolstering your brand and advocating environmental responsibility, these are the most significant factors that make going green a smart decision for any business. Saving Money A dollar saved is a dollar earned, and the point of every business is to make more dollars. However, many business owners are missing savings at the operational level, namely by relying on paper-based processes. These processes are not just inefficient, but expensive as well, and they only raise demand for the lumber industry, which contributes to deforestation. What are the most intriguing factors for most business owners? Everyone wants to save money where they can. There are plenty of ways to save when it comes to going green, whether you want to start small by changing lighting an equipment or adding commercial-grade solar to your office. The federal government has a solar incentive for anyone who’s interested in installing solar panels. These incentives allow individuals that would normally not be able to afford solar the ability to purchase the products they need, cover installation, and create a greener business.

This is given through a 30 percent tax credit. In this credit, 30 percent of your solar array is covered by the federal government. And while the credit may decrease for both residential and commercial systems by 2021, commercial solar installations will still receive a 10 percent tax credit after that deadline.

You can file for a 30 percent tax credit after installing solar panels.

products and services advented by companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact. A 2013 study from Cone Communications showed that nearly half (45 percent) of consumers actively seek out environmental information regarding the products they buy. Further analysis also revealed consumers want products that aren’t just good for the environment but were made using sustainable practices.

Three-fourths of “ Millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings, according to a recent Nielsen survey.

The Win-Win Situation Green businesses don’t just run more efficiently; the trendsetters of our generation prefer to give them more money.

The Walking Stick You’ll Need to Walk the Environmental Talk

Three-fourths of Millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings, according to a recent Nielsen survey. That number increases for Generation Z. 72 percent of respondents aged 15-20 are willing to pay more for

However, businesses can’t just go green because it’s going to reel in more business or save more money. The motives are as important to consumers as the outcomes and byproducts of your operational choices.


Home Business Spring 2018

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Trendsetters are the ones who do things not just because everyone is doing it, but because they want to do it. They see the benefits before the general public has caught on. The purchases our generation makes today are setting the trends for tomorrow. We call this the inside-out mantra. Executives who are passionate about what they do, not just the outcomes of their labor, tend to be happier and more successful in their entrepreneurial endeavors. If your organization’s mission is to improve the lives of others with your product(s), you will perform better than any executive whose sole purpose in life is to sell products. Brands that sell products and have the liveinside-out mantra handled make better brand extensions and adapt more quickly to changing markets, because they see beyond the product to the benefits the product provides. Take Richard Branson, Elon Musk, or Steve Jobs, for example. Do you think any of these three men accomplished what they did because they just wanted to make money? They live their purposes inside out, and everything else falls into place, always returning to the purpose that made them visionaries to guide the brand and its product development Continued on page 12


3/3/18 3:35 PM

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in a Business of My Own.”

“$27,000 Part-time isn’t bad for a guy who quit his job. I ‘retired early’ from the insurance and securities business, now I make good money part-time with Pace, and have as much work as I care to handle.”

— A true story by a very happy Pace distributor. I’m still amazed how things have “changed since I became a Pace Distrib-

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And as an added incentive on top of the generous commisutor! Let me tell you how it all started... last year, in spite of sions Pace pays we’ll When the national include a BONUS living in a depressed economy wasn’t going 15 roof jobs. Almost farming area! And CHECK for $100 too well, I decided to double that the second that’s working less than when you close your get out of the business year, and had a huge half of the year, leaving I was in. I had given backlog. Most of these the rest of the time for order. some thought to were big jobs like the his family and other No Investment! retiring, but was really county home, the interests. You, too, can enjoy the too young for that. Chevy-Buick garage, What makes Pace same success. Best of Well, it so happened bank building, city such a good business is all, you don’t need any my own commercial hall. Big jobs mean big that it costs a fortune special background building had a money! for schools, hospitals, or experience. Of plants and other course, if you have contractors prices be in had been pretty commercial buildings selling, construction or were literally sky high! good to me, but I had application experience, to work both nights companies repair or an article about Pace and days. With Pace, re-do their roofs. Pace more so. Products and how business just seems bypasses the roofer — Pace is a proven with their exclusive to fall into your lap. lets the building owner Seamless Spray process I don’t really do any apply Pace Seamless it is used by such you could actually promoting or ‘selling’... Spray right over the old bypass high priced most of my sales come contractors. I sent for from referrals, and my roof... and the smallest as General Motors, their literature, saw phone is ringing all the Seamless Spray order American Airlines, earns you over $2,000 Holiday Inns, and how easy it was to sell, time. in commissions. and I wound up doing “What I like to tell thousands more. Pace ships the Seamless the roof myself using people is that Pace Be Your Own Spray equipment Pace products and Boss! know how. opportunity. You can on Free Loan. Your customer pays only for You’ll like being “Well, word got around start working as little your own boss and about how much as two hours a week, running a successful money I had saved then go full time when His own men apply it (or if you want to make business. You can and that opened a your income exceeds even more money, set your own hours, whole new world of your regular job. you can handle the opportunity. Ever since What our successful application too). It’s as want, make your own then I’ve been like a Pace distributor is simple as that. cat on a hot tin roof? decisions and stop too modest to say is

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that he actually did over $100,000 worth

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3/3/18 4:53 PM


Go Green and Go Solar Continued from page 10

factories on such lighting stipulations, and the savings can be monumental.

when things get difficult, markets change, or downfalls occur.

Even though LED bulbs initially cost more, they pay for themselves in just several months. Getting an energy-efficient light dramatically decreases how much you are spending every month for electricity.

The purpose of their brands not only set the positive energy of each company in motion but awakened potential customers to each brand’s virtuosic ability to improve lives, one product and brand extension at a time. Your statement will ignite a domino reaction in neighbors and friends, who will partake in your experience and reasons for improving the environment. As more and more people take a stand against pollution, a positive difference in ourselves and our environment will occur. Energy-Efficient Incentives for Businesses You can start with small steps to going green in your office like switching from incandescent to LED bulbs. At first glance, getting LED bulbs costs more money. But when you look at the efficiency and durability of an LED, there really isn’t any cost comparison. One LED bulb is equivalent to 21 incandescent bulbs. This means that over the course of 20 years you would spend $21 for one incandescent light fixture or $4 for an LED. Compound this with the cost of running major


Home Business Spring 2018

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If you want to make your move more drastically, states like Nevada have programs that can help. NV Energy’s commercial energy services offers technical assistance and cash incentives for energy-efficient equipment and lighting products that save energy and lower utility bills. By running a simple test, NV Energy can show you how to save energy and money in your offices. Looking at the Internal Production Processes Take a look at your production process. How can you make them more environmentally friendly? If your company sources goods and services from other vendors, green procurement is a trend worth following. Choosing to work with companies that are less environmentally damaging than comparable alternatives is another way to walk the walk and show your customers you care.

Switch from incandescent to LED bulbs.

Stop Relying on Paper-Based Processes How much paper does your office use? According to The Paperless Project, the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper every year. A more staggering statistic – 45% of the paper printed in offices ends up being trashed by the end of the day. Going paperless is another really simple way to reduce your carbon footprint and create a


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more efficient office in the process. Paper is bulky, it takes up lots of space in various file cabinets in offices, and most offices don’t have an efficient filing system. How often do you go to look for a file, only to spend 20-30 minutes (maybe even more) searching for the one you need?

“If your company

sources goods and services from other vendors, green procurement is a trend worth following.

Transferring all your paper files onto digital alternatives may take time and money at first, but according to Nitro Software, 59% of businesses achieved full ROI in less than 12 months. Solar Power Your Business with Commercial Installs, Statewide and Federal Incentives, and More The main way to go green with your business

is to install solar – and there are numerous benefits to boot. Going solar is not as expensive as one might think. The rise in competition within the solar sector has not only driven down solar panel prices but has also improved the technology. As referenced in the Go Solar Group blog, Utah Solar Installs: too many options now what?, the 2017 Fraunhofer ISE Photovoltaics Report shows that panel efficiency is increasing. As time goes on, Going solar is not as expensive as one might think. competition within this sector will continue to drive motivated indiAs I mentioned earlier, the federal governviduals to create better engineered products to ment has a solar incentive for anyone who enhance solar panels’ energy potential. would like to install solar panels, allowing There are also plenty of rebates available de- more people the ability to purchase these pending on the kind of business you operate. products. Although panel engineering and inFor example, if you are an agricultural produc- novation are on the rise, therein reducing costs er or a small business in a rural area, you may and reducing the amount of financial leveragqualify for The Rural Energy For America Pro- ing needed for the typical consumer to go solar gram (REAP). REAP, at its inmost function, is in the state of Utah, loan-less solar is still a bit a grant program. They have Renewable Ener- off in the future for the average consumer, but gy System Grants which will cover between not necessarily for the average business. $2,500 and $500,00 of your costs depending on the size of your project. Continued on page 14

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Spring 2018 | Home Business



3/3/18 3:37 PM

Go Green and Go Solar Continued from page 13


This is given through a 30 percent tax credit. In this credit, 30 percent of your solar array is covered by the federal government. After your system has been installed, you file for this tax credit, and it is then credited toward taxes that you would normally have owed. This credit can be rolled over for up to five years. This credit may decrease for both residential and commercial systems to 26 percent in 2020, which is still a hefty incentive, and doesn’t negate the investment value proposition of solar energy. In 2021, residential and commercial solar system credits will decline to 22 percent, which is still a significant credit. After 2021, residential solar customers will no longer receive a federal tax credit. Commercial solar installations will get a 10 percent tax credit moving forward in 2021 and after. Many states offer their own tax credits on top of the federal one you will receive. Our company is based in Utah and Reno, Nevada, where the State tax credit works similarly to the federal credit. It also can be rolled over and is applied to taxes that would have been owed to the state.

Going paperless is a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint.

The National Solar Jobs Census stated that 137,133 new jobs opened up in the United States Installation sector in 2016. According to The Solar Foundation, the solar industry has surpassed fossil fuel jobs in the United States, and more than twice as many Americans are employed by the solar industry than the entire coal industry. As of 2016, there was an estimated 10 percent increase in solar jobs in the United States, and this trend shows no sign of slowing. But it’s also important to know that going solar impacts many industries of the world’s workforce.

For example, because Copper is used in the solar industry, there is a causal link between solar and copper’s increase in demand. This means that those who choose to work in the copper industry have a sure future ahead of them as well.

“The rise in competition within the solar sector has not only driven down solar panel prices but has also improved the technology.

One of the major facts about solar energy is that project development in the solar industry includes system designers, project managers, master electricians, billing clerks and more. Project development jobs within the solar sector have increased by 53 percent. A total of 34,400 jobs nationwide opened up in 2016 to accommodate solar industry demand.. Environmental Considerations on How Solar Panels Work Utah and Nevada solar companies, many of whom being at the forefront of innovation and actively trying to improve the sustainability of the American west with solar solutions, should not just think about the environmental viability of the panels themselves, but also the green manufacturing and production process of the panels themselves. If companies do not care about these things, the environmental bullet point on every piece of the company’s marketing collateral is just false advertising. So, here are some things to 14

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consider when trying to find an environmentally conscious solar panel provider. Which Solar Panel Manufacturers Can I Trust to Keep Solar Energy Green? There are tons of panel manufacturers that are popping up internationally. With the new boom in solar panel production has come a need to make sure the process is as clean as possible. Cheap panels have been produced in order to compete, but these panels have been coming at a high cost. Air and land quality around solar power plants taking short cuts has been compromised to provide a cheaper product. Using solar panels is clean and helps our air stay clear, but the production of these solar panels sometimes prohibits this from happening. If clean air is one of your motivators to getting solar, we highly recommend looking at the panel manufacturer. If you look at the manufacturer’s solar scorecard from the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, you will have a better idea of not only the quality of product, but also the integrity of the company in its environmental production processes.

The motives are as important to consumers as the outcomes and byproducts of your operational choices. Is There Waste from Solar Panel Production? Although cleaner than coal and natural gas the process for producing panels is not a clean one. Chemicals such as cadmium telluride, copper indium selenide, cadmium gallium( ii) selenide, copper indium gallium (di) selenide, hexafluoroethane lead, polyvinyl fluoride, crystalline silicon and silicon tetrachloride all take part at some point in the process. Toxic sludge is created when these metals and toxins are removed from the water used to manufacture panels. If the manufacturer doesn’t have waste treatment equipment this waste is transported to an approved dump.


Broker Notes from home and Earn Huge Fees!

Continued on page 38



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Spring 2018 | Home Business



3/6/18 6:36 PM

Interview with Chris Hemsworth Courtesy of Reuters/The Interview People.

On Starring in 12 Strong, the Real Heroes in Life, and What He Learned from This Movie


By Suzy Maloy / The Interview Feed


oviegoers know Chris Hemsworth for his depiction of Marvel’s godly superhero Thor. But the Australian actor trades his hammer for an M4 assault rifle as a U.S. Army Special Forces captain in the action-packed war drama 12 Strong. Hemsworth says it was a welcome change of pace portraying a real-life flesh-and-blood hero. When the opportunity arose to depict the leader of a small team of U.S. Army Special Forces, known as the Green Berets, who took on a dangerous classified mission in wartorn Afghanistan following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., he didn’t hesitate. Based on the book Horse Soldiers: The Extraordinary Story of a Band of U.S. Soldiers Who Rode to Victory in Afghanistan, by Doug Stanton, 12 Strong recounts the

story of the dozen soldiers who risked their lives to find and eradicate a large contingent of Taliban terrorists embedded in a remote part of the Middle Eastern country. Weeks after the attack on the U.S., the Special Forces unit was sent in to work together with the Northern Alliance, a somewhat fractured coalition of Afghan military leaders that came together to rid their country of the ruthless Taliban, to defeat the well-armed terrorists who outnumbered them 5,000-1. Code-named Task Force Dagger, it was as much a diplomatic mission as it was a military operation. Chris Hemsworth, starring in 12 Strong, talks about desperately looking to do something more grounded than playing super-

“It was a welcome change of pace portraying a real-life flesh-and-blood hero in the movie 12 Strong.” — Chris Hemsworth

heroes, discusses the real heroes in life, what he learned from shooting this movie, and doing all stunts on his own. Question (Q): Were you looking for something very different than Thor? Chris Hemsworth (CH): I’ve done a lot of stuff in the comic book world and played

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3/3/18 4:02 PM

themselves in harm’s way, with their safety in jeopardy for the rest of our safety, is something beyond admirable.

– Chris Hemsworth

fantasy heroes and it’s been a lot of fun, but I desperately wanted to do something that was more grounded and had some real heart. Q: Do you regard this Special Forces team as real-life superheroes? What appealed to you about the story? CH: Absolutely. This script came along a few years ago. My first instinct was that I couldn’t believe it was a true story. I knew a lot about this conflict, this war, but like a lot of people, not a lot about this mission. I was engrossed, shocked, and fascinated by the details.

“I desperately wanted to do something that was more grounded and had some real heart.” — Chris Hemsworth

Courtesy of Reuters/The Interview People.

To put themselves “ in this position, putting

Q: Did you talk to the real guys before the shoot? CH: Yes, I did. Speaking with the real guys throughout the process, there’s such an honesty and openness and lack of dramatization or ego as they recounted these events with such humility. They’re the real heroes. Q: Why do you think that? CH: To put themselves in this position, putting themselves in harm’s way, with their

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safety in jeopardy for the rest of our safety, is something beyond admirable. It’s something that’s inspiring and something I felt was an honor, to be asked to play this character and be a part of this story. But I definitely felt the weight of that responsibility; I think we all did. I was very thankful that we had the real guys there along with this amazing cast and crew. We had Doug Stanton, the author, this source of research, at our fingertips. It was an incredible experience, one that I’ll remember for a long, long time. Q: What surprised you the most about this story? CH: The way they were able to adapt, evolve, and embed themselves within this world and work with the local people — not against them — in fighting a common enemy and the brotherhood that they formed with the local Afghan people amongst the soldiers is something that kept coming up amongst all the guys I spoke with. The relationships they formed and still keep to this day with one another are as strong as any family bonds they’ve ever had. That was something that was always inspiring and evident with their approach to why they did things. Continued on page 40

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3/3/18 4:06 PM

20+ Ideas for Mobile and Home-Based Businesses to Launch This Spring 1. Affiliate Marketer: In this day and age, affiliate marketing is a home business idea that will probably never go out of season and style. As an affiliate marketer, you will be promoting other people’s products and earning commissions on every successful sale. Currently, your best bet is Amazon, but you can find many others online. Keep in mind that affiliate marketing requires you to have a good website with awesome content to reel in potential customers into buying whatever you are selling. It’s all about good content and tireless promotion. 2. Bed and Breakfast Hotel Operator: If your city gets crowded with tourists during spring, maybe it’s time to open your doors to this home business idea. Your bed and breakfast hotel doesn’t have to be open all year long; just when the tourists are pouring in. 3. Home-Based Call Center Specialist: If you have a background in customer service, this online business idea is for you. It’s definitely like working in a call center, but instead of being in a physical office in the city’s business district, you’ll be working at home. You could be serving good customer experience and fixing their problems without them knowing you are still in your favorite pajamas. The pay is just as good as you would usually get in a regular call center and the work differs depending on your client’s requests and needs. 4. Home-Based Data Analyst: More and more companies — both big and small ones — are getting the need to interpret information so that they can fine-tune their business model and strategies. The bulk of information you’ll be interpreting is somehow incomprehensible to a normal person; that’s why if you have a degree or a good background in mathematics, finance, or even economics, you’re absolutely cut out for this job. You will be tasked to ‘translate’ otherwise complex data into readable information so businesses can make informed decisions backed by studies and surveys. 5. Image Consultancy Expert: No one wants to admit it but most of us can benefit from the services of an image consultant who would tell 18

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us how we can improve how we look and how we behave and communicate in certain situations in our professional lives. Many professions depend heavily on how people look and how they are perceived by their clients and customers. You wouldn’t want to get a designer who looks like his clothes were from the ‘70s, right? An image makeover specialist needs to understand what’s trendy and what’s not. 6. Lawn Care Specialist: Regardless if you got your gardening skills from your parents or from watching tons of YouTube how-to videos, gardening is one of the best and easiest mobile business ideas you can do. It’s a seasonal job but that doesn’t mean there is no demand for it all year long. During spring, you may be asked to clean your client’s greenhouse or hunt down some pests in the garden. You may start offering your services to your neighbors, and if your work is a masterpiece, word definitely gets around. 7. Mobile Nail Care Specialist: Spring is definitely the season for people to relax and enjoy the weather, but that does not mean they should forget about good hygiene. This mobile nail care service business is a sure hit all year round. You should not underestimate how much people would pay for a great manicure and pedicure by a nail expert. Just bring your nail cleaning kit with you and give the hand and foot love your customers deserve. The demand is high and repeat customers are usually normal in this gig, which means more business for you! 8. Mobile Photo Studio Owner: If you’re into photography and have a spare room in your house for a studio, a mobile photo studio is a business idea you should clearly take. You will be offering your photography services to those who need to update their headshots for their resumes. If you’re located near a tourist spot or a city attraction, you might even get a group of friends who just wants to immortalize the fun times. Either way, this business idea can be easily seen to zoom in to something bigger. 9. Niche Website Developer: A niche

website contains all the important information about a certain topic that only a small percentage of the population would usually search for online; for example, cross-stitching. Your website may contain articles about why cross-stitching is a good hobby, or basic guides to cross-stitching. Owning a niche website means you won’t have a lot of competitors, meaning your website will sit on top of Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages). When that happens, your visitors will increase organically and you can now then monetize your website by putting ads or doing affiliate marketing. You can also opt to place Google Ads which is easy to set up for beginners. 10. On-Call Exterior House Cleaner: We all want to have squeaky-clean windows (especially when expecting some visitors) but sometimes we just do not want the dirty work. Lend a helping hand for those in need or allergic to dust and get paid washing their windows and house walls and cleaning their gutters. For a job well done, you may expect repeat customers year after year! Tip: This job gets easier if you keep an appointment system as many customers would book in advance, especially during the spring season. 11. On-Call Makeup Artist: Most people are obsessing over skincare nowadays and you won’t believe how many products celebrities use on their faces to look how they look. This translates to the need of their fans to look just as good as their favorite stars. If you know your way around brushes and blushes, this one’s for you. You can begin by offering your beauty services to your friends who are going to an event or a prom, and from there, who knows, you might end up in Hollywood? The possibilities are endless. 12. On-Call Tech Support Specialist: Remember those computer and coding classes you attended in college? Nowadays, most people already know how to operate and troubleshoot their computer systems at home. But Continued on page 20


3/3/18 4:07 PM

AAJudgment JudgmentRecovery Recovery Business Business isis Hot and andininDemand. Demand.Here’s Here’show how to to start start your your own... own...


ave aveyou youever everwatched watchedJudge JudgeJudy Judy or or any any of of those those mid-afternoon mid-afternoon court courtTV TVshows showswhere wherepeople people sue sue each each other other for for unpaid unpaid rent rent or services? services?InInmany manycases, cases,Judge JudgeJudy Judyslams slamsdown down her her gavel gavel and and barks barks orders ordersatatthe thedefendant defendanttotopay payup, up, but but here's here's aa little little known known fact: fact: the the court courtdoes doesnot notenforce enforcethat thatjudgment. judgment.And And that that goes goes for for non-televised non-televised court courtcases casestoo. too. That's That'sright, right,just justbecause because aa judge judge orders orders someone someone to to pay pay aa debt debt doesn't doesn'tmean meanthat thatperson personisisgoing goingtoto do do it.it. Imagine Imagine ifif someone someone owed owed you youa afew fewthousand thousanddollars dollarsand anddecided decided not not to to pay pay you, you, regardless regardless of what whata acourt courtofoflaw lawordered. ordered.Would Wouldyou youknow knowwhat what to to do? do? Most Most people people don't, don't,sosothey theywait waitininfrustration frustrationfor forthe thedebt debtto tobe bepaid. paid. Christina ChristinaSmiley, Smiley,founder founder ofof Sierra Sierra Judgment Judgment Recovery Recovery and and selfselfproclaimed proclaimedopportunity opportunity junkie, junkie, learned learned how how to to profit profit from from this this little little known knownmarket marketofofunpaid unpaiddebt debtby byhelping helpingjudgment judgment holders holders collect. collect. She She explained explainedthere therewas wasvirtually virtuallyno no one one who who was was providing providing this this service. service. And And that that once once people people had had been been awarded awarded these these judgments... judgments... 80 80 percent percentofofthem themwere werenever neverpaid.” paid.” This Thisdiscovery discoverycouldn’t couldn’thave havecome come atata abetter bettertime; time; Christina Christina and and her her husband husbandTerry Terrywere werepart partowners ownersofofaa carpet carpet store store and and had had amassed amassed aa large largeamount amountofofdebt. debt. They Theyhad hadthree threesmall smallchildren childrenand and thought thoughtthat thatbybyowning owningaastore storethey'd they'd have havemore moremoney moneyand andtime timefor fortheir their family. family.Initially Initiallyit itwas wasan anexciting excitingtime time forfor them, them, but but that that dream dream quickly quickly turned turnedinto intoa anightmare nightmareofofdebt debt and and endless endlesshours hoursatatwork, work,as as Christina Christina remembers, remembers, "We "We accumulated accumulated monstrous monstrousdebt. debt.We Wewere weretruly trulyonly onlyaa few few paychecks paychecks away away from from being being homeless." homeless." And Andthen thenshe shelearned learned about about the the big bigmoney moneyininsmall smallclaims. claims.Christina Christina focused focusedononlearning learninghow how toto recover recover judgments judgmentsfor forpeople. people. She She says, says, "It "It was wastrial trialand anderror errorfor forsix sixmonths monthstotoaa year. year.I buried I buriedmy mynose noseinincivil civilcodes.” codes.” Christina Christinacontacted contacted aa number number ofof small smallbusinesses businessesininher herarea areatotosee seeifif they theycould coulduse useher herservices, services,and andas asitit turned turnedout, out,there therewas wasplenty plentyofofwork work forfor her. her. "These "These people people were were overjoyed overjoyedtotogive giveus usallallofoftheir theircases cases totocollect collectand andwere weremore morethan thanwilling willing toto letlet me me keep keep 50% 50% ofof what what I I collected collectedfor forthem," them,"she shesays. says. InInmost mostcases, cases,they theyhad hadfiled filedaway away their theirjudgments judgmentsaafew fewyears yearsprior priorwith with nonohope hopeofofever evercollecting collectingon on them. them. Christina's Christina's business, business, Sierra Sierra Judgment JudgmentRecovery, Recovery,gets getsthat thatmoney money back. back. These These people people figured figured they'd they'd never neversee seeany anyofofthat thatmoney moneyagain, again, sosothey're they'remore morethan than happy happy toto pay pay Christina's Christina'sfee. fee. Another Anotherattractive attractive aspect aspect ofof this this

service service isis there's there's no no up-front up-front cost to her her customers. customers. Any Any filing filing fees or costs costs incurred incurred by by Christina Christina are reimbursed reimbursed to to her her out out of the judgment judgment once once it's it's collected. collected. The customers customers don't don't have have to pay anything anythingout out of of their their own own pocket. pocket. From From what what she she says, says, this is primarily primarily behind-the-scenes behind-the-scenes work, which which makes makes itit an an entirely entirely nonconfrontational confrontational business. business. She She does everything everything through through the the court court system from from seizing seizing debtor debtor bank bank accounts, accounts, garnishing garnishing wages wages and and other other income, to toplacing placingliens liens on on property. property. One One year year after after starting starting the judgment judgment recovery recovery business, business, Christina Christina and and Terry Terry closed closed the carpet carpet store. store. Finally Finally they they could could work at at home home and and have have money money left over at at the the end end of of the the month. month. They've been been running running Sierra Sierra Judgment Judgment Recovery Recovery for for over over 10 10 years years and are bringing bringing in in aa five-figure five-figure paycheck paycheck each eachmonth. month. And And the the most most important important aspect aspect isis they've they've got got more more time for their their kids. kids. “I“I can can attend attend their their events and and my my husband husband gets gets to to go go on field trips trips now now -- he's he's usually usually the the only dad on onthem.” them.” But But the the story story doesn't doesn't end end there. Christina Christina wants wants to to share share her knowledge knowledge with with others others across across the country country as as aa home-based home-based business opportunity. opportunity. She She has has put put together together aa judgment judgment recovery recoverytraining training course. course. In In addition, students students have have access access to to aa National Network, Network, which which can can be be extremely extremely helpful helpful in in cases cases where where the the debtor has has moved moved out out of of state. state. Christina also alsoincludes includes unlimited unlimited support. support. The The training training course course is is on a home-study home-study basis basis and and itit teaches

Christina Smiley Smiley

how to contact contact judgment judgment holders holders to get their their business, business, the the steps steps to to tracking down down aa debtor debtor and andsorting sorting through the the paperwork paperwork from from the the court. Christina's Christina's motivation motivation for for sharing this this business business opportunity opportunity with others others isn’t isn’t to to get get money moneyfrom from sales of the the course course (a (a one-time one-time flat fee of of $185.00, $185.00, she she only only makes enough enough to to cover cover the thecost costof of producing producing course course materials): materials): she she wants to continue continue to to develop develop the the National Network Network of of judgment judgment recovery specialists. specialists. Anyone Anyone interested interested in in aa homehomebased business business who who really really likes likesto to do research research could could benefit benefit from from this training training course, course, according according to to Christina. Christina. "This "This business business isisfilling fillingaa true niche. niche. ItIt provides provides steady, steady, predictable predictable home-based home-based income income of $5,000 $5,000 -- $8,000 $8,000 per per month month on on average. There There is is no no lack lack of of customers customers and and no no foreseeable foreseeable decrease decrease at at any any time time in in the the future," says says Christina. Christina. If you’d you’d like like information information on on starting your your own own home-based home-based judgment judgment recovery recovery business, business, register for for their their free free guide guide at at www.recoverycourse.com. www.recoverycourse.com. You You may also also contact contact Sierra Sierra Judgment Judgment Recovery Recovery directly directly by by calling them them at at (912) (912) 882-8190 882-8190 or email email Customer Customer Support Support at at Support@recoverycourse.com. Support@recoverycourse.com.


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20+ Ideas for Mobile and Home-Based Businesses to Launch This Spring Continued from page 18

what about those who need some tech help like the granny next door who just wants to be able to use Facebook without slowing down her laptop? Offer your services and skills to those in need by fixing their computers and showing them how to do things. This is an awesome small business idea that does not require a huge amount of capital. 13. Online Fashion Store Owner: Everything is all about #OOTD — outfit of the day. You would not believe how much thought people put into their outfits before taking a selfie and eventually posting it on Instagram and other social media sites. These people — mostly millennials — are your target customers. You should be able to find a great supplier with awesome designs and trendy ideas and half the battle is won. The next step is finding an affordable courier and shipping company, which is not going to be a difficult task. Be sure to heavily market and advertise your products on social media sites where these fashionistas are usually found. Get those spring collections ready for shipping! 14. Online Job Coach: Every year, millennials are faced with the problem of getting hired in an industry they wish to work in. This means the competition is getting more difficult as time goes by. As an online job coach, your job is to help the jobless land a job. You are also tasked to help them practice on questions they will most likely need to answer in an interview, as well as how to make a good first impression and other things like handshakes, etc. There are times when your client’s resume isn’t impressive enough to stand out from a pile of other resumes so you’ll need to help them make it more presentable, and if needed, you can also ask them to take other certifications. This is a rewarding and noble home-based business idea that helps other people in dire need of a job. 15. Pet Café Owner: Lifestyle cafés and restaurants are becoming more popular and 20

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acceptable nowadays. If you own a number of cats or dogs (make sure they are well-behaved and house-broken), you may start your own pet café. This business idea may require a bit more capital to get it running, but who’s to say no to coffee and cuddly dogs?

do their business. Since the competition is ever so growing, you will be offering some suggestions on how they can increase their profit or make them more competitive. Knowledge in the industry is a must-have, including market research and analysis.

16. Plant Care Expert: In big cities where people are often always on the move, forgetting about their plants in the garden is a normal thing. It is time to take this opportunity to offer your green thumb as a plant care expert by watering their plants regularly — especially when your customers are away for business trips — and doing some light pruning. If you know about fertilizing, that’s going to be a huge plus in growing this small business idea.

20. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality App Creator: Those programming classes back in high school do not have to go to waste, especially now that iPhones and many other phones are geared towards the use of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Revisit your class notes and watch how-to videos on YouTube on how to create an immersive VR-AR app that will surely be a hit for your millennial target users. Becoming an app developer for VR and AR does not require a large capital as this home business idea relies mostly on your creativity and skills.

17. Podcast Creator: Who says earning money doesn’t have to be fun? Podcasting is a good means to let similar-minded people hear what you’re thinking about a topic close to your heart. If you love playing computer games or watching horror movies, then talk about it on your podcast. You are not the only one who likes to do these things no matter how specific they can be — which means you will have a solid base of subscribers and listeners. 18. Specialty Catering Service Owner: More and more people are becoming more aware of their unhealthy lifestyles and are now wishing to change them. Say goodbye to fast food chains, and say hello to specialty catering. As a specialty catering service, you will be preparing a delicious and healthy meal for your clients and delivering it on a daily basis. The meals you will prepare depend on their request or diet — whether they are all organic, oil-free, gluten-free, or all-vegetable. This is an inexpensive home business idea that is sure to attract both health-conscious customers and fitness buffs. 19. Subject Matter Expert: Subject Matter Experts or SMEs are usually hired externally by a company to audit and look into how they

21. Voiceover Talent: It’s time to make profit out of your deep, commanding voice and make this home business idea boom in your favor. As a voiceover actor, you will be narrating many different types of media including books (which will be turned into audiobooks), short film voiceovers, and program intros and outros. Usually, voiceover actors and actresses are paid by the hour. That’s why this is a good option for those people who are looking to earn extra money without giving up their regular jobs. 22. Yoga Class Buddy and Instructor: Many people are interested in starting a hobby, including yoga, but are too shy to go alone and need someone to show them the ropes. That’s where you come in. As a yoga class buddy and instructor, you will be going with your client to his or her preferred yoga class and schedule and be paid for it. If needed, you will also teach them in the comfort of their homes. For additional information on starting a home-based business, visit https://homebusinessmag.com/ and http://www.homebusinessexpo.com/. Writer: Kristoffer Canimo, https://kristoffercanimo.com


3/3/18 4:07 PM

Home Business Podcast/TV Show


RICHARD HENDERSON Publisher, Home Business Magazine



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3/6/18 6:58 PM


Treating Conditions with a Super Spice Inflammatory-Related Skin Issue Inspires Entrepreneur to Develop Turmeric-Infused Solution By Nancy Aziz


hen it comes to natural healing, there’s a new “gold standard”: the rich gold-colored spice, turmeric. While many in the West are just realizing turmeric’s amazing power to heal, it’s a secret those in India and Southeast Asia have known about for thousands of years. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a potent fighter in treating conditions fed by inflammation. It’s said to aid digestion, treat arthritis, ease the symptoms of cystic fibrosis, and even boost cognitive function. Because many skin issues result from the inflammatory response, turmeric is also being used to treat skin conditions. But up until now, there’s been a drawback to using it on the skin — staining, caused by turmeric’s colorful hue. “Any products that were on the market were mostly made internationally and did not work for lighter skin tones,” says Aasha Chang, the founder and CEO of Tumerica, a line that’s described as the only full line of turmeric-infused

skin care products. Chang turned to turmeric herself for an inflammatory-related skin condition. With the help of her Bachelors of Science, she found a way to harness its power, without leaving her skin looking yellow. “I grew up using this spice. I wanted to create a product everyone can use without the worry of staining the skin or having to worry about washing off the product. Our original body lotion was the first product since this is what I needed for my skin condition,” says Chang. “I carefully formulated and experimented until perfecting it and after testing it out I realized this was it!” The initial development of the Tumerica line began in Chang’s home in 2013 and since its launch, Tumerica’s line has expanded to now include its original body lotion, a body wash, moisturizing hand and body lotion, hair and body oil, face wash, toner, serum and moisturizer. Every product is infused with turmeric and blended with natural extracts

Aasha Chang, Founder of Tumerica

and essential vitamins. Tumerica’s line takes advantage of the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties of the super spice to help cuts, wounds and burns heal, treat acne and fight against signs of aging. Chang says she loves helping others experience better skin naturally with affordable, clean, effective products. Tumerica’s products are never tested on animals and are made in the USA. They’re available at retail stores and at https://www.tumericanow.com/.

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3/3/18 4:08 PM


Balancing Groceries and Parenting Mompreneur Launches Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock to Simplify Shopping Trips with Infants By Alicia McCarthy


hen Lisa Pinnell was a young mom, she always struggled when grocery shopping with both her toddler and newborn. Since they both had to ride in the cart, she never had enough room to fit everything she needed. She knew there had to be a way to simplify shopping trips with her baby, so she set out to create a solution. After several years of living with a shopping cart in her home, Pinnell created the Binxy Baby® Shopping Cart Hammock that is a fun, easy, and convenient way to safely hold a baby plus a basket of groceries. “I saw a need in the market that was not currently being met,” Pinnell says. “Once I found my solution, a shopping cart hammock for babies, my friends and family urged me to take it a step further and try to sell it.” Now, the Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock provides babies with a convenient, safe and comfortable seat while still allowing room for a toddler and groceries, so parents can shop like a


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champ. The patented hammock holds up to 50 pounds, easily clips onto most carts, hangs elevated to allow plenty of room for groceries, then simply rolls up to fit in a purse or diaper bag when finished. Before founding Binxy Baby, Pinnell had launched several other startups (including a personalized embossed stationery business) and worked at a small children’s book publishing company. Now, Pinnell enjoys managing Binxy Baby from the comfort of her home office. “I still have two little ones at home with me, so I love that I’m able to just drop what I’m doing and go snuggle and watch Sesame Street or go on a walk with them,” she says. “I love the freedom it gives me. It makes me feel like I really am the boss and I don’t have to work if I don’t want to.” Pinnell says her most successful method of marketing Binxy Baby has been sending out free product to moms for them to test

Lisa Pinnell, Founder of Binxy Baby

and share their honest reviews. She also says her biggest business achievement was getting her product on the shelves of buybuy BABY, but she definitely isn’t stopping there. “In three years, I think we will have launched a few more products and will be spending more time exploring the global market for Binxy Baby,” Pinnell says. Visit https://binxybaby.com/.

Spring 2018 | Home Business



3/3/18 4:09 PM


Savvy Startup Guide Steps to Launching Your Own Green Home Business By Tech New Logica


o you wish to start your own green home business? What are the main steps from having nothing to launching your startup company? What can seriously impact your progress? Based on our own experience and knowledge we came up with this checklist on what needs to be done to bring your green startup to life. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to share your suggestions or you would like to know more details. There are a few things to keep in mind before we proceed with the checklist. Be patient and do not expect immediate results; it can take up to a few years to reach success. Be prepared to invest both money and a huge amount of your time in growing your home business. Reserve extra resources, e.g., time and money, in case of unforeseen events. Always schedule and track your progress; stick to the deadlines. Design several scenarios of how to proceed forward and define go-no-go conditions for each of those. Having backup is always great. Always stay energy-efficient and use as few resources as possible. Reuse and recycle whatever and whenever you can! There are many useful resources and help out there; do not hesitate to use them. Here are the main steps required to launch your own startup company: the idea, state-ofthe-art research, product viability research, making a minimum viable product (MVP), protecting your intellectual property (IP), cost analysis, the sales model, business registration, marketing and PR, and seed funding. The Idea Like any other startup business, it starts with a passion and the idea. In our case, it was the passion to leave behind a better world. Actions speak louder than words, and only a few individuals decide to proceed forward with their ideas. With that being said, you have to take action with your ideas and make them happen. Your idea must be competitive, affordable, and sustainable. For us, it was GreenSert, the only pocket-sized sustainable cup, along with RecyClad, its biodegradable holder. And trust us, it is not easy to develop your idea while having a full-time job, both


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professionally and personally. Be prepared to sacrifice your “couch time” and always be grateful to your family and friends who will support you on a constant basis. State-of-the-Art Research Before you start to pitch your idea, you have to do plenty of state-of-the-art research. You want to find out if somebody has tried it before or at least make sure if there is anything out there that has a similar concept. Check if there are fundamental issues stopping you from implementing your idea. Thorough research will give you a good understanding of what the strong and the weak sides of your idea are that you will need to make note of. This first step is essential because you want your idea to be different, functional, and useful.

“If you have a physical

Do plenty of thorough research before you pitch your idea. prototyping. The path from scratch paper design to an actual prototype is quite challenging and fun at the same time. For us, this was something completely new, and we were gaining new experience both as inventors and business owners. There is no better place for making your prototype than your own home. It is free and it has the required space for what you need to accomplish. Continuously brainstorm the idea to make the prototype better and better until you have a decent prototype.

product, 3D printing provides a very fast and cost-efficient way to make the prototypes.”

If you have a physical product, 3D printing provides a very fast and cost-efficient way to make the prototypes. If you want to make sure you will not stretch your development budget, you can buy the least expensive DIY 3D printer. However, everything comes with its own price, and for you it could be the time you will have to spend to tune the 3D printer and fix all the hiccups (and you may have plenty of them!).

Product Viability Research Once the state-of-the-art research is completed, you can start product viability research and pitch the idea within your inner circle, close friends and relatives. However, you have to understand that the results of the first pitch can be biased and misleading, so you need to take a second round on your research. You have to broaden your circle and approach potential customers and investors. One of the options is to do an online survey, which will also indicate who is actually going to like and use your product.

Making the prototype is not an easy task; it is better to divide the prototyping stage into several portions to save resources and expedite the design optimization. Once you have a good-looking prototype, you have to make sure it is compatible with the current industrial practices. In the end, you cannot make something if you do not have the right tools.

Making MVP MVP is a development technique, in which your product is developed with sufficient features to satisfy early adopters. This approach is perfect for a startup company because it saves a lot of resources and allows very fast

Protecting Your IP The next step on the list is to protect your best asset which is your IP. You need to make sure your idea will not be violated or copied by others. At the same time, it will give you the freedom to share more detailed information with others. Filing a provisional application is the best option because it is the least expensive way to protect your idea and gives you plenty of time (one year) to explore the market. If the Continued on page 26


3/3/18 4:09 PM

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Savvy Startup Guide Continued from page 24

market accepts your idea, you can always file the patent before the provisional application expires. Cost Analysis This step is critical and you need to spend a lot of time taking into account all associated costs and minimizing the expenses. For starters, it is much easier to subcontract the execution of the idea to experts, who know how to make it in a proper way. From our side, we wanted to make sure Tech New Logica makes only high-quality products; that is why we wanted to partner with the best contract manufacturers. Discussions include the cost negotiation, obtaining and securing the lead time of the materials, minimum order quantity (MOQ), raw materials to use, etc. It is better to have the headache and fix all the issues now rather than later! In addition, we strongly believe that in order to achieve the highest quality product, the only way would be to partner with U.S. manufacturers. Product quality strongly impacts the company’s reputation, especially for a startup company like yours. Once you have the prices for the manufacturing, add the shipping costs, applicable fees and taxes, and packaging costs. Add extra for unforeseen costs; in the end you do not want to end up owing money. Sales Model Once you have all the costs associated with making your product, you have to define the price. A rule of thumb is that the retail price should be approximately four times the production costs, and the wholesale price should be twice the costs. For a startup company, those numbers can be higher, depending on the market readiness. Next, you have to decide how you are going to sell your products. Is it going to be business to customer, business to business, or both? You can sell your products online and/or in stores. You need to summarize all of the benefits and disadvantages and pick the best options for your product. Business Registration Now it is time to make your company official. We highly recommend you to register your company as a limited liability company (LLC) because it will be easier to track the expenses, it will protect your personal assets, and it provides you with more credibility. If you want to name your company other than yourself, you need to register a fictitious business name first. During the business registration period you will have to travel several times because


Home Business Spring 2018

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Good-looking pictures and videos are key assets for successful marketing. there are many step-by-step procedures needed to be completed. We decided to get help and hired a registered agent for our company who assisted us with this task. All these steps were a must because you want to make sure you do everything properly and abide with the law. Once you complete all these steps, you obtain the Employer Identification Number (EIN). With the EIN, you can open a business account and apply for a business credit card. It is highly recommended to separate your personal assets from the company’s assets because it makes accounting and tax filing way easier.

“A rule of thumb is that the retail price should be approximately four times the production costs, and the wholesale price should be twice the costs.” Marketing and PR In this digital age, everybody needs a website to represent and market their company and product. Plastic and coffee cups are a major problem for both our health and environment, and we wanted people to be fully alerted on this issue. Therefore, we made our website full of information and videos about the environmental impact, provided the references to peer-reviewed publications, described in detail our own solution, etc. Most of the information is available online, and we tailored our website to be a one-stop destination for people to learn about the hazards hidden in a plain sight. Next, you have to generate all the marketing materials for your products. You can try it

yourself, but we highly recommend making professional photos and videos. In the end, you get what you pay for, and good-looking pictures and videos are the best assets for successful marketing. After you collected all of these materials, you can start doing outreach to the media. When we completed the materials from our end, we realized that a PR campaign is not something that we could handle ourselves. We were fortunate enough to find and work together with a great PR company who guided our every step on the way to come up with the best and most effective approach for us. Seed Funding Once you have the good-looking story and all the numbers to make your case, start looking for seed funding. It can be small business support programs, e.g., EPA grants and SBIR/STTR, exhibitions and competitions, your personal outreach to potential investors, crowdfunding platforms, etc. This is essential if you want to have an actual product instead of the prototype without making prohibitively significant investments from your side. At the same time, you will get valuable feedback and suggestions for your product. Conclusion And now after all the blood, sweat and tears, you will be ready to launch your product to the public. Honest intentions and hard work should always pay off in the end. We started all of this from our home, and most importantly we are enjoying our journey and learning new things at the same time. Tech New Logica are a team of PhDs with 30+ years of total experience in STEM disciplines including physics, engineering, material science, and additive manufacturing. They have a proven track record of peer-reviewed publications and patented technologies. In Tech New Logica, they believe that even small improvements matter and lead to a better world. Using their extensive knowledge and passion for innovation and green technology, they came up with GreenSert, the only pocket-sized sustainable cup. They aim to transform today’s dreams into reality tomorrow. “Because we care about our future generation.” Visit https://tnl-us.com/.


3/3/18 4:10 PM


If your company’s latest collection of resumes is looking pretty slim, it could be you’ve already made your first mistake. Why wait until you have an opening to start the recruiting process? You’ve likely already met the best candidates out there.


“Home Business 27 Podcast” - Pg.

s& Home-Based Businese Opportunity Magazin

Winter 2018


START-UP! ss Start-Up Guide

Special Home Busine

Profit-Building Business Ideas – Pg. 18


William S. “Bill” Green Author of All In: 101 Real-Life Business Lessons for Emerging Entrepreneurs www.bgreenauthor.com/media

y-Step Check It Off: Step-B 10 - Pg. Start-Up Guide

Campaigns That Maximizes DIGITAL MARKETING Behind RATION: Leave 9-5 GOODBYE CORPO vs. Media Pitch ! Press Release PR SHOWDOWN Apocalypse Survive Automation TECH TRENDS: ting Plan 1-MINUTE Marke 18

Display Until 4/3/20

STONE INTERVIEW: EMMA ing “Learning and Overcom 16 New Roles” — Pg.

Surgeon Invents Aromatherapy Product


Entrepreneur Launches PR Firm



4 Keys to Create a More Positive Work Culture Frequent negative emotions and the inability to process stress take a toll on mental health. Here are tips to help your employees shift out of stress and create more happiness at work. ■ Give Praise – When we feel that we are acknowledged for our contribution at the office, we relax and tend to feel more confidence and energized as opposed to stressed. ■ Be Clear on Expectations – When we are shown a clear path to advancement at work and aren’t left to guess, we settle into a more relaxed and productive mindset. ■ Share Fun While You Work – When work is injected with a bit of fun and team spirit (from the top down), the happiness meter rises. ■ Encourage Positive Self-Talk – This helps shift attitudes so that stress is not the dominant emotion.

3 Reasons Saying ‘I’m Sorry’ and ‘Thank You’ Can Change Business Culture People with soft skills are adept in areas such as interpersonal communication, leadership, problem solving and adaptability. But often still missing in the soft-skills department, some corporate analysts say, is the willingness to show an even softer side — specifically, saying “thank you” and “I’m sorry.” Here are three reasons why saying, ‘thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry’ carry power in a business culture: ■

Jody B. Miller Career and Life Coach Author of From DRIFT to SHIFT: How Change Can Bring True Meaning and Happiness to Your Work and Life www.JodyBMiller.com

Recruit Marquee Employees The U.S. unemployment rate continues to drop, and that’s generally regarded as a good thing. Unless, of course, you’re an employer competing to hire top talent for your company. Job growth is making it more difficult for companies to find candidates with all the qualifications they require, much less desire. The job market is a little like the housing market — a lot depends on inventory and the economy. Sometimes there are more buyers, and sometimes more sellers. Right now, job seekers tend to have the edge.

Rebuilds relationships. Leaders who can put themselves in the shoes of an employee whom they berated can build strong bridges throughout the company by apologizing and showing a more respectful approach next time. It shows character. Humility shown in saying “I’m sorry” is essential to leadership, as well as to the rank-and-file, because it authenticates a person’s humanity. It energizes everyone. When these new habits are formed, showing that everyone values everyone else, a spirit of cooperation flows like a river throughout the company, creating a consistently positive culture. Keith Martino Head of CMI Author of Expect Leadership www.KeithMartino.com

Solutions for 3 Relationship Problems With collaboration often vital to an enterprise’s success, if leaders don’t develop solid bonds between their people, departments, customers and suppliers, they may not last long — or their company may drag behind the competition. A leader’s ability to create and develop powerful relationships is fundamental to success. I target three unique relationship challenges for leaders: ■

Staying true to yourself. Sometimes leaders promoted to a higher executive position struggle to grasp their expanded, strategic

We appreciate your feedback and work-from-home success stories for review and consideration. Please send both via e-mail to: editor@homebusinessmag.com, or via postal mail to: HOME BUSINESS® Magazine, 20664 Jutland Place, Lakeville, MN 55044. www.homebusinessmag.com

p27 HBM-text-vFinal.indd 27

role, which can be ambiguous initially as they find their way to chart direction. Managing multiple relationships. The higher you climb on the corporate ladder, increasing numbers of people want your attention.

Building an organization where relationships thrive. An enlightened leader creates a culture where powerful business relationships can flourish. Sallie Sherman Founder of S4 Consulting Co-author of Five Keys to Powerful Business Relationships and The Seven Keys to Managing Strategic Accounts www.S4consulting.com

Notice to Readers HOME BUSINESS® Magazine is sold as information only. The publisher, United Marketing and Research, Inc., considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible, although reporting inaccuracies can occur; consequently, readers using this information do so at their own risk. The publisher has not done a background check on listed companies (which includes advertisers), nor does it know people at all the companies. The publisher cannot assume any responsibility in any manner for the actions of any of the listed companies, and the publisher cannot guarantee the outcome of any correspondence, arrangements, or subsequent transactions the reader may make with any of the listed companies. HOME BUSINESS® Magazine is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering medical, legal, financial, accounting, tax, or other professional service. If medical, legal, or other expert advice and assistance are required, the services of a competent qualified professional person should be sought. The publisher, United Marketing and Research Company, Inc., assumes no responsibility for any changes of offers, nor for any companies/advertisers that may go out of business. All correspondence regarding questions or problems on a company’s (including advertisers) program, products, or services should be directed to the company, not to the publisher. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all contents of advertising and for any claims arising therefrom. It is up to the user of this publication to investigate the product or service offered, and to make sure the company is reliable and that the product or service meets the user’s requirements. United Marketing and Research Company, Inc., is not responsible for the delivery of merchandise, starter kits, supplies, or other products and services ordered from advertisers. ©1993-2018. Reg. # 4180563 and 4145799. TRADEMARKS: Home Business, Serial Number 74/713646 and Home Business Magazine, Serial Number 75-086596, issued by the United States Department of Commerce, Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks. Mark Type(s): TRADEMARKS: Conform to the minimum requirements set forth in 37 C.F.R. Sec. 2.76 (e); and formal requirements set forth in 37 C.F.R. Sec. 2.76(b) and (c). All rights reserved. No part of HOME BUSINESS® Magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed, in any form or by any means, photocopying, electronic, mechanical recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing of the publisher, United Marketing and Research Company, Inc., Lakeville, MN 55044. Articles appearing in this publication express the opinions, experience, and research of its authors and not necessarily the opinion of HOME BUSINESS® Magazine.

Spring 2018 | Home Business






3/7/18 10:29 AM


Plant Trees for a Monthly Fee Subscription Service Makes Offsetting One’s Carbon Footprint as Simple as Signing Up for Netflix By Melissa Fellows


hile so many of us believe in climate change, understand the magnitude of it, and realize that we should take action against it, it can also feel daunting to know where to start and how to make a real difference. As stated by TreeEra founder, Michael Bernard Fitzgerald, “For me it seemed like a problem that wasn’t really affecting my day to day. My brain would get to ‘what can I do?’ and then generally move on to something that seemed more pressing.” Fitzgerald thought of the question that TreeEra became the answer to: how can we make sustainable living not only approachable and affordable, but also continual? Fitzgerald pitched the idea to his business-savvy friend and now TreeEra co-founder, Ryan Heal, and the concept came to life: a subscription service that plants hundreds of trees on one’s behalf every year, helping to offset their carbon footprint in a meaningful and ongoing way.

Ryan Heal, Co-Founder of TreeEra

As TreeEra came to be, business meetings and brainstorming sessions were held in basements, coffee shops, and restaurants. Partnership documents were signed in Monogram, the team’s favourite café, and celebratory champagne was popped in the parking lot. It wasn’t until they started taking up four of Monogram’s tables that they realized an office was needed, which is now dubbed as ‘The Treehouse’. TreeEra’s initial roots (pardon the pun) being grown in a home office (and Monogram, the home-away-from-home office) tells a meaningful part of its story. “There’s certainly something to be said about the power of coffee shops, never knowing whom you might run into or where you might 28

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Michael Bernard Fitzgerald, Founder of TreeEra

Team at Market Collective

find inspiration,” states Community Manager, Melissa Fellows. Monogram, where so many of TreeEra’s ideas were created, is actually where the two founders met. To this day, the team still spends a significant amount of time in cafés, as they find it thought-provoking and exciting to work among the hustle and bustle of the community. “We like to think of TreeEra as a small broom constantly sweeping up behind us, cleaning up after our footprint that inevitably exists no matter what kind of lifestyle we live,” explains Heal. The monthly membership model stemmed from wanting to align with the familiar way everything from music to movies and even socks are purchased today: through a subscription basis — “Netflix for the environment”! $12/month plants 100 trees on one’s behalf annually. TreeEra’s approach to climate change conversation steers clear of the fear-inducing, doom-and-gloom type of rhetoric. They decided to take a fresh approach by empowering the community to join a positive and relatable brand, and help make sustainability a common practice. TreeEra understands that not everyone is ready to become vegetarian, has the luxury to cycle to work, or can afford a hybrid. Planting trees, then, is a way to clean up after those lifestyle changes that people are not quite ready or able to make. The team’s hope is that joining the TreeEra community will get people thinking about other simple sustainable changes. “Maybe they’ll bring their reusable mug to the café that morning, or take the bus once a week instead of drive,” states Fellows. TreeEra also has a retail patch that lives in over 30 of their ‘Treetailers’ across North

America. Each purchase of the patch plants five trees on behalf of the purchaser and the store where they purchased it. The patch can then be worn to represent their socially responsible gesture. TreeEra also offers custom initiatives, such as planting trees per good or service sold, per event attendee or per flight taken. For example, The Regeneration Magazine in New York plants a tree per issue sold, and Passenger Clothing in the UK plants a tree per order. “Having community members in all different parts of the globe reminds us that climate change doesn’t see borders. Trees planted on one side of the globe can have a positive effect on the other,” says Heal. TreeEra has partnered with Brinkman and Associated Ltd., one of the leading tree-planting companies in Canada, to ensure that all proper forestry standards are met. Their first plant of 12,330 trees (Douglas Firs and Lodgepole Pines) took place just north of Kamloops, British Columbia, and they will be planting there again in 2018. Trees are a measurable gesture of social responsibility. A single tree can offset up to one tonne of carbon throughout its lifetime. To put that in perspective, the average North American’s carbon footprint is ~20-25 tonnes per year. A TreeEra subscription, then, allows one to offset over and above their own footprints. Trees are a unique way to reduce one’s carbon footprint because not only do they lessen people’s future impact, but they also help clean up after one’s footprint that already exists. As stated by their founder, “We’re not saying that planting trees will solve the problem. All we are saying is that by doing so we can start to make a difference. For the price of a drop-in workout, or a few good coffees, individuals can start to make a measurable impact.” Visit http://www.treeera.com/. www.homebusinessmag.com

3/3/18 4:10 PM

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3/6/18 6:48 PM


Optimize the Season of Fresh Starts Grow Your At-Home Business in 2018 with Seven Vital Spring Marketing Tips By Kayla Matthews


he transition into the spring season could be a great reminder to review the marketing practices associated with your home business and determine whether they’re all working as effectively as possible. Even better, it’s a time when you can look at adding new practices to your marketing mix to optimize the results. The ideas below will get you off to a solid start.

1. Connect Your Business to People’s Typical Mindsets People often talk about spring fever or mention how they’re going to get serious about spring cleaning their homes. The first concept comes up because individuals are so excited about being able to trade their bulky sweaters and jackets for lightweight attire and going outside to enjoy the warm weather and beautiful spring blooms. Also, home maintenance is often necessary for the springtime because the climate is finally suitable for doing landscaping and other exterior work. If possible, associate those common themes with your business. You can use phrases like “Spring has sprung” in marketing copy to show timeliness. 2. Inquire About Setting Up a Table at Community Events Because spring weather usually makes it possible to do more things outside than during colder seasons, many organizations take advantage of that fact and plan communitycentered events that introduce residents to the resources that exist in their hometowns. For example, a local government authority may want to host an Earth Day celebration or St. Patrick’s Day family day and invite local businesses to attend. Even if your venture solely takes place online, community-centered events present prime opportunities to let people know how your business could help them. Before these events arrive, stock up on business cards and consider buying pens, magnets, calendars and other materials to distribute. 3. Launch a Crowdfunding Campaign People who run home-based businesses often discover raising capital is trickier than anticipated. That’s because some venture capitalists are not as willing as they once were to finance projects.


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However, statistics from the Small Business Administration indicate companies with successful crowdfunding campaigns are more likely to secure external funding. Even projects that raise less than $50,000 could have up to a 24-percent chance of attracting outside investors compared to non-crowdfunded projects. The wide variety of crowdfunding platforms makes it simple and quick to set up a campaign, and good results raise investor confidence. 4. Investigate Using Instagram Stories Snapchat proved people don’t mind consuming content that doesn’t last forever. After all, material originating on that site gets deleted after a person opens it or 30 days pass, whichever comes first. If you’d like to start using time-sensitive content for your business, though, consider Instagram Stories instead. They’re similar to Snapchat’s Snaps, but they stay visible for 24 hours. If you’re having an online flash sale, launching a new website or promoting another kind of event that would benefit from a short-term buzz boost, try making Instagram Stories about it. 5. Don’t Overlook Springtime Holidays and Milestones You could also generate traffic for and interest in your business by focusing on holidays that happen in the spring. Mother’s Day and Easter are two of the main celebrations, and many universities have commencement exercises in the spring, too. A college graduation ceremony isn’t a nationally recognized holiday, but it’s nevertheless a long-awaited event that stimulates people to buy things in recognition of the academic achievements of loved ones. The language used to attract new customers while retaining the ones you have could focus on concepts like “rewarding the graduate” or “marking one of life’s major accomplishments.” 6. Expand Your Reach by Partnering with Other Organizations Have you researched to see if there are businesses with similar goals or even charitable causes that align with your homebased company? If there are, it’s worth seeing if those groups might want to team up for a fundraiser, sale or another special event.

Spring clean your marketing efforts. This approach is particularly useful if your business is not well-established yet, and you’re having trouble getting traction. The combined resources made possible when you join forces with others could reveal marketing tactics you hadn’t thought of before or ones that aren’t feasible to pull off alone. Also, if the organization has a considerable amount of clout, it may be advantageous if a representative from it writes a press release that mentions your name and business. 7. Show Your Recognition of Tax Deadlines Filing taxes is a necessity people typically don’t enjoy doing, but most Americans abide by a mid-April filing deadline, which means they spend the first part of spring doing tax preparations. If you discuss that topic in your social media posts and landing page copy, it’s simple to highlight that you empathize with the task and want to make it a bit more bearable. For example, you could position your website’s blog as a place where people can go to take breaks from filling out tax paperwork. You could discuss how site visitors can treat themselves to products from your e-commerce shop after filing their taxes and get discounts. After reading this list and pondering how to apply its principles to your company, you should start feeling excited about how this season could be the best one yet for achieving your home business-related goals. Then, you could capitalize on the momentum to make it last the whole year and beyond. Kayla Matthews writes from her home office every day. Her work has been published on The Week, VICE, The Next Web, Fast Company and Business Insider. To read more articles about productivity by Kayla, check out her blog, Productivity Theory (http://productivitytheory.com/category/work-productivity/).


3/3/18 4:10 PM

Sourcing Venture Capital 7 Laws for Everyone Who Wants to Fund a Business in 2018


s many first-time entrepreneurs know, or have recently found out, obtaining a traditional bank loan to start a home business is far from easy these days. Finding money to get everything off the ground is without a doubt the biggest challenge: from forming a business entity to hiring personnel and renting an office space, everything you need to make your dream come true demands a certain kind of investment.

Unless you’re sufficiently wealthy enough to provide that investment, you’re going to have to look for it. Fortunately, it’s 2018, and there are many options for you to choose from; you just need to follow certain principles, or laws, to be successful. Let’s see what these laws are and how they can impact your investment-related decisions. Law #1: Use Crowdfunding Platforms This is a relatively new and excitivng way to raise money for your new business. You put your idea on the Internet and ask people to donate funds so you can go ahead and launch the business. In recent years, a number of really good crowdsourcing sites have appeared, and have become very popular. For example, you’ve probably heard about Kickstarter (more than 137,000 ideas were funded there), but there are also Fundable, Indiegogo, Fundly, and RocketHub. Visit these platforms to see what they can offer you. Law #2: Find an Angel Investor Have you heard about angel investors? These are people who are willing to invest their own money into any business (assuming they like the business idea, of course). Typically, they are high-net worth persons with experience in a particular industry. Angel investors are behind well-known companies like Google and Yahoo, and their popularity among entrepreneurs and the public increases rapidly. To explore this option, conduct an Internet search for local angels and contact them with basic information about your future business. To get attention from angel investors, you need to apply some serious effort. You may have to write a presentation and make a video for them to present your idea in a unique way, but all the effort will be completely worth it. www.homebusinessmag.com

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Also, be aware that the deals with them will require you to give them some share of equity in your company, which is fair, because they will provide the funding. They can be found at platforms like Angel Capital Association, AngelList and FlashFunders. Law #3: Use Venture Capital Companies Venture capital firms are corporations that make thoroughly considered investments in startups. They prioritize the startups that show a high potential for providing great profit, so do your best to impress them. A significant advantage of this option is that venture capitalists have a lot of money to give, much more than any loan from a bank. This could be great if your idea requires significant investment. On the other hand, they are highly selective with the investments, which makes acquiring money from them extremely difficult.

“Angel investors are behind well-known companies like Google and Yahoo, and their popularity among entrepreneurs and the public increases rapidly.

Law #4: Consider Microloans These are small, short-term loans with a low-interest rate given to new businesses. For example, microlending organizations typically offer loans between $500 and $50,000, which could be sufficient to cover the start of your business. Accion and Opportunity Fund are two wellknown organizations giving microloans. Law #5: Personal Connections and Family Still Count Many experienced entrepreneurs say that one should try to get the money from family or friends before going to banks, angels, and startup accelerators. Why? Because these people will not try to get involved in your operation and are open to spreading the word within their networks. As a result, you will have maximum control over your business. Need proof? One of the biggest names that

Present your idea on a crowdfunding platform to get funding. can be mentioned here is Sir Richard Branson, who borrowed money from his aunt Joyce to start Virgin Money and take his business to another level by opening Virgin Records. Her money really helped him when he needed it the most, and he was able to advance his career. P.S. He repaid the money with interest.


By Tom Jager

Law #6: Don’t Forget About the Conventional Way Keep in mind that you can always turn to an established banking institution and obtain a loan. The main advantage of this method is that a conventional loan is very reliable and relatively easy to find. However, keep in mind that they are slow to fulfill, and may potentially cause you to fall behind competition with similar ideas. Review all contracts thoroughly before you sign anything. Law #7: Explore SBA Options If you’re based in the U.S., you may want to look at what the Small Business Administration (SBA) has to offer. It provides different loan types to help entrepreneurs get started. The list of loans can be reviewed on their Fund Your Business page (https://www.sba.gov/ business-guide/plan/fund-your-business). Wrapping Up If you’re looking to get into the business scene, the prospect of sourcing capital can seem a bit overwhelming. However, if you follow the laws described above, you’ll have a decent number of options to choose from and will make 2018 a great year for your business. Tom Jager is a professional blogger. He works at Awriter.org. He has degrees in law and English Literature. Tom has written numerous articles and online journals. You can reach him at G+ (https://plus. google.com/u/0/117048740991531878396/posts) or Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012045162697).

Spring 2018 | Home Business



3/3/18 4:11 PM


Starting a Business from Home By Colin Barrow Always wanted to start a business from home? Take the next step today. For aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners, the possibilities are limitless. The flexibility, freedom and costeffectiveness that starting up in the home offers means that more and more entrepreneurs are choosing this as the best location to agilely launch their business. Starting a Business from Home by Colin Barrow gives you the valuable advice you need on how to run a successful business from your own desk and, crucially, how to rise to the challenge of business expansion. Packed with practical advice, Starting a Business from Home covers how to research your market, business ownership and titles issues, raising money and managing your finances, building and operating a website, writing a business plan, preparing your accounts, taking your product to market and expanding overseas — all from your home. Case studies from around the world showcase best practices and provide inspirational stories from successful businesses that began in the home.

WHY SHOULD YOU ADVERTISE IN HOME BUSINESS MAGAZINE? TARGETED ADVERTISING INVESTMENT: Focus your advertising on home-based entrepreneurs and opportunity seekers – 3 Months per Issue

Naked Sales: How Design Thinking Reveals Customer Motives and Drives Revenue By Ashley Welch and Justin Jones Salespeople are under incredible pressure to make their numbers and the more pressure they feel, the less curious and authentic they become because they’re so focused on the sale. But when salespeople shift their mindset from “how can I get this deal” to “what is most on the mind of my customer right now — and why,” they see sales opportunities that would otherwise go unnoticed. Through their new book, Naked Sales: How Design Thinking Reveals Customer Motives and Drives Revenue, the co-founders of Somersault Innovation, Ashley Welch and Justin Jones, reveal how you can reinvigorate your sales organization, create new opportunities, and build competition-proof customer relationships when you start thinking like a designer. Welch and Jones’s Sell by Design methodology will reduce the time it takes to get a first call, build pipeline, and increase deal size. And it reestablishes a deeper human connection in an era of automated response.

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3/3/18 4:14 PM

By Nick Leighton

Leadership Results: How to Create Adaptive Leaders and High-Performing Organisations for an Uncertain World By Sebastian Salicru

According to a new book by corporate coach and serial entrepreneur Nick Leighton, many dream of owning a business, but the reality of actually doing so can leave entrepreneurs burnt out or trading too much time for too little reward. But commercial success, personal fulfillment, and quality time spent with loved ones aren’t mutually exclusive. Business owners just need a competitive advantage to learn how to make their companies work for them, and to discover their own path to success.

Having coached hundreds of leaders and businesses, Sebastian Salicru knows first-hand that leadership has no concrete definition. In fact, leaders are now challenged more than ever as a new paradigm shrouds them — forcing them to sink or swim.

Leighton’s easy reading but information-filled book, Exactly Where You Want to Be – A Business Owner’s Guide to Passion, Profit & Happiness, is a must-read for any business owner or budding entrepreneur. It presents a framework for how to set achievable personal and professional objectives, as well as how to tackle tricky issues, including leadership, sales, marketing, outsourcing, management, hiring, communications, operations, consumer experience, and adapting to an ever-changing market. Leighton sums it up, “Life is for living. Your business can give you both financial and individual triumph, if you learn how to build it the smart way instead of the hard way.”

It comes down to leaders’ ability to evaluate, adapt and buck the trend of widely-adopted cultures that are actually doing more damage than most will admit. In his new book, Leadership Results: How to Create Adaptive Leaders and High-Performing Organisations for an Uncertain World, Salicru explores the fall of traditional leadership thinking and the struggling multibillion-dollar leadership development industry that is failing to deliver results. He explains the mindset, skills, ways of being and methods that will get results in this new context and evolving paradigm. The Leadership Results model is practical and predictive, providing a way forward for companies seeking to build sustainable leadership capacity, develop individual leaders, boost employee engagement and deliver breakthrough results through shared and collective leadership. Actionable steps guide the reader through the process of evolving leadership culture to see increased productivity, growth opportunities, and ensured profitability.


Exactly Where You Want to Be – A Business Owner’s Guide to Passion, Profit & Happiness

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3/3/18 4:25 PM


Go Green in Your Workspace Steps to Make Your Home Office Eco-Friendly and Improve the Environment Kayla Matthews


every time you want to keep lights on for extended periods. Enjoy natural light through windows in your office and implement bright paints and high glosses on the walls to reflect more daylight.

orking from home comes with great benefits to your everyday lifestyle. For one, you can tweak your home office to be exactly how you want. After all, you’ll be spending a majority of your time at home — especially if you work in your home office full-time.

Take advantage of the hard work the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has done with their Energy Star program that researches energy efficiency and optimal products. You’ll be able to use countless electronic tools and appliances without worrying much about your energy expenditure. Just remember to turn off computers, monitors, lights and other electronics any time they’re not being used, including nighttime.

But in all the planning and preparation for your office, don’t forget the greater environment. You’re already helping by eliminating harmful transportation emissions — so take extra steps and gain the peace of mind that comes with responsibility to your planet. Since making your workspace eco-friendly is in your hands instead of the hands of your employer, it’s up to you to make sure the work you do every day doesn’t damage the environment. And since you pay for your workspace yourself, reducing energy and consumption by adopting environmentally conscientious behaviors will also save you money. Explore seven of the best ways to go green to see just how many benefits it brings to your home office, budget and lifestyle. 1. Live According to the Five R’s of Eco-Friendliness You’ve probably heard them all by now: reduce, reuse, recycle, repair and rethink. You can use these practices in every one of your daily routines. Any green practice you can think of will fall into one of these categories. If you keep them in mind, you’ll be able to remember habits both small and large that will help you become more environmentally friendly from day to day. Some of the practices you need for the five R’s don’t take much time, money or effort. For just a few dollars, you can purchase several trash bins in different colors to keep track of your recycling. Write on the front of them with a marker or tape some letters to them so you don’t forget which one holds cans, paper, plastic, glass and whatever other materials your community will recycle. You can also recycle used cell phones, batteries and computers if you find an organization to take them off your hands. 2. Optimize Your Home for Both Comfort and Energy Reduction


Home Business Spring 2018

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Go electronic with your paperwork.

“ Form a virtual sustainability team and use the honor system when you communicate about your habits.

The term “eco-friendly” doesn’t have to mean “unenjoyable.” In fact, several products can make your home more energy-efficient while also making life significantly more convenient. Programmable thermostats, for example, help you more efficiently heat and cool your home with much less effort than with manual intervention. You’ll be able to centralize the control of your home’s temperature settings, forego setting it multiple times every day, week or even month, and wake up and work in the exact settings you like best. You’ll help the environment and pay less for your heating and cooling, since the system automatically turns itself off when it’s not being used. It doesn’t stop there. Think about the number of lights you turn on throughout your day at home from the start of work to the time you go to sleep. Switch desk lamps and other light sources to LED lightbulbs — which use 75 percent less energy than the standard incandescent bulbs — so you don’t feel guilty

3. Join the Digital Age with Paperless Documents Even from home, it’s not hard to go through stacks upon stacks of paper in a single week. You probably already send countless emails or messages every day to stay in touch with your team members, which will make it even easier for you to “go green” with your documentation. Make use of digital storage devices, send emails with attachments and post materials online so you don’t regularly print bulky, resource-wasting materials. After you go electronic with your “paperwork,” you might find you sometimes still need actual paper. Don’t sweat it — you still have options that limit the environmental impact of printing. Chlorine-free and recycled printer paper, which you can buy in a pack for under $15, will facilitate the physical paperwork without the environmental burden. Some paper products even consist of bamboo, organic cotton, hemp and other sustainable substances. 4. Make Use of Green Products The readily available green products on the market don’t stop at paper and stationery options. More and more people are becoming environmentally conscious as the years pass, which means almost any tool and office supply you can think of that you might need throughout the length of your career has a green counterpart. Let’s go through some of them so you know exactly what you need to make your office as green as it can get. www.homebusinessmag.com

3/3/18 4:26 PM

First, you need a pen from time to time to doodle ideas or take notes that just don’t work in a digital format. Most pens go straight into a landfill once they’ve run out of ink, but refillable options do exist. Not only do you get to use a pen without feeling guilty about its waste, but you can also find a lucky pen that sticks with you for years to come and never loses its usefulness. Other products that you use either regularly or sporadically come in eco-friendly options. Staple-less staplers and paper clips made from post-consumer metals help you maintain productivity and efficiency in your home office without using an abundance of resources. No matter what products you deem necessary throughout your career, make sure you keep a close eye on your supplies at all times so you can self-monitor, find out exactly where you produce the most waste and start to cut back. Unfortunately, a select few items don’t have a green solution. Rubber bands, for instance, do not yet have a compelling substitute. However, these products are so few and far between that you should be able to cut them out or at least cut down on them. 5. Implement Green Products and Practices for Your Kitchen and Bathroom While these rooms aren’t technically part of your office, they do use energy and you visit them throughout each workday. You’ll still be able to make your own choices about the way you want to live in your home, but a few simple tweaks can make your eco-friendliness skyrocket. Let’s start with the kitchen. If you use paper and plastic for your meals, you might create more waste than you realize. Say you eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. On top of that, you grab a snack or two between meals, which sometimes produces waste. It doesn’t take long to figure out how quickly the materials pile up. Instead of carrying on that cycle, try reusable dishes like bowls, mugs, plates and utensils. If you have no time to wash dishes, at least transition to biodegradable items. Next, consider your bathroom. Do you buy one-use paper towels for each time you dry your hands, or reusable cloths that you only need to wash at certain intervals? Do you forget to turn the taps entirely off before leaving the room when you know you have a tight deadline or several emails to answer? Optimizing your home with low-flow faucets, toilet bricks and repairs to constantly running www.homebusinessmag.com

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Repurpose items in your home office to reuse them such as staple-less staplers.

“ Enjoy natural light through windows in your office and implement bright paints and high glosses on the walls to reflect more daylight.

appliances — plus diligence with faucets and refusal to use wasteful products — will save a little every day. Across all rooms in your house, unplug items not in use at the moment. It’s easy to forget that you plugged in a toaster, coffee maker, microwave, hair dryer and several other electronic devices to get through your morning routine, but unplugging them when you don’t need them will make your entire home more energy-efficient, less expensive to maintain and more environmentally responsible. 6. Take Advantage of the Perks of Your Work-from-Home Gig You’ve got a work-from-home position, and while it comes with its unique challenges, it’s the type of situation thousands of people would love to experience. Remember: while you still want to look and feel your best, you don’t always need to dress to impress every day. Dress casually when you can to cut back on formal-clothing production and dry cleaning. After all, you already avoid transportation much more than most — so take it to the next level by walking or biking to get your groceries and attend events. Decluttering is another factor to consider. Since you work in your own humble abode, you can do it in a unique way. You have more

space to work with and right outside your office is the rest of your home. If you decide you no longer want the pencil jar that sits on your desk, turn it into an incense holder in your bathroom or snack container in the kitchen! Don’t immediately throw things away the second you no longer want them. You don’t even have to haul them home from the office, so try repurposing them. 7. Gather Family or a Virtual Team to Help Track Your Eco-Responsibility No matter how much the environment matters to you, there’s no denying the effort it takes sometimes to make healthy, positive decisions. It can be tempting to throw all your waste in one bin or choose other, more convenient options during stressful days when you don’t have excess energy. When you work at the same location as your co-workers, you can set up in-person monitoring systems that keep you from making bad decisions. At home, it’s not always so easy. But you can still face the challenge. Just because you don’t see your bosses, coworkers or employees in-person doesn’t mean you can’t establish some accountability. Form a virtual sustainability team and use the honor system when you communicate about your habits. Involve your roommates or family members to get the most out of your green accountability and ensure you’ve accessed the greenest way of living. Now that you know how to work from home with a little less risk to the environment, you can take that already-awesome job to the next level! Let us know if you think of even more ways to go green. Kayla Matthews writes from her home office every day. Her work has been published on The Week, VICE, The Next Web, Fast Company and Business Insider. To read more articles about productivity by Kayla, check out her blog, Productivity Theory (http://productivitytheory.com/category/work-productivity/).

Spring 2018 | Home Business



3/5/18 3:39 PM


An Idea as Strong as Iron Former eBay Manager Creates $7 Million Children’s Furniture Brand and Becomes Her Own Boss By Shyamli Thakur


s the self-motivated founder of Incy Interiors, a family-run business which specializes in beautiful designer furniture for babies and children, Kristy Withers has created a much-loved brand with a myriad of furniture options for babies to adults.

A former marketing manager at eBay, Withers found herself hunting for a wrought iron bed for her son Oscar. After a long and exhausting search throughout Australia and overseas, she realized there was a huge gap in the market in regards to children’s furniture. Quick to pounce on the opportunity, she sought to bring designer furniture for children to Australia. Her parenting dilemma transformed into a fruitful business idea, which paved the way for her starting Incy Interiors. Ever since its launch, Incy Interiors has emerged as a successful online business. From catering to the playful pop of gelato colors of the iron beds to the subtle statements made

by the elegant cots, the brand is bound to suit and light up any children’s space. In an endeavor to meet the growing demand from parents who couldn’t resist the furniture’s extraordinary appeal, Incy Interiors now offers a wide range of bed styles extending to queen size. Incy Interiors’ products can now be found in over 170 stores in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, UAE and more recently, the USA. Now, Incy Interiors turns over $7 million annually, employs a dozen of people and caters to thousands of its happy customers. Withers’ latest Mod Collection takes Incy Interiors to newer heights of success. The range features ‘Clove, Estelle and Albie’ bunk beds, which are inspired by the modernist trends of the 1950’s with a youthful style twist. It’s not easy developing a business from scratch and converting it into a major success in such a short span of time. Withers was able

Kristy Withers, Founder of Incy Interiors

to catapult her business to new levels. She continues to grow and expand Incy Interiors, and plans to be a firmly rooted International business. From master-crafting children’s designer furniture to giving away tips on how to start a business, Kristy Withers has emerged as the ultimate #GirlBoss. Thanks to the flexibility offered by her home business, Withers strikes the perfect balance between her personal and professional life. She encourages those who are nervous about pursuing their own entrepreneurial dreams. Visit http://incyinteriors. com/.

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3/3/18 4:29 PM

Mom-of-Two Leaves Job as Hydraulics Engineer to Launch Successful Infant Essentials Company By Alicia McCarthy


hen Geneuviève Thibault had her two boys (born 15 months part), she discovered a passion for all things baby. She then decided to leave the security of her full-time job as a hydraulics engineer to launch her own online baby store. After she and her husband landed an exclusive distribution contract in Canada for a French brand and successfully distributed other businesses’ products, they took the leap and launched their own company: bblüv baby essentials. bblüv offers modern, durable, and solution-oriented baby products that allow parents to focus on what really matters: enjoying and bonding with their infants. From the innovative Trimö Electric Nail Trimmer to their Cielö Musical Nightlight with Projection, bblüv essentials help simplify life with a baby. To come up with design ideas, Thibault says she frequently has team huddles to brainstorm together.

To market to parents (her primary customers), Thibault launched a successful review campaign. “When someone buys one of our products, we encourage them to leave a review on the website where their product was purchased and we send them a little something to thank them,” she says. “Also, we have been doing consumer shows in Canada, the US, and Mexico and the feedback has been amazing!” According to Thibault, her greatest business achievement was building a brand from scratch. She also says that the biggest challenge that she sometimes faces and has to overcome in running her company is coming up with great concepts and making them happen. “There’s so much to think about ahead of time and months can go by between the drawing board and the actual launch of a product,” she says. Thibault says there are definitely advantages of being able to work from home: “I

Geneuviève Thibault, Founder of bblüv

love saving time on commuting and… having access to my fridge!” She also admits that it can be hard to have a balanced life as an entrepreneur. “I can arrange my schedule to fit the needs of both my family and my business,” she says. “However, my business is my ball and chain and follows me around everywhere, even on vacation.”


Love for All Things Baby

Thibault has had enormous success with bblüv and is already looking towards an even brighter future. “In three years, I hope to see bblüv with a wider variety of products and represented in many countries across the world. We’re already working on that,” she says. Visit http://bbluvgroup.com/.


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3/3/18 4:33 PM

Go Green and Go Solar Continued from page 15

The good news is that light has been shined on this topic and as a result more consideration is being given to waste management. Going with a manufacturer that has a high solar scorecard means you are going with a company that is being responsible with the waste that is being produced and is trying to produce as little waste as possible. A study done by FLASH and funded by Technology Foundation STW found that in order to avoid an energy sink we need to make sure that we can recoup energy waste faster than we are creating it. In their results in this study they made this statement: “Energy pay-back times drop from around Try to find an environmentally conscious 5 years in 1992 to around just under 1 year for solar panel provider. poly-Si and just over 1 year for mono-Si PV systems currently.” Recycling Solar Panels Because solar panels last at least 25 years, This means that although there is waste most of the panels that have been produced hainvolved in the process of creating panels it is ven’t gotten to the point where they need to be improving. We have to take into account that recycled, but they will. As a result, efforts have solar has only been here since the 70s and therefore is still relatively new. The fact that we been made so that these panels can be recycled can recoup waste output within a year of solar correctly. array use is extremely impressive.

If we don’t do our part to make sure that our panels are disposed of properly, toxic substances from these panels could prove to be a huge hindrance to renewable energy’s mission. Right now, Europe is taking the lead, but as time goes on, recycling panels will be mainstream. As of right now, technologies have been created to recycle 96 percent of PV waste. This is just the beginning of where solar recycling is headed. By going solar, you’re not just doing good for the planet, you’re doing good for society as well. Perhaps one of the most uplifting facts about solar energy in the year of 2018 is the fact that there are some people who must rely on

With the new boom in solar panel production has come a need to make sure the process is as clean as possible. 38

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3/3/18 3:46 PM

the light of the sun to do daily activities, and solar can elongate that presence. Solar programs give many of them the opportunity to generate their own electricity. Through programs like Give Solar, people are provided with electricity and light. Go Solar Group (https://gosolargroup.com/) uses a portion of their sales in the United States to fund microloans in Uganda. These loans provide opportunities for female entrepreneurs, elementary schools, orphanages, and low-income families. Once the

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microloan is paid off, it is then used again to fund another microloan. Quality solar products are also being made available to those who were using kerosene lamps as their sole source of light. Kerosene is not only toxic, but also unviable for a family living on less than a dollar per day. Philanthropic solar initiatives like Give Solar have provided 3 million hours of extra study time for children in Uganda. I encourage you to review your brand, its purpose, and your bottom-line when

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Interview with Chris Hemsworth Continued from page 17

Q: This is a movie about one secret mission, right? How much did you know about this mission? CH: This is just one mission. There are so many others that we know nothing of what they’ve done. It shows you what a good force can do and how good they are at their jobs. Q: What do you think audiences will take away from watching this film? CH: A big thing I took away from this experience was the real guys talking about how important it was for them for their own survival when they first got there to convince the local people that they were fighting together and that they weren’t there to occupy the country. They were there to chase their enemy out. Q: What did you learn while making this movie? CH: The local people we had working (as extras) with us — Afghans who live in Albuquerque (where the film was shot) — they’d come up to us and say, “Thank you for telling this story because I was there, I fought with 40

Home Business Spring 2018

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“They wanted us to show the collaboration of this mission, and the heart, the bond, and the brotherhood they shared with them. — Chris Hemsworth

the Americans, but the whole world thinks I’m a terrorist.” They said they thought it was important for people to know that we are on the same side. The invading forces — the Taliban and Al-Qaeda — they’re the ones who are the infection who are coming in to take over and restructure the place. A lot of Afghan actors usually don’t want to be involved in films like this, but once they knew that they would be depicted truthfully, they couldn’t get there quick enough. It meant a lot to all of us. It’s certainly something the soldiers (who had been there) were concerned with as well. They wanted us to show the collaboration of this mission, and the heart, the bond and the brotherhood they shared with them. Q: How was it working in the mountains of New Mexico?

CH: We were in incredibly peak condition. We did three or four weeks of military training, weapons training. For me, the most important thing was finding the chemistry and bonds that we formed. Obviously, getting the technical side of things right was a must but it’s tricky to find that connective tissue that links all the exposition together at times, all those little moments and jokes and beats — because it was a contribution by all of the guys and our friendship that formed during that training. Q: It’s a contemporary war movie and yet you had to ride horseback. What was that like? CH: We did all of our own stunts. (He laughs.) Q: Can you talk about the bonds among these men and establishing those relationships of trust and respect? CH: It was important to have that. Having everything on fire, the bombs, the noise, and the smoke. Nicolai was always calling for “more smoke, more fire,” and we’d say, “No, less. We can’t see.” You don’t have to act at that point. You’re reacting to the environment in the most authentic way. www.homebusinessmag.com

3/3/18 4:41 PM




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