The Holland Times March/April 2022

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related to the Francophonie Month in March, Tapis Rouge, courses from 13,50€/ hour, our new session of courses will start on the week of 13/09/2021. Taalthuis Lorentzplein 25 2012 HH Haarlem T: 023 305 03 05 E: T: At Taalthuis you can follow courses at different levels both online as face-toface in a classroom. We aim to make learning a fun experience! Founded in 2006 Taalthuis now is a well-known language institute in the Netherlands for higher educated students. With lesson locations in seven different cities in the Netherlands, Taalthuis makes it possible for expats, au pairs and international students to learn Dutch all over the Netherlands. Taalthuis uses its own course materials at the Beginner and Intermediate levels. During the courses you will be exploring all kind of interesting subjects and current topics. Each lesson takes 2 hours and 15 minutes. Besides that you need to spend about 5 hours weekly on homework. For the Advanced courses the lessons are 2,5 hours and the homework will be more. The e-learning is an important tool that

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helps you with vocabulary, pronunciation and provides you with challenging exercises. The BSN Language Centre T: 070 315 40 80 W: Adult English courses, group (in person and online) lessons and private lessons (level A2-C1 advanced) Adult Dutch courses, group (in person and online) lessons and private lessons (complete beginners to B2 upper intermediate) Young learners English in-person courses (ages 5-12) Adult Dutch Semi-Intensive 4-week Course (March and November) IELTS Exam Preparation Course Summer Intensive English Course (July 2021) Summer School for children (5-16) CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching) Course (September 2021) We will break for the summer in July and courses will begin in either September/ October 2021. We have ongoing enrolment for our adult English and young learner courses Kickstart School T: 070-360 78 60 W:

- Dutch courses (All levels); Online and Face2Face; group and private courses - Exam training Dutch NT2: Inburgering, Staatsexam Programme I & II - English courses; general and communication; group and private courses - English exam training: Cambridge, IELTS and TOEFL - Chinese Communication and exam courses; group and private courses - Company courses (Dutch, English, Chinese; Remote and Face2Face) - Language training for children (4-18); Dutch, English or Chinese Direct Dutch Institute T: 070-365 46 77 W: At Direct Dutch we are determined to help you achieve your Dutch language goals. Why not start now? Our online classes (from A1 to B2) offer the same format and structure as our classical courses. The classes are based on the direct method: they are highly interactive with a focus on communication. New words and structures are introduced by means of question and answer series. Dutch is spoken in class from the very first lesson (grammar will be explained in English when necessary). For our online classes we have changed the group size from 8 to 6. Reading and writing are taught by means of practical (homework) exercises.

British Language Training Centre BLTC Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 328/E 1012 RW Amsterdam T: 020-622 36 34 W: Discoverindutch Molslaan 121 2611 RK Delft T: 0620 912 404 W:

Dutch Courses Amsterdam Postjesweg 57 1057 DW Amsterdam T: 0654-99 22 19 W: De Waalse Kerk Walenpleintje 157-159 1012 JZ Amsterdam T: 020-623 20 74 W: Taleninstituut Taleninstituut Nederland Keizersgracht 62 1015 CS Amsterdam T: 020 21 59 823 W:

Distance learning: 5 tips to help my child learn and concentrate online?

48% of children say they have difficulty concentrating in an online classroom environment and 38% have difficulty understanding a subject, according to a recent Kantar study for GoStudent. These figures are a warning about the lack of training of Dutch students to study thanks to digital technology. In this context, Marie Cadoux, an online tutor at GoStudent, reveals 5 tips to help families to get a better understanding of this new way of learning. 1. De-demonize the use of screens Parents are often the hardest to convince when it comes to using a computer or tablet for learning, citing the number of hours their children spend on screens. Yet the audiovisual format of the content offered on digital platforms is precisely what children prefer and is powerful in capturing their interest. “I meet many pupils whose parents are sceptical about using the computer, but in most cases, at the end of the course, the pupil is enthusiastic about the method and the parents are pleasantly surprised by their child’s involvement,” explains Marie.

concept with something familiar to the student. Translating this concept into their own words, inviting them to transpose it into a world that is dear to them is an equally formidable method. Text by GoStudent GoStudent

2. Encouraging time for interpersonal exchange For many students, distance learning means less social interaction. This was the main difficulty encountered by children last year during the pandemic (55%), ahead of difficulty concentrating, according to the GoStudent study. It is therefore all the more important in an online environment to favour time for interpersonal exchanges. How is the student doing? What progress have they made? Do they have any concerns? Marie Cadoux adds, “I try to recreate these times of exchange throughout the session in order to build a lasting relationship that encourages the child to connect with a smile.” 3. Engaging the student in a continuous conversation One of Marie Cadoux’s tips for helping concentration is to engage the student in a continuous conversation. This keeps them proactive and reduces distractions or boredom. “In front of the camera, I overreact certain reactions or speeches in order to make the student react by provoking surprise or amusement.” The aim is to make each pupil a full participant in his or her learning. 4. Pace the sessions and alternate exercises Online courses must also be adapted by the students according to their age and pace. Marie Cadoux generally structures her 50-minute sessions around 1 to 5 different activities, starting each lesson with an exercise that the student is comfortable with, both to consolidate what they have learned and to build their confidence. “The younger the students are, the more activities they will have to do to capture their interest. But in reality, beyond age, it is above all the child’s state of mind that influences his or her pace.” 5/ Use a more playful and interactive teaching method To increase understanding of a subject, Marie also has her advice: “Reformulate rather than repeat! Don’t hesitate to build bridges between subjects and to compare an obscure

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