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Hinsdale Magazine | Giving Back A Starry Night

DuPage Foundation’s Annual Benefit

Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz said it best: “There’s no place like home,” and this November, DuPage Foundation is bringing the party to homes across DuPage County to virtually celebrate another year of stellar community impact through its Annual Benefit: A Starry Night in DuPage.

This year’s Benefit, set for Saturday, November 13, is being offered in a virtual hybrid format, with both fully-remote and small in-person watch party options available, depending on individuals’ preferences. Participants will tune into a brief program and live paddle raise beginning at 7:30 p.m. A silent auction will add to the fun, featuring an array of unique items and experiences. Interested bidders can view the collection and register to bid at dupagefoundation.org/ StarryNight beginning October 30.

“As DuPage Foundation’s premier event, our Annual Benefit raises critical funding in support of our operations and programs so we can continue raising the quality of life throughout DuPage County,” said Dave McGowan, DuPage Foundation president & CEO.

Among the selection of catered cuisine, the Foundation is offering a DuPage Delights Box for two, filled with curated food and wine from local businesses. Participants hosting home watch parties for up to 10 guests can choose from an appetizer, dessert, and wine package or a four-course meal with wine. All

of these selections will be delivered to participating homes before the event program begins.

This year, DuPage Foundation is celebrating its 35th anniversary as DuPage County’s philanthropic leader. Since its inception in 1986, the Foundation has distributed nearly 9,000 grants totaling more than $60 million to approximately 1,500 not-for-profit agencies serving the residents of DuPage County and beyond. In 1993, the late Cleve Carney, a Foundation trustee emeritus and past board chair, began a dinner party at a local restaurant as a fundraiser for the organization. The successes of those small dinner parties spurred into the large-scale annual themed event that has raised millions of dollars for the Foundation’s operations and grantmaking programs.

“If you are looking to brighten up a cold November evening or haven’t yet been introduced to the Foundation, joining us for the Benefit is a great way to learn about the impact we have on our local communities,” added McGowan. “Like stars in the sky, the Foundation shines brighter with the ongoing support of our donors and community partners wishing to make a difference for DuPage through coordinated impact. We are extremely fortunate for the continued generosity bestowed upon the Foundation over the last 35 years.”

Tickets start at $100 per device. For event information and ways to participate, visit dupagefoundation. org/StarryNight.

A Public Service Announcement From Hinsdale Dentistry ORAL CANCER ALERT


•Oral Cancer cases on the rise. From 42,000+ in 2014 to 54,000 in 2021. More prevalent than cervical cancer. In the US, one person dies every hour of every day. (American Cancer Society,

Oral Cancer Foundation) • Oral Cancer is not visible to the naked eye • When not caught early, 55% of cases result in death in 5 years. (Oral Cancer Foundation) • Early detection is very effective, very quick, inexpensive during routine dental exams, but not being widely practiced by Dentists.


•Increased toxicity of foods and beverages, the environment and stress. • Transmitted through kissing.


•Go to a dentist that offers early detection screening at low cost, or no cost.

•When detected early enough, oral surgeons can effectively treat the cancer.

•For information about oral cancer, go to www.hinsdaledentistry.com.









Presented by CSC Dermatology Questions from the community answered by doctors

Q: What is a dermal filler?

A: Dermal fillers restore facial volume to smooth skin lines and wrinkles as well as enhance areas like the lips, chin, or jawline. This is done with gel-like materials that dermatologists inject under the skin at different depths. Fillers are seemingly unlimited when it comes to applications. They can be used to lift cheekbones, improve hollowness of the facial skin in areas like the temples and under the eyes. Moreover, fillers can be used to treat areas like the neck and chest to restore skin health and diminish the appearance of finely wrinkled and thin skin. Lastly, fillers can also be used to rejuvenate the hands.

Q: What is in a dermal filler?

A: Fillers are made with FDA approved substances injected beneath the skin. These include Hyaluronic Acid, Calcium Hydroxylapatite, and Poly-L-Lactic Acid. Poly-L-Lactic Acid also known as Sculptra is Dr. Steil’s favorite dermal filler. It is biocompatible, which makes it completely safe to use. It is a totally biodegradable synthetic substance,which means it dissolves. Lastly, it works by stimulating skin to rebuild the natural collagen resulting into smoother skin and greater volume. Almost 20 years ago, Dr. Steil learned from the best, Danny Vleggar, MD. He was a trained Poly-L-Lactic Acid Specialist who taught her how to apply the filler like an expert. For aging facial skin, Poly-L-Lactic Acid can add volume, structure, balance and lift. For younger patients, it can be used to improve facial symmetry.

Q: Are fillers going to make my face look fake?

A: “I have been injecting in Hinsdale for 20 years, and everyone says the same thing— I don’t want people to know and I want to look natural. At CSC, we will make your treatment look natural,” says Dr. Steil. The physicians at CSC Dermatology, Dr. Steil and Dr. Bognet, have a combined 30 years of experience treating patients with fillers. They both agree that the best results are when you don’t look like you’ve had a filler. To make this possible, CSC offers only the most professional opinions and treatment styles in all of their procedures. The bottom line— experience matters. “Sometimes a filler is not the solution,” says Bognet and “we tell the patient no. An overfilled face is not on our style.”

Dr. Rachel Gognet

Q: What does it feel like?

A: Getting a filler is a very comfortable experience. The filler material is mixed with numbing medication which makes it virtually painless. In addition, applying ice prior to a more sensitive area like the lips helps to aid in numbing.

Q: How much do fillers cost?

A: Filler treatments can range from $500-$2000 per session depending on the exact product and the number of syringes used. “We often layer products to achieve the best result so more than one type of product may be used during a treatment session,” says Dr. Steil.

Dr. Christina Steil

Q: How long will fillers last?

A: On average, fillers can last from six months to two plus years. After being injected, your body gradually and naturally absorbs filler particles. Factors that affect longevity include the product used, how much was injected, and where it was injected. Depending on your age and your goals, treatments are often repeated yearly.

Appointments are beginning to fill fast. Fall is here and it’s time to plan for the holidays. Call 630 455 0045 now to book a session at either one of our prominent locations in Hinsdale or Downers Grove.