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AI Telematics Safety Revolution that is Transforming the Construction Industry

Precision Risk Detection Leaves No Room for Complacency

By Matthew Ison

Construction, with the second highest number of occupational deaths, a large proportion of which are caused by vehicle collisions, is one of the most dangerous industries to work in. Help is at hand in the shape of AI video telematics.

Construction sites accounted for up to 21.7% of all fatal workplace injuries in 2021, but new video telematics technologies will provide real-time camera feeds and a truly 360-degree view of onsite construction operations to completely revolutionize construction safety.

Greater Risk Needs Greater Visibility

Eliminating risk altogether is difficult, especially when dealing with moving parts that create higher potential for unforeseen risks. Video telematics provide real-time data for analysis – offering enhanced visibility to support risk detection, alongside aiding future risk planning.

Even experienced plant operators can struggle to detect and respond to emerging risks. Video telematics is the answer. Providing drivers with a complete 360-degree view around the plant via an in-cab monitor that shows front, side, and rear camera feeds, alongside sensors that trigger alarms when virtual exclusion zones are entered.

Traditional proximity sensors can be triggered by inanimate objects, creating a risk that drivers take less notice of alarms due to false positives. However, AIenhanced smart cameras change all that, locating people up to 20 meters away in real-time and assessing their risk profiles to reduce the possibility of collisions.

Connected in the Cloud: Access to Data Context is Key

Video footage combined with telematics data unlocks true visibility for construction managers by providing all important context to a collision or event. And now with power of the cloud, connected forward-facing cameras and mobile digital video recorders (MDVRs) allow crucial safety data to be accessed instantly, from anywhere – so that immediate and targeted action can be taken.

Ensure Safety Compliance with Advanced Monitoring

Video telematics can now be connected with event-tracking sensors to monitor driver compliance with safety procedures to improve well-being and reduce potential injury claims. For example, sensors can monitor whether three points of contact are maintained when entering or exiting the machine cab – a leading cause of slips, trips and falls.

Improving Risk Management Now and into the Future

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines identify video as a favorable method for risk detection. By continuously monitoring risk and providing data insights to inform risk mitigation strategies, video telematics doesn’t just improve risk detection, but also management.

Cloud platforms such as VisionTrack’s NARA platform can also improve safety management with features that monitor driver well-being and can even alert emergency services when a collision causes severe distress or injuries.

Video and Telematics Unite to Transform Construction Safety

Every year, $11.3 billion is lost by the U.S. construction industry to serious, but preventable workplace injuries. With AI-powered video telematics, businesses can gain a truly 360-degree view of construction site operations, and make digital data more actionable, while continuously improving safety procedures to save lives and reduce collateral costs –now and into the future.

Matthew Ison is head of sales for North America at VisionTrack.

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