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40 years GLSC


GLSC Schreibwettbewerb 2019


Die GLSC (German Language School Conference) lädt SchülerInnen aller deutschen Sprachschulen in den USA ein, am GLSC Schreibwettbewerb 2019 im Rahmen des Deutschlandjahres mit dem Motto “Wunderbar together” teilzunehmen.

40 Years of Working Together for German Language Education

2018 GLSC Professional Development Conference in New York

On November 10, 2018 a record-breaking number of teachers, school board members, principals, speakers and sponsors came together for the 38th GLSC Conference at the German House in New York. The GLSC is the national organization dedicated to the needs of German language schools in the U.S.

The weekend started with a warm welcome reception at the Austrian Consulate on the evening before the conference. The conference itself featured twenty workshops covering a wide variety of topics on German language education and administrative concerns. Key presentations focused on the trending subjects of MINT und Medien.

MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik) is the equivalent of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in the U.S. One of the many highlights of the event was the

keynote by Ulla Schmidt, member of the German Bundestag and the Subcommittee for Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy. She spoke about the role of German language schools in the U.S. and answered various questions about the German Language Diploma and financial aid for schools.

The full day event ended with a reception at the German Consulate General to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the GLSC. The non-profit organization was founded in 1978 with encouragement from the consulate and a mission to support German language schools.

This year’s GLSC Professional Development Conference will take place on November 9, 2019. As always, it is open to everyone interested in German language education.

For more information please visit: → https://www.germanschools.org

Gesucht werden Beiträge zum Thema:

"Meine Tür nach Deutschland" Fotografiere deine Lieblingstür, oder such dir aus dem Internet ein lizenzfreies Foto aus! Was verbirgt sich dahinter? Wie sieht dein Deutschland hinter dieser Tür aus?

Einsendeschluss ist der 1. April. Die genauen Details können den Teilnahmebedingungen des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs auf der GLSC Webseite entnommen werden:

→ https://docs.wixstatic.com/

Preisgekrönte Beiträge werden in einem E-Book veröffentlicht, und ausgewählte Gewinner werden zu der jährlichen GLSC Konferenz im November in New York eingeladen, um ihre Beiträge vorzutragen.

36 | HEIMAT abroad | SPRING 2019