Intelligence Magazine March 2018

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March 2018

The wonder of the cross

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. 2 Cor 7:1 (NIV) In the last 3 verses of 2 Corinthians chapter 6, Paul refers to several Old Testament verses where God promises to live amongst His people, to be their God, to receive His people, to be a Father to them and to recognise them as His sons and daughters – great promises indeed! They give us a glimpse of the kind of close relationship that God wants to have with us. In the Old Testament, these promises were based on obedience – only if His people lived in accordance with the commandments given to them would God be able to have the kind of relationship with them that He longs for. Needless to say, any relationship with God based on our ability is doomed to failure. Part of the wonder of the cross is that now these promises come to us - not based on our obedience, but based on the obedience of our Saviour. Now we are God’s people; now He does receive us; now He is our Father; now we are his sons and daughters – all because we have a Saviour who gave Himself for us. As John wrote, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1 (NKJV)) Paul tells the Corinthians that these promises – which are now freely ours – demand a response, so he urges them (and us) to ‘purify ourselves from everything that contaminates’. Words, actions and attitudes still have the ability to damage our relationship with God and with each other. They also affect our ability to be faithful witnesses if our lives don’t match the Gospel about which we speak. Let us hear again Paul’s call in Romans 12:1 (NIVUK) – “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” James Stanley (Barry)

Inside this issue

Northern Ireland District Fellowship Day On Saturday 14 October 2017, saints from the Northern Irish Assemblies met at the Rosspark Hotel near Ballymena for the much anticipated annual district Fellowship Day. The theme and focus for the day’s Bible study was the life and faith of ‘Abraham: Father of us all’. This was carefully prepared and unpacked for us by Phil Brennan who, amidst a sumptuous lunch and a walk in the autumn leaves, guided us on an insightful tour of the patriarch’s journey of faith from his calling in Ur of Chaldeans to his resting place, east of Mamre, in the land of Canaan. As the journey unfolded, we saw a faith developing from a past of idol worship to a unique covenant with the one true God. We witnessed how God patiently laid the foundations not only of the Jewish nation and subsequent Christianity but also the practice and principles of living by faith in God. The account of Abraham’s developing faith and relationship with God helped us unlock some of the great mysteries of humanity’s relationship with the divine creator. To secular historians, the nomadic family of Abram from Mesopotamia - later known as the Hebrews - emerged in the land of Canaan, perhaps seemingly insignificant in the global scheme of things. The history of great world powers determines the focus of our secular history books. Such powers might seem to eclipse the story of Abram’s calling and relocation – but as Biblical history takes shape we discover that God was orchestrating His own account of history from a divine perspective, and determining the course of humanity’s relationship with Him. Accepting God as the divine Author of all history, we considered how Abraham’s journey of faith can be understood not only as a description of historical events, but also as instructive as to how to relate to our God; not through graven images representing the elements of His creation, but by faith through a covenantal relationship with the true and living God. In our smaller study groups, we continued to explore the characteristics of Abraham’s journey of faith as he responded to God’s life-changing call, faltered in His understanding and demonstration of God’s sovereign will, experienced restoration by God’s power and presence, trusted in God’s repeated promises, triumphed in overcoming obstacles, fellowshipped with God through times of sacrifice and worship, interceded before God on behalf of the spiritually needy, and reflected, by faith, on God’s dealings with him so that faith was brought to maturity in Abraham. We explored beyond the immediate narrative of Scripture to discover fundamental teaching on the importance of worship, seeking God’s guidance and the dangers of worldliness and compromise. Abraham’s faith gradually developed and matured through a life-long experience. How encouraging that we have his life recorded as an example for us to follow, so that we might develop the qualities of faith that characterised his life. Phil and Celia – thank you for joining us. The Lord provided for us by your hand. Daniel Grierson; Stephen McCabe

Belfast Conference Andhra Church Leaders Meet Gift Day in Winneba

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2018 North American District Calendar of Events

Belfast Conference 2018 Report

March 17 CULTIV8 30 Brantford Good Friday Conference. 30 - 31 Men’s Weekend - Kingston, Jamaica April 2 Conference – Kingston, Jamaica 3 - 6 VBS – Kingston, Jamaica 21 Vancouver Conference - at Van Dusen Gardens.

Saints in Northern Ireland were blessed to gather together at our annual Belfast Conference to hear the word of God on Saturday 20 January. We were joined by Stephen, Natasha, Emma and Kate Hickling (Birmingham); Lindsay and Joy Woods (Cullybackey); and John and Eppie Black (Greenock) – and it was May wonderful to see them all. 4 - 6 Sisters’ Weekend - Guelph. Stephen spoke to us about being ‘sojourners and exiles’ (1 Pet .2:11). As men and (Mount Forest) women of faith, we are on a journey to our eternal home – we are only temporary 5 Spring Conference - Littleton. residents in the world. He took us to Hebrews 11 to see some of the great examples of this kind of living – those who lived earnestly seeking the Father (Heb. 11:6). June Sojourners are those who look forward – seeking is, in fact, inherent to sojourning; 1 - 3 Spring Alive. we are seeking - longing for - home! The faith we see in, for example, Abraham, 9 CULTIV8. produced in him a seeking for his permanent home (Heb. 11:14). The same faith expressed in the life of Joseph prompted him to give directions concerning his July bones (Heb. 11:22). This home was tasted in the provision of the land, but really 1 - 7 MFC Boys’ and Girls’ Camp - the fullness of it is yet to come – ‘they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly Week 1. one’ (Heb. 11:16). As ever, Jesus is our example – He was the ultimate sojourner, 15 - 21 Camp Baldy. knowing He had come from, and was going back to, God (John 13:3). He looked 23 - 27 MFC Day Camp. forward, enduring the cross and longing for the joy that was set before Him (Heb. 24 - 28 Camp Baldy ‘Teen Plus’ Camp. 12:2). He has now gone ahead of us into the heavenly land – a land we can explore as we ascend into the presence of God in holy priesthood service (Heb. 10:19-22). August Lindsay impressed on us the need to be in reverent awe of our God. He took us 3 - 6 Family Camp – MFC. to the writings of Isaiah – ‘this is the one to whom I will look; he who is humble 7 - 12 Gospel Defenders Camp – and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word’ (Isa. 66:22). This is the one whom Jamaica. the Lord esteems. When was the last time we trembled at His word? More than 12 - 18 MFC Boys’ and Girls’ Camp – this, the One who dwells in the high and holy place will also dwell with ‘him who Week 2. is of a contrite and lowly spirit’ (Isa. 57:15). Isaiah knew the experience of being 26-Sep.1 MFC Teen Camp. humbled, of being in reverent awe of God (Isa. 6). Yet the response was that Isaiah was commissioned for service by God’s provision – his guilt taken away, and his September sin atoned for. The result of reverent awe was closeness to God in service. Lindsay 1 Trinidad Conference. showed us the same response by Peter (see Lk. 5:1-10) – in the presence of God 2 MFC Teen Camp Praise Night – the Son, Peter falls down and says, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord’. Hamilton. The Lord’s response was to commission Peter: ‘Do not be afraid; from now on 15 Harvest Day - MFC (Hamilton) you will be catching men’. The Lord Jesus is our example – the One who showed 28 - 29 Men’s Weekend – Guelph. perfect reverence to His God and Father, submitting to His will with the torture of Calvary looming (Matt. 26:39). Following His example, we should submit in October reverent awe to our God. 13 Toronto Conference. God’s divine initiative in calling 20 Victoria Fall Conference. us was John’s theme. Returning to 15 Heroes Day Conference - Abraham, John showed us the call Kingston, Jamaica. of God – a call that led Abraham out to a place he was going to November receive as an inheritance (Heb. 3 CULTIV8. 11:8). This was not Abraham’s initiative – it was started by God, December and any experience that we have 26-30 Deep Freeze - MFC. with God is by the divine initiative; 31 New Year’s Eve Fellowship - His reaching out to us in love. And Kingston, Jamaica it is our role, like Abraham, to respond in faith. We are called to


blessing, out of darkness and into God’s marvellous light (1 Pet. 2:9). We are called to repentance - a change in heart - as all who come to God are (see, e.g., Acts 2:37-39). We are called to holiness (1 Pet. 1:14-16) – here Peter appeals to the elect exiles ‘as obedient children’, and John drew our attention to the family likeness that should develop in us as obedient children: ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy’. This holiness was displayed so fully in the life of God’s unique son – the Lord Jesus Christ. We are also called to service, following the example of Paul (see, for example, Acts 13:2). John also managed to direct us, in his limited time, to the call of God to suffer for righteousness (1 Pet. 2: 20-22), to Christlikeness (1 Pet. 3: 8-14), and ultimately, to eternal glory (1 Pet. 5:10-11). Our consistent response to the call of God in these things must be the obedience of faith (Rom. 1:5), commitment (2 Cor. 5:14-15), and diligence (Phil. 3:12-15). We thank our God for the gift evident in our brothers – the Spirit was working long before we gathered in January to bring together the message that He had for us. Thank you Stephen, Lindsay and John – and may the Lord repay you for your service. We also enjoyed a meal and time of friendship at the end of the formal proceedings – thanks to all those who contributed! Stephen McCabe; Ian Lockhart

For Prayer

Ministering Brethren March and onwards

John Black I hope to be in Manchester from 12- 18 March, God willing, helping the Assembly outreach, plus local duties as the Lord leads. Phil Brennan Phil is serving in Myanmar in early March, the end of a four week programme serving alongside local brethren, Steve Seddon and Tony Jones. Craig Jones Mainly Ontario based for March, but heading down to Jamaica on 29th for the inaugural men’s weekend followed by the annual children’s VBS during the Easter holidays. Andy McIlree God willing, I’ll be continuing in Kilmarnock during March. Lawrence Onyokoko I hope to be in Warri till the end of March for our Easter conference. Karl Smith Main plans are Midlands sisters’ weekend 2-4 March. On-going outreach and youth work within Scotland, including promoting Kirkintilloch Easter praise event 25 March. Brian Tugwell Brian continues his work in India. Robert Wood At the moment looks like the month will be spent in my home Assembly of Aberdeen. David Woods In March, the usual local and district activities will be supplemented by NW Men’s Study Day, an outreach focus with John Black in Manchester, and preparations for Whitemoor 242.

The South East England Men’s Study Day on 17 March (DV) focuses on Future Events as described by the Apostles Paul and Peter, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Hosted by the Church of God in Antwerp, but located in London, the day will include presentations by Eddy de Vos, Brian Johnston and Mike Oxley, plus discussions and singing. See you there DV. Any queries to:


Easter Walking Holiday 2018 Walking and fellowship in the Mourne Mountains of Northern Ireland is being planned for 1-7 April 2018. New walkers will be very welcome. Further information on the walking and accommodation is at http://www. Many thanks, Peter & Margaret Stoner

West Point Hall . 82 Albert Rd . Levenshulme . M19 2AD

10.00 start . Saturday 3rd March 2018




John Archibald

Accountable, Authentic, Assured. A study in John the Apostle's first letter. FOR MORE INFO, CONTACT:

GRAHAM SCHLEYER 0 1 7 0 4 8 9 4 3 7 9 G . S C H L E Y E R @ T A L K T A L K . N E T

“ Because I live, you will live also” ( John 14:19) is the theme for the

Thanksgiving Tea Friends from Cardiff, Barry and Aberkenfig joined Mountain Ash Assembly on the evening of Sunday 21 January, to share in a thanksgiving tea celebrating the 75th birthday of Ken Owen, a deacon in the Assembly. Favourite hymns were sung before Ken gave a moving testimony, sharing details of his difficult early life in a children’s home and in foster care. He was taken to a Gospel hall at the age of 4 where he learned Psalm 23, and the seed of God’s word was planted in his young heart. Some years later he worked with Reg Dodge of Cardiff Assembly, and it was then that he came to know the Saviour and was received into the Fellowship. Precious to Ken is Ps. 27:10, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me”. It’s true of Ken, like the sparrow and swallow of Ps. 84:3, that he has found a home amongst the people of God; “Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young - a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God.” Refreshments followed Ken’s testimony and a funny, and moving, poem written by Ruth Allen was read to all. Ken didn’t have the evening entirely to himself. He shares his birthday with a sister in the Assembly, Mary Davies, who is now 88. We discovered that on this same day (21 January), 78 years earlier, Mary was baptised in Mountain Ash hall; a faithful sister for 78 years and, like Ken, loved by all. Next week, another loved sister, Evelyn Avon, celebrates her 95th birthday, and Lily Tidmas, daughter of Craig and Bernita, is 14 on this day (21st). We love Lily too, but when you’re 14 such statements of affection are probably not that important! We were all pleased to share this evening with our loved ones, celebrating their birthdays and rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness to them. May they continue to remain faithful to Him in the years ahead. Steve Peers; Phil Allen

Weekend for Sisters 2018 2-4 March 2018, God willing at the Fenwick Hotel, Fenwick, Kilmarnock (M77 junction 8) with Graham Smith (Crowborough), leading us through a study of 1 Corinthians 15. Full details will be sent to Assemblies in Scotland. Sister from other areas are also warmly invited. Further details from Eleanor Reilly on 0141 887 1423


Andhra Church Leaders Meet

To kickstart brother Brian’s month-long visit to the Andhra Churches, he led a 3 day study for the leaders at Rajahmundry Hall. On day three, we were joined by three leaders of groups that seek our teaching. The study was on the Song of Ascents - looking at the Gates of Zion, the Horn and Lamp of David etc. At the same time, sister Elsie led a 3 day study for ladies from Rajahmundry and Kottiekeswaram Churches focusing on “Identity In Christ”. Dr G.S. Moses and sister Kamala hosted us superbly in all practical matters. Brothers in attendance were Raju. Prasad, Vijay, David Raju, Moses, Baba Saheb, Sudhaker, Elisha, “Kottie”, Emmanuel, Subbhaker, Veerandanath, Jose Moses. A.Elisha; N. Emmanuel Raju

Whitemoor 2018 | A Project 242 Event

A relevant, life-altering, Christ-focused study. (Easter Weeknd) Fri 30th March WHEN - Mon 2nd April 2018 IS IT? Whitemoor Lakes, WHERE Lichfield, WS13 8QT IS IT? Book your place at WHAT NOW?


At Home with the Lord, Mrs Maggie Gauld, Aberdeen, Scotland Our beloved sister Mrs Maggie Gauld fell asleep in Jesus on 21 January 2018, when she was called home to be with her Saviour. Her final months were spent in the Dounemount Care Home, Macduff. She was surrounded by her loving family, and passed away peacefully after a remarkable life of 107 years. She was the dearly loved wife of the late Alexander (Ackie), much loved mother of Thelma, Alex and the late Priscilla, and a very special grandma, great grandma and great-great grandma (granny Maggie). Though well advanced in years her determination to be at the Remembrance, with a return journey of over 90 miles taking over two hours, was always an encouragement for the Church of God in Aberdeen. Maggie was faithfully supported by all her family over many years. Her immediate family - Thelma and Alex (Priscilla having departed this life in 2017) - together with the wider family, kindly looked to brethren in the Church of God in Aberdeen to minister at the funeral service. Robert Wood led the service in Banff and James Johnson read a few Scriptures at the graveside. Although 107 years old, Maggie had a sharp mind and an indomitable spirit throughout her advancing years. Considering the outcome of Maggie’s life, we are encouraged to “imitate” her faith. Robert Wood; James Johnson

At Home with the Lord, William (Willie) Milliken, Belfast, Northern Ireland Our dear brother Willie Milliken was called home to be with his Saviour on 12 November 2017, peacefully, at Antrim Area Hospital. Willie was the beloved husband of Maud, and a loving and devoted father to Avril, Jane, Stanley and Alan. A service of thanksgiving for Willie’s life was held in Joymount Presbyterian Church, Carrickfergus, on Wednesday 15 November,, at which fitting tribute was paid to his life. Willie was baptised and added to the Assembly in Belfast when he was 16 years old. He was a faithful attender until he fell from the roof-space of his home, causing severe damage to a leg which took a long time to heal and prevented him from driving. When visited by saints, he always passed on money that he had laid aside for the Lord’s work. Willie is now at home with the Lord (2 Cor.5:8), but please remember in your prayers our late brother’s wife Maud, their sons and daughters and the grandchildren in their loss. On behalf of the Church of God in Belfast Brian McCarty; Bob Lockhart


9TH - 11TH MARCH 2018

MIDLANDS SISTERS’ WEEKEND Hothorpe Hall, Leicestershire

SPEAKER: KARL SMITH Forms and further information can be obtained from Celia Brennan phone: 01298 23445 email:


Baptism in Swindon

November 2017 was a happy month in Swindon as we had the great thrill of baptising and adding to our fellowship 18 year-old Tommy Southern. Tommy has been a regular attendee at youth clubs, YCs and camps in Swindon and the South East for the past eight years or so. We have enjoyed his company and his sense of humour, as well as his sporting and musical talents, but most importantly we have watched him grow a deeper love and devotion to the Lord Jesus. This culminated in his decision following Elevate Youth Camp 2017 to follow the Lord in baptism. Being the popular guy he is, his baptism drew a big crowd from his Christian friends in the South East and we enjoyed a celebratory praise time; Tommy even managed to get dry quickly enough to play keyboard in the band! Kev Hickling explained what was happening before baptising Tommy, and Andy Seddon shared some thoughts about being “more than Conquerors” from Romans 8:37 - a passage close to Tommy’s heart. We rejoice in God who brought Tommy to us, and we pray that he will continue to grow in the Lord. Andy Seddon; Kev Hickling

A Word of Thanks

Baptism in Middlesbrough We are pleased to advise that Richard Ashley was baptised on 10 December 2017 and added to the Church of God in Middlesbrough on Lord’s Day 17 December 2017. We request prayer for Richard as he grows in faith, knowledge & understanding. Bill Taylor; Jack McIlvenna; Angus McIlvenna

To those whom we haven’t been able to contact personally or by email, Lindsay and I would like to give grateful thanks to you all for your prayers on our behalf during my recent illness. We cannot fully express how much we appreciated that prayer support over such a long period. We daily felt the presence of our God and we know that in large measure that was a result of your ongoing intercession for us. We have been overwhelmed by the kindness of so many people sending scriptures, cards, emails, poems and books. These all, plus many phone calls, gave us the strength we needed to ‘navigate’ the deep waters of 2017. We give thanks to God for His enduring love and care and ‘praise Him for all that is past and trust Him for all that’s to come.’ Joy Woods (Cullybackey) 

Soul Search


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Safe as houses? Sunday 12th March 5.30 - 6.30 pm

guest speaker: John Black Manchester Hall, 82 Albert Road M19 2AD A North West District Outreach event

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Notice Board March

Gift Day in Winneba

Glory be to God, every first Sunday of the year is an exchange of gift day in the Church of God, Winneba Assembly. There are two reasons behind this event: 1) to bring unity between saints through prayer. On the last day of January every year the names of all the saints in the Assembly will be written on pieces of paper for all to pick; the name that any saint picks will be prayed for by that person through the year and he/she will give him or her a gift on the first Sunday of the following year. 2) on that day saints also present gifts to the Assembly for its development needs. We thank God for open opportunities like this. Daniel Acquah; John Kofi Gyan

2-4 N Scotland Weekend for Sisters (Fenwick) 3 NW England Men’s Study Day 9-11 Midlands Women’s Bible Study Weekend (Hothorpe Hall, Leicestershire) 10 NW England District Oversight 10 SE England YC (Bracknell) 10 S Wales District Oversight 17 N Ireland Cullybackey Spring Conference 17 SE England Brothers’ Study Day (led by Antwerp) 18 NW England Soulsearch 1 (Manchester) 23 N Ireland District Bible Study (Knocknacloy) 24 NW England YPM 24 S Wales DySGu (Coleg Cymunedol y Dderwen) 30-2 Whitemoor 2018, Project 242 Event KEY: DySGu - District Study Group, S. Wales YC - Young Christian YPM - Young Peoples Meeting

Change of Assembly Correspondent

With immediate effect, the correspondent for LERWICK Assembly is now: Angus Nicol, Frakkafield Dale, Gott, Shetland Isles ZE2 9SB Telephone: 01595 840272 New email address John Anthony has a new email address which is

Text for the Month Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25 (ESV)

Editors: Steve Peers & Guy Elliott 40 The Spinney, Brackla, Bridgend, CF31 2JE Email:

Published by Hayes Press The Barn Flaxlands, Royal Wootton Bassett Wiltshire SN4 8DY Tel. 01793 850 598

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