Habs Weekly: Prep and Pre-Prep edition - Friday 20 May

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Habs Weekly

Pre-Prep and Prep School edition Friday 20 May 2022 Summer Term

Acting Head of Prep School’s Message Mr G Thomas We will all be familiar with theories about teachers from our childhood and the belief that they do, in fact, sleep at school each night. Well, as is an annual tradition, such an idea once again became a reality as my teaching colleagues facilitated two fantastic days of great fun, games, and outdoor activities as part of the Year 3 sleepover in which the boys and staff pitched their tents and camped on the field behind the Prep School. Following two years of limited residential opportunities, earlier in the week our Year 4 pupils, too, returned from a trip to Aylmerton in Norfolk where they took part in a range of coastal activities. It has been wonderful to allow the students the chance to take part in overnight trips once again and I have loved hearing about how much they grew from these experiences. Upon talking to one Year 4 pupil, he outlined to me how his proudest moment was realising that he was able to do more things on his own than he initially thought, that included making his own bed. In addition to the development of character traits, I am always so proud to hear stories about how these opportunities contribute to the pupils growing in confidence and independence in a safe space. I thank my colleagues for their dedication and time spent in facilitating these opportunities during the past week that, I know, provide so many special moments for our pupils. I wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Pre-Prep School Looking ahead...


Year 1 Picnic with Habs Girls W E D N E S D AY 2 5 M AY We are delighted to be having a picnic with the Year 1 Girls’ School pupils in the Rose Garden at the Senior School. After the picnic, the children will have time to explore the Soilai Woodland Trail and enjoy playing outdoor games. The school will provide a packed lunch for all pupils and will return to the Pre Prep in time for the end of day. This is a great opportunity for our pupils to come together with our sister school and enjoy the outdoor environment together.

Year 1 Transition day T U E S D AY 7 A N D T H U R S D AY 9 J U N E We are excited to inform you that as part of your child’s transition to Year 2 at the Prep School in September, we have organised for Year 1 to spend two days at the Prep School on Tuesday 7 June and Thursday 9 June. Click here for a letter with more information.

Whole School The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee F R I D AY 2 7 M AY The Pre-Prep will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Friday 27 May. We have lots of fun activities planned as well as a special picnic lunch. The pupils may come to school dressed in red, white and blue or as a member of Royalty. Pupils will be involved in outdoor activities during the day so please ensure that they are dressed appropriately. Please note, due to the Staff Inset Day taking place at the Prep and Senior School, Year 2 swimming will not take place.

Pre-Prep School F R I D AY 2 7 M AY A N D M O N D AY 6 J U N E Please note that the Pre-Prep will be open as usual on Friday 27 May and Monday 6 June.

We are excited to welcome parents and guardians to our Pre-Prep Sports Day!

Wednesday 15 June 2022 10am to 12pm

Pre-Prep Sports Day Save the date

Prep School Looking ahead...

Whole School Year 3 to 6 Queen Jubilee Celebrations T H U R S D AY 2 6 M AY We will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Thursday 26 May. The pupils should arrive at school wearing a combination of clothes that are red, white and blue.


Year 5 Foxlease trip I M P O R TA N T I N F O R M AT I O N We are looking forward to our Year 5 Foxlease trip starting on Monday 23 May. The trip will run until Thursday 26 May and we encourage pupils to pack light and double check they have everything. Please click here for more information such as drop off, medical information and emergency events.


Ski trip to Andorra, April 2023 CURRENT YEAR 4 AND 5 PUPILS Please note we still have places available on the forthcoming Ski Trip to Andorra. Please email Mrs Vig at vig_n@habsboys.org.uk if you are interested in securing a place for your child.


Year 6 Bugsy Performance


Year 6 Leavers L E AV E R S ’ V I D E O We are in the process of compiling a video for the Year 6 pupils who will be leaving us at the end of the academic year as a memento of their time at the Pre-Prep and Prep. We would be grateful if you could find any photos of your child from this period, either individual or with other peers from the two school. Please email photos directly to Mrs Newfield on newfield_m@habsboys.org.uk Thank you in advance for your support.

Just a reminder to parents to book your tickets for the production of Bugsy Malone by Thursday 26 May. We still have places available for the morning and afternoon performances. You can book via your child’s OneNote. Please note as in previous years’ there is limited, separate seating for children at the front of the audience.

We are excited to welcome parents and guardians to our Prep Sports Day!

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Prep Sports Day Save the date

Notices Tooled Up RESOURCES

Judo Club

Over the last month, Tooled Up have added a variety of resources in response to parents’ requests. Have you ever wondered what the most popular ones are? Top of the rankings is the Children’s CV followed by a video on Visual Metaphors to Promote Resilience. The Family Anxiety Manifesto and the Why Won’t My Child Open Up? video clip are top picks for parents this month!

T H U R S D AY 2 6 M AY Please note: Judo club will not be running next week.

Nuts and seed snacks I M P O R TA N T N O T I C E

Breakfast and After School Care B O O K I N G I N F O R M AT I O N Click here to book your child into the breakfast club or After School Care (ASCF) the week commencing Monday 6 June Prearranged bookings can be made up until 12pm the Friday before. After this time, please email ascf@habsboys.org.uk for Prep pupil bookings and preprepoffice@habsboys.org.uk for Pre-Prep pupil bookings.

It has come to our attention that some of our pupils are bringing in food with nuts or seeds in. We would like to draw your attention to our Nut Policy. Several of our pupils suffer very severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions to nuts or nut-based products. Pupils must not bring any nuts or nut-based products into school, nor should they have them on the coach. Please click here to read our Nut Policy.

Please note, there may be a small charge for ASCF after 4pm.

Lunch Menu WEEK COMMENCING M O N D AY 2 3 M AY Please click here to view the Prep and Pre-Prep lunch menus for the following week.

Notices JHC Masterclasses SOFTBALL AND CRICKET JHC Masterclasses will be held at Habs over the half term from Monday 30 May to Wednesday 1 June. Run by Mr James Hewitt at the Senior School, book a place for your child now. Click here for more information.

Coach pick-ups POLITE REMINDER Pupils who use the coach service must be met by a parent or guardian at all times. Please click here to read our Coach User policy.

Parking outside the Prep school NOTICE Please can parents and guardians who collect their child at the end of the school day refrain from driving up the North Drive, over the bridge and parking directly outside the Prep School. Can you please park in the designated areas either in the North Drive or the astro turf pitch. This is in the best interests of pupil, parent and staff safety.


Pre-Prep watch Year 10 Drama performance The Pre-Prep were very lucky to visit the Senior School to see Year 10 perform The Boy and the Alien and The Magic Wardrobe. They loved watching the older students and were inspired by their fantastic performances.

Performance assembly


Last week the Prep School had a Performance Assembly. Year 3 pupil Rohan was our youngest musician and he played Always Take The Weather With You on the acoustic guitar with rhythm and style, speaking with authority and audibility afterwards. What a wonderful choice of song! Year 5 pupil Aarav first vocal solo performance was impassioned and well understood. He had prepared his favourite song, Do You Hear The People Sing, with mum helping him at home. Year 5 pupil Raghav sang the Wellerman - his spirited, direct, and brave performance with added foot drum won over many hearts. Year 5 Rohan gave a sensitive, introspective, and wellcontrolled rendition of I Hear What You Say on the piano. The assembly addressed how to tackle nerves and prepare for a performance. We have also enjoyed fantastic performances over the past two weeks from Year 4 pupil Seth on the clarinet, Year 5 pupil Deven on the piano and Year pupils Seth and Colin on the trumpet. Looking ahead, we have a busy and exciting schedule. I cannot wait to listen to all the Battle of the Band auditions which are to be submitted onto the padlet link by the evening of Monday 6 June. The parents of the finalists will be invited to attend in the Prep Hall. We also have our two Instrumental Scheme concerts the pupils are sounding wonderful. Finally, we look forward to the whole Prep School community coming together for our big Summer Concert in the Bourne Hall.

School Community Year 4 Aylmerton trip review

Year 4 visited Aylmerton on Monday 16 May and they stayed at a compact hotel called The Pleasaunce. They explored the beaches of Cromer and the civilised streets of Aylmerton. They also took part in a pirate Day where they had the chance to build shelters, walk the plank, try a zip wire and an un-nature trail. The pupils took on responsibilities and learnt to become more independent. They improved on different life skills such as making your bed, working in a team, and one pupil even went as far as eating foods that they dislike! “My three words to describe the trip are: tremendous, exciting and active. My favourite part was the pirate day because I loved all the different activities. My favourite was the senses tasks. You had to adapt and rely on different senses.” Riyan - 4HP “The trip was absolutely amazing! The Outdoor Education Centre leaders were fantastic and very funny. I loved the shelter challenge, especially when we tried not to get wet during the ‘monsoon’. It was so fun!” Colin - 4DS “It was really adventurous. We did things we have never done before and learnt lots of new skills. My favourite part was watching the tide coming in and seeing the power of the sea crashing against the cliffs.” Reeday - 4BB

Pre-Prep chirping chicks! The Pre-Prep is buzzing (or should it be chirping!) with excitement as all of our eggs in the incubator have hatched. This is a record number as we have never had all 10 hatch before. As well as learning about the life cycle of a chicken, we will be learning about how to look after them and of course have lots of opportunities to hold them.


Year 2 Swimming gala Well done to Year 2 who swam in the gala on Friday. All pupils did extremely well and should all be very proud of themselves! We will be doing a small awards ceremony next week. Thank you to all the parents that came to support, it was lovely to welcome you back to the pool. Another thank you to the Pre-Prep team for all their support.



W E D N E S D AY 2 5 M AY Year 1 picnic with Habs Girls’ pupils

F R I D AY 2 4 J U N E Year 1 Knebworth House trip

F R I D AY 2 7 M AY The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations End of Term - Pre-Prep open Please note - no ASCF at Prep School M O N D AY 3 0 M AY T O F R I D AY 3 J U N E Half term - Pre-Prep closed M O N D AY 6 J U N E Staff development day Pre-Prep open Please note - no ASCF at Prep School M O N D AY 1 3 J U N E 7+ Parent Induction Evening 7+ Taster Afternoon W E D N E S D AY 1 5 J U N E Pre-Prep Sports Morning T U E S D AY 2 1 J U N E Year 2 Whipsnade Zoo trip

Please note the Pre-Prep School will remain open for the staff development days on Friday 27 May and Monday 6 June

T H U R S D AY 3 0 J U N E Pre-Prep Summer Production Dress Rehearsal F R I D AY 1 J U LY Pre-Prep Summer Production T H U R S D AY 7 J U LY End of term



M O N D AY 2 3 T O T H U R S D AY 2 6 M AY Year 5 Foxlease trip

W E D N E S D AY 1 5 J U N E 11+ Induction evening Year 3 to Year 6 Class photographs * Year 3 to Year 6 Battle of the Bands

T H U R S D AY 2 6 M AY Year 3 Cricket fixture F R I D AY 2 7 M AY Staff development day Inset day M O N D AY 3 0 M AY T O F R I D AY 3 J U N E Half term M O N D AY 6 J U N E

T H U R S D AY 1 6 J U N E Year 3 Hazard Alley trip Year 6 Welcome Day - Senior School M O N D AY 2 0 J U N E Year 3 and Year 5 Instrumental Scheme concert T U E S D AY 2 8 J U N E Year 6 Bugsy performance

Staff development day

W E D N E S D AY 2 9 J U N E

T U E S D AY 7 T O F R I D AY 1 0 J U N E


Year 6 Portland trip

Year 3 to Year 6 Swimming gala

T H U R S D AY 9 J U N E * Year 3 Tennis fixture


S AT U R D AY 1 1 J U N E Year 3 and 4 Internal Cricket and Tennis festival Year 5 and 6 Internal Cricket and Tennis festival M O N D AY 1 3 J U N E 7+ Taster Afternoon 7+ Parent Induction Evening Years 3 to 4 Cricket and Tennis fixture Years 5 to 6 Cricket and Tennis fixture

* Selected pupils will be contacted directly.

Year 3 to Year 6 Sports Day

Year 6 Leavers’ Prize Giving Year 3 to Year 6 Summer Concert T H U R S D AY 7 J U LY End of term

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