These Scar Treatments For Dark Skin Tones Prevent Hyperpigmentation & Hypopigmentation

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These Scar Treatments For Dark Skin Tones Prevent Hyperpigmentation & Hypopigmentation

Dusky Avatars' guide examines the evolution of laser therapy as a treatment for dark skin scar reduction and outlines some of the advantages it has over traditional methods.

In its early iterations, laser therapy, which involves the removal of scar tissue using precision lasers, was not kind to darker skin tones.

Because of the high levels of melanin in dark skin, complications like hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation would often arise.

Fortunately, breakthroughs in laser technology enabled dermatologists to avoid these outcomes. Today, there are three main types of lasers used to treat scars on dark skin tones.

Fractional lasers target small portions of a scar, leading to less skin discoloration. Conversely, pulsed-dye lasers target blood vessels rather than the skin, minimizing redness.

Non-ablative lasers—the safest for dark skin tones— stimulate collagen production beneath the skin without harming the surface.

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