10 minute read


Meet Belinda and Ben Johnson. Local power couple Belinda and Ben have established solid businesses - SMART Pilates and SMART Coaching here in Port Macquarie, and together have a combined 40 years’ experience working with athletes and training bodies to be at their optimal.

Hi Ben and Belinda. Thank you so much for speaking with Focus. You have both shown such commitment to the health industry through your work. Where does your passion come from and tell us a little about your individual journeys in business?

Our passion stems from our individual sporting backgrounds and the enjoyment of helping others to be better versions of themselves.

“As a lifelong athlete, performing at a professional level, I understand all too well how muscle tension, muscle recovery, soreness and injuries can affect our everyday life” says Belinda Johnson. My sporting involvement naturally led me to the study of preventative and restorative measures to improve the body’s performance and recovery. The instruction of Pilates allows me to provide my clients with preventative measures to improve their body’s composition. I just love seeing how those bodies respond.

“As a sports enthusiast and a competitive Surf Life Saving athlete in my younger years, I have always had a passion and desire for sport” says Ben Johnson. I coach and provide personalised and customised training programs across the multi sports platform, namely swimming, riding, and running and have done so for more than 10 years.

More recently, I have been working with clients’ bodies through customised strength and conditioning classes and workouts. “The benefits are so noticeable with my clients. They are stronger, more confident, and able to achieve their sporting or fitness goals smarter” says Ben. It is great to be able to couple the services in the studio across the Coaching and Pilates clientele.

SMART Pilates is a state of the art health and well-being studio in Gordon Street, Port Macquarie and I understand the business has just turned 3 this year. Congratulations on this milestone. What have been some of your highlights over the last few years Belinda?

Thank you, yes SMART Pilates just celebrated its third year in the amazing purpose-built studio in Gordon Street. The location is so central to all as we have clients that pop in before, during and after work very easily. There have been so many highlights over the last few years. Continuing to enhance and grow the business, provide a range of classes with a great team of instructors and allied health workers across the wellbeing platform under both of our brands is probably the most significant.

“We were very proud to launch our first ‘Kickstart Challenge’ for our clients this year” says Belinda. The program is designed to run over an 8-week period and incorporates pilates, diet and nutrition guidance, weigh-ins, weekly goals and accountability, cardio sessions, online video challenges and wellness sessions, such as, yoga, breath-work, mindfulness and stretch sessions.

The new program is personalised and encourages team motivation and individual participation with weekly prizes. “It has been so great to utilise my 20 years of coaching experience with my new found wellness passion and put it all together with this great challenge which was so popular” says Belinda.

SMART Pilates also provides our individual clients with a total wellness solution. They have access to the best in sports and remedial massage, dry needling, qualified nutrition, dietician and podiatry consultations and several other wellness solutions. The team has grown significantly over the last three years to give our SMART family access to all things fitness and wellbeing.

SMART Coaching is a multi-sport training facility designed to tailor individual programs for targeted results with a ‘train smarter, not harder’ approach. Ben, what type of clients are you currently working with and what would you say to anyone wanting to embark on a new fitness or health regime?

SMART Coaching provides customised training across the multi sports areas as well as providing performance and recovery sessions to enhance fitness, overcome injury and improve strength. “The focus is always on the individual” says Ben.

Our clients range from elite athletes, to young aspiring teenagers, to people who are seeking strength and recovery from injury or to create better versions of themselves.

SMART Coaching provides the region with daily swim squads and has done for almost a decade. You can find us at the Hastings Port Macquarie Town Pool mornings and afternoons on weekdays rain, hail, or shine. We cater for all. For example, some of our clients are the young nippers from the surf life saving clubs around town, to master swimmers, to busy professionals that enjoy the group training environment. They all get what they need out of our swim squads.

We provide tailored swim sessions for all abilities. We both have a huge amount to offer in the swimming area, with lifelong swimming backgrounds and love to share our knowledge with our clients.

We provide our clients with other great sessions to maximise their fitness and to keep things fun and interesting, providing swim sessions in the ocean and/or river, cardio sessions in and out of the studio, brick sessions, training camps and indoor bike classes.

“Our newest addition of sessions for SMART Coaching is the popular Strength & Conditioning class” says Ben. They take place in our ground floor customised gym, using the best equipment, in a bespoke environment with quality instructors.

We have seen several of our athletes and pilates clients join, as well as new clients that want small classes and personalised attention in their workout to avoid injury.

We provide a high level of technical knowledge based on our combined 40 years of experience working in sports as well as mentoring and encouraging all our clients so that they can perform at their very best. “From Ironman, to triathletes, to ocean enthusiasts, to those that want to get fit or sign up for their first running festival, whatever the fitness or health goal is we can help you get there” says Ben.

May is also the annual Ironman event here in Port Macquarie, a great opportunity for athletes to converge on Port Macquarie and test their fitness prowess. What are you most looking forward to for this year’s event?

SMART Coaching has been involved in training many athletes for the local Ironman in Port Macquarie for many years as well as many races all over the country. “It is always a big weekend for us” says Ben.

This year, 2023, sees a course change locally for the two races, 70:3 and Ironman.

‘It will be great to see how all the athletes respond” says Ben. Ironman is a busy time for SMART Coaching both from a mentoring and fitness/training and programming perspective. “You must be connected to the athlete and be adaptable” says Ben. It is always great to assist athletes reach their goals. Big races such as these provide a great way to really connect with the athlete, their families support their work, life, training balance and of course support our community.

For people interested in finding out more about each of you and your work or to connect with you online, how can they best get in touch?

SMART Pilates & SMART Coaching information can be found online. Our booking system and packages are online at smartpilates.net. au and some further information about our multi sports training and fitness programs on smartcoaching.net.au

We encourage everyone to follow us on our socials, sign up for our newsletter and see what amazing programs and fitness ideas we offer. Thank you both. Interview: Sarah Baker.

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Phone 6584 1088

84-86 Horton St Port Macquarie


Artist of the

Daniel Hend is an artist who is best known for his incredible large scale murals and surreal painting style. He is currently living on the Mid North Coast and has painted murals in suburbs from Queensland and NSW down to Victoria and even Tassie.

Since then I’ve held multiple exhibitions, won competitions, completed over 100 murals, painted at festivals, live events and charity events.

Can you tell us about the early days of you as an artist, what mediums you used and how you’ve progressed over the years?

I was always creative as a child whether it be carving wood, drawing, painting or creating little sculptures. At the age of 9 my father, Len Hend, taught me how to paint Australian landscapes in an incredibly fast style. I spent many weekends painting and selling my landscape paintings around the streets and markets of the Byron Shire as a child and teenager. After dropping out of school I went to Mullumbimby Community College and completed a Cert 3 in Visual Arts and there I was introduced to many other mediums, styles and techniques. I developed the beginnings of my surrealist style and got into a lot of black and white illustrations and screen printing.


I have delved into many styles over the years but painting surrealism is my most favoured and expressive style. What inspired you to start creating murals? My father was offered a mural job and passed it onto me at the age of 19. The mural went well. I enjoyed being able to utilise my skills to make good money. A lot of the mural jobs I really enjoy but some jobs can be quite tedious.

I really enjoy painting Australian flora and fauna. I like to think that these murals can remind people of their love of the natural environment and maybe even evoke some conservational changes. Continued over...

Can you describe your creative process when creating a new mural?

When I’m creating a new mural my process is relatively simple. I will clean the wall and then add my initial background colours. From there I sketch in the appropriate subject matters with chalk outlining a whale, mountain, trees, or a river.

After this I begin filling in with details usually going over twice with an initial detailing, then a refined detailing.

The techniques and application of paint do vary quite a lot with the subject matter.

How do you choose the subject matter and colour scheme for each of your works?

For each mural, myself and the client have to agree upon the subject matter and a lot of the time I won’t have to do any sketching prior to this. The colour is loosely discussed within the agreement unless they are quite particular then I will spend more time to ensure the palate is suitable for them. Usually the client has ideas and I add and/or change them to fit their space and budget. Most clients are trusting towards my abilities as an artist and this allows me to work best without too much pressure overhead. The subject matter is paramount, the colour choices must follow along in suit to create a realistic and aesthetic piece of art.

The only challenge I’ve found with working on larger murals is ensuring the perspective is right and that the subject matter fits to scale. There’s a lot of hard work involved but I love that about the big jobs.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face when creating large-scale murals, and how do you overcome them?

The only challenge I’ve found with working on larger murals is ensuring the perspective is right and that the subject matter fits to scale. There’s a lot of hard work involved but I love that about the big jobs.

Can you tell us about a particularly memorable piece you’ve created and what it meant to you?

A particularly memorable mural I’ve done was on a rather large wall stretching 9 metres high and 35 metres wide.

The wall is located on Rudman Parade in Burleigh Heads Queensland at my brother’s house. My brother’s nickname is Chicken Tim and we decided it would be a bit of fun to paint a 6 metre tall chicken chasing a T-Rex that was carrying a huge chicken egg. Although intended as a joke I guess it’s also slightly sentimental as me and Tim have always been fond of chickens.

How do you work with clients and communities to ensure that your murals are a reflection of the people and places they represent?

With most public murals I talk and work with clients to ensure my murals reflect the area and people. By organising meetings and collaborating with locals who show me around the town and local environment, meeting with elders to hear their stories and learn of their culture, and speaking with historical societies to access historical photos, I can come to a town and paint a mural for the people. Without local people collaborating with me it wouldn’t have as clear a reflection upon the area. The gratitude within this process I feel is mutual.

How do you think the role of public art, specifically murals, can impact a community?

I understand that murals can have a significant impact on a community. Murals can bring people together and create a sense of belonging. They can also beautify areas that might otherwise be neglected or overlooked, which can improve the overall quality of life in the community. Additionally, murals can raise awareness of important issues, making them a powerful tool for social change. Ultimately, public art can make a community more vibrant, uplifted and engaged.

What are your future goals as an artist, and what projects are you currently working on?

My goals for this year and the next are to continue painting murals while travelling Australia (maybe even travelling internationally for work).

I’m hoping to secure more large-scale commissions and work with more wildlife parks. I’ve recently finished a large black and white mural of a large ship and kraken on the ocean that stretches through 25 metres of the Cambus Wallace Bar on the Gold Coast. I have some more commissions to complete in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast then I’m back to Melbourne and Sydney for more work again.

I’ll hopefully get some spare time to sit back and finish off some old surrealist canvas pieces I haven’t yet finished off. I have no solid plans as of yet but within the next few years I’m hoping to have another exhibition.

Where can people follow along with your art journey?

The best place to check out my work or get in touch is on Instagram @danielhendartist Thanks Daniel.

MONTHLY focus contributor.