6 minute read



Irene Mifsud decided to start Hastings Little Wishes in 2022 after working within another charity and wanting to see local families receive quicker and more personal assistance. Hastings Little Wishes raises funds so that they can grant wishes for children living with serious illness. Their next fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening May 27th at Rydges Port Macquarie.

Hi Irene. Can you tell us about when you started Hastings Little Wishes and what your role is?

I have been wanting to start a local charity in our area for many years. I was a volunteer with a national children’s charity for over 10 years holding local fundraising events, attending camps and in the earlier years our local group was in charge of many different family days in the Hastings area. It all started to change with local offices closing and less support for our events and unfortunately the family fun days stopped. We are so very lucky to have very kind and generous people and businesses in our LGA and I find it very important for them to know exactly where their kindness is going. So finally in August 2022 Hastings Little Wishes was launched. I am President and lead a team of amazing volunteers.

Could you share with us what it is that the charity does and how it all works?

We grant wishes to children and teens up to the age of 17 with serious illness, terminal illness, who are on life long treatment, having regular hospital visits and living with serious side effects for the rest of their life. It is a similar concept to Make A Wish but more personal, less guidelines and wait times. I plan on keeping this charity local supporting families in the Hastings LGA .

What are some examples of the kind of circumstances families have been in when nominated?

Our first wish recipient, 2 year old Eden, has a very rare terminal disease called Lissencephaly (smooth brain) and Savvy, at 4 years of age, was diagnosed with advanced cancer and has been through very tough treatment. We have 2 wishes coming up so far this year.

How can people nominate a family and how is it decided who the recipients are?

We have a nomination form set up on our website www.hastingslittlewishes.com.au . We have a small committee who make this decision but as we grow we plan on having a separate Wish Committee. The online process is easy to navigate and anyone, even a family member of the child can fill this form in.

In what ways have you helped families in the community so far and what are some of the ways you would hope to continue providing support to those in need in the future?

Little Eden and her parents were sent on a wonderful 6 night SeaWorld holiday all costs covered. We approached Port Macquarie Travel and Sonya put together an amazing package for us including SeaWorld resort accommodation, flights, hire car and all theme park tickets. I’m happy to say all went smoothly and beautiful memories were made. Savvy was given a very special Harry Potter themed birthday party after 9 months of gruelling treatment and being away from family and friends. We hired the whole Wilderness Activity Centre PMQ and invited all her special people. All the catering, centre hire and décor were covered by our fundraising efforts.

What do you enjoy most about being part of Hastings Little Wishes?

Being able to meet our families and seeing the joy we can bring to each wish recipient. Being part of an amazing team of volunteers who give their time and skills so generously. The pride of being a part of such a generous community, who are always so happy to support local children.

Little Eden and her parents were sent on a wonderful 6 night SeaWorld holiday all costs covered. We approached Port Macquarie Travel and Sonya put together an amazing package for us...

Can you tell us how you raise funds to support the cause and how community members can donate?

We are so blessed to have the support of Jackie Lawlor and Amanda Roberts from Rydges Port Macquarie, who have always been my biggest supporters and plan on holding special functions twice a year. Our launch last August raised $28k, a beautiful afternoon event thoroughly enjoyed by all. Unfortunately I got COVID so was unable to attend, but my beautiful volunteers smashed our goal and I could not be more grateful. We are now being recognized and local community groups are kindly donating to our cause. Wauchope

Secondary College

held a day for us donating $250, Indian Sun Candles ran a fundraiser for us raising $300, and Poly and Pip’s Anne Newham, another $150. Small businesses are so amazing here. We also have a donate button on our website, so donations can be made at any time. A massive thank you to your team at Focus for also being such a supporter and sharing our story. For those who are inspired to contribute in some way other than a financial donation, are there any other ways community members can help with this wonderful initiative?

Firstly by following our socials. I will be setting up a volunteer registration form on our website for those who would like to help with functions or wishes. We will send a monthly newsletter to keep all volunteers up to date, they can then decide when they are available. Sponsorship packages will also be added to our site soon. Where can people find out more information or get in touch?

DM on our socials or email us on hastingslittlewishes@outlook.com. You can also call me on 0401 283 555. Our next fundraising event will be held on Sat evening May 27th at Rydges Port Macquarie. A fun Mexican themed night with great music, raffles and 100 club. Follow the link on our socials for tickets or go to Rydges PMQ on FB.




It is very well documented that exercise throughout every stage of your life is beneficial, but as we age and nature slows us down, there are some things you can do to stay fit and healthy into your golden years.

The documented benefits of regular exercise include:

• maintaining strength and muscle,

• reduce risks of heart disease,

• reduced risk of stroke,

• maintain bone density,

• falls prevention,

• improve energy,

• improve brain function and coordination.

This is important to help improve or maintain quality of life and be able to move through life and enjoy all that life has to offer, for as long as possible. This can also mean maintaining your independence in the home and community.

A recent study from the Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation found that regular exercise has been shown to reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia by nearly 50%.

So, we know exercise is great for so many things, but in your senior years you might need to focus on a few key areas to maintain optimal health, avoid injury and overexertion.

We recommend a combination of walking, swimming, jogging, strength, flexibility and balance training as well as eating a healthy nutritious diet.

Participating in a walking or exercise group through a local community group can provide a great environment to socialise. Socialising while exercising, is a win win, you get your regular exercise session as well as a catch up with friends, you may even enjoy a nice coffee after the session.

Swimming – visit the local pool, one of our amazing beaches or do you have a friend that has a pool you could use.

Regular strength training with or without weights, under the guidance of a trained professional (to help you with correct technique and appropriate load) is something that can really help with maintaining muscle strength.

Regular stretching or gentle yoga is also really beneficial to keep your body moving, reduce stiffness and soreness. Balance work could be part of your regular strength or stretching routine or added in separately but is really important to include so as to minimise the risk of falls.

It really is a case of move it or lose it in the golden years and it is never to late to make a start and reap the benefits!

At Miss Motivator we offer a safe and welcoming environment for seniors to come and exercise amongst friends. We have classes to suit woman of all ages and stages of life.


April only – 2 WEEKS for $20 missmotivator.com.au