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PORT SMILES discusses optimal TOOTH HEALTH in


their children through normal contact, including resilient bacterial strains responsible for severe gum disease and tooth decay. If parents, ensure they have good oral health prior to the arrival of their children they can limit the negative impact of this transmission. Research shows that good diet and dental hygiene habits developed early in an infant’s life, reduces the risk of tooth decay as they age. Good dietary habits include minimising the exposure to decay causing sugars by not allowing the baby to have a bottle in bed or using it as a pacifier. Throughout all childhood it is wise to limit sugary drinks and snacks, as well as sticky foods that tend to stay retained on the tooth surface and in the grooves of the teeth long after eating. Rinsing with water after snacking is also a great habit and the use of an age appropriate fluoride toothpaste is great! Visiting the dentist or oral health therapist every 6-12months from the time teeth are present in the mouth goes a long way in detecting habits that could be harmful, as well as allow for detection of early decay lesions that may be reversed with good management. What can a dental practitioner do to help prevent decay and other dental problems?

Regular visits allow for good education and motivation which helps to impart good habits that help prevent oral diseases of all types, as well as assists children in being comfortable in this setting should treatment in the future be required. In some cases intermittent application of high level fluoride varnishes can be used to strengthen vulnerable sites, and preventive procedures such as fissure sealants are sometimes recommended for at risk patients to minimise their risk of decay.

In addition to assisting in the prevention of oral diseases, regular dental visits enable early detection of orthodontic (tooth and jaw alignment) issues, and in some cases airway issues that impact on overall health. This facilitates early intervention ensuring a more ideal outcome in jaw and teeth development. Contact the friendly team at Port Smiles to discuss your child’s tooth needs today.