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We all know that a beautifully aligned set of teeth provides for a dazzling smile, which in turn, can help to improve self-esteem and levels of confidence. Straight teeth can also help us to chew, bite, and speak effectively.

Some of the most common causes of bad bites are crowded teeth, extra teeth, missing teeth, or jaws that are out of alignment. The reason may be genetic, but it also can be a result of an accident, early or late loss of baby teeth, or even a history of sucking the thumb and fingers. Orthodontics is the specialist field in dentistry that treats, corrects, and prevents these irregularities of the teeth and jaw. There are generally three times for orthodontic treatment:

1. Early Treatment (7-11 years): When adult teeth start to emerge, several gum and teething problems can follow. Crossbite, crowding, tipping of teeth and narrow dental arches are among the most common problems. Early orthodontic treatment is necessary to correct these and to prevent more serious problems occurring in the future.

2. Adolescent Treatment (12-19 years): Orthodontic treatment with braces or other orthodontic appliances will fully correct any teeth and jaw problems.

3. Adult Treatment (20+ years): Whether you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or even in your 60s, you can benefit from orthodontic treatment and achieve the smile you have always desired.

School holidays are a popular time for families to take advantage of the no obligation free consultations available at Port Macquarie Orthodontics. Contact Denise and the team of Treatment Coordinators to discuss your child’s treatment needs.