14 minute read

Women in Business - Cath Fowler








Can you tell us a little bit

about your business?

I offer both Counselling and Remedial Massage Therapies from my studio in Sawtell. I’ve been working one on one with people for 20 years and have come to realise that the link between the mind and the body is fundamental to who we are as living beings - there is no separation and nothing more important. You cannot treat a condition in one without paying attention to the other. That understanding, which has evolved over time, inspired me to train in both forms of therapy and combine the two. The talk and touch sessions I offer, (although I also offer both separately if you wish) addresses this connection and focuses on the support of both.

What’s your favourite part of the work you do?

Being in contact with people; getting to meet so many humans and getting to be a part of their evolution, whether that be a physical or emotional healing. It is an absolute privilege and joy to be a part of that process.

Who is your greatest influence in business?

I don’t think I would single out any one person. I have huge respect and admiration for anyone that trusts in themselves enough to start their own business, take the risks and believe that they can make a difference.

Have you always lived on the Coffs Coast?

I moved up here about 5 months ago with my family from Sydney. We came through Sawtell on holiday a few years ago. I went for a walk over Bonville Headland, it was blowing a gale but I didn’t care. I stood and took it all in; the ocean, the endless expanse of beach, the rainforest and I just knew, I knew I wanted to live here. Everything that followed that experience reaffirmed that we should be here. The community spirit, the sheer space, the pace of life. Everything is perfect for us and this is where we want to raise our little boy. This place offers us everything we want for him… and ourselves. I just love it here.

What piece of advice would you give women making their way in the business world?

Trust yourself - you have so much to offer, so much intuition in you and so much capability. I am constantly in awe of what women - what we - achieve. There are no better multitaskers on the planet, no-one more empathic, strong and capable. Trust in what you do, trust you will make a difference and that what you do matters. If you can do that you will find the determination and energy to keep driving forwards, tackling the obstacles that come your way, and you will succeed.

Where can people find out more about your business?

My studio is in Sawtell. All my contact details and information about the services I offer are found on my website www.julessargent.com If you are in need of any kind of support, be it physical or emotional, and you feel I can help, I’d love to meet you.

There are no better multitaskers on the planet, no-one

more empathic, strong and capable. Trust in

what you do, trust you will make a difference and that what you do matters.




What a year 2022 has been! So many changes, so much fun and so many exciting things being planned for 2023! Our team are looking forward to a well earned break, a reflection on the year 2022 and looking forward to 2023: Dannielle: In 2022 my highlight has been travelling to Bali. In 2023 I cant wait to have the opportunity to travel more and see some of the bands I love! Kass: In 2022 my highlight has been getting my cat Winnie. In 2023 I cant wait to go travelling! Ella: In 2022 my highlight has been moving home closer to my family and my personal growth. The thing I most look forward to in 2023 is spending time with my family and working on growing myself. Bek: In 2022 my highlight has been being able to train our Dental Assistants in the lab, teaching them how to make models and trays. In 2023 I am hoping to complete my Certificate IV in Dental Assisting. Skylah: In 2022 my highlight has been getting employment with Welcome Dental as a Dental Assistant. I hope that in 2023 we will continue growing our family. Georgie: In 2022 my highlight has been making a start on building our house. I hope that in 2023 we will have finished our build. Amanda: In 2022 my highlight has been moving back home to Coffs Harbour. I am hoping that in 2023 we get to go to Perth to visit our family. Lydie: In 2022 my highlight has been getting employment with Welcome Dental as a Dental Assistant. I hope that in 2023 we will start to grow our family! Jesse: In 2022 my highlight was joining the Welcome Dental team. In 2023 I am simply looking forward to another busy and eventful year! Vic: In 2022 my highlight has been my two new nephews. In 2023 I am looking forward to my sister’s wedding in New Zealand. Bec: In 2022 my highlight has been getting my new Labrador Sunny. In 2023 I can’t wait to go travelling with my family. Jess: In 2022 my highlight was moving to a full time position at Welcome Dental. I am hoping 2023 will bring great weather so I can get out fishing! Susie: In 2022 my highlight was visiting the schools throughout the area. I am hoping 2023 will see Welcome Dental expand!

Sharon and I are so proud of our team’s achievements over 2022 and appreciate the support from our patients. We look forward to 2023 and wish all of our team and our patients a happy and safe New Year and a very Merry Christmas!

We’ll turn that frown upside down.

Phone: (02) 6655 5800 Email: info@welcomedental.com.au Website: www.welcomedental.com.au Services. Late nights Open Saturdays Online bookings Orthodontic treatments Childrens therapist Bulk billing CDBS AirFlow Meet The Team. Dr Sharon Marinucci Dr Oleg Pushkarev Dr Quintin Wilson Dr Neil McGregor Jessica Cantrill Susan Waldorf





Sapphire Studio came about as I saw a gap in the offerings we had access to on the Coffs Coast. Being a mother myself, I know how incredible and resilient our bodies are – but sometimes we need a little extra help to recover, reach our goal weight, feel like ourselves again or just gain a bit of confidence that makes all the difference in the world. We offer three incredibly innovative treatments that not only help build muscle and reduce fat on a physical level, but also restore strength, heal injuries and rejuvenate your body on a cellular level. Emsculpt is the first FDA-cleared energy device approved to burn fat and build muscle mass! It contracts muscles beyond what is possible through voluntary effort, meaning it not only implodes fat cells (for a 19% loss after four treatments), but also simultaneously builds muscle fibres (by roughly 16%) for more defined abs and rounder rear-ends. Celebrities including JLo, Britney Spears, Megan Fox and Kim Kardashian all publicly use and swear by Emsculpt! Our Emsella Chair treatment is a high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology for the treatment of pelvic floor related disorders. It induces deep pelvic floor muscle contractions designed to deliver the equivalent of 11,200 Kegel exercises over 28 minutes! It’s an amazing treatment for incontinence, sexual dysfunction, pain during intercourse, prolapse, and post-pregnancy pelvic issues. Our Total Xen Full Body treatment is low-level laser light therapy, utilising LED or lasers to improve recovery and accelerate wound healing. It helps improve cellular function that assists the body in its natural healing and recovery process. Total XEN is an effective treatment for those wanting to reduce inflammation, decrease post exercise soreness and recover from injury faster (among other benefits). Our treatments are all FDA approved, clinically studied and require extensive training to perform. They are completely noninvasive and proven to be effective based on studies and years of industry use. I would love to talk to anyone interested in benefiting from these state-of-the-art treatments. Everyone is welcome at Sapphire Studio!


Kane Gois is a personal trainer who started out in the fitness industry after his own experience of taking his life back after struggling with his weight and mental health. He is now paying that forward by not only coaching people on a physical level but mentoring others, including youth from local high schools, on personal growth and confidence too.

Hi Kane. Can you tell us about how you came to be in the fitness industry?

I had spent most of my adult life in Banking and Finance. When we (my wife Peta and our 2 kids) moved to Macksville from Melbourne in 2016, I went through my battle with depression and I realised I had to make changes. Fitness was something that always appeased me, after I lost about 30-40kgs when we moved. With the weight loss and my mental battles I wanted to try and share my journey.

What do you enjoy about it and what made you decide to open your own space?

The biggest joy I get is showing people that everyday doesn’t have to be perfect, but every day they show up, even for 5 minutes is a win. Seeing others building both mental and physical strength is humbling.

I was working at my home gym just before the floods, and I had a large group of clients. However, after the floods we lost a lot and we wanted to make a change and decided to use what we had saved to set up our space. During my fitness journey I shared my battle with depression, anxiety and weight and I found so many others had similar stories to mine. Often, they would speak with people who have always had fitness, where I enjoyed showing them that it’s possible to get to their goals, as hard as they might be.

You have been through your own struggles with mental health, and sharing your story and helping others with theirs has become a focus of yours. When did you start to realise the impact you could have on local youth particularly in sharing your experiences?

For the longest time I was ashamed of my battle with mental health and often I would avoid the topic. I would keep quiet and I soon realised that my battle and attempted suicides weren’t a sign of weakness.

I started to find my voice and continue to share my story when we opened our space. My wife Peta encouraged me to speak more and I found a lot of men in the area had similar battles and often sat in silence. When I shared my story it empowered many of them to do the same. I started working with youth through Becoming U, and having ADHD, I was able to connect with many of these young men. What I found was often you had amazing boys/girls who were just misunderstood or unable to express themselves. Often, I found these kids needed help understanding their emotions.

I provided them a safe space and many would open up or feel safe enough to share their stories with me, and build bonds for them to feel they could walk in anytime and someone would be at the gym to listen.

Can you tell us about your involvement with some local programs like the Becoming U project?

I work with groups of young men and women, showing them how health can be used to better manage their mental and physical health. Becoming U has become the catalyst for our involvement in a few local youth programs such as Bellingen Youth Shire and Lifetime Connect. The space is about allowing everyone to feel comfortable. So Becoming U and Bellingen focused on youth.

However, along with my staff such as Mel, we have been able to work with Lifetime Connect

helping victims of DV. This has been one of our new focuses as often these women don’t have a safe space to feel welcomed. So we allow them access to the facility and we look at times with lower foot traffic so they aren’t overwhelmed. They also get time to themselves which allows them to rebuild themselves.

What do you get out of being involved? What have you learnt about yourself?

My biggest reward is seeing these groups I work with grow, both mentally and physically. Seeing so many of these young men and women stepping outside of their comfort zones using fitness to help them better manage their day to day activities. For me I’ve learned that my job may be fitness, but my vocation is helping others.

I enjoy being a mentor to so many of them and helping them see that they may not fit the box that is school, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be successful in life.

What do you hope the kids involved get out of being a part of your programs?

I hope the kids are able to better manage

I found a lot of men in the area had similar battles and themselves and use fitness often sat in silence. to help them. Rather than, When I shared my like most adults, it becomes story it empowered a chore and they hate many of them to do the trying to be fit. same. I also hope they all can see that even when you have bad days, if you show up and do something it’s a great win. They also gain an everlasting mentor, as I hope they feel they can always come back and they’re welcomed back whenever they need.

You arranged a fundraiser to help victims of flooding earlier this year, can you tell us about it?

After the recent floods in Lismore, my wife and the team believed we couldn’t just stand back and do nothing. So, with the help of a local - MJ Taylor, we spoke with local businesses and started the fundraiser. We had to figure out how to draw the crowd and we thought the best way was to see the coach suffer. Hence my best friend Amanda and I completed 5 hours of straight burpees to give people something to come watch while they donated. We had no idea how much the community would get behind us, and we were blown away when we raised over $8,000. All the funds were given directly to families in Lismore who had suffered major losses. All up we were able to help 5 families and 1 small business.

You have created quite a tight knit community at Connective Fitness, what do you offer there that you feel creates that environment?

Connective Fitness is similar to most fitness centres when you think about classes and Personal Training. However, for us our point of difference comes back to the people, not just the staff but also the members. We have been able to create a collective of people who all have different stories, and the space we have allows them to share it. For me, I share my journey through depression and show others that they are allowed to not feel ok, and our space is safe for them to have those days. With my team, they all share journeys, sometimes it’s about fitness, other times it’s about their mental health or battles. Sharing their loads often lightens them for someone else.

What are some of your plans or hopes for yourself and Connective Fitness heading into the future?

That’s a loaded question, but I guess I want to do what I can to keep supporting our community for as long as I can. Growth for our business would be a bigger space, and maybe being involved in more programs to support the wider community of the valley.

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