3 minute read

PFLAG - Sam Dawson




from Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

Recently we featured Atlas’ journey and this month we are chatting to Mum, Amber Domberelli about how she was able to support Atlas.

Atlas’ story, I know,

resonated with many of our readers who can struggle to discover their own identity and then be able to share that with their family and community – how

was it for you? It was a bit of a surprise; we’re really close and learning that there was something Atlas was struggling with and hadn’t been able to speak to me about was difficult. Unfortunately, it was also really scary, I was worried for Atlas and their safety and how they would be treated out in the world. That fear for my child’s physical safety for being their true self is the horrible reality of how our society treats gender diverse folk.

How was it for Atlas knowing your

support was there? I’m sure it was helpful for Atlas, our support meant that they had a safe space to come home to when they’ve had a rough day. It’s not that we’ve done anything special though, loving our child for who they are is the least we can do as parents!

How important was it for Atlas to also be

known by the correct pronouns? It’s really important for Atlas to be addressed by their correct pronouns, the same way it’s important for everyone. There’s often a narrative that gender diverse people are being unreasonable by asking to be referred to by their pronouns, but it’s the same respect we extend to cis people all the time.

Did you experience any hurdles for Atlas and the family and how did you

overcome these? We’ve had a few hurdles to jump which are a result of systemic issues within the Education Department. I overcome these by ensuring I’m familiar with the policies associated with these systems and advocating for Atlas until they get treated the way they deserve to be treated.

What would you say to parents out there who may find this situation

overwhelming? While there’s some parts of this journey that can be difficult, watching your child’s joy in embracing their authentic self with the love and support of their family is absolutely incredible. Your child is still the same person they’ve always been, regardless of their pronouns or how they dress. Seeing Atlas embrace their true self has been one of the greatest joys of my life, and something I feel so honoured to be included in.

Do you see that young LGBTIQ people need the support as well as their parents

and friends? Absolutely. My role is in health policy, and I was recently working on a submission for my organisation which required me to review the health outcomes of the gender diverse community. I cried the whole time I worked on it after reading stories from the gender diverse community and learning about the discrepancies in health outcomes. The stigma and judgement experienced by these communities is heartbreaking and something we all need to work towards overcoming. Coffs Coast PFLAG is a volunteer group and is short for Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays and covers supporting everybody in the LGBTIQ+ community. PFLAG is here to give help, support and information to families and friends of all gay people right here on the Coffs Coast. pflagcoffscoast.com PFLAGcoffcoast 0417 861 045

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